Java tutorial
/** * @author Nigel Cook * * (C) Copyright 2010-2012. Nigel Cook. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Licensed under the terms described in LICENSE file that accompanied this code, (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package n3phele.client.view; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import n3phele.client.N3phele; import n3phele.client.model.CloudProfile; import n3phele.client.model.Command; import n3phele.client.model.FileNode; import n3phele.client.model.FileSpecification; import n3phele.client.model.Repository; import n3phele.client.model.TypedParameter; import n3phele.client.presenter.CommandActivity; import n3phele.client.presenter.helpers.StyledTextCellRenderer; import n3phele.client.widgets.FileNodeBrowser; import n3phele.client.widgets.MenuItem; import n3phele.client.widgets.SectionPanel; import n3phele.client.widgets.SensitiveCheckBoxCell; import n3phele.client.widgets.StyledButtonCell; import n3phele.client.widgets.ValidInputIndicatorCell; import n3phele.client.widgets.WorkspaceVerticalPanel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CommandDetailView extends WorkspaceVerticalPanel { private Command data = null; private String commandNameText = "commandNameText"; private String commandDescriptionText = "command description"; private String commandVersionText = "1.0"; final private FlexTable title; final private HTML commandDescription; final private HTML commandVersion; final private HTML commandName; final private SectionPanel parameters; final private SectionPanel inputs; final private SectionPanel outputs; final private SectionPanel clouds; final private CellTable<TypedParameter> paramTable; final private CellTable<FileSpecification> inputTable; final private CellTable<FileSpecification> outputTable; final private List<CloudProfile> profiles = new ArrayList<CloudProfile>(); final private CellTable<CloudProfile> accountTable; final private List<Repository> repos = new ArrayList<Repository>(); // final private Map<String, Repository> nameToRepoMap = new HashMap<String, Repository>(); final private Map<String, Repository> uriToRepoMap = new HashMap<String, Repository>(); // final private List<String> repoNames = new ArrayList<String>(); final private Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> nullRepoColumnIn; final private Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> nullRepoColumnOut; private Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> inputRepoColumn; private Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> outputRepoColumn; private Long selectedProfile = null; final private Button cancel; final private Button run; private CommandActivity presenter = null; private final CheckBox sendEmail; private HorizontalPanel buttons; protected TextBox jobName; private TextInputCell parameterTextInputCell; private CellWidget<String> gotExecutionSelection; private CellWidget<String> errorsOnPage; private String selectedAccountURI = null; private DisappearingCheckBoxCell parameterCheckboxCell; private String lastRepo = null; private String lastPath = ""; public CommandDetailView() { this(N3phele.n3pheleResource.commandIcon(), "Command", "run", "cancel"); } public CommandDetailView(ImageResource icon, String heading, String runButtonText, String cancelButtonText) { super(new MenuItem(icon, heading, null)); title = new FlexTable(); title.setCellSpacing(8); title.setWidth("100%"); commandName = new InlineHTML(commandDescriptionText); title.setWidget(0, 0, commandName); commandName.addStyleName(N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().commandDetailHeader()); commandDescription = new InlineHTML(commandDescriptionText); commandDescription.addStyleName(N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().commandDetailText()); title.setWidget(0, 1, commandDescription); commandVersion = new InlineHTML(commandVersionText); title.setWidget(1, 0, commandVersion); title.getCellFormatter().setStylePrimaryName(1, 0, N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().commandDetailText()); title.getFlexCellFormatter().setRowSpan(0, 1, 2); this.add(title); /* * Setup parameters section of the view */ parameters = new SectionPanel("Parameters"); this.paramTable = createParameterTable(); parameters.add(paramTable); this.add(parameters); /* * Setup input and output files sections of the view */ nullRepoColumnIn = new Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification>(createRepoRefCompositeCell(true)) { @Override public FileSpecification getValue(FileSpecification fs) { return fs; } }; nullRepoColumnOut = new Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification>(createRepoRefCompositeCell(false)) { @Override public