Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


 * The native dom event.
public class NativeEvent extends JavaScriptObject {

     * The left mouse button.
    public static final int BUTTON_LEFT = 1;

     * The middle mouse button.
    public static final int BUTTON_MIDDLE = 4;

     * The right mouse button.
    public static final int BUTTON_RIGHT = 2;

     * Required constructor for GWT compiler to function.
    protected NativeEvent() {

     * Gets whether the ALT key was depressed when the given event occurred.
     * @return <code>true</code> if ALT was depressed when the event occurred
    public final boolean getAltKey() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetAltKey(this);

     * Gets the mouse buttons that were depressed when the given event occurred.
     * @return a bit-field, defined by {@link NativeEvent#BUTTON_LEFT},
     *         {@link NativeEvent#BUTTON_MIDDLE}, and
     *         {@link NativeEvent#BUTTON_RIGHT}
    public final int getButton() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetButton(this);

     * Get an array of touches which have changed since the last touch event.
     * @return array of touches which have changed since the last touch event
    public final JsArray<Touch> getChangedTouches() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.getChangedTouches(this);

     * Gets the Unicode codepoint of the character generated by this key event.
     * @return the Unicode codepoint.
    public final int getCharCode() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetCharCode(this);

     * Gets the mouse x-position within the browser window's client area.
     * @return the mouse x-position
    public final int getClientX() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetClientX(this);

     * Gets the mouse y-position within the browser window's client area.
     * @return the mouse y-position
    public final int getClientY() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetClientY(this);

     * Gets whether the CTRL key was depressed when the given event occurred.
     * @return <code>true</code> if CTRL was depressed when the event occurred
    public final boolean getCtrlKey() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetCtrlKey(this);

     * Gets the current target element of this event. This is the element whose
     * listener fired last, not the element which fired the event initially.
     * @return the event's current target element
    public final EventTarget getCurrentEventTarget() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetCurrentTarget(this);

     * Get the {@link DataTransfer} associated with the current drag event.
     * @return the {@link DataTransfer} object, or null if not a drag event
    public final native DataTransfer getDataTransfer() /*-{
                                                       return this.dataTransfer || null;

     * Returns the element that was the actual target of the given event.
     * @return the target element
    public final EventTarget getEventTarget() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetTarget(this);

     * Gets the key code (code associated with the physical key) associated with
     * this event.
     * @return the key code
     * @see
    public final int getKeyCode() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetKeyCode(this);

     * Gets whether the META key was depressed when the given event occurred.
     * @return <code>true</code> if META was depressed when the event occurred
    public final boolean getMetaKey() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetMetaKey(this);

     * Gets the velocity of the mouse wheel associated with the event along the Y
     * axis.
     * <p>
     * The velocity of the event is an artifical measurement for relative
     * comparisons of wheel activity. It is affected by some non-browser factors,
     * including choice of input hardware and mouse acceleration settings. The
     * sign of the velocity measurement agrees with the screen coordinate system;
     * negative values are towards the origin and positive values are away from
     * the origin. Standard scrolling speed is approximately ten units per event.
     * </p>
     * @return The velocity of the mouse wheel.
    public final int getMouseWheelVelocityY() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetMouseWheelVelocityY(this);

     * Gets the related target for this event.
     * @return the related target
    public final EventTarget getRelatedEventTarget() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetRelatedTarget(this);

     * Get the rotation in degrees, with positive values indicating clockwise rotation.
     * @return the rotation in degrees since the gesture started
    public final double getRotation() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetRotation(this);

     * Get the amount scaled since the gesture started, with 1.0 representing no scaling.
     * @return the amount scaled since the gesture started
    public final double getScale() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetScale(this);

     * Gets the mouse x-position on the user's display.
     * @return the mouse x-position
    public final int getScreenX() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetScreenX(this);

     * Gets the mouse y-position on the user's display.
     * @return the mouse y-position
    public final int getScreenY() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetScreenY(this);

     * Gets whether the shift key was depressed when the given event occurred.
     * @return <code>true</code> if shift was depressed when the event occurred
    public final boolean getShiftKey() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetShiftKey(this);

     * Gets a string representation of this event.
     * We do not override {@link #toString()} because it is final in
     * {@link }.
     * @return the string representation of this event
    public final String getString() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventToString(this);

     * Get an array of touches which have changed since the last touch event.
     * @return array of touches which have changed since the last touch event
    public final JsArray<Touch> getTargetTouches() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.getTargetTouches(this);

     * Get an array of touches which have changed since the last touch event.
     * @return array of touches which have changed since the last touch event
    public final JsArray<Touch> getTouches() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.getTouches(this);

     * Gets the enumerated type of this event.
     * @return the event's enumerated type
    public final String getType() {
        return DOMImpl.impl.eventGetType(this);

     * Prevents the browser from taking its default action for the given event.
    public final void preventDefault() {

     * Stops the event from being propagated to parent elements.
    public final void stopPropagation() {