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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;


import org.apache.cassandra.cache.IRowCacheEntry;
import org.apache.cassandra.cache.RowCacheKey;
import org.apache.cassandra.cache.RowCacheSentinel;
import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.Stage;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.RTBoundValidator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.Transformation;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.RequestExecutionException;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.TableMetrics;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.ColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.IndexMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.tracing.Tracing;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.SearchIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.btree.BTreeSet;

 * A read command that selects a (part of a) single partition.
public class SinglePartitionReadCommand extends ReadCommand implements SinglePartitionReadQuery {
    protected static final SelectionDeserializer selectionDeserializer = new Deserializer();

    private final DecoratedKey partitionKey;
    private final ClusteringIndexFilter clusteringIndexFilter;

    protected SinglePartitionReadCommand(boolean isDigest, int digestVersion, boolean acceptsTransient,
            TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec, ColumnFilter columnFilter, RowFilter rowFilter, DataLimits limits,
            DecoratedKey partitionKey, ClusteringIndexFilter clusteringIndexFilter, IndexMetadata index) {
        super(Kind.SINGLE_PARTITION, isDigest, digestVersion, acceptsTransient, metadata, nowInSec, columnFilter,
                rowFilter, limits, index);
        assert partitionKey.getPartitioner() == metadata.partitioner;
        this.partitionKey = partitionKey;
        this.clusteringIndexFilter = clusteringIndexFilter;

     * Creates a new read command on a single partition.
     * @param metadata the table to query.
     * @param nowInSec the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query.
     * @param columnFilter the column filter to use for the query.
     * @param rowFilter the row filter to use for the query.
     * @param limits the limits to use for the query.
     * @param partitionKey the partition key for the partition to query.
     * @param clusteringIndexFilter the clustering index filter to use for the query.
     * @param indexMetadata explicitly specified index to use for the query
     * @return a newly created read command.
    public static SinglePartitionReadCommand create(TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec, ColumnFilter columnFilter,
            RowFilter rowFilter, DataLimits limits, DecoratedKey partitionKey,
            ClusteringIndexFilter clusteringIndexFilter, IndexMetadata indexMetadata) {
        return new SinglePartitionReadCommand(false, 0, false, metadata, nowInSec, columnFilter, rowFilter, limits,
                partitionKey, clusteringIndexFilter, indexMetadata);

     * Creates a new read command on a single partition.
     * @param metadata the table to query.
     * @param nowInSec the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query.
     * @param columnFilter the column filter to use for the query.
     * @param rowFilter the row filter to use for the query.
     * @param limits the limits to use for the query.
     * @param partitionKey the partition key for the partition to query.
     * @param clusteringIndexFilter the clustering index filter to use for the query.
     * @return a newly created read command.
    public static SinglePartitionReadCommand create(TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec, ColumnFilter columnFilter,
            RowFilter rowFilter, DataLimits limits, DecoratedKey partitionKey,
            ClusteringIndexFilter clusteringIndexFilter) {
        return create(metadata, nowInSec, columnFilter, rowFilter, limits, partitionKey, clusteringIndexFilter,
                findIndex(metadata, rowFilter));

     * Creates a new read command on a single partition.
     * @param metadata the table to query.
     * @param nowInSec the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition to query.
     * @param columnFilter the column filter to use for the query.
     * @param filter the clustering index filter to use for the query.
     * @return a newly created read command. The returned command will use no row filter and have no limits.
    public static SinglePartitionReadCommand create(TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec, DecoratedKey key,
            ColumnFilter columnFilter, ClusteringIndexFilter filter) {
        return create(metadata, nowInSec, columnFilter, RowFilter.NONE, DataLimits.NONE, key, filter);

     * Creates a new read command that queries a single partition in its entirety.
     * @param metadata the table to query.
     * @param nowInSec the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition to query.
     * @return a newly created read command that queries all the rows of {@code key}.
    public static SinglePartitionReadCommand fullPartitionRead(TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec,
            DecoratedKey key) {
        return create(metadata, nowInSec, key, Slices.ALL);

     * Creates a new read command that queries a single partition in its entirety.
     * @param metadata the table to query.
     * @param nowInSec the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition to query.
     * @return a newly created read command that queries all the rows of {@code key}.
    public static SinglePartitionReadCommand fullPartitionRead(TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec,
            ByteBuffer key) {
        return create(metadata, nowInSec, metadata.partitioner.decorateKey(key), Slices.ALL);

