Java tutorial
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.SystemClock; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Property; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.View.OnLongClickListener; import android.view.ViewDebug; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.PopupWindow.OnDismissListener; import android.widget.TextView; import org.chromium.base.ApiCompatibilityUtils; import org.chromium.base.SysUtils; import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting; import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordUserAction; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.chromium.ui.base.LocalizationUtils; import org.chromium.ui.interpolators.BakedBezierInterpolator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Phone specific toolbar implementation. */ public class ToolbarPhone extends ToolbarLayout implements Invalidator.Client, OnClickListener, OnLongClickListener, NewTabPage.OnSearchBoxScrollListener { /** The amount of time transitioning from one theme color to another should take in ms. */ public static final long THEME_COLOR_TRANSITION_DURATION = 250; public static final int URL_FOCUS_CHANGE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS = 250; private static final int URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_TRANSLATION_X_DP = 10; private static final int URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_DURATION_MS = 100; private static final int URL_CLEAR_FOCUS_TABSTACK_DELAY_MS = 200; private static final int URL_CLEAR_FOCUS_MENU_DELAY_MS = 250; private static final int TAB_SWITCHER_MODE_ENTER_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS = 200; private static final int TAB_SWITCHER_MODE_EXIT_NORMAL_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS = 200; private static final int TAB_SWITCHER_MODE_EXIT_FADE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS = 100; private static final int TAB_SWITCHER_MODE_POST_EXIT_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS = 100; private static final float UNINITIALIZED_PERCENT = -1f; /** States that the toolbar can be in regarding the tab switcher. */ private static final int STATIC_TAB = 0; private static final int TAB_SWITCHER = 1; private static final int ENTERING_TAB_SWITCHER = 2; private static final int EXITING_TAB_SWITCHER = 3; @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "chrome", mapping = { @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = STATIC_TAB, to = "STATIC_TAB"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = TAB_SWITCHER, to = "TAB_SWITCHER"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = ENTERING_TAB_SWITCHER, to = "ENTERING_TAB_SWITCHER"), @ViewDebug.IntToString(from = EXITING_TAB_SWITCHER, to = "EXITING_TAB_SWITCHER") }) static final int LOCATION_BAR_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND_ALPHA = 51; private static final Interpolator NTP_SEARCH_BOX_EXPANSION_INTERPOLATOR = new FastOutSlowInInterpolator(); private LocationBarPhone mLocationBar; private ViewGroup mToolbarButtonsContainer; private ImageView mToggleTabStackButton; private NewTabButton mNewTabButton; private TintedImageButton mHomeButton; private TextView mUrlBar; private View mUrlActionContainer; private ImageView mToolbarShadow; private final int mProgressBackBackgroundColorWhite; private ObjectAnimator mTabSwitcherModeAnimation; private ObjectAnimator mDelayedTabSwitcherModeAnimation; private final List<View> mTabSwitcherModeViews = new ArrayList<>(); private final Set<View> mBrowsingModeViews = new HashSet<>(); @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "chrome") private int mTabSwitcherState; // This determines whether or not the toolbar draws as expected (false) or whether it always // draws as if it's showing the non-tabswitcher, non-animating toolbar. This is used in grabbing // a bitmap to use as a texture representation of this view. @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "chrome") private boolean mTextureCaptureMode; private boolean mForceTextureCapture; private boolean mUseLightDrawablesForTextureCapture; private boolean mLightDrawablesUsedForLastTextureCapture; @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "chrome") private boolean mAnimateNormalToolbar; @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "chrome") private boolean mDelayingTabSwitcherAnimation; private ColorDrawable mTabSwitcherAnimationBgOverlay; private TabSwitcherDrawable mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable; private Drawable mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable; private Drawable mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeDarkDrawable; private Drawable mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeLightDrawable; // Value that determines the amount of transition from the normal toolbar mode to TabSwitcher // mode. 0 = entirely in normal mode and 1.0 = entirely in TabSwitcher mode. In between values // can be used for animating between the two view modes. @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "chrome") private float mTabSwitcherModePercent = 0; // Used to clip the toolbar during the fade transition into and out of TabSwitcher mode. Only // used when |mAnimateNormalToolbar| is false. @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "chrome") private Rect mClipRect; private OnClickListener mTabSwitcherListener; private OnClickListener mNewTabListener; @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "chrome") private boolean mUrlFocusChangeInProgress; /** 1.0 is 100% focused, 0 is completely unfocused */ @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "chrome") private float mUrlFocusChangePercent; /** * The degree to which the omnibox has expanded to full width, either because it is getting * focused or the NTP search box is being scrolled up. Note that in the latter case, the actual * width of the omnibox is not interpolated linearly from this value. The value will be the * maximum of {@link #mUrlFocusChangePercent} and {@link #mNtpSearchBoxScrollPercent}. */ @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "chrome") private float mUrlExpansionPercent; private AnimatorSet mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator; private boolean mDisableLocationBarRelayout; private boolean mLayoutLocationBarInFocusedMode; private int mUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutWidth; private int mUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutLeft; private boolean mUnfocusedLocationBarUsesTransparentBg; private int mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha = 255; private float mNtpSearchBoxScrollPercent = UNINITIALIZED_PERCENT; private ColorDrawable mToolbarBackground; /** The omnibox background (white with a shadow). */ private Drawable mLocationBarBackground; private boolean mForceDrawLocationBarBackground; private TabSwitcherDrawable mTabSwitcherButtonDrawable; private TabSwitcherDrawable mTabSwitcherButtonDrawableLight; private final int mLightModeDefaultColor; private final int mDarkModeDefaultColor; /** The boundaries of the omnibox, without the NTP-specific offset applied. */ private final Rect mLocationBarBackgroundBounds = new Rect(); private final Rect mLocationBarBackgroundPadding = new Rect(); private final Rect mBackgroundOverlayBounds = new Rect(); /** Offset applied to the bounds of the omnibox if we are showing a New Tab Page. */ private final Rect mLocationBarBackgroundNtpOffset = new Rect(); /** * Offsets applied to the <i>contents</i> of the omnibox if we are showing a New Tab Page. * This can be different from {@link #mLocationBarBackgroundNtpOffset} due to the fact that we * extend the omnibox horizontally beyond the screen boundaries when focused, to hide its * rounded corners. */ private float mLocationBarNtpOffsetLeft; private float mLocationBarNtpOffsetRight; private final Rect mNtpSearchBoxBounds = new Rect(); private final Point mNtpSearchBoxTranslation = new Point(); private final int mToolbarSidePadding; private final int mLocationBarVerticalMargin; private final int mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius; private ValueAnimator mBrandColorTransitionAnimation; private boolean mBrandColorTransitionActive; private boolean mIsHomeButtonEnabled; private LayoutUpdateHost mLayoutUpdateHost; /** Callout for the tab switcher button. */ private TabSwitcherCallout mTabSwitcherCallout; /** Whether or not we've checked if the TabSwitcherCallout needs to be shown. */ private boolean mHasCheckedIfTabSwitcherCalloutIsNecessary; /** Manages when the Toolbar hides and unhides. */ private FullscreenManager mFullscreenManager; /** Token held when the TabSwitcherCallout is displayed to prevent the Toolbar from hiding. */ private int mFullscreenCalloutToken = FullscreenManager.INVALID_TOKEN; /** * Used to specify the visual state of the toolbar. */ private enum VisualState { TAB_SWITCHER_INCOGNITO, TAB_SWITCHER_NORMAL, NORMAL, INCOGNITO, BRAND_COLOR, NEW_TAB_NORMAL } private VisualState mVisualState = VisualState.NORMAL; private VisualState mOverlayDrawablesVisualState; private boolean mUseLightToolbarDrawables; private NewTabPage mVisibleNewTabPage; private float mPreTextureCaptureAlpha = 1f; private boolean mIsOverlayTabStackDrawableLight; // The following are some properties used during animation. We use explicit property classes // to avoid the cost of reflection for each animation setup. private final Property<ToolbarPhone, Float> mUrlFocusChangePercentProperty = new Property<ToolbarPhone, Float>( Float.class, "") { @Override public Float get(ToolbarPhone object) { return object.mUrlFocusChangePercent; } @Override public void set(ToolbarPhone object, Float value) { setUrlFocusChangePercent(value); } }; private final Property<ToolbarPhone, Float> mTabSwitcherModePercentProperty = new Property<ToolbarPhone, Float>( Float.class, "") { @Override public Float get(ToolbarPhone object) { return object.mTabSwitcherModePercent; } @Override public void set(ToolbarPhone