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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;

import com.codahale.metrics.Histogram;
import org.apache.cassandra.cache.IMeasurableMemory;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.DefaultNameFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.MetricNameFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ObjectSizes;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.vint.VIntCoding;
import org.github.jamm.Unmetered;

import static org.apache.cassandra.metrics.CassandraMetricsRegistry.Metrics;

 * Binary format of {@code RowIndexEntry} is defined as follows:
 * {@code
 * (long) position (64 bit long, vint encoded)
 *  (int) serialized size of data that follows (32 bit int, vint encoded)
 * -- following for indexed entries only (so serialized size > 0)
 *  (int) DeletionTime.localDeletionTime
 * (long) DeletionTime.markedForDeletionAt
 *  (int) number of IndexInfo objects (32 bit int, vint encoded)
 *    (*) serialized IndexInfo objects, see below
 *    (*) offsets of serialized IndexInfo objects, since version "ma" (3.0)
 *        Each IndexInfo object's offset is relative to the first IndexInfo object.
 * }
 * <p>
 * See {@link IndexInfo} for a description of the serialized format.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * For each partition, the layout of the index file looks like this:
 * </p>
 * <ol>
 *     <li>partition key - prefixed with {@code short} length</li>
 *     <li>serialized {@code RowIndexEntry} objects</li>
 * </ol>
 * <p>
 *     Generally, we distinguish between index entries that have <i>index
 *     samples</i> (list of {@link IndexInfo} objects) and those who don't.
 *     For each <i>portion</i> of data for a single partition in the data file,
 *     an index sample is created. The size of that <i>portion</i> is defined
 *     by {@link org.apache.cassandra.config.Config#column_index_size_in_kb}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     Index entries with less than 2 index samples, will just store the
 *     position in the data file.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     Note: legacy sstables for index entries are those sstable formats that
 *     do <i>not</i> have an offsets table to index samples ({@link IndexInfo}
 *     objects). These are those sstables created on Cassandra versions
 *     earlier than 3.0.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     For index entries with index samples we store the index samples
 *     ({@link IndexInfo} objects). The bigger the partition, the more
 *     index samples are created. Since a huge amount of index samples
 *     will "pollute" the heap and cause huge GC pressure, Cassandra 3.6
 *     (CASSANDRA-11206) distinguishes between index entries with an
 *     "acceptable" amount of index samples per partition and those
 *     with an "enormous" amount of index samples. The barrier
 *     is controlled by the configuration parameter
 *     {@link org.apache.cassandra.config.Config#column_index_cache_size_in_kb}.
 *     Index entries with a total serialized size of index samples up to
 *     {@code column_index_cache_size_in_kb} will be held in an array.
 *     Index entries exceeding that value will always be accessed from
 *     disk.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     This results in these classes:
 * </p>
 * <ul>
 *     <li>{@link RowIndexEntry} just stores the offset in the data file.</li>
 *     <li>{@link IndexedEntry} is for index entries with index samples
 *     and used for both current and legacy sstables, which do not exceed
 *     {@link org.apache.cassandra.config.Config#column_index_cache_size_in_kb}.</li>
 *     <li>{@link ShallowIndexedEntry} is for index entries with index samples
 *     that exceed {@link org.apache.cassandra.config.Config#column_index_cache_size_in_kb}
 *     for sstables with an offset table to the index samples.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 *     Since access to index samples on disk (obviously) requires some file
 *     reader, that functionality is encapsulated in implementations of
 *     {@link IndexInfoRetriever}. There is an implementation to access
 *     index samples of legacy sstables (without the offsets table),
 *     an implementation of access sstables with an offsets table.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     Until now (Cassandra 3.x), we still support reading from <i>legacy</i> sstables -
 *     i.e. sstables created by Cassandra &lt; 3.0 (see {@link}.
 * </p>
public class RowIndexEntry<T> implements IMeasurableMemory {
    private static final long EMPTY_SIZE = ObjectSizes.measure(new RowIndexEntry(0));

