Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.config;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.nio.file.FileStore;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;


import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.audit.AuditLogOptions;
import org.apache.cassandra.audit.FullQueryLoggerOptions;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.AllowAllInternodeAuthenticator;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.AuthConfig;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.IAuthenticator;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.IAuthorizer;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.IInternodeAuthenticator;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.INetworkAuthorizer;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.IRoleManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.Config.CommitLogSync;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.EncryptionOptions.ServerEncryptionOptions.InternodeEncryption;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ConsistencyLevel;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.AbstractCommitLogSegmentManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLog;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogSegmentManagerCDC;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogSegmentManagerStandard;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.DynamicEndpointSnitch;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.EndpointSnitchInfo;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.IEndpointSnitch;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.InetAddressAndPort;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.Replica;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.SeedProvider;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.CacheService.CacheType;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static;

public class DatabaseDescriptor {
    static {
        // This static block covers most usages
        System.setProperty("io.netty.transport.estimateSizeOnSubmit", "false");

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DatabaseDescriptor.class);

     * Tokens are serialized in a Gossip VersionedValue String.  VV are restricted to 64KB
     * when we send them over the wire, which works out to about 1700 tokens.
    private static final int MAX_NUM_TOKENS = 1536;

    private static Config conf;

     * Request timeouts can not be less than below defined value (see CASSANDRA-9375)
    static final long LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT = 10L;

    private static IEndpointSnitch snitch;
    private static InetAddress listenAddress; // leave null so we can fall through to getLocalHost
    private static InetAddress broadcastAddress;
    private static InetAddress rpcAddress;
    private static InetAddress broadcastRpcAddress;
    private static SeedProvider seedProvider;
    private static IInternodeAuthenticator internodeAuthenticator = new AllowAllInternodeAuthenticator();

    /* Hashing strategy Random or OPHF */
    private static IPartitioner partitioner;
    private static String paritionerName;

    private static Config.DiskAccessMode indexAccessMode;

    private static IAuthenticator authenticator;
    private static IAuthorizer authorizer;
    private static INetworkAuthorizer networkAuthorizer;
    // Don't initialize the role manager until applying config. The options supported by CassandraRoleManager
    // depend on the configured IAuthenticator, so defer creating it until that's been set.
    private static IRoleManager roleManager;

    private static long preparedStatementsCacheSizeInMB;

    private static long keyCacheSizeInMB;
    private static long counterCacheSizeInMB;
    private static long indexSummaryCapacityInMB;

    private static String localDC;
    private static Comparator<Replica> localComparator;
    private static EncryptionContext encryptionContext;
    private static boolean hasLoggedConfig;

    private static BackPressureStrategy backPressureStrategy;
    private static DiskOptimizationStrategy diskOptimizationStrategy;

    private static boolean clientInitialized;
    private static boolean toolInitialized;
    private static boolean daemonInitialized;

    private static final int searchConcurrencyFactor = Integer
            .parseInt(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "search_concurrency_factor", "1"));

    private static volatile boolean disableSTCSInL0 = Boolean
            .getBoolean(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "disable_stcs_in_l0");
    private static final boolean unsafeSystem = Boolean.getBoolean(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "unsafesystem");

    // turns some warnings into exceptions for testing
    private static final boolean strictRuntimeChecks = Boolean.getBoolean("cassandra.strict.runtime.checks");

    private static Function<CommitLog, AbstractCommitLogSegmentManager> commitLogSegmentMgrProvider = c -> DatabaseDescriptor
            .isCDCEnabled() ? new CommitLogSegmentManagerCDC(c, DatabaseDescriptor.getCommitLogLocation())
                    : new CommitLogSegmentManagerStandard(c, DatabaseDescriptor.getCommitLogLocation());

    public static void daemonInitialization() throws ConfigurationException {

    public static void daemonInitialization(Supplier<Config> config) throws ConfigurationException {
        if (toolInitialized)
            throw new AssertionError("toolInitialization() already called");
        if (clientInitialized)
            throw new AssertionError("clientInitialization() already called");

        // Some unit tests require this :(
        if (daemonInitialized)
        daemonInitialized = true;


     * Equivalent to {@link #toolInitialization(boolean) toolInitialization(true)}.
    public static void toolInitialization() {

     * Initializes this class as a tool, which means that the configuration is loaded
     * using {@link #loadConfig()} and all non-daemon configuration parts will be setup.
     * @param failIfDaemonOrClient if {@code true} and a call to {@link #daemonInitialization()} or
     *                             {@link #clientInitialization()} has been performed before, an
     *                             {@link AssertionError} will be thrown.
    public static void toolInitialization(boolean failIfDaemonOrClient) {
        if (!failIfDaemonOrClient && (daemonInitialized || clientInitialized)) {
        } else {
            if (daemonInitialized)
                throw new AssertionError("daemonInitialization() already called");
            if (clientInitialized)
                throw new AssertionError("clientInitialization() already called");

        if (toolInitialized)
        toolInitialized = true;






     * Equivalent to {@link #clientInitialization(boolean) clientInitialization(true)}.
    public static void clientInitialization() {

     * Initializes this class as a client, which means that just an empty configuration will
     * be used.
     * @param failIfDaemonOrTool if {@code true} and a call to {@link #daemonInitialization()} or
     *                           {@link #toolInitialization()} has been performed before, an
     *                           {@link AssertionError} will be thrown.
    public static void clientInitialization(boolean failIfDaemonOrTool) {
        if (!failIfDaemonOrTool && (daemonInitialized || toolInitialized)) {
        } else {
            if (daemonInitialized)
                throw new AssertionError("daemonInitialization() already called");
            if (toolInitialized)
                throw new AssertionError("toolInitialization() already called");

        if (clientInitialized)
        clientInitialized = true;

        conf = new Config();
        diskOptimizationStrategy = new SpinningDiskOptimizationStrategy();

    public static boolean isClientInitialized() {
        return clientInitialized;

    public static boolean isToolInitialized() {
        return toolInitialized;

    public static boolean isClientOrToolInitialized() {
        return clientInitialized || toolInitialized;

    public static boolean isDaemonInitialized() {
        return daemonInitialized;

    public static Config getRawConfig() {
        return conf;

    public static Config loadConfig() throws ConfigurationException {
        if (Config.getOverrideLoadConfig() != null)
            return Config.getOverrideLoadConfig().get();

        String loaderClass = System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "config.loader");
        ConfigurationLoader loader = loaderClass == null ? new YamlConfigurationLoader()
                : FBUtilities.<ConfigurationLoader>construct(loaderClass, "configuration loading");
        Config config = loader.loadConfig();

        if (!hasLoggedConfig) {
            hasLoggedConfig = true;

        return config;

    private static InetAddress getNetworkInterfaceAddress(String intf, String configName, boolean preferIPv6)
            throws ConfigurationException {
        try {
            NetworkInterface ni = NetworkInterface.getByName(intf);
            if (ni == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "Configured " + configName + " \"" + intf + "\" could not be found", false);
            Enumeration<InetAddress> addrs = ni.getInetAddresses();
            if (!addrs.hasMoreElements())
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "Configured " + configName + " \"" + intf + "\" was found, but had no addresses", false);

             * Try to return the first address of the preferred type, otherwise return the first address
            InetAddress retval = null;
            while (addrs.hasMoreElements()) {
                InetAddress temp = addrs.nextElement();
                if (preferIPv6 && temp instanceof Inet6Address)
                    return temp;
                if (!preferIPv6 && temp instanceof Inet4Address)
                    return temp;
                if (retval == null)
                    retval = temp;
            return retval;
        } catch (SocketException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Configured " + configName + " \"" + intf + "\" caused an exception",

    private static void setConfig(Config config) {
        conf = config;

    private static void applyAll() throws ConfigurationException {
        //InetAddressAndPort cares that applySimpleConfig runs first








    private static void applySimpleConfig() {
        //Doing this first before all other things in case other pieces of config want to construct
        //InetAddressAndPort and get the right defaults

        if (conf.commitlog_sync == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Missing required directive CommitLogSync", false);

        if (conf.commitlog_sync == Config.CommitLogSync.batch) {
            if (conf.commitlog_sync_period_in_ms != 0) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "Batch sync specified, but commitlog_sync_period_in_ms found. Only specify commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms when using batch sync",
            logger.debug("Syncing log with batch mode");
        } else if (conf.commitlog_sync == {
            if (Double.isNaN(conf.commitlog_sync_group_window_in_ms)
                    || conf.commitlog_sync_group_window_in_ms <= 0d) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "Missing value for commitlog_sync_group_window_in_ms: positive double value expected.",
            } else if (conf.commitlog_sync_period_in_ms != 0) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "Group sync specified, but commitlog_sync_period_in_ms found. Only specify commitlog_sync_group_window_in_ms when using group sync",
            logger.debug("Syncing log with a group window of {}", conf.commitlog_sync_period_in_ms);
        } else {
            if (conf.commitlog_sync_period_in_ms <= 0) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "Missing value for commitlog_sync_period_in_ms: positive integer expected", false);
            } else if (!Double.isNaN(conf.commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms)) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "commitlog_sync_period_in_ms specified, but commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms found.  Only specify commitlog_sync_period_in_ms when using periodic sync.",
            logger.debug("Syncing log with a period of {}", conf.commitlog_sync_period_in_ms);

        /* evaluate the DiskAccessMode Config directive, which also affects indexAccessMode selection */
        if (conf.disk_access_mode == {
            conf.disk_access_mode = hasLargeAddressSpace() ? Config.DiskAccessMode.mmap
                    : Config.DiskAccessMode.standard;
            indexAccessMode = conf.disk_access_mode;
  "DiskAccessMode 'auto' determined to be {}, indexAccessMode is {}", conf.disk_access_mode,
        } else if (conf.disk_access_mode == Config.DiskAccessMode.mmap_index_only) {
            conf.disk_access_mode = Config.DiskAccessMode.standard;
            indexAccessMode = Config.DiskAccessMode.mmap;
  "DiskAccessMode is {}, indexAccessMode is {}", conf.disk_access_mode, indexAccessMode);
        } else {
            indexAccessMode = conf.disk_access_mode;
  "DiskAccessMode is {}, indexAccessMode is {}", conf.disk_access_mode, indexAccessMode);

        if (conf.gc_warn_threshold_in_ms < 0) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("gc_warn_threshold_in_ms must be a positive integer");