     * Creates a new single partition slice command for the provided single slice.
     * @param metadata the table to query.
     * @param nowInSec the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition to query.
     * @param slice the slice of rows to query.
     * @return a newly created read command that queries {@code slice} in {@code key}. The returned query will
     * query every columns for the table (without limit or row filtering) and be in forward order.
    public static SinglePartitionReadCommand create(TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec, DecoratedKey key,
            Slice slice) {
        return create(metadata, nowInSec, key, Slices.with(metadata.comparator, slice));

     * Creates a new single partition slice command for the provided slices.
     * @param metadata the table to query.
     * @param nowInSec the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition to query.
     * @param slices the slices of rows to query.
     * @return a newly created read command that queries the {@code slices} in {@code key}. The returned query will
     * query every columns for the table (without limit or row filtering) and be in forward order.
    public static SinglePartitionReadCommand create(TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec, DecoratedKey key,
            Slices slices) {
        ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(slices, false);
        return create(metadata, nowInSec, ColumnFilter.all(metadata), RowFilter.NONE, DataLimits.NONE, key, filter);

     * Creates a new single partition slice command for the provided slices.
     * @param metadata the table to query.
     * @param nowInSec the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition to query.
     * @param slices the slices of rows to query.
     * @return a newly created read command that queries the {@code slices} in {@code key}. The returned query will
     * query every columns for the table (without limit or row filtering) and be in forward order.
    public static SinglePartitionReadCommand create(TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec, ByteBuffer key,
            Slices slices) {
        return create(metadata, nowInSec, metadata.partitioner.decorateKey(key), slices);

     * Creates a new single partition name command for the provided rows.
     * @param metadata the table to query.
     * @param nowInSec the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition to query.
     * @param names the clustering for the rows to query.
     * @return a newly created read command that queries the {@code names} in {@code key}. The returned query will
     * query every columns (without limit or row filtering) and be in forward order.
    public static SinglePartitionReadCommand create(TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec, DecoratedKey key,
            NavigableSet<Clustering> names) {
        ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = new ClusteringIndexNamesFilter(names, false);
        return create(metadata, nowInSec, ColumnFilter.all(metadata), RowFilter.NONE, DataLimits.NONE, key, filter);

     * Creates a new single partition name command for the provided row.
     * @param metadata the table to query.
     * @param nowInSec the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition to query.
     * @param name the clustering for the row to query.
     * @return a newly created read command that queries {@code name} in {@code key}. The returned query will
     * query every columns (without limit or row filtering).
    public static SinglePartitionReadCommand create(TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec, DecoratedKey key,
            Clustering name) {
        return create(metadata, nowInSec, key, FBUtilities.singleton(name, metadata.comparator));

    public SinglePartitionReadCommand copy() {
        return new SinglePartitionReadCommand(isDigestQuery(), digestVersion(), acceptsTransient(), metadata(),
                nowInSec(), columnFilter(), rowFilter(), limits(), partitionKey(), clusteringIndexFilter(),

    protected SinglePartitionReadCommand copyAsDigestQuery() {
        return new SinglePartitionReadCommand(true, digestVersion(), acceptsTransient(), metadata(), nowInSec(),
                columnFilter(), rowFilter(), limits(), partitionKey(), clusteringIndexFilter(), indexMetadata());

    protected SinglePartitionReadCommand copyAsTransientQuery() {
        return new SinglePartitionReadCommand(false, 0, true, metadata(), nowInSec(), columnFilter(), rowFilter(),
                limits(), partitionKey(), clusteringIndexFilter(), indexMetadata());

    public SinglePartitionReadCommand withUpdatedLimit(DataLimits newLimits) {
        return new SinglePartitionReadCommand(isDigestQuery(), digestVersion(), acceptsTransient(), metadata(),
                nowInSec(), columnFilter(), rowFilter(), newLimits, partitionKey(), clusteringIndexFilter(),

    public DecoratedKey partitionKey() {
        return partitionKey;

    public ClusteringIndexFilter clusteringIndexFilter() {
        return clusteringIndexFilter;

    public ClusteringIndexFilter clusteringIndexFilter(DecoratedKey key) {
        return clusteringIndexFilter;

    public long getTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
        return DatabaseDescriptor.getReadRpcTimeout(unit);

    public SinglePartitionReadCommand forPaging(Clustering lastReturned, DataLimits limits) {
        // We shouldn't have set digest yet when reaching that point
        assert !isDigestQuery();
        return create(metadata(), nowInSec(), columnFilter(), rowFilter(), limits, partitionKey(),
                lastReturned == null ? clusteringIndexFilter()
                        : clusteringIndexFilter.forPaging(metadata().comparator, lastReturned, false));

