Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Phillip Cao, Chuan-Zheng Lee * * This file is part of the Debatekeeper app, which is licensed under the * GNU General Public Licence version 3 (GPLv3). You can redistribute * and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3, and you must not use * this file except in compliance with the GPLv3. * * This app is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public Licence for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licence * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package net.czlee.debatekeeper; import; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.IBinder; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.View.OnLongClickListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.TimePicker; import android.widget.Toast; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.AlertManager.FlashScreenListener; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.AlertManager.FlashScreenMode; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debateformat.BellInfo; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debateformat.DebateFormat; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debateformat.DebateFormatBuilderFromXml; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debateformat.DebateFormatBuilderFromXmlForSchema1; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debateformat.DebateFormatBuilderFromXmlForSchema2; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debateformat.DebatePhaseFormat; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debateformat.PeriodInfo; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debateformat.PrepTimeFormat; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debateformat.SpeechFormat; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debateformat.XmlUtilities; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debatemanager.DebateManager; import net.czlee.debatekeeper.debatemanager.DebateManager.DebatePhaseTag; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * This is the main activity for the Debatekeeper application. It is the launcher activity, * and the activity in which the user spends the most time. * * @author Phillip Cao * @author Chuan-Zheng Lee * @since 2012-04-05 * */ public class DebatingActivity extends FragmentActivity { private static final String TAG = "DebatingActivity"; private View mDebateTimerDisplay; private boolean mIsEditingTime = false; private final Semaphore mFlashScreenSemaphore = new Semaphore(1, true); private static final int COLOUR_TRANSPARENT = 0; private EnableableViewPager mViewPager; private boolean mChangingPages; private Button mLeftControlButton; private Button mLeftCentreControlButton; private Button mCentreControlButton; private Button mRightControlButton; private Button mPlayBellButton; private final ControlButtonSpec CONTROL_BUTTON_START_TIMER = new ControlButtonSpec( R.string.mainScreen_controlButton_startTimer_text, new ControlButtonStartTimerOnClickListener()); private final ControlButtonSpec CONTROL_BUTTON_STOP_TIMER = new ControlButtonSpec( R.string.mainScreen_controlButton_stopTimer_text, new ControlButtonStopTimerOnClickListener()); private final ControlButtonSpec CONTROL_BUTTON_CHOOSE_STYLE = new ControlButtonSpec( R.string.mainScreen_controlButton_chooseStyle_text, new ControlButtonChooseStyleOnClickListener()); private final ControlButtonSpec CONTROL_BUTTON_RESET_TIMER = new ControlButtonSpec( R.string.mainScreen_controlButton_resetTimer_text, new ControlButtonResetActiveDebatePhaseOnClickListener()); private final ControlButtonSpec CONTROL_BUTTON_RESUME_TIMER = new ControlButtonSpec( R.string.mainScreen_controlButton_resumeTimer_text, new ControlButtonStartTimerOnClickListener()); private final ControlButtonSpec CONTROL_BUTTON_NEXT_PHASE = new ControlButtonSpec( R.string.mainScreen_controlButton_nextPhase_text, new ControlButtonNextDebatePhaseOnClickListener()); private DebateManager mDebateManager; private Bundle mLastStateBundle; private String mFormatXmlFileName = null; private CountDirection mCountDirection = CountDirection.COUNT_UP; private CountDirection mPrepTimeCountDirection = CountDirection.COUNT_DOWN; private BackgroundColourArea mBackgroundColourArea = BackgroundColourArea.WHOLE_SCREEN; private boolean mPoiTimerEnabled = true; private boolean mSpeechKeepScreenOn; private boolean mPrepTimeKeepScreenOn; private boolean mDialogBlocking = false; private boolean mDialogWaiting = false; private DialogFragment mDialogFragmentInWaiting = null; private String mDialogTagInWaiting = null; private static final String BUNDLE_KEY_DEBATE_MANAGER = "dm"; private static final String BUNDLE_KEY_XML_FILE_NAME = "xmlfn"; private static final String PREFERENCE_XML_FILE_NAME = "xmlfn"; private static final String LAST_CHANGELOG_VERSION_SHOWN = "lastChangeLog"; private static final String DIALOG_ARGUMENT_FATAL_MESSAGE = "fm"; private static final String DIALOG_ARGUMENT_XML_ERROR_LOG = "xel"; private static final String DIALOG_ARGUMENT_SCHEMA_USED = "used"; private static final String DIALOG_ARGUMENT_SCHEMA_SUPPORTED = "supp"; private static final String DIALOG_ARGUMENT_FILE_NAME = "fn"; private static final String DIALOG_TAG_SCHEMA_TOO_NEW = "toonew"; private static final String DIALOG_TAG_ERRORS_WITH_XML = "errors"; private static final String DIALOG_TAG_FATAL_PROBLEM = "fatal"; private static final String DIALOG_TAG_CHANGELOG = "changelog"; private static final int CHOOSE_STYLE_REQUEST = 0; private DebatingTimerService.DebatingTimerServiceBinder mBinder; private final BroadcastReceiver mGuiUpdateBroadcastReceiver = new GuiUpdateBroadcastReceiver(); private final ServiceConnection mConnection = new DebatingTimerServiceConnection(); //****************************************************************************************** // Public classes //****************************************************************************************** public static class DialogChangelogFragment extends DialogFragment { @NonNull @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { final Activity activity = getActivity(); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); View content = activity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.changelog_dialog, null); final CheckBox doNotShowAgain = (CheckBox) content.findViewById(; final Resources res = getResources(); builder.setTitle(res.getString(R.string.changelogDialog_title, BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME)) .setView(content).setCancelable(true).setPositiveButton( res.getString(R.string.changelogDialog_ok), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // Take note of "do not show again" setting if (doNotShowAgain.isChecked()) { SharedPreferences prefs = activity.getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE); Editor editor = prefs.edit(); int thisChangelogVersionCode = res .getInteger(R.integer.changelogDialog_versionCode); editor.putInt(LAST_CHANGELOG_VERSION_SHOWN, thisChangelogVersionCode); editor.apply(); } dialog.dismiss(); } }) .setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); return builder.create(); } } public static class DialogErrorsWithXmlFileFragment extends DialogFragment { static DialogErrorsWithXmlFileFragment newInstance(ArrayList<String> errorLog, String filename) { DialogErrorsWithXmlFileFragment fragment = new DialogErrorsWithXmlFileFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putStringArrayList(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_XML_ERROR_LOG, errorLog); args.putString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_FILE_NAME, filename); fragment.setArguments(args); return fragment; } @NonNull @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder( getString(R.string.errorsinXmlFileDialog_message_prefix)); Bundle args = getArguments(); ArrayList<String> errorLog = args.getStringArrayList(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_XML_ERROR_LOG); if (errorLog != null) { for (String error : errorLog) { errorMessage.append("\n"); errorMessage.append(error); } } errorMessage .append(getString(R.string.dialogs_fileName_suffix, args.getString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_FILE_NAME))); builder.setTitle(R.string.errorsinXmlFileDialog_title).setMessage(errorMessage).setCancelable(true) .setPositiveButton(R.string.errorsinXmlFileDialog_button, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); return