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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.fs;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;

/** Store the summary of a content (a directory or a file). */
public class ContentSummary extends QuotaUsage implements Writable {
    private long length;
    private long fileCount;
    private long directoryCount;
    // These fields are to track the snapshot-related portion of the values.
    private long snapshotLength;
    private long snapshotFileCount;
    private long snapshotDirectoryCount;
    private long snapshotSpaceConsumed;
    private String erasureCodingPolicy;

    /** We don't use generics. Instead override spaceConsumed and other methods
        in order to keep backward compatibility. */
    public static class Builder extends QuotaUsage.Builder {
        public Builder() {

        public Builder length(long length) {
            this.length = length;
            return this;

        public Builder fileCount(long fileCount) {
            this.fileCount = fileCount;
            return this;

        public Builder directoryCount(long directoryCount) {
            this.directoryCount = directoryCount;
            return this;

        public Builder snapshotLength(long snapshotLength) {
            this.snapshotLength = snapshotLength;
            return this;

        public Builder snapshotFileCount(long snapshotFileCount) {
            this.snapshotFileCount = snapshotFileCount;
            return this;

        public Builder snapshotDirectoryCount(long snapshotDirectoryCount) {
            this.snapshotDirectoryCount = snapshotDirectoryCount;
            return this;

        public Builder snapshotSpaceConsumed(long snapshotSpaceConsumed) {
            this.snapshotSpaceConsumed = snapshotSpaceConsumed;
            return this;

        public Builder erasureCodingPolicy(String ecPolicy) {
            this.erasureCodingPolicy = ecPolicy;
            return this;

        public Builder quota(long quota) {
            return this;

        public Builder spaceConsumed(long spaceConsumed) {
            return this;

        public Builder spaceQuota(long spaceQuota) {
            return this;

        public Builder typeConsumed(long typeConsumed[]) {
            return this;

        public Builder typeQuota(StorageType type, long quota) {
            super.typeQuota(type, quota);
            return this;

        public Builder typeConsumed(StorageType type, long consumed) {
            super.typeConsumed(type, consumed);
            return this;

        public Builder typeQuota(long typeQuota[]) {
            return this;

        public ContentSummary build() {
            // Set it in case applications call QuotaUsage#getFileAndDirectoryCount.
            super.fileAndDirectoryCount(this.fileCount + this.directoryCount);
            return new ContentSummary(this);

        private long length;
        private long fileCount;
        private long directoryCount;
        private long snapshotLength;
        private long snapshotFileCount;
        private long snapshotDirectoryCount;
        private long snapshotSpaceConsumed;
        private String erasureCodingPolicy;

    /** Constructor deprecated by ContentSummary.Builder*/
    public ContentSummary() {

    /** Constructor, deprecated by ContentSummary.Builder
     *  This constructor implicitly set spaceConsumed the same as length.
     *  spaceConsumed and length must be set explicitly with
     *  ContentSummary.Builder
     * */
    public ContentSummary(long length, long fileCount, long directoryCount) {
        this(length, fileCount, directoryCount, -1L, length, -1L);

    /** Constructor, deprecated by ContentSummary.Builder */
    public ContentSummary(long length, long fileCount, long directoryCount, long quota, long spaceConsumed,
            long spaceQuota) {
        this.length = length;
        this.fileCount = fileCount;
        this.directoryCount = directoryCount;

    /** Constructor for ContentSummary.Builder*/
    private ContentSummary(Builder builder) {
        this.length = builder.length;
        this.fileCount = builder.fileCount;
        this.directoryCount = builder.directoryCount;
        this.snapshotLength = builder.snapshotLength;
        this.snapshotFileCount = builder.snapshotFileCount;
        this.snapshotDirectoryCount = builder.snapshotDirectoryCount;
        this.snapshotSpaceConsumed = builder.snapshotSpaceConsumed;
        this.erasureCodingPolicy = builder.erasureCodingPolicy;

    /** @return the length */
    public long getLength() {
        return length;

    public long getSnapshotLength() {
        return snapshotLength;

    /** @return the directory count */
    public long getDirectoryCount() {
        return directoryCount;

    public long getSnapshotDirectoryCount() {
        return snapshotDirectoryCount;

    /** @return the file count */
    public long getFileCount() {
        return fileCount;

    public long getSnapshotFileCount() {
        return snapshotFileCount;

    public long getSnapshotSpaceConsumed() {
        return snapshotSpaceConsumed;

    public String getErasureCodingPolicy() {
        return erasureCodingPolicy;

    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {

    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        this.length = in.readLong();
        this.fileCount = in.readLong();
        this.directoryCount = in.readLong();

    public boolean equals(Object to) {
        if (this == to) {
            return true;
        } else if (to instanceof ContentSummary) {
            ContentSummary right = (ContentSummary) to;
            return getLength() == right.getLength() && getFileCount() == right.getFileCount()
                    && getDirectoryCount() == right.getDirectoryCount()
                    && getSnapshotLength() == right.getSnapshotLength()
                    && getSnapshotFileCount() == right.getSnapshotFileCount()
                    && getSnapshotDirectoryCount() == right.getSnapshotDirectoryCount()
                    && getSnapshotSpaceConsumed() == right.getSnapshotSpaceConsumed()
                    && getErasureCodingPolicy().equals(right.getErasureCodingPolicy()) && super.equals(to);
        } else {
            return super.equals(to);

    public int hashCode() {
        long result = getLength() ^ getFileCount() ^ getDirectoryCount() ^ getSnapshotLength()
                ^ getSnapshotFileCount() ^ getSnapshotDirectoryCount() ^ getSnapshotSpaceConsumed()
                ^ getErasureCodingPolicy().hashCode();
        return ((int) result) ^ super.hashCode();

