Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Alfresco Software Limited. * * This file is part of Alfresco * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. */ package org.alfresco.web.bean.wcm; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigElement; import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; import org.alfresco.config.JNDIConstants; import org.alfresco.mbeans.VirtServerRegistry; import org.alfresco.repo.avm.AVMNodeConverter; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.avm.AVMNotFoundException; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.avm.AVMService; import org.alfresco.wcm.util.WCMUtil; import; import org.alfresco.web.bean.repository.Repository; import org.alfresco.web.bean.wcm.preview.PreviewURIService; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext; import org.springframework.web.jsf.FacesContextUtils; /** * Helper methods and constants related to AVM directories, paths and store name manipulation. * * TODO refactor ... * * @author Ariel Backenroth * @author Kevin Roast */ public final class AVMUtil extends WCMUtil { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(AVMUtil.class); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static enum PathRelation { SANDBOX_RELATIVE { @Override protected Pattern pattern() { return AVMUtil.SANDBOX_RELATIVE_PATH_PATTERN; } }, WEBAPP_RELATIVE { @Override protected Pattern pattern() { return AVMUtil.WEBAPP_RELATIVE_PATH_PATTERN; } }; protected abstract Pattern pattern(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static String getStoreName(final String avmPath) { return WCMUtil.getSandboxStoreId(avmPath); } public static boolean isPreviewStore(final String storeName) { return WCMUtil.isPreviewStore(storeName); } public static boolean isWorkflowStore(String storeName) { return WCMUtil.isWorkflowStore(storeName); } public static boolean isUserStore(String storeName) { return WCMUtil.isUserStore(storeName); } public static boolean isMainStore(String storeName) { return WCMUtil.isStagingStore(storeName); } public static String getUserName(String storeName) { return WCMUtil.getUserName(storeName); } public static String getStoreId(final String storeName) { return WCMUtil.getWebProjectStoreId(storeName); } public static String getCorrespondingMainStoreName(final String storeName) { return WCMUtil.getCorrespondingMainStoreName(storeName); } public static String getCorrespondingPreviewStoreName(final String storeName) { return WCMUtil.getCorrespondingPreviewStoreName(storeName); } public static String getCorrespondingPathInMainStore(final String avmPath) { return WCMUtil.getCorrespondingPathInMainStore(avmPath); } public static String getCorrespondingPathInPreviewStore(final String avmPath) { return WCMUtil.getCorrespondingPathInPreviewStore(avmPath); } public static String getCorrespondingPath(final String avmPath, final String otherStore) { return WCMUtil.getCorrespondingPath(avmPath, otherStore); } /** * Returns the number of seconds between each call back to the server to * obtain the latest status of an in progress deployment. * <p> * This value is read from the <wcm> config section in * web-client-config-wcm.xml * </p> * * @return Number of seconds between each call to the server (in seconds). * The default is 2. */ public static int getRemoteDeploymentPollingFrequency() { int pollFreq = 2; ConfigElement deploymentConfig = getDeploymentConfig(); if (deploymentConfig != null) { ConfigElement elem = deploymentConfig.getChild("progress-polling-frequency"); if (elem != null) { try { int value = Integer.parseInt(elem.getValue()); if (value > 0) { pollFreq = value; } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // do nothing, just use the default } } } return pollFreq; } /** * Returns the number of seconds between each call back to the server to * obtain the latest status of a link validation check. * <p> * This value is read from the <wcm> config section in * web-client-config-wcm.xml * </p> * * @return Number of seconds between each call to the server (in seconds). * The default is 2. */ public static int getLinkValidationPollingFrequency() { int pollFreq = 2; ConfigElement linkMngmtConfig = getLinksManagementConfig(); if (linkMngmtConfig != null) { ConfigElement elem = linkMngmtConfig.getChild("progress-polling-frequency"); if (elem != null) { try { int value = Integer.parseInt(elem.getValue()); if (value > 0) { pollFreq = value; } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // do nothing, just use the default } } } return pollFreq; } public static String buildStagingStoreName(final String storeId) { return WCMUtil.buildStagingStoreName(storeId); } public static String buildStagingPreviewStoreName(final String storeId) { return WCMUtil.buildStagingPreviewStoreName(storeId); } public static String buildUserMainStoreName(final String storeId, final String username) { return WCMUtil.buildUserMainStoreName(storeId, username); } public static String buildUserPreviewStoreName(final String storeId, final String username) { return WCMUtil.buildUserPreviewStoreName(storeId, username); } public static String buildWorkflowMainStoreName(final String storeId, final String workflowId) { return WCMUtil.buildWorkflowMainStoreName(storeId, workflowId); } public static String buildWorkflowPreviewStoreName(final String storeId, final String workflowId) { return WCMUtil.buildWorkflowPreviewStoreName(storeId, workflowId); } public static String buildStoreRootPath(final String storeName) { return WCMUtil.buildStoreRootPath(storeName); } public static String buildSandboxRootPath(final String storeName) { return WCMUtil.buildSandboxRootPath(storeName); } public static String buildStoreWebappPath(final String storeName, String webapp) { return WCMUtil.buildStoreWebappPath(storeName, webapp); } public static String buildWebappUrl(final String avmPath) { if (avmPath == null || avmPath.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("AVM path is mandatory."); } return AVMUtil.buildWebappUrl(AVMUtil.getStoreName(avmPath), AVMUtil.getWebapp(avmPath)); } public static String buildWebappUrl(final String store, final String webapp) { if (webapp == null || webapp.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Webapp name is mandatory."); } return (webapp.equals(DIR_ROOT) ? getPreviewURI(store) : getPreviewURI(store) + '/' + webapp); } public static String getPreviewURI(String storeNameOrAvmPath) { if (storeNameOrAvmPath == null || storeNameOrAvmPath.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("AVM store name or absolute path is mandatory."); } final String[] s = storeNameOrAvmPath.split(WCMUtil.AVM_STORE_SEPARATOR); if (s.length == 1) { return getPreviewURI(s[0], null); } if (s.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected exactly one ':' in " + storeNameOrAvmPath); } return getPreviewURI(s[0], s[1]); } public static String getPreviewURI(String storeId, String assetPath) { if (!deprecatedPreviewURIGeneratorChecked) { if (deprecatedPreviewURIGenerator == null) { // backwards compatibility - will hide new implementation, until custom providers/context are migrated WebApplicationContext wac = FacesContextUtils .getRequiredWebApplicationContext(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()); if (wac.containsBean(SPRING_BEAN_NAME_PREVIEW_URI_SERVICE)) { // if the bean is present retrieve it deprecatedPreviewURIGenerator = (PreviewURIService) wac .getBean(SPRING_BEAN_NAME_PREVIEW_URI_SERVICE, PreviewURIService.class); logger.warn("Found deprecated '" + SPRING_BEAN_NAME_PREVIEW_URI_SERVICE + "' config - which will be used instead of new 'WCMPreviewURIService' until migrated (changing web project preview provider will have no effect)"); } } deprecatedPreviewURIGeneratorChecked = true; } if (deprecatedPreviewURIGenerator != null) { return deprecatedPreviewURIGenerator.getPreviewURI(storeId, assetPath); } return getPreviewURIService().getPreviewURI(storeId, assetPath); } /** * Converts the provided path to an absolute path within the avm. * * @param parentAVMPath used as the parent path if the provided path * is relative, otherwise used to extract the parent path portion up until * the webapp directory. * @param path a path relative to the parentAVMPath path, or if it is * absolute, it is relative to the sandbox used in the parentAVMPath. * * @return an absolute path within the avm using the paths provided. */ public static String buildPath(final String parentAVMPath, final String path, final PathRelation relation) { String parent = parentAVMPath; if (path == null || path.length() == 0 || ".".equals(path) || "./".equals(path)) { return parent; } if (path.charAt(0) == '/') { final Matcher m = relation.pattern().matcher(parent); if (m.matches()) { parent =; } } else if (parent.charAt(parent.length() - 