Java tutorial
/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.aurora.scheduler.async.preemptor; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Qualifier; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Amount; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Time; import com.twitter.common.stats.Stats; import com.twitter.common.stats.StatsProvider; import com.twitter.common.util.Clock; import org.apache.aurora.gen.ScheduleStatus; import org.apache.aurora.scheduler.HostOffer; import org.apache.aurora.scheduler.ResourceSlot; import org.apache.aurora.scheduler.async.OfferQueue; import org.apache.aurora.scheduler.base.Query; import org.apache.aurora.scheduler.base.Tasks; import org.apache.aurora.scheduler.filter.AttributeAggregate; import org.apache.aurora.scheduler.filter.SchedulingFilter; import org.apache.aurora.scheduler.filter.SchedulingFilter.ResourceRequest; import org.apache.aurora.scheduler.filter.SchedulingFilter.UnusedResource; import org.apache.aurora.scheduler.state.StateManager; import; import; import; import; import; import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD; import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD; import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER; import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static org.apache.aurora.gen.ScheduleStatus.PENDING; import static org.apache.aurora.gen.ScheduleStatus.PREEMPTING; import static org.apache.aurora.scheduler.base.Tasks.SCHEDULED_TO_ASSIGNED; /** * A task preemptor that tries to find tasks that are waiting to be scheduled, which are of higher * priority than tasks that are currently running. * * To avoid excessive churn, the preemptor requires that a task is PENDING for a duration * (dictated by {@link #preemptionCandidacyDelay}) before it becomes eligible to preempt other */ class PreemptorImpl implements Preemptor { /** * Binding annotation for the time interval after which a pending task becomes eligible to * preempt other tasks. */ @Qualifier @Target({ FIELD, PARAMETER, METHOD }) @Retention(RUNTIME) @interface PreemptionDelay { } private final AtomicLong tasksPreempted = Stats.exportLong("preemptor_tasks_preempted"); // Incremented every time the preemptor is invoked and finds tasks pending and preemptable tasks private final AtomicLong attemptedPreemptions = Stats.exportLong("preemptor_attempts"); // Incremented every time we fail to find tasks to preempt for a pending task. private final AtomicLong noSlotsFound = Stats.exportLong("preemptor_no_slots_found"); private final Predicate<IScheduledTask> isIdleTask = new Predicate<IScheduledTask>() { @Override public boolean apply(IScheduledTask task) { return (clock.nowMillis() - Tasks.getLatestEvent(task).getTimestamp()) >= preemptionCandidacyDelay .as(Time.MILLISECONDS); } }; private final Storage storage; private final StateManager stateManager; private final OfferQueue offerQueue; private final SchedulingFilter schedulingFilter; private final Amount<Long, Time> preemptionCandidacyDelay; private final Clock clock; private final AtomicLong missingAttributes; private final ClusterState clusterState; /** * Creates a new preemptor. * * @param storage Backing store for tasks. * @param stateManager Scheduler state controller to instruct when preempting tasks. * @param offerQueue Queue that contains available Mesos resource offers. * @param schedulingFilter Filter to identify whether tasks may reside on given slaves. * @param preemptionCandidacyDelay Time a task must be PENDING before it may preempt other * tasks. * @param clock Clock to check current time. */ @Inject public PreemptorImpl(Storage storage, StateManager stateManager, OfferQueue offerQueue, SchedulingFilter schedulingFilter, @PreemptionDelay Amount<Long, Time> preemptionCandidacyDelay, Clock clock, StatsProvider statsProvider, ClusterState clusterState) { = requireNonNull(storage); this.stateManager = requireNonNull(stateManager); this.offerQueue = requireNonNull(offerQueue); this.schedulingFilter = requireNonNull(schedulingFilter); this.preemptionCandidacyDelay = requireNonNull(preemptionCandidacyDelay); this.clock = requireNonNull(clock); missingAttributes = statsProvider.makeCounter("preemptor_missing_attributes"); this.clusterState = requireNonNull(clusterState); } private static final Function<HostOffer, ResourceSlot> OFFER_TO_RESOURCE_SLOT = new Function<HostOffer, ResourceSlot>() { @Override public ResourceSlot apply(HostOffer offer) { return ResourceSlot.from(offer.getOffer()); } }; private static final Function<HostOffer, String> OFFER_TO_HOST = new Function<HostOffer, String>() { @Override public String apply(HostOffer offer) { return offer.getOffer().getHostname(); } }; private static final Function<HostOffer, IHostAttributes> OFFER_TO_ATTRIBUTES = new Function<HostOffer, IHostAttributes>() { @Override public IHostAttributes apply(HostOffer offer) { return offer.getAttributes(); } }; private static final Function<PreemptionVictim, ResourceSlot> VICTIM_TO_RESOURCES = new Function<PreemptionVictim, ResourceSlot>() { @Override public ResourceSlot apply(PreemptionVictim victim) { return victim.getResources(); } }; private static final Function<PreemptionVictim, String> VICTIM_TO_TASK_ID = new Function<PreemptionVictim, String>() { @Override public String apply(PreemptionVictim victim) { return victim.getTaskId(); } }; // TODO(zmanji) Consider using Dominant Resource Fairness for ordering instead of the vector // ordering private static final Ordering<PreemptionVictim> RESOURCE_ORDER = ResourceSlot.ORDER .onResultOf(VICTIM_TO_RESOURCES).reverse(); private static final Function<PreemptionVictim, String> VICTIM_TO_HOST = new Function<PreemptionVictim, String>() { @Override public String apply(PreemptionVictim victim) { return victim.getSlaveHost(); } }; /** * Optional.absent indicates that this slave does not have enough resources to satisfy the task. * The empty set indicates the offers (slack) are enough. * A set with elements indicates those tasks and the offers are enough. */ private Optional<Set<String>> getTasksToPreempt(Iterable<PreemptionVictim> possibleVictims, Iterable<HostOffer> offers, IAssignedTask pendingTask, AttributeAggregate jobState) { // This enforces the precondition that all of the resources are from the same host. We need to // get the host for the schedulingFilter. Set<String> hosts = ImmutableSet.<String>builder() .addAll(Iterables.transform(possibleVictims, VICTIM_TO_HOST)) .addAll(Iterables.transform(offers, OFFER_TO_HOST)).build(); String host = Iterables.getOnlyElement(hosts); ResourceSlot slackResources = ResourceSlot.sum(Iterables.transform(offers, OFFER_TO_RESOURCE_SLOT)); if (!Iterables.isEmpty(offers)) { if (Iterables.size(offers) > 1) { // There are multiple offers for the same host. Since both have maintenance information // we don't preempt with this information and wait for mesos to merge the two offers for // us. return Optional.absent(); } IHostAttributes attributes = Iterables .getOnlyElement(FluentIterable.from(offers).transform(OFFER_TO_ATTRIBUTES).toSet()); Set<SchedulingFilter.Veto> vetoes = schedulingFilter.filter( new UnusedResource(slackResources, attributes), new ResourceRequest(pendingTask.getTask(), pendingTask.getTaskId(), jobState)); if (vetoes.isEmpty()) { return Optional.<Set<String>>of(ImmutableSet.<String>of()); } } FluentIterable<PreemptionVictim> preemptableTasks = FluentIterable.from(possibleVictims) .filter(preemptionFilter(pendingTask.getTask())); if (preemptableTasks.isEmpty()) { return Optional.absent(); } List<PreemptionVictim> toPreemptTasks = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterable<PreemptionVictim> sortedVictims = RESOURCE_ORDER.immutableSortedCopy(preemptableTasks); for (PreemptionVictim victim : sortedVictims) { toPreemptTasks.add(victim); ResourceSlot totalResource = ResourceSlot.sum( ResourceSlot.sum(Iterables.transform(toPreemptTasks, VICTIM_TO_RESOURCES)), slackResources); Optional<IHostAttributes> attributes = getHostAttributes(host); if (!attributes.isPresent()) { missingAttributes.incrementAndGet(); continue; } Set<SchedulingFilter.Veto> vetoes = schedulingFilter.filter( new