builder.create(); } } public static class DialogFatalProblemWithXmlFileFragment extends DialogFragment { static DialogFatalProblemWithXmlFileFragment newInstance(String message, String filename) { DialogFatalProblemWithXmlFileFragment fragment = new DialogFatalProblemWithXmlFileFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_FATAL_MESSAGE, message); args.putString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_FILE_NAME, filename); fragment.setArguments(args); return fragment; } @NonNull @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { final FragmentActivity activity = getActivity(); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); Bundle args = getArguments(); StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder(args.getString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_FATAL_MESSAGE)); errorMessage.append(getString(R.string.fatalProblemWithXmlFileDialog_message_suffix)); errorMessage .append(getString(R.string.dialogs_fileName_suffix, args.getString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_FILE_NAME))); builder.setTitle(R.string.fatalProblemWithXmlFileDialog_title).setMessage(errorMessage) .setCancelable(true).setPositiveButton(R.string.fatalProblemWithXmlFileDialog_button, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { Intent intent = new Intent(activity, FormatChooserActivity.class); // We want to start this from the Activity, not from this Fragment, // as the Fragment won't be active when it comes back. See: // activity.startActivityForResult(intent, CHOOSE_STYLE_REQUEST); } }) .setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { activity.finish(); } }); return builder.create(); } } public static class DialogSchemaTooNewFragment extends DialogFragment { static DialogSchemaTooNewFragment newInstance(String schemaUsed, String schemaSupported, String filename) { DialogSchemaTooNewFragment fragment = new DialogSchemaTooNewFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_SCHEMA_USED, schemaUsed); args.putString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_SCHEMA_SUPPORTED, schemaSupported); args.putString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_FILE_NAME, filename); fragment.setArguments(args); return fragment; } @NonNull @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { final DebatingActivity activity = (DebatingActivity) getActivity(); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); Bundle args = getArguments(); String schemaUsed = args.getString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_SCHEMA_USED); String schemaSupported = args.getString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_SCHEMA_SUPPORTED); String appVersion; try { appVersion = activity.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(activity.getPackageName(), 0).versionName; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { appVersion = "unknown"; } StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder( getString(R.string.schemaTooNewDialog_message, schemaUsed, schemaSupported, appVersion)); message.append(getString(R.string.dialogs_fileName_suffix, args.getString(DIALOG_ARGUMENT_FILE_NAME))); builder.setTitle(R.string.schemaTooNewDialog_title).setMessage(message).setCancelable(false) .setPositiveButton(R.string.schemaTooNewDialog_button_upgrade, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // Open Google Play to upgrade Uri uri = Uri.parse(getString(R.string.app_marketUri)); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(uri); startActivity(intent); } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.schemaTooNewDialog_button_ignore, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // To ignore, just dismiss the dialog and return to whatever was happening before dialog.dismiss(); } }); return builder.create(); } @Override public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { super.onDismiss(dialog); ((DebatingActivity) getActivity()).showQueuedDialog(); } } //****************************************************************************************** // Private classes //****************************************************************************************** private enum BackgroundColourArea { // These must match the values string array in the preference.xml file. // (We can pull strings from the resource automatically, // but we can't assign them to enums automatically.) DISABLED("disabled"), TOP_BAR_ONLY("topBarOnly"), WHOLE_SCREEN("wholeScreen"); private final String key; BackgroundColourArea(String key) { this.key = key; } public static BackgroundColourArea toEnum(String key) { for (BackgroundColourArea value : BackgroundColourArea.values()) if (key.equals(value.key)) return value; throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("There is no enumerated constant '%s'", key)); } } private class ControlButtonSpec { int textResId; View.OnClickListener onClickListener; private ControlButtonSpec(int textResId, View.OnClickListener onClickListener) { this.textResId = textResId; this.onClickListener = onClickListener; } } private class ControlButtonChooseStyleOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(DebatingActivity.this, FormatChooserActivity.class); startActivityForResult(intent, CHOOSE_STYLE_REQUEST); } } private class ControlButtonNextDebatePhaseOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View v) { goToNextSpeech(); updateGui(); } } private class ControlButtonResetActiveDebatePhaseOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View v) { mDebateManager.resetActivePhase(); updateGui(); } } private class ControlButtonStartTimerOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View v) { mDebateManager.startTimer(); updateGui(); updateKeepScreenOn(); } } private class ControlButtonStopTimerOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View v) { mDebateManager.stopTimer(); updateGui(); updateKeepScreenOn(); } } private enum CountDirection { // These must match the values string array in the preference.xml file. // (We can pull strings from the resource automatically, // but we can't assign them to enums automatically.) COUNT_UP("alwaysUp"), COUNT_DOWN("alwaysDown"); private final String key; CountDirection(String key) { this.key = key; } public static CountDirection toEnum(String key) { for (CountDirection value : CountDirection.values()) if (key.equals(value.key)) return value; throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("There is no enumerated constant '%s'", key)); } } private class CurrentTimeOnLongClickListener implements OnLongClickListener { @Override public boolean onLongClick(View v) { editCurrentTimeStart(); return true; } } private class DebateTimerDisplayOnClickListener implements OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View v) { editCurrentTimeFinish(true); } } private class DebateTimerDisplayOnPageChangeListener extends SimpleOnPageChangeListener { @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { // Log.d(TAG, "onPageSelected for position " + position); // Enable the lock that prevents updateGui() from running while pages are changing. // This is necessary to prevent updateGui() from updating the wrong view after this // method is run (and the active phase index changed) and before // DebateTimerDisplayPagerAdapter#setPrimaryItem() is called (and the view pointer // updated). mChangingPages = true; if (mDebateManager != null) mDebateManager.setActivePhaseIndex(position); updateControls(); } } /** * Implementation of {@link PagerAdapter} that pages through the various speeches of a debate * managed by a {@link DebateManager}. * * @author Chuan-Zheng Lee * @since 2013-06-10 * */ private class DebateTimerDisplayPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter { private static final String TAG = "DebateTmrDispPagAdapt"; private final HashMap<DebatePhaseTag, View> mViewsMap = new HashMap<>(); private static final String NO_DEBATE_LOADED = "no_debate_loaded"; @Override public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) { DebatePhaseTag dpt = (DebatePhaseTag) object; View view = mViewsMap.get(dpt); if (view == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Nothing found to destroy at position " + position + " - " + object.toString()); return; } container.removeView(view); mViewsMap.remove(dpt); } @Override