Java tutorial
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.ContextMenu; import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.View.OnCreateContextMenuListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import org.chromium.base.ApiCompatibilityUtils; import org.chromium.base.Callback; import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils; import org.chromium.base.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.chromium.ui.mojom.WindowOpenDisposition; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * The model and controller for a group of site suggestion tiles. */ public class TileGroup implements MostVisitedSites.Observer { /** * Performs work in other parts of the system that the {@link TileGroup} should not know about. */ public interface Delegate { void removeMostVisitedItem(Tile tile); void openMostVisitedItem(int windowDisposition, Tile tile); /** * Gets the list of most visited sites. * @param observer The observer to be notified with the list of sites. * @param maxResults The maximum number of sites to retrieve. */ void setMostVisitedSitesObserver(MostVisitedSites.Observer observer, int maxResults); /** * Called when the NTP has completely finished loading (all views will be inflated * and any dependent resources will have been loaded). * @param tiles The tiles owned by the {@link TileGroup}. Used to record metrics. */ void onLoadingComplete(Tile[] tiles); /** * To be called before this instance is abandoned to the garbage collector so it can do any * necessary cleanups. This instance must not be used after this method is called. */ void destroy(); } /** * An observer for events in the {@link TileGroup}. */ public interface Observer { /** * Called when any of the tile data has changed, such as an icon, url, or title. */ void onTileDataChanged(); /** * Called when the number of tiles has changed. */ void onTileCountChanged(); /** * Called when a tile icon has changed. * @param tile The tile for which the icon has changed. */ void onTileIconChanged(Tile tile); /** * Called when an asynchronous loading task has started. */ void onLoadTaskAdded(); /** * Called when an asynchronous loading task has completed. */ void onLoadTaskCompleted(); } private static final String TAG = "TileGroup"; private static final int ICON_CORNER_RADIUS_DP = 4; private static final int ICON_TEXT_SIZE_DP = 20; private static final int ICON_MIN_SIZE_PX = 48; private final Context mContext; private final SuggestionsUiDelegate mUiDelegate; private final ContextMenuManager mContextMenuManager; private final Delegate mTileGroupDelegate; private final Observer mObserver; private final RoundedIconGenerator mIconGenerator; private Tile[] mTiles; private int mMinIconSize; private int mDesiredIconSize; boolean mHasReceivedData; public TileGroup(SuggestionsUiDelegate uiDelegate, ContextMenuManager contextMenuManager, Delegate tileGroupDelegate, Observer observer) { mContext = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext(); mUiDelegate = uiDelegate; mContextMenuManager = contextMenuManager; mTileGroupDelegate = tileGroupDelegate; mObserver = observer; Resources resources = mContext.getResources(); mDesiredIconSize = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.tile_view_icon_size); // On ldpi devices, mDesiredIconSize could be even smaller than ICON_MIN_SIZE_PX. mMinIconSize = Math.min(mDesiredIconSize, ICON_MIN_SIZE_PX); int desiredIconSizeDp = Math.round(mDesiredIconSize / resources.getDisplayMetrics().density); int iconColor = ApiCompatibilityUtils.getColor(resources, R.color.default_favicon_background_color); mIconGenerator = new RoundedIconGenerator(mContext, desiredIconSizeDp, desiredIconSizeDp, ICON_CORNER_RADIUS_DP, iconColor, ICON_TEXT_SIZE_DP); } @Override public void onMostVisitedURLsAvailable(final String[] titles, final String[] urls, final String[] whitelistIconPaths, final int[] sources) { // If no tiles have been built yet, this is the initial load. Build the tiles immediately so // the layout is stable during initial rendering. They can be // replaced later if there are offline urls, but that will not affect the layout widths and // heights. A stable layout enables reliable scroll position initialization. if (!mHasReceivedData) { buildTiles(titles, urls, whitelistIconPaths, null, sources); } // TODO( We should show offline-available content in a nonblocking // way so that responsiveness of the NTP does not depend on ready availability of offline // pages. Set<String> urlSet = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(urls)); mUiDelegate.getUrlsAvailableOffline(urlSet, new Callback<Set<String>>() { @Override public void onResult(Set<String> offlineUrls) { buildTiles(titles, urls, whitelistIconPaths, offlineUrls, sources); } }); } @Override public void onIconMadeAvailable(String siteUrl) { // Get a large icon for the matching tile. for (Tile tile : mTiles) { if (tile.getUrl().equals(siteUrl)) { LargeIconCallback iconCallback = new LargeIconCallbackImpl(tile, /* trackLoadTask = */ false); mUiDelegate.getLargeIconForUrl(siteUrl, mMinIconSize, iconCallback); break; } } } /** * Instructs this instance to start listening for data. The {@link TileGroup.Observer} may be * called immediately if new data is received synchronously. * @param maxResults The maximum number of sites to retrieve. */ public void startObserving(int maxResults) { mTileGroupDelegate.setMostVisitedSitesObserver(this, maxResults); } /** * Renders tile views in the given {@link TileGridLayout}, reusing existing tile views where * possible because view inflation and icon loading are slow. * @param tileGridLayout The layout to render the tile views into. * @param trackLoadTasks Whether to track load tasks. */ public void renderTileViews(TileGridLayout tileGridLayout, boolean trackLoadTasks) { // Map the old tile views by url so they can be reused later. Map<String, TileView> oldTileViews = new HashMap<>(); int childCount = tileGridLayout.