        /* phi convict threshold for FailureDetector */
        if (conf.phi_convict_threshold < 5 || conf.phi_convict_threshold > 16) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "phi_convict_threshold must be between 5 and 16, but was " + conf.phi_convict_threshold, false);

        /* Thread per pool */
        if (conf.concurrent_reads < 2) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "concurrent_reads must be at least 2, but was " + conf.concurrent_reads, false);

        if (conf.concurrent_writes < 2 && System.getProperty("cassandra.test.fail_mv_locks_count", "").isEmpty()) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "concurrent_writes must be at least 2, but was " + conf.concurrent_writes, false);

        if (conf.concurrent_counter_writes < 2)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "concurrent_counter_writes must be at least 2, but was " + conf.concurrent_counter_writes,

        if (conf.concurrent_replicates != null)
            logger.warn("concurrent_replicates has been deprecated and should be removed from cassandra.yaml");

        if (conf.file_cache_size_in_mb == null)
            conf.file_cache_size_in_mb = Math.min(512, (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (4 * 1048576)));

        // round down for SSDs and round up for spinning disks
        if (conf.file_cache_round_up == null)
            conf.file_cache_round_up = conf.disk_optimization_strategy == Config.DiskOptimizationStrategy.spinning;

        if (conf.memtable_offheap_space_in_mb == null)
            conf.memtable_offheap_space_in_mb = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (4 * 1048576));
        if (conf.memtable_offheap_space_in_mb < 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "memtable_offheap_space_in_mb must be positive, but was " + conf.memtable_offheap_space_in_mb,
        // for the moment, we default to twice as much on-heap space as off-heap, as heap overhead is very large
        if (conf.memtable_heap_space_in_mb == null)
            conf.memtable_heap_space_in_mb = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (4 * 1048576));
        if (conf.memtable_heap_space_in_mb <= 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "memtable_heap_space_in_mb must be positive, but was " + conf.memtable_heap_space_in_mb, false);"Global memtable on-heap threshold is enabled at {}MB", conf.memtable_heap_space_in_mb);
        if (conf.memtable_offheap_space_in_mb == 0)
  "Global memtable off-heap threshold is disabled, HeapAllocator will be used instead");
  "Global memtable off-heap threshold is enabled at {}MB", conf.memtable_offheap_space_in_mb);

        if (conf.repair_session_max_tree_depth != null) {
                    "repair_session_max_tree_depth has been deprecated and should be removed from cassandra.yaml. Use repair_session_space_in_mb instead");
            if (conf.repair_session_max_tree_depth < 10)
                throw new ConfigurationException("repair_session_max_tree_depth should not be < 10, but was "
                        + conf.repair_session_max_tree_depth);
            if (conf.repair_session_max_tree_depth > 20)
                logger.warn("repair_session_max_tree_depth of " + conf.repair_session_max_tree_depth
                        + " > 20 could lead to excessive memory usage");
        } else {
            conf.repair_session_max_tree_depth = 20;

        if (conf.repair_session_space_in_mb == null)
            conf.repair_session_space_in_mb = Math.max(1,
                    (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (16 * 1048576)));

        if (conf.repair_session_space_in_mb < 1)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "repair_session_space_in_mb must be > 0, but was " + conf.repair_session_space_in_mb);
        else if (conf.repair_session_space_in_mb > (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (4 * 1048576)))
            logger.warn("A repair_session_space_in_mb of " + conf.repair_session_space_in_mb
                    + " megabytes is likely to cause heap pressure");


        if (conf.native_transport_max_frame_size_in_mb <= 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException("native_transport_max_frame_size_in_mb must be positive, but was "
                    + conf.native_transport_max_frame_size_in_mb, false);
        else if (conf.native_transport_max_frame_size_in_mb >= 2048)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "native_transport_max_frame_size_in_mb must be smaller than 2048, but was "
                            + conf.native_transport_max_frame_size_in_mb,

        if (conf.native_transport_max_negotiable_protocol_version != null)
                    "The configuration option native_transport_max_negotiable_protocol_version has been deprecated "
                            + "and should be removed from cassandra.yaml as it has no longer has any effect.");

        // if data dirs, commitlog dir, or saved caches dir are set in cassandra.yaml, use that.  Otherwise,
        // use -Dcassandra.storagedir (set in as the parent dir for data/, commitlog/, and saved_caches/
        if (conf.commitlog_directory == null) {
            conf.commitlog_directory = storagedirFor("commitlog");

        if (conf.hints_directory == null) {
            conf.hints_directory = storagedirFor("hints");

        if (conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_requests_in_bytes <= 0) {
            conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_requests_in_bytes = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 10;

        if (conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_requests_in_bytes_per_ip <= 0) {
            conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_requests_in_bytes_per_ip = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 40;

        if (conf.cdc_raw_directory == null) {
            conf.cdc_raw_directory = storagedirFor("cdc_raw");

        // Windows memory-mapped CommitLog files is incompatible with CDC as we hard-link files in cdc_raw. Confirm we don't have both enabled.
        if (FBUtilities.isWindows && conf.cdc_enabled && conf.commitlog_compression == null)
            throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot enable cdc on Windows with uncompressed commitlog.");

        if (conf.commitlog_total_space_in_mb == null) {
            int preferredSize = 8192;
            int minSize = 0;
            try {
                // use 1/4 of available space.  See discussion on #10013 and #10199
                minSize = Ints
                        .saturatedCast((guessFileStore(conf.commitlog_directory).getTotalSpace() / 1048576) / 4);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.debug("Error checking disk space", e);
                throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(
                        "Unable to check disk space available to %s. Perhaps the Cassandra user does not have the necessary permissions",
                        conf.commitlog_directory), e);
            if (minSize < preferredSize) {
                        "Small commitlog volume detected at {}; setting commitlog_total_space_in_mb to {}.  You can override this in cassandra.yaml",
                        conf.commitlog_directory, minSize);
                conf.commitlog_total_space_in_mb = minSize;
            } else {
                conf.commitlog_total_space_in_mb = preferredSize;

        if (conf.cdc_total_space_in_mb == 0) {
            int preferredSize = 4096;
            int minSize = 0;
            try {
                // use 1/8th of available space.  See discussion on #10013 and #10199 on the CL, taking half that for CDC
                minSize = Ints
                        .saturatedCast((guessFileStore(conf.cdc_raw_directory).getTotalSpace() / 1048576) / 8);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.debug("Error checking disk space", e);
                throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(
                        "Unable to check disk space available to %s. Perhaps the Cassandra user does not have the necessary permissions",
                        conf.cdc_raw_directory), e);
            if (minSize < preferredSize) {
                        "Small cdc volume detected at {}; setting cdc_total_space_in_mb to {}.  You can override this in cassandra.yaml",
                        conf.cdc_raw_directory, minSize);
                conf.cdc_total_space_in_mb = minSize;
            } else {
                conf.cdc_total_space_in_mb = preferredSize;

        if (conf.cdc_enabled) {
  "cdc_enabled is true. Starting casssandra node with Change-Data-Capture enabled.");

        if (conf.saved_caches_directory == null) {
            conf.saved_caches_directory = storagedirFor("saved_caches");
        if (conf.data_file_directories == null || conf.data_file_directories.length == 0) {
            conf.data_file_directories = new String[] {
                    storagedir("data_file_directories") + File.separator + "data" };

        long dataFreeBytes = 0;
        /* data file and commit log directories. they get created later, when they're needed. */
        for (String datadir : conf.data_file_directories) {
            if (datadir == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException("data_file_directories must not contain empty entry", false);
            if (datadir.equals(conf.commitlog_directory))
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "commitlog_directory must not be the same as any data_file_directories", false);
            if (datadir.equals(conf.hints_directory))
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "hints_directory must not be the same as any data_file_directories", false);
            if (datadir.equals(conf.saved_caches_directory))
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "saved_caches_directory must not be the same as any data_file_directories", false);

            try {
                dataFreeBytes = saturatedSum(dataFreeBytes, guessFileStore(datadir).getUnallocatedSpace());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.debug("Error checking disk space", e);
                throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(
                        "Unable to check disk space available to %s. Perhaps the Cassandra user does not have the necessary permissions",
                        datadir), e);
        if (dataFreeBytes < 64 * ONE_GB) // 64 GB
                    "Only {} free across all data volumes. Consider adding more capacity to your cluster or removing obsolete snapshots",

        if (conf.commitlog_directory.equals(conf.saved_caches_directory))
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "saved_caches_directory must not be the same as the commitlog_directory", false);
        if (conf.commitlog_directory.equals(conf.hints_directory))
            throw new ConfigurationException("hints_directory must not be the same as the commitlog_directory",
        if (conf.hints_directory.equals(conf.saved_caches_directory))
            throw new ConfigurationException("saved_caches_directory must not be the same as the hints_directory",

        if (conf.memtable_flush_writers == 0) {
            conf.memtable_flush_writers = conf.data_file_directories.length == 1 ? 2 : 1;

        if (conf.memtable_flush_writers < 1)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "memtable_flush_writers must be at least 1, but was " + conf.memtable_flush_writers, false);

        if (conf.memtable_cleanup_threshold == null) {
            conf.memtable_cleanup_threshold = (float) (1.0 / (1 + conf.memtable_flush_writers));
        } else {
            logger.warn("memtable_cleanup_threshold has been deprecated and should be removed from cassandra.yaml");