    public PartitionIterator execute(ConsistencyLevel consistency, ClientState clientState, long queryStartNanoTime)
            throws RequestExecutionException {
        return, consistency, clientState, queryStartNanoTime);

    protected void recordLatency(TableMetrics metric, long latencyNanos) {

    @SuppressWarnings("resource") // we close the created iterator through closing the result of this method (and SingletonUnfilteredPartitionIterator ctor cannot fail)
    protected UnfilteredPartitionIterator queryStorage(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs,
            ReadExecutionController executionController) {
        // skip the row cache and go directly to sstables/memtable if repaired status of
        // data is being tracked. This is only requested after an initial digest mismatch
        UnfilteredRowIterator partition = cfs.isRowCacheEnabled() && !isTrackingRepairedStatus()
                ? getThroughCache(cfs, executionController)
                : queryMemtableAndDisk(cfs, executionController);
        return new SingletonUnfilteredPartitionIterator(partition);

     * Fetch the rows requested if in cache; if not, read it from disk and cache it.
     * <p>
     * If the partition is cached, and the filter given is within its bounds, we return
     * from cache, otherwise from disk.
     * <p>
     * If the partition is is not cached, we figure out what filter is "biggest", read
     * that from disk, then filter the result and either cache that or return it.
    private UnfilteredRowIterator getThroughCache(ColumnFamilyStore cfs,
            ReadExecutionController executionController) {
        assert !cfs.isIndex(); // CASSANDRA-5732
        assert cfs.isRowCacheEnabled() : String.format("Row cache is not enabled on table [%s]",;

        RowCacheKey key = new RowCacheKey(metadata(), partitionKey());

        // Attempt a sentinel-read-cache sequence.  if a write invalidates our sentinel, we'll return our
        // (now potentially obsolete) data, but won't cache it. see CASSANDRA-3862
        // TODO: don't evict entire partitions on writes (#2864)
        IRowCacheEntry cached = CacheService.instance.rowCache.get(key);
        if (cached != null) {
            if (cached instanceof RowCacheSentinel) {
                // Some other read is trying to cache the value, just do a normal non-caching read
                Tracing.trace("Row cache miss (race)");
                return queryMemtableAndDisk(cfs, executionController);

            CachedPartition cachedPartition = (CachedPartition) cached;
            if (cfs.isFilterFullyCoveredBy(clusteringIndexFilter(), limits(), cachedPartition, nowInSec(),
                    metadata().enforceStrictLiveness())) {
                Tracing.trace("Row cache hit");
                UnfilteredRowIterator unfilteredRowIterator = clusteringIndexFilter()
                        .getUnfilteredRowIterator(columnFilter(), cachedPartition);
                return unfilteredRowIterator;

            Tracing.trace("Ignoring row cache as cached value could not satisfy query");
            return queryMemtableAndDisk(cfs, executionController);
        Tracing.trace("Row cache miss");

        // Note that on tables with no clustering keys, any positive value of
        // rowsToCache implies caching the full partition
        boolean cacheFullPartitions = metadata().clusteringColumns().size() > 0
                ? metadata().params.caching.cacheAllRows()
                : metadata().params.caching.cacheRows();

        // To be able to cache what we read, what we read must at least covers what the cache holds, that
        // is the 'rowsToCache' first rows of the partition. We could read those 'rowsToCache' first rows
        // systematically, but we'd have to "extend" that to whatever is needed for the user query that the
        // 'rowsToCache' first rows don't cover and it's not trivial with our existing filters. So currently
        // we settle for caching what we read only if the user query does query the head of the partition since
        // that's the common case of when we'll be able to use the cache anyway. One exception is if we cache
        // full partitions, in which case we just always read it all and cache.
        if (cacheFullPartitions || clusteringIndexFilter().isHeadFilter()) {
            RowCacheSentinel sentinel = new RowCacheSentinel();
            boolean sentinelSuccess = CacheService.instance.rowCache.putIfAbsent(key, sentinel);
            boolean sentinelReplaced = false;

            try {
                final int rowsToCache = metadata().params.caching.rowsPerPartitionToCache();
                final boolean enforceStrictLiveness = metadata().enforceStrictLiveness();

                @SuppressWarnings("resource") // we close on exception or upon closing the result of this method
                UnfilteredRowIterator iter = fullPartitionRead(metadata(), nowInSec(), partitionKey())
                        .queryMemtableAndDisk(cfs, executionController);
                try {
                    // Use a custom iterator instead of DataLimits to avoid stopping the original iterator
                    UnfilteredRowIterator toCacheIterator = new WrappingUnfilteredRowIterator(iter) {
                        private int rowsCounted = 0;