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { TileView tileView = (TileView) tileGridLayout.getChildAt(i); oldTileViews.put(tileView.getTile().getUrl(), tileView); } // Remove all views from the layout because even if they are reused later they'll have to be // added back in the correct order. tileGridLayout.removeAllViews(); for (final Tile tile : mTiles) { // First see if an old view can be reused. if (oldTileViews.containsKey(tile.getUrl())) { TileView oldTileView = oldTileViews.get(tile.getUrl()); if (TextUtils.equals(tile.getTitle(), oldTileView.getTile().getTitle()) && tile.isOfflineAvailable() == oldTileView.getTile().isOfflineAvailable() && TextUtils.equals(tile.getWhitelistIconPath(), oldTileView.getTile().getWhitelistIconPath())) { // Prevent further reuse. assert oldTileView.getParent() == null; oldTileViews.remove(tile.getUrl()); tileGridLayout.addView(oldTileView); // Re-render the icon because it may not have been painted when re-added. oldTileView.renderIcon(); continue; } } // No view was reused, create a new one. TileView tileView = buildTileView(tile, tileGridLayout, trackLoadTasks); tileView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { mTileGroupDelegate.openMostVisitedItem(WindowOpenDisposition.CURRENT_TAB, tile); } }); tileView.setOnCreateContextMenuListener(new OnCreateContextMenuListener() { @Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View view, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { mContextMenuManager.createContextMenu(menu, view, new ContextMenuManager.Delegate() { @Override public void openItem(int windowDisposition) { mTileGroupDelegate.openMostVisitedItem(windowDisposition, tile); } @Override public void removeItem() { mTileGroupDelegate.removeMostVisitedItem(tile); } @Override public String getUrl() { return tile.getUrl(); } @Override public boolean isItemSupported(@ContextMenuItemId int menuItemId) { return true; } @Override public void onContextMenuCreated() { } }); } }); tileGridLayout.addView(tileView); } } public Tile[] getTiles() { return Arrays.copyOf(mTiles, mTiles.length); } public boolean hasReceivedData() { return mHasReceivedData; } private void buildTiles(String[] titles, String[] urls, String[] whitelistIconPaths, @Nullable Set<String> offlineUrls, int[] sources) { int oldTileCount = mTiles == null ? 0 : mTiles.length; mTiles = new Tile[titles.length]; boolean isInitialLoad = !mHasReceivedData; mHasReceivedData = true; for (int i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) { boolean offlineAvailable = offlineUrls != null && offlineUrls.contains(urls[i]); mTiles[i] = new Tile(titles[i], urls[i], whitelistIconPaths[i], offlineAvailable, i, sources[i]); } if (oldTileCount != mTiles.length) mObserver.onTileCountChanged(); if (isInitialLoad) mObserver.onLoadTaskCompleted(); mObserver.onTileDataChanged(); } /** * Inflates a new tile view, initializes it, and loads an icon for it. * @param tile The tile that holds the data to populate the new tile view. * @param parentView The parent of the new tile view. * @param trackLoadTask Whether to track a load task. * @return The new tile view. */ private TileView buildTileView(Tile tile, ViewGroup parentView, boolean trackLoadTask) { TileView tileView = (TileView) LayoutInflater.from(parentView.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.tile_view, parentView, false); tileView.initialize(tile); LargeIconCallback iconCallback = new LargeIconCallbackImpl(tile, trackLoadTask); if (trackLoadTask) mObserver.onLoadTaskAdded(); if (!loadWhitelistIcon(tile, iconCallback)) { mUiDelegate.getLargeIconForUrl(tile.getUrl(), mMinIconSize, iconCallback); } return tileView; } private boolean loadWhitelistIcon(Tile tile, LargeIconCallback iconCallback) { if (tile.getWhitelistIconPath().isEmpty()) return false; // TODO(mvanouwerkerk): Consider using an AsyncTask to reduce rendering jank. Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(tile.getWhitelistIconPath()); if (bitmap == null) { Log.d(TAG, "Image decoding failed: %s", tile.getWhitelistIconPath()); return false; } iconCallback.onLargeIconAvailable(bitmap, Color.BLACK, false); return true; } private class LargeIconCallbackImpl implements LargeIconCallback { private final Tile mTile; private final boolean mTrackLoadTask; private LargeIconCallbackImpl(Tile tile, boolean trackLoadTask) { mTile = tile; mTrackLoadTask = trackLoadTask; } @Override public void onLargeIconAvailable(@Nullable Bitmap icon, int fallbackColor, boolean isFallbackColorDefault) { if (icon == null) { mIconGenerator.setBackgroundColor(fallbackColor); icon = mIconGenerator.generateIconForUrl(mTile.getUrl()); mTile.setIcon(new BitmapDrawable(mContext.getResources(), icon)); mTile.setType( isFallbackColorDefault ? MostVisitedTileType.ICON_DEFAULT : MostVisitedTileType.ICON_COLOR); } else { RoundedBitmapDrawable roundedIcon = RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory.create(mContext.getResources(), icon); int cornerRadius = Math.round(ICON_CORNER_RADIUS_DP * mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density * icon.getWidth() / mDesiredIconSize); roundedIcon.setCornerRadius(cornerRadius); roundedIcon.setAntiAlias(true); roundedIcon.setFilterBitmap(true); mTile.setIcon(roundedIcon); mTile.setType(MostVisitedTileType.ICON_REAL); } mObserver.onTileIconChanged(mTile); if (mTrackLoadTask) mObserver.onLoadTaskCompleted(); } } }