        if (conf.memtable_cleanup_threshold < 0.01f)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "memtable_cleanup_threshold must be >= 0.01, but was " + conf.memtable_cleanup_threshold,
        if (conf.memtable_cleanup_threshold > 0.99f)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "memtable_cleanup_threshold must be <= 0.99, but was " + conf.memtable_cleanup_threshold,
        if (conf.memtable_cleanup_threshold < 0.1f)
            logger.warn("memtable_cleanup_threshold is set very low [{}], which may cause performance degradation",

        if (conf.concurrent_compactors == null)
            conf.concurrent_compactors = Math.min(8,
                    Math.max(2, Math.min(FBUtilities.getAvailableProcessors(), conf.data_file_directories.length)));

        if (conf.concurrent_validations < 1)
            conf.concurrent_validations = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        if (conf.concurrent_compactors <= 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException("concurrent_compactors should be strictly greater than 0, but was "
                    + conf.concurrent_compactors, false);

        if (conf.concurrent_materialized_view_builders <= 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "concurrent_materialized_view_builders should be strictly greater than 0, but was "
                            + conf.concurrent_materialized_view_builders,

        if (conf.num_tokens > MAX_NUM_TOKENS)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    String.format("A maximum number of %d tokens per node is supported", MAX_NUM_TOKENS), false);

        try {
            // if prepared_statements_cache_size_mb option was set to "auto" then size of the cache should be "max(1/256 of Heap (in MB), 10MB)"
            preparedStatementsCacheSizeInMB = (conf.prepared_statements_cache_size_mb == null)
                    ? Math.max(10, (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024 / 1024 / 256))
                    : conf.prepared_statements_cache_size_mb;

            if (preparedStatementsCacheSizeInMB <= 0)
                throw new NumberFormatException(); // to escape duplicating error message
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "prepared_statements_cache_size_mb option was set incorrectly to '"
                            + conf.prepared_statements_cache_size_mb + "', supported values are <integer> >= 0.",

        try {
            // if key_cache_size_in_mb option was set to "auto" then size of the cache should be "min(5% of Heap (in MB), 100MB)
            keyCacheSizeInMB = (conf.key_cache_size_in_mb == null)
                    ? Math.min(Math.max(1, (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() * 0.05 / 1024 / 1024)), 100)
                    : conf.key_cache_size_in_mb;

            if (keyCacheSizeInMB < 0)
                throw new NumberFormatException(); // to escape duplicating error message
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("key_cache_size_in_mb option was set incorrectly to '"
                    + conf.key_cache_size_in_mb + "', supported values are <integer> >= 0.", false);

        try {
            // if counter_cache_size_in_mb option was set to "auto" then size of the cache should be "min(2.5% of Heap (in MB), 50MB)
            counterCacheSizeInMB = (conf.counter_cache_size_in_mb == null)
                    ? Math.min(Math.max(1, (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() * 0.025 / 1024 / 1024)), 50)
                    : conf.counter_cache_size_in_mb;

            if (counterCacheSizeInMB < 0)
                throw new NumberFormatException(); // to escape duplicating error message
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("counter_cache_size_in_mb option was set incorrectly to '"
                    + conf.counter_cache_size_in_mb + "', supported values are <integer> >= 0.", false);

        // if set to empty/"auto" then use 5% of Heap size
        indexSummaryCapacityInMB = (conf.index_summary_capacity_in_mb == null)
                ? Math.max(1, (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() * 0.05 / 1024 / 1024))
                : conf.index_summary_capacity_in_mb;

        if (indexSummaryCapacityInMB < 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException("index_summary_capacity_in_mb option was set incorrectly to '"
                    + conf.index_summary_capacity_in_mb + "', it should be a non-negative integer.", false);

        if (conf.user_defined_function_fail_timeout < 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException("user_defined_function_fail_timeout must not be negative", false);
        if (conf.user_defined_function_warn_timeout < 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException("user_defined_function_warn_timeout must not be negative", false);

        if (conf.user_defined_function_fail_timeout < conf.user_defined_function_warn_timeout)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "user_defined_function_warn_timeout must less than user_defined_function_fail_timeout", false);

        if (conf.commitlog_segment_size_in_mb <= 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "commitlog_segment_size_in_mb must be positive, but was " + conf.commitlog_segment_size_in_mb,
        else if (conf.commitlog_segment_size_in_mb >= 2048)
            throw new ConfigurationException("commitlog_segment_size_in_mb must be smaller than 2048, but was "
                    + conf.commitlog_segment_size_in_mb, false);

        if (conf.max_mutation_size_in_kb == null)
            conf.max_mutation_size_in_kb = conf.commitlog_segment_size_in_mb * 1024 / 2;
        else if (conf.commitlog_segment_size_in_mb * 1024 < 2 * conf.max_mutation_size_in_kb)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "commitlog_segment_size_in_mb must be at least twice the size of max_mutation_size_in_kb / 1024",

        // native transport encryption options
        if (conf.native_transport_port_ssl != null && conf.native_transport_port_ssl != conf.native_transport_port
                && !conf.client_encryption_options.enabled) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Encryption must be enabled in client_encryption_options for native_transport_port_ssl", false);

        // internode messaging encryption options
        if (conf.server_encryption_options.internode_encryption != InternodeEncryption.none
                && !conf.server_encryption_options.enabled) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Encryption must be enabled in server_encryption_options when using peer-to-peer security. "
                            + "server_encryption_options.internode_encryption = "
                            + conf.server_encryption_options.internode_encryption,

        if (conf.stream_entire_sstables) {
            if (conf.server_encryption_options.enabled || conf.server_encryption_options.optional) {
                logger.warn("Internode encryption enabled. Disabling zero copy SSTable transfers for streaming.");
                conf.stream_entire_sstables = false;

        if (conf.max_value_size_in_mb <= 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException("max_value_size_in_mb must be positive", false);
        else if (conf.max_value_size_in_mb >= 2048)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "max_value_size_in_mb must be smaller than 2048, but was " + conf.max_value_size_in_mb, false);

        switch (conf.disk_optimization_strategy) {
        case ssd:
            diskOptimizationStrategy = new SsdDiskOptimizationStrategy(conf.disk_optimization_page_cross_chance);
        case spinning:
            diskOptimizationStrategy = new SpinningDiskOptimizationStrategy();

        try {
            ParameterizedClass strategy = conf.back_pressure_strategy != null ? conf.back_pressure_strategy
                    : RateBasedBackPressure.withDefaultParams();
            Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(strategy.class_name);
            if (!BackPressureStrategy.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz))
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        strategy + " is not an instance of " + BackPressureStrategy.class.getCanonicalName(),

            Constructor<?> ctor = clazz.getConstructor(Map.class);
            BackPressureStrategy instance = (BackPressureStrategy) ctor.newInstance(strategy.parameters);
  "Back-pressure is {} with strategy {}.", backPressureEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled",
            backPressureStrategy = instance;
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Error configuring back-pressure strategy: " + conf.back_pressure_strategy, ex);

        if (conf.otc_coalescing_enough_coalesced_messages > 128)
            throw new ConfigurationException("otc_coalescing_enough_coalesced_messages must be smaller than 128",

        if (conf.otc_coalescing_enough_coalesced_messages <= 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException("otc_coalescing_enough_coalesced_messages must be positive", false);

        Integer maxMessageSize = conf.internode_max_message_size_in_bytes;
        if (maxMessageSize != null) {
            if (maxMessageSize > conf.internode_application_receive_queue_reserve_endpoint_capacity_in_bytes)
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "internode_max_message_size_in_mb must no exceed internode_application_receive_queue_reserve_endpoint_capacity_in_bytes",

            if (maxMessageSize > conf.internode_application_receive_queue_reserve_global_capacity_in_bytes)
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "internode_max_message_size_in_mb must no exceed internode_application_receive_queue_reserve_global_capacity_in_bytes",

            if (maxMessageSize > conf.internode_application_send_queue_reserve_endpoint_capacity_in_bytes)
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "internode_max_message_size_in_mb must no exceed internode_application_send_queue_reserve_endpoint_capacity_in_bytes",

            if (maxMessageSize > conf.internode_application_send_queue_reserve_global_capacity_in_bytes)
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "internode_max_message_size_in_mb must no exceed internode_application_send_queue_reserve_global_capacity_in_bytes",
        } else {
            conf.internode_max_message_size_in_bytes = Math.min(


    private static String storagedirFor(String type) {
        return storagedir(type + "_directory") + File.separator + type;

    private static String storagedir(String errMsgType) {
        String storagedir = System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "storagedir", null);
        if (storagedir == null)
            throw new ConfigurationException(errMsgType + " is missing and -Dcassandra.storagedir is not set",
        return storagedir;

    public static void applyAddressConfig() throws ConfigurationException {

    public static void applyAddressConfig(Config config) throws ConfigurationException {
        listenAddress = null;
        rpcAddress = null;
        broadcastAddress = null;
        broadcastRpcAddress = null;

        /* Local IP, hostname or interface to bind services to */
        if (config.listen_address != null && config.listen_interface != null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Set listen_address OR listen_interface, not both", false);
        } else if (config.listen_address != null) {
            try {
                listenAddress = InetAddress.getByName(config.listen_address);
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unknown listen_address '" + config.listen_address + "'", false);

            if (listenAddress.isAnyLocalAddress())
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "listen_address cannot be a wildcard address (" + config.listen_address + ")!", false);
        } else if (config.listen_interface != null) {
            listenAddress = getNetworkInterfaceAddress(config.listen_interface, "listen_interface",

        /* Gossip Address to broadcast */
        if (config.broadcast_address != null) {
            try {
                broadcastAddress = InetAddress.getByName(config.broadcast_address);
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unknown broadcast_address '" + config.broadcast_address + "'",

            if (broadcastAddress.isAnyLocalAddress())
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "broadcast_address cannot be a wildcard address (" + config.broadcast_address + ")!",