     * Output format:
     * <----12----> <----12----> <-------18------->
    private static final String SUMMARY_FORMAT = "%12s %12s %18s ";

    private static final String[] SUMMARY_HEADER_FIELDS = new String[] { "DIR_COUNT", "FILE_COUNT",
            "CONTENT_SIZE" };

    /** The header string */
    private static final String SUMMARY_HEADER = String.format(SUMMARY_FORMAT, (Object[]) SUMMARY_HEADER_FIELDS);

    private static final String ALL_HEADER = QUOTA_HEADER + SUMMARY_HEADER;

    /** Return the header of the output.
     * if qOption is false, output directory count, file count, and content size;
     * if qOption is true, output quota and remaining quota as well.
     * @param qOption a flag indicating if quota needs to be printed or not
     * @return the header of the output
    public static String getHeader(boolean qOption) {
        return qOption ? ALL_HEADER : SUMMARY_HEADER;

     * Returns the names of the fields from the summary header.
     * @return names of fields as displayed in the header
    public static String[] getHeaderFields() {

     * Returns the names of the fields used in the quota summary.
     * @return names of quota fields as displayed in the header
    public static String[] getQuotaHeaderFields() {
        return QUOTA_HEADER_FIELDS;

    public String toString() {
        return toString(true);

    /** Return the string representation of the object in the output format.
     * if qOption is false, output directory count, file count, and content size;
     * if qOption is true, output quota and remaining quota as well.
     * @param qOption a flag indicating if quota needs to be printed or not
     * @return the string representation of the object
    public String toString(boolean qOption) {
        return toString(qOption, false);

    /** Return the string representation of the object in the output format.
     * For description of the options,
     * @see #toString(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, List)
     * @param qOption a flag indicating if quota needs to be printed or not
     * @param hOption a flag indicating if human readable output if to be used
     * @return the string representation of the object
    public String toString(boolean qOption, boolean hOption) {
        return toString(qOption, hOption, false, null);

    /** Return the string representation of the object in the output format.
     * For description of the options,
     * @see #toString(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, List)
     * @param qOption a flag indicating if quota needs to be printed or not
     * @param hOption a flag indicating if human readable output is to be used
     * @param xOption a flag indicating if calculation from snapshots is to be
     *                included in the output
     * @return the string representation of the object
    public String toString(boolean qOption, boolean hOption, boolean xOption) {
        return toString(qOption, hOption, false, xOption, null);

     * Return the string representation of the object in the output format.
     * For description of the options,
     * @see #toString(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, List)
     * @param qOption a flag indicating if quota needs to be printed or not
     * @param hOption a flag indicating if human readable output if to be used
     * @param tOption a flag indicating if display quota by storage types
     * @param types Storage types to display
     * @return the string representation of the object
    public String toString(boolean qOption, boolean hOption, boolean tOption, List<StorageType> types) {
        return toString(qOption, hOption, tOption, false, types);

    /** Return the string representation of the object in the output format.
     * if qOption is false, output directory count, file count, and content size;
     * if qOption is true, output quota and remaining quota as well.
     * if hOption is false, file sizes are returned in bytes
     * if hOption is true, file sizes are returned in human readable
     * if tOption is true, display the quota by storage types
     * if tOption is false, same logic with #toString(boolean,boolean)
     * if xOption is false, output includes the calculation from snapshots
     * if xOption is true, output excludes the calculation from snapshots
     * @param qOption a flag indicating if quota needs to be printed or not
     * @param hOption a flag indicating if human readable output is to be used
     * @param tOption a flag indicating if display quota by storage types
     * @param xOption a flag indicating if calculation from snapshots is to be
     *                included in the output
     * @param types Storage types to display
     * @return the string representation of the object
    public String toString(boolean qOption, boolean hOption, boolean tOption, boolean xOption,
            List<StorageType> types) {
        String prefix = "";

        if (tOption) {
            return getTypesQuotaUsage(hOption, types);

        if (qOption) {
            prefix = getQuotaUsage(hOption);

        if (xOption) {
            return prefix
                    + String.format(SUMMARY_FORMAT, formatSize(directoryCount - snapshotDirectoryCount, hOption),
                            formatSize(fileCount - snapshotFileCount, hOption),
                            formatSize(length - snapshotLength, hOption));
        } else {
            return prefix + String.format(SUMMARY_FORMAT, formatSize(directoryCount, hOption),
                    formatSize(fileCount, hOption), formatSize(length, hOption));

     * Formats a size to be human readable or in bytes
     * @param size value to be formatted
     * @param humanReadable flag indicating human readable or not
     * @return String representation of the size
    private String formatSize(long size, boolean humanReadable) {
        return humanReadable ? StringUtils.TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(size, "", 1) : String.valueOf(size);