Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode; import static org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.FS_TRASH_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.FS_TRASH_INTERVAL_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_ENABLED_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_ENABLED_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_MAX_SIZE_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE_MAX_SIZE_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.client.HdfsClientConfigKeys.DFS_BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.client.HdfsClientConfigKeys.DFS_BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_CHECKSUM_TYPE_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_CHECKSUM_TYPE_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.client.HdfsClientConfigKeys.DFS_CLIENT_WRITE_PACKET_SIZE_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.client.HdfsClientConfigKeys.DFS_CLIENT_WRITE_PACKET_SIZE_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_ENCRYPT_DATA_TRANSFER_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_ENCRYPT_DATA_TRANSFER_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_HA_STANDBY_CHECKPOINTS_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_HA_STANDBY_CHECKPOINTS_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOGGERS_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOG_ASYNC_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOG_ASYNC_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOG_TOKEN_TRACKING_ID_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOG_TOKEN_TRACKING_ID_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_CHECKPOINT_TXNS_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_CHECKPOINT_TXNS_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_DEFAULT_AUDIT_LOGGER_NAME; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_KEY_UPDATE_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_KEY_UPDATE_INTERVAL_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_ALWAYS_USE_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_ALWAYS_USE_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_MAX_LIFETIME_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_MAX_LIFETIME_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_RENEW_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_RENEW_INTERVAL_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_REQUIRED_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDIT_LOG_AUTOROLL_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDIT_LOG_AUTOROLL_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDIT_LOG_AUTOROLL_MULTIPLIER_THRESHOLD; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDIT_LOG_AUTOROLL_MULTIPLIER_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_ENABLE_RETRY_CACHE_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_ENABLE_RETRY_CACHE_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_INODE_ATTRIBUTES_PROVIDER_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_LAZY_PERSIST_FILE_SCRUB_INTERVAL_SEC; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_LAZY_PERSIST_FILE_SCRUB_INTERVAL_SEC_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_OBJECTS_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_OBJECTS_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_RESOURCE_CHECK_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_RESOURCE_CHECK_INTERVAL_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_RETRY_CACHE_EXPIRYTIME_MILLIS_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_RETRY_CACHE_EXPIRYTIME_MILLIS_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_RETRY_CACHE_HEAP_PERCENT_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_RETRY_CACHE_HEAP_PERCENT_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_SHARED_EDITS_DIR_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_LEASE_RECHECK_INTERVAL_MS_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_LEASE_RECHECK_INTERVAL_MS_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_LOCK_HOLD_TO_RELEASE_LEASE_MS_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_LOCK_HOLD_TO_RELEASE_LEASE_MS_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_PERMISSIONS_ENABLED_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_PERMISSIONS_ENABLED_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_PERMISSIONS_SUPERUSERGROUP_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_PERMISSIONS_SUPERUSERGROUP_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_REPLICATION_DEFAULT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_REPLICATION_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_SNAPSHOT_DIFF_LISTING_LIMIT; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_SNAPSHOT_DIFF_LISTING_LIMIT_DEFAULT; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys.DFS_STORAGE_POLICY_ENABLED_KEY; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSDirStatAndListingOp.*; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ErasureCodingPolicyInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.OpenFilesIterator.OpenFilesType; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ReplicatedBlockStats; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ECBlockGroupStats; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.OpenFileEntry; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ZoneReencryptionStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotDiffReportListing; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotDiffReport; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.metrics.ReplicatedBlocksMBean; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.SlowDiskReports; import static; import static org.apache.hadoop.util.Time.monotonicNow; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger; import org.apache.hadoop.HadoopIllegalArgumentException; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.crypto.CryptoProtocolVersion; import org.apache.hadoop.crypto.key.KeyProvider.Metadata; import org.apache.hadoop.crypto.key.KeyProviderCryptoExtension; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.AddBlockFlag; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BatchedRemoteIterator.BatchedListEntries; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CacheFlag; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CreateFlag; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileEncryptionInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FsServerDefaults; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.InvalidPathException; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.StorageType; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.UnresolvedLinkException; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.XAttr; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.XAttrSetFlag; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.PermissionStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.QuotaUsage; import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HAServiceProtocol.HAServiceState; import org.apache.hadoop.ha.ServiceFailedException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtilClient; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HAUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.UnknownCryptoProtocolVersionException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AddErasureCodingPolicyResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AlreadyBeingCreatedException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.BlockType; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.BlockStoragePolicy; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CacheDirectiveEntry; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CacheDirectiveInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CachePoolEntry; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CachePoolInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ClientProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeID; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo.DatanodeInfoBuilder; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DirectoryListing; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ErasureCodingPolicy; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.EncryptionZone; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ExtendedBlock; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants.DatanodeReportType; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants.ReencryptAction; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants.SafeModeAction; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsFileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LastBlockWithStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlocks; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.RecoveryInProgressException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.RollingUpgradeException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.RollingUpgradeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotAccessControlException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotException; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshottableDirectoryStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.datatransfer.ReplaceDatanodeOnFailure; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockCollection; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockUnderConstructionFeature; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.DatanodeDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.DatanodeManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.DatanodeStatistics; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.DatanodeStorageInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants.BlockUCState; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants.NamenodeRole; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants.RollingUpgradeStartupOption; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants.StartupOption; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage.StorageDirType; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage.StorageDirectory; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Util; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.EncryptionKeyInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSDirectory.DirOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FsImageProto.SecretManagerSection; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INode.BlocksMapUpdateInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.JournalSet.JournalAndStream; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.LeaseManager.Lease; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NNStorage.NameNodeFile; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode.OperationCategory; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNodeLayoutVersion.Feature; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.EditLogTailer; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.HAContext; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.StandbyCheckpointer; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.metrics.ECBlockGroupsMBean; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.metrics.FSNamesystemMBean; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.metrics.NameNodeMetrics; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.DirectorySnapshottableFeature; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.Snapshot; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.SnapshotManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.startupprogress.Phase; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.startupprogress.StartupProgress; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.startupprogress.Step; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.startupprogress.StepType; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.BlocksWithLocations; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeCommand; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeRegistration; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeStorageReport; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.HeartbeatResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NNHAStatusHeartbeat; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeCommand; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamenodeRegistration; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamespaceInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.SlowPeerReports; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.StorageReport; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.VolumeFailureSummary; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.LightWeightHashSet; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.web.JsonUtil; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.CallerContext; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RetriableException; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RetryCache; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.StandbyException; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metric; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.annotation.Metrics; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.DefaultMetricsSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MetricsRegistry; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.MutableRatesWithAggregation; import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.util.MBeans; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Daemon; import org.apache.hadoop.util.DataChecksum; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.util.VersionInfo; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.Appender; import org.apache.log4j.AsyncAppender; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ajax.JSON; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * FSNamesystem is a container of both transient * and persisted name-space state, and does all the book-keeping * work on a NameNode. * * Its roles are briefly described below: * * 1) Is the container for BlockManager, DatanodeManager, * DelegationTokens, LeaseManager, etc. services. * 2) RPC calls that modify or inspect the name-space * should get delegated here. * 3) Anything that touches only blocks (eg. block reports), * it delegates to BlockManager. * 4) Anything that touches only file information (eg. permissions, mkdirs), * it delegates to FSDirectory. * 5) Anything that crosses two of the above components should be * coordinated here. * 6) Logs mutations to FSEditLog. * * This class and its contents keep: * * 1) Valid fsname --> blocklist (kept on disk, logged) * 2) Set of all valid blocks (inverted #1) * 3) block --> machinelist (kept in memory, rebuilt dynamically from reports) * 4) machine --> blocklist (inverted #2) * 5) LRU cache of updated-heartbeat machines */ @InterfaceAudience.Private @Metrics(context = "dfs") public class FSNamesystem implements Namesystem, FSNamesystemMBean, NameNodeMXBean, ReplicatedBlocksMBean, ECBlockGroupsMBean { public static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FSNamesystem.class.getName()); private final MetricsRegistry registry = new MetricsRegistry("FSNamesystem"); @Metric final MutableRatesWithAggregation detailedLockHoldTimeMetrics = registry .newRatesWithAggregation("detailedLockHoldTimeMetrics"); boolean isAuditEnabled() { return (!isDefaultAuditLogger || auditLog.isInfoEnabled()) && !auditLoggers.isEmpty(); } void logAuditEvent(boolean succeeded, String cmd, String src) throws IOException { logAuditEvent(succeeded, cmd, src, null, null); } private void logAuditEvent(boolean succeeded, String cmd, String src, String dst, FileStatus stat) throws IOException { if (isAuditEnabled() && isExternalInvocation()) { logAuditEvent(succeeded, Server.getRemoteUser(), Server.getRemoteIp(), cmd, src, dst, stat); } } private void logAuditEvent(boolean succeeded, String cmd, String src, HdfsFileStatus stat) throws IOException { if (!isAuditEnabled() || !isExternalInvocation()) { return; } FileStatus status = null; if (stat != null) { Path symlink = stat.isSymlink() ? new Path(DFSUtilClient.bytes2String(stat.getSymlinkInBytes())) : null; Path path = new Path(src); status = new FileStatus(stat.getLen(), stat.isDirectory(), stat.getReplication(), stat.getBlockSize(), stat.getModificationTime(), stat.getAccessTime(), stat.getPermission(), stat.getOwner(), stat.getGroup(), symlink, path); } logAuditEvent(succeeded, cmd, src, null, status); } private void logAuditEvent(boolean succeeded, UserGroupInformation ugi, InetAddress addr, String cmd, String src, String dst, FileStatus status) { final String ugiStr = ugi.toString(); for (AuditLogger logger : auditLoggers) { if (logger instanceof HdfsAuditLogger) { HdfsAuditLogger hdfsLogger = (HdfsAuditLogger) logger; hdfsLogger.logAuditEvent(succeeded, ugiStr, addr, cmd, src, dst, status, CallerContext.getCurrent(), ugi, dtSecretManager); } else { logger.logAuditEvent(succeeded, ugiStr, addr, cmd, src, dst, status); } } } /** * Logger for audit events, noting successful FSNamesystem operations. Emits * to FSNamesystem.audit at INFO. Each event causes a set of tab-separated * <code>key=value</code> pairs to be written for the following properties: * <code> * ugi=<ugi in RPC> * ip=<remote IP> * cmd=<command> * src=<src path> * dst=<dst path (optional)> * perm=<permissions (optional)> * </code> */ public static final Log auditLog = LogFactory.getLog(FSNamesystem.class.getName() + ".audit"); private final int maxCorruptFileBlocksReturn; private final boolean isPermissionEnabled; private final UserGroupInformation fsOwner; private final String supergroup; private final boolean standbyShouldCheckpoint; private final int snapshotDiffReportLimit; private final int blockDeletionIncrement; /** Interval between each check of lease to release. */ private final long leaseRecheckIntervalMs; /** Maximum time the lock is hold to release lease. */ private final long maxLockHoldToReleaseLeaseMs; // Batch size for open files response private final int maxListOpenFilesResponses; // Scan interval is not configurable. private static final long DELEGATION_TOKEN_REMOVER_SCAN_INTERVAL = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.HOURS); final DelegationTokenSecretManager dtSecretManager; private final boolean alwaysUseDelegationTokensForTests; private static final Step STEP_AWAITING_REPORTED_BLOCKS = new Step(StepType.AWAITING_REPORTED_BLOCKS); // Tracks whether the default audit logger is the only configured audit // logger; this allows isAuditEnabled() to return false in case the // underlying logger is disabled, and avoid some unnecessary work. private final boolean isDefaultAuditLogger; private final List<AuditLogger> auditLoggers; /** The namespace tree. */ FSDirectory dir; private final BlockManager blockManager; private final SnapshotManager snapshotManager; private final CacheManager cacheManager; private final DatanodeStatistics datanodeStatistics; private String nameserviceId; private volatile RollingUpgradeInfo rollingUpgradeInfo = null; /** * A flag that indicates whether the checkpointer should checkpoint a rollback * fsimage. The edit log tailer sets this flag. The checkpoint will create a * rollback fsimage if the flag is true, and then change the flag to false. */ private volatile boolean needRollbackFsImage; final LeaseManager leaseManager = new LeaseManager(this); Daemon nnrmthread = null; // NamenodeResourceMonitor thread Daemon nnEditLogRoller = null; // NameNodeEditLogRoller thread // A daemon to periodically clean up corrupt lazyPersist files // from the name space. Daemon lazyPersistFileScrubber = null; // Executor to warm up EDEK cache private ExecutorService edekCacheLoader = null; private final int edekCacheLoaderDelay; private final int edekCacheLoaderInterval; /** * When an active namenode will roll its own edit log, in # edits */ private final long editLogRollerThreshold; /** * Check interval of an active namenode's edit log roller thread */ private final int editLogRollerInterval; /** * How frequently we scan and unlink corrupt lazyPersist files. * (In seconds) */ private final int lazyPersistFileScrubIntervalSec; private volatile boolean hasResourcesAvailable = false; private volatile boolean fsRunning = true; /** The start time of the namesystem. */ private final long startTime = now(); /** The interval of namenode checking for the disk space availability */ private final long resourceRecheckInterval; // The actual resource checker instance. NameNodeResourceChecker nnResourceChecker; private final FsServerDefaults serverDefaults; private final ReplaceDatanodeOnFailure dtpReplaceDatanodeOnFailure; private final long maxFsObjects; // maximum number of fs objects private final long minBlockSize; // minimum block size final long maxBlocksPerFile; // maximum # of blocks per file private final int numCommittedAllowed; /** Lock to protect FSNamesystem. */ private final FSNamesystemLock fsLock; /** * Checkpoint lock to protect FSNamesystem modification on standby NNs. * Unlike fsLock, it does not affect block updates. On active NNs, this lock * does not provide proper protection, because there are operations that * modify both block and name system state. Even on standby, fsLock is * used when block state changes need to be blocked. */ private final ReentrantLock cpLock; /** * Used when this NN is in standby state to read from the shared edit log. */ private EditLogTailer editLogTailer = null; /** * Used when this NN is in standby state to perform checkpoints. */ private StandbyCheckpointer standbyCheckpointer; /** * Reference to the NN's HAContext object. This is only set once * {@link #startCommonServices(Configuration, HAContext)} is called. */ private HAContext haContext; private final boolean haEnabled; /** * Whether the namenode is in the middle of starting the active service */ private volatile boolean startingActiveService = false; private final RetryCache retryCache; private KeyProviderCryptoExtension provider = null; private volatile boolean imageLoaded = false; private final Condition cond; private final FSImage fsImage; private final TopConf topConf; private TopMetrics topMetrics; private INodeAttributeProvider inodeAttributeProvider; /** * If the NN is in safemode, and not due to manual / low resources, we * assume it must be because of startup. If the NN had low resources during * startup, we assume it came out of startup safemode and it is now in low * resources safemode. */ private boolean manualSafeMode = false; private boolean resourceLowSafeMode = false; private String nameNodeHostName = null; /** * Notify that loading of this FSDirectory is complete, and * it is imageLoaded for use */ void imageLoadComplete() { Preconditions.checkState(!imageLoaded, "FSDirectory already loaded"); setImageLoaded(); } void setImageLoaded() { if (imageLoaded) return; writeLock(); try { setImageLoaded(true); dir.markNameCacheInitialized(); cond.signalAll(); } finally { writeUnlock("setImageLoaded"); } } //This is for testing purposes only @VisibleForTesting boolean isImageLoaded() { return imageLoaded; } // exposed for unit tests protected void setImageLoaded(boolean flag) { imageLoaded = flag; } /** * Clear all loaded data */ void clear() { dir.reset(); dtSecretManager.reset(); leaseManager.removeAllLeases(); snapshotManager.clearSnapshottableDirs(); cacheManager.clear(); setImageLoaded(false); blockManager.clear(); ErasureCodingPolicyManager.getInstance().clear(); } @VisibleForTesting LeaseManager getLeaseManager() { return leaseManager; } public boolean isHaEnabled() { return haEnabled; } /** * Check the supplied configuration for correctness. * @param conf Supplies the configuration to validate. * @throws IOException if the configuration could not be queried. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the configuration is invalid. */ private static void checkConfiguration(Configuration conf) throws IOException { final Collection<URI> namespaceDirs = FSNamesystem.getNamespaceDirs(conf); final Collection<URI> editsDirs = FSNamesystem.getNamespaceEditsDirs(conf); final Collection<URI> requiredEditsDirs = FSNamesystem.getRequiredNamespaceEditsDirs(conf); final Collection<URI> sharedEditsDirs = FSNamesystem.getSharedEditsDirs(conf); for (URI u : requiredEditsDirs) { if (u.toString().compareTo(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_DEFAULT) == 0) { continue; } // Each required directory must also be in editsDirs or in // sharedEditsDirs. if (!editsDirs.contains(u) && !sharedEditsDirs.contains(u)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required edits directory " + u + " not found: " + DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_KEY + "=" + editsDirs + "; " + DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_REQUIRED_KEY + "=" + requiredEditsDirs + "; " + DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_SHARED_EDITS_DIR_KEY + "=" + sharedEditsDirs); } } if (namespaceDirs.size() == 1) { LOG.warn("Only one image storage directory (" + DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_KEY + ") configured. Beware of data loss" + " due to lack of redundant storage directories!"); } if (editsDirs.size() == 1) { LOG.warn("Only one namespace edits storage directory (" + DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_KEY + ") configured. Beware of data loss" + " due to lack of redundant storage directories!"); } } /** * Instantiates an FSNamesystem loaded from the image and edits * directories specified in the passed Configuration. * * @param conf the Configuration which specifies the storage directories * from which to load * @return an FSNamesystem which contains the loaded namespace * @throws IOException if loading fails */ static FSNamesystem loadFromDisk(Configuration conf) throws IOException { checkConfiguration(conf); FSImage fsImage = new FSImage(conf, FSNamesystem.getNamespaceDirs(conf), FSNamesystem.getNamespaceEditsDirs(conf)); FSNamesystem namesystem = new FSNamesystem(conf, fsImage, false); StartupOption startOpt = NameNode.getStartupOption(conf); if (startOpt == StartupOption.RECOVER) { namesystem.setSafeMode(SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_ENTER); } long loadStart = monotonicNow(); try { namesystem.loadFSImage(startOpt); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Encountered exception loading fsimage", ioe); fsImage.close(); throw ioe; } long timeTakenToLoadFSImage = monotonicNow() - loadStart;"Finished loading FSImage in " + timeTakenToLoadFSImage + " msecs"); NameNodeMetrics nnMetrics = NameNode.getNameNodeMetrics(); if (nnMetrics != null) { nnMetrics.setFsImageLoadTime((int) timeTakenToLoadFSImage); } namesystem.getFSDirectory().createReservedStatuses(namesystem.getCTime()); return namesystem; } FSNamesystem(Configuration conf, FSImage fsImage) throws IOException { this(conf, fsImage, false); } /** * Create an FSNamesystem associated with the specified image. * * Note that this does not load any data off of disk -- if you would * like that behavior, use {@link #loadFromDisk(Configuration)} * * @param conf configuration * @param fsImage The FSImage to associate with * @param ignoreRetryCache Whether or not should ignore the retry cache setup * step. For Secondary NN this should be set to true. * @throws IOException on bad configuration */ FSNamesystem(Configuration conf, FSImage fsImage, boolean ignoreRetryCache) throws IOException { provider = DFSUtil.createKeyProviderCryptoExtension(conf);"KeyProvider: " + provider); if (conf.getBoolean(DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOG_ASYNC_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOG_ASYNC_DEFAULT)) {"Enabling async auditlog"); enableAsyncAuditLog(); } fsLock = new FSNamesystemLock(conf, detailedLockHoldTimeMetrics); cond = fsLock.newWriteLockCondition(); cpLock = new ReentrantLock(); this.fsImage = fsImage; try { resourceRecheckInterval = conf.getLong(DFS_NAMENODE_RESOURCE_CHECK_INTERVAL_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_RESOURCE_CHECK_INTERVAL_DEFAULT); this.fsOwner = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(); this.supergroup = conf.get(DFS_PERMISSIONS_SUPERUSERGROUP_KEY, DFS_PERMISSIONS_SUPERUSERGROUP_DEFAULT); this.isPermissionEnabled = conf.getBoolean(DFS_PERMISSIONS_ENABLED_KEY, DFS_PERMISSIONS_ENABLED_DEFAULT); this.snapshotDiffReportLimit = conf.getInt(DFS_NAMENODE_SNAPSHOT_DIFF_LISTING_LIMIT, DFS_NAMENODE_SNAPSHOT_DIFF_LISTING_LIMIT_DEFAULT);"fsOwner = " + fsOwner);"supergroup = " + supergroup);"isPermissionEnabled = " + isPermissionEnabled); // block allocation has to be persisted in HA using a shared edits directory // so that the standby has up-to-date namespace information nameserviceId = DFSUtil.getNamenodeNameServiceId(conf); this.haEnabled = HAUtil.isHAEnabled(conf, nameserviceId); // Sanity check the HA-related config. if (nameserviceId != null) {"Determined nameservice ID: " + nameserviceId); }"HA Enabled: " + haEnabled); if (!haEnabled && HAUtil.usesSharedEditsDir(conf)) { LOG.warn("Configured NNs:\n" + DFSUtil.nnAddressesAsString(conf)); throw new IOException("Invalid configuration: a shared edits dir " + "must not be specified if HA is not enabled."); } // block manager needs the haEnabled initialized this.blockManager = new BlockManager(this, haEnabled, conf); this.datanodeStatistics = blockManager.getDatanodeManager().getDatanodeStatistics(); // Get the checksum type from config String checksumTypeStr = conf.get(DFS_CHECKSUM_TYPE_KEY, DFS_CHECKSUM_TYPE_DEFAULT); DataChecksum.Type checksumType; try { checksumType = DataChecksum.Type.valueOf(checksumTypeStr); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new IOException("Invalid checksum type in " + DFS_CHECKSUM_TYPE_KEY + ": " + checksumTypeStr); } this.serverDefaults = new FsServerDefaults( conf.getLongBytes(DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT), conf.getInt(DFS_BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM_KEY, DFS_BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM_DEFAULT), conf.getInt(DFS_CLIENT_WRITE_PACKET_SIZE_KEY, DFS_CLIENT_WRITE_PACKET_SIZE_DEFAULT), (short) conf.getInt(DFS_REPLICATION_KEY, DFS_REPLICATION_DEFAULT), conf.getInt(IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_KEY, IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT), conf.getBoolean(DFS_ENCRYPT_DATA_TRANSFER_KEY, DFS_ENCRYPT_DATA_TRANSFER_DEFAULT), conf.getLong(FS_TRASH_INTERVAL_KEY, FS_TRASH_INTERVAL_DEFAULT), checksumType, conf.getTrimmed(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HADOOP_SECURITY_KEY_PROVIDER_PATH, ""), blockManager.getStoragePolicySuite().getDefaultPolicy().getId()); this.maxFsObjects = conf.getLong(DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_OBJECTS_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_OBJECTS_DEFAULT); this.minBlockSize = conf.getLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT); this.maxBlocksPerFile = conf.getLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_BLOCKS_PER_FILE_KEY, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_BLOCKS_PER_FILE_DEFAULT); this.numCommittedAllowed = conf.getInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_FILE_CLOSE_NUM_COMMITTED_ALLOWED_KEY, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_FILE_CLOSE_NUM_COMMITTED_ALLOWED_DEFAULT); this.maxCorruptFileBlocksReturn = conf.getInt( DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_CORRUPT_FILE_BLOCKS_RETURNED_KEY, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_CORRUPT_FILE_BLOCKS_RETURNED_DEFAULT); this.dtpReplaceDatanodeOnFailure = ReplaceDatanodeOnFailure.get(conf); this.standbyShouldCheckpoint = conf.getBoolean(DFS_HA_STANDBY_CHECKPOINTS_KEY, DFS_HA_STANDBY_CHECKPOINTS_DEFAULT); // # edit autoroll threshold is a multiple of the checkpoint threshold this.editLogRollerThreshold = (long) (conf.getFloat(DFS_NAMENODE_EDIT_LOG_AUTOROLL_MULTIPLIER_THRESHOLD, DFS_NAMENODE_EDIT_LOG_AUTOROLL_MULTIPLIER_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT) * conf.getLong(DFS_NAMENODE_CHECKPOINT_TXNS_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_CHECKPOINT_TXNS_DEFAULT)); this.editLogRollerInterval = conf.getInt(DFS_NAMENODE_EDIT_LOG_AUTOROLL_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS, DFS_NAMENODE_EDIT_LOG_AUTOROLL_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS_DEFAULT); this.lazyPersistFileScrubIntervalSec = conf.getInt(DFS_NAMENODE_LAZY_PERSIST_FILE_SCRUB_INTERVAL_SEC, DFS_NAMENODE_LAZY_PERSIST_FILE_SCRUB_INTERVAL_SEC_DEFAULT); if (this.lazyPersistFileScrubIntervalSec < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(DFS_NAMENODE_LAZY_PERSIST_FILE_SCRUB_INTERVAL_SEC + " must be zero (for disable) or greater than zero."); } this.edekCacheLoaderDelay = conf.getInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDEKCACHELOADER_INITIAL_DELAY_MS_KEY, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDEKCACHELOADER_INITIAL_DELAY_MS_DEFAULT); this.edekCacheLoaderInterval = conf.getInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDEKCACHELOADER_INTERVAL_MS_KEY, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDEKCACHELOADER_INTERVAL_MS_DEFAULT); this.leaseRecheckIntervalMs = conf.getLong(DFS_NAMENODE_LEASE_RECHECK_INTERVAL_MS_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_LEASE_RECHECK_INTERVAL_MS_DEFAULT); this.maxLockHoldToReleaseLeaseMs = conf.getLong(DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_LOCK_HOLD_TO_RELEASE_LEASE_MS_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_MAX_LOCK_HOLD_TO_RELEASE_LEASE_MS_DEFAULT); // For testing purposes, allow the DT secret manager to be started regardless // of whether security is enabled. alwaysUseDelegationTokensForTests = conf.getBoolean(DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_ALWAYS_USE_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_ALWAYS_USE_DEFAULT); this.dtSecretManager = createDelegationTokenSecretManager(conf); this.dir = new FSDirectory(this, conf); this.snapshotManager = new SnapshotManager(conf, dir); this.cacheManager = new CacheManager(this, conf, blockManager); // Init ErasureCodingPolicyManager instance. ErasureCodingPolicyManager.getInstance().init(conf); this.topConf = new TopConf(conf); this.auditLoggers = initAuditLoggers(conf); this.isDefaultAuditLogger = auditLoggers.size() == 1 && auditLoggers.get(0) instanceof DefaultAuditLogger; this.retryCache = ignoreRetryCache ? null : initRetryCache(conf); Class<? extends INodeAttributeProvider> klass = conf .getClass(DFS_NAMENODE_INODE_ATTRIBUTES_PROVIDER_KEY, null, INodeAttributeProvider.class); if (klass != null) { inodeAttributeProvider = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(klass, conf);"Using INode attribute provider: " + klass.getName()); } this.maxListOpenFilesResponses = conf.getInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_LIST_OPENFILES_NUM_RESPONSES, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_LIST_OPENFILES_NUM_RESPONSES_DEFAULT); Preconditions.checkArgument(maxListOpenFilesResponses > 0, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_LIST_OPENFILES_NUM_RESPONSES + " must be a positive integer."); this.blockDeletionIncrement = conf.getInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_BLOCK_DELETION_INCREMENT_KEY, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_BLOCK_DELETION_INCREMENT_DEFAULT); Preconditions.checkArgument(blockDeletionIncrement > 0, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_BLOCK_DELETION_INCREMENT_KEY + " must be a positive integer."); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(getClass().getSimpleName() + " initialization failed.", e); close(); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOG.error(getClass().getSimpleName() + " initialization failed.", re); close(); throw re; } } @VisibleForTesting public List<AuditLogger> getAuditLoggers() { return auditLoggers; } @VisibleForTesting public RetryCache getRetryCache() { return retryCache; } @VisibleForTesting public long getLeaseRecheckIntervalMs() { return leaseRecheckIntervalMs; } @VisibleForTesting public long getMaxLockHoldToReleaseLeaseMs() { return maxLockHoldToReleaseLeaseMs; } public int getMaxListOpenFilesResponses() { return maxListOpenFilesResponses; } void lockRetryCache() { if (retryCache != null) { retryCache.lock(); } } void unlockRetryCache() { if (retryCache != null) { retryCache.unlock(); } } /** Whether or not retry cache is enabled */ boolean hasRetryCache() { return retryCache != null; } void addCacheEntryWithPayload(byte[] clientId, int callId, Object payload) { if (retryCache != null) { retryCache.addCacheEntryWithPayload(clientId, callId, payload); } } void addCacheEntry(byte[] clientId, int callId) { if (retryCache != null) { retryCache.addCacheEntry(clientId, callId); } } @VisibleForTesting public KeyProviderCryptoExtension getProvider() { return provider; } @VisibleForTesting static RetryCache initRetryCache(Configuration conf) { boolean enable = conf.getBoolean(DFS_NAMENODE_ENABLE_RETRY_CACHE_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_ENABLE_RETRY_CACHE_DEFAULT);"Retry cache on namenode is " + (enable ? "enabled" : "disabled")); if (enable) { float heapPercent = conf.getFloat(DFS_NAMENODE_RETRY_CACHE_HEAP_PERCENT_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_RETRY_CACHE_HEAP_PERCENT_DEFAULT); long entryExpiryMillis = conf.getLong(DFS_NAMENODE_RETRY_CACHE_EXPIRYTIME_MILLIS_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_RETRY_CACHE_EXPIRYTIME_MILLIS_DEFAULT);"Retry cache will use " + heapPercent + " of total heap and retry cache entry expiry time is " + entryExpiryMillis + " millis"); long entryExpiryNanos = entryExpiryMillis * 1000 * 1000; return new RetryCache("NameNodeRetryCache", heapPercent, entryExpiryNanos); } return null; } /** * Locate DefaultAuditLogger, if any, to enable/disable CallerContext. * * @param value * true, enable CallerContext, otherwise false to disable it. */ void setCallerContextEnabled(final boolean value) { for (AuditLogger logger : auditLoggers) { if (logger instanceof DefaultAuditLogger) { ((DefaultAuditLogger) logger).setCallerContextEnabled(value); break; } } } /** * Get the value indicating if CallerContext is enabled. * * @return true, if CallerContext is enabled, otherwise false, if it's * disabled. */ boolean getCallerContextEnabled() { for (AuditLogger logger : auditLoggers) { if (logger instanceof DefaultAuditLogger) { return ((DefaultAuditLogger) logger).getCallerContextEnabled(); } } return false; } private List<AuditLogger> initAuditLoggers(Configuration conf) { // Initialize the custom access loggers if configured. Collection<String> alClasses = conf.getTrimmedStringCollection(DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOGGERS_KEY); List<AuditLogger> auditLoggers = Lists.newArrayList(); if (alClasses != null && !alClasses.isEmpty()) { for (String className : alClasses) { try { AuditLogger logger; if (DFS_NAMENODE_DEFAULT_AUDIT_LOGGER_NAME.equals(className)) { logger = new DefaultAuditLogger(); } else { logger = (AuditLogger) Class.forName(className).newInstance(); } logger.initialize(conf); auditLoggers.add(logger); } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } // Make sure there is at least one logger installed. if (auditLoggers.isEmpty()) { auditLoggers.add(new DefaultAuditLogger()); } // Add audit logger to calculate top users if (topConf.isEnabled) { topMetrics = new TopMetrics(conf, topConf.nntopReportingPeriodsMs); if (DefaultMetricsSystem.instance().getSource(TOPMETRICS_METRICS_SOURCE_NAME) == null) { DefaultMetricsSystem.instance().register(TOPMETRICS_METRICS_SOURCE_NAME, "Top N operations by user", topMetrics); } auditLoggers.add(new TopAuditLogger(topMetrics)); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(auditLoggers); } private void loadFSImage(StartupOption startOpt) throws IOException { final FSImage fsImage = getFSImage(); // format before starting up if requested if (startOpt == StartupOption.FORMAT) { // reuse current id fsImage.format(this, fsImage.getStorage().determineClusterId(), false); startOpt = StartupOption.REGULAR; } boolean success = false; writeLock(); try { // We shouldn't be calling saveNamespace if we've come up in standby state. MetaRecoveryContext recovery = startOpt.createRecoveryContext(); final boolean staleImage = fsImage.recoverTransitionRead(startOpt, this, recovery); if (RollingUpgradeStartupOption.ROLLBACK.matches(startOpt)) { rollingUpgradeInfo = null; } final boolean needToSave = staleImage && !haEnabled && !isRollingUpgrade();"Need to save fs image? " + needToSave + " (staleImage=" + staleImage + ", haEnabled=" + haEnabled + ", isRollingUpgrade=" + isRollingUpgrade() + ")"); if (needToSave) { fsImage.saveNamespace(this); } else { // No need to save, so mark the phase done. StartupProgress prog = NameNode.getStartupProgress(); prog.beginPhase(Phase.SAVING_CHECKPOINT); prog.endPhase(Phase.SAVING_CHECKPOINT); } // This will start a new log segment and write to the seen_txid file, so // we shouldn't do it when coming up in standby state if (!haEnabled || (haEnabled && startOpt == StartupOption.UPGRADE) || (haEnabled && startOpt == StartupOption.UPGRADEONLY)) { fsImage.openEditLogForWrite(getEffectiveLayoutVersion()); } success = true; } finally { if (!success) { fsImage.close(); } writeUnlock("loadFSImage", true); } imageLoadComplete(); } private void startSecretManager() { if (dtSecretManager != null) { try { dtSecretManager.startThreads(); } catch (IOException e) { // Inability to start secret manager // can't be recovered from. throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } @Override public void startSecretManagerIfNecessary() { assert hasWriteLock() : "Starting secret manager needs write lock"; boolean shouldRun = shouldUseDelegationTokens() && !isInSafeMode() && getEditLog().isOpenForWrite(); boolean running = dtSecretManager.isRunning(); if (shouldRun && !running) { startSecretManager(); } } private void stopSecretManager() { if (dtSecretManager != null) { dtSecretManager.stopThreads(); } } /** * Start services common to both active and standby states */ void startCommonServices(Configuration conf, HAContext haContext) throws IOException { this.registerMBean(); // register the MBean for the FSNamesystemState writeLock(); this.haContext = haContext; try { nnResourceChecker = new NameNodeResourceChecker(conf); checkAvailableResources(); assert !blockManager.isPopulatingReplQueues(); StartupProgress prog = NameNode.getStartupProgress(); prog.beginPhase(Phase.SAFEMODE); long completeBlocksTotal = getCompleteBlocksTotal(); prog.setTotal(Phase.SAFEMODE, STEP_AWAITING_REPORTED_BLOCKS, completeBlocksTotal); blockManager.activate(conf, completeBlocksTotal); } finally { writeUnlock("startCommonServices"); } registerMXBean(); DefaultMetricsSystem.instance().register(this); if (inodeAttributeProvider != null) { inodeAttributeProvider.start(); dir.setINodeAttributeProvider(inodeAttributeProvider); } snapshotManager.registerMXBean(); InetSocketAddress serviceAddress = NameNode.getServiceAddress(conf, true); this.nameNodeHostName = (serviceAddress != null) ? serviceAddress.getHostName() : ""; } /** * Stop services common to both active and standby states */ void stopCommonServices() { writeLock(); if (inodeAttributeProvider != null) { dir.setINodeAttributeProvider(null); inodeAttributeProvider.stop(); } try { if (blockManager != null) blockManager.close(); } finally { writeUnlock("stopCommonServices"); } RetryCache.clear(retryCache); } /** * Start services required in active state * @throws IOException */ void startActiveServices() throws IOException { startingActiveService = true;"Starting services required for active state"); writeLock(); try { FSEditLog editLog = getFSImage().getEditLog(); if (!editLog.isOpenForWrite()) { // During startup, we're already open for write during initialization. editLog.initJournalsForWrite(); // May need to recover editLog.recoverUnclosedStreams();"Catching up to latest edits from old active before " + "taking over writer role in edits logs"); editLogTailer.catchupDuringFailover(); blockManager.setPostponeBlocksFromFuture(false); blockManager.getDatanodeManager().markAllDatanodesStale(); blockManager.clearQueues(); blockManager.processAllPendingDNMessages(); // Only need to re-process the queue, If not in SafeMode. if (!isInSafeMode()) {"Reprocessing replication and invalidation queues"); blockManager.initializeReplQueues(); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("NameNode metadata after re-processing " + "replication and invalidation queues during failover:\n" + metaSaveAsString()); } long nextTxId = getFSImage().getLastAppliedTxId() + 1;"Will take over writing edit logs at txnid " + nextTxId); editLog.setNextTxId(nextTxId); getFSImage().editLog.openForWrite(getEffectiveLayoutVersion()); } // Initialize the quota. dir.updateCountForQuota(); // Enable quota checks. dir.enableQuotaChecks(); dir.ezManager.startReencryptThreads(); if (haEnabled) { // Renew all of the leases before becoming active. // This is because, while we were in standby mode, // the leases weren't getting renewed on this NN. // Give them all a fresh start here. leaseManager.renewAllLeases(); } leaseManager.startMonitor(); startSecretManagerIfNecessary(); //ResourceMonitor required only at ActiveNN. See HDFS-2914 this.nnrmthread = new Daemon(new NameNodeResourceMonitor()); nnrmthread.start(); nnEditLogRoller = new Daemon(new NameNodeEditLogRoller(editLogRollerThreshold, editLogRollerInterval)); nnEditLogRoller.start(); if (lazyPersistFileScrubIntervalSec > 0) { lazyPersistFileScrubber = new Daemon(new LazyPersistFileScrubber(lazyPersistFileScrubIntervalSec)); lazyPersistFileScrubber.start(); } else { LOG.warn("Lazy persist file scrubber is disabled," + " configured scrub interval is zero."); } cacheManager.startMonitorThread(); blockManager.getDatanodeManager().setShouldSendCachingCommands(true); if (provider != null) { edekCacheLoader = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true) .setNameFormat("Warm Up EDEK Cache Thread #%d").build()); FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.warmUpEdekCache(edekCacheLoader, dir, edekCacheLoaderDelay, edekCacheLoaderInterval); } if (blockManager.getSPSManager() != null) { blockManager.getSPSManager().start(); } } finally { startingActiveService = false; blockManager.checkSafeMode(); writeUnlock("startActiveServices"); } } private boolean inActiveState() { return haContext != null && haContext.getState().getServiceState() == HAServiceState.ACTIVE; } @Override public boolean inTransitionToActive() { return haEnabled && inActiveState() && startingActiveService; } private boolean shouldUseDelegationTokens() { return UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled() || alwaysUseDelegationTokensForTests; } /** * Stop services required in active state */ void stopActiveServices() {"Stopping services started for active state"); writeLock(); try { if (blockManager != null && blockManager.getSPSManager() != null) { blockManager.getSPSManager().stop(); } stopSecretManager(); leaseManager.stopMonitor(); if (nnrmthread != null) { ((NameNodeResourceMonitor) nnrmthread.getRunnable()).stopMonitor(); nnrmthread.interrupt(); } if (edekCacheLoader != null) { edekCacheLoader.shutdownNow(); } if (nnEditLogRoller != null) { ((NameNodeEditLogRoller) nnEditLogRoller.getRunnable()).stop(); nnEditLogRoller.interrupt(); } if (lazyPersistFileScrubber != null) { ((LazyPersistFileScrubber) lazyPersistFileScrubber.getRunnable()).stop(); lazyPersistFileScrubber.interrupt(); } if (dir != null && getFSImage() != null) { if (getFSImage().editLog != null) { getFSImage().editLog.close(); } // Update the fsimage with the last txid that we wrote // so that the tailer starts from the right spot. getFSImage().updateLastAppliedTxIdFromWritten(); } if (dir != null) { dir.ezManager.stopReencryptThread(); } if (cacheManager != null) { cacheManager.stopMonitorThread(); cacheManager.clearDirectiveStats(); } if (blockManager != null) { blockManager.getDatanodeManager().clearPendingCachingCommands(); blockManager.getDatanodeManager().setShouldSendCachingCommands(false); // Don't want to keep replication queues when not in Active. blockManager.clearQueues(); blockManager.setInitializedReplQueues(false); } } finally { writeUnlock("stopActiveServices"); } } /** * Start services required in standby state * * @throws IOException */ void startStandbyServices(final Configuration conf) throws IOException {"Starting services required for standby state"); if (!getFSImage().editLog.isOpenForRead()) { // During startup, we're already open for read. getFSImage().editLog.initSharedJournalsForRead(); } blockManager.setPostponeBlocksFromFuture(true); // Disable quota checks while in standby. dir.disableQuotaChecks(); editLogTailer = new EditLogTailer(this, conf); editLogTailer.start(); if (standbyShouldCheckpoint) { standbyCheckpointer = new StandbyCheckpointer(conf, this); standbyCheckpointer.start(); } } /** * Called when the NN is in Standby state and the editlog tailer tails the * OP_ROLLING_UPGRADE_START. */ void triggerRollbackCheckpoint() { setNeedRollbackFsImage(true); if (standbyCheckpointer != null) { standbyCheckpointer.triggerRollbackCheckpoint(); } } /** * Called while the NN is in Standby state, but just about to be * asked to enter Active state. This cancels any checkpoints * currently being taken. */ void prepareToStopStandbyServices() throws ServiceFailedException { if (standbyCheckpointer != null) { standbyCheckpointer.cancelAndPreventCheckpoints("About to leave standby state"); } } /** Stop services required in standby state */ void stopStandbyServices() throws IOException {"Stopping services started for standby state"); if (standbyCheckpointer != null) { standbyCheckpointer.stop(); } if (editLogTailer != null) { editLogTailer.stop(); } if (dir != null && getFSImage() != null && getFSImage().editLog != null) { getFSImage().editLog.close(); } } public void checkOperation(OperationCategory op) throws StandbyException { if (haContext != null) { // null in some unit tests haContext.checkOperation(op); } } /** * @throws RetriableException * If 1) The NameNode is in SafeMode, 2) HA is enabled, and 3) * NameNode is in active state * @throws SafeModeException * Otherwise if NameNode is in SafeMode. */ void checkNameNodeSafeMode(String errorMsg) throws RetriableException, SafeModeException { if (isInSafeMode()) { SafeModeException se = newSafemodeException(errorMsg); if (haEnabled && haContext != null && haContext.getState().getServiceState() == HAServiceState.ACTIVE && isInStartupSafeMode()) { throw new RetriableException(se); } else { throw se; } } } private SafeModeException newSafemodeException(String errorMsg) { return new SafeModeException(errorMsg + ". Name node is in safe " + "mode.\n" + getSafeModeTip() + " NamenodeHostName:" + nameNodeHostName); } boolean isPermissionEnabled() { return isPermissionEnabled; } public static Collection<URI> getNamespaceDirs(Configuration conf) { return getStorageDirs(conf, DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_KEY); } /** * Get all edits dirs which are required. If any shared edits dirs are * configured, these are also included in the set of required dirs. * * @param conf the HDFS configuration. * @return all required dirs. */ public static Collection<URI> getRequiredNamespaceEditsDirs(Configuration conf) { Set<URI> ret = new HashSet<URI>(); ret.addAll(getStorageDirs(conf, DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_REQUIRED_KEY)); ret.addAll(getSharedEditsDirs(conf)); return ret; } private static Collection<URI> getStorageDirs(Configuration conf, String propertyName) { Collection<String> dirNames = conf.getTrimmedStringCollection(propertyName); StartupOption startOpt = NameNode.getStartupOption(conf); if (startOpt == StartupOption.IMPORT) { // In case of IMPORT this will get rid of default directories // but will retain directories specified in hdfs-site.xml // When importing image from a checkpoint, the name-node can // start with empty set of storage directories. Configuration cE = new HdfsConfiguration(false); cE.addResource("core-default.xml"); cE.addResource("core-site.xml"); cE.addResource("hdfs-default.xml"); Collection<String> dirNames2 = cE.getTrimmedStringCollection(propertyName); dirNames.removeAll(dirNames2); if (dirNames.isEmpty()) LOG.warn("!!! WARNING !!!" + "\n\tThe NameNode currently runs without persistent storage." + "\n\tAny changes to the file system meta-data may be lost." + "\n\tRecommended actions:" + "\n\t\t- shutdown and restart NameNode with configured \"" + propertyName + "\" in hdfs-site.xml;" + "\n\t\t- use Backup Node as a persistent and up-to-date storage " + "of the file system meta-data."); } else if (dirNames.isEmpty()) { dirNames = Collections.singletonList(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_DEFAULT); } return Util.stringCollectionAsURIs(dirNames); } /** * Return an ordered list of edits directories to write to. * The list is ordered such that all shared edits directories * are ordered before non-shared directories, and any duplicates * are removed. The order they are specified in the configuration * is retained. * @return Collection of shared edits directories. * @throws IOException if multiple shared edits directories are configured */ public static List<URI> getNamespaceEditsDirs(Configuration conf) throws IOException { return getNamespaceEditsDirs(conf, true); } public static List<URI> getNamespaceEditsDirs(Configuration conf, boolean includeShared) throws IOException { // Use a LinkedHashSet so that order is maintained while we de-dup // the entries. LinkedHashSet<URI> editsDirs = new LinkedHashSet<URI>(); if (includeShared) { List<URI> sharedDirs = getSharedEditsDirs(conf); // Fail until multiple shared edits directories are supported (HDFS-2782) if (sharedDirs.size() > 1) { throw new IOException("Multiple shared edits directories are not yet supported"); } // First add the shared edits dirs. It's critical that the shared dirs // are added first, since JournalSet syncs them in the order they are listed, // and we need to make sure all edits are in place in the shared storage // before they are replicated locally. See HDFS-2874. for (URI dir : sharedDirs) { if (!editsDirs.add(dir)) { LOG.warn("Edits URI " + dir + " listed multiple times in " + DFS_NAMENODE_SHARED_EDITS_DIR_KEY + ". Ignoring duplicates."); } } } // Now add the non-shared dirs. for (URI dir : getStorageDirs(conf, DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_KEY)) { if (!editsDirs.add(dir)) { LOG.warn("Edits URI " + dir + " listed multiple times in " + DFS_NAMENODE_SHARED_EDITS_DIR_KEY + " and " + DFS_NAMENODE_EDITS_DIR_KEY + ". Ignoring duplicates."); } } if (editsDirs.isEmpty()) { // If this is the case, no edit dirs have been explicitly configured. // Image dirs are to be used for edits too. return Lists.newArrayList(getNamespaceDirs(conf)); } else { return Lists.newArrayList(editsDirs); } } /** * Returns edit directories that are shared between primary and secondary. * @param conf configuration * @return collection of edit directories from {@code conf} */ public static List<URI> getSharedEditsDirs(Configuration conf) { // don't use getStorageDirs here, because we want an empty default // rather than the dir in /tmp Collection<String> dirNames = conf.getTrimmedStringCollection(DFS_NAMENODE_SHARED_EDITS_DIR_KEY); return Util.stringCollectionAsURIs(dirNames); } @Override public void readLock() { this.fsLock.readLock(); } @Override public void readLockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException { this.fsLock.readLockInterruptibly(); } @Override public void readUnlock() { this.fsLock.readUnlock(); } public void readUnlock(String opName) { this.fsLock.readUnlock(opName); } @Override public void writeLock() { this.fsLock.writeLock(); } @Override public void writeLockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException { this.fsLock.writeLockInterruptibly(); } @Override public void writeUnlock() { this.fsLock.writeUnlock(); } public void writeUnlock(String opName) { this.fsLock.writeUnlock(opName); } public void writeUnlock(String opName, boolean suppressWriteLockReport) { this.fsLock.writeUnlock(opName, suppressWriteLockReport); } @Override public boolean hasWriteLock() { return this.fsLock.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread(); } @Override public boolean hasReadLock() { return this.fsLock.getReadHoldCount() > 0 || hasWriteLock(); } public int getReadHoldCount() { return this.fsLock.getReadHoldCount(); } public int getWriteHoldCount() { return this.fsLock.getWriteHoldCount(); } /** Lock the checkpoint lock */ public void cpLock() { this.cpLock.lock(); } /** Lock the checkpoint lock interrupibly */ public void cpLockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException { this.cpLock.lockInterruptibly(); } /** Unlock the checkpoint lock */ public void cpUnlock() { this.cpLock.unlock(); } NamespaceInfo getNamespaceInfo() { readLock(); try { return unprotectedGetNamespaceInfo(); } finally { readUnlock("getNamespaceInfo"); } } /** * Get the creation time of the file system. * Notice that this time is initialized to NameNode format time, and updated * to upgrade time during upgrades. * @return time in milliseconds. * See {@link org.apache.hadoop.util.Time#now()}. */ @VisibleForTesting long getCTime() { return fsImage == null ? 0 : fsImage.getStorage().getCTime(); } /** * Version of @see #getNamespaceInfo() that is not protected by a lock. */ NamespaceInfo unprotectedGetNamespaceInfo() { return new NamespaceInfo(getFSImage().getStorage().getNamespaceID(), getClusterId(), getBlockPoolId(), getFSImage().getStorage().getCTime(), getState()); } /** * Close down this file system manager. * Causes heartbeat and lease daemons to stop; waits briefly for * them to finish, but a short timeout returns control back to caller. */ void close() { fsRunning = false; try { stopCommonServices(); } finally { // using finally to ensure we also wait for lease daemon try { stopActiveServices(); stopStandbyServices(); } catch (IOException ie) { } finally { IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, dir); IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, fsImage); } } } @Override public boolean isRunning() { return fsRunning; } public boolean isInStandbyState() { if (haContext == null || haContext.getState() == null) { // We're still starting up. In this case, if HA is // on for the cluster, we always start in standby. Otherwise // start in active. return haEnabled; } return HAServiceState.STANDBY == haContext.getState().getServiceState(); } /** * return a list of blocks & their locations on <code>datanode</code> whose * total size is <code>size</code> * * @param datanode on which blocks are located * @param size total size of blocks */ public BlocksWithLocations getBlocks(DatanodeID datanode, long size, long minimumBlockSize) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); return getBlockManager().getBlocksWithLocations(datanode, size, minimumBlockSize); } finally { readUnlock("getBlocks"); } } /** * Dump all metadata into specified file */ void metaSave(String filename) throws IOException { String operationName = "metaSave"; checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); File file = new File(System.getProperty("hadoop.log.dir"), filename); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), Charsets.UTF_8))); metaSave(out); out.flush(); out.close(); } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null); } private void metaSave(PrintWriter out) { assert hasWriteLock(); long totalInodes = this.dir.totalInodes(); long totalBlocks = this.getBlocksTotal(); out.println(totalInodes + " files and directories, " + totalBlocks + " blocks = " + (totalInodes + totalBlocks) + " total filesystem objects"); blockManager.metaSave(out); } /** * List open files in the system in batches. prevId is the cursor INode id and * the open files returned in a batch will have their INode ids greater than * this cursor. Open files can only be requested by super user and the the * list across batches does not represent a consistent view of all open files. * TODO: HDFS-12969 - to report open files by type. * * @param prevId the cursor INode id. * @param openFilesTypes types to filter the open files. * @param path path to filter the open files. * @throws IOException */ BatchedListEntries<OpenFileEntry> listOpenFiles(long prevId, EnumSet<OpenFilesType> openFilesTypes, String path) throws IOException { final String operationName = "listOpenFiles"; checkSuperuserPrivilege(); checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); readLock(); BatchedListEntries<OpenFileEntry> batchedListEntries; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); if (openFilesTypes.contains(OpenFilesType.ALL_OPEN_FILES)) { batchedListEntries = leaseManager.getUnderConstructionFiles(prevId, path); } else { if (openFilesTypes.contains(OpenFilesType.BLOCKING_DECOMMISSION)) { batchedListEntries = getFilesBlockingDecom(prevId, path); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown OpenFileType: " + openFilesTypes); } } } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, null); throw e; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null); return batchedListEntries; } public BatchedListEntries<OpenFileEntry> getFilesBlockingDecom(long prevId, String path) { assert hasReadLock(); final List<OpenFileEntry> openFileEntries = Lists.newArrayList(); LightWeightHashSet<Long> openFileIds = new LightWeightHashSet<>(); for (DatanodeDescriptor dataNode : blockManager.getDatanodeManager().getDatanodes()) { for (long ucFileId : dataNode.getLeavingServiceStatus().getOpenFiles()) { INode ucFile = getFSDirectory().getInode(ucFileId); if (ucFile == null || ucFileId <= prevId || openFileIds.contains(ucFileId)) { // probably got deleted or // part of previous batch or // already part of the current batch continue; } Preconditions.checkState(ucFile instanceof INodeFile); openFileIds.add(ucFileId); INodeFile inodeFile = ucFile.asFile(); String fullPathName = inodeFile.getFullPathName(); if (org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isEmpty(path) || fullPathName.startsWith(path)) { openFileEntries.add(new OpenFileEntry(inodeFile.getId(), inodeFile.getFullPathName(), inodeFile.getFileUnderConstructionFeature().getClientName(), inodeFile.getFileUnderConstructionFeature().getClientMachine())); } if (openFileIds.size() >= this.maxListOpenFilesResponses) { return new BatchedListEntries<>(openFileEntries, true); } } } return new BatchedListEntries<>(openFileEntries, false); } private String metaSaveAsString() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); metaSave(pw); pw.flush(); return sw.toString(); } @VisibleForTesting public FsServerDefaults getServerDefaults() throws StandbyException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); return serverDefaults; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // These methods are called by HadoopFS clients // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Set permissions for an existing file. * @throws IOException */ void setPermission(String src, FsPermission permission) throws IOException { final String operationName = "setPermission"; FileStatus auditStat; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot set permission for " + src); auditStat = FSDirAttrOp.setPermission(dir, pc, src, permission); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } /** * Set owner for an existing file. * @throws IOException */ void setOwner(String src, String username, String group) throws IOException { final String operationName = "setOwner"; FileStatus auditStat; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot set owner for " + src); auditStat = FSDirAttrOp.setOwner(dir, pc, src, username, group); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } /** * Get block locations within the specified range. * @see ClientProtocol#getBlockLocations(String, long, long) */ LocatedBlocks getBlockLocations(String clientMachine, String srcArg, long offset, long length) throws IOException { final String operationName = "open"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); GetBlockLocationsResult res = null; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); res = FSDirStatAndListingOp.getBlockLocations(dir, pc, srcArg, offset, length, true); if (isInSafeMode()) { for (LocatedBlock b : res.blocks.getLocatedBlocks()) { // if safemode & no block locations yet then throw safemodeException if ((b.getLocations() == null) || (b.getLocations().length == 0)) { SafeModeException se = newSafemodeException("Zero blocklocations for " + srcArg); if (haEnabled && haContext != null && haContext.getState().getServiceState() == HAServiceState.ACTIVE) { throw new RetriableException(se); } else { throw se; } } } } } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, srcArg); throw e; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, srcArg); if (!isInSafeMode() && res.updateAccessTime()) { String src = srcArg; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); final long now = now(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); /** * Resolve the path again and update the atime only when the file * exists. * * XXX: Races can still occur even after resolving the path again. * For example: * * <ul> * <li>Get the block location for "/a/b"</li> * <li>Rename "/a/b" to "/c/b"</li> * <li>The second resolution still points to "/a/b", which is * wrong.