        /* Local IP, hostname or interface to bind RPC server to */
        if (config.rpc_address != null && config.rpc_interface != null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Set rpc_address OR rpc_interface, not both", false);
        } else if (config.rpc_address != null) {
            try {
                rpcAddress = InetAddress.getByName(config.rpc_address);
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Unknown host in rpc_address " + config.rpc_address, false);
        } else if (config.rpc_interface != null) {
            rpcAddress = getNetworkInterfaceAddress(config.rpc_interface, "rpc_interface",
        } else {
            rpcAddress = FBUtilities.getJustLocalAddress();

        /* RPC address to broadcast */
        if (config.broadcast_rpc_address != null) {
            try {
                broadcastRpcAddress = InetAddress.getByName(config.broadcast_rpc_address);
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "Unknown broadcast_rpc_address '" + config.broadcast_rpc_address + "'", false);

            if (broadcastRpcAddress.isAnyLocalAddress())
                throw new ConfigurationException("broadcast_rpc_address cannot be a wildcard address ("
                        + config.broadcast_rpc_address + ")!", false);
        } else {
            if (rpcAddress.isAnyLocalAddress())
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "If rpc_address is set to a wildcard address (" + config.rpc_address + "), then "
                                + "you must set broadcast_rpc_address to a value other than " + config.rpc_address,

    public static void applyEncryptionContext() {
        // always attempt to load the cipher factory, as we could be in the situation where the user has disabled encryption,
        // but has existing commitlogs and sstables on disk that are still encrypted (and still need to be read)
        encryptionContext = new EncryptionContext(conf.transparent_data_encryption_options);

    public static void applySslContextHotReload() {
        try {
            SSLFactory.initHotReloading(conf.server_encryption_options, conf.client_encryption_options, false);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Failed to initialize SSL hot reloading", e);

    public static void applySeedProvider() {
        // load the seeds for node contact points
        if (conf.seed_provider == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("seeds configuration is missing; a minimum of one seed is required.",
        try {
            Class<?> seedProviderClass = Class.forName(conf.seed_provider.class_name);
            seedProvider = (SeedProvider) seedProviderClass.getConstructor(Map.class)
        // there are about 5 checked exceptions that could be thrown here.
        catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                            + "\nFatal configuration error; unable to start server.  See log for stacktrace.",
        if (seedProvider.getSeeds().size() == 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException("The seed provider lists no seeds.", false);

    static void checkForLowestAcceptedTimeouts(Config conf) {
        if (conf.read_request_timeout_in_ms < LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT) {
            logInfo("read_request_timeout_in_ms", conf.read_request_timeout_in_ms, LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT);
            conf.read_request_timeout_in_ms = LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT;

        if (conf.range_request_timeout_in_ms < LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT) {
            logInfo("range_request_timeout_in_ms", conf.range_request_timeout_in_ms, LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT);
            conf.range_request_timeout_in_ms = LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT;

        if (conf.request_timeout_in_ms < LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT) {
            logInfo("request_timeout_in_ms", conf.request_timeout_in_ms, LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT);
            conf.request_timeout_in_ms = LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT;

        if (conf.write_request_timeout_in_ms < LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT) {
            logInfo("write_request_timeout_in_ms", conf.write_request_timeout_in_ms, LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT);
            conf.write_request_timeout_in_ms = LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT;

        if (conf.cas_contention_timeout_in_ms < LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT) {
            logInfo("cas_contention_timeout_in_ms", conf.cas_contention_timeout_in_ms, LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT);
            conf.cas_contention_timeout_in_ms = LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT;

        if (conf.counter_write_request_timeout_in_ms < LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT) {
            logInfo("counter_write_request_timeout_in_ms", conf.counter_write_request_timeout_in_ms,
            conf.counter_write_request_timeout_in_ms = LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT;

        if (conf.truncate_request_timeout_in_ms < LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT) {
            logInfo("truncate_request_timeout_in_ms", conf.truncate_request_timeout_in_ms, LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT);
            conf.truncate_request_timeout_in_ms = LOWEST_ACCEPTED_TIMEOUT;

    private static void logInfo(String property, long actualValue, long lowestAcceptedValue) {"found {}::{} less than lowest acceptable value {}, continuing with {}", property, actualValue,
                lowestAcceptedValue, lowestAcceptedValue);

    public static void applyInitialTokens() {
        if (conf.initial_token != null) {
            Collection<String> tokens = tokensFromString(conf.initial_token);
            if (tokens.size() != conf.num_tokens)
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "The number of initial tokens (by initial_token) specified is different from num_tokens value",

            for (String token : tokens)

    // definitely not safe for tools + clients - implicitly instantiates StorageService
    public static void applySnitch() {
        /* end point snitch */
        if (conf.endpoint_snitch == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Missing endpoint_snitch directive", false);
        snitch = createEndpointSnitch(conf.dynamic_snitch, conf.endpoint_snitch);

        localDC = snitch.getLocalDatacenter();
        localComparator = (replica1, replica2) -> {
            boolean local1 = localDC.equals(snitch.getDatacenter(replica1));
            boolean local2 = localDC.equals(snitch.getDatacenter(replica2));
            if (local1 && !local2)
                return -1;
            if (local2 && !local1)
                return 1;
            return 0;

    // definitely not safe for tools + clients - implicitly instantiates schema
    public static void applyPartitioner() {
        /* Hashing strategy */
        if (conf.partitioner == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Missing directive: partitioner", false);
        try {
            partitioner = FBUtilities
                    .newPartitioner(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "partitioner", conf.partitioner));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid partitioner class " + conf.partitioner, false);

        paritionerName = partitioner.getClass().getCanonicalName();

     * Computes the sum of the 2 specified positive values returning {@code Long.MAX_VALUE} if the sum overflow.
     * @param left the left operand
     * @param right the right operand
     * @return the sum of the 2 specified positive values of {@code Long.MAX_VALUE} if the sum overflow.
    private static long saturatedSum(long left, long right) {
        assert left >= 0 && right >= 0;
        long sum = left + right;
        return sum < 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : sum;

    private static FileStore guessFileStore(String dir) throws IOException {
        Path path = Paths.get(dir);
        while (true) {
            try {
                return FileUtils.getFileStore(path);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                if (e instanceof NoSuchFileException)
                    path = path.getParent();
                    throw e;

    public static IEndpointSnitch createEndpointSnitch(boolean dynamic, String snitchClassName)
            throws ConfigurationException {
        if (!snitchClassName.contains("."))
            snitchClassName = "org.apache.cassandra.locator." + snitchClassName;
        IEndpointSnitch snitch = FBUtilities.construct(snitchClassName, "snitch");
        return dynamic ? new DynamicEndpointSnitch(snitch) : snitch;

    public static IAuthenticator getAuthenticator() {
        return authenticator;

    public static void setAuthenticator(IAuthenticator authenticator) {
        DatabaseDescriptor.authenticator = authenticator;

    public static IAuthorizer getAuthorizer() {
        return authorizer;

    public static void setAuthorizer(IAuthorizer authorizer) {
        DatabaseDescriptor.authorizer = authorizer;

    public static INetworkAuthorizer getNetworkAuthorizer() {
        return networkAuthorizer;

    public static void setNetworkAuthorizer(INetworkAuthorizer networkAuthorizer) {
        DatabaseDescriptor.networkAuthorizer = networkAuthorizer;

    public static IRoleManager getRoleManager() {
        return roleManager;

    public static void setRoleManager(IRoleManager roleManager) {
        DatabaseDescriptor.roleManager = roleManager;

    public static int getPermissionsValidity() {
        return conf.permissions_validity_in_ms;

    public static void setPermissionsValidity(int timeout) {
        conf.permissions_validity_in_ms = timeout;

    public static int getPermissionsUpdateInterval() {
        return conf.permissions_update_interval_in_ms == -1 ? conf.permissions_validity_in_ms
                : conf.permissions_update_interval_in_ms;

    public static void setPermissionsUpdateInterval(int updateInterval) {
        conf.permissions_update_interval_in_ms = updateInterval;

    public static int getPermissionsCacheMaxEntries() {
        return conf.permissions_cache_max_entries;

    public static int setPermissionsCacheMaxEntries(int maxEntries) {
        return conf.permissions_cache_max_entries = maxEntries;

    public static int getRolesValidity() {
        return conf.roles_validity_in_ms;

    public static void setRolesValidity(int validity) {
        conf.roles_validity_in_ms = validity;

    public static int getRolesUpdateInterval() {
        return conf.roles_update_interval_in_ms == -1 ? conf.roles_validity_in_ms
                : conf.roles_update_interval_in_ms;

    public static void setRolesUpdateInterval(int interval) {
        conf.roles_update_interval_in_ms = interval;

    public static int getRolesCacheMaxEntries() {
        return conf.roles_cache_max_entries;

    public static int setRolesCacheMaxEntries(int maxEntries) {
        return conf.roles_cache_max_entries = maxEntries;

    public static int getCredentialsValidity() {
        return conf.credentials_validity_in_ms;

    public static void setCredentialsValidity(int timeout) {
        conf.credentials_validity_in_ms = timeout;

    public static int getCredentialsUpdateInterval() {
        return conf.credentials_update_interval_in_ms == -1 ? conf.credentials_validity_in_ms
                : conf.credentials_update_interval_in_ms;

    public static void setCredentialsUpdateInterval(int updateInterval) {
        conf.credentials_update_interval_in_ms = updateInterval;

    public static int getCredentialsCacheMaxEntries() {
        return conf.credentials_cache_max_entries;

    public static int setCredentialsCacheMaxEntries(int maxEntries) {
        return conf.credentials_cache_max_entries = maxEntries;

    public static int getMaxValueSize() {
        return conf.max_value_size_in_mb * 1024 * 1024;

    public static void setMaxValueSize(int maxValueSizeInBytes) {
        conf.max_value_size_in_mb = maxValueSizeInBytes / 1024 / 1024;