                        public boolean hasNext() {
                            return rowsCounted < rowsToCache && super.hasNext();

                        public Unfiltered next() {
                            Unfiltered unfiltered =;
                            if (unfiltered.isRow()) {
                                Row row = (Row) unfiltered;
                                if (row.hasLiveData(nowInSec(), enforceStrictLiveness))
                            return unfiltered;

                    // We want to cache only rowsToCache rows
                    CachedPartition toCache = CachedBTreePartition.create(toCacheIterator, nowInSec());
                    if (sentinelSuccess && !toCache.isEmpty()) {
                        Tracing.trace("Caching {} rows", toCache.rowCount());
                        CacheService.instance.rowCache.replace(key, sentinel, toCache);
                        // Whether or not the previous replace has worked, our sentinel is not in the cache anymore
                        sentinelReplaced = true;

                    // We then re-filter out what this query wants.
                    // Note that in the case where we don't cache full partitions, it's possible that the current query is interested in more
                    // than what we've cached, so we can't just use toCache.
                    UnfilteredRowIterator cacheIterator = clusteringIndexFilter()
                            .getUnfilteredRowIterator(columnFilter(), toCache);
                    if (cacheFullPartitions) {
                        // Everything is guaranteed to be in 'toCache', we're done with 'iter'
                        assert !iter.hasNext();
                        return cacheIterator;
                    return UnfilteredRowIterators.concat(cacheIterator,
                            clusteringIndexFilter().filterNotIndexed(columnFilter(), iter));
                } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
                    throw e;
            } finally {
                if (sentinelSuccess && !sentinelReplaced)

                "Fetching data but not populating cache as query does not query from the start of the partition");
        return queryMemtableAndDisk(cfs, executionController);

     * Queries both memtable and sstables to fetch the result of this query.
     * <p>
     * Please note that this method:
     *   1) does not check the row cache.
     *   2) does not apply the query limit, nor the row filter (and so ignore 2ndary indexes).
     *      Those are applied in {@link ReadCommand#executeLocally}.
     *   3) does not record some of the read metrics (latency, scanned cells histograms) nor
     *      throws TombstoneOverwhelmingException.
     * It is publicly exposed because there is a few places where that is exactly what we want,
     * but it should be used only where you know you don't need thoses things.
     * <p>
     * Also note that one must have created a {@code ReadExecutionController} on the queried table and we require it as
     * a parameter to enforce that fact, even though it's not explicitlly used by the method.
    public UnfilteredRowIterator queryMemtableAndDisk(ColumnFamilyStore cfs,
            ReadExecutionController executionController) {
        assert executionController != null && executionController.validForReadOn(cfs);
        Tracing.trace("Executing single-partition query on {}",;

        return queryMemtableAndDiskInternal(cfs);

    private UnfilteredRowIterator queryMemtableAndDiskInternal(ColumnFamilyStore cfs) {
         * We have 2 main strategies:
         *   1) We query memtables and sstables simulateneously. This is our most generic strategy and the one we use
         *      unless we have a names filter that we know we can optimize futher.
         *   2) If we have a name filter (so we query specific rows), we can make a bet: that all column for all queried row
         *      will have data in the most recent sstable(s), thus saving us from reading older ones. This does imply we
         *      have a way to guarantee we have all the data for what is queried, which is only possible for name queries
         *      and if we have neither non-frozen collections/UDTs nor counters (indeed, for a non-frozen collection or UDT,
         *      we can't guarantee an older sstable won't have some elements that weren't in the most recent sstables,
         *      and counters are intrinsically a collection of shards and so have the same problem).
         *      Also, if tracking repaired data then we skip this optimization so we can collate the repaired sstables
         *      and generate a digest over their merge, which procludes an early return.
        if (clusteringIndexFilter() instanceof ClusteringIndexNamesFilter && !queriesMulticellType()
                && !isTrackingRepairedStatus())
            return queryMemtableAndSSTablesInTimestampOrder(cfs,
                    (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) clusteringIndexFilter());

        Tracing.trace("Acquiring sstable references");
        ColumnFamilyStore.ViewFragment view =, partitionKey()));
        Collections.sort(view.sstables, SSTableReader.maxTimestampDescending);
        ClusteringIndexFilter filter = clusteringIndexFilter();
        long minTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        long mostRecentPartitionTombstone = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        InputCollector<UnfilteredRowIterator> inputCollector = iteratorsForPartition(view);
        try {
            for (Memtable memtable : view.memtables) {
                Partition partition = memtable.getPartition(partitionKey());
                if (partition == null)

                minTimestamp = Math.min(minTimestamp, memtable.getMinTimestamp());

