Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
 * CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
 * have any questions.


import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.vecmath.Color3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;

 * A GraphicsContext3D object is used for immediate mode rendering into
 * a 3D canvas.  It is created by, and associated with, a specific
 * Canvas3D object.  A GraphicsContext3D defines methods to set 3D graphics
 * state and draw 3D geometric primitives.  There are no public
 * constructors of GraphicsContext3D. An application obtains a 3D graphics
 * context object from the Canvas3D object that the application wishes
 * to render into by using the getGraphicsContext3D method. A new graphics
 * context is created if one does not already exist.  A new GraphicsContext3D
 * initializes its state variables to the following defaults:
 * <UL>
 * <LI> Background object: null </LI>
 * <LI> Fog object: null </LI>
 * <LI> ModelClip object: null </LI>
 * <LI> Appearance object: null </LI>
 * <LI> List of Light objects: empty </LI>
 * <LI> high-res coordinate: (0, 0, 0) </LI>
 * <LI> modelTransform: identity </LI>
 * <LI> AuralAttributes object: null </LI>
 * <LI> List of Sound objects: empty </LI>
 * <LI> buffer override: false </LI>
 * <LI> front buffer rendering: false </LI>
 * <LI> stereo mode: <code>STEREO_BOTH</code> </LI>
 * </UL>
 * <p>
 * Note that the drawing methods in this class are not necessarily
 * executed immediately.  They may be buffered up for future
 * execution.  Applications must call the
 * <code><a href="#flush(boolean)">flush</a>(boolean)</code>
 * method to ensure that the rendering actually happens. The flush
 * method is implicitly called in the following cases:
 * <ul>
 * <li>The <code>readRaster</code> method calls
 * <code>flush(true)</code></li>
 * <li>The <code>Canvas3D.swap</code> method calls
 * <code>flush(true)</code></li>
 * <li>The Java 3D renderer calls <code>flush(true)</code> prior to
 * swapping the buffer for a double buffered on-screen Canvas3D</li>
 * <li>The Java 3D renderer calls <code>flush(true)</code> prior to
 * copying into the off-screen buffer of an off-screen Canvas3D</li>
 * <li>The Java 3D renderer calls <code>flush(false)</code> after
 * calling the preRender, renderField, postRender, and postSwap
 * Canvas3D callback methods.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * A single-buffered, pure-immediate mode application must explicitly
 * call flush to ensure that the graphics will be rendered to the
 * Canvas3D.
 * @see Canvas3D#getGraphicsContext3D
public class GraphicsContext3D extends Object {
     * Specifies that rendering is done to the left eye.
     * @see #setStereoMode
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public static final int STEREO_LEFT = 0;

     * Specifies that rendering is done to the right eye.
     * @see #setStereoMode
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public static final int STEREO_RIGHT = 1;

     * Specifies that rendering is done to both eyes.  This is the
     * default.
     * @see #setStereoMode
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public static final int STEREO_BOTH = 2;

     * Canvas3D in which this GraphicsContext3D will render.
    Canvas3D canvas3d = null;

    // Graphics state
    // current user specified graphics state
    private Background uBackground = null;
    private Fog uFog = null;
    private Appearance uAppearance = null;
    private Vector<Light> uLights = new Vector<Light>();
    private HiResCoord uHiRes = new HiResCoord();
    private Vector<Sound> uSounds = new Vector<Sound>();
    private AuralAttributes uAuralAttributes = null;
    private boolean uBufferOverride = false;
    private boolean uFrontBufferRendering = false;
    private int uStereoMode = STEREO_BOTH;
    private ModelClip uModelClip = null;

    // Current rendering graphics state
    // Current background
    Background background = null;

    // Background to use if background is null;
    BackgroundRetained black = new BackgroundRetained();

    // Current fog
    Fog fog = null;

    // Current modelClip
    ModelClip modelClip = null;

    // Current appearance object
    Appearance appearance = null;

    // default appearance retained object
    AppearanceRetained defaultAppearanceRetained = new AppearanceRetained();

    // The vector of lights
    Vector<Light> lights = new Vector<Light>();

    // Current High resolution coordinate
    HiResCoord hiRes = new HiResCoord();

    // Current modeling transform
    Transform3D modelTransform = new Transform3D();
    Transform3D identityTransform = new Transform3D();

    Transform3D modelClipTransform = null;
    Transform3D normalTransform = null;
    boolean normalTransformNeedToUpdate = true;

    // The vector of sounds
    Vector<Sound> sounds = new Vector<Sound>();

    // Current AuralAttributes state parameters
    AuralAttributes auralAttributes = null;

    // The render object associated with this context
    LightSet ls = null;

    // The current list of lights
    LightRetained[] lightlist = null;

    // Ambient lights
    Color3f sceneAmbient = new Color3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    // The current number of lights, may be less than lightlist.length
    int numLights = 0;