</li> * </ul> * * The behavior is incorrect but consistent with the one before * HDFS-7463. A better fix is to change the edit log of SetTime to * use inode id instead of a path. */ final INodesInPath iip = dir.resolvePath(pc, srcArg, DirOp.READ); src = iip.getPath(); INode inode = iip.getLastINode(); boolean updateAccessTime = inode != null && now > inode.getAccessTime() + dir.getAccessTimePrecision(); if (!isInSafeMode() && updateAccessTime) { boolean changed = FSDirAttrOp.setTimes(dir, iip, -1, now, false); if (changed) { getEditLog().logTimes(src, -1, now); } } } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("Failed to update the access time of " + src, e); } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } } LocatedBlocks blocks = res.blocks; sortLocatedBlocks(clientMachine, blocks); return blocks; } private void sortLocatedBlocks(String clientMachine, LocatedBlocks blocks) { if (blocks != null) { List<LocatedBlock> blkList = blocks.getLocatedBlocks(); if (blkList == null || blkList.size() == 0) { // simply return, block list is empty return; } blockManager.getDatanodeManager().sortLocatedBlocks(clientMachine, blkList); // lastBlock is not part of getLocatedBlocks(), might need to sort it too LocatedBlock lastBlock = blocks.getLastLocatedBlock(); if (lastBlock != null) { ArrayList<LocatedBlock> lastBlockList = Lists.newArrayList(lastBlock); blockManager.getDatanodeManager().sortLocatedBlocks(clientMachine, lastBlockList); } } } /** * Moves all the blocks from {@code srcs} and appends them to {@code target} * To avoid rollbacks we will verify validity of ALL of the args * before we start actual move. * * This does not support ".inodes" relative path * @param target target to concat into * @param srcs file that will be concatenated * @throws IOException on error */ void concat(String target, String[] srcs, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "concat"; FileStatus stat = null; boolean success = false; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot concat " + target); stat = FSDirConcatOp.concat(dir, pc, target, srcs, logRetryCache); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, Arrays.toString(srcs), target, stat); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); } } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, Arrays.toString(srcs), target, stat); } /** * stores the modification and access time for this inode. * The access time is precise up to an hour. The transaction, if needed, is * written to the edits log but is not flushed. */ void setTimes(String src, long mtime, long atime) throws IOException { final String operationName = "setTimes"; FileStatus auditStat; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot set times " + src); auditStat = FSDirAttrOp.setTimes(dir, pc, src, mtime, atime); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } /** * Truncate file to a lower length. * Truncate cannot be reverted / recovered from as it causes data loss. * Truncation at block boundary is atomic, otherwise it requires * block recovery to truncate the last block of the file. * * @return true if client does not need to wait for block recovery, * false if client needs to wait for block recovery. */ boolean truncate(String src, long newLength, String clientName, String clientMachine, long mtime) throws IOException, UnresolvedLinkException { final String operationName = "truncate"; requireEffectiveLayoutVersionForFeature(Feature.TRUNCATE); final FSDirTruncateOp.TruncateResult r; try { NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* NameSystem.truncate: src={} newLength={}", src, newLength); if (newLength < 0) { throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException( "Cannot truncate to a negative file size: " + newLength + "."); } checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); BlocksMapUpdateInfo toRemoveBlocks = new BlocksMapUpdateInfo(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot truncate for " + src); r = FSDirTruncateOp.truncate(this, src, newLength, clientName, clientMachine, mtime, toRemoveBlocks, pc); } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); if (!toRemoveBlocks.getToDeleteList().isEmpty()) { removeBlocks(toRemoveBlocks); toRemoveBlocks.clear(); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, r.getFileStatus()); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } return r.getResult(); } /** * Create a symbolic link. */ void createSymlink(String target, String link, PermissionStatus dirPerms, boolean createParent, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "createSymlink"; if (!FileSystem.areSymlinksEnabled()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Symlinks not supported"); } FileStatus auditStat = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot create symlink " + link); auditStat = FSDirSymlinkOp.createSymlinkInt(this, target, link, dirPerms, createParent, logRetryCache); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, link, target, null); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, link, target, auditStat); } /** * Set replication for an existing file. * * The NameNode sets new replication and schedules either replication of * under-replicated data blocks or removal of the excessive block copies * if the blocks are over-replicated. * * @see ClientProtocol#setReplication(String, short) * @param src file name * @param replication new replication * @return true if successful; * false if file does not exist or is a directory */ boolean setReplication(final String src, final short replication) throws IOException { final String operationName = "setReplication"; boolean success = false; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot set replication for " + src); success = FSDirAttrOp.setReplication(dir, pc, blockManager, src, replication); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src); } return success; } /** * Set the storage policy for a file or a directory. * * @param src file/directory path * @param policyName storage policy name */ void setStoragePolicy(String src, String policyName) throws IOException { final String operationName = "setStoragePolicy"; FileStatus auditStat; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot set storage policy for " + src); auditStat = FSDirAttrOp.setStoragePolicy(dir, pc, blockManager, src, policyName); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } /** * Satisfy the storage policy for a file or a directory. * * @param src file/directory path */ void satisfyStoragePolicy(String src, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "satisfyStoragePolicy"; FileStatus auditStat; validateStoragePolicySatisfy(); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot satisfy storage policy for " + src); auditStat = FSDirSatisfyStoragePolicyOp.satisfyStoragePolicy(dir, blockManager, src, logRetryCache); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } private void validateStoragePolicySatisfy() throws UnsupportedActionException, IOException { // make sure storage policy is enabled, otherwise // there is no need to satisfy storage policy. if (!dir.isStoragePolicyEnabled()) { throw new IOException(String.format("Failed to satisfy storage policy since %s is set to false.", DFS_STORAGE_POLICY_ENABLED_KEY)); } // checks sps status boolean disabled = (blockManager.getSPSManager() == null); if (disabled) { throw new UnsupportedActionException("Cannot request to satisfy storage policy " + "when storage policy satisfier feature has been disabled" + " by admin. Seek for an admin help to enable it " + "or use Mover tool."); } // checks SPS Q has many outstanding requests. It will throw IOException if // the limit exceeds. blockManager.getSPSManager().verifyOutstandingPathQLimit(); } /** * unset storage policy set for a given file or a directory. * * @param src file/directory path */ void unsetStoragePolicy(String src) throws IOException { final String operationName = "unsetStoragePolicy"; FileStatus auditStat; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot unset storage policy for " + src); auditStat = FSDirAttrOp.unsetStoragePolicy(dir, pc, blockManager, src); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } /** * Get the storage policy for a file or a directory. * * @param src * file/directory path * @return storage policy object */ BlockStoragePolicy getStoragePolicy(String src) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); return FSDirAttrOp.getStoragePolicy(dir, pc, blockManager, src); } finally { readUnlock("getStoragePolicy"); } } /** * @return All the existing block storage policies */ BlockStoragePolicy[] getStoragePolicies() throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); return FSDirAttrOp.getStoragePolicies(blockManager); } finally { readUnlock("getStoragePolicies"); } } long getPreferredBlockSize(String src) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); return FSDirAttrOp.getPreferredBlockSize(dir, pc, src); } finally { readUnlock("getPreferredBlockSize"); } } /** * If the file is within an encryption zone, select the appropriate * CryptoProtocolVersion from the list provided by the client. Since the * client may be newer, we need to handle unknown versions. * * @param zone EncryptionZone of the file * @param supportedVersions List of supported protocol versions * @return chosen protocol version * @throws IOException */ CryptoProtocolVersion chooseProtocolVersion(EncryptionZone zone, CryptoProtocolVersion[] supportedVersions) throws UnknownCryptoProtocolVersionException, UnresolvedLinkException, SnapshotAccessControlException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(zone); Preconditions.checkNotNull(supportedVersions); // Right now, we only support a single protocol version, // so simply look for it in the list of provided options final CryptoProtocolVersion required = zone.getVersion(); for (CryptoProtocolVersion c : supportedVersions) { if (c.equals(CryptoProtocolVersion.UNKNOWN)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Ignoring unknown CryptoProtocolVersion provided by " + "client: " + c.getUnknownValue()); } continue; } if (c.equals(required)) { return c; } } throw new UnknownCryptoProtocolVersionException( "No crypto protocol versions provided by the client are supported." + " Client provided: " + Arrays.toString(supportedVersions) + " NameNode supports: " + Arrays.toString(CryptoProtocolVersion.values())); } /** * Create a new file entry in the namespace. * * For description of parameters and exceptions thrown see * {@link ClientProtocol#create}, except it returns valid file status upon * success */ HdfsFileStatus startFile(String src, PermissionStatus permissions, String holder, String clientMachine, EnumSet<CreateFlag> flag, boolean createParent, short replication, long blockSize, CryptoProtocolVersion[] supportedVersions, String ecPolicyName, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { HdfsFileStatus status; try { status = startFileInt(src, permissions, holder, clientMachine, flag, createParent, replication, blockSize, supportedVersions, ecPolicyName, logRetryCache); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, "create", src); throw e; } logAuditEvent(true, "create", src, status); return status; } private HdfsFileStatus startFileInt(String src, PermissionStatus permissions, String holder, String clientMachine, EnumSet<CreateFlag> flag, boolean createParent, short replication, long blockSize, CryptoProtocolVersion[] supportedVersions, String ecPolicyName, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("DIR* NameSystem.startFile: src=").append(src).append(", holder=").append(holder) .append(", clientMachine=").append(clientMachine).append(", createParent=").append(createParent) .append(", replication=").append(replication).append(", createFlag=").append(flag) .append(", blockSize=").append(blockSize).append(", supportedVersions=") .append(Arrays.toString(supportedVersions)); NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug(builder.toString()); } if (!DFSUtil.isValidName(src) || FSDirectory.isExactReservedName(src) || (FSDirectory.isReservedName(src) && !FSDirectory.isReservedRawName(src) && !FSDirectory.isReservedInodesName(src))) { throw new InvalidPathException(src); } boolean shouldReplicate = flag.contains(CreateFlag.SHOULD_REPLICATE); if (shouldReplicate && (!org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isEmpty(ecPolicyName))) { throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("SHOULD_REPLICATE flag and " + "ecPolicyName are exclusive parameters. Set both is not allowed!"); } INodesInPath iip = null; boolean skipSync = true; // until we do something that might create edits HdfsFileStatus stat = null; BlocksMapUpdateInfo toRemoveBlocks = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot create file" + src); iip = FSDirWriteFileOp.resolvePathForStartFile(dir, pc, src, flag, createParent); if (blockSize < minBlockSize) { throw new IOException("Specified block size is less than configured" + " minimum value (" + DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY + "): " + blockSize + " < " + minBlockSize); } if (shouldReplicate) { blockManager.verifyReplication(src, replication, clientMachine); } else { final ErasureCodingPolicy ecPolicy = FSDirErasureCodingOp.getErasureCodingPolicy(this, ecPolicyName, iip); if (ecPolicy != null && (!ecPolicy.isReplicationPolicy())) { if (blockSize < ecPolicy.getCellSize()) { throw new IOException("Specified block size (" + blockSize + ") is less than the cell size (" + ecPolicy.getCellSize() + ") of the erasure coding policy (" + ecPolicy + ")."); } } else { blockManager.verifyReplication(src, replication, clientMachine); } } FileEncryptionInfo feInfo = null; if (!iip.isRaw() && provider != null) { EncryptionKeyInfo ezInfo = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.getEncryptionKeyInfo(this, iip, supportedVersions); // if the path has an encryption zone, the lock was released while // generating the EDEK. re-resolve the path to ensure the namesystem // and/or EZ has not mutated if (ezInfo != null) { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); iip = FSDirWriteFileOp.resolvePathForStartFile(dir, pc, iip.getPath(), flag, createParent); feInfo = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.getFileEncryptionInfo(dir, iip, ezInfo); } } skipSync = false; // following might generate edits toRemoveBlocks = new BlocksMapUpdateInfo(); dir.writeLock(); try { stat = FSDirWriteFileOp.startFile(this, iip, permissions, holder, clientMachine, flag, createParent, replication, blockSize, feInfo, toRemoveBlocks, shouldReplicate, ecPolicyName, logRetryCache); } catch (IOException e) { skipSync = e instanceof StandbyException; throw e; } finally { dir.writeUnlock(); } } finally { writeUnlock("create"); // There might be transactions logged while trying to recover the lease. // They need to be sync'ed even when an exception was thrown. if (!skipSync) { getEditLog().logSync(); if (toRemoveBlocks != null) { removeBlocks(toRemoveBlocks); toRemoveBlocks.clear(); } } } return stat; } /** * Recover lease; * Immediately revoke the lease of the current lease holder and start lease * recovery so that the file can be forced to be closed. * * @param src the path of the file to start lease recovery * @param holder the lease holder's name * @param clientMachine the client machine's name * @return true if the file is already closed or * if the lease can be released and the file can be closed. * @throws IOException */ boolean recoverLease(String src, String holder, String clientMachine) throws IOException { boolean skipSync = false; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot recover the lease of " + src); final INodesInPath iip = dir.resolvePath(pc, src, DirOp.WRITE); src = iip.getPath(); final INodeFile inode = INodeFile.valueOf(iip.getLastINode(), src); if (!inode.isUnderConstruction()) { return true; } if (isPermissionEnabled) { dir.checkPathAccess(pc, iip, FsAction.WRITE); } return recoverLeaseInternal(RecoverLeaseOp.RECOVER_LEASE, iip, src, holder, clientMachine, true); } catch (StandbyException se) { skipSync = true; throw se; } finally { writeUnlock("recoverLease"); // There might be transactions logged while trying to recover the lease. // They need to be sync'ed even when an exception was thrown. if (!skipSync) { getEditLog().logSync(); } } } enum RecoverLeaseOp { CREATE_FILE, APPEND_FILE, TRUNCATE_FILE, RECOVER_LEASE; private String getExceptionMessage(String src, String holder, String clientMachine, String reason) { return "Failed to " + this + " " + src + " for " + holder + " on " + clientMachine + " because " + reason; } } boolean recoverLeaseInternal(RecoverLeaseOp op, INodesInPath iip, String src, String holder, String clientMachine, boolean force) throws IOException { assert hasWriteLock(); INodeFile file = iip.getLastINode().asFile(); if (file.isUnderConstruction()) { // // If the file is under construction , then it must be in our // leases. Find the appropriate lease record. // Lease lease = leaseManager.getLease(holder); if (!force && lease != null) { Lease leaseFile = leaseManager.getLease(file); if (leaseFile != null && leaseFile.equals(lease)) { // We found the lease for this file but the original // holder is trying to obtain it again. throw new AlreadyBeingCreatedException(op.getExceptionMessage(src, holder, clientMachine, holder + " is already the current lease holder.")); } } // // Find the original holder. // FileUnderConstructionFeature uc = file.getFileUnderConstructionFeature(); String clientName = uc.getClientName(); lease = leaseManager.getLease(clientName); if (lease == null) { throw new AlreadyBeingCreatedException(op.getExceptionMessage(src, holder, clientMachine, "the file is under construction but no leases found.")); } if (force) { // close now: no need to wait for soft lease expiration and // close only the file src"recoverLease: " + lease + ", src=" + src + " from client " + clientName); return internalReleaseLease(lease, src, iip, holder); } else { assert lease.getHolder().equals(clientName) : "Current lease holder " + lease.getHolder() + " does not match file creator " + clientName; // // If the original holder has not renewed in the last SOFTLIMIT // period, then start lease recovery. // if (lease.expiredSoftLimit()) {"startFile: recover " + lease + ", src=" + src + " client " + clientName); if (internalReleaseLease(lease, src, iip, null)) { return true; } else { throw new RecoveryInProgressException(op.getExceptionMessage(src, holder, clientMachine, "lease recovery is in progress. Try again later.")); } } else { final BlockInfo lastBlock = file.getLastBlock(); if (lastBlock != null && lastBlock.getBlockUCState() == BlockUCState.UNDER_RECOVERY) { throw new RecoveryInProgressException(op.getExceptionMessage(src, holder, clientMachine, "another recovery is in progress by " + clientName + " on " + uc.getClientMachine())); } else { throw new AlreadyBeingCreatedException(op.getExceptionMessage(src, holder, clientMachine, "this file lease is currently owned by " + clientName + " on " + uc.getClientMachine())); } } } } else { return true; } } /** * Append to an existing file in the namespace. */ LastBlockWithStatus appendFile(String srcArg, String holder, String clientMachine, EnumSet<CreateFlag> flag, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "append"; boolean newBlock = flag.contains(CreateFlag.NEW_BLOCK); if (newBlock) { requireEffectiveLayoutVersionForFeature(Feature.APPEND_NEW_BLOCK); } NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* NameSystem.appendFile: src={}, holder={}, clientMachine={}", srcArg, holder, clientMachine); try { boolean skipSync = false; LastBlockWithStatus lbs = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot append to file" + srcArg); lbs = FSDirAppendOp.appendFile(this, srcArg, pc, holder, clientMachine, newBlock, logRetryCache); } catch (StandbyException se) { skipSync = true; throw se; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); // There might be transactions logged while trying to recover the lease // They need to be sync'ed even when an exception was thrown. if (!skipSync) { getEditLog().logSync(); } } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, srcArg); return lbs; } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, srcArg); throw e; } } ExtendedBlock getExtendedBlock(Block blk) { return new ExtendedBlock(getBlockPoolId(), blk); } void setBlockPoolId(String bpid) { blockManager.setBlockPoolId(bpid); } /** * The client would like to obtain an additional block for the indicated * filename (which is being written-to). Return an array that consists * of the block, plus a set of machines. The first on this list should * be where the client writes data. Subsequent items in the list must * be provided in the connection to the first datanode. * * Make sure the previous blocks have been reported by datanodes and * are replicated. Will return an empty 2-elt array if we want the * client to "try again later". */ LocatedBlock getAdditionalBlock(String src, long fileId, String clientName, ExtendedBlock previous, DatanodeInfo[] excludedNodes, String[] favoredNodes, EnumSet<AddBlockFlag> flags) throws IOException { final String operationName = "getAdditionalBlock"; NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("BLOCK* getAdditionalBlock: {} inodeId {}" + " for {}", src, fileId, clientName); LocatedBlock[] onRetryBlock = new LocatedBlock[1]; FSDirWriteFileOp.ValidateAddBlockResult r; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); r = FSDirWriteFileOp.validateAddBlock(this, pc, src, fileId, clientName, previous, onRetryBlock); } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } if (r == null) { assert onRetryBlock[0] != null : "Retry block is null"; // This is a retry. Just return the last block. return onRetryBlock[0]; } DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets = FSDirWriteFileOp.chooseTargetForNewBlock(blockManager, src, excludedNodes, favoredNodes, flags, r); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); LocatedBlock lb; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); lb = FSDirWriteFileOp.storeAllocatedBlock(this, src, fileId, clientName, previous, targets); } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); return lb; } /** @see ClientProtocol#getAdditionalDatanode */ LocatedBlock getAdditionalDatanode(String src, long fileId, final ExtendedBlock blk, final DatanodeInfo[] existings, final String[] storageIDs, final Set<Node> excludes, final int numAdditionalNodes, final String clientName) throws IOException { //check if the feature is enabled dtpReplaceDatanodeOnFailure.checkEnabled(); Node clientnode = null; String clientMachine; final long preferredblocksize; final byte storagePolicyID; final List<DatanodeStorageInfo> chosen; final BlockType blockType; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); //check safe mode checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot add datanode; src=" + src + ", blk=" + blk); final INodesInPath iip = dir.resolvePath(pc, src, fileId); src = iip.getPath(); //check lease final INodeFile file = checkLease(iip, clientName, fileId); clientMachine = file.getFileUnderConstructionFeature().getClientMachine(); clientnode = blockManager.getDatanodeManager().getDatanodeByHost(clientMachine); preferredblocksize = file.getPreferredBlockSize(); storagePolicyID = file.getStoragePolicyID(); blockType = file.getBlockType(); //find datanode storages final DatanodeManager dm = blockManager.getDatanodeManager(); chosen = Arrays.asList(dm.getDatanodeStorageInfos(existings, storageIDs, "src=%s, fileId=%d, blk=%s, clientName=%s, clientMachine=%s", src, fileId, blk, clientName, clientMachine)); } finally { readUnlock("getAdditionalDatanode"); } if (clientnode == null) { clientnode = FSDirWriteFileOp.getClientNode(blockManager, clientMachine); } // choose new datanodes. final DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets = blockManager.chooseTarget4AdditionalDatanode(src, numAdditionalNodes, clientnode, chosen, excludes, preferredblocksize, storagePolicyID, blockType); final LocatedBlock lb = BlockManager.newLocatedBlock(blk, targets, -1, false); blockManager.setBlockToken(lb, BlockTokenIdentifier.AccessMode.COPY); return lb; } /** * The client would like to let go of the given block */ void abandonBlock(ExtendedBlock b, long fileId, String src, String holder) throws IOException { NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("BLOCK* NameSystem.abandonBlock: {} of file {}", b, src); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot abandon block " + b + " for file" + src); FSDirWriteFileOp.abandonBlock(dir, pc, b, fileId, src, holder); NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("BLOCK* NameSystem.abandonBlock: {} is " + "removed from pendingCreates", b); } finally { writeUnlock("abandonBlock"); } getEditLog().logSync(); } private String leaseExceptionString(String src, long fileId, String holder) { final Lease lease = leaseManager.getLease(holder); return src + " (inode " + fileId + ") " + (lease != null ? lease.toString() : "Holder " + holder + " does not have any open files."); } INodeFile checkLease(INodesInPath iip, String holder, long fileId) throws LeaseExpiredException, FileNotFoundException { String src = iip.getPath(); INode inode = iip.getLastINode(); assert hasReadLock(); if (inode == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist: " + leaseExceptionString(src, fileId, holder)); } if (!inode.isFile()) { throw new LeaseExpiredException( "INode is not a regular file: " + leaseExceptionString(src, fileId, holder)); } final INodeFile file = inode.asFile(); if (!file.isUnderConstruction()) { throw new LeaseExpiredException( "File is not open for writing: " + leaseExceptionString(src, fileId, holder)); } // No further modification is allowed on a deleted file. // A file is considered deleted, if it is not in the inodeMap or is marked // as deleted in the snapshot feature. if (isFileDeleted(file)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File is deleted: " + leaseExceptionString(src, fileId, holder)); } final String owner = file.getFileUnderConstructionFeature().getClientName(); if (holder != null && !owner.equals(holder)) { throw new LeaseExpiredException("Client (=" + holder + ") is not the lease owner (=" + owner + ": " + leaseExceptionString(src, fileId, holder)); } return file; } /** * Complete in-progress write to the given file. * @return true if successful, false if the client should continue to retry * (e.g if not all blocks have reached minimum replication yet) * @throws IOException on error (eg lease mismatch, file not open, file deleted) */ boolean completeFile(final String src, String holder, ExtendedBlock last, long fileId) throws IOException { boolean success = false; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot complete file " + src); success = FSDirWriteFileOp.completeFile(this, pc, src, holder, last, fileId); } finally { writeUnlock("completeFile"); } getEditLog().logSync(); if (success) {"DIR* completeFile: " + src + " is closed by " + holder); } return success; } /** * Create new block with a unique block id and a new generation stamp. * @param blockType is the file under striping or contiguous layout? */ Block createNewBlock(BlockType blockType) throws IOException { assert hasWriteLock(); Block b = new Block(nextBlockId(blockType), 0, 0); // Increment the generation stamp for every new block. b.setGenerationStamp(nextGenerationStamp(false)); return b; } /** * Check that the indicated file's blocks are present and * replicated. If not, return false. If checkall is true, then check * all blocks, otherwise check only penultimate block. */ boolean checkFileProgress(String src, INodeFile v, boolean checkall) { assert hasReadLock(); if (checkall) { return checkBlocksComplete(src, true, v.getBlocks()); } else { final BlockInfo[] blocks = v.getBlocks(); final int i = blocks.length - numCommittedAllowed - 2; return i < 0 || blocks[i] == null || checkBlocksComplete(src, false, blocks[i]); } } /** * Check if the blocks are COMPLETE; * it may allow the last block to be COMMITTED. */ private boolean checkBlocksComplete(String src, boolean allowCommittedBlock, BlockInfo... blocks) { final int n = allowCommittedBlock ? numCommittedAllowed : 0; for (int i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { final short min = blockManager.getMinStorageNum(blocks[i]); final String err = INodeFile.checkBlockComplete(blocks, i, n, min); if (err != null) { final int numNodes = blocks[i].numNodes();"BLOCK* " + err + "(numNodes= " + numNodes + (numNodes < min ? " < " : " >= ") + " minimum = " + min + ") in file " + src); return false; } } return true; } /** * Change the indicated filename. * @deprecated Use {@link #renameTo(String, String, boolean, * Options.Rename...)