     * Creates all storage-related directories.
    public static void createAllDirectories() {
        try {
            if (conf.data_file_directories.length == 0)
                throw new ConfigurationException("At least one DataFileDirectory must be specified", false);

            for (String dataFileDirectory : conf.data_file_directories)

            if (conf.commitlog_directory == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException("commitlog_directory must be specified", false);

            if (conf.hints_directory == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException("hints_directory must be specified", false);

            if (conf.saved_caches_directory == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException("saved_caches_directory must be specified", false);

            if (conf.cdc_enabled) {
                if (conf.cdc_raw_directory == null)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("cdc_raw_directory must be specified", false);
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad configuration; unable to start server: " + e.getMessage());
        } catch (FSWriteError e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e.getCause().getMessage() + "; unable to start server");

    public static IPartitioner getPartitioner() {
        return partitioner;

    public static String getPartitionerName() {
        return paritionerName;

    /* For tests ONLY, don't use otherwise or all hell will break loose. Tests should restore value at the end. */
    public static IPartitioner setPartitionerUnsafe(IPartitioner newPartitioner) {
        IPartitioner old = partitioner;
        partitioner = newPartitioner;
        return old;

    public static IEndpointSnitch getEndpointSnitch() {
        return snitch;

    public static void setEndpointSnitch(IEndpointSnitch eps) {
        snitch = eps;

    public static int getColumnIndexSize() {
        return conf.column_index_size_in_kb * 1024;

    public static void setColumnIndexSize(int val) {
        conf.column_index_size_in_kb = val;

    public static int getColumnIndexCacheSize() {
        return conf.column_index_cache_size_in_kb * 1024;

    public static void setColumnIndexCacheSize(int val) {
        conf.column_index_cache_size_in_kb = val;

    public static int getBatchSizeWarnThreshold() {
        return conf.batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb * 1024;

    public static int getBatchSizeWarnThresholdInKB() {
        return conf.batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb;

    public static long getBatchSizeFailThreshold() {
        return conf.batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb * 1024L;

    public static int getBatchSizeFailThresholdInKB() {
        return conf.batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb;

    public static int getUnloggedBatchAcrossPartitionsWarnThreshold() {
        return conf.unlogged_batch_across_partitions_warn_threshold;

    public static void setBatchSizeWarnThresholdInKB(int threshold) {
        conf.batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb = threshold;

    public static void setBatchSizeFailThresholdInKB(int threshold) {
        conf.batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb = threshold;

    public static Collection<String> getInitialTokens() {
        return tokensFromString(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "initial_token", conf.initial_token));

    public static String getAllocateTokensForKeyspace() {
        return System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "allocate_tokens_for_keyspace",

    public static Integer getAllocateTokensForLocalRf() {
        return conf.allocate_tokens_for_local_replication_factor;

    public static Collection<String> tokensFromString(String tokenString) {
        List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (tokenString != null)
            for (String token : StringUtils.split(tokenString, ','))
        return tokens;

    public static int getNumTokens() {
        return conf.num_tokens;

    public static InetAddressAndPort getReplaceAddress() {
        try {
            if (System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "replace_address", null) != null)
                return InetAddressAndPort
                        .getByName(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "replace_address", null));
            else if (System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "replace_address_first_boot", null) != null)
                return InetAddressAndPort
                        .getByName(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "replace_address_first_boot", null));
            return null;
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Replacement host name could not be resolved or scope_id was specified for a global IPv6 address",

    public static Collection<String> getReplaceTokens() {
        return tokensFromString(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "replace_token", null));

    public static UUID getReplaceNode() {
        try {
            return UUID.fromString(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "replace_node", null));
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            return null;

    public static String getClusterName() {
        return conf.cluster_name;

    public static int getStoragePort() {
        return Integer.parseInt(
                System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "storage_port", Integer.toString(conf.storage_port)));

    public static int getSSLStoragePort() {
        return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "ssl_storage_port",

    public static long nativeTransportIdleTimeout() {
        return conf.native_transport_idle_timeout_in_ms;

    public static void setNativeTransportIdleTimeout(long nativeTransportTimeout) {
        conf.native_transport_idle_timeout_in_ms = nativeTransportTimeout;

    public static long getRpcTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
        return unit.convert(conf.request_timeout_in_ms, MILLISECONDS);

    public static void setRpcTimeout(long timeOutInMillis) {
        conf.request_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis;

    public static long getReadRpcTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
        return unit.convert(conf.read_request_timeout_in_ms, MILLISECONDS);

    public static void setReadRpcTimeout(long timeOutInMillis) {
        conf.read_request_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis;

    public static long getRangeRpcTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
        return unit.convert(conf.range_request_timeout_in_ms, MILLISECONDS);

    public static void setRangeRpcTimeout(long timeOutInMillis) {
        conf.range_request_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis;

    public static long getWriteRpcTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
        return unit.convert(conf.write_request_timeout_in_ms, MILLISECONDS);

    public static void setWriteRpcTimeout(long timeOutInMillis) {
        conf.write_request_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis;

    public static long getCounterWriteRpcTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
        return unit.convert(conf.counter_write_request_timeout_in_ms, MILLISECONDS);

    public static void setCounterWriteRpcTimeout(long timeOutInMillis) {
        conf.counter_write_request_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis;

    public static long getCasContentionTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
        return unit.convert(conf.cas_contention_timeout_in_ms, MILLISECONDS);

    public static void setCasContentionTimeout(long timeOutInMillis) {
        conf.cas_contention_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis;

    public static long getTruncateRpcTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
        return unit.convert(conf.truncate_request_timeout_in_ms, MILLISECONDS);

    public static void setTruncateRpcTimeout(long timeOutInMillis) {
        conf.truncate_request_timeout_in_ms = timeOutInMillis;

    public static boolean hasCrossNodeTimeout() {
        return conf.cross_node_timeout;

    public static void setCrossNodeTimeout(boolean crossNodeTimeout) {
        conf.cross_node_timeout = crossNodeTimeout;

    public static long getSlowQueryTimeout(TimeUnit units) {
        return units.convert(conf.slow_query_log_timeout_in_ms, MILLISECONDS);

     * @return the minimum configured {read, write, range, truncate, misc} timeout
    public static long getMinRpcTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
        return Longs.min(getRpcTimeout(unit), getReadRpcTimeout(unit), getRangeRpcTimeout(unit),
                getWriteRpcTimeout(unit), getCounterWriteRpcTimeout(unit), getTruncateRpcTimeout(unit));

    public static long getPingTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {
        return unit.convert(getBlockForPeersTimeoutInSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    public static double getPhiConvictThreshold() {
        return conf.phi_convict_threshold;

    public static void setPhiConvictThreshold(double phiConvictThreshold) {
        conf.phi_convict_threshold = phiConvictThreshold;

    public static int getConcurrentReaders() {
        return conf.concurrent_reads;

    public static void setConcurrentReaders(int concurrent_reads) {
        if (concurrent_reads < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Concurrent reads must be non-negative");
        conf.concurrent_reads = concurrent_reads;

    public static int getConcurrentWriters() {
        return conf.concurrent_writes;

    public static void setConcurrentWriters(int concurrent_writers) {
        if (concurrent_writers < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Concurrent reads must be non-negative");
        conf.concurrent_writes = concurrent_writers;

    public static int getConcurrentCounterWriters() {
        return conf.concurrent_counter_writes;

    public static void setConcurrentCounterWriters(int concurrent_counter_writes) {
        if (concurrent_counter_writes < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Concurrent reads must be non-negative");
        conf.concurrent_counter_writes = concurrent_counter_writes;

    public static int getConcurrentViewWriters() {
        return conf.concurrent_materialized_view_writes;

    public static void setConcurrentViewWriters(int concurrent_materialized_view_writes) {
        if (concurrent_materialized_view_writes < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Concurrent reads must be non-negative");
        conf.concurrent_materialized_view_writes = concurrent_materialized_view_writes;

    public static int getFlushWriters() {
        return conf.memtable_flush_writers;

    public static int getConcurrentCompactors() {
        return conf.concurrent_compactors;

    public static void setConcurrentCompactors(int value) {
        conf.concurrent_compactors = value;

    public static int getCompactionThroughputMbPerSec() {
        return conf.compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec;

    public static void setCompactionThroughputMbPerSec(int value) {
        conf.compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec = value;

    public static long getCompactionLargePartitionWarningThreshold() {
        return conf.compaction_large_partition_warning_threshold_mb * 1024L * 1024L;

    public static int getConcurrentValidations() {
        return conf.concurrent_validations;

    public static void setConcurrentValidations(int value) {
        value = value > 0 ? value : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        conf.concurrent_validations = value;

    public static int getConcurrentViewBuilders() {
        return conf.concurrent_materialized_view_builders;

    public static void setConcurrentViewBuilders(int value) {
        conf.concurrent_materialized_view_builders = value;

    public static long getMinFreeSpacePerDriveInBytes() {
        return conf.min_free_space_per_drive_in_mb * 1024L * 1024L;

    public static boolean getDisableSTCSInL0() {
        return disableSTCSInL0;

    public static void setDisableSTCSInL0(boolean disabled) {
        disableSTCSInL0 = disabled;

    public static int getStreamThroughputOutboundMegabitsPerSec() {
        return conf.stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec;

    public static void setStreamThroughputOutboundMegabitsPerSec(int value) {
        conf.stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec = value;

    public static int getInterDCStreamThroughputOutboundMegabitsPerSec() {
        return conf.inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec;

    public static void setInterDCStreamThroughputOutboundMegabitsPerSec(int value) {
        conf.inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec = value;

    public static String[] getAllDataFileLocations() {
        return conf.data_file_directories;

    public static String getCommitLogLocation() {
        return conf.commitlog_directory;

    public static void setCommitLogLocation(String value) {
        conf.commitlog_directory = value;

    public static ParameterizedClass getCommitLogCompression() {
        return conf.commitlog_compression;

    public static void setCommitLogCompression(ParameterizedClass compressor) {
        conf.commitlog_compression = compressor;