    // Current composite transform: hi-res + modelTransform
    Transform3D compTransform = new Transform3D();

    // Draw transform: hi-res + modelTransform + view
    Transform3D drawTransform = new Transform3D();

    // The view transform (VPC to EC).
    // NOTE that this is *read-only*
    Transform3D vpcToEc;

    // A boolean that indicates the lights have changed
    boolean lightsChanged = false;

    // A boolean that indicates the sounds have changed
    // XXXX: the soundsChanged flag are set like lights methods set
    //       lightsChanged? but where is this supposed to be check???
    //       lightsChanged tested in 'draw'; but Sound are not processed
    //       in draw.
    boolean soundsChanged = false;

    // Buffer override flag; enables frontBufferRendering and stereoMode
    // attributes.
    boolean bufferOverride = false;

    // Forces rendering to the front buffer (if bufferOverride is true)
    boolean frontBufferRendering = false;

    // Stereo mode for this buffer (if bufferOverride is true)
    int stereoMode = STEREO_BOTH;

    // Read Buffer for reading raster of color image
    byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[1];

    // Read Buffer for reading floating depth image
    float[] floatBuffer = new float[1];

    // Read Buffer for reading integer depth image
    int[] intBuffer = new int[1];

     * The cached ColoringAttributes color value.  It is
     * 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 if there is no ColoringAttributes.
    float red = 1.0f;
    float green = 1.0f;
    float blue = 1.0f;

     * Cached diffuse color value
    float dRed = 1.0f;
    float dGreen = 1.0f;
    float dBlue = 1.0f;

     * The cached TransparencyAttributes transparency value.  It is
     * 0.0 if there is no TransparencyAttributes.
    float alpha = 0.0f;

     * The cached visible flag for geometry.
    boolean visible = true;

     * Cached values for polygonMode, line antialiasing, and point antialiasing
    int polygonMode = PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_FILL;
    boolean lineAA = false;
    boolean pointAA = false;

     * A boolean indicating whether or not lighting should be on.
    boolean enableLighting = false;

    private Appearance defaultAppearance = null;

    private boolean ignoreVertexColors = false;

    static final int CLEAR = 0;
    static final int DRAW = 1;
    static final int SWAP = 2;
    static final int READ_RASTER = 3;
    static final int SET_APPEARANCE = 4;
    static final int SET_BACKGROUND = 5;
    static final int SET_FOG = 6;
    static final int SET_LIGHT = 7;
    static final int INSERT_LIGHT = 8;
    static final int REMOVE_LIGHT = 9;
    static final int ADD_LIGHT = 10;
    static final int SET_HI_RES = 11;
    static final int SET_MODEL_TRANSFORM = 12;
    static final int MULTIPLY_MODEL_TRANSFORM = 13;
    static final int SET_SOUND = 14;
    static final int INSERT_SOUND = 15;
    static final int REMOVE_SOUND = 16;
    static final int ADD_SOUND = 17;
    static final int SET_AURAL_ATTRIBUTES = 18;
    static final int SET_BUFFER_OVERRIDE = 19;
    static final int SET_FRONT_BUFFER_RENDERING = 20;
    static final int SET_STEREO_MODE = 21;
    static final int FLUSH = 22;
    static final int FLUSH2D = 23;
    static final int DRAWANDFLUSH2D = 24;
    static final int SET_MODELCLIP = 25;
    static final int DISPOSE2D = 26;
    static final int NCOMMANDS = 27; // needs to be incremented
    // when a new command is to be
    // added to the list

    private static Integer[] commands = new Integer[NCOMMANDS];
    private static Integer[] stereoModes = { new Integer(STEREO_LEFT), new Integer(STEREO_RIGHT),
            new Integer(STEREO_BOTH) };

    // dirty bits
    private static final int BUFFER_MODE = 0x1;
    private int dirtyMask = 0;

    // multi-texture
    private int numActiveTexUnit = 0;
    private int lastActiveTexUnitIndex = 0;

    // for read raster
    private volatile boolean readRasterReady = false;

    // for runMonitor
    private boolean gcReady = false;
    private int waiting = 0;

     * Constructs and creates a GraphicsContext3D object with default
     * values.  Users do not call this directly, rather they get a
     * graphics context from a Canvas3D.
    GraphicsContext3D(Canvas3D canvas3d) {
        this.canvas3d = canvas3d;

     * Gets the Canvas3D that created this GraphicsContext3D.
     * @return the Canvas3D that created this GraphicsContext3D
    public Canvas3D getCanvas3D() {
        return this.canvas3d;

