Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Tedroid developers * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package mx.udlap.is522.tedroid.activity; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.TextView; import mx.udlap.is522.tedroid.R; import; import; import; import mx.udlap.is522.tedroid.fragment.InstructionsFragment; import mx.udlap.is522.tedroid.util.Typefaces; import mx.udlap.is522.tedroid.view.GameBoardView; import mx.udlap.is522.tedroid.view.NextTetrominoView; import mx.udlap.is522.tedroid.view.Tetromino; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; /** * Actividad principal del juego donde se puede jugar realmente. * * @author Daniel Pedraza-Arcega, Andrs Pea-Peralta, Alejandro Daz-Torres * @since 1.0 */ public class ClassicGameActivity extends BaseGoogleGamesActivity { private int totalLines; private int totalScore; private int level; private NextTetrominoView nextTetrominoView; private GameBoardView gameBoardView; private TextView gameOverTextView; private TextView scoreTextView; private TextView levelTextView; private TextView linesTextView; private TextView scoreTextTextView; private TextView linesTextTextView; private TextView nextTetrominoTextTextView; private ImageButton pauseButton; private MediaPlayer mediaPlayer; private AlertDialog restartDialog; private AlertDialog exitDialog; private ViewPager viewPager; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_classic_game); setUpMediaPlayer(); initViews(); setUpFont(); setUpInstructionsFragment(); setUpGameBoardView(); setUpScoreTextViews(); setUpRestartDialog(); setUpExitDialog(); connectOnStartIfSignedIn(); } /** Inicializa el media player que toca la msica */ private void setUpMediaPlayer() { if (isMusicEnabled()) { mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.the_distance); mediaPlayer.setLooping(true); mediaPlayer.start(); } } /** Pausa la pista que estaba tocando el MediaPlayer. */ private void pauseTrack() { if (mediaPlayer != null && mediaPlayer.isPlaying()) mediaPlayer.pause(); } /** Toca la pista que tiene el MediaPlayer. */ private void playOrResumeTrack() { if (mediaPlayer != null && !mediaPlayer.isPlaying()) mediaPlayer.start(); } /** * Pausa la pista que estaba tocando el MediaPlayer y rebobina hasta el inicio para volver a * tocar la pista que tiene el MediaPlayer. */ private void replayTrack() { if (mediaPlayer != null) { if (mediaPlayer.isPlaying()) mediaPlayer.pause(); mediaPlayer.seekTo(0); mediaPlayer.start(); } } /** Detiene la reproduccin de la pista tiene el MediaPlayer y libera su memoria. */ private void stopPlayback() { if (mediaPlayer != null) { if (mediaPlayer.isPlaying()) mediaPlayer.stop(); mediaPlayer.release(); mediaPlayer = null; } } /** Inicializa las vistas */ private void initViews() { scoreTextTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; linesTextTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; nextTetrominoTextTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; gameOverTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; scoreTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; levelTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; linesTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; nextTetrominoView = (NextTetrominoView) findViewById(; pauseButton = (ImageButton) findViewById(; viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; gameBoardView = (GameBoardView) findViewById(; } /** Inicializa el valor de cada textview del puntaje del usuario */ private void setUpScoreTextViews() { linesTextView.setText(getString(R.string.scores_format, totalLines)); scoreTextView.setText(getString(R.string.scores_format, totalScore)); levelTextView.setText(getString(R.string.level_text, level)); } /** Inicializa la fuente y la coloca en cada textview */ private void setUpFont() { Typeface typeface = Typefaces.get(this, Typefaces.Font.TWOBIT); scoreTextTextView.setTypeface(typeface); linesTextTextView.setTypeface(typeface); nextTetrominoTextTextView.setTypeface(typeface); gameOverTextView.setTypeface(typeface); scoreTextView.setTypeface(typeface); levelTextView.setTypeface(typeface); linesTextView.setTypeface(typeface); PagerTabStrip strip = (PagerTabStrip) viewPager.findViewById(; for (int i = 0; i < strip.getChildCount(); i++) { View nextChild = strip.getChildAt(i); if (nextChild instanceof TextView) { TextView textViewToConvert = (TextView) nextChild; textViewToConvert.setTypeface(typeface); } } } /** Inicializa