    // constants for type of row-index-entry as serialized for saved-cache
    static final int CACHE_NOT_INDEXED = 0;
    static final int CACHE_INDEXED = 1;
    static final int CACHE_INDEXED_SHALLOW = 2;

    static final Histogram indexEntrySizeHistogram;
    static final Histogram indexInfoCountHistogram;
    static final Histogram indexInfoGetsHistogram;
    static {
        MetricNameFactory factory = new DefaultNameFactory("Index", "RowIndexEntry");
        indexEntrySizeHistogram = Metrics.histogram(factory.createMetricName("IndexedEntrySize"), false);
        indexInfoCountHistogram = Metrics.histogram(factory.createMetricName("IndexInfoCount"), false);
        indexInfoGetsHistogram = Metrics.histogram(factory.createMetricName("IndexInfoGets"), false);

    public final long position;

    public RowIndexEntry(long position) {
        this.position = position;

     * @return true if this index entry contains the row-level tombstone and column summary.  Otherwise,
     * caller should fetch these from the row header.
    public boolean isIndexed() {
        return columnsIndexCount() > 1;

    public boolean indexOnHeap() {
        return false;

    public DeletionTime deletionTime() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public int columnsIndexCount() {
        return 0;

    public long unsharedHeapSize() {
        return EMPTY_SIZE;

     * @param dataFilePosition  position of the partition in the {@link} file
     * @param indexFilePosition position in the {@link} of the {@link RowIndexEntry}
     * @param deletionTime      deletion time of {@link RowIndexEntry}
     * @param headerLength      deletion time of {@link RowIndexEntry}
     * @param columnIndexCount  number of {@link IndexInfo} entries in the {@link RowIndexEntry}
     * @param indexedPartSize   serialized size of all serialized {@link IndexInfo} objects and their offsets
     * @param indexSamples      list with IndexInfo offsets (if total serialized size is less than {@link org.apache.cassandra.config.Config#column_index_cache_size_in_kb}
     * @param offsets           offsets of IndexInfo offsets
     * @param idxInfoSerializer the {@link IndexInfo} serializer
    public static RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> create(long dataFilePosition, long indexFilePosition,
            DeletionTime deletionTime, long headerLength, int columnIndexCount, int indexedPartSize,
            List<IndexInfo> indexSamples, int[] offsets, ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer) {
        // If the "partition building code" in BigTableWriter.append() via ColumnIndex returns a list
        // of IndexInfo objects, which is the case if the serialized size is less than
        // Config.column_index_cache_size_in_kb, AND we have more than one IndexInfo object, we
        // construct an IndexedEntry object. (note: indexSamples.size() and columnIndexCount have the same meaning)
        if (indexSamples != null && indexSamples.size() > 1)
            return new IndexedEntry(dataFilePosition, deletionTime, headerLength,
                    indexSamples.toArray(new IndexInfo[indexSamples.size()]), offsets, indexedPartSize,
        // Here we have to decide whether we have serialized IndexInfo objects that exceeds
        // Config.column_index_cache_size_in_kb (not exceeding case covered above).
        // Such a "big" indexed-entry is represented as a shallow one.
        if (columnIndexCount > 1)
            return new ShallowIndexedEntry(dataFilePosition, indexFilePosition, deletionTime, headerLength,
                    columnIndexCount, indexedPartSize, idxInfoSerializer);
        // Last case is that there are no index samples.
        return new RowIndexEntry<>(dataFilePosition);

    public IndexInfoRetriever openWithIndex(FileHandle indexFile) {
        return null;

    public interface IndexSerializer<T> {
        void serialize(RowIndexEntry<T> rie, DataOutputPlus out, ByteBuffer indexInfo) throws IOException;

        RowIndexEntry<T> deserialize(DataInputPlus in, long indexFilePosition) throws IOException;

        void serializeForCache(RowIndexEntry<T> rie, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException;

        RowIndexEntry<T> deserializeForCache(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException;

        long deserializePositionAndSkip(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException;