    // Methods to set/get graphics state

     * Sets the current Appearance object to the specified
     * Appearance component object.
     * The graphics context stores a reference to the specified
     * Appearance object. This means that the application may modify
     * individual appearance attributes by using the appropriate
     * methods on the Appearance object.
     * If the Appearance object is null, default values will be used
     * for all appearance attributes - it is as if an
     * Appearance node were created using the default constructor.
     * @param appearance the new Appearance object
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the specified appearance refers
     * to an ImageComponent2D that is being used by a Canvas3D as
     * an off-screen buffer.
    public void setAppearance(Appearance appearance) {

        if (appearance == null) {
            if (defaultAppearance == null) {
                defaultAppearance = new Appearance();
            appearance = defaultAppearance;
        } else {
            // Check whether any ImageComponent2D referred to by
            // the new appearance is being used as an off-screen buffer and throw
            // IllegalSharingException if it is.
            TextureRetained texRetained;
            ImageComponent[] images;
            AppearanceRetained appRetained = (AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained;
            if (appRetained.texture != null) {
                assert (appRetained.texUnitState == null);
                texRetained = appRetained.texture;
                images = texRetained.getImages();
                if (images != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
                        if (images[i] != null) {
                            ImageComponentRetained imageRetained = (ImageComponentRetained) images[i].retained;
                            // Do illegal sharing check
                            if (imageRetained.getUsedByOffScreen()) {
                                throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D30"));
            } else if (appRetained.texUnitState != null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < appRetained.texUnitState.length; j++) {
                    texRetained = appRetained.texUnitState[j].texture;
                    images = texRetained.getImages();
                    if (images != null) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
                            if (images[i] != null) {
                                ImageComponentRetained imageRetained = (ImageComponentRetained) images[i].retained;
                                // Do illegal sharing check
                                if (imageRetained.getUsedByOffScreen()) {
                                    throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D30"));

        uAppearance = appearance;
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_APPEARANCE, appearance, null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_APPEARANCE, appearance, null);

    void doSetAppearance(Appearance appearance) {
        // Appearance can't be null. See setAppearance().
        assert (appearance != null);

        NodeComponentRetained nc;
        nc = ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).material;
        if (nc != null) {
            enableLighting = ((MaterialRetained) nc).lightingEnable;
            dRed = ((MaterialRetained) nc).diffuseColor.x;
            dGreen = ((MaterialRetained) nc).diffuseColor.y;
            dBlue = ((MaterialRetained) nc).diffuseColor.z;
        } else {
            enableLighting = false;

        if (appearance instanceof ShaderAppearance) {
            // Handle ShaderProgramRetained.
            ShaderProgramRetained spR = ((ShaderAppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).shaderProgram;
            if (spR != null) {
                Shader[] sArray = spR.getShaders();
                if (sArray != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < sArray.length; i++) {
                        if (sArray[i] != null) {
                            ((ShaderRetained) sArray[i].retained).setInImmCtx(true);

            //Handle ShaderAttributeSetRetained.
            ShaderAttributeSetRetained sasR = ((ShaderAppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).shaderAttributeSet;
            if (sasR != null) {
                ShaderAttribute[] saArray = sasR.getAll();
                if (saArray != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < saArray.length; i++) {
                        if (saArray[i] != null) {
                            ((ShaderAttributeRetained) saArray[i].retained).setInImmCtx(true);

        if (((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).texUnitState != null) {
            TextureUnitStateRetained[] texUnitState = ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).texUnitState;

            for (int i = 0; i < texUnitState.length; i++) {
                if (texUnitState[i] != null) {

        nc = ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).texture;
        if (nc != null) {

        nc = ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).texCoordGeneration;
        if (nc != null) {

        nc = ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).textureAttributes;
        if (nc != null) {

        nc = ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).coloringAttributes;
        if (nc != null) {
            red = ((ColoringAttributesRetained) nc).color.x;
            green = ((ColoringAttributesRetained) nc).color.y;
            blue = ((ColoringAttributesRetained) nc).color.z;
        } else {
            red = 1.0f;
            green = 1.0f;
            blue = 1.0f;

        nc = ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).transparencyAttributes;
        if (nc != null) {
            alpha = 1.0f - ((TransparencyAttributesRetained) nc).transparency;
        } else {
            alpha = 1.0f;

        nc = ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).renderingAttributes;
        if (nc != null) {
            visible = ((RenderingAttributesRetained) nc).visible;
        } else
            visible = true;

        nc = ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).polygonAttributes;
        if (nc != null) {
            polygonMode = ((PolygonAttributesRetained) nc).polygonMode;
        } else {
            polygonMode = PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_FILL;

        nc = ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).lineAttributes;
        if (nc != null) {
            lineAA = ((LineAttributesRetained) nc).lineAntialiasing;

        } else {
            lineAA = false;

        nc = ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).pointAttributes;
        if (nc != null) {
            if (nc.source.isLive())
            pointAA = ((PointAttributesRetained) nc).pointAntialiasing;
        } else {
            pointAA = false;