                @SuppressWarnings("resource") // 'iter' is added to iterators which is closed on exception, or through the closing of the final merged iterator
                UnfilteredRowIterator iter = filter.getUnfilteredRowIterator(columnFilter(), partition);

                // Memtable data is always considered unrepaired
                oldestUnrepairedTombstone = Math.min(oldestUnrepairedTombstone,
                        RTBoundValidator.validate(iter, RTBoundValidator.Stage.MEMTABLE, false));

                mostRecentPartitionTombstone = Math.max(mostRecentPartitionTombstone,

             * We can't eliminate full sstables based on the timestamp of what we've already read like
             * in collectTimeOrderedData, but we still want to eliminate sstable whose maxTimestamp < mostRecentTombstone
             * we've read. We still rely on the sstable ordering by maxTimestamp since if
             *   maxTimestamp_s1 > maxTimestamp_s0,
             * we're guaranteed that s1 cannot have a row tombstone such that
             *   timestamp(tombstone) > maxTimestamp_s0
             * since we necessarily have
             *   timestamp(tombstone) <= maxTimestamp_s1
             * In other words, iterating in maxTimestamp order allow to do our mostRecentPartitionTombstone elimination
             * in one pass, and minimize the number of sstables for which we read a partition tombstone.
            int nonIntersectingSSTables = 0;
            List<SSTableReader> skippedSSTablesWithTombstones = null;
            SSTableReadMetricsCollector metricsCollector = new SSTableReadMetricsCollector();

            if (isTrackingRepairedStatus())
                Tracing.trace("Collecting data from sstables and tracking repaired status");

            for (SSTableReader sstable : view.sstables) {
                // if we've already seen a partition tombstone with a timestamp greater
                // than the most recent update to this sstable, we can skip it
                // if we're tracking repaired status, we mark the repaired digest inconclusive
                // as other replicas may not have seen this partition delete and so could include
                // data from this sstable (or others) in their digests
                if (sstable.getMaxTimestamp() < mostRecentPartitionTombstone) {

                if (!shouldInclude(sstable)) {
                    if (sstable.mayHaveTombstones()) { // if sstable has tombstones we need to check after one pass if it can be safely skipped
                        if (skippedSSTablesWithTombstones == null)
                            skippedSSTablesWithTombstones = new ArrayList<>();


                minTimestamp = Math.min(minTimestamp, sstable.getMinTimestamp());

                @SuppressWarnings("resource") // 'iter' is added to iterators which is closed on exception,
                                              // or through the closing of the final merged iterator
                UnfilteredRowIteratorWithLowerBound iter = makeIterator(cfs, sstable, metricsCollector);
                if (!sstable.isRepaired())
                    oldestUnrepairedTombstone = Math.min(oldestUnrepairedTombstone,

                inputCollector.addSSTableIterator(sstable, iter);
                mostRecentPartitionTombstone = Math.max(mostRecentPartitionTombstone,

            int includedDueToTombstones = 0;
            // Check for sstables with tombstones that are not expired
            if (skippedSSTablesWithTombstones != null) {
                for (SSTableReader sstable : skippedSSTablesWithTombstones) {
                    if (sstable.getMaxTimestamp() <= minTimestamp)

                    @SuppressWarnings("resource") // 'iter' is added to iterators which is close on exception,
                                                  // or through the closing of the final merged iterator
                    UnfilteredRowIteratorWithLowerBound iter = makeIterator(cfs, sstable, metricsCollector);
                    if (!sstable.isRepaired())
                        oldestUnrepairedTombstone = Math.min(oldestUnrepairedTombstone,

                    inputCollector.addSSTableIterator(sstable, iter);
            if (Tracing.isTracing())
                Tracing.trace("Skipped {}/{} non-slice-intersecting sstables, included {} due to tombstones",
                        nonIntersectingSSTables, view.sstables.size(), includedDueToTombstones);

            if (inputCollector.isEmpty())
                return EmptyIterators.unfilteredRow(cfs.metadata(), partitionKey(), filter.isReversed());

            StorageHook.instance.reportRead(cfs.metadata().id, partitionKey());

            return withSSTablesIterated(inputCollector.finalizeIterators(), cfs.metric, metricsCollector);
        } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e1) {
            throw e;

    private boolean shouldInclude(SSTableReader sstable) {
        // If some static columns are queried, we should always include the sstable: the clustering values stats of the sstable
        // don't tell us if the sstable contains static values in particular.
        // TODO: we could record if a sstable contains any static value at all.
        if (!columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty())
            return true;

        return clusteringIndexFilter().shouldInclude(sstable);

    private UnfilteredRowIteratorWithLowerBound makeIterator(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, SSTableReader sstable,
            SSTableReadsListener listener) {
        return StorageHook.instance.makeRowIteratorWithLowerBound(cfs, partitionKey(), sstable,
                clusteringIndexFilter(), columnFilter(), listener);