FileSpecification getValue(FileSpecification fs) { return fs; } }; inputs = new SectionPanel("Input Files"); inputTable = createFileTable(inputRepoColumn = nullRepoColumnIn); inputs.add(inputTable); this.add(inputs); outputs = new SectionPanel("Output Files"); outputTable = createFileTable(outputRepoColumn = nullRepoColumnOut); outputs.add(outputTable); this.add(outputs); clouds = new SectionPanel("Execute On"); HorizontalPanel divider = new HorizontalPanel(); divider.setWidth("100%"); clouds.add(divider); gotExecutionSelection = new CellWidget<String>( new ValidInputIndicatorCell(N3phele.n3pheleResource.inputErrorIcon()), "+Execution target selection required"); divider.add(gotExecutionSelection); divider.setCellVerticalAlignment(gotExecutionSelection, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); divider.setCellWidth(gotExecutionSelection, "20px"); accountTable = createAccountTable(); divider.add(accountTable); this.sendEmail = new CheckBox("Send you an email on completion"); sendEmail.setWordWrap(true); divider.add(sendEmail); divider.setCellVerticalAlignment(sendEmail, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); divider.setCellHorizontalAlignment(sendEmail, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); divider.setCellWidth(sendEmail, "20%"); this.add(clouds); buttons = new HorizontalPanel(); buttons.setWidth("90%"); buttons.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); Label jobLabel = new Label("with job name "); buttons.add(jobLabel); jobName = new TextBox(); buttons.add(jobName); Label fill = new Label(""); buttons.add(fill); buttons.setCellWidth(fill, "10%"); run = new Button(runButtonText); run.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { doRun(); } }); run.setEnabled(false); buttons.add(run); errorsOnPage = new CellWidget<String>(new ValidInputIndicatorCell(N3phele.n3pheleResource.inputErrorIcon()), "+check for missing or invalid parameters marked with this icon"); buttons.add(errorsOnPage); buttons.setCellWidth(errorsOnPage, "20px"); cancel = new Button(cancelButtonText); cancel.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { doCancel(); } }); buttons.add(cancel); this.add(buttons); } private void buttonVisibility(boolean on) { buttons.setVisible(on); clouds.setVisible(on); } public void updateRunButton(boolean allValid) { if (allValid && data != null) { allValid = checkParameterValues(data.getExecutionParameters()); } if (allValid && data.getInputFiles() != null && data.getInputFiles().size() > 0) { // if(nameToRepoMap.isEmpty()) { // allValid = false; // } else { allValid = validateRepoRefs(data.getInputFiles(), true); // } } if (allValid && data.getOutputFiles() != null && data.getOutputFiles().size() > 0) { allValid = validateRepoRefs(data.getOutputFiles(), false); } if (allValid) allValid = getSelectedAccount() != null;; this.errorsOnPage.setValue((allValid ? "-" : "+") + this.errorsOnPage.getValue().substring(1)); } public boolean checkParameterValues(List<TypedParameter> paramList) { for (TypedParameter p : paramList) { if (!checkParameterValue(p)) return false; } return true; } public Map<String, String> getParameterValuesAndClear(List<TypedParameter> paramList) { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (this.parameterTextInputCell != null) { for (TypedParameter p : paramList) { String name = p.getName(); if (p.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { Boolean vd = this.parameterCheckboxCell.getViewData(name); if (vd != null) { result.put(name, vd.toString()); this.parameterCheckboxCell.clearViewData(name); } else { String value = p.getValue(); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { value = p.getDefaultValue(); } result.put(name, value); } } else { ViewData vd = this.parameterTextInputCell.getViewData(name); if (vd != null) { result.put(name, vd.getCurrentValue()); this.parameterTextInputCell.clearViewData(name); } else { String value = p.getValue(); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { value = p.getDefaultValue(); } result.put(name, value); } } } } return result; } public boolean validateRepoRefs(List<FileSpecification> fileSpecs, boolean isInput) { for (FileSpecification p : fileSpecs) { String repoURI = p.getRepository(); String repoFile = p.getFilename(); boolean isOptional = p.isOptional(); if (!validateRepo(repoURI, repoFile, isInput && !isOptional)) return false; } return true; } public List<FileSpecification> getRepoRefs(List<FileSpecification> fileSpecs) { List<FileSpecification> result = new ArrayList<FileSpecification>(); for (FileSpecification p : fileSpecs) { String repoURI = p.getRepository(); String repoFile = p.getFilename(); if (repoURI != null) { GWT.log("File " + p.getName() + " maps to " + repoURI + "(" + uriToRepoMap.get(repoURI) + ")" + " path " + repoFile); if (repoFile != null) repoFile = repoFile.trim(); p.setFilename(repoFile); result.add(p); } else { GWT.log("File " + p.getName() + " not used"); } } return result; } private boolean getSendEmail() { return this.sendEmail.getValue(); } private String getSelectedAccount() { return CommandDetailView.this.selectedAccountURI; } private long getSelectedProfileId() { return this.selectedProfile; } /** * @param cloudProfileId */ public void setSelectedProfile(long cloudProfileId, String accountURI) { CommandDetailView.this.selectedProfile = cloudProfileId; CommandDetailView.this.selectedAccountURI = accountURI; if (this.profiles != null && this.profiles.size() > 0) { for (CloudProfile ep : this.profiles) { if (cloudProfileId == ep.getId() && ep.getAccountUri().equals(accountURI)) { this.accountTable.redraw(); String visible = "-"; CommandDetailView.this.gotExecutionSelection.setValue( visible + CommandDetailView.this.gotExecutionSelection.getValue().substring(1)); updateRunButton(true); return; } } } CommandDetailView.this.gotExecutionSelection .setValue("+" + CommandDetailView.this.gotExecutionSelection.getValue().substring(1)); } private void doCancel() { if (presenter != null) { if (data != null) getParameterValuesAndClear(data.getExecutionParameters()); this.presenter.goToPrevious(); } } private void doRun() { if (presenter != null) {;, jobName.getText(), getParameterValuesAndClear(data.getExecutionParameters()), getRepoRefs(data.getInputFiles()), getRepoRefs(data.getOutputFiles()), getSendEmail(), getSelectedAccount(), getSelectedProfileId()); } } public void setCommandName(String name) { this.commandNameText = name; commandName.setHTML(commandNameText); } public void setCommandDescription(String description) { this.commandDescriptionText = description; commandDescription.setHTML(commandDescriptionText); } public void setCommandVersion(String version) { this.commandVersionText = version; commandVersion.setHTML("Version: " + commandVersionText); } public void setData(Command command) { = command; if (command != null) { setCommandName(command.getName()); setCommandDescription(command.getDescription()); setCommandVersion(command.getVersion()); setParameters(command.getExecutionParameters()); setInputFiles(command.getInputFiles()); setOutputFiles(command.getOutputFiles()); setProfiles(command.getCloudProfiles()); updateRunButton(true); buttonVisibility(true); } else { setCommandName(""); setCommandDescription(""); setCommandVersion(""); setParameters(nullParams); setInputFiles(nullFiles); setOutputFiles(nullFiles); setProfiles(nullProfiles); setRepositories(nullRepos); jobName.setText(""); sendEmail.setValue(false); updateRunButton(false); buttonVisibility(false); } } final private static List<TypedParameter> nullParams = new ArrayList<TypedParameter>(0); final private static List<FileSpecification> nullFiles = new ArrayList<FileSpecification>(0); final private static List<CloudProfile> nullProfiles = new ArrayList<CloudProfile>(0); final private static List<Repository> nullRepos = new ArrayList<Repository>(0); public void setParameters(List<TypedParameter> params) { paramTable.setRowCount(params.size()); paramTable.setRowData(params); parameters.setVisible(params.size() > 0); } public void setInputFiles(List<FileSpecification> fileList) { inputTable.setRowCount(fileList.size()); inputTable.setRowData(fileList); inputs.setVisible(fileList.size() > 0); } public void setOutputFiles(List<FileSpecification> fileList) { outputTable.setRowCount(fileList.size()); outputTable.setRowData(fileList); outputs.setVisible(fileList.size() > 0); } public void setProfiles(List<CloudProfile> profiles) { this.profiles.clear(); this.profiles.addAll(profiles); accountTable.setRowCount(this.profiles.size()); accountTable.setRowData(this.profiles); accountTable.setVisible(this.profiles.size() > 0); if (CommandDetailView.this.selectedProfile != null) { Long profileId = CommandDetailView.this.selectedProfile; String accountURI = CommandDetailView.this.selectedAccountURI; setSelectedProfile(profileId, accountURI); } else { String visible = "+"; CommandDetailView.this.gotExecutionSelection .setValue(visible + CommandDetailView.this.gotExecutionSelection.getValue().substring(1)); } } public void setRepositories(List<Repository> repos) { this.repos.clear(); this.repos.addAll(repos); // this.repoNames.clear(); // this.repoNames.add("none"); // this.nameToRepoMap.clear(); this.uriToRepoMap.clear(); for (Repository r : repos) { // nameToRepoMap.put(r.getName(), r); uriToRepoMap.put(r.getUri(), r); // repoNames.add(r.getName()); } if (repos.size() > 0) { inputRepoColumn = replaceSelectionRepoColumn(inputTable, inputRepoColumn, true); outputRepoColumn = replaceSelectionRepoColumn(outputTable, outputRepoColumn, false); } else { inputRepoColumn = replaceSelectionRepoColumn(inputTable, nullRepoColumnIn, inputRepoColumn); outputRepoColumn = replaceSelectionRepoColumn(outputTable, nullRepoColumnOut, outputRepoColumn); } updateRunButton(repos.size() > 0); } public void setPresenter(CommandActivity presenter) { this.presenter = presenter; this.selectedProfile = null; if (presenter == null) { this.setData(null); } } public void refresh(Command command) { setData(command); } public void setJobName(String jobName) { this.jobName.setText(jobName); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Panel constructors * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * =============== Parameter table =============== */ public CellTable<TypedParameter> createParameterTable() { final ProvidesKey<TypedParameter> KEY_PROVIDER = new ProvidesKey<TypedParameter>() { public Object getKey(TypedParameter item) { return item.getName(); } }; final CellTable<TypedParameter> table; table = new CellTable<TypedParameter>(KEY_PROVIDER); table.setWidth("100%"); table.setKeyboardSelectionPolicy(KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED); TextColumn<TypedParameter> descriptionColumn = new TextColumn<TypedParameter>() { @Override public String getValue(TypedParameter command) { String result = ""; if (command != null) return command.getDescription(); return result; } }; table.addColumn(descriptionColumn); this.parameterTextInputCell = new DisappearingTextInputCell(); this.parameterCheckboxCell = new DisappearingCheckBoxCell(); final ValidInputIndicatorCell valid = new ValidInputIndicatorCell(N3phele.n3pheleResource.inputErrorIcon()); HasCell<TypedParameter, ?> valueHasCell = new HasCell<TypedParameter, String>() { @Override public Cell<String> getCell() { return CommandDetailView.this.parameterTextInputCell; } @Override public FieldUpdater<TypedParameter, String> getFieldUpdater() { return new FieldUpdater<TypedParameter, String>() { // Needs to exist so that the cell level updater is invoked @Override public void update(int index, TypedParameter object, String value) { } }; } @Override public String getValue(TypedParameter object) { if (object != null) { if (!object.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { String result = object.getValue(); if (isNullOrBlank(result)) result = object.getDefaultValue(); if (result == null) result = ""; return result; } } return null; } }; HasCell<TypedParameter, ?> validHasCell = new HasCell<TypedParameter, String>() { @Override public Cell<String> getCell() { return valid; } @Override public FieldUpdater<TypedParameter, String> getFieldUpdater() { return null; } @Override public String getValue(TypedParameter object) { String errTooltip; errTooltip = errorMessageMap().get(object.getType()); if (checkParameterValue(object)) { return "-" + errTooltip; } else { return "+" + errTooltip; } } }; HasCell<TypedParameter, ?> booleanHasCell = new HasCell<TypedParameter, Boolean>() { @Override public Cell<Boolean> getCell() { return parameterCheckboxCell; } @Override public FieldUpdater<TypedParameter, Boolean> getFieldUpdater() { return new FieldUpdater<TypedParameter, Boolean>() { // Needs to exist so that the cell level updater is invoked @Override public void update(int index, TypedParameter object, Boolean value) { } }; } @Override public Boolean getValue(TypedParameter object) { if (object != null) { if (object.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { String result = object.getValue(); if (isNullOrBlank(result)) result = object.getDefaultValue(); return Boolean.valueOf(result); } } return null; } }; List<HasCell<TypedParameter, ?>> arg = new ArrayList<HasCell<TypedParameter, ?>>(2); arg.add(validHasCell); arg.add(valueHasCell); arg.add(booleanHasCell); Column<TypedParameter, TypedParameter> valueColumn = new Column<TypedParameter, TypedParameter>( new TypedPropertyComposite(arg)) { @Override public TypedParameter getValue(TypedParameter parameter) { return parameter; } }; valueColumn.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); table.addColumn(valueColumn); table.setWidth("100%", true); table.setColumnWidth(valueColumn, "210px"); valueColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<TypedParameter, TypedParameter>() { public void update(int index, final TypedParameter object, final TypedParameter value) { GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { updateRunButton(true); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { // } }); } }); return table; } private Map<String, String> errMap = null; private Map<String, String> errorMessageMap() { if (errMap == null) { errMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); errMap.put("String", "Text string required"); errMap.put("Long", "Valid integer number required"); errMap.put("Double", "Valid floating point value required"); errMap.put("Secret", "Password text string required"); errMap.put("List", "List required"); errMap.put("Boolean", "true or false required"); } return errMap; } private class TypedPropertyComposite extends CompositeCell<TypedParameter> { final private TextInputCell text; final private CheckboxCell checkbox; public TypedPropertyComposite(List<HasCell<TypedParameter, ?