        // Reset the inImmCtx flag of this.appearance.
        if (this.appearance != null) {
            AppearanceRetained app = (AppearanceRetained) this.appearance.retained;
            if (app.material != null) {

            if (app instanceof ShaderAppearanceRetained) {
                // Handle ShaderProgramRetained.
                ShaderProgramRetained spR = ((ShaderAppearanceRetained) app).shaderProgram;
                if (spR != null) {
                    Shader[] sArray = spR.getShaders();
                    if (sArray != null) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < sArray.length; i++) {
                            if (sArray[i] != null) {
                                ((ShaderRetained) sArray[i].retained).setInImmCtx(false);

                //Handle ShaderAttributeSetRetained.
                ShaderAttributeSetRetained sasR = ((ShaderAppearanceRetained) app).shaderAttributeSet;
                if (sasR != null) {
                    ShaderAttribute[] saArray = sasR.getAll();
                    if (saArray != null) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < saArray.length; i++) {
                            if (saArray[i] != null) {
                                ((ShaderAttributeRetained) saArray[i].retained).setInImmCtx(false);

            if (app.texUnitState != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < app.texUnitState.length; i++) {
                    if (app.texUnitState[0] != null)
            if (app.texture != null) {
            if (app.texCoordGeneration != null) {
            if (app.textureAttributes != null) {
            if (app.coloringAttributes != null) {
            if (app.transparencyAttributes != null) {
            if (app.renderingAttributes != null) {
            if (app.polygonAttributes != null) {
            if (app.lineAttributes != null) {
            if (app.pointAttributes != null) {

        ((AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained).setInImmCtx(true);
        this.appearance = appearance;

     * Retrieves the current Appearance component object.
     * @return the current Appearance object
    public Appearance getAppearance() {
        return this.uAppearance;

     * Sets the current Background to the specified Background
     * leaf node object.
     * The graphics context stores a reference to the specified
     * Background node. This means that the application may modify
     * the background color or image by using the appropriate
     * methods on the Background node. The Background node must
     * not be part of a live scene graph, nor may it subsequently
     * be made part of a live scene graph-an IllegalSharingException
     * is thrown in such cases. If the Background object is null,
     * the default background color of black (0,0,0) is used to clear
     * the canvas prior to rendering a new frame. The Background
     * node's application region is ignored for immediate-mode
     * rendering.
     * @param background the new Background object
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Background node
     * is part of or is subsequently made part of a live scene graph.
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the specified background node
     * refers to an ImageComponent2D that is being used by a Canvas3D as
     * an off-screen buffer.
    public void setBackground(Background background) {

        if (background.isLive()) {
            throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D11"));
        BackgroundRetained bgRetained = (BackgroundRetained) background.retained;
        ImageComponent2D image = bgRetained.getImage();
        if (image != null) {
            ImageComponent2DRetained imageRetained = (ImageComponent2DRetained) image.retained;
            if (imageRetained.getUsedByOffScreen()) {
                throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D31"));

        if (((BackgroundRetained) background.retained).geometryBranch != null) {
            throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D22"));

        uBackground = background;
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_BACKGROUND, background, null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_BACKGROUND, background, null);

    void doSetBackground(Background background) {
        BackgroundRetained bg;

        if (this.background != null) {
            bg = (BackgroundRetained) this.background.retained;
        bg = (BackgroundRetained) background.retained;

        this.background = background;

     * Retrieves the current Background leaf node object.
     * @return the current Background object
    public Background getBackground() {
        return this.uBackground;

     * Sets the current Fog to the specified Fog
     * leaf node object.
     * The graphics context stores a reference to the specified
     * Fog node. This means that the application may modify the
     * fog attributes using the appropriate methods on the Fog
     * node object. The Fog node must not be part of a live
     * scene graph, nor may it subsequently be made part of a
     * live scene graph-an IllegalSharingException is thrown in
     * such cases. If the Fog object is null, fog is disabled.
     * Both the region of influence and the hierarchical scope
     * of the Fog node are ignored for immediate-mode rendering.
     * @param fog the new Fog object
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Fog node
     * is part of or is subsequently made part of a live scene graph.
    public void setFog(Fog fog) {
        if (fog != null && fog.isLive()) {
            throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D12"));
        uFog = fog;
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_FOG, fog, null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_FOG, fog, null);

    void doSetFog(Fog fog) {
        if (this.fog != null) {
            ((FogRetained) this.fog.retained).setInImmCtx(false);
        this.fog = fog;
        if (fog != null) {
            ((FogRetained) fog.retained).setInImmCtx(true);

            // Issue 144: updateFogState now called unconditionally
            updateFogState((FogRetained) fog.retained);

     * Retrieves the current Fog leaf node object.
     * @return the current Fog object
    public Fog getFog() {
        return this.uFog;