UnusedResource(totalResource, attributes.get()), new ResourceRequest(pendingTask.getTask(), pendingTask.getTaskId(), jobState)); if (vetoes.isEmpty()) { Set<String> taskIds = FluentIterable.from(toPreemptTasks).transform(VICTIM_TO_TASK_ID).toSet(); return Optional.of(taskIds); } } return Optional.absent(); } private Optional<IHostAttributes> getHostAttributes(final String host) { return Storage.Work.Quiet<Optional<IHostAttributes>>() { @Override public Optional<IHostAttributes> apply(Storage.StoreProvider storeProvider) { return storeProvider.getAttributeStore().getHostAttributes(host); } }); } private static final Function<HostOffer, String> OFFER_TO_SLAVE_ID = new Function<HostOffer, String>() { @Override public String apply(HostOffer offer) { return offer.getOffer().getSlaveId().getValue(); } }; private Optional<IAssignedTask> fetchIdlePendingTask(String taskId) { Query.Builder query = Query.taskScoped(taskId).byStatus(PENDING); Iterable<IAssignedTask> result = FluentIterable.from(Storage.Util.fetchTasks(storage, query)) .filter(isIdleTask).transform(SCHEDULED_TO_ASSIGNED); return Optional.fromNullable(Iterables.getOnlyElement(result, null)); } @Override public synchronized Optional<String> findPreemptionSlotFor(final String taskId, AttributeAggregate attributeAggregate) { final Optional<IAssignedTask> pendingTask = fetchIdlePendingTask(taskId); // Task is no longer PENDING no need to preempt. if (!pendingTask.isPresent()) { return Optional.absent(); } Multimap<String, PreemptionVictim> slavesToActiveTasks = clusterState.getSlavesToActiveTasks(); if (slavesToActiveTasks.isEmpty()) { return Optional.absent(); } attemptedPreemptions.incrementAndGet(); // Group the offers by slave id so they can be paired with active tasks from the same slave. Multimap<String, HostOffer> slavesToOffers = Multimaps.index(offerQueue.getOffers(), OFFER_TO_SLAVE_ID); Set<String> allSlaves = ImmutableSet.<String>builder().addAll(slavesToOffers.keySet()) .addAll(slavesToActiveTasks.keySet()).build(); for (String slaveID : allSlaves) { final Optional<Set<String>> toPreemptTasks = getTasksToPreempt(slavesToActiveTasks.get(slaveID), slavesToOffers.get(slaveID), pendingTask.get(), attributeAggregate); if (toPreemptTasks.isPresent()) { storage.write(new Storage.MutateWork.NoResult.Quiet() { @Override protected void execute(Storage.MutableStoreProvider storeProvider) { for (String toPreempt : toPreemptTasks.get()) { stateManager.changeState(storeProvider, toPreempt, Optional.<ScheduleStatus>absent(), PREEMPTING, Optional.of("Preempting in favor of " + taskId)); tasksPreempted.incrementAndGet(); } } }); return Optional.of(slaveID); } } noSlotsFound.incrementAndGet(); return Optional.absent(); } /** * Creates a static filter that will identify tasks that may preempt the provided task. * A task may preempt another task if the following conditions hold true: * - The resources reserved for {@code preemptableTask} are sufficient to satisfy the task. * - The tasks are owned by the same user and the priority of {@code preemptableTask} is lower * OR {@code preemptableTask} is non-production and the compared task is production. * * @param pendingTask A task that is not scheduled to possibly preempt other tasks for. * @return A filter that will compare the priorities and resources required by other tasks * with {@code preemptableTask}. */ private static Predicate<PreemptionVictim> preemptionFilter(final ITaskConfig pendingTask) { return new Predicate<PreemptionVictim>() { @Override public boolean apply(PreemptionVictim possibleVictim) { boolean pendingIsProduction = pendingTask.isProduction(); boolean victimIsProduction = possibleVictim.isProduction(); if (pendingIsProduction && !victimIsProduction) { return true; } else if (pendingIsProduction == victimIsProduction) { // If production flags are equal, preemption is based on priority within the same role. if (pendingTask.getJob().getRole().equals(possibleVictim.getRole())) { return pendingTask.getPriority() > possibleVictim.getPriority(); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } }; } }