        ISerializer<T> indexInfoSerializer();

    public static final class Serializer implements IndexSerializer<IndexInfo> {
        private final IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer;
        private final Version version;

        public Serializer(Version version, SerializationHeader header) {
            this.idxInfoSerializer = IndexInfo.serializer(version, header);
            this.version = version;

        public IndexInfo.Serializer indexInfoSerializer() {
            return idxInfoSerializer;

        public void serialize(RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> rie, DataOutputPlus out, ByteBuffer indexInfo)
                throws IOException {
            rie.serialize(out, idxInfoSerializer, indexInfo);

        public void serializeForCache(RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> rie, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException {

        public RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> deserializeForCache(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException {
            long position = in.readUnsignedVInt();

            switch (in.readByte()) {
            case CACHE_NOT_INDEXED:
                return new RowIndexEntry<>(position);
            case CACHE_INDEXED:
                return new IndexedEntry(position, in, idxInfoSerializer, version);
            case CACHE_INDEXED_SHALLOW:
                return new ShallowIndexedEntry(position, in, idxInfoSerializer);
                throw new AssertionError();

        public static void skipForCache(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException {
            /* long position = */in.readUnsignedVInt();
            switch (in.readByte()) {
            case CACHE_NOT_INDEXED:
            case CACHE_INDEXED:
            case CACHE_INDEXED_SHALLOW:
                assert false;

        public RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> deserialize(DataInputPlus in, long indexFilePosition) throws IOException {
            long position = in.readUnsignedVInt();

            int size = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt();
            if (size == 0) {
                return new RowIndexEntry<>(position);
            } else {
                long headerLength = in.readUnsignedVInt();
                DeletionTime deletionTime = DeletionTime.serializer.deserialize(in);
                int columnsIndexCount = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt();

                int indexedPartSize = size - serializedSize(deletionTime, headerLength, columnsIndexCount);

                if (size <= DatabaseDescriptor.getColumnIndexCacheSize()) {
                    return new IndexedEntry(position, in, deletionTime, headerLength, columnsIndexCount,
                            idxInfoSerializer, version, indexedPartSize);
                } else {

                    return new ShallowIndexedEntry(position, indexFilePosition, deletionTime, headerLength,
                            columnsIndexCount, indexedPartSize, idxInfoSerializer);

        public long deserializePositionAndSkip(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException {
            return ShallowIndexedEntry.deserializePositionAndSkip(in);

         * Reads only the data 'position' of the index entry and returns it. Note that this left 'in' in the middle
         * of reading an entry, so this is only useful if you know what you are doing and in most case 'deserialize'
         * should be used instead.
        public static long readPosition(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException {
            return in.readUnsignedVInt();

        public static void skip(DataInputPlus in, Version version) throws IOException {

        private static void skipPromotedIndex(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException {
            int size = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt();
            if (size <= 0)


        public static void serializeOffsets(DataOutputBuffer out, int[] indexOffsets, int columnIndexCount)
                throws IOException {
            for (int i = 0; i < columnIndexCount; i++)

    private static int serializedSize(DeletionTime deletionTime, long headerLength, int columnIndexCount) {
        return TypeSizes.sizeofUnsignedVInt(headerLength)
                + (int) DeletionTime.serializer.serializedSize(deletionTime)
                + TypeSizes.sizeofUnsignedVInt(columnIndexCount);

    public void serialize(DataOutputPlus out, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer, ByteBuffer indexInfo)
            throws IOException {


    public void serializeForCache(DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException {


     * An entry in the row index for a row whose columns are indexed - used for both legacy and current formats.
    private static final class IndexedEntry extends RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> {
        private static final long BASE_SIZE;

        static {
            BASE_SIZE = ObjectSizes.measure(new IndexedEntry(0, DeletionTime.LIVE, 0, null, null, 0, null));

        private final DeletionTime deletionTime;
        private final long headerLength;

        private final IndexInfo[] columnsIndex;
        private final int[] offsets;
        private final int indexedPartSize;
        private final ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer;

        private IndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, DeletionTime deletionTime, long headerLength,
                IndexInfo[] columnsIndex, int[] offsets, int indexedPartSize,
                ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer) {

            this.headerLength = headerLength;
            this.deletionTime = deletionTime;

            this.columnsIndex = columnsIndex;
            this.offsets = offsets;
            this.indexedPartSize = indexedPartSize;
            this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer;

        private IndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, DataInputPlus in, DeletionTime deletionTime, long headerLength,
                int columnIndexCount, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer, Version version, int indexedPartSize)
                throws IOException {

            this.headerLength = headerLength;
            this.deletionTime = deletionTime;
            int columnsIndexCount = columnIndexCount;

            this.columnsIndex = new IndexInfo[columnsIndexCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < columnsIndexCount; i++)
                this.columnsIndex[i] = idxInfoSerializer.deserialize(in);

            this.offsets = new int[this.columnsIndex.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++)
                offsets[i] = in.readInt();

            this.indexedPartSize = indexedPartSize;

            this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer;