     * Sets the current ModelClip leaf node to the specified object.
     * The graphics context stores a reference to the specified
     * ModelClip node. This means that the application may modify the
     * model clipping attributes using the appropriate methods on the
     * ModelClip node object. The ModelClip node must not be part of a
     * live scene graph, nor may it subsequently be made part of a
     * live scene graph-an IllegalSharingException is thrown in such
     * cases. If the ModelClip object is null, model clipping is
     * disabled.  Both the region of influence and the hierarchical
     * scope of the ModelClip node are ignored for immediate-mode
     * rendering.
     * @param modelClip the new ModelClip node
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the ModelClip node
     * is part of or is subsequently made part of a live scene graph.
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public void setModelClip(ModelClip modelClip) {
        if ((modelClip != null) && modelClip.isLive()) {
            throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D25"));
        uModelClip = modelClip;
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_MODELCLIP, modelClip, null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_MODELCLIP, modelClip, null);

    void doSetModelClip(ModelClip modelClip) {
        ModelClipRetained mc = null;

        this.modelClip = modelClip;

        if (this.modelClip != null) {
            mc = (ModelClipRetained) this.modelClip.retained;

            if (modelClipTransform == null)
                modelClipTransform = new Transform3D();

            // save the current model Transform

     * Retrieves the current ModelClip leaf node object.
     * @return the current ModelClip object
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public ModelClip getModelClip() {
        return this.uModelClip;

     * Replaces the specified light with the light provided.
     * The graphics context stores a reference to each light
     * object in the list of lights. This means that the
     * application may modify the light attributes for
     * any of the lights using the appropriate methods on that
     * Light node object. None of the Light nodes in the list
     * of lights may be part of a live scene graph, nor may
     * they subsequently be made part of a live scene graph -
     * an IllegalSharingException is thrown in such cases.
     * @param light the new light
     * @param index which light to replace
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Light node
     * is part of or is subsequently made part of a live scene graph.
     * @exception NullPointerException if the Light object is null.
    public void setLight(Light light, int index) {
        if (light == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D13"));
        if (light.isLive()) {
            throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D14"));
        uLights.set(index, light);
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
            doSetLight(light, index);
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_LIGHT, light, new Integer(index));
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_LIGHT, light, new Integer(index));

    void doSetLight(Light light, int index) {

        Light oldlight = this.lights.get(index);
        if (oldlight != null) {
            ((LightRetained) oldlight.retained).setInImmCtx(false);
        ((LightRetained) light.retained).setInImmCtx(true);
        updateLightState((LightRetained) light.retained);
        this.lights.set(index, light);
        this.lightsChanged = true;

     * Inserts the specified light at the specified index location.
     * @param light the new light
     * @param index at which location to insert
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Light node
     * is part of or is subsequently made part of a live scene graph.
     * @exception NullPointerException if the Light object is null.
    public void insertLight(Light light, int index) {
        if (light == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D13"));
        if (light.isLive()) {
            throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D14"));
        uLights.add(index, light);
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
            doInsertLight(light, index);
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.INSERT_LIGHT, light, new Integer(index));
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.INSERT_LIGHT, light, new Integer(index));

    void doInsertLight(Light light, int index) {
        ((LightRetained) light.retained).setInImmCtx(true);
        updateLightState((LightRetained) light.retained);
        this.lights.add(index, light);
        this.lightsChanged = true;

     * Removes the light at the specified index location.
     * @param index which light to remove
    public void removeLight(int index) {
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.REMOVE_LIGHT, new Integer(index), null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.REMOVE_LIGHT, new Integer(index), null);

    void doRemoveLight(int index) {
        Light light = this.lights.get(index);

        ((LightRetained) light.retained).setInImmCtx(false);
        this.lightsChanged = true;

     * Retrieves the index selected light.
     * @param index which light to return
     * @return the light at location index
    public Light getLight(int index) {
        return uLights.get(index);

     * Retrieves the enumeration object of all the lights.
     * @return the enumeration object of all the lights
    public Enumeration<Light> getAllLights() {
        return uLights.elements();

     * Appends the specified light to this graphics context's list of lights.
     * Adding a null Light object to the list will result
     * in a NullPointerException. Both the region of influence
     * and the hierarchical scope of all lights in the list
     * are ignored for immediate-mode rendering.
     * @param light the light to add
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Light node
     * is part of or is subsequently made part of a live scene graph.
     * @exception NullPointerException if the Light object is null.
    public void addLight(Light light) {
        if (light == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D13"));

        if (light.isLive()) {
            throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D14"));
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.ADD_LIGHT, light, null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.ADD_LIGHT, light, null);

    void doAddLight(Light light) {

        ((LightRetained) light.retained).setInImmCtx(true);
        updateLightState((LightRetained) light.retained);
        this.lightsChanged = true;