>> hasCells) { super(hasCells); assert (hasCells.size() == 3); assert (hasCells.get(1).getCell() instanceof DisappearingTextInputCell); assert (hasCells.get(0).getCell() instanceof ValidInputIndicatorCell); assert (hasCells.get(2).getCell() instanceof DisappearingCheckBoxCell); text = (TextInputCell) hasCells.get(1).getCell(); checkbox = (CheckboxCell) hasCells.get(2).getCell(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see,, java.lang.Object,, */ @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parent, TypedParameter value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<TypedParameter> valueUpdater) { EventTarget eventTarget = event.getEventTarget(); if ( { Element container = getContainerElement(parent); Element wrapper = container.getFirstChildElement(); String prior = null; ViewData vd = text.getViewData(context.getKey()); if (vd != null) { prior = vd.getCurrentValue(); } else { Boolean cb = checkbox.getViewData(context.getKey()); GWT.log("Checkbox is " + cb); if (cb != null) prior = cb.toString(); } super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater); String newValue = null; vd = text.getViewData(context.getKey()); if (vd != null) { newValue = vd.getCurrentValue(); } else { Boolean cb = checkbox.getViewData(context.getKey()); GWT.log("Post event Checkbox is " + cb); if (cb != null) prior = cb.toString(); } if (newValue != prior) { final boolean visible = !validateTypedParameter(value, newValue); UIObject.setVisible(wrapper.getFirstChildElement(), visible); GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { updateRunButton(!visible); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { // } }); } } } } private static boolean validateTypedParameter(TypedParameter object, String value) { boolean error = false; String type = object.getType(); if (type.equals("Long")) { try { Long.valueOf(value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { error = true; } } else if (type.equals("Double")) { try { Double.valueOf(value); } catch (Exception e) { error = true; } } else if (type.equals("Boolean")) { try { Boolean.valueOf(value); } catch (Exception e) { error = true; } } else { error = value == null || value.trim().length() == 0; } return !error; } public boolean checkParameterValue(TypedParameter p) { if (this.parameterTextInputCell == null) return false; String name = p.getName(); String value; if (p.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { Boolean vd = this.parameterCheckboxCell.getViewData(name); if (vd != null) { value = vd.toString(); } else { value = p.getValue(); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { value = p.getDefaultValue(); } } } else { ViewData vd = this.parameterTextInputCell.getViewData(name); if (vd != null) { value = vd.getCurrentValue(); } else { value = p.getValue(); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { value = p.getDefaultValue(); } } } return validateTypedParameter(p, value); } /* * =============== File table =============== */ public CellTable<FileSpecification> createFileTable(Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> repoColumn) { final ProvidesKey<FileSpecification> KEY_PROVIDER = new ProvidesKey<FileSpecification>() { public Object getKey(FileSpecification item) { return item.getName(); } }; final CellTable<FileSpecification> table; table = new CellTable<FileSpecification>(KEY_PROVIDER); table.setWidth("100%", true); table.setKeyboardSelectionPolicy(KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED); TextColumn<FileSpecification> descriptionColumn = new TextColumn<FileSpecification>() { @Override public String getValue(FileSpecification file) { String result = ""; if (file != null) return file.getDescription(); return result; } }; table.addColumn(descriptionColumn); table.addColumn(repoColumn); repoColumn.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); return table; } private boolean validateRepo(String repoName, String pathValue, boolean isMandatory) { if (pathValue != null) { pathValue = pathValue.trim(); if (pathValue.length() == 0) pathValue = null; } if (isMandatory) { return pathValue != null; } else { if (repoName == null || repoName.