         * Constructor called from {@link Serializer#deserializeForCache(}.
        private IndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, DataInputPlus in, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer,
                Version version) throws IOException {

            this.headerLength = in.readUnsignedVInt();
            this.deletionTime = DeletionTime.serializer.deserialize(in);
            int columnsIndexCount = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt();

            TrackedDataInputPlus trackedIn = new TrackedDataInputPlus(in);

            this.columnsIndex = new IndexInfo[columnsIndexCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < columnsIndexCount; i++)
                this.columnsIndex[i] = idxInfoSerializer.deserialize(trackedIn);

            this.offsets = null;

            this.indexedPartSize = (int) trackedIn.getBytesRead();

            this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer;

        public boolean indexOnHeap() {
            return true;

        public int columnsIndexCount() {
            return columnsIndex.length;

        public DeletionTime deletionTime() {
            return deletionTime;

        public IndexInfoRetriever openWithIndex(FileHandle indexFile) {
                    .update(serializedSize(deletionTime, headerLength, columnsIndex.length) + indexedPartSize);
            return new IndexInfoRetriever() {
                private int retrievals;

                public IndexInfo columnsIndex(int index) {
                    return columnsIndex[index];

                public void close() {

        public long unsharedHeapSize() {
            long entrySize = 0;
            for (IndexInfo idx : columnsIndex)
                entrySize += idx.unsharedHeapSize();
            return BASE_SIZE + entrySize + ObjectSizes.sizeOfReferenceArray(columnsIndex.length);

        public void serialize(DataOutputPlus out, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer, ByteBuffer indexInfo)
                throws IOException {
            assert indexedPartSize != Integer.MIN_VALUE;


                    serializedSize(deletionTime, headerLength, columnsIndex.length) + indexedPartSize);

            DeletionTime.serializer.serialize(deletionTime, out);
            for (IndexInfo info : columnsIndex)
                idxInfoSerializer.serialize(info, out);
            for (int offset : offsets)

        public void serializeForCache(DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException {

            DeletionTime.serializer.serialize(deletionTime, out);

            for (IndexInfo indexInfo : columnsIndex)
                idxInfoSerializer.serialize(indexInfo, out);

        static void skipForCache(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException {
            /*long headerLength =*/in.readUnsignedVInt();
            /*DeletionTime deletionTime = */DeletionTime.serializer.skip(in);
            /*int columnsIndexCount = (int)*/in.readUnsignedVInt();

            /*int indexedPartSize = (int)*/in.readUnsignedVInt();

     * An entry in the row index for a row whose columns are indexed and the {@link IndexInfo} objects
     * are not read into the key cache.
    private static final class ShallowIndexedEntry extends RowIndexEntry<IndexInfo> {
        private static final long BASE_SIZE;

        static {
            BASE_SIZE = ObjectSizes.measure(new ShallowIndexedEntry(0, 0, DeletionTime.LIVE, 0, 10, 0, null));

        private final long indexFilePosition;

        private final DeletionTime deletionTime;
        private final long headerLength;
        private final int columnsIndexCount;

        private final int indexedPartSize;
        private final int offsetsOffset;
        private final ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer;
        private final int fieldsSerializedSize;

         * See {@link #create(long, long, DeletionTime, long, int, int, List, int[], ISerializer)} for a description
         * of the parameters.
        private ShallowIndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, long indexFilePosition, DeletionTime deletionTime,
                long headerLength, int columnIndexCount, int indexedPartSize,
                ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer) {

            assert columnIndexCount > 1;

            this.indexFilePosition = indexFilePosition;
            this.headerLength = headerLength;
            this.deletionTime = deletionTime;
            this.columnsIndexCount = columnIndexCount;

            this.indexedPartSize = indexedPartSize;
            this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer;

            this.fieldsSerializedSize = serializedSize(deletionTime, headerLength, columnIndexCount);
            this.offsetsOffset = indexedPartSize + fieldsSerializedSize - columnsIndexCount * TypeSizes.sizeof(0);