     * Retrieves the current number of lights in this graphics context.
     * @return the current number of lights
    public int numLights() {
        return this.uLights.size();

    private Transform3D getNormalTransform() {
        if (compTransform.isRigid()) {
            return compTransform;
        if (normalTransform == null) {
            normalTransform = new Transform3D();

        if (normalTransformNeedToUpdate) {
            normalTransformNeedToUpdate = false;
        return normalTransform;

    void updateFogState(FogRetained fogRet) {
        // Issue 144: update localToVWorldScale for all types of Fog

    void updateLightState(LightRetained light) {

        if (light instanceof DirectionalLightRetained) {
            DirectionalLightRetained dl = (DirectionalLightRetained) light;

            Transform3D xform = getNormalTransform();
            xform.transform(dl.direction, dl.xformDirection);

        } else if (light instanceof SpotLightRetained) {
            SpotLightRetained sl = (SpotLightRetained) light;

            Transform3D xform = getNormalTransform();
            xform.transform(sl.direction, sl.xformDirection);
            this.modelTransform.transform(sl.position, sl.xformPosition);

        } else if (light instanceof PointLightRetained) {
            PointLightRetained pl = (PointLightRetained) light;

            this.modelTransform.transform(pl.position, pl.xformPosition);

            pl.localToVworldScale = modelTransform.getDistanceScale();


     * Sets the HiRes coordinate of this context to the location
     * specified by the parameters provided.
     * The parameters x, y, and z are arrays of eight 32-bit
     * integers that specify the high-resolution coordinates point.
     * @param x an eight element array specifying the x position
     * @param y an eight element array specifying the y position
     * @param z an eight element array specifying the z position
     * @see HiResCoord
    public void setHiRes(int[] x, int[] y, int[] z) {
        HiResCoord hiRes = new HiResCoord(x, y, z);

     * Sets the HiRes coordinate of this context
     * to the location specified by the HiRes argument.
     * @param hiRes the HiRes coordinate specifying the a new location
    public void setHiRes(HiResCoord hiRes) {
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_HI_RES, hiRes, null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_HI_RES, hiRes, null);

    void doSetHiRes(HiResCoord hiRes) {

     * Retrieves the current HiRes coordinate of this context.
     * @param hiRes a HiResCoord object that will receive the
     * HiRes coordinate of this context
    public void getHiRes(HiResCoord hiRes) {

     * Sets the current model transform to a copy of the specified
     * transform.
     * A BadTransformException is thrown if an attempt is made
     * to specify an illegal Transform3D.
     * @param t the new model transform
     * @exception BadTransformException if the transform is not affine.
    public void setModelTransform(Transform3D t) {

        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else {
            Transform3D uModelTransform = new Transform3D(t);
            //Transform3D uModelTransform = t;
            if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
                sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_MODEL_TRANSFORM, uModelTransform, null);
            } else {
                sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_MODEL_TRANSFORM, uModelTransform, null);

    void doSetModelTransform(Transform3D t) {
        normalTransformNeedToUpdate = true;

     * Multiplies the current model transform by the specified
     * transform and stores the result back into the current
     * transform. The specified transformation must be affine.
     * @param t the model transform to be concatenated with the
     * current model transform
     * @exception BadTransformException if the transform is not affine.
    public void multiplyModelTransform(Transform3D t) {
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else {
            Transform3D tt = new Transform3D(t);
            if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
                sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.MULTIPLY_MODEL_TRANSFORM, tt, null);
            } else {
                sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.MULTIPLY_MODEL_TRANSFORM, tt, null);

    void doMultiplyModelTransform(Transform3D t) {
        normalTransformNeedToUpdate = true;

     * Retrieves the current model transform.
     * @param t the model transform that will receive the current
     * model transform
    public void getModelTransform(Transform3D t) {

     * Replaces the specified sound with the sound provided.
     * The graphics context stores a reference to each sound
     * object in the list of sounds. This means that the
     * application may modify the sound attributes for
     * any of the sounds by using the appropriate methods on
     * that Sound node object.
     * @param sound the new sound
     * @param index which sound to replace
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Sound node
     * is part of or is subsequently made part of a live scene graph.
     * @exception NullPointerException if the Sound object is null.
    public void setSound(Sound sound, int index) {
        if (sound == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D17"));
        if (sound.isLive()) {
            throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D23"));
        uSounds.set(index, sound);
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
            doSetSound(sound, index);
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_SOUND, sound, new Integer(index));
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_SOUND, sound, new Integer(index));

    void doSetSound(Sound sound, int index) {
        Sound oldSound = this.sounds.get(index);
        ((SoundRetained) sound.retained).setInImmCtx(true);
        if (oldSound != null) {
            ((SoundRetained) oldSound.retained).setInImmCtx(false);
        ((SoundRetained) sound.retained).setInImmCtx(true);
        updateSoundState((SoundRetained) (sound.retained));
        this.sounds.set(index, sound);
        this.soundsChanged = true;

        sendSoundMessage(GraphicsContext3D.SET_SOUND, sound, oldSound);

