Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;



 * This class represents the primary identifier for a Datanode.
 * Datanodes are identified by how they can be contacted (hostname
 * and ports) and their storage ID, a unique number that associates
 * the Datanodes blocks with a particular Datanode.
 * {@link DatanodeInfo#getName()} should be used to get the network
 * location (for topology) of a datanode, instead of using
 * {@link DatanodeID#getXferAddr()} here. Helpers are defined below
 * for each context in which a DatanodeID is used.
public class DatanodeID implements Comparable<DatanodeID> {
    public static final DatanodeID[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {};
    public static final DatanodeID EMPTY_DATANODE_ID = new DatanodeID("null", "null", "null", 0, 0, 0, 0);

    private String ipAddr; // IP address
    private ByteString ipAddrBytes; // ipAddr ByteString to save on PB serde
    private String hostName; // hostname claimed by datanode
    private ByteString hostNameBytes; // hostName ByteString to save on PB serde
    private String peerHostName; // hostname from the actual connection
    private int xferPort; // data streaming port
    private int infoPort; // info server port
    private int infoSecurePort; // info server port
    private int ipcPort; // IPC server port
    private String xferAddr;

     * UUID identifying a given datanode. For upgraded Datanodes this is the
     * same as the StorageID that was previously used by this Datanode.
     * For newly formatted Datanodes it is a UUID.
    private final String datanodeUuid;
    // datanodeUuid ByteString to save on PB serde
    private final ByteString datanodeUuidBytes;

    public DatanodeID(DatanodeID from) {
        this(from.getDatanodeUuid(), from);

    public DatanodeID(String datanodeUuid, DatanodeID from) {
        this(from.getIpAddr(), from.getIpAddrBytes(), from.getHostName(), from.getHostNameBytes(), datanodeUuid,
                getByteString(datanodeUuid), from.getXferPort(), from.getInfoPort(), from.getInfoSecurePort(),
        this.peerHostName = from.getPeerHostName();

     * Create a DatanodeID
     * @param ipAddr IP
     * @param hostName hostname
     * @param datanodeUuid data node ID, UUID for new Datanodes, may be the
     *                     storage ID for pre-UUID datanodes. NULL if unknown
     *                     e.g. if this is a new datanode. A new UUID will
     *                     be assigned by the namenode.
     * @param xferPort data transfer port
     * @param infoPort info server port
     * @param ipcPort ipc server port
    public DatanodeID(String ipAddr, String hostName, String datanodeUuid, int xferPort, int infoPort,
            int infoSecurePort, int ipcPort) {
        this(ipAddr, getByteString(ipAddr), hostName, getByteString(hostName), datanodeUuid,
                getByteString(datanodeUuid), xferPort, infoPort, infoSecurePort, ipcPort);

    private DatanodeID(String ipAddr, ByteString ipAddrBytes, String hostName, ByteString hostNameBytes,
            String datanodeUuid, ByteString datanodeUuidBytes, int xferPort, int infoPort, int infoSecurePort,
            int ipcPort) {
        setIpAndXferPort(ipAddr, ipAddrBytes, xferPort);
        this.hostName = hostName;
        this.hostNameBytes = hostNameBytes;
        this.datanodeUuid = checkDatanodeUuid(datanodeUuid);
        this.datanodeUuidBytes = datanodeUuidBytes;
        this.infoPort = infoPort;
        this.infoSecurePort = infoSecurePort;
        this.ipcPort = ipcPort;

    private static ByteString getByteString(String str) {
        if (str != null) {
            return ByteString.copyFromUtf8(str);
        return ByteString.EMPTY;

    public void setIpAddr(String ipAddr) {
        //updated during registration, preserve former xferPort
        setIpAndXferPort(ipAddr, getByteString(ipAddr), xferPort);

    private void setIpAndXferPort(String ipAddr, ByteString ipAddrBytes, int xferPort) {
        // build xferAddr string to reduce cost of frequent use
        this.ipAddr = ipAddr;
        this.ipAddrBytes = ipAddrBytes;
        this.xferPort = xferPort;
        this.xferAddr = ipAddr + ":" + xferPort;

    public void setPeerHostName(String peerHostName) {
        this.peerHostName = peerHostName;

     * @return data node ID.
    public String getDatanodeUuid() {
        return datanodeUuid;

    public ByteString getDatanodeUuidBytes() {
        return datanodeUuidBytes;

    private String checkDatanodeUuid(String uuid) {
        if (uuid == null || uuid.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return uuid;

     * @return ipAddr;
    public String getIpAddr() {
        return ipAddr;

    public ByteString getIpAddrBytes() {
        return ipAddrBytes;

     * @return hostname
    public String getHostName() {
        return hostName;

    public ByteString getHostNameBytes() {
        return hostNameBytes;

     * @return hostname from the actual connection
    public String getPeerHostName() {
        return peerHostName;

     * @return IP:xferPort string
    public String getXferAddr() {
        return xferAddr;

     * @return IP:ipcPort string
    private String getIpcAddr() {
        return ipAddr + ":" + ipcPort;

     * @return IP:infoPort string
    public String getInfoAddr() {
        return ipAddr + ":" + infoPort;

     * @return IP:infoPort string
    public String getInfoSecureAddr() {
        return ipAddr + ":" + infoSecurePort;

     * @return hostname:xferPort
    public String getXferAddrWithHostname() {
        return hostName + ":" + xferPort;

     * @return hostname:ipcPort
    private String getIpcAddrWithHostname() {
        return hostName + ":" + ipcPort;

     * @param useHostname true to use the DN hostname, use the IP otherwise
     * @return name:xferPort
    public String getXferAddr(boolean useHostname) {
        return useHostname ? getXferAddrWithHostname() : getXferAddr();

     * @param useHostname true to use the DN hostname, use the IP otherwise
     * @return name:ipcPort
    public String getIpcAddr(boolean useHostname) {
        return useHostname ? getIpcAddrWithHostname() : getIpcAddr();

     * @return xferPort (the port for data streaming)
    public int getXferPort() {
        return xferPort;

     * @return infoPort (the port at which the HTTP server bound to)
    public int getInfoPort() {
        return infoPort;

     * @return infoSecurePort (the port at which the HTTPS server bound to)
    public int getInfoSecurePort() {
        return infoSecurePort;

     * @return ipcPort (the port at which the IPC server bound to)
    public int getIpcPort() {
        return ipcPort;

    public boolean equals(Object to) {
        return this == to || (to instanceof DatanodeID && getXferAddr().equals(((DatanodeID) to).getXferAddr())
                && datanodeUuid.equals(((DatanodeID) to).getDatanodeUuid()));

    public int hashCode() {
        return datanodeUuid.hashCode();

    public String toString() {
        return getXferAddr();

     * Update fields when a new registration request comes in.
     * Note that this does not update storageID.
    public void updateRegInfo(DatanodeID nodeReg) {
        setIpAndXferPort(nodeReg.getIpAddr(), nodeReg.getIpAddrBytes(), nodeReg.getXferPort());
        hostName = nodeReg.getHostName();
        peerHostName = nodeReg.getPeerHostName();
        infoPort = nodeReg.getInfoPort();
        infoSecurePort = nodeReg.getInfoSecurePort();
        ipcPort = nodeReg.getIpcPort();

     * Compare based on data transfer address.
     * @param that datanode to compare with
     * @return as specified by Comparable
    public int compareTo(DatanodeID that) {
        return getXferAddr().compareTo(that.getXferAddr());

    public InetSocketAddress getResolvedAddress() {
        return new InetSocketAddress(this.getIpAddr(), this.getXferPort());