public int getCount() { if (mDebateManager == null) return 1; else return mDebateManager.getNumberOfPhases(); } @Override public int getItemPosition(Object object) { // If it was the "no debate loaded" screen and there is now a debate loaded, // then the View no longer exists. Likewise if there is no debate loaded and // there was anything but the "no debate loaded" screen. DebatePhaseTag tag = (DebatePhaseTag) object; if ((mDebateManager == null) != (NO_DEBATE_LOADED.equals(tag.specialTag))) return POSITION_NONE; // If it was "no debate loaded" and there is still no debate loaded, it's unchanged. if (mDebateManager == null && NO_DEBATE_LOADED.equals(tag.specialTag)) return POSITION_UNCHANGED; // That covers all situations in which mDebateManager could be null. Just to be safe: assert mDebateManager != null; // If there's no messy debate format changing or loading, delegate this function to the // DebateManager. return mDebateManager.getPhaseIndexForTag((DebatePhaseTag) object); } @Override public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) { if (mDebateManager == null) { // Load the "no debate loaded" screen. Log.i(TAG, "No debate loaded"); View v = View.inflate(DebatingActivity.this, R.layout.no_debate_loaded, null); container.addView(v); DebatePhaseTag tag = new DebatePhaseTag(); tag.specialTag = NO_DEBATE_LOADED; mViewsMap.put(tag, v); return tag; } // The View for the position in question is the inflated debate_timer_display for // the relevant timer (prep time or speech). View v = View.inflate(DebatingActivity.this, R.layout.debate_timer_display, null); // OnTouchListeners v.setOnClickListener(new DebateTimerDisplayOnClickListener()); v.findViewById( .setOnLongClickListener(new CurrentTimeOnLongClickListener()); // Set the time picker to 24-hour time TimePicker currentTimePicker = (TimePicker) v.findViewById(; currentTimePicker.setIs24HourView(true); // Set the POI timer OnClickListener Button poiTimerButton = (Button) v.findViewById(; poiTimerButton.setOnClickListener(new PoiButtonOnClickListener()); // Update the debate timer display long time = mDebateManager.getPhaseCurrentTime(position); DebatePhaseFormat dpf = mDebateManager.getPhaseFormat(position); PeriodInfo pi = dpf.getPeriodInfoForTime(time); updateDebateTimerDisplay(v, dpf, pi, mDebateManager.getPhaseName(position), time, mDebateManager.getPhaseNextOvertimeBellTime(position)); container.addView(v); // Retrieve a tag and take note of it. DebatePhaseTag tag = mDebateManager.getPhaseTagForIndex(position); mViewsMap.put(tag, v); return tag; } @Override public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object object) { DebatePhaseTag dpt = (DebatePhaseTag) object; return mViewsMap.containsKey(dpt) && (mViewsMap.get(dpt) == view); } @Override public void setPrimaryItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) { // Log.d(TAG, "setPrimaryItem for position " + position); View original = mDebateTimerDisplay; // Note: There is no guarantee that mDebateTimerDisplay will in fact be a debate // timer display - it is just whatever view is currently being displayed. Therefore, // other methods should check that mDebateTimerDisplay is in fact a debate timer // display (by comparing its ID to before working on it. DebatePhaseTag dpt = (DebatePhaseTag) object; mDebateTimerDisplay = mViewsMap.get(dpt); // Disable the lock that prevents updateGui() from running while the pages are // changing. mChangingPages = false; // This method seems to be called multiple times on each update. // To save unnecessary work (i.e. for performance), only run (the relatively-intensive) // updateGui if mDebateTimerDisplay has actually changed. if (original != mDebateTimerDisplay) updateGui(); } /** * Refreshes all the background colours known to this {@link PagerAdapter}. * This should be called when a background colour user preference is changed, in a way * that requires all of the background colours in all {@link View}s known to be refreshed. * Before calling this method, <code>DebatingActivity.resetBackgroundColoursToTransparent()</code> * should be called to reset all of the other background colours to transparent. */ public void refreshBackgroundColours() { if (mDebateManager == null) return; for (Entry<DebatePhaseTag, View> entry : mViewsMap.entrySet()) { int phaseIndex = mDebateManager.getPhaseIndexForTag(entry.getKey()); DebatePhaseFormat dpf = mDebateManager.getPhaseFormat(phaseIndex); long time = mDebateManager.getPhaseCurrentTime(phaseIndex); PeriodInfo pi = dpf.getPeriodInfoForTime(time); int backgroundColour = getBackgroundColorFromPeriodInfo(dpf, pi); boolean overtime = time > dpf.getLength(); int timeTextColour = getResources() .getColor((overtime) ? R.color.overtimeTextColour : android.R.color.primary_text_dark); updateDebateTimerDisplayColours(entry.getValue(), timeTextColour, backgroundColour); } } } private class DebatingTimerFlashScreenListener implements FlashScreenListener { @Override public boolean begin() { boolean result; try { result = mFlashScreenSemaphore.tryAcquire(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return false; // Don't bother with the flash screen any more } return result; } @Override public void done() { mFlashScreenSemaphore.release(); } @Override public void flashScreenOff() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Restore the original colours // It takes a bit of brain-work to figure out what they should be. We actually // do this brain-work because the correct colours should be considered volatile // - this timer can happen at any time so there is no guarantee they haven't // changed since the last time we checked. int textColour, backgroundColour; Resources resources = getResources(); if (mDebateManager != null) { DebatePhaseFormat dpf = mDebateManager.getActivePhaseFormat(); boolean overtime = mDebateManager.getActivePhaseCurrentTime() > dpf.getLength(); textColour = resources.getColor( (overtime) ? R.color.overtimeTextColour : android.R.color.primary_text_dark); backgroundColour = getBackgroundColorFromPeriodInfo(dpf, mDebateManager.getActivePhaseCurrentPeriodInfo()); } else { textColour = resources.getColor(android.R.color.primary_text_dark); backgroundColour = COLOUR_TRANSPARENT; } updateDebateTimerDisplayColours(mDebateTimerDisplay, textColour, backgroundColour); // Set the background colour of the root view to be black again. findViewById( .setBackgroundColor(resources.getColor(; } }); } @Override public void flashScreenOn(final int colour) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // We need to figure out how to colour the text. // Basically we want to colour the text to whatever the background colour is now. // So the whole screen is coloured, it'll be the current background colour for // the current period. If not, it'll be black (make sure we don't make the // text transparent though!). int invertedTextColour; if (mBackgroundColourArea == BackgroundColourArea.WHOLE_SCREEN && mDebateManager != null) invertedTextColour = getBackgroundColorFromPeriodInfo(mDebateManager.getActivePhaseFormat(), mDebateManager.getActivePhaseCurrentPeriodInfo()); else invertedTextColour = getResources().getColor(; // So we invert the text colour and set all background colours to transparent. // Everything will be restored by flashScreenOff(). updateDebateTimerDisplayColours(mDebateTimerDisplay, invertedTextColour, COLOUR_TRANSPARENT); ; // Having completed preparations, set the background colour of the root view to // flash the screen. findViewById(; } }); } } /** * Defines call-backs for service binding, passed to bindService() */ private class DebatingTimerServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) { mBinder = (DebatingTimerService.DebatingTimerServiceBinder) service; initialiseDebate(); restoreBinder(); } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName arg0) { mDebateManager = null; mViewPager.getAdapter().notifyDataSetChanged(); } } private class FatalXmlError extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1774973645180296278L; public FatalXmlError(String detailMessage) { super(detailMessage); } public FatalXmlError(String detailMessage, Throwable throwable) { super(detailMessage, throwable); } } private final class GuiUpdateBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { updateGui(); } } private class PlayBellButtonOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View