     * Maximum number of buffers in the compression pool. The default value is 3, it should not be set lower than that
     * (one segment in compression, one written to, one in reserve); delays in compression may cause the log to use
     * more, depending on how soon the sync policy stops all writing threads.
    public static int getCommitLogMaxCompressionBuffersInPool() {
        return conf.commitlog_max_compression_buffers_in_pool;

    public static void setCommitLogMaxCompressionBuffersPerPool(int buffers) {
        conf.commitlog_max_compression_buffers_in_pool = buffers;

    public static int getMaxMutationSize() {
        return conf.max_mutation_size_in_kb * 1024;

    public static int getTombstoneWarnThreshold() {
        return conf.tombstone_warn_threshold;

    public static void setTombstoneWarnThreshold(int threshold) {
        conf.tombstone_warn_threshold = threshold;

    public static int getTombstoneFailureThreshold() {
        return conf.tombstone_failure_threshold;

    public static void setTombstoneFailureThreshold(int threshold) {
        conf.tombstone_failure_threshold = threshold;

     * size of commitlog segments to allocate
    public static int getCommitLogSegmentSize() {
        return conf.commitlog_segment_size_in_mb * 1024 * 1024;

    public static void setCommitLogSegmentSize(int sizeMegabytes) {
        conf.commitlog_segment_size_in_mb = sizeMegabytes;

    public static String getSavedCachesLocation() {
        return conf.saved_caches_directory;

    public static Set<InetAddressAndPort> getSeeds() {
        return ImmutableSet.<InetAddressAndPort>builder().addAll(seedProvider.getSeeds()).build();

    public static SeedProvider getSeedProvider() {
        return seedProvider;

    public static void setSeedProvider(SeedProvider newSeedProvider) {
        seedProvider = newSeedProvider;

    public static InetAddress getListenAddress() {
        return listenAddress;

    public static void setListenAddress(InetAddress newlistenAddress) {
        listenAddress = newlistenAddress;

    public static InetAddress getBroadcastAddress() {
        return broadcastAddress;

    public static boolean shouldListenOnBroadcastAddress() {
        return conf.listen_on_broadcast_address;

    public static void setShouldListenOnBroadcastAddress(boolean shouldListenOnBroadcastAddress) {
        conf.listen_on_broadcast_address = shouldListenOnBroadcastAddress;

    public static void setListenOnBroadcastAddress(boolean listen_on_broadcast_address) {
        conf.listen_on_broadcast_address = listen_on_broadcast_address;

    public static IInternodeAuthenticator getInternodeAuthenticator() {
        return internodeAuthenticator;

    public static void setInternodeAuthenticator(IInternodeAuthenticator internodeAuthenticator) {
        DatabaseDescriptor.internodeAuthenticator = internodeAuthenticator;

    public static void setBroadcastAddress(InetAddress broadcastAdd) {
        broadcastAddress = broadcastAdd;

     * This is the address used to bind for the native protocol to communicate with clients. Most usages in the code
     * refer to it as native address although some places still call it RPC address. It's not thrift RPC anymore
     * so native is more appropriate. The address alone is not enough to uniquely identify this instance because
     * multiple instances might use the same interface with different ports.
    public static InetAddress getRpcAddress() {
        return rpcAddress;

    public static void setBroadcastRpcAddress(InetAddress broadcastRPCAddr) {
        broadcastRpcAddress = broadcastRPCAddr;

     * This is the address used to reach this instance for the native protocol to communicate with clients. Most usages in the code
     * refer to it as native address although some places still call it RPC address. It's not thrift RPC anymore
     * so native is more appropriate. The address alone is not enough to uniquely identify this instance because
     * multiple instances might use the same interface with different ports.
     * May be null, please use {@link FBUtilities#getBroadcastNativeAddressAndPort()} instead.
    public static InetAddress getBroadcastRpcAddress() {
        return broadcastRpcAddress;

    public static boolean getRpcKeepAlive() {
        return conf.rpc_keepalive;

    public static int getInternodeSocketSendBufferSizeInBytes() {
        return conf.internode_socket_send_buffer_size_in_bytes;

    public static int getInternodeSocketReceiveBufferSizeInBytes() {
        return conf.internode_socket_receive_buffer_size_in_bytes;

    public static int getInternodeApplicationSendQueueCapacityInBytes() {
        return conf.internode_application_send_queue_capacity_in_bytes;

    public static int getInternodeApplicationSendQueueReserveEndpointCapacityInBytes() {
        return conf.internode_application_send_queue_reserve_endpoint_capacity_in_bytes;

    public static int getInternodeApplicationSendQueueReserveGlobalCapacityInBytes() {
        return conf.internode_application_send_queue_reserve_global_capacity_in_bytes;

    public static int getInternodeApplicationReceiveQueueCapacityInBytes() {
        return conf.internode_application_receive_queue_capacity_in_bytes;

    public static int getInternodeApplicationReceiveQueueReserveEndpointCapacityInBytes() {
        return conf.internode_application_receive_queue_reserve_endpoint_capacity_in_bytes;

    public static int getInternodeApplicationReceiveQueueReserveGlobalCapacityInBytes() {
        return conf.internode_application_receive_queue_reserve_global_capacity_in_bytes;

    public static int getInternodeTcpConnectTimeoutInMS() {
        return conf.internode_tcp_connect_timeout_in_ms;

    public static void setInternodeTcpConnectTimeoutInMS(int value) {
        conf.internode_tcp_connect_timeout_in_ms = value;

    public static int getInternodeTcpUserTimeoutInMS() {
        return conf.internode_tcp_user_timeout_in_ms;

    public static void setInternodeTcpUserTimeoutInMS(int value) {
        conf.internode_tcp_user_timeout_in_ms = value;

    public static int getInternodeMaxMessageSizeInBytes() {
        return conf.internode_max_message_size_in_bytes;

    public static void setInternodeMaxMessageSizeInBytes(int value) {
        conf.internode_max_message_size_in_bytes = value;

    public static boolean startNativeTransport() {
        return conf.start_native_transport;

     *  This is the port used with RPC address for the native protocol to communicate with clients. Now that thrift RPC
     *  is no longer in use there is no RPC port.
    public static int getNativeTransportPort() {
        return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "native_transport_port",

    public static void setNativeTransportPort(int port) {
        conf.native_transport_port = port;

    public static int getNativeTransportPortSSL() {
        return conf.native_transport_port_ssl == null ? getNativeTransportPort() : conf.native_transport_port_ssl;

    public static void setNativeTransportPortSSL(Integer port) {
        conf.native_transport_port_ssl = port;

    public static int getNativeTransportMaxThreads() {
        return conf.native_transport_max_threads;

    public static void setNativeTransportMaxThreads(int max_threads) {
        conf.native_transport_max_threads = max_threads;

    public static int getNativeTransportMaxFrameSize() {
        return conf.native_transport_max_frame_size_in_mb * 1024 * 1024;

    public static long getNativeTransportMaxConcurrentConnections() {
        return conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_connections;

    public static void setNativeTransportMaxConcurrentConnections(long nativeTransportMaxConcurrentConnections) {
        conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_connections = nativeTransportMaxConcurrentConnections;

    public static long getNativeTransportMaxConcurrentConnectionsPerIp() {
        return conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_connections_per_ip;

    public static void setNativeTransportMaxConcurrentConnectionsPerIp(
            long native_transport_max_concurrent_connections_per_ip) {
        conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_connections_per_ip = native_transport_max_concurrent_connections_per_ip;

    public static boolean useNativeTransportLegacyFlusher() {
        return conf.native_transport_flush_in_batches_legacy;

    public static boolean getNativeTransportAllowOlderProtocols() {
        return conf.native_transport_allow_older_protocols;

    public static void setNativeTransportAllowOlderProtocols(boolean isEnabled) {
        conf.native_transport_allow_older_protocols = isEnabled;

    public static int getNativeTransportFrameBlockSize() {
        return conf.native_transport_frame_block_size_in_kb * 1024;

    public static double getCommitLogSyncGroupWindow() {
        return conf.commitlog_sync_group_window_in_ms;

    public static void setCommitLogSyncGroupWindow(double windowMillis) {
        conf.commitlog_sync_group_window_in_ms = windowMillis;

    public static long getNativeTransportMaxConcurrentRequestsInBytesPerIp() {
        return conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_requests_in_bytes_per_ip;

    public static void setNativeTransportMaxConcurrentRequestsInBytesPerIp(long maxConcurrentRequestsInBytes) {
        conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_requests_in_bytes_per_ip = maxConcurrentRequestsInBytes;

    public static long getNativeTransportMaxConcurrentRequestsInBytes() {
        return conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_requests_in_bytes;

    public static void setNativeTransportMaxConcurrentRequestsInBytes(long maxConcurrentRequestsInBytes) {
        conf.native_transport_max_concurrent_requests_in_bytes = maxConcurrentRequestsInBytes;

    public static int getCommitLogSyncPeriod() {
        return conf.commitlog_sync_period_in_ms;

    public static long getPeriodicCommitLogSyncBlock() {
        Integer blockMillis = conf.periodic_commitlog_sync_lag_block_in_ms;
        return blockMillis == null ? (long) (getCommitLogSyncPeriod() * 1.5) : blockMillis;

    public static void setCommitLogSyncPeriod(int periodMillis) {
        conf.commitlog_sync_period_in_ms = periodMillis;

    public static Config.CommitLogSync getCommitLogSync() {
        return conf.commitlog_sync;

    public static void setCommitLogSync(CommitLogSync sync) {
        conf.commitlog_sync = sync;

    public static Config.DiskAccessMode getDiskAccessMode() {
        return conf.disk_access_mode;