} instead. */ @Deprecated boolean renameTo(String src, String dst, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "rename"; FSDirRenameOp.RenameResult ret = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot rename " + src); ret = FSDirRenameOp.renameToInt(dir, pc, src, dst, logRetryCache); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src, dst, null); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } boolean success = ret.success; if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, src, dst, ret.auditStat); } return success; } void renameTo(final String src, final String dst, boolean logRetryCache, Options.Rename... options) throws IOException { final String operationName = "rename"; FSDirRenameOp.RenameResult res = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot rename " + src); res = FSDirRenameOp.renameToInt(dir, pc, src, dst, logRetryCache, options); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName + " (options=" + Arrays.toString(options) + ")", src, dst, null); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); BlocksMapUpdateInfo collectedBlocks = res.collectedBlocks; if (!collectedBlocks.getToDeleteList().isEmpty()) { removeBlocks(collectedBlocks); collectedBlocks.clear(); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName + " (options=" + Arrays.toString(options) + ")", src, dst, res.auditStat); } /** * Remove the indicated file from namespace. * * @see ClientProtocol#delete(String, boolean) for detailed description and * description of exceptions */ boolean delete(String src, boolean recursive, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "delete"; BlocksMapUpdateInfo toRemovedBlocks = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); boolean ret = false; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot delete " + src); toRemovedBlocks = FSDirDeleteOp.delete(this, pc, src, recursive, logRetryCache); ret = toRemovedBlocks != null; } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); if (toRemovedBlocks != null) { removeBlocks(toRemovedBlocks); // Incremental deletion of blocks } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src); return ret; } FSPermissionChecker getPermissionChecker() throws AccessControlException { return dir.getPermissionChecker(); } /** * From the given list, incrementally remove the blocks from blockManager * Writelock is dropped and reacquired every BLOCK_DELETION_INCREMENT to * ensure that other waiters on the lock can get in. See HDFS-2938 * * @param blocks * An instance of {@link BlocksMapUpdateInfo} which contains a list * of blocks that need to be removed from blocksMap */ void removeBlocks(BlocksMapUpdateInfo blocks) { List<BlockInfo> toDeleteList = blocks.getToDeleteList(); Iterator<BlockInfo> iter = toDeleteList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { writeLock(); try { for (int i = 0; i < blockDeletionIncrement && iter.hasNext(); i++) { blockManager.removeBlock(; } } finally { writeUnlock("removeBlocks"); } } } /** * Remove leases and inodes related to a given path * @param removedUCFiles INodes whose leases need to be released * @param removedINodes Containing the list of inodes to be removed from * inodesMap * @param acquireINodeMapLock Whether to acquire the lock for inode removal */ void removeLeasesAndINodes(List<Long> removedUCFiles, List<INode> removedINodes, final boolean acquireINodeMapLock) { assert hasWriteLock(); for (long i : removedUCFiles) { leaseManager.removeLease(i); } // remove inodes from inodesMap if (removedINodes != null) { if (acquireINodeMapLock) { dir.writeLock(); } try { dir.removeFromInodeMap(removedINodes); } finally { if (acquireINodeMapLock) { dir.writeUnlock(); } } removedINodes.clear(); } } /** * Get the file info for a specific file. * * @param src The string representation of the path to the file * @param resolveLink whether to throw UnresolvedLinkException * if src refers to a symlink * * @param needLocation Include {@link LocatedBlocks} in result. * @param needBlockToken Include block tokens in {@link LocatedBlocks} * @throws AccessControlException if access is denied * @throws UnresolvedLinkException if a symlink is encountered. * * @return object containing information regarding the file * or null if file not found * @throws StandbyException */ HdfsFileStatus getFileInfo(final String src, boolean resolveLink, boolean needLocation, boolean needBlockToken) throws IOException { // if the client requests block tokens, then it can read data blocks // and should appear in the audit log as if getBlockLocations had been // called final String operationName = needBlockToken ? "open" : "getfileinfo"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); HdfsFileStatus stat = null; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); stat = FSDirStatAndListingOp.getFileInfo(dir, pc, src, resolveLink, needLocation, needBlockToken); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src); return stat; } /** * Returns true if the file is closed */ boolean isFileClosed(final String src) throws IOException { final String operationName = "isFileClosed"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); return FSDirStatAndListingOp.isFileClosed(dir, pc, src); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } } /** * Create all the necessary directories */ boolean mkdirs(String src, PermissionStatus permissions, boolean createParent) throws IOException { final String operationName = "mkdirs"; FileStatus auditStat = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot create directory " + src); auditStat = FSDirMkdirOp.mkdirs(this, pc, src, permissions, createParent); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); return true; } /** * Get the content summary for a specific file/dir. * * @param src The string representation of the path to the file * * @throws AccessControlException if access is denied * @throws UnresolvedLinkException if a symlink is encountered. * @throws FileNotFoundException if no file exists * @throws StandbyException * @throws IOException for issues with writing to the audit log * * @return object containing information regarding the file * or null if file not found */ ContentSummary getContentSummary(final String src) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final String operationName = "contentSummary"; boolean success = true; ContentSummary cs; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); cs = FSDirStatAndListingOp.getContentSummary(dir, pc, src); } catch (AccessControlException ace) { success = false; logAuditEvent(success, operationName, src); throw ace; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, src); return cs; } /** * Get the quota usage for a specific file/dir. * * @param src The string representation of the path to the file * * @throws AccessControlException if access is denied * @throws UnresolvedLinkException if a symlink is encountered. * @throws FileNotFoundException if no file exists * @throws StandbyException * @throws IOException for issues with writing to the audit log * * @return object containing information regarding the file * or null if file not found */ QuotaUsage getQuotaUsage(final String src) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final String operationName = "quotaUsage"; QuotaUsage quotaUsage; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); boolean success = true; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); quotaUsage = FSDirStatAndListingOp.getQuotaUsage(dir, pc, src); } catch (AccessControlException ace) { success = false; logAuditEvent(success, operationName, src); throw ace; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, src); return quotaUsage; } /** * Set the namespace quota and storage space quota for a directory. * See {@link ClientProtocol#setQuota(String, long, long, StorageType)} for the * contract. * * Note: This does not support ".inodes" relative path. */ void setQuota(String src, long nsQuota, long ssQuota, StorageType type) throws IOException { if (type != null) { requireEffectiveLayoutVersionForFeature(Feature.QUOTA_BY_STORAGE_TYPE); } checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final String operationName = getQuotaCommand(nsQuota, ssQuota); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); boolean success = false; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot set quota on " + src); FSDirAttrOp.setQuota(dir, pc, src, nsQuota, ssQuota, type); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, src); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); } } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, src); } /** Persist all metadata about this file. * @param src The string representation of the path * @param fileId The inode ID that we're fsyncing. Older clients will pass * INodeId.GRANDFATHER_INODE_ID here. * @param clientName The string representation of the client * @param lastBlockLength The length of the last block * under construction reported from client. * @throws IOException if path does not exist */ void fsync(String src, long fileId, String clientName, long lastBlockLength) throws IOException {"BLOCK* fsync: " + src + " for " + clientName); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot fsync file " + src); INodesInPath iip = dir.resolvePath(pc, src, fileId); src = iip.getPath(); final INodeFile pendingFile = checkLease(iip, clientName, fileId); if (lastBlockLength > 0) { pendingFile.getFileUnderConstructionFeature().updateLengthOfLastBlock(pendingFile, lastBlockLength); } FSDirWriteFileOp.persistBlocks(dir, src, pendingFile, false); } finally { writeUnlock("fsync"); } getEditLog().logSync(); } /** * Move a file that is being written to be immutable. * @param src The filename * @param lease The lease for the client creating the file * @param recoveryLeaseHolder reassign lease to this holder if the last block * needs recovery; keep current holder if null. * @throws AlreadyBeingCreatedException if file is waiting to achieve minimal * replication;<br> * RecoveryInProgressException if lease recovery is in progress.<br> * IOException in case of an error. * @return true if file has been successfully finalized and closed or * false if block recovery has been initiated. Since the lease owner * has been changed and logged, caller should call logSync(). */ boolean internalReleaseLease(Lease lease, String src, INodesInPath iip, String recoveryLeaseHolder) throws IOException {"Recovering " + lease + ", src=" + src); assert !isInSafeMode(); assert hasWriteLock(); final INodeFile pendingFile = iip.getLastINode().asFile(); int nrBlocks = pendingFile.numBlocks(); BlockInfo[] blocks = pendingFile.getBlocks(); int nrCompleteBlocks; BlockInfo curBlock = null; for (nrCompleteBlocks = 0; nrCompleteBlocks < nrBlocks; nrCompleteBlocks++) { curBlock = blocks[nrCompleteBlocks]; if (!curBlock.isComplete()) break; assert blockManager.hasMinStorage(curBlock) : "A COMPLETE block is not minimally replicated in " + src; } // If there are no incomplete blocks associated with this file, // then reap lease immediately and close the file. if (nrCompleteBlocks == nrBlocks) { finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction(src, pendingFile, iip.getLatestSnapshotId(), false); NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("BLOCK*" + " internalReleaseLease: All existing blocks are COMPLETE," + " lease removed, file " + src + " closed."); return true; // closed! } // Only the last and the penultimate blocks may be in non COMPLETE state. // If the penultimate block is not COMPLETE, then it must be COMMITTED. if (nrCompleteBlocks < nrBlocks - 2 || nrCompleteBlocks == nrBlocks - 2 && curBlock != null && curBlock.getBlockUCState() != BlockUCState.COMMITTED) { final String message = "DIR* NameSystem.internalReleaseLease: " + "attempt to release a create lock on " + src + " but file is already closed."; NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn(message); throw new IOException(message); } // The last block is not COMPLETE, and // that the penultimate block if exists is either COMPLETE or COMMITTED final BlockInfo lastBlock = pendingFile.getLastBlock(); BlockUCState lastBlockState = lastBlock.getBlockUCState(); BlockInfo penultimateBlock = pendingFile.getPenultimateBlock(); // If penultimate block doesn't exist then its minReplication is met boolean penultimateBlockMinStorage = penultimateBlock == null || blockManager.hasMinStorage(penultimateBlock); switch (lastBlockState) { case COMPLETE: assert false : "Already checked that the last block is incomplete"; break; case COMMITTED: // Close file if committed blocks are minimally replicated if (penultimateBlockMinStorage && blockManager.hasMinStorage(lastBlock)) { finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction(src, pendingFile, iip.getLatestSnapshotId(), false); NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("BLOCK*" + " internalReleaseLease: Committed blocks are minimally" + " replicated, lease removed, file" + src + " closed."); return true; // closed! } // Cannot close file right now, since some blocks // are not yet minimally replicated. // This may potentially cause infinite loop in lease recovery // if there are no valid replicas on data-nodes. String message = "DIR* NameSystem.internalReleaseLease: " + "Failed to release lease for file " + src + ". Committed blocks are waiting to be minimally replicated." + " Try again later."; NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn(message); throw new AlreadyBeingCreatedException(message); case UNDER_CONSTRUCTION: case UNDER_RECOVERY: BlockUnderConstructionFeature uc = lastBlock.getUnderConstructionFeature(); // determine if last block was intended to be truncated BlockInfo recoveryBlock = uc.getTruncateBlock(); boolean truncateRecovery = recoveryBlock != null; boolean copyOnTruncate = truncateRecovery && recoveryBlock.getBlockId() != lastBlock.getBlockId(); assert !copyOnTruncate || recoveryBlock.getBlockId() < lastBlock.getBlockId() && recoveryBlock.getGenerationStamp() < lastBlock.getGenerationStamp() && recoveryBlock.getNumBytes() > lastBlock.getNumBytes() : "wrong recoveryBlock"; // setup the last block locations from the blockManager if not known if (uc.getNumExpectedLocations() == 0) { uc.setExpectedLocations(lastBlock, blockManager.getStorages(lastBlock), lastBlock.getBlockType()); } if (uc.getNumExpectedLocations() == 0 && lastBlock.getNumBytes() == 0) { // There is no datanode reported to this block. // may be client have crashed before writing data to pipeline. // This blocks doesn't need any recovery. // We can remove this block and close the file. pendingFile.removeLastBlock(lastBlock); finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction(src, pendingFile, iip.getLatestSnapshotId(), false); NameNode.stateChangeLog .warn("BLOCK* internalReleaseLease: " + "Removed empty last block and closed file " + src); return true; } // Start recovery of the last block for this file // Only do so if there is no ongoing recovery for this block, // or the previous recovery for this block timed out. if (blockManager.addBlockRecoveryAttempt(lastBlock)) { long blockRecoveryId = nextGenerationStamp(blockManager.isLegacyBlock(lastBlock)); if (copyOnTruncate) { lastBlock.setGenerationStamp(blockRecoveryId); } else if (truncateRecovery) { recoveryBlock.setGenerationStamp(blockRecoveryId); } uc.initializeBlockRecovery(lastBlock, blockRecoveryId, true); // Cannot close file right now, since the last block requires recovery. // This may potentially cause infinite loop in lease recovery // if there are no valid replicas on data-nodes. NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* NameSystem.internalReleaseLease: " + "File " + src + " has not been closed." + " Lease recovery is in progress. " + "RecoveryId = " + blockRecoveryId + " for block " + lastBlock); } lease = reassignLease(lease, src, recoveryLeaseHolder, pendingFile); leaseManager.renewLease(lease); break; } return false; } private Lease reassignLease(Lease lease, String src, String newHolder, INodeFile pendingFile) { assert hasWriteLock(); if (newHolder == null) return lease; // The following transaction is not synced. Make sure it's sync'ed later. logReassignLease(lease.getHolder(), src, newHolder); return reassignLeaseInternal(lease, newHolder, pendingFile); } Lease reassignLeaseInternal(Lease lease, String newHolder, INodeFile pendingFile) { assert hasWriteLock(); pendingFile.getFileUnderConstructionFeature().setClientName(newHolder); return leaseManager.reassignLease(lease, pendingFile, newHolder); } void commitOrCompleteLastBlock(final INodeFile fileINode, final INodesInPath iip, final Block commitBlock) throws IOException { assert hasWriteLock(); Preconditions.checkArgument(fileINode.isUnderConstruction()); blockManager.commitOrCompleteLastBlock(fileINode, commitBlock, iip); } void addCommittedBlocksToPending(final INodeFile pendingFile) { final BlockInfo[] blocks = pendingFile.getBlocks(); int i = blocks.length - numCommittedAllowed; if (i < 0) { i = 0; } for (; i < blocks.length; i++) { final BlockInfo b = blocks[i]; if (b != null && b.getBlockUCState() == BlockUCState.COMMITTED) { // b is COMMITTED but not yet COMPLETE, add it to pending replication. blockManager.addExpectedReplicasToPending(b); } } } void finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction(String src, INodeFile pendingFile, int latestSnapshot, boolean allowCommittedBlock) throws IOException { assert hasWriteLock(); FileUnderConstructionFeature uc = pendingFile.getFileUnderConstructionFeature(); if (uc == null) { throw new IOException("Cannot finalize file " + src + " because it is not under construction"); } pendingFile.recordModification(latestSnapshot); // The file is no longer pending. // Create permanent INode, update blocks. No need to replace the inode here // since we just remove the uc feature from pendingFile pendingFile.toCompleteFile(now(), allowCommittedBlock ? numCommittedAllowed : 0, blockManager.getMinReplication()); leaseManager.removeLease(uc.getClientName(), pendingFile); // close file and persist block allocations for this file closeFile(src, pendingFile); blockManager.checkRedundancy(pendingFile); } @VisibleForTesting BlockInfo getStoredBlock(Block block) { return blockManager.getStoredBlock(block); } @Override public boolean isInSnapshot(long blockCollectionID) { assert hasReadLock(); final INodeFile bc = getBlockCollection(blockCollectionID); if (bc == null || !bc.isUnderConstruction()) { return false; } String fullName = bc.getName(); try { if (fullName != null && fullName.startsWith(Path.SEPARATOR) && dir.getINode(fullName, DirOp.READ) == bc) { // If file exists in normal path then no need to look in snapshot return false; } } catch (IOException e) { // the snapshot path and current path may contain symlinks, ancestor // dirs replaced by files, etc. LOG.error("Error while resolving the path : " + fullName, e); return false; } /* * 1. if bc is under construction and also with snapshot, and * bc is not in the current fsdirectory tree, bc must represent a snapshot * file. * 2. if fullName is not an absolute path, bc cannot be existent in the * current fsdirectory tree. * 3. if bc is not the current node associated with fullName, bc must be a * snapshot inode. */ return true; } INodeFile getBlockCollection(BlockInfo b) { return getBlockCollection(b.getBlockCollectionId()); } @Override public INodeFile getBlockCollection(long id) { INode inode = getFSDirectory().getInode(id); return inode == null ? null : inode.asFile(); } void commitBlockSynchronization(ExtendedBlock oldBlock, long newgenerationstamp, long newlength, boolean closeFile, boolean deleteblock, DatanodeID[] newtargets, String[] newtargetstorages) throws IOException {"commitBlockSynchronization(oldBlock=" + oldBlock + ", newgenerationstamp=" + newgenerationstamp + ", newlength=" + newlength + ", newtargets=" + Arrays.asList(newtargets) + ", closeFile=" + closeFile + ", deleteBlock=" + deleteblock + ")"); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final String src; writeLock(); boolean copyTruncate = false; BlockInfo truncatedBlock = null; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); // If a DN tries to commit to the standby, the recovery will // fail, and the next retry will succeed on the new NN. checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot commitBlockSynchronization while in safe mode"); final BlockInfo storedBlock = getStoredBlock(ExtendedBlock.getLocalBlock(oldBlock)); if (storedBlock == null) { if (deleteblock) { // This may be a retry attempt so ignore the failure // to locate the block. if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Block (=" + oldBlock + ") not found"); } return; } else { throw new IOException("Block (=" + oldBlock + ") not found"); } } final long oldGenerationStamp = storedBlock.getGenerationStamp(); final long oldNumBytes = storedBlock.getNumBytes(); // // The implementation of delete operation (see @deleteInternal method) // first removes the file paths from namespace, and delays the removal // of blocks to later time for better performance. When // commitBlockSynchronization (this method) is called in between, the // blockCollection of storedBlock could have been assigned to null by // the delete operation, throw IOException here instead of NPE; if the // file path is already removed from namespace by the delete operation, // throw FileNotFoundException here, so not to proceed to the end of // this method to add a CloseOp to the edit log for an already deleted // file (See HDFS-6825). // if (storedBlock.isDeleted()) { throw new IOException("The blockCollection of " + storedBlock + " is null, likely because the file owning this block was" + " deleted and the block removal is delayed"); } final INodeFile iFile = getBlockCollection(storedBlock); src = iFile.getFullPathName(); if (isFileDeleted(iFile)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found: " + src + ", likely due to delayed block removal"); } if ((!iFile.isUnderConstruction() || storedBlock.isComplete()) && iFile.getLastBlock().isComplete()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Unexpected block (=" + oldBlock + ") since the file (=" + iFile.getLocalName() + ") is not under construction"); } return; } truncatedBlock = iFile.getLastBlock(); final long recoveryId = truncatedBlock.getUnderConstructionFeature().getBlockRecoveryId(); copyTruncate = truncatedBlock.getBlockId() != storedBlock.getBlockId(); if (recoveryId != newgenerationstamp) { throw new IOException("The recovery id " + newgenerationstamp + " does not match current recovery id " + recoveryId + " for block " + oldBlock); } if (deleteblock) { Block blockToDel = ExtendedBlock.getLocalBlock(oldBlock); boolean remove = iFile.removeLastBlock(blockToDel) != null; if (remove) { blockManager.removeBlock(storedBlock); } } else { // update last block if (!copyTruncate) { storedBlock.setGenerationStamp(newgenerationstamp); storedBlock.setNumBytes(newlength); } // Find the target DatanodeStorageInfos. If not found because of invalid // or empty DatanodeID/StorageID, the slot of same offset in dsInfos is // null final DatanodeStorageInfo[] dsInfos = blockManager.getDatanodeManager().getDatanodeStorageInfos( newtargets, newtargetstorages, "src=%s, oldBlock=%s, newgenerationstamp=%d, newlength=%d", src, oldBlock, newgenerationstamp, newlength); if (closeFile && dsInfos != null) { // the file is getting closed. Insert block locations into blockManager. // Otherwise fsck will report these blocks as MISSING, especially if the // blocksReceived from Datanodes take a long time to arrive. for (int i = 0; i < dsInfos.length; i++) { if (dsInfos[i] != null) { if (copyTruncate) { dsInfos[i].addBlock(truncatedBlock, truncatedBlock); } else { Block bi = new Block(storedBlock); if (storedBlock.isStriped()) { bi.setBlockId(bi.getBlockId() + i); } dsInfos[i].addBlock(storedBlock, bi); } } } } // add pipeline locations into the INodeUnderConstruction if (copyTruncate) { iFile.convertLastBlockToUC(truncatedBlock, dsInfos); } else { iFile.convertLastBlockToUC(storedBlock, dsInfos); if (closeFile) { blockManager.markBlockReplicasAsCorrupt(oldBlock.getLocalBlock(), storedBlock, oldGenerationStamp, oldNumBytes, dsInfos); } } } if (closeFile) { if (copyTruncate) { closeFileCommitBlocks(src, iFile, truncatedBlock); if (!iFile.isBlockInLatestSnapshot(storedBlock)) { blockManager.removeBlock(storedBlock); } } else { closeFileCommitBlocks(src, iFile, storedBlock); } } else { // If this commit does not want to close the file, persist blocks FSDirWriteFileOp.persistBlocks(dir, src, iFile, false); } blockManager.successfulBlockRecovery(storedBlock); } finally { writeUnlock("commitBlockSynchronization"); } getEditLog().logSync(); if (closeFile) {"commitBlockSynchronization(oldBlock=" + oldBlock + ", file=" + src + (copyTruncate ? ", newBlock=" + truncatedBlock : ", newgenerationstamp=" + newgenerationstamp) + ", newlength=" + newlength + ", newtargets=" + Arrays.asList(newtargets) + ") successful"); } else {"commitBlockSynchronization(" + oldBlock + ") successful"); } } /** * @param pendingFile open file that needs to be closed * @param storedBlock last block * @throws IOException on error */ @VisibleForTesting void closeFileCommitBlocks(String src, INodeFile pendingFile, BlockInfo storedBlock) throws IOException { final INodesInPath iip = INodesInPath.fromINode(pendingFile); // commit the last block and complete it if it has minimum replicas commitOrCompleteLastBlock(pendingFile, iip, storedBlock); //remove lease, close file int s = Snapshot.findLatestSnapshot(pendingFile, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID); finalizeINodeFileUnderConstruction(src, pendingFile, s, false); } /** * Renew the lease(s) held by the given client */ void renewLease(String holder) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot renew lease for " + holder); leaseManager.renewLease(holder); } finally { readUnlock("renewLease"); } } /** * Get a partial listing of the indicated directory * * @param src the directory name * @param startAfter the name to start after * @param needLocation if blockLocations need to be returned * @return a partial listing starting after startAfter * * @throws AccessControlException if access is denied * @throws UnresolvedLinkException if symbolic link is encountered * @throws IOException if other I/O error occurred */ DirectoryListing getListing(String src, byte[] startAfter, boolean needLocation) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final String operationName = "listStatus"; DirectoryListing dl = null; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(NameNode.OperationCategory.READ); dl = getListingInt(dir, pc, src, startAfter, needLocation); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src); return dl; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // These methods are called by datanodes // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Register Datanode. * <p> * The purpose of registration is to identify whether the new datanode * serves a new data storage, and will report new data block copies, * which the namenode was not aware of; or the datanode is a replacement * node for the data storage that was previously served by a different * or the same (in terms of host:port) datanode. * The data storages are distinguished by their storageIDs. When a new * data storage is reported the namenode issues a new unique storageID. * <p> * Finally, the namenode returns its namespaceID as the registrationID * for the datanodes. * namespaceID is a persistent attribute of the name space. * The registrationID is checked every time the datanode is communicating * with the namenode. * Datanodes with inappropriate registrationID are rejected. * If the namenode stops, and then restarts it can restore its * namespaceID and will continue serving the datanodes that has previously * registered with the namenode without restarting the whole cluster. * * @see org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode */ void registerDatanode(DatanodeRegistration nodeReg) throws IOException { writeLock(); try { blockManager.registerDatanode(nodeReg); } finally { writeUnlock("registerDatanode"); } } /** * Get registrationID for datanodes based on the namespaceID. * * @see #registerDatanode(DatanodeRegistration) * @return registration ID */ String getRegistrationID() { return Storage.getRegistrationID(getFSImage().getStorage()); } /** * The given node has reported in. This method should: * 1) Record the heartbeat, so the datanode isn't timed out * 2) Adjust usage stats for future block allocation * * If a substantial amount of time passed since the last datanode * heartbeat then request an immediate block report. * * @return an array of datanode commands * @throws IOException */ HeartbeatResponse handleHeartbeat(DatanodeRegistration nodeReg, StorageReport[] reports, long