object, Float value) { object.mTabSwitcherModePercent = value; triggerPaintInvalidate(ToolbarPhone.this); } }; /** * Constructs a ToolbarPhone object. * @param context The Context in which this View object is created. * @param attrs The AttributeSet that was specified with this View. */ public ToolbarPhone(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); mToolbarSidePadding = getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.toolbar_edge_padding); mLocationBarVerticalMargin = getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.location_bar_vertical_margin); mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius = getResources() .getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.location_bar_corner_radius); mProgressBackBackgroundColorWhite = ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(getResources(), R.color.progress_bar_background_white); mLightModeDefaultColor = ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(getResources(), R.color.light_mode_tint); mDarkModeDefaultColor = ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(getResources(), R.color.dark_mode_tint); } @Override public void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); mLocationBar = (LocationBarPhone) findViewById(; mToolbarButtonsContainer = (ViewGroup) findViewById(; mHomeButton = (TintedImageButton) findViewById(; mUrlBar = (TextView) findViewById(; mUrlActionContainer = findViewById(; mBrowsingModeViews.add(mLocationBar); mToolbarBackground = new ColorDrawable(getToolbarColorForVisualState(VisualState.NORMAL)); mTabSwitcherAnimationBgOverlay = new ColorDrawable(getToolbarColorForVisualState(VisualState.NORMAL)); mLocationBarBackground = ApiCompatibilityUtils.getDrawable(getResources(), R.drawable.textbox); mLocationBarBackground.getPadding(mLocationBarBackgroundPadding); mLocationBar.setPadding(mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.left,, mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.right, mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.bottom); setLayoutTransition(null); mMenuButtonWrapper.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); inflateTabSwitchingResources(); setWillNotDraw(false); } private void inflateTabSwitchingResources() { mToggleTabStackButton = (ImageView) findViewById(; mNewTabButton = (NewTabButton) findViewById(; mToggleTabStackButton.setClickable(false); Resources resources = getResources(); mTabSwitcherButtonDrawable = TabSwitcherDrawable.createTabSwitcherDrawable(resources, false); mTabSwitcherButtonDrawableLight = TabSwitcherDrawable.createTabSwitcherDrawable(resources, true); mToggleTabStackButton.setImageDrawable(mTabSwitcherButtonDrawable); mTabSwitcherModeViews.add(mNewTabButton); // Ensure that the new tab button will not draw over the toolbar buttons if the // translated string is long. Set a margin to the size of the toolbar button container // for the new tab button. WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); Point screenSize = new Point(); wm.getDefaultDisplay().getSize(screenSize); mToolbarButtonsContainer.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(screenSize.x, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(screenSize.y, MeasureSpec.AT_MOST)); ApiCompatibilityUtils.setMarginEnd(getFrameLayoutParams(mNewTabButton), mToolbarButtonsContainer.getMeasuredWidth()); } private void enableTabSwitchingResources() { mToggleTabStackButton.setOnClickListener(this); mToggleTabStackButton.setOnLongClickListener(this); mToggleTabStackButton.setOnKeyListener(new KeyboardNavigationListener() { @Override public View getNextFocusForward() { if (mMenuButton != null && mMenuButton.isShown()) { return mMenuButton; } else { return getCurrentTabView(); } } @Override public View getNextFocusBackward() { return findViewById(; } }); mNewTabButton.setOnClickListener(this); } @Override protected boolean onMenuButtonTouchEvent(View v, MotionEvent event) { dismissTabSwitcherCallout(); return super.onMenuButtonTouchEvent(v, event); } /** * Sets up click and key listeners once we have native library available to handle clicks. */ @Override public void onNativeLibraryReady() { super.onNativeLibraryReady(); getLocationBar().onNativeLibraryReady(); enableTabSwitchingResources(); mHomeButton.setOnClickListener(this); mMenuButton.setOnKeyListener(new KeyboardNavigationListener() { @Override public View getNextFocusForward() { return getCurrentTabView(); } @Override public View getNextFocusBackward() { return mToggleTabStackButton; } @Override protected boolean handleEnterKeyPress() { return getMenuButtonHelper().onEnterKeyPress(mMenuButton); } }); onHomeButtonUpdate(HomepageManager.isHomepageEnabled(getContext())); updateVisualsForToolbarState(); } @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { // If the NTP is partially scrolled, prevent all touch events to the child views. This // is to not allow a secondary touch event to trigger entering the tab switcher, which // can lead to really odd snapshots and transitions to the switcher. if (mNtpSearchBoxScrollPercent != 0f && mNtpSearchBoxScrollPercent != 1f && mNtpSearchBoxScrollPercent != UNINITIALIZED_PERCENT) { return true; } return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { // Forward touch events to the NTP if the toolbar is moved away but the search box hasn't // reached the top of the page yet. if (mNtpSearchBoxTranslation.y < 0 && mLocationBar.getTranslationY() > 0) { NewTabPage newTabPage = getToolbarDataProvider().getNewTabPageForCurrentTab(); // No null check -- the toolbar should not be moved if we are not on an NTP. return newTabPage.getView().dispatchTouchEvent(ev); } return super.onTouchEvent(ev); } @Override public void onClick(View v) { // Don't allow clicks while the omnibox is being focused. if (mLocationBar != null && mLocationBar.hasFocus()) return; if (mToggleTabStackButton == v) { // The button is clickable before the native library is loaded // and the listener is setup. if (mToggleTabStackButton != null && mToggleTabStackButton.isClickable() && mTabSwitcherListener != null) { dismissTabSwitcherCallout(); cancelAppMenuUpdateBadgeAnimation(); mTabSwitcherListener.onClick(mToggleTabStackButton); RecordUserAction.record("MobileToolbarShowStackView"); } } else if (mNewTabButton == v) { v.setEnabled(false); if (mNewTabListener != null) { mNewTabListener.onClick(v); RecordUserAction.record("MobileToolbarStackViewNewTab"); RecordUserAction.record("MobileNewTabOpened"); // TODO(kkimlabs): Record UMA action for homepage button. } } else if (mHomeButton == v) { openHomepage(); } } @Override public boolean onLongClick(View v) { CharSequence description = null; if (v == mToggleTabStackButton) { description = getResources().getString(R.string.open_tabs); } else { return false; } return showAccessibilityToast(v, description); } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { if (!mDisableLocationBarRelayout) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); boolean changed = layoutLocationBar(MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec)); if (mTabSwitcherState == STATIC_TAB) updateUrlExpansionAnimation(); if (!changed) return; } else { updateUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutParams(); } super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); } private void updateUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutParams() { boolean hasVisibleViewPriorToUrlBar = false; for (int i = 0; i < mLocationBar.getChildCount(); i++) { View child = mLocationBar.getChildAt(i); if (child == mUrlBar) break; if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) { hasVisibleViewPriorToUrlBar = true; break; } } int leftViewBounds = getViewBoundsLeftOfLocationBar(mVisualState); int rightViewBounds = getViewBoundsRightOfLocationBar(mVisualState); if (!hasVisibleViewPriorToUrlBar) { if (ApiCompatibilityUtils.isLayoutRtl(mLocationBar)) { rightViewBounds -= mToolbarSidePadding; } else { leftViewBounds += mToolbarSidePadding; } } // Add spacing between the end of the URL and the edge of the omnibox drawable. // This only applies if there is no end aligned view that should be visible // while the omnibox is unfocused. if (ApiCompatibilityUtils.isLayoutRtl(mLocationBar)) { leftViewBounds += mToolbarSidePadding; } else { rightViewBounds -= mToolbarSidePadding; } mUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutWidth = rightViewBounds - leftViewBounds; mUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutLeft = leftViewBounds; } /** * @return The background drawable for the fullscreen overlay. */ @VisibleForTesting ColorDrawable getOverlayDrawable() { return mTabSwitcherAnimationBgOverlay; } /** * @return The background drawable for the toolbar view. */ @VisibleForTesting ColorDrawable getBackgroundDrawable() { return mToolbarBackground; } @SuppressLint("RtlHardcoded") private boolean layoutLocationBar(int containerWidth) { // Note that Toolbar's direction depends on system layout direction while // LocationBar's direction depends on its text inside. FrameLayout.LayoutParams locationBarLayoutParams = getFrameLayoutParams( getLocationBar().getContainerView()); // Chrome prevents layout_gravity="left" from being defined in XML, but it simplifies // the logic, so it is manually specified here. locationBarLayoutParams.gravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT; int width = 0; int leftMargin = 0; // Always update the unfocused layout params regardless of whether we are using // those in this current layout pass as they are needed for animations. updateUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutParams(); if (mLayoutLocationBarInFocusedMode || mVisualState == VisualState.NEW_TAB_NORMAL) { int priorVisibleWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mLocationBar.getChildCount(); i++) { View child = mLocationBar.getChildAt(i); if (child == mLocationBar.getFirstViewVisibleWhenFocused()) break; if (child.getVisibility() == GONE) continue; priorVisibleWidth += child.getMeasuredWidth(); } width = containerWidth - (2 * mToolbarSidePadding) + priorVisibleWidth; if (ApiCompatibilityUtils.isLayoutRtl(mLocationBar)) { leftMargin = mToolbarSidePadding; } else { leftMargin = -priorVisibleWidth + mToolbarSidePadding; } } else { width = mUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutWidth; leftMargin = mUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutLeft; } boolean changed = false; changed |= (width != locationBarLayoutParams.width); locationBarLayoutParams.width = width; changed |= (leftMargin != locationBarLayoutParams.leftMargin); locationBarLayoutParams.leftMargin = leftMargin; return changed; } private int getViewBoundsLeftOfLocationBar(VisualState visualState) { // Uses getMeasuredWidth()s instead of getLeft() because this is called in onMeasure // and the layout values have not yet been set. if (visualState == VisualState.NEW_TAB_NORMAL) { return 0; } else if (ApiCompatibilityUtils.isLayoutRtl(this)) { return Math.max(mToolbarSidePadding, mToolbarButtonsContainer.getMeasuredWidth()); } else { return getBoundsAfterAccountingForLeftButton(); } } private int getBoundsAfterAccountingForLeftButton() { int padding = mToolbarSidePadding; if (mHomeButton.getVisibility() != GONE) padding = mHomeButton.getMeasuredWidth(); return padding; } private int getViewBoundsRightOfLocationBar(VisualState visualState) { // Uses getMeasuredWidth()s instead of getRight() because this is called in onMeasure // and the layout values have not yet been set. if (visualState == VisualState.NEW_TAB_NORMAL) { return getMeasuredWidth(); } else if (ApiCompatibilityUtils.isLayoutRtl(this)) { return getMeasuredWidth() - getBoundsAfterAccountingForLeftButton(); } else { int margin = Math.max(mToolbarSidePadding, mToolbarButtonsContainer.getMeasuredWidth()); return getMeasuredWidth() - margin; } } private void updateToolbarBackground(int color) { mToolbarBackground.setColor(color); invalidate(); } private void updateToolbarBackground(VisualState visualState) { updateToolbarBackground(getToolbarColorForVisualState(visualState)); } private int getToolbarColorForVisualState(final VisualState visualState) { Resources res = getResources(); switch (visualState) { case NEW_TAB_NORMAL: return Color.TRANSPARENT; case NORMAL: return ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(res, R.color.default_primary_color); case INCOGNITO: return ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(res, R.color.incognito_primary_color); case BRAND_COLOR: return getToolbarDataProvider().getPrimaryColor(); case TAB_SWITCHER_NORMAL: case TAB_SWITCHER_INCOGNITO: return ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(res, R.color.tab_switcher_background); default: assert false; return ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(res, R.color.default_primary_color); } } @Override protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (!mTextureCaptureMode && mToolbarBackground.getColor() != Color.TRANSPARENT) { // Update to compensate for orientation changes. mToolbarBackground.setBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); mToolbarBackground.draw(canvas); } if (mLocationBarBackground != null && (mLocationBar.getVisibility() == VISIBLE || mTextureCaptureMode)) { updateLocationBarBackgroundBounds(mLocationBarBackgroundBounds, mVisualState); } if (mTextureCaptureMode) { drawTabSwitcherAnimationOverlay(canvas, 0.f); } else { boolean tabSwitcherAnimationFinished = false; if (mTabSwitcherModeAnimation != null) { tabSwitcherAnimationFinished = !mTabSwitcherModeAnimation.isRunning(); // Perform the fade logic before super.dispatchDraw(canvas) so that we can properly // set the values before the draw happens. if (!mAnimateNormalToolbar) { drawTabSwitcherFadeAnimation(tabSwitcherAnimationFinished, mTabSwitcherModePercent); } } super.dispatchDraw(canvas); if (mTabSwitcherModeAnimation != null) { // Perform the overlay logic after super.dispatchDraw(canvas) as we need to draw on // top of the current views. if (mAnimateNormalToolbar) { drawTabSwitcherAnimationOverlay(canvas, mTabSwitcherModePercent); } // Clear the animation. if (tabSwitcherAnimationFinished) mTabSwitcherModeAnimation = null; } } } // NewTabPage.OnSearchBoxScrollListener @Override public void onNtpScrollChanged(float scrollPercentage) { // TODO(peconn): Clear up the animation transition calculations so that the parts that // depend on the absolute scroll value (such as the Toolbar location) are separate from the // parts that depend on the fakebox transition percentage (such as the omnibox width and // opacity). // At the moment, we disable the check below because these two concepts are not // separate and we want to still update the parts that depend on scroll value when the // transition percentage is not changed. if (scrollPercentage == mNtpSearchBoxScrollPercent && !getToolbarDataProvider().getNewTabPageForCurrentTab().isCardsUiEnabled()) { return; } mNtpSearchBoxScrollPercent = scrollPercentage; updateUrlExpansionPercent(); updateUrlExpansionAnimation(); } /** * Calculate the bounds for the location bar background and set them to {@code out}. */ private void updateLocationBarBackgroundBounds(Rect out, VisualState visualState) { // Calculate the visible boundaries of the left and right most child views of the // location bar. float expansion = visualState == VisualState.NEW_TAB_NORMAL ? 1 : mUrlExpansionPercent; int leftViewPosition = (int) MathUtils.interpolate(getViewBoundsLeftOfLocationBar(visualState), -mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius, expansion); int rightViewPosition = (int) MathUtils.interpolate(getViewBoundsRightOfLocationBar(visualState), getWidth() + mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius, expansion); // The bounds are set by the following: // - The left most visible location bar child view. // - The top of the viewport is aligned with the top of the location bar. // - The right most visible location bar child view. // - The bottom of the viewport is aligned with the bottom of the location bar. // Additional padding can be applied for use during animations. int verticalMargin = (int) MathUtils.interpolate(mLocationBarVerticalMargin, 0, expansion); out.set(leftViewPosition, mLocationBar.getTop() + verticalMargin, rightViewPosition, mLocationBar.getBottom() - verticalMargin); } /** * Updates percentage of current the URL focus change animation. * @param percent 1.0 is 100% focused, 0 is completely unfocused. */ private void setUrlFocusChangePercent(float percent) { mUrlFocusChangePercent = percent; updateUrlExpansionPercent(); updateUrlExpansionAnimation(); } private void updateUrlExpansionPercent() { mUrlExpansionPercent = Math.max(mNtpSearchBoxScrollPercent, mUrlFocusChangePercent); assert mUrlExpansionPercent >= 0; assert mUrlExpansionPercent <= 1; } /** * Updates the parameters relating to expanding the location bar, as the result of either a * focus change or scrolling the New Tab Page. */ private void updateUrlExpansionAnimation() { if (mTabSwitcherState != STATIC_TAB) { mToolbarButtonsContainer.setVisibility(VISIBLE); return; } FrameLayout.LayoutParams locationBarLayoutParams = getFrameLayoutParams(mLocationBar); int currentLeftMargin = locationBarLayoutParams.leftMargin; int currentWidth = locationBarLayoutParams.width; float locationBarBaseTranslationX = mUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutLeft - currentLeftMargin; boolean isLocationBarRtl = ApiCompatibilityUtils.isLayoutRtl(mLocationBar); if (isLocationBarRtl) { locationBarBaseTranslationX += mUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutWidth - currentWidth; } locationBarBaseTranslationX *= 1f - mUrlExpansionPercent; mLocationBarBackgroundNtpOffset.setEmpty(); mLocationBarNtpOffsetLeft = 0; mLocationBarNtpOffsetRight = 0; Tab currentTab = getToolbarDataProvider().getTab(); if (currentTab != null) { NewTabPage ntp = getToolbarDataProvider().getNewTabPageForCurrentTab(); // Explicitly use the focus change percentage here because it applies scroll // compensation that only applies during focus animations. if (ntp != null && mUrlFocusChangeInProgress) { ntp.setUrlFocusChangeAnimationPercent(mUrlFocusChangePercent); } if (isLocationBarShownInNTP()) { updateNtpTransitionAnimation(); } else { // Reset these values in case we transitioned to a different page during the // transition. resetNtpAnimationValues(); } } boolean isRtl = ApiCompatibilityUtils.isLayoutRtl(this); float locationBarTranslationX; // Get the padding straight from the location bar instead of // |mLocationBarBackgroundPadding|, because it might be different in incognito mode. if (isRtl) { locationBarTranslationX = locationBarBaseTranslationX + mLocationBarNtpOffsetRight - mLocationBar.getPaddingRight(); } else { locationBarTranslationX = locationBarBaseTranslationX + mLocationBarNtpOffsetLeft + mLocationBar.getPaddingLeft(); } mLocationBar.setTranslationX(locationBarTranslationX); // Negate the location bar translation to keep the URL action container in the same // place during the focus expansion. float urlActionsTranslationX = 0; if (!isLocationBarRtl || isRtl) { urlActionsTranslationX = -locationBarBaseTranslationX; } if (isRtl) { urlActionsTranslationX += mLocationBarNtpOffsetLeft - mLocationBarNtpOffsetRight; } else { urlActionsTranslationX += mLocationBarNtpOffsetRight - mLocationBarNtpOffsetLeft; } mUrlActionContainer.setTranslationX(urlActionsTranslationX); mLocationBar.setUrlFocusChangePercent(mUrlExpansionPercent); // Ensure the buttons are invisible after focusing the omnibox to prevent them from // accepting click events. int toolbarButtonVisibility = mUrlExpansionPercent == 1f ? INVISIBLE : VISIBLE; mToolbarButtonsContainer.setVisibility(toolbarButtonVisibility); if (mHomeButton.getVisibility() != GONE) { mHomeButton.setVisibility(toolbarButtonVisibility); } // Force an invalidation of the location bar to properly handle the clipping of the URL // bar text as a result of the url action container translations. mLocationBar.invalidate(); invalidate(); } /** * Reset