    // Do not use outside unit tests.
    public static void setDiskAccessMode(Config.DiskAccessMode mode) {
        conf.disk_access_mode = mode;

    public static Config.DiskAccessMode getIndexAccessMode() {
        return indexAccessMode;

    // Do not use outside unit tests.
    public static void setIndexAccessMode(Config.DiskAccessMode mode) {
        indexAccessMode = mode;

    public static void setDiskFailurePolicy(Config.DiskFailurePolicy policy) {
        conf.disk_failure_policy = policy;

    public static Config.DiskFailurePolicy getDiskFailurePolicy() {
        return conf.disk_failure_policy;

    public static void setCommitFailurePolicy(Config.CommitFailurePolicy policy) {
        conf.commit_failure_policy = policy;

    public static Config.CommitFailurePolicy getCommitFailurePolicy() {
        return conf.commit_failure_policy;

    public static boolean isSnapshotBeforeCompaction() {
        return conf.snapshot_before_compaction;

    public static boolean isAutoSnapshot() {
        return conf.auto_snapshot;

    public static void setAutoSnapshot(boolean autoSnapshot) {
        conf.auto_snapshot = autoSnapshot;

    public static boolean getAutoSnapshot() {
        return conf.auto_snapshot;

    public static boolean isAutoBootstrap() {
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "auto_bootstrap",

    public static void setHintedHandoffEnabled(boolean hintedHandoffEnabled) {
        conf.hinted_handoff_enabled = hintedHandoffEnabled;

    public static boolean hintedHandoffEnabled() {
        return conf.hinted_handoff_enabled;

    public static Set<String> hintedHandoffDisabledDCs() {
        return conf.hinted_handoff_disabled_datacenters;

    public static void enableHintsForDC(String dc) {

    public static void disableHintsForDC(String dc) {

    public static void setMaxHintWindow(int ms) {
        conf.max_hint_window_in_ms = ms;

    public static int getMaxHintWindow() {
        return conf.max_hint_window_in_ms;

    public static File getHintsDirectory() {
        return new File(conf.hints_directory);

    public static File getSerializedCachePath(CacheType cacheType, String version, String extension) {
        String name = cacheType.toString() + (version == null ? "" : "-" + version + "." + extension);
        return new File(conf.saved_caches_directory, name);

    public static int getDynamicUpdateInterval() {
        return conf.dynamic_snitch_update_interval_in_ms;

    public static void setDynamicUpdateInterval(int dynamicUpdateInterval) {
        conf.dynamic_snitch_update_interval_in_ms = dynamicUpdateInterval;

    public static int getDynamicResetInterval() {
        return conf.dynamic_snitch_reset_interval_in_ms;

    public static void setDynamicResetInterval(int dynamicResetInterval) {
        conf.dynamic_snitch_reset_interval_in_ms = dynamicResetInterval;

    public static double getDynamicBadnessThreshold() {
        return conf.dynamic_snitch_badness_threshold;

    public static void setDynamicBadnessThreshold(double dynamicBadnessThreshold) {
        conf.dynamic_snitch_badness_threshold = dynamicBadnessThreshold;

    public static EncryptionOptions.ServerEncryptionOptions getInternodeMessagingEncyptionOptions() {
        return conf.server_encryption_options;

    public static void setInternodeMessagingEncyptionOptions(
            EncryptionOptions.ServerEncryptionOptions encryptionOptions) {
        conf.server_encryption_options = encryptionOptions;

    public static EncryptionOptions getNativeProtocolEncryptionOptions() {
        return conf.client_encryption_options;

    public static void updateNativeProtocolEncryptionOptions(
            Function<EncryptionOptions, EncryptionOptions> update) {
        conf.client_encryption_options = update.apply(conf.client_encryption_options);

    public static int getHintedHandoffThrottleInKB() {
        return conf.hinted_handoff_throttle_in_kb;

    public static void setHintedHandoffThrottleInKB(int throttleInKB) {
        conf.hinted_handoff_throttle_in_kb = throttleInKB;

    public static int getBatchlogReplayThrottleInKB() {
        return conf.batchlog_replay_throttle_in_kb;

    public static void setBatchlogReplayThrottleInKB(int throttleInKB) {
        conf.batchlog_replay_throttle_in_kb = throttleInKB;

    public static int getMaxHintsDeliveryThreads() {
        return conf.max_hints_delivery_threads;

    public static int getHintsFlushPeriodInMS() {
        return conf.hints_flush_period_in_ms;

    public static long getMaxHintsFileSize() {
        return conf.max_hints_file_size_in_mb * 1024L * 1024L;

    public static ParameterizedClass getHintsCompression() {
        return conf.hints_compression;

    public static void setHintsCompression(ParameterizedClass parameterizedClass) {
        conf.hints_compression = parameterizedClass;

    public static boolean isIncrementalBackupsEnabled() {
        return conf.incremental_backups;

    public static void setIncrementalBackupsEnabled(boolean value) {
        conf.incremental_backups = value;

    public static int getFileCacheSizeInMB() {
        if (conf.file_cache_size_in_mb == null) {
            // In client mode the value is not set.
            assert DatabaseDescriptor.isClientInitialized();
            return 0;

        return conf.file_cache_size_in_mb;

    public static boolean getFileCacheRoundUp() {
        if (conf.file_cache_round_up == null) {
            // In client mode the value is not set.
            assert DatabaseDescriptor.isClientInitialized();
            return false;

        return conf.file_cache_round_up;

    public static boolean getBufferPoolUseHeapIfExhausted() {
        return conf.buffer_pool_use_heap_if_exhausted;

    public static DiskOptimizationStrategy getDiskOptimizationStrategy() {
        return diskOptimizationStrategy;

    public static double getDiskOptimizationEstimatePercentile() {
        return conf.disk_optimization_estimate_percentile;

    public static long getTotalCommitlogSpaceInMB() {
        return conf.commitlog_total_space_in_mb;

    public static boolean shouldMigrateKeycacheOnCompaction() {
        return conf.key_cache_migrate_during_compaction;

    public static void setMigrateKeycacheOnCompaction(boolean migrateCacheEntry) {
        conf.key_cache_migrate_during_compaction = migrateCacheEntry;

    public static int getSSTablePreemptiveOpenIntervalInMB() {
        return FBUtilities.isWindows ? -1 : conf.sstable_preemptive_open_interval_in_mb;

    public static void setSSTablePreemptiveOpenIntervalInMB(int mb) {
        conf.sstable_preemptive_open_interval_in_mb = mb;

    public static boolean getTrickleFsync() {
        return conf.trickle_fsync;

    public static int getTrickleFsyncIntervalInKb() {
        return conf.trickle_fsync_interval_in_kb;

    public static long getKeyCacheSizeInMB() {
        return keyCacheSizeInMB;

    public static long getIndexSummaryCapacityInMB() {
        return indexSummaryCapacityInMB;

    public static int getKeyCacheSavePeriod() {
        return conf.key_cache_save_period;

    public static void setKeyCacheSavePeriod(int keyCacheSavePeriod) {
        conf.key_cache_save_period = keyCacheSavePeriod;

    public static int getKeyCacheKeysToSave() {
        return conf.key_cache_keys_to_save;

    public static void setKeyCacheKeysToSave(int keyCacheKeysToSave) {
        conf.key_cache_keys_to_save = keyCacheKeysToSave;

    public static String getRowCacheClassName() {
        return conf.row_cache_class_name;

    public static long getRowCacheSizeInMB() {
        return conf.row_cache_size_in_mb;

    public static void setRowCacheSizeInMB(long val) {
        conf.row_cache_size_in_mb = val;

    public static int getRowCacheSavePeriod() {
        return conf.row_cache_save_period;

    public static void setRowCacheSavePeriod(int rowCacheSavePeriod) {
        conf.row_cache_save_period = rowCacheSavePeriod;

    public static int getRowCacheKeysToSave() {
        return conf.row_cache_keys_to_save;

    public static long getCounterCacheSizeInMB() {
        return counterCacheSizeInMB;

    public static void setRowCacheKeysToSave(int rowCacheKeysToSave) {
        conf.row_cache_keys_to_save = rowCacheKeysToSave;

    public static int getCounterCacheSavePeriod() {
        return conf.counter_cache_save_period;

    public static void setCounterCacheSavePeriod(int counterCacheSavePeriod) {
        conf.counter_cache_save_period = counterCacheSavePeriod;

    public static int getCounterCacheKeysToSave() {
        return conf.counter_cache_keys_to_save;

    public static void setCounterCacheKeysToSave(int counterCacheKeysToSave) {
        conf.counter_cache_keys_to_save = counterCacheKeysToSave;

    public static int getStreamingKeepAlivePeriod() {
        return conf.streaming_keep_alive_period_in_secs;

    public static int getStreamingConnectionsPerHost() {
        return conf.streaming_connections_per_host;

    public static boolean streamEntireSSTables() {
        return conf.stream_entire_sstables;

    public static String getLocalDataCenter() {
        return localDC;

    public static Comparator<Replica> getLocalComparator() {
        return localComparator;

    public static Config.InternodeCompression internodeCompression() {
        return conf.internode_compression;

    public static void setInternodeCompression(Config.InternodeCompression compression) {
        conf.internode_compression = compression;

    public static boolean getInterDCTcpNoDelay() {
        return conf.inter_dc_tcp_nodelay;

    public static long getMemtableHeapSpaceInMb() {
        return conf.memtable_heap_space_in_mb;

    public static long getMemtableOffheapSpaceInMb() {
        return conf.memtable_offheap_space_in_mb;

    public static Config.MemtableAllocationType getMemtableAllocationType() {
        return conf.memtable_allocation_type;