v) { mBinder.getAlertManager().playSingleBell(); } } private class PoiButtonOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (mDebateManager != null) { if (mDebateManager.isPoiRunning()) mDebateManager.stopPoiTimer(); else mDebateManager.startPoiTimer(); } } } //****************************************************************************************** // Public methods //****************************************************************************************** @Override public void onBackPressed() { // If no debate is loaded, exit. if (mDebateManager == null) super.onBackPressed(); // If we're in editing mode, exit editing mode else if (mIsEditingTime) editCurrentTimeFinish(false); // If the timer is stopped AND it's not the first speaker, go back one speaker. // Note: We do not just leave this check to goToPreviousSpeaker(), because we want to do // other things if it's not in a state in which it could go to the previous speaker. else if (!mDebateManager.isInFirstPhase() && !mDebateManager.isRunning()) goToPreviousSpeech(); // Otherwise, behave normally (i.e. exit). // Note that if the timer is running, the service will remain present in the // background, so this doesn't stop a running timer. else super.onBackPressed(); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { editCurrentTimeFinish(false); switch (item.getItemId()) { case Intent getStyleIntent = new Intent(this, FormatChooserActivity.class); getStyleIntent.putExtra(FormatChooserActivity.EXTRA_XML_FILE_NAME, mFormatXmlFileName); startActivityForResult(getStyleIntent, CHOOSE_STYLE_REQUEST); return true; case if (mDebateManager == null) return true; resetDebate(); updateGui(); return true; case startActivity(new Intent(this, GlobalSettingsActivity.class)); return true; default: return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } } @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuItem resetDebateItem = menu.findItem(; resetDebateItem.setEnabled(mDebateManager != null); return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu); } //****************************************************************************************** // Protected methods //****************************************************************************************** @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == CHOOSE_STYLE_REQUEST) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { String filename = data.getStringExtra(FormatChooserActivity.EXTRA_XML_FILE_NAME); if (filename != null) { Log.v(TAG, "Got file name " + filename); setXmlFileName(filename); resetDebateWithoutToast(); } } else if (resultCode == FormatChooserActivity.RESULT_ERROR) { Log.w(TAG, "Got error from FormatChooserActivity"); setXmlFileName(null); if (mBinder != null) mBinder.releaseDebateManager(); mDebateManager = null; updateGui(); } // Do nothing if cancelled } } @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_debate); mLeftControlButton = (Button) findViewById(; mLeftCentreControlButton = (Button) findViewById(; mCentreControlButton = (Button) findViewById(; mRightControlButton = (Button) findViewById(; mPlayBellButton = (Button) findViewById(; // // ViewPager mViewPager = (EnableableViewPager) findViewById(; mViewPager.setAdapter(new DebateTimerDisplayPagerAdapter()); mViewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new DebateTimerDisplayOnPageChangeListener()); mViewPager.setPageMargin(1); mViewPager.setPageMarginDrawable(R.drawable.divider); // // OnClickListeners mPlayBellButton.setOnClickListener(new PlayBellButtonOnClickListener()); mLastStateBundle = savedInstanceState; // This could be null // // Find the style file name String filename = loadXmlFileName(); // If there doesn't appear to be an existing style selected, then start // the Activity to select the style immediately, and don't bother with the // rest. if (filename == null) { Intent getStyleIntent = new Intent(DebatingActivity.this, FormatChooserActivity.class); startActivityForResult(getStyleIntent, CHOOSE_STYLE_REQUEST); } // // Start the timer service Intent intent = new Intent(this, DebatingTimerService.class); startService(intent); bindService(intent, mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); // // If there's been an update, show the changelog. SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE); Resources res = getResources(); int thisChangelogVersion = res.getInteger(R.integer.changelogDialog_versionCode); int lastChangelogVersionShown = prefs.getInt(LAST_CHANGELOG_VERSION_SHOWN, 0); if (lastChangelogVersionShown < thisChangelogVersion) { if (isFirstInstall()) { // Don't show on the dialog on first install, but take note of the version. Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putInt(LAST_CHANGELOG_VERSION_SHOWN, thisChangelogVersion); editor.apply(); } else { // The dialog will update the preference to the new version code. showDialog(new DialogChangelogFragment(), DIALOG_TAG_CHANGELOG); } } } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); unbindService(mConnection); boolean keepRunning = false; if (mDebateManager != null) { if (mDebateManager.isRunning()) { keepRunning = true; } } if (!keepRunning) { Intent intent = new Intent(this, DebatingTimerService.class); stopService(intent); Log.i(TAG, "Timer is not running, stopped service"); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Timer is running, keeping service alive"); } } @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle bundle) { bundle.putString(BUNDLE_KEY_XML_FILE_NAME, mFormatXmlFileName); if (mDebateManager != null) mDebateManager.saveState(BUNDLE_KEY_DEBATE_MANAGER, bundle); } @Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); restoreBinder(); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).registerReceiver(mGuiUpdateBroadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter(DebatingTimerService.UPDATE_GUI_BROADCAST_ACTION)); updateGui(); } @Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); if (mBinder != null) { AlertManager am = mBinder.getAlertManager(); if (am != null) { am.activityStop(); } } LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).unregisterReceiver(mGuiUpdateBroadcastReceiver); } //****************************************************************************************** // Private methods //****************************************************************************************** /** * Gets the preferences from the shared preferences file and applies them. */ private void applyPreferences() { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); boolean silentMode, vibrateMode, overtimeBellsEnabled; boolean poiBuzzerEnabled, poiVibrateEnabled, prepTimerEnabled; int firstOvertimeBell, overtimeBellPeriod; String userCountDirectionValue, userPrepTimeCountDirectionValue, poiFlashScreenModeValue, backgroundColourAreaValue; FlashScreenMode flashScreenMode, poiFlashScreenMode; Resources res = getResources(); final String TAG = "applyPreferences"; try { // The boolean preferences silentMode = prefs.getBoolean(res.getString(R.string.pref_silentMode_key), res.getBoolean(R.bool.prefDefault_silentMode)); vibrateMode = prefs.getBoolean(res.getString(R.string.pref_vibrateMode_key), res.getBoolean(R.bool.prefDefault_vibrateMode)); overtimeBellsEnabled = prefs.getBoolean(res.getString(R.string.pref_overtimeBellsEnable_key), res.getBoolean(R.bool.prefDefault_overtimeBellsEnable)); mSpeechKeepScreenOn = prefs.getBoolean(res.getString(R.string.pref_keepScreenOn_key), res.getBoolean(R.bool.prefDefault_keepScreenOn)); mPrepTimeKeepScreenOn = prefs.getBoolean(res.getString(R.string.pref_prepTimer_keepScreenOn_key), res.getBoolean(R.bool.prefDefault_prepTimer_keepScreenOn)); mPoiTimerEnabled = prefs.getBoolean(res.getString(R.string.pref_poiTimer_enable_key), res.getBoolean(R.bool.prefDefault_poiTimer_enable)); poiBuzzerEnabled = prefs.getBoolean(res.getString(R.string.pref_poiTimer_buzzerEnable_key), res.getBoolean(R.bool.prefDefault_poiTimer_buzzerEnable)); poiVibrateEnabled = prefs.getBoolean(res.getString(R.string.pref_poiTimer_vibrateEnable_key), res.getBoolean(R.bool.prefDefault_poiTimer_vibrateEnable)); prepTimerEnabled = prefs.getBoolean(res.getString(R.string.pref_prepTimer_enable_key), res.getBoolean(R.bool.prefDefault_prepTimer_enable)); // Overtime bell integers if (overtimeBellsEnabled) { firstOvertimeBell = prefs.getInt(res.getString(R.string.pref_firstOvertimeBell_key), res.getInteger(R.integer.prefDefault_firstOvertimeBell)); overtimeBellPeriod = prefs.getInt(res.getString(R.string.pref_overtimeBellPeriod_key), res.getInteger(R.integer.prefDefault_overtimeBellPeriod)); } else { firstOvertimeBell = 0; overtimeBellPeriod = 0; } // List preference: POI flash screen mode poiFlashScreenModeValue = prefs.getString(res.getString(R.string.pref_poiTimer_flashScreenMode_key), res.getString(R.string.prefDefault_poiTimer_flashScreenMode)); poiFlashScreenMode = FlashScreenMode.toEnum(poiFlashScreenModeValue); // List preference: Count direction // - Backwards compatibility measure // This changed in version 0.9, to remove the generallyUp and generallyDown options. // Therefore, if we find either of those, we need to replace it with alwaysUp or // alwaysDown, respectively. userCountDirectionValue = prefs.getString(res.getString(R.string.pref_countDirection_key), res.getString(R.string.prefDefault_countDirection)); if (userCountDirectionValue.equals("generallyUp") || userCountDirectionValue.equals("generallyDown")) { // Replace the preference with alwaysUp or alwaysDown, respectively. SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); String newValue = (userCountDirectionValue.equals("generallyUp")) ? "alwaysUp" : "alwaysDown"; editor.putString(res.getString(R.string.pref_countDirection_key), newValue); editor.apply(); Log.i(TAG, "countDirection: replaced " + userCountDirectionValue + " with " + newValue); userCountDirectionValue = newValue; } mCountDirection = CountDirection.toEnum(userCountDirectionValue); // List preference: Count direction for prep time userPrepTimeCountDirectionValue = prefs.getString( res.getString(R.string.pref_prepTimer_countDirection_key), res.getString(R.string.prefDefault_prepTimer_countDirection)); mPrepTimeCountDirection = CountDirection.toEnum(userPrepTimeCountDirectionValue); // List preference: Background colour area BackgroundColourArea oldBackgroundColourArea = mBackgroundColourArea; backgroundColourAreaValue = prefs.getString(res.getString(R.string.pref_backgroundColourArea_key), res.getString(R.string.prefDefault_backgroundColourArea)); mBackgroundColourArea = BackgroundColourArea.toEnum(backgroundColourAreaValue); if (oldBackgroundColourArea != mBackgroundColourArea) { Log.v(TAG, "background colour preference changed - refreshing"); resetBackgroundColoursToTransparent(); ((DebateTimerDisplayPagerAdapter) mViewPager.getAdapter()).refreshBackgroundColours(); } // List preference: Flash screen mode // - Backwards compatibility measure // This changed from a boolean to a list preference in version 0.6, so there is // backwards compatibility to take care of. Backwards compatibility applies if // (a) the list preference is NOT present AND (b) the boolean preference IS present. // In this case, retrieve the boolean preference, delete it and write the corresponding // list preference. In all other cases, just take the list preference (using the // normal default mechanism if it isn't present, i.e. neither are present). if (!prefs.contains(res.getString(R.string.pref_flashScreenMode_key)) && prefs.contains(res.getString(R.string.pref_flashScreenBool_key))) { // Boolean preference. // First, get the string and convert it to an enum. boolean flashScreenModeBool = prefs.getBoolean(res.getString(R.string.pref_flashScreenBool_key), false); flashScreenMode = (flashScreenModeBool) ? FlashScreenMode.SOLID_FLASH : FlashScreenMode.OFF; // Then, convert that enum to the list preference value (a string) and write that // back to the preferences. Also, remove the old boolean preference. String flashStringModePrefValue = flashScreenMode.toPrefValue(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putString(res.getString(R.string.pref_flashScreenMode_key), flashStringModePrefValue); editor.remove(res.getString(R.string.pref_flashScreenBool_key)); editor.apply(); Log.i(TAG, "flashScreenMode: replaced boolean preference with list preference: " + flashStringModePrefValue); } else { // List preference. // Get the string and convert it to an enum. String flashScreenModeValue; flashScreenModeValue = prefs.getString(res.getString(R.string.pref_flashScreenMode_key), res.getString(R.string.prefDefault_flashScreenMode)); flashScreenMode = FlashScreenMode.toEnum(flashScreenModeValue); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { Log.e(TAG, "caught ClassCastException!"); return; } if (mDebateManager != null) { mDebateManager.setOvertimeBells(firstOvertimeBell, overtimeBellPeriod); mDebateManager.setPrepTimeEnabled(prepTimerEnabled); applyPrepTimeBells(); // This is necessary if the debate structure has changed, i.e. if prep time has been // enabled or disabled. mViewPager.getAdapter().notifyDataSetChanged(); } else { Log.v(TAG, "Couldn't restore overtime bells, mDebateManager doesn't yet exist"); } if (mBinder != null) { AlertManager am = mBinder.getAlertManager(); // Volume control stream is linked to silent mode am.setSilentMode(silentMode); setVolumeControlStream((silentMode) ? AudioManager.STREAM_RING : AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); am.setVibrateMode(vibrateMode); am.setFlashScreenMode(flashScreenMode); am.setPoiBuzzerEnabled(poiBuzzerEnabled); am.setPoiVibrateEnabled(poiVibrateEnabled); am.setPoiFlashScreenMode(poiFlashScreenMode); this.updateKeepScreenOn(); Log.v(TAG, "successfully applied"); } else { Log.v(TAG, "Couldn't restore AlertManager preferences; mBinder doesn't yet exist"); } } private void applyPrepTimeBells() { PrepTimeBellsManager ptbm = new PrepTimeBellsManager(this); SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(PrepTimeBellsManager.PREP_TIME_BELLS_PREFERENCES_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE); ptbm.loadFromPreferences(prefs); mDebateManager.setPrepTimeBellsManager(ptbm); } /** * Builds a <code>DebateFormat</code> from a specified XML file. Shows a <code>Dialog</code> if * the debate format builder logged non-fatal errors. * @param filename the file name of the XML file * @return the built <code>DebateFormat</code> * @throws FatalXmlError if there was any problem, which could include: * <ul><li>A problem opening or reading the file</li> * <li>A problem parsing the XML file</li> * <li>That there were no speeches in this debate format</li> * </ul> * The message of the exception will be human-readable and can be displayed in a dialogue box. */ private DebateFormat buildDebateFromXml(String filename) throws FatalXmlError { DebateFormatBuilderFromXml dfbfx; InputStream is; DebateFormat df; FormatXmlFilesManager filesManager = new FormatXmlFilesManager(this); try { is =; } catch (IOException e) { throw new FatalXmlError(getString(R.string.fatalProblemWithXmlFileDialog_message_cannotFind), e); } dfbfx = new DebateFormatBuilderFromXmlForSchema2(this); // First try schema 2.0 try { df = dfbfx.buildDebateFromXml(is); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FatalXmlError(getString(R.string.fatalProblemWithXmlFileDialog_message_cannotRead), e); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new FatalXmlError( getString(R.string.fatalProblemWithXmlFileDialog_message_badXml, e.getMessage()), e); } // If the schema wasn't supported, try schema 1.0 to see if it works if (!dfbfx.isSchemaSupported()) { DebateFormat df1; DebateFormatBuilderFromXml dfbfx1 = new DebateFormatBuilderFromXmlForSchema1(this); try { is.close(); is =; } catch (IOException e) { throw new FatalXmlError(getString(R.string.fatalProblemWithXmlFileDialog_message_cannotFind), e); } try { df1 = dfbfx1.buildDebateFromXml(is); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FatalXmlError(getString(R.string.fatalProblemWithXmlFileDialog_message_cannotRead), e); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new FatalXmlError( getString(R.string.fatalProblemWithXmlFileDialog_message_badXml, e.getMessage()), e); } // If it's looking good, replace. // (Otherwise, pretend this schema 1.0 attempt never happened.) if (dfbfx1.isSchemaSupported()) { df = df1; dfbfx = dfbfx1; } } // If the schema still isn't supported (even after possibly having been replaced by // schema 1.0), prompt the user to upgrade the app. if (dfbfx.isSchemaTooNew()) { DialogFragment fragment = DialogSchemaTooNewFragment.newInstance(dfbfx.getSchemaVersion(), dfbfx.getSupportedSchemaVersion(), filename); showBlockingDialog(fragment, DIALOG_TAG_SCHEMA_TOO_NEW); } if (df.numberOfSpeeches() == 0) throw new FatalXmlError(getString(R.string.fatalProblemWithXmlFileDialog_message_noSpeeches)); if (dfbfx.hasErrors()) { DialogFragment fragment = DialogErrorsWithXmlFileFragment.newInstance(dfbfx.getErrorLog(), mFormatXmlFileName); queueDialog(fragment, DIALOG_TAG_ERRORS_WITH_XML); } return df; } /** * Finishes editing the current time and restores the GUI to its prior state. * @param save true if the edited time should become the new current time, false if it should * be discarded. */ private void editCurrentTimeFinish(boolean save) { TimePicker currentTimePicker = (TimePicker) mDebateTimerDisplay .findViewById(; if (currentTimePicker == null) { Log.e(TAG, "editCurrentTimeFinish: currentTimePicker was null"); return; } currentTimePicker.clearFocus(); // Hide the keyboard InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(currentTimePicker.getWindowToken(), 0); if (save && mDebateManager != null && mIsEditingTime) { // We're using this in hours and minutes, not minutes and seconds int minutes = currentTimePicker.getCurrentHour(); int seconds = currentTimePicker.getCurrentMinute(); long newTime = minutes * 60 + seconds; // Invert the time if in count-down mode newTime = subtractFromSpeechLengthIfCountingDown(newTime); mDebateManager.setActivePhaseCurrentTime(newTime); } mIsEditingTime = false; updateGui(); } /** * Displays the time picker to edit the current time. * Does nothing if there is no debate loaded or if the timer is running. */ private void editCurrentTimeStart() { // Check that things are in a valid state to enter edit time mode // If they aren't, return straight away if (mDebateManager == null) return; if (mDebateManager.isRunning()) return; // Only if things were in a valid state do we enter edit time mode mIsEditingTime = true; TimePicker currentTimePicker = (TimePicker) mDebateTimerDisplay .findViewById(; if (currentTimePicker == null) { Log.e(TAG, "editCurrentTimeFinish: currentTimePicker was null"); return; } long currentTime = mDebateManager.getActivePhaseCurrentTime(); // Invert the time if in count-down mode currentTime = subtractFromSpeechLengthIfCountingDown(currentTime); // Limit to the allowable time range if (currentTime < 0) { currentTime = 0; Toast.makeText(this, R.string.mainScreen_toast_editTextDiscardChangesInfo_limitedBelow, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (currentTime >= 24 * 60) { currentTime = 24 * 60 - 1; Toast.makeText(this, R.string.mainScreen_toast_editTextDiscardChangesInfo_limitedAbove, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } // We're using this in hours and minutes, not minutes and seconds currentTimePicker.setCurrentHour((int) (currentTime / 60)); currentTimePicker.setCurrentMinute((int) (currentTime % 60)); updateGui(); // If we had to limit the time, display a helpful/apologetic message informing the user // of how to discard their changes, since they can't recover the time. } /** * Returns the count direction that should currently be used. * This method used to assemble the speech format and user count directions to find the * count direction to use. In version 0.9, the speech format count direction was made * obsolete, so the only thing it has to take into account now is the user count direction. * However, because of the addition of a separate prep time count direction, there is still * some brain-work to do. * @return CountDirection.COUNT_UP or CountDirection.COUNT_DOWN */ private CountDirection getCountDirection(DebatePhaseFormat dpf) { if (dpf.isPrep()) return mPrepTimeCountDirection; else return mCountDirection; } /** * @param dpf the {@link DebatePhaseFormat} * @param pi the current {@link PeriodInfo} * @return the appropriate background colour */ private int getBackgroundColorFromPeriodInfo(DebatePhaseFormat dpf, PeriodInfo pi) { Integer backgroundColour = pi.getBackgroundColor(); if (backgroundColour == null) backgroundColour = getResources() .getColor((dpf.isPrep()) ? R.color.prepTimeBackgroundColour : android.R.color.background_dark); return backgroundColour; } /** * Goes to the next speech. * Does nothing if there is no debate loaded, if the current speech is the last speech, if * the timer is running, or if the current time is being edited. */ private void goToNextSpeech() { if (mDebateManager == null) return; if (mDebateManager.isRunning()) return; if (mDebateManager.isInLastPhase()) return; if (mIsEditingTime) return; mDebateManager.goToNextPhase(); mViewPager.setCurrentItem(mDebateManager.getActivePhaseIndex()); updateGui(); } /** * Goes to the previous speech. * Does nothing if there is no debate loaded, if the current speech is the first speech, if * the timer is running, or if the current time is being edited. */ private void goToPreviousSpeech() { if (mDebateManager == null) return; if (mDebateManager.isRunning()) return; if (mDebateManager.isInFirstPhase()) return; if (mIsEditingTime) return; mDebateManager.goToPreviousPhase(); mViewPager.setCurrentItem(mDebateManager.getActivePhaseIndex()); updateGui(); } private void initialiseDebate() { if (mFormatXmlFileName == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Tried to initialise debate with null file"); return; } mDebateManager = mBinder.getDebateManager(); if (mDebateManager == null) { DebateFormat df; try { df = buildDebateFromXml(mFormatXmlFileName); } catch (FatalXmlError e) { DialogFragment fragment = DialogFatalProblemWithXmlFileFragment.newInstance(e.getMessage(), mFormatXmlFileName); queueDialog(fragment, DIALOG_TAG_FATAL_PROBLEM); // We still need to notify of a data set change when there ends up being no // debate format mViewPager.getAdapter().notifyDataSetChanged(); return; } mDebateManager = mBinder.createDebateManager(df); // We only restore the state if there wasn't an existing debate, i.e. if the service // wasn't already running, and if the debate format stored in the saved instance state // matches the debate format we're using now. Also, only do this once (so set it to // null once restored). if (mLastStateBundle != null) { String xmlFileName = mLastStateBundle.getString(BUNDLE_KEY_XML_FILE_NAME); if (xmlFileName != null && xmlFileName.equals(mFormatXmlFileName)) mDebateManager.restoreState(BUNDLE_KEY_DEBATE_MANAGER, mLastStateBundle); mLastStateBundle = null; } } mViewPager.getAdapter().notifyDataSetChanged(); mViewPager.setCurrentItem(mDebateManager.getActivePhaseIndex(), false); applyPreferences(); updateGui(); } /** * Returns whether or not this is the user's first time opening the app. * @return true if it is the first time, false otherwise. */ private boolean isFirstInstall() { PackageInfo info; try { info = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "isFirstInstall: Can't find package info, assuming it is the first install"); return true; } Log.v(TAG, String.format("isFirstInstall: %d vs %d", info.firstInstallTime, info.lastUpdateTime)); return info.firstInstallTime == info.lastUpdateTime; } private String loadXmlFileName() { SharedPreferences sp = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE); String filename = sp.getString(PREFERENCE_XML_FILE_NAME, null); mFormatXmlFileName = filename; return filename; } /** * Queues a dialog to be shown after a currently-shown dialog, or immediately if there is * no currently-shown dialog. This does not happen automatically - dialogs must know whether * they are potentially blocking or waiting, and set themselves up accordingly. Dialogs * that could block must set <code>mDialogBlocking</code> to true when they are shown, and call * <code>showQueuedDialog()</code> when they are dismissed. * Dialogs that could be queued must call <code>queueDialog()</code> instead of <code>showDialog()</code>. * Only one dialog may be queued at a time. If more than one dialog is queued, only the last * one is kept in the queue; all others are discarded. * @param fragment the {@link DialogFragment} that would be passed to showDialog() * @param tag the tag that would be passed to showDialog() */ private void queueDialog(DialogFragment fragment, String tag) { if (!mDialogBlocking) { showDialog(fragment, tag); return; } mDialogWaiting = true; mDialogFragmentInWaiting = fragment; mDialogTagInWaiting = tag; } /** * Resets the background colour to the default. * This should be called whenever the background colour preference