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { return pathValue == null; } else { return pathValue != null; } } } private static class BrowseActionCell extends StyledButtonCell<FileSpecification> { public BrowseActionCell(Delegate<FileSpecification> delegate, String tip, String label) { super(delegate, N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().browseButton(), tip); this.setText(label); } } public static class FilenamePathRenderer extends StyledTextCellRenderer<String> { private static FilenamePathRenderer instance; public static FilenamePathRenderer getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new FilenamePathRenderer(N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().filePathText()); } return instance; } public FilenamePathRenderer(String style) { super(style); } public String getValue(String object) { return object; } } private CompositeCell<FileSpecification> createRepoRefCompositeCell(final boolean isInput) { final RepoIconTextCell repo = new RepoIconTextCell(N3phele.n3pheleResource.repositorySmallIcon(), new TextCell(RepoTextCellRenderer.getInstance())); final TextCell path = new TextCell(FilenamePathRenderer.getInstance()); final ValidInputIndicatorCell valid = new ValidInputIndicatorCell(N3phele.n3pheleResource.inputErrorIcon()); final BrowseActionCell browse = new BrowseActionCell(new Delegate<FileSpecification>() { @Override public void execute(final FileSpecification fileSpecification) { final PopupPanel popup = new PopupPanel(true); FileNodeBrowser.BrowserPresenter presenter; FileNodeBrowser view = new FileNodeBrowser(presenter = new FileNodeBrowser.BrowserPresenter() { FileNodeBrowser view; @Override public void setView(FileNodeBrowser view) { this.view = view; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see n3phele.client.widgets.FileNodeBrowser.BrowserPresenter#select(n3phele.client.model.FileNode) */ @Override public void selectFolder(FileNode value) { if (!value.getMime().equals("application/")) { String path = value.getPath() == null ? value.getName() + "/" : (value.getPath() + value.getName() + "/"); if (path.startsWith("/")) GWT.log("FileNode " + value + " produces query with leading /"); CommandDetailView.this.presenter.fetchFiles(view, value.getRepository(), path); } else { CommandDetailView.this.presenter.fetchFiles(view, value.getRepository(), null); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see n3phele.client.widgets.FileNodeBrowser.BrowserPresenter#select(n3phele.client.model.FileNode) */ @Override public void selectFolder(Repository repo) { if (repo != null) { CommandDetailView.this.presenter.fetchFiles(view, repo.getUri(), null); } else { ArrayList<FileNode>(0), new ArrayList<FileNode>(0)); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see n3phele.client.widgets.FileNodeBrowser.BrowserPresenter#hide() */ @Override public void hide() { popup.hide(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see n3phele.client.widgets.FileNodeBrowser.BrowserPresenter#save(java.lang.String) */ @Override public void save(String repoURI, String filename) { fileSpecification.setFilename(filename); fileSpecification.setRepository(repoURI); if (isInput) inputTable.redraw(); else outputTable.redraw(); updateRunButton(true); CommandDetailView.this.lastRepo = repoURI; CommandDetailView.this.lastPath = getPath(filename); popup.hide(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see n3phele.client.widgets.FileNodeBrowser.BrowserPresenter#validate(java.lang.String) */ @Override public boolean validate(String repoURI, String filename) { if (!isInput) { return repoURI == null || (repoURI != null && filename != null && filename.trim().length() != 0); } CommandDetailView.this.presenter.checkExists(view, repoURI, filename); return false; } @Override public void addPlaceholder(FileNode folder) { if (CommandDetailView.this.presenter != null) { CommandDetailView.this.presenter.addPlaceholder(view, folder); } } }, isInput); presenter.setView(view); view.setRepos(CommandDetailView.this.repos, !isInput || fileSpecification.isOptional()); if ((CommandDetailView.this.repos != null && CommandDetailView.this.repos.size() > 0) && (isInput || !isNullOrBlank(fileSpecification.getRepository()))) { if (isNullOrBlank(fileSpecification.getRepository())) { if (CommandDetailView.this.lastRepo != null) { CommandDetailView.this.presenter.fetchFiles(view, CommandDetailView.this.lastRepo, CommandDetailView.this.lastPath); } else { CommandDetailView.this.presenter.fetchFiles(view, CommandDetailView.this.repos.get(0).getUri(), getPath(fileSpecification.getFilename())); } } else { CommandDetailView.this.presenter.fetchFiles(view, fileSpecification.getRepository(), getPath(fileSpecification.getFilename())); } } else { if (CommandDetailView.this.lastRepo != null) { CommandDetailView.this.presenter.fetchFiles(view, CommandDetailView.this.lastRepo, CommandDetailView.this.lastPath); } else { ArrayList<FileNode>(0), new ArrayList<FileNode>(0)); } } view.setFilename( isNullOrBlank(fileSpecification.getFilename()) ? getFilename(fileSpecification.getName()) : getFilename(fileSpecification.getFilename()), !isInput && fileSpecification.getName().endsWith(".zip"), !isInput || fileSpecification.isOptional()); popup.add(view);; } }, isInput ? "browse repository to select input file" : "browse repository to select output file location and name", isInput ? "select file" : "save as.."); HasCell<FileSpecification, String> repoHasCell = new HasCell<FileSpecification, String>() { @Override public Cell<String> getCell() { return repo; } @Override public FieldUpdater<FileSpecification, String> getFieldUpdater() { return new FieldUpdater<FileSpecification, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, FileSpecification object, String value) { } }; } @Override public String getValue(FileSpecification object) { Repository r = CommandDetailView.this.uriToRepoMap.get(object.getRepository()); if (r != null && r.getName() != null) return r.getName(); else return ""; } }; HasCell<FileSpecification, String> pathHasCell = new HasCell<FileSpecification, String>() { @Override public Cell<String> getCell() { return path; } @Override public FieldUpdater<FileSpecification, String> getFieldUpdater() { return new FieldUpdater<FileSpecification, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, FileSpecification object, String value) { } }; } @Override public String getValue(FileSpecification object) { return object.getFilename(); } }; HasCell<FileSpecification, String> validHasCell = new HasCell<FileSpecification, String>() { @Override public Cell<String> getCell() { return valid; } @Override public FieldUpdater<FileSpecification, String> getFieldUpdater() { return new FieldUpdater<FileSpecification, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, FileSpecification object, String value) { } }; } @Override public String getValue(FileSpecification object) { String text; if (isInput && !object.isOptional()) { text = "Repository name and file required"; } else { text = "Repository name and file required"; } boolean gotRepo = false; boolean gotPath = false; if (object != null) { gotRepo = !isNullOrBlank(object.getRepository()); gotPath = !isNullOrBlank(object.getFilename()); } boolean visible; if (gotRepo || gotPath) { visible = !(gotRepo && gotPath); } else { visible = isInput && !object.isOptional(); } return (visible ? "+" : "-") + text; } }; HasCell<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> browseHasCell = new HasCell<FileSpecification, FileSpecification>() { @Override public Cell<FileSpecification> getCell() { return browse; } @Override public FieldUpdater<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> getFieldUpdater() { return new FieldUpdater<FileSpecification, FileSpecification>() { @Override public void update(int index, FileSpecification object, FileSpecification value) { } }; } @Override public FileSpecification getValue(FileSpecification object) { return object; } }; List<HasCell<FileSpecification, ?>> arg = new ArrayList<HasCell<FileSpecification, ?>>(4); arg.add(validHasCell); arg.add(repoHasCell); arg.add(pathHasCell); arg.add(browseHasCell); return new CompositeCell<FileSpecification>(arg /*, isInput, /*repoRoot, options*/); } private String getPath(String canonical) { String result = canonical; if (canonical != null && canonical.length() != 0) { if (!canonical.endsWith("/")) { result = canonical.substring(0, canonical.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } } if (isNullOrBlank(result)) result = null; return result; } private String getFilename(String canonical) { String result = ""; if (canonical != null && canonical.length() != 0) { if (!canonical.endsWith("/")) { result = canonical.substring(canonical.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } } if (isNullOrBlank(result)) result = null; return result; } private boolean isNullOrBlank(String s) { return s == null || s.length() == 0; } private static class RepoIconTextCell extends IconCellDecorator<String> { /** * @param icon * @param cell */ public RepoIconTextCell(ImageResource icon, Cell<String> cell) { super(icon, cell); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override protected boolean isIconUsed(String value) { return value != null && value.trim().length() > 0; } } private static class RepoTextCellRenderer implements SafeHtmlRenderer<String> { private static RepoTextCellRenderer instance; public static RepoTextCellRenderer getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new