the parameters for the New Tab Page transition animation (expanding the location bar as * a result of scrolling the New Tab Page) to their default values. */ private void resetNtpAnimationValues() { mLocationBarBackgroundNtpOffset.setEmpty(); mNtpSearchBoxTranslation.set(0, 0); mLocationBar.setTranslationY(0); if (!mUrlFocusChangeInProgress) { mToolbarButtonsContainer.setTranslationY(0); mHomeButton.setTranslationY(0); } mToolbarShadow.setAlpha(1f); mLocationBar.setAlpha(1); mForceDrawLocationBarBackground = false; mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha = 255; if (isIncognito() || (mUnfocusedLocationBarUsesTransparentBg && !mUrlFocusChangeInProgress && !mLocationBar.hasFocus())) { mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha = LOCATION_BAR_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND_ALPHA; } setAncestorsShouldClipChildren(true); mNtpSearchBoxScrollPercent = UNINITIALIZED_PERCENT; updateUrlExpansionPercent(); } /** * Updates the parameters of the New Tab Page transition animation (expanding the location bar * as a result of scrolling the New Tab Page). */ private void updateNtpTransitionAnimation() { // Skip if in or entering tab switcher mode. if (mTabSwitcherState == TAB_SWITCHER || mTabSwitcherState == ENTERING_TAB_SWITCHER) return; setAncestorsShouldClipChildren(mUrlExpansionPercent == 0f); mToolbarShadow.setAlpha(0f); NewTabPage ntp = getToolbarDataProvider().getNewTabPageForCurrentTab(); ntp.getSearchBoxBounds(mNtpSearchBoxBounds, mNtpSearchBoxTranslation); int locationBarTranslationY = Math.max(0, ( - mLocationBar.getTop())); mLocationBar.setTranslationY(locationBarTranslationY); updateButtonsTranslationY(); // Linearly interpolate between the bounds of the search box on the NTP and the omnibox // background bounds. |shrinkage| is the scaling factor for the offset -- if it's 1, we are // shrinking the omnibox down to the size of the search box. float shrinkage; if (ntp.isCardsUiEnabled()) { shrinkage = 1f - NTP_SEARCH_BOX_EXPANSION_INTERPOLATOR.getInterpolation(mUrlExpansionPercent); } else { // During the transition from middle of the NTP to the top, keep the omnibox drawing // at the same size of the search box for first 40% of the scroll transition. shrinkage = Math.min(1f, (1f - mUrlExpansionPercent) * 1.66667f); } int leftBoundDifference = mNtpSearchBoxBounds.left - mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.left; int rightBoundDifference = mNtpSearchBoxBounds.right - mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.right; mLocationBarBackgroundNtpOffset.set(Math.round(leftBoundDifference * shrinkage), locationBarTranslationY, Math.round(rightBoundDifference * shrinkage), locationBarTranslationY); // The omnibox background bounds are outset by |mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius| in the // fully expanded state (and only there!) to hide the rounded corners, so undo that before // applying the shrinkage factor. mLocationBarNtpOffsetLeft = (leftBoundDifference - mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius) * shrinkage; mLocationBarNtpOffsetRight = (rightBoundDifference + mLocationBarBackgroundCornerRadius) * shrinkage; mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha = mUrlExpansionPercent > 0f ? 255 : 0; mForceDrawLocationBarBackground = mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha > 0; float relativeAlpha = mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha / 255f; mLocationBar.setAlpha(relativeAlpha); // The search box on the NTP is visible if our omnibox is invisible, and vice-versa. ntp.setSearchBoxAlpha(1f - relativeAlpha); if (!ntp.isCardsUiEnabled()) { ntp.setSearchProviderLogoAlpha(Math.max(1f - mUrlExpansionPercent * 2.5f, 0f)); } } /** * Update the y translation of the buttons to make it appear as if they were scrolling with * the new tab page. */ private void updateButtonsTranslationY() { int transY = mTabSwitcherState == STATIC_TAB ? Math.min(mNtpSearchBoxTranslation.y, 0) : 0; mToolbarButtonsContainer.setTranslationY(transY); mHomeButton.setTranslationY(transY); } private void setAncestorsShouldClipChildren(boolean clip) { if (!isLocationBarShownInNTP()) return; ViewGroup parent = this; while (parent != null) { parent.setClipChildren(clip); if (!(parent.getParent() instanceof ViewGroup)) break; if (parent.getId() == break; parent = (ViewGroup) parent.getParent(); } } private void drawTabSwitcherFadeAnimation(boolean animationFinished, float progress) { setAlpha(progress); if (animationFinished) { mClipRect = null; } else if (mClipRect == null) { mClipRect = new Rect(); } if (mClipRect != null) mClipRect.set(0, 0, getWidth(), (int) (getHeight() * progress)); } /** * When entering and exiting the TabSwitcher mode, we fade out or fade in the browsing * mode of the toolbar on top of the TabSwitcher mode version of it. We do this by * drawing all of the browsing mode views on top of the android view. */ private void drawTabSwitcherAnimationOverlay(Canvas canvas, float animationProgress) { if (!isNativeLibraryReady()) return; float floatAlpha = 1 - animationProgress; int rgbAlpha = (int) (255 * floatAlpha);; canvas.translate(0, -animationProgress * mBackgroundOverlayBounds.height()); canvas.clipRect(mBackgroundOverlayBounds); float previousAlpha = 0.f; if (mHomeButton.getVisibility() != View.GONE) { // Draw the New Tab button used in the URL view. previousAlpha = mHomeButton.getAlpha(); mHomeButton.setAlpha(previousAlpha * floatAlpha); drawChild(canvas, mHomeButton, SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); mHomeButton.setAlpha(previousAlpha); } // Draw the location/URL bar. previousAlpha = mLocationBar.getAlpha(); mLocationBar.setAlpha(previousAlpha * floatAlpha); // If the location bar is now fully transparent, do not bother drawing it. if (mLocationBar.getAlpha() != 0) { drawChild(canvas, mLocationBar, SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); } mLocationBar.setAlpha(previousAlpha); // Draw the tab stack button and associated text. translateCanvasToView(this, mToolbarButtonsContainer, canvas); if (mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable != null && mToggleTabStackButton != null && mUrlExpansionPercent != 1f) { // Draw the tab stack button image.; translateCanvasToView(mToolbarButtonsContainer, mToggleTabStackButton, canvas); int backgroundWidth = mToggleTabStackButton.getDrawable().getIntrinsicWidth(); int backgroundHeight = mToggleTabStackButton.getDrawable().getIntrinsicHeight(); int backgroundLeft = (mToggleTabStackButton.getWidth() - mToggleTabStackButton.getPaddingLeft() - mToggleTabStackButton.getPaddingRight() - backgroundWidth) / 2; backgroundLeft += mToggleTabStackButton.getPaddingLeft(); int backgroundTop = (mToggleTabStackButton.getHeight() - mToggleTabStackButton.getPaddingTop() - mToggleTabStackButton.getPaddingBottom() - backgroundHeight) / 2; backgroundTop += mToggleTabStackButton.getPaddingTop(); canvas.translate(backgroundLeft, backgroundTop); mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable.setAlpha(rgbAlpha); mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } // Draw the menu button if necessary. if (!mShowMenuBadge && mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable != null && mUrlExpansionPercent != 1f) { mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable.setBounds(mMenuButton.getPaddingLeft(), mMenuButton.getPaddingTop(), mMenuButton.getWidth() - mMenuButton.getPaddingRight(), mMenuButton.getHeight() - mMenuButton.getPaddingBottom()); translateCanvasToView(mToolbarButtonsContainer, mMenuButton, canvas); mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable.setAlpha(rgbAlpha); int color = mUseLightDrawablesForTextureCapture ? mLightModeDefaultColor : mDarkModeDefaultColor; mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable.setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN); mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable.draw(canvas); } // Draw the menu badge if necessary. Drawable badgeDrawable = mUseLightDrawablesForTextureCapture ? mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeLightDrawable : mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeDarkDrawable; if (mShowMenuBadge && badgeDrawable != null && mUrlExpansionPercent != 1f) { badgeDrawable.setBounds(mMenuBadge.getPaddingLeft(), mMenuBadge.getPaddingTop(), mMenuBadge.getWidth() - mMenuBadge.getPaddingRight(), mMenuBadge.getHeight() - mMenuBadge.getPaddingBottom()); translateCanvasToView(mToolbarButtonsContainer, mMenuBadge, canvas); badgeDrawable.setAlpha(rgbAlpha); badgeDrawable.draw(canvas); } mLightDrawablesUsedForLastTextureCapture = mUseLightDrawablesForTextureCapture; canvas.restore(); } @Override public void doInvalidate() { postInvalidateOnAnimation(); } /** * Translates the canvas to ensure the specified view's coordinates are at 0, 0. * * @param from The view the canvas is currently translated to. * @param to The view to translate to. * @param canvas The canvas to be translated. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code from} is not an ancestor of {@code to}. */ private static void translateCanvasToView(View from, View to, Canvas canvas) throws IllegalArgumentException { assert from != null; assert to != null; while (to != from) { canvas.translate(to.getLeft(), to.getTop()); if (!