    public static int getRepairSessionMaxTreeDepth() {
        return conf.repair_session_max_tree_depth;

    public static void setRepairSessionMaxTreeDepth(int depth) {
        if (depth < 10)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Cannot set repair_session_max_tree_depth to " + depth + " which is < 10, doing nothing");
        else if (depth > 20)
            logger.warn("repair_session_max_tree_depth of " + depth + " > 20 could lead to excessive memory usage");

        conf.repair_session_max_tree_depth = depth;

    public static int getRepairSessionSpaceInMegabytes() {
        return conf.repair_session_space_in_mb;

    public static void setRepairSessionSpaceInMegabytes(int sizeInMegabytes) {
        if (sizeInMegabytes < 1)
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "Cannot set repair_session_space_in_mb to " + sizeInMegabytes + " < 1 megabyte");
        else if (sizeInMegabytes > (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (4 * 1048576)))
            logger.warn("A repair_session_space_in_mb of " + conf.repair_session_space_in_mb
                    + " megabytes is likely to cause heap pressure.");

        conf.repair_session_space_in_mb = sizeInMegabytes;

    public static Float getMemtableCleanupThreshold() {
        return conf.memtable_cleanup_threshold;

    public static int getIndexSummaryResizeIntervalInMinutes() {
        return conf.index_summary_resize_interval_in_minutes;

    public static boolean hasLargeAddressSpace() {
        // currently we just check if it's a 64bit arch, but any we only really care if the address space is large
        String datamodel = System.getProperty("");
        if (datamodel != null) {
            switch (datamodel) {
            case "64":
                return true;
            case "32":
                return false;
        String arch = System.getProperty("os.arch");
        return arch.contains("64") || arch.contains("sparcv9");

    public static int getTracetypeRepairTTL() {
        return conf.tracetype_repair_ttl;

    public static int getTracetypeQueryTTL() {
        return conf.tracetype_query_ttl;

    public static int getWindowsTimerInterval() {
        return conf.windows_timer_interval;

    public static long getPreparedStatementsCacheSizeMB() {
        return preparedStatementsCacheSizeInMB;

    public static boolean enableUserDefinedFunctions() {
        return conf.enable_user_defined_functions;

    public static boolean enableScriptedUserDefinedFunctions() {
        return conf.enable_scripted_user_defined_functions;

    public static void enableScriptedUserDefinedFunctions(boolean enableScriptedUserDefinedFunctions) {
        conf.enable_scripted_user_defined_functions = enableScriptedUserDefinedFunctions;

    public static boolean enableUserDefinedFunctionsThreads() {
        return conf.enable_user_defined_functions_threads;

    public static long getUserDefinedFunctionWarnTimeout() {
        return conf.user_defined_function_warn_timeout;

    public static void setUserDefinedFunctionWarnTimeout(long userDefinedFunctionWarnTimeout) {
        conf.user_defined_function_warn_timeout = userDefinedFunctionWarnTimeout;

    public static boolean getEnableMaterializedViews() {
        return conf.enable_materialized_views;

    public static void setEnableMaterializedViews(boolean enableMaterializedViews) {
        conf.enable_materialized_views = enableMaterializedViews;

    public static boolean getEnableSASIIndexes() {
        return conf.enable_sasi_indexes;

    public static void setEnableSASIIndexes(boolean enableSASIIndexes) {
        conf.enable_sasi_indexes = enableSASIIndexes;

    public static boolean isTransientReplicationEnabled() {
        return conf.enable_transient_replication;

    public static void setTransientReplicationEnabledUnsafe(boolean enabled) {
        conf.enable_transient_replication = enabled;

    public static long getUserDefinedFunctionFailTimeout() {
        return conf.user_defined_function_fail_timeout;

    public static void setUserDefinedFunctionFailTimeout(long userDefinedFunctionFailTimeout) {
        conf.user_defined_function_fail_timeout = userDefinedFunctionFailTimeout;

    public static Config.UserFunctionTimeoutPolicy getUserFunctionTimeoutPolicy() {
        return conf.user_function_timeout_policy;

    public static void setUserFunctionTimeoutPolicy(Config.UserFunctionTimeoutPolicy userFunctionTimeoutPolicy) {
        conf.user_function_timeout_policy = userFunctionTimeoutPolicy;

    public static long getGCLogThreshold() {
        return conf.gc_log_threshold_in_ms;

    public static EncryptionContext getEncryptionContext() {
        return encryptionContext;

    public static long getGCWarnThreshold() {
        return conf.gc_warn_threshold_in_ms;

    public static boolean isCDCEnabled() {
        return conf.cdc_enabled;

    public static void setCDCEnabled(boolean cdc_enabled) {
        conf.cdc_enabled = cdc_enabled;

    public static String getCDCLogLocation() {
        return conf.cdc_raw_directory;

    public static int getCDCSpaceInMB() {
        return conf.cdc_total_space_in_mb;

    public static void setCDCSpaceInMB(int input) {
        conf.cdc_total_space_in_mb = input;

    public static int getCDCDiskCheckInterval() {
        return conf.cdc_free_space_check_interval_ms;

    public static void setEncryptionContext(EncryptionContext ec) {
        encryptionContext = ec;

    public static int searchConcurrencyFactor() {
        return searchConcurrencyFactor;

    public static boolean isUnsafeSystem() {
        return unsafeSystem;

    public static void setBackPressureEnabled(boolean backPressureEnabled) {
        conf.back_pressure_enabled = backPressureEnabled;

    public static boolean backPressureEnabled() {
        return conf.back_pressure_enabled;

    public static boolean diagnosticEventsEnabled() {
        return conf.diagnostic_events_enabled;

    public static void setDiagnosticEventsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        conf.diagnostic_events_enabled = enabled;

    public static void setBackPressureStrategy(BackPressureStrategy strategy) {
        backPressureStrategy = strategy;

    public static BackPressureStrategy getBackPressureStrategy() {
        return backPressureStrategy;

    public static ConsistencyLevel getIdealConsistencyLevel() {
        return conf.ideal_consistency_level;

    public static void setIdealConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel cl) {
        conf.ideal_consistency_level = cl;

    public static int getRepairCommandPoolSize() {
        return conf.repair_command_pool_size;

    public static Config.RepairCommandPoolFullStrategy getRepairCommandPoolFullStrategy() {
        return conf.repair_command_pool_full_strategy;

    public static FullQueryLoggerOptions getFullQueryLogOptions() {
        return conf.full_query_logging_options;

    public static boolean getBlockForPeersInRemoteDatacenters() {
        return conf.block_for_peers_in_remote_dcs;

    public static int getBlockForPeersTimeoutInSeconds() {
        return conf.block_for_peers_timeout_in_secs;

    public static boolean automaticSSTableUpgrade() {
        return conf.automatic_sstable_upgrade;

    public static void setAutomaticSSTableUpgradeEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        if (conf.automatic_sstable_upgrade != enabled)
            logger.debug("Changing automatic_sstable_upgrade to {}", enabled);
        conf.automatic_sstable_upgrade = enabled;

    public static int maxConcurrentAutoUpgradeTasks() {
        return conf.max_concurrent_automatic_sstable_upgrades;

    public static void setMaxConcurrentAutoUpgradeTasks(int value) {
        if (conf.max_concurrent_automatic_sstable_upgrades != value)
            logger.debug("Changing max_concurrent_automatic_sstable_upgrades to {}", value);
        conf.max_concurrent_automatic_sstable_upgrades = value;

    private static void validateMaxConcurrentAutoUpgradeTasksConf(int value) {
        if (value < 0)
            throw new ConfigurationException("max_concurrent_automatic_sstable_upgrades can't be negative");
        if (value > getConcurrentCompactors())
            logger.warn("max_concurrent_automatic_sstable_upgrades ({}) is larger than concurrent_compactors ({})",
                    value, getConcurrentCompactors());

    public static AuditLogOptions getAuditLoggingOptions() {
        return conf.audit_logging_options;

    public static void setAuditLoggingOptions(AuditLogOptions auditLoggingOptions) {
        conf.audit_logging_options = auditLoggingOptions;

    public static Config.CorruptedTombstoneStrategy getCorruptedTombstoneStrategy() {
        return conf.corrupted_tombstone_strategy;

    public static void setCorruptedTombstoneStrategy(Config.CorruptedTombstoneStrategy strategy) {
        conf.corrupted_tombstone_strategy = strategy;

    public static boolean getRepairedDataTrackingForRangeReadsEnabled() {
        return conf.repaired_data_tracking_for_range_reads_enabled;

    public static void setRepairedDataTrackingForRangeReadsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        conf.repaired_data_tracking_for_range_reads_enabled = enabled;

    public static boolean getRepairedDataTrackingForPartitionReadsEnabled() {
        return conf.repaired_data_tracking_for_partition_reads_enabled;

    public static void setRepairedDataTrackingForPartitionReadsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        conf.repaired_data_tracking_for_partition_reads_enabled = enabled;

    public static boolean reportUnconfirmedRepairedDataMismatches() {
        return conf.report_unconfirmed_repaired_data_mismatches;

    public static void reportUnconfirmedRepairedDataMismatches(boolean enabled) {
        conf.report_unconfirmed_repaired_data_mismatches = enabled;

    public static boolean strictRuntimeChecks() {
        return strictRuntimeChecks;

    public static boolean useOffheapMerkleTrees() {
        return conf.use_offheap_merkle_trees;

    public static void useOffheapMerkleTrees(boolean value) {"Setting use_offheap_merkle_trees to {}", value);
        conf.use_offheap_merkle_trees = value;

    public static Function<CommitLog, AbstractCommitLogSegmentManager> getCommitLogSegmentMgrProvider() {
        return commitLogSegmentMgrProvider;

    public static void setCommitLogSegmentMgrProvider(
            Function<CommitLog, AbstractCommitLogSegmentManager> provider) {
        commitLogSegmentMgrProvider = provider;