1) != '/') { parent = parent + '/'; } return parent + path; } public static String getStoreRelativePath(final String absoluteAVMPath) { return WCMUtil.getStoreRelativePath(absoluteAVMPath); } public static String getWebappRelativePath(final String absoluteAVMPath) { return WCMUtil.getWebappRelativePath(absoluteAVMPath); } public static String getWebapp(final String absoluteAVMPath) { return WCMUtil.getWebapp(absoluteAVMPath); } public static String getWebappPath(final String absoluteAVMPath) { return WCMUtil.getWebappPath(absoluteAVMPath); } public static String getSandboxRelativePath(final String absoluteAVMPath) { return WCMUtil.getSandboxRelativePath(absoluteAVMPath); } public static String getSandboxPath(final String absoluteAVMPath) { return WCMUtil.getSandboxPath(absoluteAVMPath); } /** * Creates all directories for a path if they do not already exist. */ public static void makeAllDirectories(final String avmDirectoryPath) { final AVMService avmService = getAVMService(); // LOGGER.debug("mkdir -p " + avmDirectoryPath); String s = avmDirectoryPath; final Stack<String[]> dirNames = new Stack<String[]>(); while (s != null) { try { if (avmService.lookup(-1, s) != null) { // LOGGER.debug("path " + s + " exists"); break; } } catch (AVMNotFoundException avmfe) { } final String[] sb = AVMNodeConverter.SplitBase(s); s = sb[0]; // LOGGER.debug("pushing " + sb[1]); dirNames.push(sb); } while (!dirNames.isEmpty()) { final String[] sb = dirNames.pop(); // LOGGER.debug("creating " + sb[1] + " in " + sb[0]); avmService.createDirectory(sb[0], sb[1]); } } public static void updateVServerWebapp(String path, boolean force) { WCMUtil.updateVServerWebapp(getVirtServerRegistry(), path, force); } public static void removeAllVServerWebapps(String path, boolean force) { WCMUtil.removeAllVServerWebapps(getVirtServerRegistry(), path, force); } public static void removeVServerWebapp(String path, boolean force) { WCMUtil.removeVServerWebapp(getVirtServerRegistry(), path, force); } private static VirtServerRegistry getVirtServerRegistry() { return Repository.getServiceRegistry(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()).getVirtServerRegistry(); } private static AVMService getAVMService() { return Repository.getServiceRegistry(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()).getAVMService(); } private static org.alfresco.wcm.preview.PreviewURIService getPreviewURIService() { return Repository.getServiceRegistry(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()).getPreviewURIService(); } private static ConfigElement getDeploymentConfig() { if ((deploymentConfig == null) || (Application.isDynamicConfig(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()))) { ConfigService cfgService = Application.getConfigService(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()); ConfigElement wcmCfg = cfgService.getGlobalConfig().getConfigElement("wcm"); if (wcmCfg != null) { deploymentConfig = wcmCfg.getChild("deployment"); } } return deploymentConfig; } private static ConfigElement getLinksManagementConfig() { if ((linksManagementConfig == null) || (Application.isDynamicConfig(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()))) { ConfigService cfgService = Application.getConfigService(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()); ConfigElement wcmCfg = cfgService.getGlobalConfig().getConfigElement("wcm"); if (wcmCfg != null) { linksManagementConfig = wcmCfg.getChild("links-management"); } } return linksManagementConfig; } // pattern for absolute AVM Path //private final static Pattern STORE_RELATIVE_PATH_PATTERN = // Pattern.compile("[^:]+:(.+)"); private final static Pattern WEBAPP_RELATIVE_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "([^:]+:/" + JNDIConstants.DIR_DEFAULT_WWW + "/" + JNDIConstants.DIR_DEFAULT_APPBASE + "/([^/]+))(.*)"); private final static Pattern SANDBOX_RELATIVE_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "([^:]+:/" + JNDIConstants.DIR_DEFAULT_WWW + "/" + JNDIConstants.DIR_DEFAULT_APPBASE + ")(.*)"); private static ConfigElement deploymentConfig = null; private static ConfigElement linksManagementConfig = null; // deprecated private final static String SPRING_BEAN_NAME_PREVIEW_URI_SERVICE = "PreviewURIService"; private static PreviewURIService deprecatedPreviewURIGenerator = null; private static boolean deprecatedPreviewURIGeneratorChecked = false; }