Source code

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 * Copyright 2006-2014 The MZmine 2 Development Team
 * This file is part of MZmine 2.
 * MZmine 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * MZmine 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * MZmine 2; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,
 * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package net.sf.mzmine.modules.peaklistmethods.alignment.ransac;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.MZmineProject;
import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakList;
import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.PeakListRow;
import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.RawDataFile;
import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakList;
import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListAppliedMethod;
import net.sf.mzmine.datamodel.impl.SimplePeakListRow;
import net.sf.mzmine.main.MZmineCore;
import net.sf.mzmine.parameters.ParameterSet;
import net.sf.mzmine.parameters.parametertypes.MZTolerance;
import net.sf.mzmine.parameters.parametertypes.RTTolerance;
import net.sf.mzmine.taskcontrol.AbstractTask;
import net.sf.mzmine.taskcontrol.TaskStatus;
import net.sf.mzmine.util.PeakUtils;
import net.sf.mzmine.util.Range;

import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.fitting.PolynomialFitter;
import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.general.GaussNewtonOptimizer;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;

class RansacAlignerTask extends AbstractTask {

    private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
    private PeakList peakLists[], alignedPeakList;
    // Processed rows counter
    private int processedRows, totalRows;
    // Parameters
    private String peakListName;
    private MZTolerance mzTolerance;
    private RTTolerance rtToleranceBefore, rtToleranceAfter;
    private ParameterSet parameters;
    private boolean sameChargeRequired;
    // ID counter for the new peaklist
    private int newRowID = 1;

    public RansacAlignerTask(PeakList[] peakLists, ParameterSet parameters) {

        this.peakLists = peakLists;
        this.parameters = parameters;

        // Get parameter values for easier use
        peakListName = parameters.getParameter(RansacAlignerParameters.peakListName).getValue();

        mzTolerance = parameters.getParameter(RansacAlignerParameters.MZTolerance).getValue();

        rtToleranceBefore = parameters.getParameter(RansacAlignerParameters.RTToleranceBefore).getValue();

        rtToleranceAfter = parameters.getParameter(RansacAlignerParameters.RTToleranceAfter).getValue();

        sameChargeRequired = parameters.getParameter(RansacAlignerParameters.SameChargeRequired).getValue();


     * @see net.sf.mzmine.taskcontrol.Task#getTaskDescription()
    public String getTaskDescription() {
        return "Ransac aligner, " + peakListName + " (" + peakLists.length + " peak lists)";

     * @see net.sf.mzmine.taskcontrol.Task#getFinishedPercentage()
    public double getFinishedPercentage() {
        if (totalRows == 0) {
            return 0f;
        return (double) processedRows / (double) totalRows;

    public void run() {

        setStatus(TaskStatus.PROCESSING);"Running Ransac aligner");

        // Remember how many rows we need to process. Each row will be processed
        // twice, first for score calculation, second for actual alignment.
        for (int i = 0; i < peakLists.length; i++) {
            totalRows += peakLists[i].getNumberOfRows() * 2;

        // Collect all data files
        List<RawDataFile> allDataFiles = new ArrayList<RawDataFile>();

        for (PeakList peakList : peakLists) {

            for (RawDataFile dataFile : peakList.getRawDataFiles()) {

                // Each data file can only have one column in aligned peak list
                if (allDataFiles.contains(dataFile)) {
                    errorMessage = "Cannot run alignment, because file " + dataFile
                            + " is present in multiple peak lists";


        // Create a new aligned peak list
        alignedPeakList = new SimplePeakList(peakListName, allDataFiles.toArray(new RawDataFile[0]));

        // Iterate source peak lists
        for (PeakList peakList : peakLists) {

            HashMap<PeakListRow, PeakListRow> alignmentMapping = this.getAlignmentMap(peakList);

            PeakListRow allRows[] = peakList.getRows();

            // Align all rows using mapping
            for (PeakListRow row : allRows) {
                PeakListRow targetRow = alignmentMapping.get(row);

                // If we have no mapping for this row, add a new one
                if (targetRow == null) {
                    targetRow = new SimplePeakListRow(newRowID);

                // Add all peaks from the original row to the aligned row
                for (RawDataFile file : row.getRawDataFiles()) {
                    targetRow.addPeak(file, row.getPeak(file));

                // Add all non-existing identities from the original row to the
                // aligned row
                PeakUtils.copyPeakListRowProperties(row, targetRow);



        } // Next peak list

        // Add new aligned peak list to the project
        MZmineProject currentProject = MZmineCore.getCurrentProject();

        // Add task description to peakList
        alignedPeakList.addDescriptionOfAppliedTask(new SimplePeakListAppliedMethod("Ransac aligner", parameters));"Finished RANSAC aligner");


     * @param peakList
     * @return
    private HashMap<PeakListRow, PeakListRow> getAlignmentMap(PeakList peakList) {