is changed, as <code>updateGui()</code> * doesn't automatically do this (for efficiency). You should call <code>updateGui()</code> as immediately as * practicable after calling this. */ private void resetBackgroundColoursToTransparent() { for (int i = 0; i < mViewPager.getChildCount(); i++) { View v = mViewPager.getChildAt(i); if (v.getId() == { v.setBackgroundColor(COLOUR_TRANSPARENT); View speechNameText = v.findViewById(; View periodDescriptionText = v.findViewById(; speechNameText.setBackgroundColor(COLOUR_TRANSPARENT); periodDescriptionText.setBackgroundColor(COLOUR_TRANSPARENT); } } } private void resetDebate() { resetDebateWithoutToast(); Toast.makeText(this, R.string.mainScreen_toast_resetDebate, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } private void resetDebateWithoutToast() { if (mBinder == null) return; mBinder.releaseDebateManager(); initialiseDebate(); } private void restoreBinder() { if (mBinder != null) { AlertManager am = mBinder.getAlertManager(); if (am != null) { am.setFlashScreenListener(new DebatingTimerFlashScreenListener()); am.activityStart(); } } // Always apply preferences after restoring the binder, as some of the preferences // apply to the binder. applyPreferences(); } /** * Sets up a single button */ private void setButton(Button button, ControlButtonSpec spec) { if (spec == null) button.setVisibility(View.GONE); else { button.setText(spec.textResId); button.setOnClickListener(spec.onClickListener); button.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } /** * Sets up the buttons according to the {@link ControlButtonSpec}s specified. If the centre * button is blank and the left and right are not, a "left-centre" button is used in place * of the left button; <i>i.e.</i> the left button has "double weight" of sorts. * @param left the {@link ControlButtonSpec} for the left button * @param centre the {@link ControlButtonSpec} for the centre button * @param right the {@link ControlButtonSpec} for the right button */ private void setButtons(ControlButtonSpec left, ControlButtonSpec centre, ControlButtonSpec right) { if (left != null && centre == null && right != null) { setButton(mLeftCentreControlButton, left); setButton(mLeftControlButton, null); setButton(mCentreControlButton, null); } else { setButton(mLeftCentreControlButton, null); setButton(mLeftControlButton, left); setButton(mCentreControlButton, centre); } setButton(mRightControlButton, right); } /** * Enables or disables all of the control buttons (except for the "Bell" button). If * <code>mDebateManager</code> is <code>null</code>, this does nothing. * @param enable <code>true</code> to enable, <code>false</code> to disable */ private void setButtonsEnable(boolean enable) { if (mDebateManager == null) return; mLeftControlButton.setEnabled(enable); mLeftCentreControlButton.setEnabled(enable); mCentreControlButton.setEnabled(enable); // Disable the [Next Speaker] button if there are no more speakers mRightControlButton.setEnabled(enable && !mDebateManager.isInLastPhase()); } private void setXmlFileName(String filename) { mFormatXmlFileName = filename; SharedPreferences sp = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE); Editor editor = sp.edit(); if (filename != null) editor.putString(PREFERENCE_XML_FILE_NAME, filename); else editor.remove(PREFERENCE_XML_FILE_NAME); editor.apply(); } private void showBlockingDialog(DialogFragment fragment, String tag) { mDialogBlocking = true; showDialog(fragment, tag); } /** * Shows the dialog given, allowing state loss as a workaround for a bug in Android * (possibly issue #7132432) * * <p>For more information see:</p> * <ul> * <li></li> * <li></li> * <li></li> * </ul> * * @param fragment a {@link DialogFragment} instance * @param tag the tag for the fragment */ private void showDialog(DialogFragment fragment, String tag) { FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); ft.add(fragment, tag); ft.commitAllowingStateLoss(); } /** * Shows the currently-queued dialog if there is one; does nothing otherwise. Dialogs that * could block other dialogs must call this method on dismissal. */ private void showQueuedDialog() { if (mDialogWaiting) { showDialog(mDialogFragmentInWaiting, mDialogTagInWaiting); mDialogBlocking = false; mDialogWaiting = false; mDialogFragmentInWaiting = null; mDialogTagInWaiting = null; } } /** * Returns the number of seconds that would be displayed, taking into account the count * direction. If the overall count direction is <code>COUNT_DOWN</code> and there is a speech * format ready, it returns (speechLength - time). Otherwise, it just returns time. * @param time the time that is wished to be formatted (in seconds) * @return the time that would be displayed (as an integer, number of seconds) */ private long subtractFromSpeechLengthIfCountingDown(long time) { if (mDebateManager != null) return subtractFromSpeechLengthIfCountingDown(time, mDebateManager.getActivePhaseFormat()); return time; } private long subtractFromSpeechLengthIfCountingDown(long time, DebatePhaseFormat sf) { if (getCountDirection(sf) == CountDirection.COUNT_DOWN) return sf.getLength() - time; return time; } /** * Updates the buttons according to the current status of the debate * The buttons are allocated as follows: * When at start: [Start] [Next] * When running: [Stop] * When stopped by user: [Resume] [Restart] [Next] * When stopped by alarm: [Resume] * The [Bell] button always is on the right of any of the above three buttons. */ private void updateControls() { if (mDebateTimerDisplay == null) return; if (mDebateManager != null && mDebateTimerDisplay.getId() == { View currentTimeText = mDebateTimerDisplay.findViewById(; View currentTimePicker = mDebateTimerDisplay.findViewById(; // If it's the last speaker, don't show a "next speaker" button. // Show a "restart debate" button instead. switch (mDebateManager.getTimerStatus()) { case NOT_STARTED: setButtons(CONTROL_BUTTON_START_TIMER, null, CONTROL_BUTTON_NEXT_PHASE); break; case RUNNING: setButtons(CONTROL_BUTTON_STOP_TIMER, null, null); break; case STOPPED_BY_BELL: setButtons(CONTROL_BUTTON_RESUME_TIMER, null, null); break; case STOPPED_BY_USER: setButtons(CONTROL_BUTTON_RESUME_TIMER, CONTROL_BUTTON_RESET_TIMER, CONTROL_BUTTON_NEXT_PHASE); break; } currentTimeText.setVisibility((mIsEditingTime) ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); currentTimePicker.setVisibility((mIsEditingTime) ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); setButtonsEnable(!mIsEditingTime); currentTimeText.setLongClickable(!mDebateManager.isRunning()); mViewPager.setPagingEnabled(!mIsEditingTime && !mDebateManager.isRunning()); } else { // If no debate is loaded, show only one control button, which leads the user to // choose a style. (Keep the play bell button enabled.) setButtons(CONTROL_BUTTON_CHOOSE_STYLE, null, null); mLeftControlButton.setEnabled(true); mCentreControlButton.setEnabled(false); mRightControlButton.setEnabled(false); // This seems counter-intuitive, but we enable paging if there is no debate loaded, // as there is only one page anyway, and this way the "scrolled to the limit" // indicators appear on the screen. mViewPager.setPagingEnabled(true); } // Show or hide the [Bell] button updatePlayBellButton(); } /** * Updates the debate timer display with the current active debate phase information. */ private void updateDebateTimerDisplay() { if (mDebateManager == null) { Log.w("updateDebateTmrDisplay", "mDebateManager was null"); mViewPager.getAdapter().notifyDataSetChanged(); return; } updateDebateTimerDisplay(mDebateTimerDisplay, mDebateManager.getActivePhaseFormat(), mDebateManager.getActivePhaseCurrentPeriodInfo(), mDebateManager.getActivePhaseName(), mDebateManager.getActivePhaseCurrentTime(), mDebateManager.getActivePhaseNextOvertimeBellTime()); } /** * Updates a debate timer display with relevant information. * @param debateTimerDisplay a {@link View} which should normally be the <code>RelativeLayout</code> in debate_timer_display.xml. * @param dpf the {@link DebatePhaseFormat} to be displayed * @param pi the {@link PeriodInfo} to be displayed, should be the current one * @param phaseName the name of the debate phase * @param time the current time in the debate phase * @param nextOvertimeBellTime the next overtime bell in the debate phase */ private void updateDebateTimerDisplay(View