cacheCapacity, long cacheUsed, int xceiverCount, int xmitsInProgress, int failedVolumes, VolumeFailureSummary volumeFailureSummary, boolean requestFullBlockReportLease, @Nonnull SlowPeerReports slowPeers, @Nonnull SlowDiskReports slowDisks) throws IOException { readLock(); try { //get datanode commands final int maxTransfer = blockManager.getMaxReplicationStreams() - xmitsInProgress; DatanodeCommand[] cmds = blockManager.getDatanodeManager().handleHeartbeat(nodeReg, reports, getBlockPoolId(), cacheCapacity, cacheUsed, xceiverCount, maxTransfer, failedVolumes, volumeFailureSummary, slowPeers, slowDisks); long blockReportLeaseId = 0; if (requestFullBlockReportLease) { blockReportLeaseId = blockManager.requestBlockReportLeaseId(nodeReg); } //create ha status final NNHAStatusHeartbeat haState = new NNHAStatusHeartbeat(haContext.getState().getServiceState(), getFSImage().getCorrectLastAppliedOrWrittenTxId()); return new HeartbeatResponse(cmds, haState, rollingUpgradeInfo, blockReportLeaseId); } finally { readUnlock("handleHeartbeat"); } } /** * Handles a lifeline message sent by a DataNode. This method updates contact * information and statistics for the DataNode, so that it doesn't time out. * Unlike a heartbeat, this method does not dispatch any commands back to the * DataNode for local execution. This method also cannot request a lease for * sending a full block report. Lifeline messages are used only as a fallback * in case something prevents successful delivery of heartbeat messages. * Therefore, the implementation of this method must remain lightweight * compared to heartbeat handling. It should avoid lock contention and * expensive computation. * * @param nodeReg registration info for DataNode sending the lifeline * @param reports storage reports from DataNode * @param cacheCapacity cache capacity at DataNode * @param cacheUsed cache used at DataNode * @param xceiverCount estimated count of transfer threads running at DataNode * @param xmitsInProgress count of transfers running at DataNode * @param failedVolumes count of failed volumes at DataNode * @param volumeFailureSummary info on failed volumes at DataNode * @throws IOException if there is an error */ void handleLifeline(DatanodeRegistration nodeReg, StorageReport[] reports, long cacheCapacity, long cacheUsed, int xceiverCount, int xmitsInProgress, int failedVolumes, VolumeFailureSummary volumeFailureSummary) throws IOException { int maxTransfer = blockManager.getMaxReplicationStreams() - xmitsInProgress; blockManager.getDatanodeManager().handleLifeline(nodeReg, reports, getBlockPoolId(), cacheCapacity, cacheUsed, xceiverCount, maxTransfer, failedVolumes, volumeFailureSummary); } /** * Returns whether or not there were available resources at the last check of * resources. * * @return true if there were sufficient resources available, false otherwise. */ boolean nameNodeHasResourcesAvailable() { return hasResourcesAvailable; } /** * Perform resource checks and cache the results. */ void checkAvailableResources() { long resourceCheckTime = monotonicNow(); Preconditions.checkState(nnResourceChecker != null, "nnResourceChecker not initialized"); hasResourcesAvailable = nnResourceChecker.hasAvailableDiskSpace(); resourceCheckTime = monotonicNow() - resourceCheckTime; NameNode.getNameNodeMetrics().addResourceCheckTime(resourceCheckTime); } /** * Close file. * @param path * @param file */ private void closeFile(String path, INodeFile file) { assert hasWriteLock(); // file is closed getEditLog().logCloseFile(path, file); NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("closeFile: {} with {} blocks is persisted" + " to the file system", path, file.getBlocks().length); } /** * Periodically calls hasAvailableResources of NameNodeResourceChecker, and if * there are found to be insufficient resources available, causes the NN to * enter safe mode. If resources are later found to have returned to * acceptable levels, this daemon will cause the NN to exit safe mode. */ class NameNodeResourceMonitor implements Runnable { boolean shouldNNRmRun = true; @Override public void run() { try { while (fsRunning && shouldNNRmRun) { checkAvailableResources(); if (!nameNodeHasResourcesAvailable()) { String lowResourcesMsg = "NameNode low on available disk space. "; if (!isInSafeMode()) { LOG.warn(lowResourcesMsg + "Entering safe mode."); } else { LOG.warn(lowResourcesMsg + "Already in safe mode."); } enterSafeMode(true); } try { Thread.sleep(resourceRecheckInterval); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // Deliberately ignore } } } catch (Exception e) { FSNamesystem.LOG.error("Exception in NameNodeResourceMonitor: ", e); } } public void stopMonitor() { shouldNNRmRun = false; } } class NameNodeEditLogRoller implements Runnable { private boolean shouldRun = true; private final long rollThreshold; private final long sleepIntervalMs; public NameNodeEditLogRoller(long rollThreshold, int sleepIntervalMs) { this.rollThreshold = rollThreshold; this.sleepIntervalMs = sleepIntervalMs; } @Override public void run() { while (fsRunning && shouldRun) { try { long numEdits = getCorrectTransactionsSinceLastLogRoll(); if (numEdits > rollThreshold) {"NameNode rolling its own edit log because" + " number of edits in open segment exceeds threshold of " + rollThreshold); rollEditLog(); } } catch (Exception e) { FSNamesystem.LOG.error( "Swallowing exception in " + NameNodeEditLogRoller.class.getSimpleName() + ":", e); } try { Thread.sleep(sleepIntervalMs); } catch (InterruptedException e) { FSNamesystem.LOG .info(NameNodeEditLogRoller.class.getSimpleName() + " was interrupted, exiting"); break; } } } public void stop() { shouldRun = false; } } /** * Daemon to periodically scan the namespace for lazyPersist files * with missing blocks and unlink them. */ class LazyPersistFileScrubber implements Runnable { private volatile boolean shouldRun = true; final int scrubIntervalSec; public LazyPersistFileScrubber(final int scrubIntervalSec) { this.scrubIntervalSec = scrubIntervalSec; } /** * Periodically go over the list of lazyPersist files with missing * blocks and unlink them from the namespace. */ private void clearCorruptLazyPersistFiles() throws IOException { BlockStoragePolicy lpPolicy = blockManager.getStoragePolicy("LAZY_PERSIST"); List<BlockCollection> filesToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); boolean changed = false; writeLock(); try { final Iterator<BlockInfo> it = blockManager.getCorruptReplicaBlockIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Block b =; BlockInfo blockInfo = blockManager.getStoredBlock(b); if (blockInfo == null || blockInfo.isDeleted()) {"Cannot find block info for block " + b); } else { BlockCollection bc = getBlockCollection(blockInfo); if (bc.getStoragePolicyID() == lpPolicy.getId()) { filesToDelete.add(bc); } } } for (BlockCollection bc : filesToDelete) { LOG.warn("Removing lazyPersist file " + bc.getName() + " with no replicas."); BlocksMapUpdateInfo toRemoveBlocks = FSDirDeleteOp.deleteInternal(FSNamesystem.this, INodesInPath.fromINode((INodeFile) bc), false); changed |= toRemoveBlocks != null; if (toRemoveBlocks != null) { removeBlocks(toRemoveBlocks); // Incremental deletion of blocks } } } finally { writeUnlock("clearCorruptLazyPersistFiles"); } if (changed) { getEditLog().logSync(); } } @Override public void run() { while (fsRunning && shouldRun) { try { if (!isInSafeMode()) { clearCorruptLazyPersistFiles(); } else { if (FSNamesystem.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { FSNamesystem.LOG.debug( "Namenode is in safemode, skipping scrubbing of corrupted lazy-persist files."); } } } catch (Exception e) { FSNamesystem.LOG.error("Ignoring exception in LazyPersistFileScrubber:", e); } try { Thread.sleep(scrubIntervalSec * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"LazyPersistFileScrubber was interrupted, exiting"); break; } } } public void stop() { shouldRun = false; } } public FSImage getFSImage() { return fsImage; } public FSEditLog getEditLog() { return getFSImage().getEditLog(); } @Metric({ "MissingBlocks", "Number of missing blocks" }) public long getMissingBlocksCount() { // not locking return blockManager.getMissingBlocksCount(); } @Metric({ "MissingReplOneBlocks", "Number of missing blocks " + "with replication factor 1" }) public long getMissingReplOneBlocksCount() { // not locking return blockManager.getMissingReplOneBlocksCount(); } @Metric({ "ExpiredHeartbeats", "Number of expired heartbeats" }) public int getExpiredHeartbeats() { return datanodeStatistics.getExpiredHeartbeats(); } @Metric({ "TransactionsSinceLastCheckpoint", "Number of transactions since last checkpoint" }) public long getTransactionsSinceLastCheckpoint() { return getFSImage().getLastAppliedOrWrittenTxId() - getFSImage().getStorage().getMostRecentCheckpointTxId(); } @Metric({ "TransactionsSinceLastLogRoll", "Number of transactions since last edit log roll" }) public long getTransactionsSinceLastLogRoll() { if (isInStandbyState() || !getEditLog().isSegmentOpenWithoutLock()) { return 0; } else { return getEditLog().getLastWrittenTxIdWithoutLock() - getEditLog().getCurSegmentTxIdWithoutLock() + 1; } } /** * Get the correct number of transactions since last edit log roll. * This method holds a lock of FSEditLog and must not be used for metrics. */ private long getCorrectTransactionsSinceLastLogRoll() { if (isInStandbyState() || !getEditLog().isSegmentOpen()) { return 0; } else { return getEditLog().getLastWrittenTxId() - getEditLog().getCurSegmentTxId() + 1; } } @Metric({ "LastWrittenTransactionId", "Transaction ID written to the edit log" }) public long getLastWrittenTransactionId() { return getEditLog().getLastWrittenTxIdWithoutLock(); } @Metric({ "LastCheckpointTime", "Time in milliseconds since the epoch of the last checkpoint" }) public long getLastCheckpointTime() { return getFSImage().getStorage().getMostRecentCheckpointTime(); } /** @see ClientProtocol#getStats() */ long[] getStats() { final long[] stats = datanodeStatistics.getStats(); stats[ClientProtocol.GET_STATS_LOW_REDUNDANCY_IDX] = getLowRedundancyBlocks(); stats[ClientProtocol.GET_STATS_CORRUPT_BLOCKS_IDX] = getCorruptReplicaBlocks(); stats[ClientProtocol.GET_STATS_MISSING_BLOCKS_IDX] = getMissingBlocksCount(); stats[ClientProtocol.GET_STATS_MISSING_REPL_ONE_BLOCKS_IDX] = getMissingReplOneBlocksCount(); stats[ClientProtocol.GET_STATS_BYTES_IN_FUTURE_BLOCKS_IDX] = blockManager.getBytesInFuture(); stats[ClientProtocol.GET_STATS_PENDING_DELETION_BLOCKS_IDX] = blockManager.getPendingDeletionBlocksCount(); return stats; } /** * Get statistics pertaining to blocks of type {@link BlockType#CONTIGUOUS} * in the filesystem. * <p> * @see ClientProtocol#getReplicatedBlockStats() */ ReplicatedBlockStats getReplicatedBlockStats() { return new ReplicatedBlockStats(getLowRedundancyReplicatedBlocks(), getCorruptReplicatedBlocks(), getMissingReplicatedBlocks(), getMissingReplicationOneBlocks(), getBytesInFutureReplicatedBlocks(), getPendingDeletionReplicatedBlocks(), getHighestPriorityLowRedundancyReplicatedBlocks()); } /** * Get statistics pertaining to blocks of type {@link BlockType#STRIPED} * in the filesystem. * <p> * @see ClientProtocol#getECBlockGroupStats() */ ECBlockGroupStats getECBlockGroupStats() { return new ECBlockGroupStats(getLowRedundancyECBlockGroups(), getCorruptECBlockGroups(), getMissingECBlockGroups(), getBytesInFutureECBlockGroups(), getPendingDeletionECBlocks(), getHighestPriorityLowRedundancyECBlocks()); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "CapacityTotal", "Total raw capacity of data nodes in bytes" }) public long getCapacityTotal() { return datanodeStatistics.getCapacityTotal(); } @Metric({ "CapacityTotalGB", "Total raw capacity of data nodes in GB" }) public float getCapacityTotalGB() { return DFSUtil.roundBytesToGB(getCapacityTotal()); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "CapacityUsed", "Total used capacity across all data nodes in bytes" }) public long getCapacityUsed() { return datanodeStatistics.getCapacityUsed(); } @Metric({ "CapacityUsedGB", "Total used capacity across all data nodes in GB" }) public float getCapacityUsedGB() { return DFSUtil.roundBytesToGB(getCapacityUsed()); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "CapacityRemaining", "Remaining capacity in bytes" }) public long getCapacityRemaining() { return datanodeStatistics.getCapacityRemaining(); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "ProvidedCapacityTotal", "Total space used in PROVIDED storage in bytes" }) public long getProvidedCapacityTotal() { return datanodeStatistics.getProvidedCapacity(); } @Metric({ "CapacityRemainingGB", "Remaining capacity in GB" }) public float getCapacityRemainingGB() { return DFSUtil.roundBytesToGB(getCapacityRemaining()); } @Metric({ "CapacityUsedNonDFS", "Total space used by data nodes for non DFS purposes in bytes" }) public long getCapacityUsedNonDFS() { return datanodeStatistics.getCapacityUsedNonDFS(); } /** * Total number of connections. */ @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric public int getTotalLoad() { return datanodeStatistics.getXceiverCount(); } @Metric({ "SnapshottableDirectories", "Number of snapshottable directories" }) public int getNumSnapshottableDirs() { return this.snapshotManager.getNumSnapshottableDirs(); } @Metric({ "Snapshots", "The number of snapshots" }) public int getNumSnapshots() { return this.snapshotManager.getNumSnapshots(); } @Override public String getSnapshotStats() { Map<String, Object> info = new HashMap<String, Object>(); info.put("SnapshottableDirectories", this.getNumSnapshottableDirs()); info.put("Snapshots", this.getNumSnapshots()); return JSON.toString(info); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "NumEncryptionZones", "The number of encryption zones" }) public int getNumEncryptionZones() { return dir.ezManager.getNumEncryptionZones(); } /** * Returns the length of the wait Queue for the FSNameSystemLock. * * A larger number here indicates lots of threads are waiting for * FSNameSystemLock. * * @return int - Number of Threads waiting to acquire FSNameSystemLock */ @Override @Metric({ "LockQueueLength", "Number of threads waiting to " + "acquire FSNameSystemLock" }) public int getFsLockQueueLength() { return fsLock.getQueueLength(); } int getNumberOfDatanodes(DatanodeReportType type) { readLock(); try { return getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().getDatanodeListForReport(type).size(); } finally { readUnlock("getNumberOfDatanodes"); } } DatanodeInfo[] datanodeReport(final DatanodeReportType type) throws IOException { String operationName = "datanodeReport"; DatanodeInfo[] arr; checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); final DatanodeManager dm = getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager(); final List<DatanodeDescriptor> results = dm.getDatanodeListForReport(type); arr = new DatanodeInfo[results.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = new DatanodeInfoBuilder().setFrom(results.get(i)).build(); arr[i].setNumBlocks(results.get(i).numBlocks()); } } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null); return arr; } DatanodeStorageReport[] getDatanodeStorageReport(final DatanodeReportType type) throws IOException { String operationName = "getDatanodeStorageReport"; DatanodeStorageReport[] reports; checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); final DatanodeManager dm = getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager(); reports = dm.getDatanodeStorageReport(type); } finally { readUnlock("getDatanodeStorageReport"); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null); return reports; } /** * Save namespace image. * This will save current namespace into fsimage file and empty edits file. * Requires superuser privilege and safe mode. */ boolean saveNamespace(final long timeWindow, final long txGap) throws IOException { String operationName = "saveNamespace"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); boolean saved = false; cpLock(); // Block if a checkpointing is in progress on standby. readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); if (!isInSafeMode()) { throw new IOException("Safe mode should be turned ON " + "in order to create namespace image."); } saved = getFSImage().saveNamespace(timeWindow, txGap, this); } finally { readUnlock(operationName); cpUnlock(); } if (saved) {"New namespace image has been created"); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null); return saved; } /** * Enables/Disables/Checks restoring failed storage replicas if the storage becomes available again. * Requires superuser privilege. * * @throws AccessControlException if superuser privilege is violated. */ boolean restoreFailedStorage(String arg) throws IOException { String operationName = getFailedStorageCommand(arg); boolean val = false; checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); cpLock(); // Block if a checkpointing is in progress on standby. writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); // if it is disabled - enable it and vice versa. if (arg.equals("check")) { val = getFSImage().getStorage().getRestoreFailedStorage(); } else { val = arg.equals("true"); // false if not getFSImage().getStorage().setRestoreFailedStorage(val); } } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); cpUnlock(); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null); return val; } Date getStartTime() { return new Date(startTime); } void finalizeUpgrade() throws IOException { String operationName = "finalizeUpgrade"; checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); cpLock(); // Block if a checkpointing is in progress on standby. writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); getFSImage().finalizeUpgrade(this.isHaEnabled() && inActiveState()); } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); cpUnlock(); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null); } void refreshNodes() throws IOException { String operationName = "refreshNodes"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.UNCHECKED); checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().refreshNodes(new HdfsConfiguration()); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null); } void setBalancerBandwidth(long bandwidth) throws IOException { String operationName = "setBalancerBandwidth"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().setBalancerBandwidth(bandwidth); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null); } boolean setSafeMode(SafeModeAction action) throws IOException { String operationName = action.toString().toLowerCase(); boolean error = false; if (action != SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_GET) { checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); switch (action) { case SAFEMODE_LEAVE: // leave safe mode leaveSafeMode(false); break; case SAFEMODE_ENTER: // enter safe mode enterSafeMode(false); break; case SAFEMODE_FORCE_EXIT: leaveSafeMode(true); break; default: LOG.error("Unexpected safe mode action"); error = true; } } if (!error) { logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null); } return isInSafeMode(); } /** * Get the total number of blocks in the system. */ @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric public long getBlocksTotal() { return blockManager.getTotalBlocks(); } /** * Get the number of files under construction in the system. */ @Metric({ "NumFilesUnderConstruction", "Number of files under construction" }) public long getNumFilesUnderConstruction() { return leaseManager.countPath(); } /** * Get the total number of active clients holding lease in the system. */ @Metric({ "NumActiveClients", "Number of active clients holding lease" }) public long getNumActiveClients() { return leaseManager.countLease(); } /** * Get the total number of COMPLETE blocks in the system. * For safe mode only complete blocks are counted. * This is invoked only during NN startup and checkpointing. */ public long getCompleteBlocksTotal() { // Calculate number of blocks under construction long numUCBlocks = 0; readLock(); try { numUCBlocks = leaseManager.getNumUnderConstructionBlocks(); return getBlocksTotal() - numUCBlocks; } finally { readUnlock("getCompleteBlocksTotal"); } } @Override public boolean isInSafeMode() { return isInManualOrResourceLowSafeMode() || blockManager.isInSafeMode(); } @Override public boolean isInStartupSafeMode() { return !isInManualOrResourceLowSafeMode() && blockManager.isInSafeMode(); } /** * Enter safe mode. If resourcesLow is false, then we assume it is manual * @throws IOException */ void enterSafeMode(boolean resourcesLow) throws IOException { writeLock(); try { // Stop the secret manager, since rolling the master key would // try to write to the edit log stopSecretManager(); // Ensure that any concurrent operations have been fully synced // before entering safe mode. This ensures that the FSImage // is entirely stable on disk as soon as we're in safe mode. boolean isEditlogOpenForWrite = getEditLog().isOpenForWrite(); // Before Editlog is in OpenForWrite mode, editLogStream will be null. So, // logSyncAll call can be called only when Edlitlog is in OpenForWrite mode if (isEditlogOpenForWrite) { getEditLog().logSyncAll(); } setManualAndResourceLowSafeMode(!resourcesLow, resourcesLow);"STATE* Safe mode is ON.\n" + getSafeModeTip()); } finally { writeUnlock("enterSafeMode"); } } /** * Leave safe mode. * @param force true if to leave safe mode forcefully with -forceExit option */ void leaveSafeMode(boolean force) { writeLock(); try { if (!isInSafeMode()) {"STATE* Safe mode is already OFF"); return; } if (blockManager.leaveSafeMode(force)) { setManualAndResourceLowSafeMode(false, false); startSecretManagerIfNecessary(); } } finally { writeUnlock("leaveSafeMode"); } } String getSafeModeTip() { String cmd = "Use \"hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave\" to turn safe mode off."; synchronized (this) { if (resourceLowSafeMode) { return "Resources are low on NN. Please add or free up more resources" + "then turn off safe mode manually. NOTE: If you turn off safe " + "mode before adding resources, the NN will immediately return to " + "safe mode. " + cmd; } else if (manualSafeMode) { return "It was turned on manually. " + cmd; } } return blockManager.getSafeModeTip(); } /** * @return true iff it is in manual safe mode or resource low safe mode. */ private synchronized boolean isInManualOrResourceLowSafeMode() { return manualSafeMode || resourceLowSafeMode; } private synchronized void setManualAndResourceLowSafeMode(boolean manual, boolean resourceLow) { this.manualSafeMode = manual; this.resourceLowSafeMode = resourceLow; } CheckpointSignature rollEditLog() throws IOException { String operationName = "rollEditLog"; CheckpointSignature result = null; checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); checkOperation(OperationCategory.JOURNAL); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.JOURNAL); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Log not rolled"); if (Server.isRpcInvocation()) {"Roll Edit Log from " + Server.getRemoteAddress()); } result = getFSImage().rollEditLog(getEffectiveLayoutVersion()); } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null); return result; } NamenodeCommand startCheckpoint(NamenodeRegistration backupNode, NamenodeRegistration activeNamenode) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.CHECKPOINT); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.CHECKPOINT); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Checkpoint not started");"Start checkpoint for " + backupNode.getAddress()); NamenodeCommand cmd = getFSImage().startCheckpoint(backupNode, activeNamenode, getEffectiveLayoutVersion()); getEditLog().logSync(); return cmd; } finally { writeUnlock("startCheckpoint"); } } public void processIncrementalBlockReport(final DatanodeID nodeID, final StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks srdb) throws IOException { writeLock(); try { blockManager.processIncrementalBlockReport(nodeID, srdb); } finally { writeUnlock("processIncrementalBlockReport"); } } void endCheckpoint(NamenodeRegistration registration, CheckpointSignature sig) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.CHECKPOINT); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.CHECKPOINT); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Checkpoint not ended");"End checkpoint for " + registration.getAddress()); getFSImage().endCheckpoint(sig); } finally { readUnlock("endCheckpoint"); } } PermissionStatus createFsOwnerPermissions(FsPermission permission) { return new PermissionStatus(fsOwner.getShortUserName(), supergroup, permission); } void checkSuperuserPrivilege() throws AccessControlException { if (isPermissionEnabled) { FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); pc.checkSuperuserPrivilege(); } } void checkSuperuserPrivilege(FSPermissionChecker pc) throws AccessControlException { if (isPermissionEnabled) { pc.checkSuperuserPrivilege(); } } /** * Check to see if we have exceeded the limit on the number * of inodes. */ void checkFsObjectLimit() throws IOException { if (maxFsObjects != 0 && maxFsObjects <= dir.totalInodes() + getBlocksTotal()) { throw new IOException( "Exceeded the configured number of objects " + maxFsObjects + " in the filesystem."); } } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean public long getMaxObjects() { return maxFsObjects; } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric public long getFilesTotal() { // There is no need to take fSNamesystem's lock as // FSDirectory has its own lock. return this.dir.totalInodes(); } /** * Get aggregated count of all blocks pending to be reconstructed. */ @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric @Deprecated public long getPendingReplicationBlocks() { return blockManager.getPendingReconstructionBlocksCount(); } /** * Get aggregated count of all blocks pending to be reconstructed. */ @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric public long getPendingReconstructionBlocks() { return blockManager.getPendingReconstructionBlocksCount(); } /** * Get aggregated count of all blocks with low redundancy. * @deprecated - Use {@link #getLowRedundancyBlocks()} instead. */ @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric @Deprecated public long getUnderReplicatedBlocks() { return blockManager.getLowRedundancyBlocksCount(); } /** * Get aggregated count of all blocks with low redundancy. */ @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric public long getLowRedundancyBlocks() { return blockManager.getLowRedundancyBlocksCount(); } /** Returns number of blocks with corrupt replicas */ @Metric({ "CorruptBlocks", "Number of blocks with corrupt replicas" }) public long getCorruptReplicaBlocks() { return blockManager.getCorruptReplicaBlocksCount(); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric public long getScheduledReplicationBlocks() { return blockManager.getScheduledReplicationBlocksCount(); } @Override @Metric public long getPendingDeletionBlocks() { return blockManager.getPendingDeletionBlocksCount(); } @Override // ReplicatedBlocksMBean @Metric({ "LowRedundancyReplicatedBlocks", "Number of low redundancy replicated blocks" }) public long getLowRedundancyReplicatedBlocks() { return blockManager.getLowRedundancyBlocks(); } @Override // ReplicatedBlocksMBean @Metric({ "CorruptReplicatedBlocks", "Number of corrupted replicated blocks" }) public long getCorruptReplicatedBlocks() { return blockManager.getCorruptBlocks(); } @Override // ReplicatedBlocksMBean @Metric({ "MissingReplicatedBlocks", "Number of missing replicated blocks" }) public long getMissingReplicatedBlocks() { return blockManager.getMissingBlocks(); } @Override // ReplicatedBlocksMBean @Metric({ "MissingReplicationOneBlocks", "Number of missing replicated " + "blocks with replication factor 1" }) public long getMissingReplicationOneBlocks() { return blockManager.getMissingReplicationOneBlocks(); } @Override // ReplicatedBlocksMBean @Metric({ "HighestPriorityLowRedundancyReplicatedBlocks", "Number of " + "replicated blocks which have the highest risk of loss." }) public long getHighestPriorityLowRedundancyReplicatedBlocks() { return blockManager.getHighestPriorityReplicatedBlockCount(); } @Override // ReplicatedBlocksMBean @Metric({ "HighestPriorityLowRedundancyECBlocks", "Number of erasure coded " + "blocks which have the highest risk of loss." }) public long getHighestPriorityLowRedundancyECBlocks() { return blockManager.getHighestPriorityECBlockCount(); } @Override // ReplicatedBlocksMBean @Metric({ "BytesInFutureReplicatedBlocks", "Total bytes in replicated " + "blocks with future generation stamp" }) public long getBytesInFutureReplicatedBlocks() { return blockManager.getBytesInFutureReplicatedBlocks(); } @Override // ReplicatedBlocksMBean @Metric({ "PendingDeletionReplicatedBlocks", "Number of replicated blocks " + "that are pending deletion" }) public long getPendingDeletionReplicatedBlocks() { return blockManager.getPendingDeletionReplicatedBlocks(); } @Override // ReplicatedBlocksMBean @Metric({ "TotalReplicatedBlocks", "Total number of replicated blocks" }) public long getTotalReplicatedBlocks() { return blockManager.getTotalReplicatedBlocks(); } @Override // ECBlockGroupsMBean @Metric({ "LowRedundancyECBlockGroups", "Number of erasure coded block " + "groups with low redundancy" }) public long getLowRedundancyECBlockGroups() { return blockManager.getLowRedundancyECBlockGroups(); } @Override // ECBlockGroupsMBean @Metric({ "CorruptECBlockGroups", "Number of erasure coded block groups that" + " are corrupt" }) public long getCorruptECBlockGroups() { return blockManager.getCorruptECBlockGroups(); } @Override // ECBlockGroupsMBean @Metric({ "MissingECBlockGroups", "Number of erasure coded block groups that" + " are missing" }) public long getMissingECBlockGroups() { return blockManager.getMissingECBlockGroups(); } @Override // ECBlockGroupsMBean @Metric({ "BytesInFutureECBlockGroups", "Total bytes in erasure coded block " + "groups with future generation stamp" }) public long getBytesInFutureECBlockGroups() { return blockManager.getBytesInFutureECBlockGroups(); } @Override // ECBlockGroupsMBean @Metric({ "PendingDeletionECBlocks", "Number of erasure coded blocks " + "that are pending deletion" }) public long getPendingDeletionECBlocks() { return blockManager.getPendingDeletionECBlocks(); } @Override // ECBlockGroupsMBean @Metric({ "TotalECBlockGroups", "Total number of erasure coded block groups" }) public long getTotalECBlockGroups() { return blockManager.getTotalECBlockGroups(); } /** * Get the enabled erasure coding policies separated with comma. */ @Override // ECBlockGroupsMBean @Metric({ "EnabledEcPolicies", "Enabled erasure coding policies" }) public String getEnabledEcPolicies() { return getErasureCodingPolicyManager().getEnabledPoliciesMetric(); } @Override public long getBlockDeletionStartTime() { return startTime + blockManager.getStartupDelayBlockDeletionInMs(); } @Metric public long getExcessBlocks() { return blockManager.getExcessBlocksCount(); } @Metric public long getNumTimedOutPendingReconstructions() { return blockManager.getNumTimedOutPendingReconstructions(); } // HA-only metric @Metric public long getPostponedMisreplicatedBlocks() { return blockManager.getPostponedMisreplicatedBlocksCount(); } // HA-only metric @Metric public int getPendingDataNodeMessageCount() { return blockManager.getPendingDataNodeMessageCount(); } // HA-only metric @Metric public String getHAState() { return haContext.getState().toString(); } // HA-only metric @Metric public long getMillisSinceLastLoadedEdits() { if (isInStandbyState() && editLogTailer != null) { return monotonicNow() - editLogTailer.getLastLoadTimeMs(); } else { return 0; } } @Metric public int getBlockCapacity() { return blockManager.getCapacity(); } public HAServiceState getState() { return haContext == null ? null : haContext.getState().getServiceState(); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean public String getFSState() { return isInSafeMode() ? "safeMode" : "Operational"; } private ObjectName namesystemMBeanName, replicatedBlocksMBeanName, ecBlockGroupsMBeanName, namenodeMXBeanName; /** * Register following MBeans with their respective names. * FSNamesystemMBean: * "hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState" * ReplicatedBlocksMBean: * "hadoop:service=NameNode,name=ReplicatedBlocksState" * ECBlockGroupsMBean: * "hadoop:service=NameNode,name=ECBlockGroupsState" */ private void registerMBean() { // We can only implement one MXBean interface, so we keep the old one. try { StandardMBean namesystemBean = new StandardMBean(this, FSNamesystemMBean.class); StandardMBean replicaBean = new StandardMBean(this, ReplicatedBlocksMBean.class); StandardMBean ecBean = new StandardMBean(this, ECBlockGroupsMBean.class); namesystemMBeanName = MBeans.register("NameNode", "FSNamesystemState", namesystemBean); replicatedBlocksMBeanName = MBeans.register("NameNode", "ReplicatedBlocksState", replicaBean); ecBlockGroupsMBeanName = MBeans.register("NameNode", "ECBlockGroupsState", ecBean); } catch (NotCompliantMBeanException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad MBean setup", e); }"Registered FSNamesystemState, ReplicatedBlocksState and " + "ECBlockGroupsState MBeans."); } /** * Shutdown FSNamesystem. */ void shutdown() { if (snapshotManager != null) { snapshotManager.shutdown(); } if (namesystemMBeanName != null) { MBeans.unregister(namesystemMBeanName); namesystemMBeanName = null; } if (replicatedBlocksMBeanName != null) { MBeans.unregister(replicatedBlocksMBeanName); replicatedBlocksMBeanName = null; } if (ecBlockGroupsMBeanName != null) { MBeans.unregister(ecBlockGroupsMBeanName); ecBlockGroupsMBeanName = null; } if (namenodeMXBeanName != null) { MBeans.unregister(namenodeMXBeanName); namenodeMXBeanName = null; } if (dir != null) { dir.shutdown(); } if (blockManager != null) { blockManager.shutdown(); } if (provider != null) { try { provider.