(to.getParent() instanceof View)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("View 'to' was not a desendent of 'from'."); } to = (View) to.getParent(); } } @Override protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { if (child == mLocationBar) return drawLocationBar(canvas, drawingTime); boolean clipped = false; if (mLocationBarBackground != null && ((mTabSwitcherState == STATIC_TAB && !mTabSwitcherModeViews.contains(child)) || (mTabSwitcherState != STATIC_TAB && mBrowsingModeViews.contains(child)))) {; int translationY = (int) mLocationBar.getTranslationY(); int clipTop = - + translationY; if (mUrlExpansionPercent != 0f && clipTop < child.getBottom()) { // For other child views, use the inverse clipping of the URL viewport. // Only necessary during animations. // Hardware mode does not support unioned clip regions, so clip using the // appropriate bounds based on whether the child is to the left or right of the // location bar. boolean isLeft = (child == mNewTabButton || child == mHomeButton) ^ LocalizationUtils.isLayoutRtl(); int clipBottom = mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.bottom + mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.bottom + translationY; boolean verticalClip = false; if (translationY > 0f) { clipTop = child.getTop(); clipBottom = clipTop; verticalClip = true; } if (isLeft) { int clipRight = verticalClip ? child.getMeasuredWidth() : mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.left - mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.left; canvas.clipRect(0, clipTop, clipRight, clipBottom); } else { int clipLeft = verticalClip ? 0 : mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.right + mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.right; canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, clipTop, getMeasuredWidth(), clipBottom); } } clipped = true; } boolean retVal = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); if (clipped) canvas.restore(); return retVal; } private boolean drawLocationBar(Canvas canvas, long drawingTime) { boolean clipped = false; if (mLocationBarBackground != null && (mTabSwitcherState == STATIC_TAB || mTextureCaptureMode)) {; int backgroundAlpha; if (mTabSwitcherModeAnimation != null) { // Fade out/in the location bar towards the beginning of the animations to avoid // large jumps of stark white. backgroundAlpha = (int) (Math.pow(mLocationBar.getAlpha(), 3) * mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha); } else if (getToolbarDataProvider().isUsingBrandColor() && !mBrandColorTransitionActive) { backgroundAlpha = mUnfocusedLocationBarUsesTransparentBg ? (int) (MathUtils.interpolate(LOCATION_BAR_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND_ALPHA, 255, mUrlExpansionPercent)) : 255; } else { backgroundAlpha = mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha; } mLocationBarBackground.setAlpha(backgroundAlpha); if ((mLocationBar.getAlpha() > 0 || mForceDrawLocationBarBackground) && !mTextureCaptureMode) { mLocationBarBackground.setBounds( mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.left + mLocationBarBackgroundNtpOffset.left - mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.left, + -, mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.right + mLocationBarBackgroundNtpOffset.right + mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.right, mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.bottom + mLocationBarBackgroundNtpOffset.bottom + mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.bottom); mLocationBarBackground.draw(canvas); } float locationBarClipLeft = mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.left + mLocationBarBackgroundNtpOffset.left; float locationBarClipRight = mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.right + mLocationBarBackgroundNtpOffset.right; float locationBarClipTop = +; float locationBarClipBottom = mLocationBarBackgroundBounds.bottom + mLocationBarBackgroundNtpOffset.bottom; // When unexpanded, the location bar's visible content boundaries are inset from the // viewport used to draw the background. During expansion transitions, compensation // is applied to increase the clip regions such that when the location bar converts // to the narrower collapsed layout that the visible content is the same. if (mUrlExpansionPercent != 1f) { int leftDelta = mUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutLeft - getViewBoundsLeftOfLocationBar(mVisualState); int rightDelta = getViewBoundsRightOfLocationBar(mVisualState) - mUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutLeft - mUnfocusedLocationBarLayoutWidth; float inversePercent = 1f - mUrlExpansionPercent; locationBarClipLeft += leftDelta * inversePercent; locationBarClipRight -= rightDelta * inversePercent; } // Clip the location bar child to the URL viewport calculated in onDraw. canvas.clipRect(locationBarClipLeft, locationBarClipTop, locationBarClipRight, locationBarClipBottom); clipped = true; } boolean retVal = super.drawChild(canvas, mLocationBar, drawingTime); if (clipped) canvas.restore(); return retVal; } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { mBackgroundOverlayBounds.set(0, 0, w, mToolbarHeightWithoutShadow); super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); } @Override protected void onAttachedToWindow() { super.onAttachedToWindow(); mToolbarShadow = (ImageView) getRootView().findViewById(; // This is a workaround for Since Jelly Bean is the lowest version // we support now and the next deprecation target, we decided to simply workaround. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { mToolbarShadow .setImageDrawable(ApiCompatibilityUtils.getDrawable(getResources(), R.drawable.toolbar_shadow)); } } @Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { // If capturing a texture of the toolbar, ensure the alpha is set prior to draw(...) being // called. The alpha is being used prior to getting to draw(...), so updating the value // after this point was having no affect. if (mTextureCaptureMode) assert getAlpha() == 1f; // mClipRect can change in the draw call, so cache this value to ensure the canvas is // restored correctly. boolean shouldClip = !mTextureCaptureMode && mClipRect != null; if (shouldClip) {; canvas.clipRect(mClipRect); } super.draw(canvas); if (shouldClip) { canvas.restore(); // Post an invalidate when the clip rect becomes null to ensure another draw pass occurs // and the full toolbar is drawn again. if (mClipRect == null) postInvalidate(); } } @Override public void onStateRestored() { if (mToggleTabStackButton != null) mToggleTabStackButton.setClickable(true); } @Override public boolean isReadyForTextureCapture() { if (mForceTextureCapture) { return true; } return !(mTabSwitcherState == TAB_SWITCHER || mTabSwitcherModeAnimation != null || urlHasFocus() || mUrlFocusChangeInProgress); } @Override public boolean setForceTextureCapture(boolean forceTextureCapture) { if (forceTextureCapture) { setUseLightDrawablesForTextureCapture(); // Only force a texture capture if the tint for the toolbar drawables is changing. mForceTextureCapture = mLightDrawablesUsedForLastTextureCapture != mUseLightDrawablesForTextureCapture; return mForceTextureCapture; } mForceTextureCapture = forceTextureCapture; return false; } @Override public void setLayoutUpdateHost(LayoutUpdateHost layoutUpdateHost) { mLayoutUpdateHost = layoutUpdateHost; } @Override public void finishAnimations() { mClipRect = null; if (mTabSwitcherModeAnimation != null) { mTabSwitcherModeAnimation.end(); mTabSwitcherModeAnimation = null; } if (mDelayedTabSwitcherModeAnimation != null) { mDelayedTabSwitcherModeAnimation.end(); mDelayedTabSwitcherModeAnimation = null; } // The Android framework calls onAnimationEnd() on listeners before Animator#isRunning() // returns false. Sometimes this causes the progress bar visibility to be set incorrectly. // Update the visibility now that animations are set to null. (see updateProgressBarVisibility(); } @Override public void getLocationBarContentRect(Rect outRect) { updateLocationBarBackgroundBounds(outRect, VisualState.NORMAL); } @Override protected void onHomeButtonUpdate(boolean homeButtonEnabled) { mIsHomeButtonEnabled = homeButtonEnabled; updateButtonVisibility(); } @Override public void onWindowVisibilityChanged(int visibility) { super.onWindowVisibilityChanged(visibility); updateButtonVisibility(); } @Override public void updateButtonVisibility() { if (mIsHomeButtonEnabled) { mHomeButton.setVisibility(urlHasFocus() || isTabSwitcherAnimationRunning() ? INVISIBLE : VISIBLE); mBrowsingModeViews.add(mHomeButton); } else { mHomeButton.setVisibility(GONE); mBrowsingModeViews.remove(mHomeButton); } } private ObjectAnimator createEnterTabSwitcherModeAnimation() { ObjectAnimator enterAnimation = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, mTabSwitcherModePercentProperty, 1.f); enterAnimation.setDuration(TAB_SWITCHER_MODE_ENTER_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS); enterAnimation.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); enterAnimation.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { // This is to deal with the view going invisible when resuming the activity and // running this animation. The view is still there and clickable but does not // render and only a layout triggers a refresh. See if (!mToggleTabStackButton.isEnabled()) requestLayout(); } }); return enterAnimation; } private ObjectAnimator createExitTabSwitcherAnimation(final boolean animateNormalToolbar) { ObjectAnimator exitAnimation = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, mTabSwitcherModePercentProperty, 0.f); exitAnimation.setDuration(animateNormalToolbar ? TAB_SWITCHER_MODE_EXIT_NORMAL_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS : TAB_SWITCHER_MODE_EXIT_FADE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS); exitAnimation.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); exitAnimation.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { updateViewsForTabSwitcherMode(); } }); return exitAnimation; } private ObjectAnimator createPostExitTabSwitcherAnimation() { ObjectAnimator exitAnimation = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, View.TRANSLATION_Y, -getHeight(), 0.f); exitAnimation.setDuration(TAB_SWITCHER_MODE_POST_EXIT_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS); exitAnimation.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.TRANSFORM_CURVE); exitAnimation.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { updateViewsForTabSwitcherMode(); // On older builds, force an update to ensure the new visuals are used // when bringing in the toolbar. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { requestLayout(); } } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mDelayedTabSwitcherModeAnimation = null; updateShadowVisibility(); updateViewsForTabSwitcherMode(); } }); return exitAnimation; } @Override public void setTextureCaptureMode(boolean textureMode) { assert mTextureCaptureMode != textureMode; mTextureCaptureMode = textureMode; if (mTextureCaptureMode) { mToolbarShadow.setVisibility(VISIBLE); mPreTextureCaptureAlpha = getAlpha(); setAlpha(1); } else { setAlpha(mPreTextureCaptureAlpha); updateShadowVisibility(); mPreTextureCaptureAlpha = 1f; } } private boolean isTabSwitcherAnimationRunning() { return mTabSwitcherState == ENTERING_TAB_SWITCHER || mTabSwitcherState == EXITING_TAB_SWITCHER; } private void updateViewsForTabSwitcherMode() { int tabSwitcherViewsVisibility = mTabSwitcherState != STATIC_TAB ? VISIBLE : INVISIBLE; int browsingViewsVisibility = mTabSwitcherState != STATIC_TAB ? INVISIBLE : VISIBLE; for (View view : mTabSwitcherModeViews) { view.setVisibility(tabSwitcherViewsVisibility); } for (View view : mBrowsingModeViews) { view.setVisibility(browsingViewsVisibility); } if (mShowMenuBadge) { setMenuButtonContentDescription(mTabSwitcherState == STATIC_TAB); } updateProgressBarVisibility(); updateVisualsForToolbarState(); } private void updateProgressBarVisibility() { getProgressBar().setVisibility(mTabSwitcherState != STATIC_TAB ? INVISIBLE : VISIBLE); } @Override protected void setContentAttached(boolean attached) { updateVisualsForToolbarState(); } @Override protected void setTabSwitcherMode(boolean inTabSwitcherMode, boolean showToolbar, boolean delayAnimation) { // If setting tab switcher mode to true and the browser is already animating or in the tab // switcher skip. if (inTabSwitcherMode && (mTabSwitcherState == TAB_SWITCHER || mTabSwitcherState == ENTERING_TAB_SWITCHER)) { return; } // Likewise if exiting the tab switcher. if (!inTabSwitcherMode && (mTabSwitcherState == STATIC_TAB || mTabSwitcherState == EXITING_TAB_SWITCHER)) { return; } mTabSwitcherState = inTabSwitcherMode ? ENTERING_TAB_SWITCHER : EXITING_TAB_SWITCHER; mLocationBar.setUrlBarFocusable(false); finishAnimations(); mDelayingTabSwitcherAnimation = delayAnimation; if (inTabSwitcherMode) { if (mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator != null && mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator.isRunning()) { mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator.end(); mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator = null; // After finishing the animation, force a re-layout of the location bar, // so that the final translation position is correct (since onMeasure updates // won't happen in tab switcher mode). layoutLocationBar(getMeasuredWidth()); updateUrlExpansionAnimation(); } mNewTabButton.setEnabled(true); updateViewsForTabSwitcherMode(); mTabSwitcherModeAnimation = createEnterTabSwitcherModeAnimation(); } else { if (!mDelayingTabSwitcherAnimation) { mTabSwitcherModeAnimation = createExitTabSwitcherAnimation(showToolbar); } } updateButtonsTranslationY(); mAnimateNormalToolbar = showToolbar; if (mTabSwitcherModeAnimation != null) mTabSwitcherModeAnimation.start(); if (SysUtils.isLowEndDevice()) finishAnimations(); postInvalidateOnAnimation(); } @Override protected void onTabSwitcherTransitionFinished() { setAlpha(1.f); mClipRect = null; // Detect what was being transitioned from and set the new state appropriately. if (mTabSwitcherState == EXITING_TAB_SWITCHER) { mLocationBar.setUrlBarFocusable(true); mTabSwitcherState = STATIC_TAB; } if (mTabSwitcherState == ENTERING_TAB_SWITCHER) mTabSwitcherState = TAB_SWITCHER; mTabSwitcherModePercent = mTabSwitcherState != STATIC_TAB ? 1.0f : 0.0f; if (!mAnimateNormalToolbar) { finishAnimations(); updateVisualsForToolbarState(); } if (mDelayingTabSwitcherAnimation) { mDelayingTabSwitcherAnimation = false; mDelayedTabSwitcherModeAnimation = createPostExitTabSwitcherAnimation(); mDelayedTabSwitcherModeAnimation.start(); } else { updateViewsForTabSwitcherMode(); } } private void updateOverlayDrawables() { if (!isNativeLibraryReady()) return; VisualState overlayState = computeVisualState(false); boolean visualStateChanged = mOverlayDrawablesVisualState != overlayState; if (!visualStateChanged && mVisualState == VisualState.BRAND_COLOR && getToolbarDataProvider().getPrimaryColor() != mTabSwitcherAnimationBgOverlay.getColor()) { visualStateChanged = true; } if (!visualStateChanged) return; mOverlayDrawablesVisualState = overlayState; mTabSwitcherAnimationBgOverlay.setColor(getToolbarColorForVisualState(mOverlayDrawablesVisualState)); setTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable(); setUseLightDrawablesForTextureCapture(); if (mTabSwitcherState == STATIC_TAB && !mTextureCaptureMode && mLayoutUpdateHost != null) { // Request a layout update to trigger a texture capture if the tint color is changing // and we're not already in texture capture mode. This is necessary if the tab switcher // is entered immediately after a change to the tint color without any user interactions // that would normally trigger a texture capture. mLayoutUpdateHost.requestUpdate(); } } @Override public void destroy() { dismissTabSwitcherCallout(); } @Override public void setOnTabSwitcherClickHandler(OnClickListener listener) { mTabSwitcherListener = listener; } @Override public void setOnNewTabClickHandler(OnClickListener listener) { mNewTabListener = listener; } @Override public boolean shouldIgnoreSwipeGesture() { return super.shouldIgnoreSwipeGesture() || mUrlExpansionPercent > 0f || mNtpSearchBoxTranslation.y < 0f; } private Property<TextView, Integer> buildUrlScrollProperty(final View containerView, final boolean isContainerRtl) { // If the RTL-ness of the container view changes during an animation, the scroll values // become invalid. If that happens, snap to the ending position and no longer update. return new Property<TextView, Integer>(Integer.class, "scrollX") { private boolean mRtlStateInvalid; @Override public Integer get(TextView view) { return view.getScrollX(); } @Override public void set(TextView view, Integer scrollX) { if (mRtlStateInvalid) return; boolean rtl = ApiCompatibilityUtils.isLayoutRtl(containerView); if (rtl != isContainerRtl) { mRtlStateInvalid = true; if (!rtl || mUrlBar.getLayout() != null) { scrollX = 0; if (rtl) { scrollX = (int) view.getLayout().getPrimaryHorizontal(0); scrollX -= view.getWidth(); } } } view.setScrollX(scrollX); } }; } private void populateUrlFocusingAnimatorSet(List<Animator> animators) { Animator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, mUrlFocusChangePercentProperty, 1f); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_CHANGE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.TRANSFORM_CURVE); animators.add(animator); for (int i = 0; i < mLocationBar.getChildCount(); i++) { View childView = mLocationBar.getChildAt(i); if (childView == mLocationBar.getFirstViewVisibleWhenFocused()) break; animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(childView, ALPHA, 0); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_CHANGE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.TRANSFORM_CURVE); animators.add(animator); } float density = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; boolean isRtl = ApiCompatibilityUtils.isLayoutRtl(this); float toolbarButtonTranslationX = MathUtils.flipSignIf(URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_TRANSLATION_X_DP, isRtl) * density; animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mMenuButtonWrapper, TRANSLATION_X, toolbarButtonTranslationX); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_DURATION_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.FADE_OUT_CURVE); animators.add(animator); animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mMenuButtonWrapper, ALPHA, 0); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_DURATION_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.FADE_OUT_CURVE); animators.add(animator); if (mToggleTabStackButton != null) { animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mToggleTabStackButton, TRANSLATION_X, toolbarButtonTranslationX); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_DURATION_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.FADE_OUT_CURVE); animators.add(animator); animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mToggleTabStackButton, ALPHA, 0); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_DURATION_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.FADE_OUT_CURVE); animators.add(animator); } } private void populateUrlClearFocusingAnimatorSet(List<Animator> animators) { Animator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, mUrlFocusChangePercentProperty, 0f); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_CHANGE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.TRANSFORM_CURVE); animators.add(animator); animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mMenuButtonWrapper, TRANSLATION_X, 0); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_DURATION_MS); animator.setStartDelay(URL_CLEAR_FOCUS_MENU_DELAY_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.TRANSFORM_CURVE); animators.add(animator); animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mMenuButtonWrapper, ALPHA, 1); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_DURATION_MS); animator.setStartDelay(URL_CLEAR_FOCUS_MENU_DELAY_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.TRANSFORM_CURVE); animators.add(animator); if (mToggleTabStackButton != null) { animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mToggleTabStackButton, TRANSLATION_X, 0); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_DURATION_MS); animator.setStartDelay(URL_CLEAR_FOCUS_TABSTACK_DELAY_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.TRANSFORM_CURVE); animators.add(animator); animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mToggleTabStackButton, ALPHA, 1); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_DURATION_MS); animator.setStartDelay(URL_CLEAR_FOCUS_TABSTACK_DELAY_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.TRANSFORM_CURVE); animators.add(animator); } for (int i = 0; i < mLocationBar.getChildCount(); i++) { View childView = mLocationBar.getChildAt(i); if (childView == mLocationBar.getFirstViewVisibleWhenFocused()) break; animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(childView, ALPHA, 1); animator.setStartDelay(URL_FOCUS_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_DURATION_MS); animator.setDuration(URL_CLEAR_FOCUS_MENU_DELAY_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.TRANSFORM_CURVE); animators.add(animator); } if (isLocationBarShownInNTP() && mNtpSearchBoxScrollPercent == 0f) return; // The call to getLayout() can return null briefly during text changes, but as it // is only needed for RTL calculations, we proceed if the location bar is showing // LTR content. boolean isLocationBarRtl = ApiCompatibilityUtils.isLayoutRtl(mLocationBar); if (!isLocationBarRtl || mUrlBar.getLayout() != null) { int urlBarStartScrollX = 0; if (isLocationBarRtl) { urlBarStartScrollX = (int) mUrlBar.getLayout().getPrimaryHorizontal(0); urlBarStartScrollX -= mUrlBar.getWidth(); } // If the scroll position matches the current scroll position, do not trigger // this animation as it will cause visible jumps when going from cleared text // back to page URLs (despite it continually calling setScrollX with the same // number). if (mUrlBar.getScrollX() != urlBarStartScrollX) { animator = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(mUrlBar, buildUrlScrollProperty(mLocationBar, isLocationBarRtl), urlBarStartScrollX); animator.setDuration(URL_FOCUS_CHANGE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS); animator.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.TRANSFORM_CURVE); animators.add(animator); } } } @Override public void onUrlFocusChange(final boolean hasFocus) { super.onUrlFocusChange(hasFocus); triggerUrlFocusAnimation(hasFocus); TransitionDrawable shadowDrawable = (TransitionDrawable) mToolbarShadow.getDrawable(); if (hasFocus) { dismissTabSwitcherCallout(); shadowDrawable.startTransition(URL_FOCUS_CHANGE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS); } else { shadowDrawable.reverseTransition(URL_FOCUS_CHANGE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS); } } private void triggerUrlFocusAnimation(final boolean hasFocus) { if (mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator != null && mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator.isRunning()) { mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator.cancel(); mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator = null; } List<Animator> animators = new ArrayList<>(); if (hasFocus) { populateUrlFocusingAnimatorSet(animators); } else { populateUrlClearFocusingAnimatorSet(animators); } mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator = new AnimatorSet(); mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator.playTogether(animators); mUrlFocusChangeInProgress = true; mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { private boolean mCanceled; @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { if (!hasFocus) { mDisableLocationBarRelayout = true; } else { mLayoutLocationBarInFocusedMode = true; requestLayout(); } } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { mCanceled = true; } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { if (mCanceled) return; if (!hasFocus) { mDisableLocationBarRelayout = false; mLayoutLocationBarInFocusedMode = false; requestLayout(); } mLocationBar.finishUrlFocusChange(hasFocus); mUrlFocusChangeInProgress = false; } }); mUrlFocusLayoutAnimator.start(); } @Override protected void updateTabCountVisuals(int numberOfTabs) { if (mHomeButton != null) mHomeButton.setEnabled(true); if (mToggleTabStackButton == null) return; mToggleTabStackButton.setEnabled(numberOfTabs >= 1); mToggleTabStackButton.setContentDescription(getResources().getQuantityString( R.plurals.accessibility_toolbar_btn_tabswitcher_toggle, numberOfTabs, numberOfTabs)); mTabSwitcherButtonDrawableLight.updateForTabCount(numberOfTabs, isIncognito()); mTabSwitcherButtonDrawable.updateForTabCount(numberOfTabs, isIncognito()); int themeColor; if (getToolbarDataProvider() != null) { themeColor = getToolbarDataProvider().getPrimaryColor(); } else { themeColor = getToolbarColorForVisualState(isIncognito() ? VisualState.INCOGNITO : VisualState.NORMAL); } boolean useTabStackDrawableLight = isIncognito() || ColorUtils.shouldUseLightForegroundOnBackground(themeColor); if (mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable == null || mIsOverlayTabStackDrawableLight != useTabStackDrawableLight) { mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable = TabSwitcherDrawable.createTabSwitcherDrawable(getResources(), useTabStackDrawableLight); int[] stateSet = { android.R.attr.state_enabled }; mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable.setState(stateSet); mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable.setBounds(mToggleTabStackButton.getDrawable().getBounds()); mIsOverlayTabStackDrawableLight = useTabStackDrawableLight; } if (mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable != null) { mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable.updateForTabCount(numberOfTabs, isIncognito()); } } @Override protected void onTabContentViewChanged() { super.onTabContentViewChanged(); updateNtpAnimationState(); updateVisualsForToolbarState(); } @Override protected void onTabOrModelChanged() { super.onTabOrModelChanged(); updateNtpAnimationState(); updateVisualsForToolbarState(); if (mHasCheckedIfTabSwitcherCalloutIsNecessary) { dismissTabSwitcherCallout(); } else { mHasCheckedIfTabSwitcherCalloutIsNecessary = true; showTabSwitcherCalloutIfNecessary(); } } private static boolean isVisualStateValidForBrandColorTransition(VisualState state) { return state == VisualState.NORMAL || state == VisualState.BRAND_COLOR; } @Override protected void onPrimaryColorChanged(boolean shouldAnimate) { super.onPrimaryColorChanged(shouldAnimate); if (mBrandColorTransitionActive) mBrandColorTransitionAnimation.cancel(); final int initialColor = mToolbarBackground.getColor(); final int finalColor = getToolbarDataProvider().getPrimaryColor(); if (initialColor == finalColor) return; if (!isVisualStateValidForBrandColorTransition(mVisualState)) return; if (!shouldAnimate) { updateToolbarBackground(finalColor); return; } boolean shouldUseOpaque = ColorUtils.shouldUseOpaqueTextboxBackground(finalColor); final int initialAlpha = mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha; final int finalAlpha = shouldUseOpaque ? 255 : LOCATION_BAR_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND_ALPHA; final boolean shouldAnimateAlpha = initialAlpha != finalAlpha; mBrandColorTransitionAnimation = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1).setDuration(THEME_COLOR_TRANSITION_DURATION); mBrandColorTransitionAnimation.setInterpolator(BakedBezierInterpolator.TRANSFORM_CURVE); mBrandColorTransitionAnimation.addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { float fraction = animation.getAnimatedFraction(); if (shouldAnimateAlpha) { mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha = (int) (MathUtils.interpolate(initialAlpha, finalAlpha, fraction)); } updateToolbarBackground(ColorUtils.getColorWithOverlay(initialColor, finalColor, fraction)); } }); mBrandColorTransitionAnimation.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mBrandColorTransitionActive = false; updateVisualsForToolbarState(); } }); mBrandColorTransitionAnimation.start(); mBrandColorTransitionActive = true; } private void updateNtpAnimationState() { // Store previous NTP scroll before calling reset as that clears this value. boolean wasShowingNtp = mVisibleNewTabPage != null; float previousNtpScrollPercent = mNtpSearchBoxScrollPercent; resetNtpAnimationValues(); if (mVisibleNewTabPage != null) { mVisibleNewTabPage.setSearchBoxScrollListener(null); mVisibleNewTabPage = null; } mVisibleNewTabPage = getToolbarDataProvider().getNewTabPageForCurrentTab(); if (mVisibleNewTabPage != null && mVisibleNewTabPage.isLocationBarShownInNTP()) { mVisibleNewTabPage.setSearchBoxScrollListener(this); requestLayout(); } else if (wasShowingNtp) { // Convert the previous NTP scroll percentage to URL focus percentage because that // will give a nicer transition animation from the expanded NTP omnibox to the // collapsed normal omnibox on other non-NTP pages. if (mTabSwitcherState == STATIC_TAB && previousNtpScrollPercent > 0f) { mUrlFocusChangePercent = Math.max(previousNtpScrollPercent, mUrlFocusChangePercent); triggerUrlFocusAnimation(false); } requestLayout(); } } @Override protected void onDefaultSearchEngineChanged() { super.onDefaultSearchEngineChanged(); // Post an update for the toolbar state, which will allow all other listeners // for the search engine change to update before we check on the state of the // world for a UI update. // TODO(tedchoc): Move away from updating based on the search engine change and instead // add the toolbar as a listener to the NewTabPage and udpate only when // it notifies the listeners that it has changed its state. post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updateVisualsForToolbarState(); updateNtpAnimationState(); } }); } @Override protected void handleFindToolbarStateChange(boolean showing) { setVisibility(showing ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); TransitionDrawable shadowDrawable = (TransitionDrawable) mToolbarShadow.getDrawable(); if (showing) { shadowDrawable.startTransition(URL_FOCUS_CHANGE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS); } else { shadowDrawable.reverseTransition(URL_FOCUS_CHANGE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS); } } private boolean isLocationBarShownInNTP() { NewTabPage ntp = getToolbarDataProvider().getNewTabPageForCurrentTab(); return ntp != null && ntp.isLocationBarShownInNTP(); } private void updateShadowVisibility() { boolean