        // Create a table of mappings for best scores
        HashMap<PeakListRow, PeakListRow> alignmentMapping = new HashMap<PeakListRow, PeakListRow>();

        if (alignedPeakList.getNumberOfRows() < 1) {
            return alignmentMapping;

        // Create a sorted set of scores matching
        TreeSet<RowVsRowScore> scoreSet = new TreeSet<RowVsRowScore>();

        // RANSAC algorithm
        List<AlignStructMol> list = ransacPeakLists(alignedPeakList, peakList);
        PolynomialFunction function = this.getPolynomialFunction(list);

        PeakListRow allRows[] = peakList.getRows();

        for (PeakListRow row : allRows) {
            // Calculate limits for a row with which the row can be aligned
            Range mzRange = mzTolerance.getToleranceRange(row.getAverageMZ());

            double rt;
            try {
                rt = function.value(row.getAverageRT());
            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                rt = row.getAverageRT();
            if (Double.isNaN(rt) || rt == -1) {
                rt = row.getAverageRT();

            Range rtRange = rtToleranceAfter.getToleranceRange(rt);

            // Get all rows of the aligned peaklist within parameter limits
            PeakListRow candidateRows[] = alignedPeakList.getRowsInsideScanAndMZRange(rtRange, mzRange);

            for (PeakListRow candidate : candidateRows) {
                RowVsRowScore score;
                if (sameChargeRequired && (!PeakUtils.compareChargeState(row, candidate))) {

                try {
                    score = new RowVsRowScore(row, candidate, mzRange.getSize() / 2, rtRange.getSize() / 2, rt);

                    errorMessage = score.getErrorMessage();

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    return null;

        // Iterate scores by descending order
        Iterator<RowVsRowScore> scoreIterator = scoreSet.iterator();
        while (scoreIterator.hasNext()) {

            RowVsRowScore score =;

            // Check if the row is already mapped
            if (alignmentMapping.containsKey(score.getPeakListRow())) {

            // Check if the aligned row is already filled
            if (alignmentMapping.containsValue(score.getAlignedRow())) {

            alignmentMapping.put(score.getPeakListRow(), score.getAlignedRow());


        return alignmentMapping;

     * RANSAC
     * @param alignedPeakList
     * @param peakList
     * @return
    private List<AlignStructMol> ransacPeakLists(PeakList alignedPeakList, PeakList peakList) {
        List<AlignStructMol> list = this.getVectorAlignment(alignedPeakList, peakList);
        RANSAC ransac = new RANSAC(parameters);
        return list;

     * Return the corrected RT of the row
     * @param row
     * @param list
     * @return
    private PolynomialFunction getPolynomialFunction(List<AlignStructMol> list) {
        List<RTs> data = new ArrayList<RTs>();
        for (AlignStructMol m : list) {
            if (m.Aligned) {
                data.add(new RTs(m.RT2, m.RT));

        data = this.smooth(data);
        Collections.sort(data, new RTs());

        double[] xval = new double[data.size()];
        double[] yval = new double[data.size()];
        int i = 0;

        for (RTs rt : data) {
            xval[i] = rt.RT;
            yval[i++] = rt.RT2;

        PolynomialFitter fitter = new PolynomialFitter(3, new GaussNewtonOptimizer(true));
        for (RTs rt : data) {
            fitter.addObservedPoint(1, rt.RT, rt.RT2);
        try {

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            return null;

    private List<RTs> smooth(List<RTs> list) {
        // Add points to the model in between of the real points to smooth the
        // regression model
        Collections.sort(list, new RTs());

        for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) {
            RTs point1 = list.get(i);
            RTs point2 = list.get(i + 1);
            if (point1.RT < point2.RT - 2) {
                SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression();
                regression.addData(point1.RT, point1.RT2);
                regression.addData(point2.RT, point2.RT2);
                double rt = point1.RT + 1;
                while (rt < point2.RT) {
                    RTs newPoint = new RTs(rt, regression.predict(rt));


        return list;

     * Create the vector which contains all the possible aligned peaks.
     * @param peakListX
     * @param peakListY
     * @return vector which contains all the possible aligned peaks.
    private List<AlignStructMol> getVectorAlignment(PeakList peakListX, PeakList peakListY) {

        List<AlignStructMol> alignMol = new ArrayList<AlignStructMol>();
        for (PeakListRow row : peakListX.getRows()) {

            if (isCanceled()) {
                return null;
            // Calculate limits for a row with which the row can be aligned
            Range mzRange = mzTolerance.getToleranceRange(row.getAverageMZ());
            Range rtRange = rtToleranceBefore.getToleranceRange(row.getAverageRT());

            // Get all rows of the aligned peaklist within parameter limits
            PeakListRow candidateRows[] = peakListY.getRowsInsideScanAndMZRange(rtRange, mzRange);

            for (PeakListRow candidateRow : candidateRows) {
                alignMol.add(new AlignStructMol(row, candidateRow));

        return alignMol;

    public Object[] getCreatedObjects() {
        return new Object[] { alignedPeakList };