         * Constructor for key-cache deserialization
        private ShallowIndexedEntry(long dataFilePosition, DataInputPlus in, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer)
                throws IOException {

            this.indexFilePosition = in.readUnsignedVInt();

            this.headerLength = in.readUnsignedVInt();
            this.deletionTime = DeletionTime.serializer.deserialize(in);
            this.columnsIndexCount = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt();

            this.indexedPartSize = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt();

            this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer;

            this.fieldsSerializedSize = serializedSize(deletionTime, headerLength, columnsIndexCount);
            this.offsetsOffset = indexedPartSize + fieldsSerializedSize - columnsIndexCount * TypeSizes.sizeof(0);

        public int columnsIndexCount() {
            return columnsIndexCount;

        public DeletionTime deletionTime() {
            return deletionTime;

        public IndexInfoRetriever openWithIndex(FileHandle indexFile) {
            indexEntrySizeHistogram.update(indexedPartSize + fieldsSerializedSize);
            return new ShallowInfoRetriever(
                    indexFilePosition + VIntCoding.computeUnsignedVIntSize(position)
                            + VIntCoding.computeUnsignedVIntSize(indexedPartSize + fieldsSerializedSize)
                            + fieldsSerializedSize,
                    offsetsOffset - fieldsSerializedSize, indexFile.createReader(), idxInfoSerializer);

        public long unsharedHeapSize() {
            return BASE_SIZE;

        public void serialize(DataOutputPlus out, IndexInfo.Serializer idxInfoSerializer, ByteBuffer indexInfo)
                throws IOException {

            out.writeUnsignedVInt(fieldsSerializedSize + indexInfo.limit());

            DeletionTime.serializer.serialize(deletionTime, out);


        static long deserializePositionAndSkip(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException {
            long position = in.readUnsignedVInt();

            int size = (int) in.readUnsignedVInt();
            if (size > 0)

            return position;

        public void serializeForCache(DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException {


            DeletionTime.serializer.serialize(deletionTime, out);


        static void skipForCache(DataInputPlus in) throws IOException {
            /*long indexFilePosition =*/in.readUnsignedVInt();

            /*long headerLength =*/in.readUnsignedVInt();
            /*DeletionTime deletionTime = */DeletionTime.serializer.skip(in);
            /*int columnsIndexCount = (int)*/in.readUnsignedVInt();

            /*int indexedPartSize = (int)*/in.readUnsignedVInt();

    private static final class ShallowInfoRetriever extends FileIndexInfoRetriever {
        private final int offsetsOffset;

        private ShallowInfoRetriever(long indexInfoFilePosition, int offsetsOffset, FileDataInput indexReader,
                ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer) {
            super(indexInfoFilePosition, indexReader, idxInfoSerializer);
            this.offsetsOffset = offsetsOffset;

        IndexInfo fetchIndex(int index) throws IOException {

            // seek to position in "offsets to IndexInfo" table
   + offsetsOffset + index * TypeSizes.sizeof(0));

            // read offset of IndexInfo
            int indexInfoPos = indexReader.readInt();

            // seek to posision of IndexInfo
   + indexInfoPos);

            // finally, deserialize IndexInfo
            return idxInfoSerializer.deserialize(indexReader);

     * Base class to access {@link IndexInfo} objects.
    public interface IndexInfoRetriever extends AutoCloseable {
        IndexInfo columnsIndex(int index) throws IOException;

        void close() throws IOException;

     * Base class to access {@link IndexInfo} objects on disk that keeps already
     * read {@link IndexInfo} on heap.
    private abstract static class FileIndexInfoRetriever implements IndexInfoRetriever {
        final long indexInfoFilePosition;
        final ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer;
        final FileDataInput indexReader;
        int retrievals;

         * @param indexInfoFilePosition offset of first serialized {@link IndexInfo} object
         * @param indexReader file data input to access the index file, closed by this instance
         * @param idxInfoSerializer the index serializer to deserialize {@link IndexInfo} objects
        FileIndexInfoRetriever(long indexInfoFilePosition, FileDataInput indexReader,
                ISerializer<IndexInfo> idxInfoSerializer) {
            this.indexInfoFilePosition = indexInfoFilePosition;
            this.idxInfoSerializer = idxInfoSerializer;
            this.indexReader = indexReader;

        public final IndexInfo columnsIndex(int index) throws IOException {
            return fetchIndex(index);

        abstract IndexInfo fetchIndex(int index) throws IOException;

        public void close() throws IOException {