     * Return a wrapped iterator that when closed will update the sstables iterated and READ sample metrics.
     * Note that we cannot use the Transformations framework because they greedily get the static row, which
     * would cause all iterators to be initialized and hence all sstables to be accessed.
    private UnfilteredRowIterator withSSTablesIterated(List<UnfilteredRowIterator> iterators, TableMetrics metrics,
            SSTableReadMetricsCollector metricsCollector) {
        @SuppressWarnings("resource") //  Closed through the closing of the result of the caller method.
        UnfilteredRowIterator merged = UnfilteredRowIterators.merge(iterators);

        if (!merged.isEmpty()) {
            DecoratedKey key = merged.partitionKey();
            metrics.topReadPartitionFrequency.addSample(key.getKey(), 1);

        class UpdateSstablesIterated extends Transformation {
            public void onPartitionClose() {
                int mergedSSTablesIterated = metricsCollector.getMergedSSTables();
                Tracing.trace("Merged data from memtables and {} sstables", mergedSSTablesIterated);
        return Transformation.apply(merged, new UpdateSstablesIterated());

    private boolean queriesMulticellType() {
        for (ColumnMetadata column : columnFilter().fetchedColumns()) {
            if (column.type.isMultiCell() || column.type.isCounter())
                return true;
        return false;

     * Do a read by querying the memtable(s) first, and then each relevant sstables sequentially by order of the sstable
     * max timestamp.
     * This is used for names query in the hope of only having to query the 1 or 2 most recent query and then knowing nothing
     * more recent could be in the older sstables (which we can only guarantee if we know exactly which row we queries, and if
     * no collection or counters are included).
     * This method assumes the filter is a {@code ClusteringIndexNamesFilter}.
    private UnfilteredRowIterator queryMemtableAndSSTablesInTimestampOrder(ColumnFamilyStore cfs,
            ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter) {
        Tracing.trace("Acquiring sstable references");
        ColumnFamilyStore.ViewFragment view =, partitionKey()));

        ImmutableBTreePartition result = null;

        Tracing.trace("Merging memtable contents");
        for (Memtable memtable : view.memtables) {
            Partition partition = memtable.getPartition(partitionKey());
            if (partition == null)

            try (UnfilteredRowIterator iter = filter.getUnfilteredRowIterator(columnFilter(), partition)) {
                if (iter.isEmpty())

                result = add(RTBoundValidator.validate(iter, RTBoundValidator.Stage.MEMTABLE, false), result,
                        filter, false);

        /* add the SSTables on disk */
        Collections.sort(view.sstables, SSTableReader.maxTimestampDescending);
        boolean onlyUnrepaired = true;
        // read sorted sstables
        SSTableReadMetricsCollector metricsCollector = new SSTableReadMetricsCollector();
        for (SSTableReader sstable : view.sstables) {
            // if we've already seen a partition tombstone with a timestamp greater
            // than the most recent update to this sstable, we're done, since the rest of the sstables
            // will also be older
            if (result != null && sstable.getMaxTimestamp() < result.partitionLevelDeletion().markedForDeleteAt())

            long currentMaxTs = sstable.getMaxTimestamp();
            filter = reduceFilter(filter, result, currentMaxTs);
            if (filter == null)

            if (!shouldInclude(sstable)) {
                // This mean that nothing queried by the filter can be in the sstable. One exception is the top-level partition deletion
                // however: if it is set, it impacts everything and must be included. Getting that top-level partition deletion costs us
                // some seek in general however (unless the partition is indexed and is in the key cache), so we first check if the sstable
                // has any tombstone at all as a shortcut.
                if (!sstable.mayHaveTombstones())
                    continue; // no tombstone at all, we can skip that sstable