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to close provider.", e); } } } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "NumLiveDataNodes", "Number of datanodes which are currently live" }) public int getNumLiveDataNodes() { return getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().getNumLiveDataNodes(); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "NumDeadDataNodes", "Number of datanodes which are currently dead" }) public int getNumDeadDataNodes() { return getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().getNumDeadDataNodes(); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "NumDecomLiveDataNodes", "Number of datanodes which have been decommissioned and are now live" }) public int getNumDecomLiveDataNodes() { final List<DatanodeDescriptor> live = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().fetchDatanodes(live, null, false); int liveDecommissioned = 0; for (DatanodeDescriptor node : live) { liveDecommissioned += node.isDecommissioned() ? 1 : 0; } return liveDecommissioned; } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "NumDecomDeadDataNodes", "Number of datanodes which have been decommissioned and are now dead" }) public int getNumDecomDeadDataNodes() { final List<DatanodeDescriptor> dead = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().fetchDatanodes(null, dead, false); int deadDecommissioned = 0; for (DatanodeDescriptor node : dead) { deadDecommissioned += node.isDecommissioned() ? 1 : 0; } return deadDecommissioned; } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "VolumeFailuresTotal", "Total number of volume failures across all Datanodes" }) public int getVolumeFailuresTotal() { List<DatanodeDescriptor> live = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().fetchDatanodes(live, null, false); int volumeFailuresTotal = 0; for (DatanodeDescriptor node : live) { volumeFailuresTotal += node.getVolumeFailures(); } return volumeFailuresTotal; } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "EstimatedCapacityLostTotal", "An estimate of the total capacity lost due to volume failures" }) public long getEstimatedCapacityLostTotal() { List<DatanodeDescriptor> live = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().fetchDatanodes(live, null, false); long estimatedCapacityLostTotal = 0; for (DatanodeDescriptor node : live) { VolumeFailureSummary volumeFailureSummary = node.getVolumeFailureSummary(); if (volumeFailureSummary != null) { estimatedCapacityLostTotal += volumeFailureSummary.getEstimatedCapacityLostTotal(); } } return estimatedCapacityLostTotal; } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "NumDecommissioningDataNodes", "Number of datanodes in decommissioning state" }) public int getNumDecommissioningDataNodes() { return getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().getDecommissioningNodes().size(); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "StaleDataNodes", "Number of datanodes marked stale due to delayed heartbeat" }) public int getNumStaleDataNodes() { return getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().getNumStaleNodes(); } /** * Storages are marked as "content stale" after NN restart or fails over and * before NN receives the first Heartbeat followed by the first Blockreport. */ @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "NumStaleStorages", "Number of storages marked as content stale" }) public int getNumStaleStorages() { return getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().getNumStaleStorages(); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean public String getTopUserOpCounts() { if (!topConf.isEnabled) { return null; } Date now = new Date(); final List<RollingWindowManager.TopWindow> topWindows = topMetrics.getTopWindows(); Map<String, Object> topMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); topMap.put("windows", topWindows); topMap.put("timestamp", DFSUtil.dateToIso8601String(now)); try { return JsonUtil.toJsonString(topMap); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to fetch TopUser metrics", e); } return null; } /** * Increments, logs and then returns the stamp */ long nextGenerationStamp(boolean legacyBlock) throws IOException { assert hasWriteLock(); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot get next generation stamp"); long gs = blockManager.nextGenerationStamp(legacyBlock); if (legacyBlock) { getEditLog().logLegacyGenerationStamp(gs); } else { getEditLog().logGenerationStamp(gs); } // NB: callers sync the log return gs; } /** * Increments, logs and then returns the block ID * @param blockType is the file under striping or contiguous layout? */ private long nextBlockId(BlockType blockType) throws IOException { assert hasWriteLock(); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot get next block ID"); final long blockId = blockManager.nextBlockId(blockType); getEditLog().logAllocateBlockId(blockId); // NB: callers sync the log return blockId; } boolean isFileDeleted(INodeFile file) { assert hasReadLock(); // Not in the inodeMap or in the snapshot but marked deleted. if (dir.getInode(file.getId()) == null) { return true; } // look at the path hierarchy to see if one parent is deleted by recursive // deletion INode tmpChild = file; INodeDirectory tmpParent = file.getParent(); while (true) { if (tmpParent == null) { return true; } INode childINode = tmpParent.getChild(tmpChild.getLocalNameBytes(), Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID); if (childINode == null || !childINode.equals(tmpChild)) { // a newly created INode with the same name as an already deleted one // would be a different INode than the deleted one return true; } if (tmpParent.isRoot()) { break; } tmpChild = tmpParent; tmpParent = tmpParent.getParent(); } if (file.isWithSnapshot() && file.getFileWithSnapshotFeature().isCurrentFileDeleted()) { return true; } return false; } private INodeFile checkUCBlock(ExtendedBlock block, String clientName) throws IOException { assert hasWriteLock(); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot get a new generation stamp and an " + "access token for block " + block); // check stored block state BlockInfo storedBlock = getStoredBlock(ExtendedBlock.getLocalBlock(block)); if (storedBlock == null) { throw new IOException(block + " does not exist."); } if (storedBlock.getBlockUCState() != BlockUCState.UNDER_CONSTRUCTION) { throw new IOException("Unexpected BlockUCState: " + block + " is " + storedBlock.getBlockUCState() + " but not " + BlockUCState.UNDER_CONSTRUCTION); } // check file inode final INodeFile file = getBlockCollection(storedBlock); if (file == null || !file.isUnderConstruction() || isFileDeleted(file)) { throw new IOException( "The file " + storedBlock + " belonged to does not exist or it is not under construction."); } // check lease if (clientName == null || !clientName.equals(file.getFileUnderConstructionFeature().getClientName())) { throw new LeaseExpiredException( "Lease mismatch: " + block + " is accessed by a non lease holder " + clientName); } return file; } /** * Client is reporting some bad block locations. */ void reportBadBlocks(LocatedBlock[] blocks) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); for (int i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { ExtendedBlock blk = blocks[i].getBlock(); DatanodeInfo[] nodes = blocks[i].getLocations(); String[] storageIDs = blocks[i].getStorageIDs(); for (int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {"*DIR* reportBadBlocks for block: {} on" + " datanode: {}", blk, nodes[j].getXferAddr()); blockManager.findAndMarkBlockAsCorrupt(blk, nodes[j], storageIDs == null ? null : storageIDs[j], "client machine reported it"); } } } finally { writeUnlock("reportBadBlocks"); } } /** * Get a new generation stamp together with an access token for * a block under construction * * This method is called for recovering a failed write or setting up * a block for appended. * * @param block a block * @param clientName the name of a client * @return a located block with a new generation stamp and an access token * @throws IOException if any error occurs */ LocatedBlock bumpBlockGenerationStamp(ExtendedBlock block, String clientName) throws IOException { final LocatedBlock locatedBlock; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); // check vadility of parameters final INodeFile file = checkUCBlock(block, clientName); // get a new generation stamp and an access token block.setGenerationStamp(nextGenerationStamp(blockManager.isLegacyBlock(block.getLocalBlock()))); locatedBlock = BlockManager.newLocatedBlock(block, file.getLastBlock(), null, -1); blockManager.setBlockToken(locatedBlock, BlockTokenIdentifier.AccessMode.WRITE); } finally { writeUnlock("bumpBlockGenerationStamp"); } // Ensure we record the new generation stamp getEditLog().logSync(); return locatedBlock; } /** * Update a pipeline for a block under construction * * @param clientName the name of the client * @param oldBlock and old block * @param newBlock a new block with a new generation stamp and length * @param newNodes datanodes in the pipeline * @throws IOException if any error occurs */ void updatePipeline(String clientName, ExtendedBlock oldBlock, ExtendedBlock newBlock, DatanodeID[] newNodes, String[] newStorageIDs, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE);"updatePipeline(" + oldBlock.getLocalBlock() + ", newGS=" + newBlock.getGenerationStamp() + ", newLength=" + newBlock.getNumBytes() + ", newNodes=" + Arrays.asList(newNodes) + ", client=" + clientName + ")"); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Pipeline not updated"); assert newBlock.getBlockId() == oldBlock.getBlockId() : newBlock + " and " + oldBlock + " has different block identifier"; updatePipelineInternal(clientName, oldBlock, newBlock, newNodes, newStorageIDs, logRetryCache); } finally { writeUnlock("updatePipeline"); } getEditLog().logSync();"updatePipeline(" + oldBlock.getLocalBlock() + " => " + newBlock.getLocalBlock() + ") success"); } private void updatePipelineInternal(String clientName, ExtendedBlock oldBlock, ExtendedBlock newBlock, DatanodeID[] newNodes, String[] newStorageIDs, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { assert hasWriteLock(); // check the vadility of the block and lease holder name final INodeFile pendingFile = checkUCBlock(oldBlock, clientName); final String src = pendingFile.getFullPathName(); final BlockInfo lastBlock = pendingFile.getLastBlock(); assert !lastBlock.isComplete(); // check new GS & length: this is not expected if (newBlock.getGenerationStamp() <= lastBlock.getGenerationStamp()) { final String msg = "Update " + oldBlock + " but the new block " + newBlock + " does not have a larger generation stamp than the last block " + lastBlock; LOG.warn(msg); throw new IOException(msg); } if (newBlock.getNumBytes() < lastBlock.getNumBytes()) { final String msg = "Update " + oldBlock + " (size=" + oldBlock.getNumBytes() + ") to a smaller size block " + newBlock + " (size=" + newBlock.getNumBytes() + ")"; LOG.warn(msg); throw new IOException(msg); } // Update old block with the new generation stamp and new length blockManager.updateLastBlock(lastBlock, newBlock); // find the DatanodeDescriptor objects final DatanodeStorageInfo[] storages = blockManager.getDatanodeManager().getDatanodeStorageInfos(newNodes, newStorageIDs, "src=%s, oldBlock=%s, newBlock=%s, clientName=%s", src, oldBlock, newBlock, clientName); lastBlock.getUnderConstructionFeature().setExpectedLocations(lastBlock, storages, lastBlock.getBlockType()); FSDirWriteFileOp.persistBlocks(dir, src, pendingFile, logRetryCache); } /** * Register a Backup name-node, verifying that it belongs * to the correct namespace, and adding it to the set of * active journals if necessary. * * @param bnReg registration of the new BackupNode * @param nnReg registration of this NameNode * @throws IOException if the namespace IDs do not match */ void registerBackupNode(NamenodeRegistration bnReg, NamenodeRegistration nnReg) throws IOException { writeLock(); try { if (getFSImage().getStorage().getNamespaceID() != bnReg.getNamespaceID()) throw new IOException("Incompatible namespaceIDs: " + " Namenode namespaceID = " + getFSImage().getStorage().getNamespaceID() + "; " + bnReg.getRole() + " node namespaceID = " + bnReg.getNamespaceID()); if (bnReg.getRole() == NamenodeRole.BACKUP) { getFSImage().getEditLog().registerBackupNode(bnReg, nnReg); } } finally { writeUnlock("registerBackupNode"); } } /** * Release (unregister) backup node. * <p> * Find and remove the backup stream corresponding to the node. * @throws IOException */ void releaseBackupNode(NamenodeRegistration registration) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); if (getFSImage().getStorage().getNamespaceID() != registration.getNamespaceID()) throw new IOException("Incompatible namespaceIDs: " + " Namenode namespaceID = " + getFSImage().getStorage().getNamespaceID() + "; " + registration.getRole() + " node namespaceID = " + registration.getNamespaceID()); getEditLog().releaseBackupStream(registration); } finally { writeUnlock("releaseBackupNode"); } } static class CorruptFileBlockInfo { final String path; final Block block; public CorruptFileBlockInfo(String p, Block b) { path = p; block = b; } @Override public String toString() { return block.getBlockName() + "\t" + path; } } /** * @param path Restrict corrupt files to this portion of namespace. * @param cookieTab Support for continuation; cookieTab tells where * to start from * @return a list in which each entry describes a corrupt file/block * @throws IOException */ Collection<CorruptFileBlockInfo> listCorruptFileBlocks(String path, String[] cookieTab) throws IOException { checkSuperuserPrivilege(); checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); int count = 0; ArrayList<CorruptFileBlockInfo> corruptFiles = new ArrayList<CorruptFileBlockInfo>(); if (cookieTab == null) { cookieTab = new String[] { null }; } // Do a quick check if there are any corrupt files without taking the lock if (blockManager.getMissingBlocksCount() == 0) { if (cookieTab[0] == null) { cookieTab[0] = String.valueOf(getIntCookie(cookieTab[0])); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("there are no corrupt file blocks."); } return corruptFiles; } readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); if (!blockManager.isPopulatingReplQueues()) { throw new IOException("Cannot run listCorruptFileBlocks because " + "replication queues have not been initialized."); } // print a limited # of corrupt files per call final Iterator<BlockInfo> blkIterator = blockManager.getCorruptReplicaBlockIterator(); int skip = getIntCookie(cookieTab[0]); for (int i = 0; i < skip && blkIterator.hasNext(); i++) {; } while (blkIterator.hasNext()) { BlockInfo blk =; final INodeFile inode = getBlockCollection(blk); skip++; if (inode != null) { String src = inode.getFullPathName(); if (src.startsWith(path)) { corruptFiles.add(new CorruptFileBlockInfo(src, blk)); count++; if (count >= maxCorruptFileBlocksReturn) break; } } } cookieTab[0] = String.valueOf(skip); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("list corrupt file blocks returned: " + count); } return corruptFiles; } finally { readUnlock("listCorruptFileBlocks"); } } /** * Convert string cookie to integer. */ private static int getIntCookie(String cookie) { int c; if (cookie == null) { c = 0; } else { try { c = Integer.parseInt(cookie); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { c = 0; } } c = Math.max(0, c); return c; } /** * Create delegation token secret manager */ private DelegationTokenSecretManager createDelegationTokenSecretManager(Configuration conf) { return new DelegationTokenSecretManager( conf.getLong(DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_KEY_UPDATE_INTERVAL_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_KEY_UPDATE_INTERVAL_DEFAULT), conf.getLong(DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_MAX_LIFETIME_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_MAX_LIFETIME_DEFAULT), conf.getLong(DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_RENEW_INTERVAL_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_DELEGATION_TOKEN_RENEW_INTERVAL_DEFAULT), DELEGATION_TOKEN_REMOVER_SCAN_INTERVAL, conf.getBoolean(DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOG_TOKEN_TRACKING_ID_KEY, DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOG_TOKEN_TRACKING_ID_DEFAULT), this); } /** * Returns the DelegationTokenSecretManager instance in the namesystem. * @return delegation token secret manager object */ DelegationTokenSecretManager getDelegationTokenSecretManager() { return dtSecretManager; } /** * @param renewer Renewer information * @return delegation toek * @throws IOException on error */ Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> getDelegationToken(Text renewer) throws IOException { final String operationName = "getDelegationToken"; final boolean success; final String tokenId; Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> token; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot issue delegation token"); if (!isAllowedDelegationTokenOp()) { throw new IOException("Delegation Token can be issued only with kerberos or web authentication"); } if (dtSecretManager == null || !dtSecretManager.isRunning()) { LOG.warn("trying to get DT with no secret manager running"); return null; } UserGroupInformation ugi = getRemoteUser(); String user = ugi.getUserName(); Text owner = new Text(user); Text realUser = null; if (ugi.getRealUser() != null) { realUser = new Text(ugi.getRealUser().getUserName()); } DelegationTokenIdentifier dtId = new DelegationTokenIdentifier(owner, renewer, realUser); token = new Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier>(dtId, dtSecretManager); long expiryTime = dtSecretManager.getTokenExpiryTime(dtId); getEditLog().logGetDelegationToken(dtId, expiryTime); tokenId = dtId.toStringStable(); success = true; } finally { writeUnlock("getDelegationToken"); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, tokenId); return token; } /** * * @param token token to renew * @return new expiryTime of the token * @throws InvalidToken if {@code token} is invalid * @throws IOException on other errors */ long renewDelegationToken(Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> token) throws InvalidToken, IOException { final String operationName = "renewDelegationToken"; boolean success = false; String tokenId; long expiryTime; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot renew delegation token"); if (!isAllowedDelegationTokenOp()) { throw new IOException("Delegation Token can be renewed only with kerberos or web authentication"); } String renewer = getRemoteUser().getShortUserName(); expiryTime = dtSecretManager.renewToken(token, renewer); final DelegationTokenIdentifier id = DFSUtil.decodeDelegationToken(token); getEditLog().logRenewDelegationToken(id, expiryTime); tokenId = id.toStringStable(); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { final DelegationTokenIdentifier id = DFSUtil.decodeDelegationToken(token); tokenId = id.toStringStable(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, tokenId); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock("renewDelegationToken"); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, tokenId); return expiryTime; } /** * * @param token token to cancel * @throws IOException on error */ void cancelDelegationToken(Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> token) throws IOException { final String operationName = "cancelDelegationToken"; boolean success = false; String tokenId; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot cancel delegation token"); String canceller = getRemoteUser().getUserName(); DelegationTokenIdentifier id = dtSecretManager.cancelToken(token, canceller); getEditLog().logCancelDelegationToken(id); tokenId = id.toStringStable(); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { final DelegationTokenIdentifier id = DFSUtil.decodeDelegationToken(token); tokenId = id.toStringStable(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, tokenId); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock("cancelDelegationToken"); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, tokenId); } /** * @param out save state of the secret manager * @param sdPath String storage directory path */ void saveSecretManagerStateCompat(DataOutputStream out, String sdPath) throws IOException { dtSecretManager.saveSecretManagerStateCompat(out, sdPath); } SecretManagerState saveSecretManagerState() { return dtSecretManager.saveSecretManagerState(); } /** * @param in load the state of secret manager from input stream */ void loadSecretManagerStateCompat(DataInput in) throws IOException { dtSecretManager.loadSecretManagerStateCompat(in); } void loadSecretManagerState(SecretManagerSection s, List<SecretManagerSection.DelegationKey> keys, List<SecretManagerSection.PersistToken> tokens) throws IOException { dtSecretManager.loadSecretManagerState(new SecretManagerState(s, keys, tokens)); } /** * Log the updateMasterKey operation to edit logs * * @param key new delegation key. */ public void logUpdateMasterKey(DelegationKey key) { assert !isInSafeMode() : "this should never be called while in safemode, since we stop " + "the DT manager before entering safemode!"; // edit log rolling is not thread-safe and must be protected by the // fsn lock. not updating namespace so read lock is sufficient. assert hasReadLock(); getEditLog().logUpdateMasterKey(key); getEditLog().logSync(); } /** * Log the cancellation of expired tokens to edit logs * * @param id token identifier to cancel */ public void logExpireDelegationToken(DelegationTokenIdentifier id) { assert !isInSafeMode() : "this should never be called while in safemode, since we stop " + "the DT manager before entering safemode!"; // edit log rolling is not thread-safe and must be protected by the // fsn lock. not updating namespace so read lock is sufficient. assert hasReadLock(); // do not logSync so expiration edits are batched getEditLog().logCancelDelegationToken(id); } private void logReassignLease(String leaseHolder, String src, String newHolder) { assert hasWriteLock(); getEditLog().logReassignLease(leaseHolder, src, newHolder); } /** * * @return true if delegation token operation is allowed */ private boolean isAllowedDelegationTokenOp() throws IOException { AuthenticationMethod authMethod = getConnectionAuthenticationMethod(); if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled() && (authMethod != AuthenticationMethod.KERBEROS) && (authMethod != AuthenticationMethod.KERBEROS_SSL) && (authMethod != AuthenticationMethod.CERTIFICATE)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns authentication method used to establish the connection * @return AuthenticationMethod used to establish connection * @throws IOException */ private AuthenticationMethod getConnectionAuthenticationMethod() throws IOException { UserGroupInformation ugi = getRemoteUser(); AuthenticationMethod authMethod = ugi.getAuthenticationMethod(); if (authMethod == AuthenticationMethod.PROXY) { authMethod = ugi.getRealUser().getAuthenticationMethod(); } return authMethod; } /** * Client invoked methods are invoked over RPC and will be in * RPC call context even if the client exits. */ boolean isExternalInvocation() { return Server.isRpcInvocation(); } // optimize ugi lookup for RPC operations to avoid a trip through // UGI.getCurrentUser which is synch'ed private static UserGroupInformation getRemoteUser() throws IOException { return NameNode.getRemoteUser(); } /** * Log fsck event in the audit log */ void logFsckEvent(String src, InetAddress remoteAddress) throws IOException { if (isAuditEnabled()) { logAuditEvent(true, getRemoteUser(), remoteAddress, "fsck", src, null, null); } } /** * Register NameNodeMXBean. */ private void registerMXBean() { namenodeMXBeanName = MBeans.register("NameNode", "NameNodeInfo", this); } /** * Class representing Namenode information for JMX interfaces */ @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getVersion() { return VersionInfo.getVersion() + ", r" + VersionInfo.getRevision(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getUsed() { return this.getCapacityUsed(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getFree() { return this.getCapacityRemaining(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getTotal() { return this.getCapacityTotal(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getProvidedCapacity() { return this.getProvidedCapacityTotal(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getSafemode() { if (!this.isInSafeMode()) return ""; return "Safe mode is ON. " + this.getSafeModeTip(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public boolean isUpgradeFinalized() { return this.getFSImage().isUpgradeFinalized(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getNonDfsUsedSpace() { return datanodeStatistics.getCapacityUsedNonDFS(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public float getPercentUsed() { return datanodeStatistics.getCapacityUsedPercent(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getBlockPoolUsedSpace() { return datanodeStatistics.getBlockPoolUsed(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public float getPercentBlockPoolUsed() { return datanodeStatistics.getPercentBlockPoolUsed(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public float getPercentRemaining() { return datanodeStatistics.getCapacityRemainingPercent(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getCacheCapacity() { return datanodeStatistics.getCacheCapacity(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getCacheUsed() { return datanodeStatistics.getCacheUsed(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getTotalBlocks() { return getBlocksTotal(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getNumberOfMissingBlocks() { return getMissingBlocksCount(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getNumberOfMissingBlocksWithReplicationFactorOne() { return getMissingReplOneBlocksCount(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public int getThreads() { return ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean().getThreadCount(); } /** * Returned information is a JSON representation of map with host name as the * key and value is a map of live node attribute keys to its values */ @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getLiveNodes() { final Map<String, Map<String, Object>> info = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); final List<DatanodeDescriptor> live = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); blockManager.getDatanodeManager().fetchDatanodes(live, null, false); for (DatanodeDescriptor node : live) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> innerinfo = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder(); innerinfo.put("infoAddr", node.getInfoAddr()).put("infoSecureAddr", node.getInfoSecureAddr()) .put("xferaddr", node.getXferAddr()).put("lastContact", getLastContact(node)) .put("usedSpace", getDfsUsed(node)).put("adminState", node.getAdminState().toString()) .put("nonDfsUsedSpace", node.getNonDfsUsed()).put("capacity", node.getCapacity()) .put("numBlocks", node.numBlocks()).put("version", node.getSoftwareVersion()) .put("used", node.getDfsUsed()).put("remaining", node.getRemaining()) .put("blockScheduled", node.getBlocksScheduled()).put("blockPoolUsed", node.getBlockPoolUsed()) .put("blockPoolUsedPercent", node.getBlockPoolUsedPercent()) .put("volfails", node.getVolumeFailures()) // Block report time in minutes .put("lastBlockReport", getLastBlockReport(node)); VolumeFailureSummary volumeFailureSummary = node.getVolumeFailureSummary(); if (volumeFailureSummary != null) { innerinfo.put("failedStorageIDs", volumeFailureSummary.getFailedStorageLocations()) .put("lastVolumeFailureDate", volumeFailureSummary.getLastVolumeFailureDate()) .put("estimatedCapacityLostTotal", volumeFailureSummary.getEstimatedCapacityLostTotal()); } if (node.getUpgradeDomain() != null) { innerinfo.put("upgradeDomain", node.getUpgradeDomain()); } info.put(node.getHostName() + ":" + node.getXferPort(),; } return JSON.toString(info); } /** * Returned information is a JSON representation of map with host name as the * key and value is a map of dead node attribute keys to its values */ @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getDeadNodes() { final Map<String, Map<String, Object>> info = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); final List<DatanodeDescriptor> dead = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); blockManager.getDatanodeManager().fetchDatanodes(null, dead, false); for (DatanodeDescriptor node : dead) { Map<String, Object> innerinfo = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder() .put("lastContact", getLastContact(node)).put("decommissioned", node.isDecommissioned()) .put("adminState", node.getAdminState().toString()).put("xferaddr", node.getXferAddr()).build(); info.put(node.getHostName() + ":" + node.getXferPort(), innerinfo); } return JSON.toString(info); } /** * Returned information is a JSON representation of map with host name as the * key and value is a map of decommissioning node attribute keys to its * values */ @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getDecomNodes() { final Map<String, Map<String, Object>> info = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); final List<DatanodeDescriptor> decomNodeList = blockManager.getDatanodeManager().getDecommissioningNodes(); for (DatanodeDescriptor node : decomNodeList) { Map<String, Object> innerinfo = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder() .put("xferaddr", node.getXferAddr()) .put("underReplicatedBlocks", node.getLeavingServiceStatus().getUnderReplicatedBlocks()) .put("decommissionOnlyReplicas", node.getLeavingServiceStatus().getOutOfServiceOnlyReplicas()) .put("underReplicateInOpenFiles", node.getLeavingServiceStatus().getUnderReplicatedInOpenFiles()) .build(); info.put(node.getHostName() + ":" + node.getXferPort(), innerinfo); } return JSON.toString(info); } /** * Returned information is a JSON representation of map with host name of * nodes entering maintenance as the key and value as a map of various node * attributes to its values. */ @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getEnteringMaintenanceNodes() { final Map<String, Map<String, Object>> nodesMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); final List<DatanodeDescriptor> enteringMaintenanceNodeList = blockManager.getDatanodeManager() .getEnteringMaintenanceNodes(); for (DatanodeDescriptor node : enteringMaintenanceNodeList) { Map<String, Object> attrMap = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder().put("xferaddr", node.getXferAddr()) .put("underReplicatedBlocks", node.getLeavingServiceStatus().getUnderReplicatedBlocks()) .put("maintenanceOnlyReplicas", node.getLeavingServiceStatus().getOutOfServiceOnlyReplicas()) .put("underReplicateInOpenFiles", node.getLeavingServiceStatus().getUnderReplicatedInOpenFiles()) .build(); nodesMap.put(node.getHostName() + ":" + node.getXferPort(), attrMap); } return JSON.toString(nodesMap); } private long getLastContact(DatanodeDescriptor alivenode) { return (monotonicNow() - alivenode.getLastUpdateMonotonic()) / 1000; } private Object getLastBlockReport(DatanodeDescriptor node) { return (monotonicNow() - node.getLastBlockReportMonotonic()) / 60000; } private long getDfsUsed(DatanodeDescriptor alivenode) { return alivenode.getDfsUsed(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getClusterId() { return getFSImage().getStorage().getClusterID(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getBlockPoolId() { return getBlockManager().getBlockPoolId(); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getNameDirStatuses() { Map<String, Map<File, StorageDirType>> statusMap = new HashMap<String, Map<File, StorageDirType>>(); Map<File, StorageDirType> activeDirs = new HashMap<File, StorageDirType>(); for (Iterator<StorageDirectory> it = getFSImage().getStorage().dirIterator(); it.hasNext();) { StorageDirectory st =; activeDirs.put(st.getRoot(), st.getStorageDirType()); } statusMap.put("active", activeDirs); List<Storage.StorageDirectory> removedStorageDirs = getFSImage().getStorage().getRemovedStorageDirs(); Map<File, StorageDirType> failedDirs = new HashMap<File, StorageDirType>(); for (StorageDirectory st : removedStorageDirs) { failedDirs.put(st.getRoot(), st.getStorageDirType()); } statusMap.put("failed", failedDirs); return JSON.toString(statusMap); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getNodeUsage() { float median = 0; float max = 0; float min = 0; float dev = 0; final Map<String, Map<String, Object>> info = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); final List<DatanodeDescriptor> live = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); blockManager.getDatanodeManager().fetchDatanodes(live, null, true); for (Iterator<DatanodeDescriptor> it = live.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { DatanodeDescriptor node =; if (!node.isInService()) { it.remove(); } } if (live.size() > 0) { float totalDfsUsed = 0; float[] usages = new float[live.size()]; int i = 0; for (DatanodeDescriptor dn : live) { usages[i++] = dn.getDfsUsedPercent(); totalDfsUsed += dn.getDfsUsedPercent(); } totalDfsUsed /= live.size(); Arrays.sort(usages); median = usages[usages.length / 2]; max = usages[usages.length - 1]; min = usages[0]; for (i = 0; i < usages.length; i++) { dev += (usages[i] - totalDfsUsed) * (usages[i] - totalDfsUsed); } dev = (float) Math.sqrt(dev / usages.length); } final Map<String, Object> innerInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); innerInfo.put("min", StringUtils.format("%.2f%%", min)); innerInfo.put("median", StringUtils.format("%.2f%%", median)); innerInfo.put("max", StringUtils.format("%.2f%%", max)); innerInfo.put("stdDev", StringUtils.format("%.2f%%", dev)); info.put("nodeUsage", innerInfo); return JSON.toString(info); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getNameJournalStatus() { List<Map<String, String>> jasList = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); FSEditLog log = getFSImage().getEditLog(); if (log != null) { // This flag can be false because we cannot hold a lock of FSEditLog // for metrics. boolean openForWrite = log.isOpenForWriteWithoutLock(); for (JournalAndStream jas : log.getJournals()) { final Map<String, String> jasMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String manager = jas.getManager().toString(); jasMap.put("required", String.valueOf(jas.isRequired())); jasMap.put("disabled", String.valueOf(jas.isDisabled())); jasMap.put("manager", manager); if (jas.isDisabled()) { jasMap.put("stream", "Failed"); } else if (openForWrite) { EditLogOutputStream elos = jas.getCurrentStream(); if (elos != null) { jasMap.put("stream", elos.generateReport()); } else { jasMap.put("stream", "not currently writing"); } } else { jasMap.put("stream", "open for read"); } jasList.add(jasMap); } } return JSON.toString(jasList); } @Override // NameNodeMxBean public String getJournalTransactionInfo() { Map<String, String> txnIdMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); txnIdMap.put("LastAppliedOrWrittenTxId", Long.toString(this.getFSImage().getLastAppliedOrWrittenTxId())); txnIdMap.put("MostRecentCheckpointTxId", Long.toString(this.getFSImage().getMostRecentCheckpointTxId())); return JSON.toString(txnIdMap); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getNNStartedTimeInMillis() { return startTime; } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getCompileInfo() { return VersionInfo.getDate() + " by " + VersionInfo.getUser() + " from " + VersionInfo.getBranch(); } /** @return the block manager. */ public BlockManager getBlockManager() { return blockManager; } /** @return the FSDirectory. */ @Override public FSDirectory getFSDirectory() { return dir; } /** Set the FSDirectory. */ @VisibleForTesting public void setFSDirectory(FSDirectory dir) { this.dir = dir; } /** @return the cache manager. */ @Override public CacheManager getCacheManager() { return cacheManager; } /** @return the ErasureCodingPolicyManager. */ public ErasureCodingPolicyManager getErasureCodingPolicyManager() { return ErasureCodingPolicyManager.getInstance(); } @Override public HAContext getHAContext() { return haContext; } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public String getCorruptFiles() { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); Collection<FSNamesystem.CorruptFileBlockInfo> corruptFileBlocks; try { corruptFileBlocks = listCorruptFileBlocks("/", null); int corruptFileCount = corruptFileBlocks.size(); if (corruptFileCount != 0) { for (FSNamesystem.CorruptFileBlockInfo c : corruptFileBlocks) { list.add(c.toString()); } } } catch (StandbyException e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Get corrupt file blocks returned error: " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Get corrupt file blocks returned error", e); } return JSON.toString(list); } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public long getNumberOfSnapshottableDirs() { return snapshotManager.getNumSnapshottableDirs(); } /** * Get the list of corrupt blocks and corresponding full file path * including snapshots in given snapshottable directories. * @param path Restrict corrupt files to this portion of namespace. * @param snapshottableDirs Snapshottable directories. Passing in null * will only return corrupt blocks in non-snapshots. * @param cookieTab Support for continuation; cookieTab tells where * to start from. * @return a list in which each entry describes a corrupt file/block * @throws IOException */ List<String> listCorruptFileBlocksWithSnapshot(String path, List<String> snapshottableDirs, String[] cookieTab) throws IOException { final Collection<CorruptFileBlockInfo> corruptFileBlocks = listCorruptFileBlocks(path, cookieTab); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); // Precalculate snapshottableFeature list List<DirectorySnapshottableFeature> lsf = new ArrayList<>(); if (snapshottableDirs != null) { for (String snap : snapshottableDirs) { final INode isnap = getFSDirectory().getINode(snap, DirOp.READ_LINK); final DirectorySnapshottableFeature sf = isnap.asDirectory().getDirectorySnapshottableFeature(); if (sf == null) { throw new SnapshotException("Directory is not a snapshottable directory: " + snap); } lsf.add(sf); } } for (CorruptFileBlockInfo c : corruptFileBlocks) { if (getFileInfo(c.path, true, false, false) != null) { list.add(c.toString()); } final Collection<String> snaps = FSDirSnapshotOp.getSnapshotFiles(getFSDirectory(), lsf, c.path); if (snaps != null) { for (String snap : snaps) { // follow the syntax of CorruptFileBlockInfo#toString() list.add(c.block.getBlockName() + "\t" + snap); } } } return list; } @Override //NameNodeMXBean public int getDistinctVersionCount() { return blockManager.getDatanodeManager().getDatanodesSoftwareVersions().size(); } @Override //NameNodeMXBean public Map<String, Integer> getDistinctVersions() { return blockManager.getDatanodeManager().getDatanodesSoftwareVersions(); } @Override //NameNodeMXBean public String getSoftwareVersion() { return VersionInfo.getVersion(); } @Override // NameNodeStatusMXBean public String getNameDirSize() { return getFSImage().getStorage().getNNDirectorySize(); } /** * Verifies that the given identifier and password are valid and match. * @param identifier Token identifier. * @param password Password in the token. */ public synchronized void verifyToken(DelegationTokenIdentifier identifier, byte[] password) throws InvalidToken, RetriableException { try { getDelegationTokenSecretManager().verifyToken(identifier, password); } catch (InvalidToken it) { if (inTransitionToActive()) { throw new RetriableException(it); } throw it; } } @VisibleForTesting public EditLogTailer getEditLogTailer() { return editLogTailer; } @VisibleForTesting public void setEditLogTailerForTests(EditLogTailer tailer) { this.editLogTailer = tailer; } @VisibleForTesting void setFsLockForTests(ReentrantReadWriteLock lock) { this.fsLock.coarseLock = lock; } @VisibleForTesting public ReentrantReadWriteLock getFsLockForTests() { return fsLock.coarseLock; } @VisibleForTesting public ReentrantLock getCpLockForTests() { return cpLock; } @VisibleForTesting public void setNNResourceChecker(NameNodeResourceChecker nnResourceChecker) { this.nnResourceChecker = nnResourceChecker; } public SnapshotManager getSnapshotManager() { return snapshotManager; } /** Allow snapshot on a directory. */ void allowSnapshot(String path) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final String operationName = "allowSnapshot"; boolean success = false; checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot allow snapshot for " + path); FSDirSnapshotOp.allowSnapshot(dir, snapshotManager, path); success = true; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, path, null, null); } /** Disallow snapshot on a directory. */ void disallowSnapshot(String path) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final String operationName = "disallowSnapshot"; checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); boolean success = false; writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot disallow snapshot for " + path); FSDirSnapshotOp.disallowSnapshot(dir, snapshotManager, path); success = true; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, path, null, null); } /** * Create a snapshot * @param snapshotRoot The directory path where the snapshot is taken * @param snapshotName The name of the snapshot */ String createSnapshot(String snapshotRoot, String snapshotName, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final String operationName = "createSnapshot"; String snapshotPath = null; boolean success = false; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot create snapshot for " + snapshotRoot); snapshotPath = FSDirSnapshotOp.createSnapshot(dir, pc, snapshotManager, snapshotRoot, snapshotName, logRetryCache); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, snapshotRoot, snapshotPath, null); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, snapshotRoot, snapshotPath, null); return snapshotPath; } /** * Rename a snapshot * @param path The directory path where the snapshot was taken * @param snapshotOldName Old snapshot name * @param snapshotNewName New snapshot name * @throws SafeModeException * @throws IOException */ void renameSnapshot(String path, String snapshotOldName, String snapshotNewName, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final String operationName = "renameSnapshot"; boolean success = false; String oldSnapshotRoot = Snapshot.getSnapshotPath(path, snapshotOldName); String newSnapshotRoot = Snapshot.getSnapshotPath(path, snapshotNewName); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot rename snapshot for " + path); FSDirSnapshotOp.renameSnapshot(dir, pc, snapshotManager, path, snapshotOldName, snapshotNewName, logRetryCache); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, oldSnapshotRoot, newSnapshotRoot, null); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, oldSnapshotRoot, newSnapshotRoot, null); } /** * Get the list of snapshottable directories that are owned * by the current user. Return all the snapshottable directories if the * current user is a super user. * @return The list of all the current snapshottable directories * @throws IOException */ public SnapshottableDirectoryStatus[] getSnapshottableDirListing() throws IOException { final String operationName = "listSnapshottableDirectory"; SnapshottableDirectoryStatus[] status = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); boolean success = false; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); status = FSDirSnapshotOp.getSnapshottableDirListing(dir, pc, snapshotManager); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, null, null, null); throw ace; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, null, null, null); return status; } /** * Get the difference between two snapshots (or between a snapshot and the * current status) of a snapshottable directory. * * @param path The full path of the snapshottable directory. * @param fromSnapshot Name of the snapshot to calculate the diff from. Null * or empty string indicates the current tree. * @param toSnapshot Name of the snapshot to calculated the diff to. Null or * empty string indicates the current tree. * @return A report about the difference between {@code fromSnapshot} and * {@code toSnapshot}. Modified/deleted/created/renamed files and * directories belonging to the snapshottable directories are listed * and labeled as M/-/+/R respectively. * @throws IOException */ SnapshotDiffReport getSnapshotDiffReport(String path, String fromSnapshot, String toSnapshot) throws IOException { final String operationName = "computeSnapshotDiff"; SnapshotDiffReport diffs = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); boolean success = false; String fromSnapshotRoot = (fromSnapshot == null || fromSnapshot.isEmpty()) ? path : Snapshot.getSnapshotPath(path, fromSnapshot); String toSnapshotRoot = (toSnapshot == null || toSnapshot.isEmpty()) ? path : Snapshot.getSnapshotPath(path, toSnapshot); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); diffs = FSDirSnapshotOp.getSnapshotDiffReport(dir, pc, snapshotManager, path, fromSnapshot, toSnapshot); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, fromSnapshotRoot, toSnapshotRoot, null); throw ace; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, fromSnapshotRoot, toSnapshotRoot, null); return diffs; } /** * Get the difference between two snapshots (or between a snapshot and the * current status) of a snapshottable directory. * * @param path The full path of the snapshottable directory. * @param fromSnapshot Name of the snapshot to calculate the diff from. Null * or empty string indicates the current tree. * @param toSnapshot Name of the snapshot to calculated the diff to. Null or * empty string indicates the current tree. * @param startPath * path relative to the snapshottable root directory from where the * snapshotdiff computation needs to start across multiple rpc calls * @param index * index in the created or deleted list of the directory at which * the snapshotdiff computation stopped during the last rpc call * as the no of entries exceeded the snapshotdiffentry limit. -1 * indicates, the snapshotdiff compuatation needs to start right * from the startPath provided. * @return A partial report about the difference between {@code fromSnapshot} * and {@code toSnapshot}. Modified/deleted/created/renamed files and * directories belonging to the snapshottable directories are listed * and labeled as M/-/+/R respectively. * @throws IOException */ SnapshotDiffReportListing getSnapshotDiffReportListing(String path, String fromSnapshot, String toSnapshot, byte[] startPath, int index) throws IOException { final String operationName = "computeSnapshotDiff"; SnapshotDiffReportListing diffs = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); boolean success = false; String fromSnapshotRoot = (fromSnapshot == null || fromSnapshot.isEmpty()) ? path : Snapshot.getSnapshotPath(path, fromSnapshot); String toSnapshotRoot = (toSnapshot == null || toSnapshot.isEmpty()) ? path : Snapshot.getSnapshotPath(path, toSnapshot); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); diffs = FSDirSnapshotOp.getSnapshotDiffReportListing(dir, pc, snapshotManager, path, fromSnapshot, toSnapshot, startPath, index, snapshotDiffReportLimit); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, fromSnapshotRoot, toSnapshotRoot, null); throw ace; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, fromSnapshotRoot, toSnapshotRoot, null); return diffs; } /** * Delete a snapshot of a snapshottable directory * @param snapshotRoot The snapshottable directory * @param snapshotName The name of the to-be-deleted snapshot * @throws SafeModeException * @throws IOException */ void deleteSnapshot(String snapshotRoot, String snapshotName, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "deleteSnapshot"; boolean success = false; String rootPath = null; BlocksMapUpdateInfo blocksToBeDeleted = null; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot delete snapshot for " + snapshotRoot); rootPath = Snapshot.getSnapshotPath(snapshotRoot, snapshotName); blocksToBeDeleted = FSDirSnapshotOp.deleteSnapshot(dir, pc, snapshotManager, snapshotRoot, snapshotName, logRetryCache); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, rootPath, null, null); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); // Breaking the pattern as removing blocks have to happen outside of the // global lock if (blocksToBeDeleted != null) { removeBlocks(blocksToBeDeleted); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, rootPath, null, null); } /** * Remove a list of INodeDirectorySnapshottable from the SnapshotManager * @param toRemove the list of INodeDirectorySnapshottable to be removed */ void removeSnapshottableDirs(List<INodeDirectory> toRemove) { if (snapshotManager != null) { snapshotManager.removeSnapshottable(toRemove); } } RollingUpgradeInfo queryRollingUpgrade() throws IOException { final String operationName = "queryRollingUpgrade"; checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); if (!isRollingUpgrade()) { return null; } Preconditions.checkNotNull(rollingUpgradeInfo); boolean hasRollbackImage = this.getFSImage().hasRollbackFSImage(); rollingUpgradeInfo.setCreatedRollbackImages(hasRollbackImage); } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null, null, null); return rollingUpgradeInfo; } RollingUpgradeInfo startRollingUpgrade() throws IOException { final String operationName = "startRollingUpgrade"; checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); if (isRollingUpgrade()) { return rollingUpgradeInfo; } long startTime = now(); if (!haEnabled) { // for non-HA, we require NN to be in safemode startRollingUpgradeInternalForNonHA(startTime); } else { // for HA, NN cannot be in safemode checkNameNodeSafeMode("Failed to start rolling upgrade"); startRollingUpgradeInternal(startTime); } getEditLog().logStartRollingUpgrade(rollingUpgradeInfo.getStartTime()); if (haEnabled) { // roll the edit log to make sure the standby NameNode can tail getFSImage().rollEditLog(getEffectiveLayoutVersion()); } } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null, null, null); return rollingUpgradeInfo; } /** * Update internal state to indicate that a rolling upgrade is in progress. * @param startTime rolling upgrade start time */ void startRollingUpgradeInternal(long startTime) throws IOException { checkRollingUpgrade("start rolling upgrade"); getFSImage().checkUpgrade(); setRollingUpgradeInfo(false, startTime); } /** * Update internal state to indicate that a rolling upgrade is in progress for * non-HA setup. This requires the namesystem is in SafeMode and after doing a * checkpoint for rollback the namesystem will quit the safemode automatically */ private void startRollingUpgradeInternalForNonHA(long startTime) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(!haEnabled); if (!isInSafeMode()) { throw new IOException("Safe mode should be turned ON " + "in order to create namespace image."); } checkRollingUpgrade("start rolling upgrade"); getFSImage().checkUpgrade(); // in non-HA setup, we do an extra checkpoint to generate a rollback image getFSImage().saveNamespace(this, NameNodeFile.IMAGE_ROLLBACK, null);"Successfully saved namespace for preparing rolling upgrade."); // leave SafeMode automatically setSafeMode(SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_LEAVE); setRollingUpgradeInfo(true, startTime); } void setRollingUpgradeInfo(boolean createdRollbackImages, long startTime) { rollingUpgradeInfo = new RollingUpgradeInfo(getBlockPoolId(), createdRollbackImages, startTime, 0L); } public void setCreatedRollbackImages(boolean created) { if (rollingUpgradeInfo != null) { rollingUpgradeInfo.setCreatedRollbackImages(created); } } public RollingUpgradeInfo getRollingUpgradeInfo() { return rollingUpgradeInfo; } public boolean isNeedRollbackFsImage() { return needRollbackFsImage; } public void setNeedRollbackFsImage(boolean needRollbackFsImage) { this.needRollbackFsImage = needRollbackFsImage; } @Override // NameNodeMXBean public RollingUpgradeInfo.Bean getRollingUpgradeStatus() { if (!isRollingUpgrade()) { return null; } RollingUpgradeInfo upgradeInfo = getRollingUpgradeInfo(); if (upgradeInfo.createdRollbackImages()) { return new RollingUpgradeInfo.Bean(upgradeInfo); } readLock(); try { // check again after acquiring the read lock. upgradeInfo = getRollingUpgradeInfo(); if (upgradeInfo == null) { return null; } if (!upgradeInfo.createdRollbackImages()) { boolean hasRollbackImage = this.getFSImage().hasRollbackFSImage(); upgradeInfo.setCreatedRollbackImages(hasRollbackImage); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Encountered exception setting Rollback Image", ioe); } finally { readUnlock("getRollingUpgradeStatus"); } return new RollingUpgradeInfo.Bean(upgradeInfo); } /** Is rolling upgrade in progress? */ public boolean isRollingUpgrade() { return rollingUpgradeInfo != null && !rollingUpgradeInfo.isFinalized(); } /** * Returns the layout version in effect. Under normal operation, this is the * same as the software's current layout version, defined in * {@link NameNodeLayoutVersion#CURRENT_LAYOUT_VERSION}. During a rolling * upgrade, this can retain the layout version that was persisted to metadata * prior to starting the rolling upgrade, back to a lower bound defined in * {@link NameNodeLayoutVersion#MINIMUM_COMPATIBLE_LAYOUT_VERSION}. New * fsimage files and edit log segments will continue to be written with this * older layout version, so that the files are still readable by the old * software version if the admin chooses to downgrade. * * @return layout version in effect */ public int getEffectiveLayoutVersion() { return getEffectiveLayoutVersion(isRollingUpgrade(), fsImage.getStorage().getLayoutVersion(), NameNodeLayoutVersion.MINIMUM_COMPATIBLE_LAYOUT_VERSION, NameNodeLayoutVersion.CURRENT_LAYOUT_VERSION); } @VisibleForTesting static int getEffectiveLayoutVersion(boolean isRollingUpgrade, int storageLV, int minCompatLV, int currentLV) { if (isRollingUpgrade) { if (storageLV <= minCompatLV) { // The prior layout version satisfies the minimum compatible layout // version of the current software. Keep reporting the prior layout // as the effective one. Downgrade is possible. return storageLV; } } // The current software cannot satisfy the layout version of the prior // software. Proceed with using the current layout version. return currentLV; } /** * Performs a pre-condition check that the layout version in effect is * sufficient to support the requested {@link Feature}. If not, then the * method throws {@link HadoopIllegalArgumentException} to deny the operation. * This exception class is registered as a terse exception, so it prevents * verbose stack traces in the NameNode log. During a rolling upgrade, this * method is used to restrict usage of new features. This prevents writing * new edit log operations that would be unreadable by the old software * version if the admin chooses to downgrade. * * @param f feature to check * @throws HadoopIllegalArgumentException if the current layout version in * effect is insufficient to support the feature */ private void requireEffectiveLayoutVersionForFeature(Feature f) throws HadoopIllegalArgumentException { int lv = getEffectiveLayoutVersion(); if (!NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports(f, lv)) { throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException( String.format("Feature %s unsupported at NameNode layout version %d. If a " + "rolling upgrade is in progress, then it must be finalized before " + "using this feature.", f, lv)); } } void checkRollingUpgrade(String action) throws RollingUpgradeException { if (isRollingUpgrade()) { throw new RollingUpgradeException( "Failed to " + action + " since a rolling upgrade is already in progress." + " Existing rolling upgrade info:\n" + rollingUpgradeInfo); } } RollingUpgradeInfo finalizeRollingUpgrade() throws IOException { final String operationName = "finalizeRollingUpgrade"; checkSuperuserPrivilege(operationName); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); if (!isRollingUpgrade()) { return null; } checkNameNodeSafeMode("Failed to finalize rolling upgrade"); finalizeRollingUpgradeInternal(now()); getEditLog().logFinalizeRollingUpgrade(rollingUpgradeInfo.getFinalizeTime()); if (haEnabled) { // roll the edit log to make sure the standby NameNode can tail getFSImage().rollEditLog(getEffectiveLayoutVersion()); } getFSImage().updateStorageVersion(); getFSImage().renameCheckpoint(NameNodeFile.IMAGE_ROLLBACK, NameNodeFile.IMAGE); } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } if (!haEnabled) { // Sync not needed for ha since the edit was rolled after logging. getEditLog().logSync(); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, null, null, null); return rollingUpgradeInfo; } void finalizeRollingUpgradeInternal(long finalizeTime) { // Set the finalize time rollingUpgradeInfo.finalize(finalizeTime); } long addCacheDirective(CacheDirectiveInfo directive, EnumSet<CacheFlag> flags, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "addCacheDirective"; CacheDirectiveInfo effectiveDirective = null; boolean success = false; String effectiveDirectiveStr; if (!flags.contains(CacheFlag.FORCE)) { cacheManager.waitForRescanIfNeeded(); } checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot add cache directive"); effectiveDirective = FSNDNCacheOp.addCacheDirective(this, cacheManager, directive, flags, logRetryCache); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, null, null, null); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); } } effectiveDirectiveStr = effectiveDirective.toString(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, effectiveDirectiveStr, null, null); return effectiveDirective.getId(); } void modifyCacheDirective(CacheDirectiveInfo directive, EnumSet<CacheFlag> flags, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "modifyCacheDirective"; boolean success = false; final String idStr = "{id: " + directive.getId() + "}"; if (!flags.contains(CacheFlag.FORCE)) { cacheManager.waitForRescanIfNeeded(); } checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot add cache directive"); FSNDNCacheOp.modifyCacheDirective(this, cacheManager, directive, flags, logRetryCache); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, idStr, directive.toString(), null); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); } } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, idStr, directive.toString(), null); } void removeCacheDirective(long id, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "removeCacheDirective"; boolean success = false; String idStr = "{id: " + Long.toString(id) + "}"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot remove cache directives"); FSNDNCacheOp.removeCacheDirective(this, cacheManager, id, logRetryCache); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, idStr, null, null); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, idStr, null, null); getEditLog().logSync(); } BatchedListEntries<CacheDirectiveEntry> listCacheDirectives(long startId, CacheDirectiveInfo filter) throws IOException { final String operationName = "listCacheDirectives"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); BatchedListEntries<CacheDirectiveEntry> results; cacheManager.waitForRescanIfNeeded(); readLock(); boolean success = false; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); results = FSNDNCacheOp.listCacheDirectives(this, cacheManager, startId, filter); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, filter.toString(), null, null); throw ace; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, filter.toString(), null, null); return results; } void addCachePool(CachePoolInfo req, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "addCachePool"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); boolean success = false; String poolInfoStr = null; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot add cache pool" + (req == null ? null : req.getPoolName())); CachePoolInfo info = FSNDNCacheOp.addCachePool(this, cacheManager, req, logRetryCache); poolInfoStr = info.toString(); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, poolInfoStr, null, null); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, poolInfoStr, null, null); getEditLog().logSync(); } void modifyCachePool(CachePoolInfo req, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "modifyCachePool"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); boolean success = false; String poolNameStr = "{poolName: " + (req == null ? null : req.getPoolName()) + "}"; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot modify cache pool" + (req == null ? null : req.getPoolName())); FSNDNCacheOp.modifyCachePool(this, cacheManager, req, logRetryCache); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, poolNameStr, req == null ? null : req.toString(), null); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, poolNameStr, req == null ? null : req.toString(), null); getEditLog().logSync(); } void removeCachePool(String cachePoolName, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "removeCachePool"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); writeLock(); boolean success = false; String poolNameStr = "{poolName: " + cachePoolName + "}"; try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot modify cache pool" + cachePoolName); FSNDNCacheOp.removeCachePool(this, cacheManager, cachePoolName, logRetryCache); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, poolNameStr, null, null); throw ace; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, poolNameStr, null, null); getEditLog().logSync(); } BatchedListEntries<CachePoolEntry> listCachePools(String prevKey) throws IOException { final String operationName = "listCachePools"; BatchedListEntries<CachePoolEntry> results; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); boolean success = false; cacheManager.waitForRescanIfNeeded(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); results = FSNDNCacheOp.listCachePools(this, cacheManager, prevKey); success = true; } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, null, null, null); throw ace; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, null, null, null); return results; } void modifyAclEntries(final String src, List<AclEntry> aclSpec) throws IOException { final String operationName = "modifyAclEntries"; FileStatus auditStat = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot modify ACL entries on " + src); auditStat = FSDirAclOp.modifyAclEntries(dir, pc, src, aclSpec); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } void removeAclEntries(final String src, List<AclEntry> aclSpec) throws IOException { final String operationName = "removeAclEntries"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); FileStatus auditStat = null; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot remove ACL entries on " + src); auditStat = FSDirAclOp.removeAclEntries(dir, pc, src, aclSpec); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } void removeDefaultAcl(final String src) throws IOException { final String operationName = "removeDefaultAcl"; FileStatus auditStat = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot remove default ACL entries on " + src); auditStat = FSDirAclOp.removeDefaultAcl(dir, pc, src); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } void removeAcl(final String src) throws IOException { final String operationName = "removeAcl"; FileStatus auditStat = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot remove ACL on " + src); auditStat = FSDirAclOp.removeAcl(dir, pc, src); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } void setAcl(final String src, List<AclEntry> aclSpec) throws IOException { final String operationName = "setAcl"; FileStatus auditStat = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot set ACL on " + src); auditStat = FSDirAclOp.setAcl(dir, pc, src, aclSpec); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } AclStatus getAclStatus(String src) throws IOException { final String operationName = "getAclStatus"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final AclStatus ret; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); ret = FSDirAclOp.getAclStatus(dir, pc, src); } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw ace; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src); return ret; } /** * Create an encryption zone on directory src using the specified key. * * @param src the path of a directory which will be the root of the * encryption zone. The directory must be empty. * @param keyName name of a key which must be present in the configured * KeyProvider. * @throws AccessControlException if the caller is not the superuser. * @throws UnresolvedLinkException if the path can't be resolved. * @throws SafeModeException if the Namenode is in safe mode. */ void createEncryptionZone(final String src, final String keyName, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException, UnresolvedLinkException, SafeModeException, AccessControlException { final String operationName = "createEncryptionZone"; try { Metadata metadata = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.ensureKeyIsInitialized(dir, keyName, src); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); checkSuperuserPrivilege(pc); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FileStatus resultingStat; writeLock(); try { checkSuperuserPrivilege(pc); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot create encryption zone on " + src); resultingStat = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.createEncryptionZone(dir, src, pc, metadata.getCipher(), keyName, logRetryCache); } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, resultingStat); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } } /** * Get the encryption zone for the specified path. * * @param srcArg the path of a file or directory to get the EZ for. * @return the EZ of the of the path or null if none. * @throws AccessControlException if the caller is not the superuser. * @throws UnresolvedLinkException if the path can't be resolved. */ EncryptionZone getEZForPath(final String srcArg) throws AccessControlException, UnresolvedLinkException, IOException { final String operationName = "getEZForPath"; FileStatus resultingStat = null; boolean success = false; EncryptionZone encryptionZone; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); Entry<EncryptionZone, FileStatus> ezForPath = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.getEZForPath(dir, srcArg, pc); success = true; resultingStat = ezForPath.getValue(); encryptionZone = ezForPath.getKey(); } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(success, operationName, srcArg, null, resultingStat); throw ace; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, srcArg, null, resultingStat); return encryptionZone; } BatchedListEntries<EncryptionZone> listEncryptionZones(long prevId) throws IOException { final String operationName = "listEncryptionZones"; boolean success = false; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); checkSuperuserPrivilege(pc); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); checkSuperuserPrivilege(pc); final BatchedListEntries<EncryptionZone> ret = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.listEncryptionZones(dir, prevId); success = true; return ret; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, null); } } void reencryptEncryptionZone(final String zone, final ReencryptAction action, final boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { boolean success = false; try { Preconditions.checkNotNull(zone, "zone is null."); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = dir.getPermissionChecker(); checkSuperuserPrivilege(pc); checkNameNodeSafeMode("NameNode in safemode, cannot " + action + " re-encryption on zone " + zone); reencryptEncryptionZoneInt(pc, zone, action, logRetryCache); success = true; } finally { logAuditEvent(success, action + "reencryption", zone, null, null); } } BatchedListEntries<ZoneReencryptionStatus> listReencryptionStatus(final long prevId) throws IOException { final String operationName = "listReencryptionStatus"; boolean success = false; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); checkSuperuserPrivilege(pc); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); checkSuperuserPrivilege(pc); final BatchedListEntries<ZoneReencryptionStatus> ret = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.listReencryptionStatus(dir, prevId); success = true; return ret; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, null); } } private void reencryptEncryptionZoneInt(final FSPermissionChecker pc, final String zone, final ReencryptAction action, final boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { if (getProvider() == null) { throw new IOException("No key provider configured, re-encryption " + "operation is rejected"); } String keyVersionName = null; if (action == ReencryptAction.START) { // get zone's latest key version name out of the lock. keyVersionName = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.getCurrentKeyVersion(dir, pc, zone); if (keyVersionName == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to get key version name for " + zone); }"Re-encryption using key version " + keyVersionName + " for zone " + zone); } writeLock(); try { checkSuperuserPrivilege(pc); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("NameNode in safemode, cannot " + action + " re-encryption on zone " + zone); List<XAttr> xattrs; dir.writeLock(); try { final INodesInPath iip = dir.resolvePath(pc, zone, DirOp.WRITE); if (iip.getLastINode() == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(zone + " does not exist."); } switch (action) { case START: xattrs = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.reencryptEncryptionZone(dir, iip, keyVersionName); break; case CANCEL: xattrs = FSDirEncryptionZoneOp.cancelReencryptEncryptionZone(dir, iip); break; default: throw new IOException("Re-encryption action " + action + " is not supported"); } } finally { dir.writeUnlock(); } if (xattrs != null && !xattrs.isEmpty()) { getEditLog().logSetXAttrs(zone, xattrs, logRetryCache); } } finally { writeUnlock(); } getEditLog().logSync(); } /** * Set an erasure coding policy on the given path. * @param srcArg The path of the target directory. * @param ecPolicyName The erasure coding policy to set on the target * directory. * @throws AccessControlException if the caller is not the superuser. * @throws UnresolvedLinkException if the path can't be resolved. * @throws SafeModeException if the Namenode is in safe mode. */ void setErasureCodingPolicy(final String srcArg, final String ecPolicyName, final boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException, UnresolvedLinkException, SafeModeException, AccessControlException { final String operationName = "setErasureCodingPolicy"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); FileStatus resultingStat = null; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); boolean success = false; writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot set erasure coding policy on " + srcArg); resultingStat = FSDirErasureCodingOp.setErasureCodingPolicy(this, srcArg, ecPolicyName, pc, logRetryCache); success = true; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, srcArg, null, resultingStat); } } /** * Add multiple erasure coding policies to the ErasureCodingPolicyManager. * @param policies The policies to add. * @param logRetryCache whether to record RPC ids in editlog for retry cache * rebuilding * @return The according result of add operation. */ AddErasureCodingPolicyResponse[] addErasureCodingPolicies(ErasureCodingPolicy[] policies, final boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "addErasureCodingPolicies"; List<String> addECPolicyNames = new ArrayList<>(policies.length); checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); List<AddErasureCodingPolicyResponse> responses = new ArrayList<>(policies.length); boolean success = false; writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot add erasure coding policy"); for (ErasureCodingPolicy policy : policies) { try { ErasureCodingPolicy newPolicy = FSDirErasureCodingOp.addErasureCodingPolicy(this, policy, logRetryCache); addECPolicyNames.add(newPolicy.getName()); responses.add(new AddErasureCodingPolicyResponse(newPolicy)); } catch (HadoopIllegalArgumentException e) { responses.add(new AddErasureCodingPolicyResponse(policy, e)); } } success = true; return responses.toArray(new AddErasureCodingPolicyResponse[0]); } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, addECPolicyNames.toString(), null, null); } } /** * Remove an erasure coding policy. * @param ecPolicyName the name of the policy to be removed * @param logRetryCache whether to record RPC ids in editlog for retry cache * rebuilding * @throws IOException */ void removeErasureCodingPolicy(String ecPolicyName, final boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "removeErasureCodingPolicy"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); boolean success = false; writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot remove erasure coding policy " + ecPolicyName); FSDirErasureCodingOp.removeErasureCodingPolicy(this, ecPolicyName, logRetryCache); success = true; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, ecPolicyName, null, null); } } /** * Enable an erasure coding policy. * @param ecPolicyName the name of the policy to be enabled * @param logRetryCache whether to record RPC ids in editlog for retry cache * rebuilding * @return * @throws IOException */ boolean enableErasureCodingPolicy(String ecPolicyName, final boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "enableErasureCodingPolicy"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); boolean success = false; writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot enable erasure coding policy " + ecPolicyName); success = FSDirErasureCodingOp.enableErasureCodingPolicy(this, ecPolicyName, logRetryCache); } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, ecPolicyName, null, null); } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, ecPolicyName, null, null); } } return success; } /** * Disable an erasure coding policy. * @param ecPolicyName the name of the policy to be disabled * @param logRetryCache whether to record RPC ids in editlog for retry cache * rebuilding * @throws IOException */ boolean disableErasureCodingPolicy(String ecPolicyName, final boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "disableErasureCodingPolicy"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); boolean success = false;"Disable the erasure coding policy " + ecPolicyName); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot disable erasure coding policy " + ecPolicyName); success = FSDirErasureCodingOp.disableErasureCodingPolicy(this, ecPolicyName, logRetryCache); } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, ecPolicyName, null, null); } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, ecPolicyName, null, null); } } return success; } /** * Unset an erasure coding policy from the given path. * @param srcArg The path of the target directory. * @throws AccessControlException if the caller is not the superuser. * @throws UnresolvedLinkException if the path can't be resolved. * @throws SafeModeException if the Namenode is in safe mode. */ void unsetErasureCodingPolicy(final String srcArg, final boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException, UnresolvedLinkException, SafeModeException, AccessControlException { final String operationName = "unsetErasureCodingPolicy"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); FileStatus resultingStat = null; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); boolean success = false; writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot unset erasure coding policy on " + srcArg); resultingStat = FSDirErasureCodingOp.unsetErasureCodingPolicy(this, srcArg, pc, logRetryCache); success = true; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); if (success) { getEditLog().logSync(); } logAuditEvent(success, operationName, srcArg, null, resultingStat); } } /** * Get the erasure coding policy information for specified path */ ErasureCodingPolicy getErasureCodingPolicy(String src) throws AccessControlException, UnresolvedLinkException, IOException { final String operationName = "getErasureCodingPolicy"; boolean success = false; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final ErasureCodingPolicy ret = FSDirErasureCodingOp.getErasureCodingPolicy(this, src, pc); success = true; return ret; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, null); } } /** * Get all erasure coding polices. */ ErasureCodingPolicyInfo[] getErasureCodingPolicies() throws IOException { final String operationName = "getErasureCodingPolicies"; boolean success = false; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final ErasureCodingPolicyInfo[] ret = FSDirErasureCodingOp.getErasureCodingPolicies(this); success = true; return ret; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, null); } } /** * Get available erasure coding codecs and corresponding coders. */ Map<String, String> getErasureCodingCodecs() throws IOException { final String operationName = "getErasureCodingCodecs"; boolean success = false; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final Map<String, String> ret = FSDirErasureCodingOp.getErasureCodingCodecs(this); success = true; return ret; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); logAuditEvent(success, operationName, null); } } void setXAttr(String src, XAttr xAttr, EnumSet<XAttrSetFlag> flag, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "setXAttr"; FileStatus auditStat = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot set XAttr on " + src); auditStat = FSDirXAttrOp.setXAttr(dir, pc, src, xAttr, flag, logRetryCache); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } List<XAttr> getXAttrs(final String src, List<XAttr> xAttrs) throws IOException { final String operationName = "getXAttrs"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); List<XAttr> fsXattrs; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); fsXattrs = FSDirXAttrOp.getXAttrs(dir, pc, src, xAttrs); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src); return fsXattrs; } List<XAttr> listXAttrs(String src) throws IOException { final String operationName = "listXAttrs"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); List<XAttr> fsXattrs; final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); fsXattrs = FSDirXAttrOp.listXAttrs(dir, pc, src); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src); return fsXattrs; } void removeXAttr(String src, XAttr xAttr, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException { final String operationName = "removeXAttr"; FileStatus auditStat = null; checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); writeLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE); checkNameNodeSafeMode("Cannot remove XAttr entry on " + src); auditStat = FSDirXAttrOp.removeXAttr(dir, pc, src, xAttr, logRetryCache); } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { writeUnlock(operationName); } getEditLog().logSync(); logAuditEvent(true, operationName, src, null, auditStat); } @Override public void removeXattr(long id, String xattrName) throws IOException { writeLock(); try { final INode inode = dir.getInode(id); if (inode == null) { return; } final XAttrFeature xaf = inode.getXAttrFeature(); if (xaf == null) { return; } final XAttr spsXAttr = xaf.getXAttr(xattrName); if (spsXAttr != null) { FSDirSatisfyStoragePolicyOp.removeSPSXattr(dir, inode, spsXAttr); } } finally { writeUnlock("removeXAttr"); } getEditLog().logSync(); } void checkAccess(String src, FsAction mode) throws IOException { final String operationName = "checkAccess"; checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final FSPermissionChecker pc = getPermissionChecker(); readLock(); try { checkOperation(OperationCategory.READ); final INodesInPath iip = dir.resolvePath(pc, src, DirOp.READ); src = iip.getPath(); INode inode = iip.getLastINode(); if (inode == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Path not found"); } if (isPermissionEnabled) { dir.checkPathAccess(pc, iip, mode); } } catch (AccessControlException e) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, src); throw e; } finally { readUnlock(operationName); } } /** * Default AuditLogger implementation; used when no access logger is * defined in the config file. It can also be explicitly listed in the * config file. */ @VisibleForTesting static class DefaultAuditLogger extends HdfsAuditLogger { private static final ThreadLocal<StringBuilder> STRING_BUILDER = new ThreadLocal<StringBuilder>() { @Override protected StringBuilder initialValue() { return new StringBuilder(); } }; private volatile boolean isCallerContextEnabled; private int callerContextMaxLen; private int callerSignatureMaxLen; private boolean logTokenTrackingId; private Set<String> debugCmdSet = new HashSet<String>(); /** * Enable or disable CallerContext. * * @param value * true, enable CallerContext, otherwise false to disable it. */ void setCallerContextEnabled(final boolean value) { isCallerContextEnabled = value; } /** * Get the value indicating if CallerContext is enabled. * * @return true, if CallerContext is enabled, otherwise false, if it's * disabled. */ boolean getCallerContextEnabled() { return isCallerContextEnabled; } @Override public void initialize(Configuration conf) { isCallerContextEnabled = conf.getBoolean(HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_ENABLED_KEY, HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_ENABLED_DEFAULT); callerContextMaxLen = conf.getInt(HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_MAX_SIZE_KEY, HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT); callerSignatureMaxLen = conf.getInt(HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE_MAX_SIZE_KEY, HADOOP_CALLER_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT); logTokenTrackingId = conf.getBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOG_TOKEN_TRACKING_ID_KEY, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOG_TOKEN_TRACKING_ID_DEFAULT); debugCmdSet.addAll( Arrays.asList(conf.getTrimmedStrings(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_AUDIT_LOG_DEBUG_CMDLIST))); } @Override public void logAuditEvent(boolean succeeded, String userName, InetAddress addr, String cmd, String src, String dst, FileStatus status, CallerContext callerContext, UserGroupInformation ugi, DelegationTokenSecretManager dtSecretManager) { if (auditLog.isDebugEnabled() || (auditLog.isInfoEnabled() && !debugCmdSet.contains(cmd))) { final StringBuilder sb = STRING_BUILDER.get(); src = escapeJava(src); dst = escapeJava(dst); sb.setLength(0); sb.append("allowed=").append(succeeded).append("\t"); sb.append("ugi=").append(userName).append("\t"); sb.append("ip=").append(addr).append("\t"); sb.append("cmd=").append(cmd).append("\t"); sb.append("src=").append(src).append("\t"); sb.append("dst=").append(dst).append("\t"); if (null == status) { sb.append("perm=null"); } else { sb.append("perm="); sb.append(status.getOwner()).append(":"); sb.append(status.getGroup()).append(":"); sb.append(status.getPermission()); } if (logTokenTrackingId) { sb.append("\t").append("trackingId="); String trackingId = null; if (ugi != null && dtSecretManager != null && ugi.getAuthenticationMethod() == AuthenticationMethod.TOKEN) { for (TokenIdentifier tid : ugi.getTokenIdentifiers()) { if (tid instanceof DelegationTokenIdentifier) { DelegationTokenIdentifier dtid = (DelegationTokenIdentifier) tid; trackingId = dtSecretManager.getTokenTrackingId(dtid); break; } } } sb.append(trackingId); } sb.append("\t").append("proto="); sb.append(Server.getProtocol()); if (isCallerContextEnabled && callerContext != null && callerContext.isContextValid()) { sb.append("\t").append("callerContext="); if (callerContext.getContext().length() > callerContextMaxLen) { sb.append(callerContext.getContext().substring(0, callerContextMaxLen)); } else { sb.append(callerContext.getContext()); } if (callerContext.getSignature() != null && callerContext.getSignature().length > 0 && callerContext.getSignature().length <= callerSignatureMaxLen) { sb.append(":"); sb.append(new String(callerContext.getSignature(), CallerContext.SIGNATURE_ENCODING)); } } logAuditMessage(sb.toString()); } } @Override public void logAuditEvent(boolean succeeded, String userName, InetAddress addr, String cmd, String src, String dst, FileStatus status, UserGroupInformation ugi, DelegationTokenSecretManager dtSecretManager) { this.logAuditEvent(succeeded, userName, addr, cmd, src, dst, status, null /*CallerContext*/, ugi, dtSecretManager); } public void logAuditMessage(String message) {; } } private static void enableAsyncAuditLog() { if (!(auditLog instanceof Log4JLogger)) { LOG.warn("Log4j is required to enable async auditlog"); return; } Logger logger = ((Log4JLogger) auditLog).getLogger(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Appender> appenders = Collections.list(logger.getAllAppenders()); // failsafe against trying to async it more than once if (!appenders.isEmpty() && !(appenders.get(0) instanceof AsyncAppender)) { AsyncAppender asyncAppender = new AsyncAppender(); // change logger to have an async appender containing all the // previously configured appenders for (Appender appender : appenders) { logger.removeAppender(appender); asyncAppender.addAppender(appender); } logger.addAppender(asyncAppender); } } /** * Return total number of Sync Operations on FSEditLog. */ @Override @Metric({ "TotalSyncCount", "Total number of sync operations performed on edit logs" }) public long getTotalSyncCount() { return fsImage.editLog.getTotalSyncCount(); } /** * Return total time spent doing sync operations on FSEditLog. */ @Override @Metric({ "TotalSyncTimes", "Total time spend in sync operation on various edit logs" }) public String getTotalSyncTimes() { JournalSet journalSet = fsImage.editLog.getJournalSet(); if (journalSet != null) { return journalSet.getSyncTimes(); } else { return ""; } } /** * Gets number of bytes in the blocks in future generation stamps. * * @return number of bytes that can be deleted if exited from safe mode. */ public long getBytesInFuture() { return blockManager.getBytesInFuture(); } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "NumInMaintenanceLiveDataNodes", "Number of live Datanodes which are in maintenance state" }) public int getNumInMaintenanceLiveDataNodes() { final List<DatanodeDescriptor> live = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().fetchDatanodes(live, null, true); int liveInMaintenance = 0; for (DatanodeDescriptor node : live) { liveInMaintenance += node.isInMaintenance() ? 1 : 0; } return liveInMaintenance; } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "NumInMaintenanceDeadDataNodes", "Number of dead Datanodes which are in maintenance state" }) public int getNumInMaintenanceDeadDataNodes() { final List<DatanodeDescriptor> dead = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>(); getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().fetchDatanodes(null, dead, true); int deadInMaintenance = 0; for (DatanodeDescriptor node : dead) { deadInMaintenance += node.isInMaintenance() ? 1 : 0; } return deadInMaintenance; } @Override // FSNamesystemMBean @Metric({ "NumEnteringMaintenanceDataNodes", "Number of Datanodes that are entering the maintenance state" }) public int getNumEnteringMaintenanceDataNodes() { return getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().getEnteringMaintenanceNodes().size(); } // This method logs operatoinName without super user privilege. // It should be called without holding FSN lock. void checkSuperuserPrivilege(String operationName) throws IOException { try { checkSuperuserPrivilege(); } catch (AccessControlException ace) { logAuditEvent(false, operationName, null); throw ace; } } String getQuotaCommand(long nsQuota, long dsQuota) { if (nsQuota == HdfsConstants.QUOTA_RESET && dsQuota == HdfsConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET) { return "clearQuota"; } else if (nsQuota == HdfsConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET && dsQuota == HdfsConstants.QUOTA_RESET) { return "clearSpaceQuota"; } else if (dsQuota == HdfsConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET) { return "setQuota"; } else { return "setSpaceQuota"; } } String getFailedStorageCommand(String mode) { if (mode.equals("check")) { return "checkRestoreFailedStorage"; } else if (mode.equals("true")) { return "enableRestoreFailedStorage"; } else { return "disableRestoreFailedStorage"; } } }