debateTimerDisplay, DebatePhaseFormat dpf, PeriodInfo pi, String phaseName, long time, Long nextOvertimeBellTime) { // Make sure it makes sense to run this method now if (debateTimerDisplay == null) { Log.w("updateDebateTmrDisplay", "debateTimerDisplay was null"); return; } if (debateTimerDisplay.getId() != { Log.w("updateDebateTmrDisplay", "debateTimerDisplay was not the debate timer display"); return; } // If it passed all those checks, populate the timer display TextView periodDescriptionText = (TextView) debateTimerDisplay .findViewById(; TextView speechNameText = (TextView) debateTimerDisplay.findViewById(; TextView currentTimeText = (TextView) debateTimerDisplay.findViewById(; TextView infoLineText = (TextView) debateTimerDisplay.findViewById(; // The information at the top of the screen speechNameText.setText(phaseName); periodDescriptionText.setText(pi.getDescription()); // Take count direction into account for display long timeToShow = subtractFromSpeechLengthIfCountingDown(time, dpf); currentTimeText.setText(secsToTextSigned(timeToShow)); boolean overtime = time > dpf.getLength(); // Colours int currentTimeTextColor = getResources() .getColor((overtime) ? R.color.overtimeTextColour : android.R.color.primary_text_dark); int backgroundColour = getBackgroundColorFromPeriodInfo(dpf, pi); // If we're updating the current display (as opposed to an inactive debate phase), then // don't update colours if there is a flash screen in progress. boolean displayIsActive = debateTimerDisplay == mDebateTimerDisplay; boolean semaphoreAcquired = displayIsActive && mFlashScreenSemaphore.tryAcquire(); // If not current display, or we got the semaphore, we're good to go. If not, don't bother. if (!displayIsActive || semaphoreAcquired) { updateDebateTimerDisplayColours(debateTimerDisplay, currentTimeTextColor, backgroundColour); if (semaphoreAcquired) mFlashScreenSemaphore.release(); } // Construct the line that goes at the bottom StringBuilder infoLine = new StringBuilder(); // First, length... long length = dpf.getLength(); String lengthStr; if (length % 60 == 0) lengthStr = getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.mainScreen_timeInMinutes, (int) (length / 60), length / 60); else lengthStr = XmlUtilities.secsToText(length); int finalTimeTextUnformattedResid = (dpf.isPrep()) ? R.string.mainScreen_prepTimeLength : R.string.mainScreen_speechLength; infoLine.append(String.format(this.getString(finalTimeTextUnformattedResid), lengthStr)); if (dpf.isPrep()) { PrepTimeFormat ptf = (PrepTimeFormat) dpf; if (ptf.isControlled()) infoLine.append(getString(R.string.mainScreen_prepTimeControlledIndicator)); } // ...then, if applicable, bells ArrayList<BellInfo> currentSpeechBells = dpf.getBellsSorted(); Iterator<BellInfo> currentSpeechBellsIter = currentSpeechBells.iterator(); if (overtime) { // show next overtime bell (don't bother with list of bells anymore) if (nextOvertimeBellTime == null) infoLine.append(getString(R.string.mainScreen_bellsList_noOvertimeBells)); else { long timeToDisplay = subtractFromSpeechLengthIfCountingDown(nextOvertimeBellTime, dpf); infoLine.append( getString(R.string.mainScreen_bellsList_nextOvertimeBell, secsToTextSigned(timeToDisplay))); } } else if (currentSpeechBellsIter.hasNext()) { // Convert the list of bells into a string. StringBuilder bellsStr = new StringBuilder(); while (currentSpeechBellsIter.hasNext()) { BellInfo bi =; long bellTime = subtractFromSpeechLengthIfCountingDown(bi.getBellTime(), dpf); bellsStr.append(XmlUtilities.secsToText(bellTime)); if (bi.isPauseOnBell()) bellsStr.append(getString(R.string.mainScreen_pauseOnBellIndicator)); if (bi.isSilent()) bellsStr.append(getString(R.string.mainScreen_silentBellIndicator)); if (currentSpeechBellsIter.hasNext()) bellsStr.append(", "); } infoLine.append(getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.mainScreen_bellsList_normal, currentSpeechBells.size(), bellsStr)); } else { infoLine.append(getString(R.string.mainScreen_bellsList_noBells)); } infoLineText.setText(infoLine.toString()); // Update the POI timer button updatePoiTimerButton(debateTimerDisplay, dpf); } /** * @param view a {@link View} which should often be the <code>RelativeLayout</code> in debate_timer_display.xml, * except in cases where no debate is loaded or something like that. * @param timeTextColour the text colour to use for the current time * @param backgroundColour the colour to use for the background */ private void updateDebateTimerDisplayColours(View view, int timeTextColour, int backgroundColour) { boolean viewIsDebateTimerDisplay = view.getId() ==; switch (mBackgroundColourArea) { case TOP_BAR_ONLY: if (viewIsDebateTimerDisplay) { // These would only be expected to exist if the view given is the debate timer display view.findViewById(; view.findViewById(; } break; case WHOLE_SCREEN: view.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColour); break; case DISABLED: // Do nothing } // This would only be expected to exist if the view given is the debate timer display if (viewIsDebateTimerDisplay) ((TextView) view.findViewById(; } /** * Updates the GUI (in the general case). */ private void updateGui() { if (mChangingPages) { Log.d(TAG, "Changing pages, don't do updateGui"); return; } // Log.d(TAG, "updateGui"); updateDebateTimerDisplay(); updateControls(); if (mDebateManager != null) { this.setTitle( getString(R.string.activityName_Debating_withFormat, mDebateManager.getDebateFormatName())); } else { setTitle(R.string.activityName_Debating_withoutFormat); } } /** * Update the "keep screen on" flag according to * <ul> * <li>whether it is prep time or a speech, and</li> * <li>whether the timer is currently running.</li> * </ul> * This method should be called whenever * <ul> * <li>the user preference is applied, and</li> * <li>the timer starts or stops, or might start or stop.</li> * </ul> */ private void updateKeepScreenOn() { boolean relevantKeepScreenOn; if (mDebateManager != null && mDebateManager.getActivePhaseFormat().isPrep()) relevantKeepScreenOn = mPrepTimeKeepScreenOn; else relevantKeepScreenOn = mSpeechKeepScreenOn; if (relevantKeepScreenOn && mDebateManager != null && mDebateManager.isRunning()) getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); else getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } private void updatePlayBellButton() { if (mBinder != null) mPlayBellButton.setVisibility((mBinder.getAlertManager().isSilentMode()) ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); } /** * @param debateTimerDisplay the {@link View} to be updated * @param dpf the {@link DebatePhaseFormat} relevant for this <code>debateTimerDisplay</code> */ private void updatePoiTimerButton(View debateTimerDisplay, DebatePhaseFormat dpf) { Button poiButton = (Button) debateTimerDisplay.findViewById(; // Determine whether or not we display the POI timer button // Display only when user has POI timer enabled, and a debate is loaded and the current // speech has POIs in it. boolean displayPoiTimerButton = false; if (mPoiTimerEnabled) if (dpf.getClass() == SpeechFormat.class) if (((SpeechFormat) dpf).hasPoisAllowedSomewhere()) displayPoiTimerButton = true; // If it's appropriate to display the button, do so if (displayPoiTimerButton) { poiButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // Determine whether POIs are active boolean poisActive = false; if (mDebateManager != null) if (mDebateManager.isPoisActive()) poisActive = true; // If POIs are currently active, enable the button if (poisActive) { poiButton.setEnabled(mDebateManager.isRunning()); Long poiTime = mDebateManager.getCurrentPoiTime(); if (poiTime == null) poiButton.setText(R.string.mainScreen_poiTimer_buttonText); else poiButton.setText(poiTime.toString()); // Otherwise, disable it } else { poiButton.setText(R.string.mainScreen_poiTimer_buttonText); poiButton.setEnabled(false); } // Otherwise, hide the button } else { poiButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } /** * Converts a number of seconds to a String in the format 00:00, or +00:00 if the time * given is negative. (Note: A <i>plus</i> sign is used for <i>negative</i> numbers; this * indicates overtime.) * @param time a time in seconds * @return the String */ private static String secsToTextSigned(long time) { if (time >= 0) return XmlUtilities.secsToText(time); else return "+" + XmlUtilities.secsToText(-time); } }