el layout de instrucciones en la pausa */ private void setUpInstructionsFragment() { viewPager.setAdapter(new InstructionsSlidePagerAdapter()); } /** Inicializa el tablero de juego */ private void setUpGameBoardView() { gameBoardView.setOnCommingNextTetrominoListener(new GameBoardView.OnCommingNextTetrominoListener() { @Override public void onCommingNextTetromino(Tetromino nextTetromino) { nextTetrominoView.setTetromino(nextTetromino); } }); gameBoardView.setOnPointsAwardedListener(new GameBoardView.OnPointsAwardedListener() { @Override public void onHardDropped(int gridSpaces) { totalScore += gridSpaces * 2; setUpScoreTextViews(); } @Override public void onSoftDropped(int gridSpaces) { totalScore += gridSpaces; setUpScoreTextViews(); } public void onClearedLines(int linesCleared) { if (updateLevelIfNeeded(linesCleared)) gameBoardView.levelUp(); updateScoreWhenClearLines(linesCleared); setUpScoreTextViews(); } }); gameBoardView.setOnGameOverListener(new GameBoardView.OnGameOverListener() { @Override public void onGameOver() { if (mediaPlayer != null) mediaPlayer.pause(); gameBoardView.setVisibility(View.GONE); gameOverTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Score newScore = new Score(); newScore.setLevel(level); newScore.setLines(totalLines); newScore.setPoints(totalScore); new ScoresAsyncTask().execute(newScore); } }); gameBoardView.startGame(); } /** Inicializa el dialog de reinicio */ private void setUpRestartDialog() { restartDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage(R.string.restart_message) .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { resetCounters(); setUpScoreTextViews(); viewPager.setVisibility(View.GONE); gameOverTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); gameBoardView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); gameBoardView.restartGame(); pauseButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_action_pause); pauseButton.setContentDescription(getString(R.string.pause_text)); replayTrack(); } }).setNegativeButton(, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { onCancelDialogs(dialog); } }).setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { onCancelDialogs(dialog); } }).create(); } /** Inicializa el dilogo de salida */ private void setUpExitDialog() { exitDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage(R.string.exit_message) .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { finish(); } }).setNegativeButton(, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { onCancelDialogs(dialog); } }).setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { onCancelDialogs(dialog); } }).create(); } /** * Cierra el dialog provisto y reinicia el juego donde se qued. * * @param dialog que dilogo llam este mtodo. */ private void onCancelDialogs(DialogInterface dialog) { dialog.dismiss(); if (viewPager.getVisibility() == View.GONE && !gameBoardView.isGameOver()) { gameBoardView.resumeGame(); playOrResumeTrack(); } } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (!gameBoardView.isGameOver() && gameBoardView.isPaused()) { if (viewPager.getVisibility() == View.GONE && !exitDialog.isShowing() && !restartDialog.isShowing()) { gameBoardView.resumeGame(); playOrResumeTrack(); } } } public void onPauseButtonClick(View view) { if (!gameBoardView.isGameOver()) { if (gameBoardView.isPaused()) { viewPager.setVisibility(View.GONE); gameBoardView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); gameBoardView.resumeGame(); playOrResumeTrack(); pauseButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_action_pause); pauseButton.setContentDescription(getString(R.string.pause_text)); } else { gameBoardView.setVisibility(View.GONE); viewPager.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); gameBoardView.pauseGame(); pauseTrack(); pauseButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_action_play); pauseButton.setContentDescription(getString(R.string.resume_text)); } } } public void onRestartButtonClick(View view) { if (!gameBoardView.isGameOver()) { gameBoardView.pauseGame(); pauseTrack(); }; } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); if (!gameBoardView.isGameOver()) { pauseTrack(); if (!gameBoardView.isPaused()) gameBoardView.pauseGame(); } } @Override public void onBackPressed() { if (!gameBoardView.isGameOver()) { gameBoardView.pauseGame(); pauseTrack();; } else super.onBackPressed(); } @Override public void finish() { super.finish(); if (!gameBoardView.isGameOver()) gameBoardView.stopGame(); stopPlayback(); } /** * Actualiza el puntaje del juego cuando hay lineas borradas y desbloquea logros. * * @param linesCleared las lineas borradas. */ private void updateScoreWhenClearLines(int linesCleared) { int factor; switch (linesCleared) { case 1: factor = 40; break; case 2: factor = 100; break; case 3: factor = 300; break; case 4: factor = 1200; unlockAchievement(R.string.in_a_row_achievement_id); break; default: factor = 1; break; } totalScore += factor * (level + 1); if (totalScore >= 999999) unlockAchievement(R.string.believe_it_or_not_achievement_id); } /** * Actualiza el nivel del juego al checar las lineas borradas y desbloquea logros. * * @param linesCleared las lineas borradas. * @param si se subio de nivel o no. */ private boolean updateLevelIfNeeded(int linesCleared) { boolean shouldLevelUp = totalLines % 10 >= 6; totalLines += linesCleared; if (totalLines >= 9999) unlockAchievement(R.string.like_a_boss_achievement_id); if (shouldLevelUp && totalLines % 10 <= 3) { level++; switch (level) { case 1: unlockAchievement(R.string.for_dummies_achievement_id); break; case 2: unlockAchievement(R.string.as_easy_as_pie_achievement_id); break; case 3: unlockAchievement(R.string.beginner_achievement_id); break; case 4: unlockAchievement(R.string.amateur_achievement_id); break; case 5: unlockAchievement(R.string.expert_achievement_id); break; case 6: unlockAchievement(R.string.master_achievement_id); break; case 7: unlockAchievement(R.string.pro_achievement_id); break; case 8: unlockAchievement(R.string.pro_plus_plus_achievement_id); break; case 9: unlockAchievement(R.string.lucky_you_achievement_id); break; case 10: unlockAchievement(R.string.whats_next_achievement_id); break; } return true; } return false; } /** Resetea todos los contadores. */ private void resetCounters() { totalScore = 0; level = gameBoardView.getInitialLevel(); totalLines = 0; } /** @return si la musica esta habilitada o no. */ private boolean isMusicEnabled() { return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).getBoolean(getString(R.string.music_switch_key), getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.default_music_switch_value)); } /** * Clase para hacer el slide en el layout de la pusa para ver instrucciones. * * @author Daniel Pedraza-Arcega * @since 1.0 */ private class InstructionsSlidePagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter { private InstructionsSlidePagerAdapter() { super(getSupportFragmentManager()); } @Override public Fragment getItem(int position) { return InstructionsFragment.create(position); } @Override public int getCount() { return 3; } @Override public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) { switch (position) { case 0: return getString(R.string.drag_instruction_title); case 1: return getString(R.string.long_press_instruction_title); case 2: return getString(R.string.single_tap_instruction_title); default: return null; } } } /** * Tarea asncrona para guardar puntajes y revisar si hay logros a desbloquear. * * @author Daniel Pedraza-Arcega * @since 1.0 */ private class ScoresAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Score, Void, ArrayList<Integer>> { private ScoreDAO scoreDAO; private Score awardedScore; @Override protected void onPreExecute() { scoreDAO = new DAOFactory(getApplicationContext()).getScoreClassicDAO(); } @Override protected ArrayList<Integer> doInBackground(Score... score) { awardedScore = score[0];; ArrayList<Integer> unlockedAchievements = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Integer> sums = scoreDAO.readSumOfLinesAndPoints(); int linesSum = sums.get("lines_sum"); int pointsSum = sums.get("points_sum"); if (linesSum >= 9999) unlockedAchievements.add(R.string.nothing_to_do_achievement_id); if (linesSum >= 999999) unlockedAchievements.add(R.string.get_a_life_achievement_id); if (pointsSum >= 9999) unlockedAchievements.add(R.string.boooooring_achievement_id); if (pointsSum >= 999999) unlockedAchievements.add(R.string.tenacious_achievement_id); return unlockedAchievements; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<Integer> unlockedAchievements) { for (int id : unlockedAchievements) unlockAchievement(id); submitScore(R.string.scores_classic_leaderboard_id, awardedScore.getPoints()); submitScore(R.string.levels_classic_leaderboard_id, awardedScore.getLevel()); submitScore(R.string.cleared_lines_classic_leaderboard_id, awardedScore.getLines()); } } }