shouldDrawShadow = mTabSwitcherState == STATIC_TAB; int shadowVisibility = shouldDrawShadow ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE; if (mToolbarShadow.getVisibility() != shadowVisibility) { mToolbarShadow.setVisibility(shadowVisibility); } } private VisualState computeVisualState(boolean isInTabSwitcherMode) { if (isInTabSwitcherMode && isIncognito()) return VisualState.TAB_SWITCHER_INCOGNITO; if (isInTabSwitcherMode && !isIncognito()) return VisualState.TAB_SWITCHER_NORMAL; if (isLocationBarShownInNTP()) return VisualState.NEW_TAB_NORMAL; if (isIncognito()) return VisualState.INCOGNITO; if (getToolbarDataProvider().isUsingBrandColor()) return VisualState.BRAND_COLOR; return VisualState.NORMAL; } private void updateVisualsForToolbarState() { final boolean isIncognito = isIncognito(); // These are important for setting visual state while the entering or leaving the tab // switcher. boolean inOrEnteringStaticTab = mTabSwitcherState == STATIC_TAB || mTabSwitcherState == EXITING_TAB_SWITCHER; boolean inOrEnteringTabSwitcher = !inOrEnteringStaticTab; VisualState newVisualState = computeVisualState(inOrEnteringTabSwitcher); // If we are navigating to or from a brand color, allow the transition animation // to run to completion as it will handle the triggering this path again and committing // the proper visual state when it finishes. Brand color transitions are only valid // between normal non-incognito pages and brand color pages, so if the visual states // do not match then cancel the animation below. if (mBrandColorTransitionActive && isVisualStateValidForBrandColorTransition(mVisualState) && isVisualStateValidForBrandColorTransition(newVisualState)) { return; } else if (mBrandColorTransitionAnimation != null && mBrandColorTransitionAnimation.isRunning()) { mBrandColorTransitionAnimation.cancel(); } boolean visualStateChanged = mVisualState != newVisualState; int currentPrimaryColor = getToolbarDataProvider().getPrimaryColor(); int themeColorForProgressBar = currentPrimaryColor; // If The page is native force the use of the standard theme for the progress bar. if (getToolbarDataProvider() != null && getToolbarDataProvider().getTab() != null && getToolbarDataProvider().getTab().isNativePage()) { VisualState visualState = isIncognito() ? VisualState.INCOGNITO : VisualState.NORMAL; themeColorForProgressBar = getToolbarColorForVisualState(visualState); } if (mVisualState == VisualState.BRAND_COLOR && !visualStateChanged) { boolean useLightToolbarDrawables = ColorUtils.shouldUseLightForegroundOnBackground(currentPrimaryColor); boolean unfocusedLocationBarUsesTransparentBg = !ColorUtils .shouldUseOpaqueTextboxBackground(currentPrimaryColor); if (useLightToolbarDrawables != mUseLightToolbarDrawables || unfocusedLocationBarUsesTransparentBg != mUnfocusedLocationBarUsesTransparentBg) { visualStateChanged = true; } else { updateToolbarBackground(VisualState.BRAND_COLOR); getProgressBar().setThemeColor(themeColorForProgressBar, isIncognito()); } } mVisualState = newVisualState; updateOverlayDrawables(); updateShadowVisibility(); updateUrlExpansionAnimation(); if (!visualStateChanged) { if (mVisualState == VisualState.NEW_TAB_NORMAL) { updateNtpTransitionAnimation(); } else { resetNtpAnimationValues(); } return; } mUseLightToolbarDrawables = false; mUnfocusedLocationBarUsesTransparentBg = false; mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha = 255; updateToolbarBackground(mVisualState); getProgressBar().setThemeColor(themeColorForProgressBar, isIncognito()); if (inOrEnteringTabSwitcher) { mUseLightToolbarDrawables = true; mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha = LOCATION_BAR_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND_ALPHA; getProgressBar().setBackgroundColor(mProgressBackBackgroundColorWhite); getProgressBar().setForegroundColor( ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(getResources(), R.color.progress_bar_foreground_white)); } else if (isIncognito()) { mUseLightToolbarDrawables = true; mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha = LOCATION_BAR_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND_ALPHA; } else if (mVisualState == VisualState.BRAND_COLOR) { mUseLightToolbarDrawables = ColorUtils.shouldUseLightForegroundOnBackground(currentPrimaryColor); mUnfocusedLocationBarUsesTransparentBg = !ColorUtils .shouldUseOpaqueTextboxBackground(currentPrimaryColor); mLocationBarBackgroundAlpha = mUnfocusedLocationBarUsesTransparentBg ? LOCATION_BAR_TRANSPARENT_BACKGROUND_ALPHA : 255; } if (mToggleTabStackButton != null) { mToggleTabStackButton.setImageDrawable( mUseLightToolbarDrawables ? mTabSwitcherButtonDrawableLight : mTabSwitcherButtonDrawable); if (mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable != null) { mTabSwitcherAnimationTabStackDrawable .setTint(mUseLightToolbarDrawables ? mLightModeTint : mDarkModeTint); } } mMenuButton.setTint(mUseLightToolbarDrawables ? mLightModeTint : mDarkModeTint); if (mShowMenuBadge && inOrEnteringStaticTab) { setAppMenuUpdateBadgeDrawable(mUseLightToolbarDrawables); } ColorStateList tint = mUseLightToolbarDrawables ? mLightModeTint : mDarkModeTint; if (mIsHomeButtonEnabled) mHomeButton.setTint(tint); mLocationBar.updateVisualsForState(); // Remove the side padding for incognito to ensure the badge icon aligns correctly with the // background of the location bar. if (isIncognito) { mLocationBar.setPadding(0,, 0, mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.bottom); } else { mLocationBar.setPadding(mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.left,, mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.right, mLocationBarBackgroundPadding.bottom); } // We update the alpha before comparing the visual state as we need to change // its value when entering and exiting TabSwitcher mode. if (isLocationBarShownInNTP() && inOrEnteringStaticTab) { updateNtpTransitionAnimation(); } mNewTabButton.setIsIncognito(isIncognito); CharSequence newTabContentDescription = getResources() .getText(isIncognito ? R.string.accessibility_toolbar_btn_new_incognito_tab : R.string.accessibility_toolbar_btn_new_tab); if (mNewTabButton != null && !newTabContentDescription.equals(mNewTabButton.getContentDescription())) { mNewTabButton.setContentDescription(newTabContentDescription); } getMenuButtonWrapper().setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } @Override public LocationBar getLocationBar() { return mLocationBar; } @Override public void showAppMenuUpdateBadge() { super.showAppMenuUpdateBadge(); // Set up variables. if (!mBrowsingModeViews.contains(mMenuBadge)) { mBrowsingModeViews.add(mMenuBadge); } // Finish any in-progress animations and set the TabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeDrawables. finishAnimations(); setTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeDrawable(); // Show the badge. if (mTabSwitcherState == STATIC_TAB) { if (mUseLightToolbarDrawables) { setAppMenuUpdateBadgeDrawable(mUseLightToolbarDrawables); } setAppMenuUpdateBadgeToVisible(true); } } @Override public void removeAppMenuUpdateBadge(boolean animate) { super.removeAppMenuUpdateBadge(animate); if (mBrowsingModeViews.contains(mMenuBadge)) { mBrowsingModeViews.remove(mMenuBadge); mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeDarkDrawable = null; mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeLightDrawable = null; } mLocationBar.removeAppMenuUpdateBadge(animate); } private void setTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable() { mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable = ApiCompatibilityUtils.getDrawable(getResources(), R.drawable.btn_menu); mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable.mutate(); mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable.setColorFilter( isIncognito() ? mLightModeDefaultColor : mDarkModeDefaultColor, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN); ((BitmapDrawable) mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuDrawable).setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); } private void setTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeDrawable() { mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeDarkDrawable = ApiCompatibilityUtils.getDrawable(getResources(), R.drawable.badge_update_dark); mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeDarkDrawable.mutate(); ((BitmapDrawable) mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeDarkDrawable).setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeLightDrawable = ApiCompatibilityUtils.getDrawable(getResources(), R.drawable.badge_update_light); mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeLightDrawable.mutate(); ((BitmapDrawable) mTabSwitcherAnimationMenuBadgeLightDrawable).setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); } @Override public void setFullscreenManager(FullscreenManager manager) { super.setFullscreenManager(manager); mFullscreenManager = manager; } private void setUseLightDrawablesForTextureCapture() { int currentPrimaryColor = getToolbarDataProvider().getPrimaryColor(); mUseLightDrawablesForTextureCapture = isIncognito() || (currentPrimaryColor != 0 && ColorUtils.shouldUseLightForegroundOnBackground(currentPrimaryColor)); } private void dismissTabSwitcherCallout() { if (mTabSwitcherCallout != null) mTabSwitcherCallout.dismiss(); } private void showTabSwitcherCalloutIfNecessary() { assert mTabSwitcherCallout == null; mTabSwitcherCallout = TabSwitcherCallout.showIfNecessary(getContext(), mToggleTabStackButton); if (mTabSwitcherCallout == null) return; mTabSwitcherCallout.setOnDismissListener(new OnDismissListener() { @Override public void onDismiss() { if (mFullscreenManager != null) { mFullscreenManager.hideControlsPersistent(mFullscreenCalloutToken); mFullscreenCalloutToken = FullscreenManager.INVALID_TOKEN; } mTabSwitcherCallout = null; } }); if (mFullscreenManager != null) { mFullscreenCalloutToken = mFullscreenManager .showControlsPersistentAndClearOldToken(mFullscreenCalloutToken); } } }