     * Inserts the specified sound at the specified index location.
     * Inserting a sound to the list of sounds implicitly starts the
     * sound playing. Once a sound is finished playing, it can be
     * restarted by setting the sound's enable flag to true.
     * The scheduling region of all sounds in the list is ignored
     * for immediate-mode rendering.
     * @param sound the new sound
     * @param index at which location to insert
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Sound node
     * is part or is subsequently made part of a live scene graph.
     * @exception NullPointerException if the Sound object is null.
    public void insertSound(Sound sound, int index) {
        if (sound == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D17"));

        if (sound.isLive()) {
            throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D23"));
        uSounds.add(index, sound);
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
            doInsertSound(sound, index);
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.INSERT_SOUND, sound, new Integer(index));
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.INSERT_SOUND, sound, new Integer(index));

    void doInsertSound(Sound sound, int index) {
        updateSoundState((SoundRetained) sound.retained);
        this.sounds.add(index, sound);
        this.soundsChanged = true;
        sendSoundMessage(GraphicsContext3D.INSERT_SOUND, sound, null);

     * Removes the sound at the specified index location.
     * @param index which sound to remove
    public void removeSound(int index) {
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.REMOVE_SOUND, new Integer(index), null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.REMOVE_SOUND, new Integer(index), null);

    void doRemoveSound(int index) {
        Sound sound = this.sounds.get(index);
        SoundScheduler soundScheduler = getSoundScheduler();
        ((SoundRetained) (sound.retained)).setInImmCtx(false);
        this.soundsChanged = true;
        // stop sound if playing on audioDevice
        sendSoundMessage(GraphicsContext3D.REMOVE_SOUND, null, sound);

     * Retrieves the index selected sound.
     * @param index which sound to return
     * @return the sound at location index
    public Sound getSound(int index) {
        return uSounds.get(index);

     * Retrieves the enumeration object of all the sounds.
     * @return the enumeration object of all the sounds
    public Enumeration<Sound> getAllSounds() {
        return uSounds.elements();

     * Appends the specified sound to this graphics context's list of sounds.
     * Adding a sound to the list of sounds implicitly starts the
     * sound playing. Once a sound is finished playing, it can be
     * restarted by setting the sound's enable flag to true.
     * The scheduling region of all sounds in the list is ignored
     * for immediate-mode rendering.
     * @param sound the sound to add
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Sound node
     * is part of or is subsequently made part of a live scene graph.
     * @exception NullPointerException if the Sound object is null.
    public void addSound(Sound sound) {
        if (sound == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D17"));

        if (sound.isLive()) {
            throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D23"));

        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.ADD_SOUND, sound, null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.ADD_SOUND, sound, null);

    void doAddSound(Sound sound) {
        ((SoundRetained) (sound.retained)).setInImmCtx(true);
        updateSoundState((SoundRetained) (sound.retained));
        this.soundsChanged = true;
        sendSoundMessage(GraphicsContext3D.ADD_SOUND, sound, null);

     * Retrieves the current number of sounds in this graphics context.
     * @return the current number of sounds
    public int numSounds() {
        return uSounds.size();

    SoundScheduler getSoundScheduler() {
        if (canvas3d != null && canvas3d.view != null)
            return canvas3d.view.soundScheduler; // could be null as well
            return (SoundScheduler) null;

    void updateSoundState(SoundRetained sound) {
        View view = null;
        if (canvas3d != null)
            view = canvas3d.view;
        // Make sure that:
        //   . Current view is not null
        //   . The sound scheduler running (reference to it is not null)
        if (view != null) {
            SoundScheduler soundScheduler = getSoundScheduler();
            if (soundScheduler == null) {
                // XXXX: Re-implement
                // start up SoundScheduler since it hasn't already been started

        // Update sound fields related to transforms
        if (sound instanceof ConeSoundRetained) {
            ConeSoundRetained cs = (ConeSoundRetained) sound;
            this.modelTransform.transform(cs.direction, cs.xformDirection);
            this.modelTransform.transform(cs.position, cs.xformPosition);
            // XXXX (Question) Is drawTranform equivalent to Vworld-to-Local?

        } else if (sound instanceof PointSoundRetained) {
            PointSoundRetained ps = (PointSoundRetained) sound;
            this.modelTransform.transform(ps.position, ps.xformPosition);
            // XXXX (Question) Is drawTranform equivalent to Vworld-to-Local?