                // We need to get the partition deletion and include it if it's live. In any case though, we're done with that sstable.
                try (UnfilteredRowIterator iter = StorageHook.instance.makeRowIterator(cfs, sstable, partitionKey(),
                        filter.getSlices(metadata()), columnFilter(), filter.isReversed(), metricsCollector)) {
                    if (!iter.partitionLevelDeletion().isLive()) {
                        result = add(
                                UnfilteredRowIterators.noRowsIterator(iter.metadata(), iter.partitionKey(),
                                        Rows.EMPTY_STATIC_ROW, iter.partitionLevelDeletion(), filter.isReversed()),
                                result, filter, sstable.isRepaired());
                    } else {
                        result = add(RTBoundValidator.validate(iter, RTBoundValidator.Stage.SSTABLE, false), result,
                                filter, sstable.isRepaired());


            try (UnfilteredRowIterator iter = StorageHook.instance.makeRowIterator(cfs, sstable, partitionKey(),
                    filter.getSlices(metadata()), columnFilter(), filter.isReversed(), metricsCollector)) {
                if (iter.isEmpty())

                if (sstable.isRepaired())
                    onlyUnrepaired = false;

                result = add(RTBoundValidator.validate(iter, RTBoundValidator.Stage.SSTABLE, false), result, filter,


        if (result == null || result.isEmpty())
            return EmptyIterators.unfilteredRow(metadata(), partitionKey(), false);

        DecoratedKey key = result.partitionKey();
        cfs.metric.topReadPartitionFrequency.addSample(key.getKey(), 1);
        StorageHook.instance.reportRead(, partitionKey());

        // "hoist up" the requested data into a more recent sstable
        if (metricsCollector.getMergedSSTables() > cfs.getMinimumCompactionThreshold() && onlyUnrepaired
                && !cfs.isAutoCompactionDisabled() && cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().shouldDefragment()) {
            // !!WARNING!!   if we stop copying our data to a heap-managed object,
            //               we will need to track the lifetime of this mutation as well
            Tracing.trace("Defragmenting requested data");

            try (UnfilteredRowIterator iter = result.unfilteredIterator(columnFilter(), Slices.ALL, false)) {
                final Mutation mutation = new Mutation(PartitionUpdate.fromIterator(iter, columnFilter()));
                Stage.MUTATION.execute(() -> {
                    // skipping commitlog and index updates is fine since we're just de-fragmenting existing data
          , false, false);

        return result.unfilteredIterator(columnFilter(), Slices.ALL, clusteringIndexFilter().isReversed());

    private ImmutableBTreePartition add(UnfilteredRowIterator iter, ImmutableBTreePartition result,
            ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter, boolean isRepaired) {
        if (!isRepaired)
            oldestUnrepairedTombstone = Math.min(oldestUnrepairedTombstone, iter.stats().minLocalDeletionTime);

        int maxRows = Math.max(filter.requestedRows().size(), 1);
        if (result == null)
            return ImmutableBTreePartition.create(iter, maxRows);

        try (UnfilteredRowIterator merged = UnfilteredRowIterators.merge(
                Arrays.asList(iter, result.unfilteredIterator(columnFilter(), Slices.ALL, filter.isReversed())))) {
            return ImmutableBTreePartition.create(merged, maxRows);

    private ClusteringIndexNamesFilter reduceFilter(ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter, Partition result,
            long sstableTimestamp) {
        if (result == null)
            return filter;

        SearchIterator<Clustering, Row> searchIter = result.searchIterator(columnFilter(), false);

        RegularAndStaticColumns columns = columnFilter().fetchedColumns();
        NavigableSet<Clustering> clusterings = filter.requestedRows();

        // We want to remove rows for which we have values for all requested columns. We have to deal with both static and regular rows.
        // TODO: we could also remove a selected column if we've found values for every requested row but we'll leave
        // that for later.

        boolean removeStatic = false;
        if (!columns.statics.isEmpty()) {
            Row staticRow =;
            removeStatic = staticRow != null && canRemoveRow(staticRow, columns.statics, sstableTimestamp);

        NavigableSet<Clustering> toRemove = null;
        for (Clustering clustering : clusterings) {
            Row row =;
            if (row == null || !canRemoveRow(row, columns.regulars, sstableTimestamp))

            if (toRemove == null)
                toRemove = new TreeSet<>(result.metadata().comparator);

        if (!removeStatic && toRemove == null)
            return filter;

        // Check if we have everything we need
        boolean hasNoMoreStatic = columns.statics.isEmpty() || removeStatic;
        boolean hasNoMoreClusterings = clusterings.isEmpty()
                || (toRemove != null && toRemove.size() == clusterings.size());
        if (hasNoMoreStatic && hasNoMoreClusterings)
            return null;

        if (toRemove != null) {
            BTreeSet.Builder<Clustering> newClusterings = BTreeSet.builder(result.metadata().comparator);
            newClusterings.addAll(Sets.difference(clusterings, toRemove));
            clusterings =;
        return new ClusteringIndexNamesFilter(clusterings, filter.isReversed());

    private boolean canRemoveRow(Row row, Columns requestedColumns, long sstableTimestamp) {
        // We can remove a row if it has data that is more recent that the next sstable to consider for the data that the query
        // cares about. And the data we care about is 1) the row timestamp (since every query cares if the row exists or not)
        // and 2) the requested columns.
        if (row.primaryKeyLivenessInfo().isEmpty() || row.primaryKeyLivenessInfo().timestamp() <= sstableTimestamp)
            return false;

        for (ColumnMetadata column : requestedColumns) {
            Cell cell = row.getCell(column);
            if (cell == null || cell.timestamp() <= sstableTimestamp)
                return false;
        return true;

    public boolean selectsFullPartition() {
        return metadata().isStaticCompactTable() || (clusteringIndexFilter.selectsAllPartition()
                && !rowFilter().hasExpressionOnClusteringOrRegularColumns());