RepoTextCellRenderer(); } return instance; } private RepoTextCellRenderer() { } public SafeHtml render(String object) { if (object == null || object.trim().length() == 0) { return SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<i>you have not specified a file</i>"); } else { return SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString("<div class='" + N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().repoTextCell() + "'>" + SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(object) + "</div>"); } } public void render(String object, SafeHtmlBuilder appendable) { appendable.append(render(object)); } } /* * =============== Account table =============== */ public CellTable<CloudProfile> createAccountTable(/*final SingleSelectionModel<ExtendedCloudProfile> selectionModel*/) { final SensitiveCheckBoxCell checkbox = new SensitiveCheckBoxCell(true, true); final ProvidesKey<CloudProfile> KEY_PROVIDER = new ProvidesKey<CloudProfile>() { public Object getKey(CloudProfile item) { return; } }; final CellTable<CloudProfile> table = new CellTable<CloudProfile>(KEY_PROVIDER); table.setKeyboardSelectionPolicy(KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED); Column<CloudProfile, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<CloudProfile, Boolean>(checkbox) { @Override public Boolean getValue(CloudProfile profile) { return (profile.getId().equals(CommandDetailView.this.selectedProfile)) && (profile.getAccountUri().equals(CommandDetailView.this.selectedAccountURI)); } }; checkColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<CloudProfile, Boolean>() { @Override public void update(int index, CloudProfile profile, Boolean value) { if (profile != null) { if (value) { CommandDetailView.this.selectedProfile = profile.getId(); CommandDetailView.this.selectedAccountURI = profile.getAccountUri(); } else { if (profile.getId().equals(CommandDetailView.this.selectedProfile)) { CommandDetailView.this.selectedProfile = null; CommandDetailView.this.selectedAccountURI = null; } } table.redraw(); String visible = value ? "-" : "+"; CommandDetailView.this.gotExecutionSelection.setValue( visible + CommandDetailView.this.gotExecutionSelection.getValue().substring(1)); updateRunButton(true); } else { checkbox.clearViewData(KEY_PROVIDER.getKey(profile)); table.redraw(); updateRunButton(false); CommandDetailView.this.gotExecutionSelection .setValue("+" + CommandDetailView.this.gotExecutionSelection.getValue().substring(1)); } } }); table.addColumn(checkColumn); TextColumn<CloudProfile> accountColumn = new TextColumn<CloudProfile>() { @Override public String getValue(CloudProfile profile) { String result = ""; if (profile != null) return profile.getAccountName(); return result; } }; table.addColumn(accountColumn); TextColumn<CloudProfile> nameColumn = new TextColumn<CloudProfile>() { @Override public String getValue(CloudProfile profile) { String result = ""; if (profile != null) { return profile.getCloudName(); } return result; } }; table.addColumn(nameColumn); TextColumn<CloudProfile> descriptionColumn = new TextColumn<CloudProfile>() { @Override public String getValue(CloudProfile profile) { if (profile != null) return profile.getDescription(); else return null; } }; table.addColumn(descriptionColumn); return table; } protected Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> replaceSelectionRepoColumn( CellTable<FileSpecification> table, Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> repoColumn, boolean isInput) { Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> newColumn = new Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification>( createRepoRefCompositeCell(isInput)) { @Override public FileSpecification getValue(FileSpecification fs) { return fs; } }; return replaceSelectionRepoColumn(table, newColumn, repoColumn); } protected Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> replaceSelectionRepoColumn( CellTable<FileSpecification> table, Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> newColumn, Column<FileSpecification, FileSpecification> repoColumn) { int index = table.getColumnIndex(repoColumn); table.removeColumn(index); table.insertColumn(index, newColumn); newColumn.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); return newColumn; } private static class DisappearingTextInputCell extends TextInputCell { @Override public void render(Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { if (value != null) super.render(context, value, sb); } } private static class DisappearingCheckBoxCell extends CheckboxCell { @Override public void render(Context context, Boolean value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { if (value != null) super.render(context, value, sb); } } }