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("Read(%s columns=%s rowFilter=%s limits=%s key=%s filter=%s, nowInSec=%d)",
                metadata().toString(), columnFilter(), rowFilter(), limits(),
                clusteringIndexFilter.toString(metadata()), nowInSec());

    public Verb verb() {
        return Verb.READ_REQ;

    protected void appendCQLWhereClause(StringBuilder sb) {
        sb.append(" WHERE ");

        sb.append(ColumnMetadata.toCQLString(metadata().partitionKeyColumns())).append(" = ");
        DataRange.appendKeyString(sb, metadata().partitionKeyType, partitionKey().getKey());

        // We put the row filter first because the clustering index filter can end by "ORDER BY"
        if (!rowFilter().isEmpty())
            sb.append(" AND ").append(rowFilter());

        String filterString = clusteringIndexFilter().toCQLString(metadata());
        if (!filterString.isEmpty())
            sb.append(" AND ").append(filterString);

    protected void serializeSelection(DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException {
        metadata().partitionKeyType.writeValue(partitionKey().getKey(), out);
        ClusteringIndexFilter.serializer.serialize(clusteringIndexFilter(), out, version);

    protected long selectionSerializedSize(int version) {
        return metadata().partitionKeyType.writtenLength(partitionKey().getKey())
                + ClusteringIndexFilter.serializer.serializedSize(clusteringIndexFilter(), version);

    public boolean isLimitedToOnePartition() {
        return true;

    public boolean isRangeRequest() {
        return false;

     * Groups multiple single partition read commands.
    public static class Group extends SinglePartitionReadQuery.Group<SinglePartitionReadCommand> {
        public static Group create(TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec, ColumnFilter columnFilter,
                RowFilter rowFilter, DataLimits limits, List<DecoratedKey> partitionKeys,
                ClusteringIndexFilter clusteringIndexFilter) {
            List<SinglePartitionReadCommand> commands = new ArrayList<>(partitionKeys.size());
            for (DecoratedKey partitionKey : partitionKeys) {
                commands.add(SinglePartitionReadCommand.create(metadata, nowInSec, columnFilter, rowFilter, limits,
                        partitionKey, clusteringIndexFilter));

            return new Group(commands, limits);

        public Group(List<SinglePartitionReadCommand> commands, DataLimits limits) {
            super(commands, limits);

        public static Group one(SinglePartitionReadCommand command) {
            return new Group(Collections.singletonList(command), command.limits());

        public PartitionIterator execute(ConsistencyLevel consistency, ClientState clientState,
                long queryStartNanoTime) throws RequestExecutionException {
            return, consistency, clientState, queryStartNanoTime);

    private static class Deserializer extends SelectionDeserializer {
        public ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, boolean isDigest, int digestVersion,
                boolean acceptsTransient, TableMetadata metadata, int nowInSec, ColumnFilter columnFilter,
                RowFilter rowFilter, DataLimits limits, IndexMetadata index) throws IOException {
            DecoratedKey key = metadata.partitioner
                    .decorateKey(metadata.partitionKeyType.readValue(in, DatabaseDescriptor.getMaxValueSize()));
            ClusteringIndexFilter filter = ClusteringIndexFilter.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata);
            return new SinglePartitionReadCommand(isDigest, digestVersion, acceptsTransient, metadata, nowInSec,
                    columnFilter, rowFilter, limits, key, filter, index);

     * {@code SSTableReaderListener} used to collect metrics about SSTable read access.
    private static final class SSTableReadMetricsCollector implements SSTableReadsListener {
         * The number of SSTables that need to be merged. This counter is only updated for single partition queries
         * since this has been the behavior so far.
        private int mergedSSTables;

        public void onSSTableSelected(SSTableReader sstable, RowIndexEntry<?> indexEntry, SelectionReason reason) {

         * Returns the number of SSTables that need to be merged.
         * @return the number of SSTables that need to be merged.
        public int getMergedSSTables() {
            return mergedSSTables;