     * Retrieves the sound playing flag.
     * @param index which sound
     * @return flag denoting if sound is currently playing
    public boolean isSoundPlaying(int index) {
        Sound sound;
        // uSounds isPlaying field is NOT updated, sounds elements are used
        sound = this.sounds.get(index);
        return sound.isPlaying();

     * Sets the current AuralAttributes object to the specified
     * AuralAttributes component object.
     * This means that the application may modify individual
     * audio attributes by using the appropriate methods in
     * the Aural-Attributes object.
     * @param attributes the new AuralAttributes object
    public void setAuralAttributes(AuralAttributes attributes) {
        uAuralAttributes = attributes;

        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_AURAL_ATTRIBUTES, attributes, null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_AURAL_ATTRIBUTES, attributes, null);

    void doSetAuralAttributes(AuralAttributes attributes) {
        this.auralAttributes = attributes;
        sendSoundMessage(GraphicsContext3D.SET_AURAL_ATTRIBUTES, attributes, null);

     * Retrieves the current AuralAttributes component object.
     * @return the current AuralAttributes object
    public AuralAttributes getAuralAttributes() {
        return uAuralAttributes;

     * Sets a flag that specifies whether the double buffering and
     * stereo mode from the Canvas3D are overridden.  When set to
     * true, this attribute enables the
     * <code>frontBufferRendering</code> and <code>stereoMode</code>
     * attributes.
     * @param bufferOverride the new buffer override flag
     * @see #setFrontBufferRendering
     * @see #setStereoMode
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public void setBufferOverride(boolean bufferOverride) {
        uBufferOverride = bufferOverride;
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_BUFFER_OVERRIDE, new Boolean(bufferOverride), null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_BUFFER_OVERRIDE, new Boolean(bufferOverride), null);

    void doSetBufferOverride(boolean bufferOverride) {
        if (bufferOverride != this.bufferOverride) {
            this.bufferOverride = bufferOverride;
            dirtyMask |= BUFFER_MODE;

     * Returns the current buffer override flag.
     * @return true if buffer override is enabled; otherwise,
     * false is returned
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public boolean getBufferOverride() {
        return uBufferOverride;

     * Sets a flag that enables or disables immediate mode rendering
     * into the front buffer of a double buffered Canvas3D.
     * This attribute is only used when the
     * <code>bufferOverride</code> flag is enabled.
     * <p>
     * Note that this attribute has no effect if double buffering
     * is disabled or is not available on the Canvas3D.
     * @param frontBufferRendering the new front buffer rendering flag
     * @see #setBufferOverride
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public void setFrontBufferRendering(boolean frontBufferRendering) {
        uFrontBufferRendering = frontBufferRendering;
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_FRONT_BUFFER_RENDERING,
                    new Boolean(frontBufferRendering), null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_FRONT_BUFFER_RENDERING, new Boolean(frontBufferRendering),

    void doSetFrontBufferRendering(boolean frontBufferRendering) {
        if (frontBufferRendering != this.frontBufferRendering) {
            this.frontBufferRendering = frontBufferRendering;
            dirtyMask |= BUFFER_MODE;

     * Returns the current front buffer rendering flag.
     * @return true if front buffer rendering is enabled; otherwise,
     * false is returned
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public boolean getFrontBufferRendering() {
        return uFrontBufferRendering;

     * Sets the stereo mode for immediate mode rendering.  The
     * parameter specifies which stereo buffer or buffers is rendered
     * into.  This attribute is only used when the
     * <code>bufferOverride</code> flag is enabled.
     * <ul>
     * <li>
     * <code>STEREO_LEFT</code> specifies that rendering is done into
     * the left eye.
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * <code>STEREO_RIGHT</code> specifies that rendering is done into
     * the right eye.
     * </li>
     * <li>
     * <code>STEREO_BOTH</code> specifies that rendering is done into
     * both eyes.  This is the default.
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * Note that this attribute has no effect if stereo is disabled or
     * is not available on the Canvas3D.
     * @param stereoMode the new stereo mode
     * @see #setBufferOverride
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public void setStereoMode(int stereoMode) {
        uStereoMode = stereoMode;
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.SET_STEREO_MODE, stereoModes[stereoMode], null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.SET_STEREO_MODE, stereoModes[stereoMode], null);

    void doSetStereoMode(int stereoMode) {
        if (stereoMode != this.stereoMode) {
            this.stereoMode = stereoMode;
            dirtyMask |= BUFFER_MODE;

     * Returns the current stereo mode.
     * @return the stereo mode, one of <code>STEREO_LEFT</code>,
     * <code>STEREO_RIGHT</code>, or <code>STEREO_BOTH</code>.
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public int getStereoMode() {
        return uStereoMode;

    // Methods to draw graphics objects

     * Clear the Canvas3D to the color or image specified by the
     * current background node.
    public void clear() {
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (! {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.CLEAR, null, null);
        } else {
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.CLEAR, null, null);

    void doClear() {

        if (!canvas3d.firstPaintCalled)

        RenderBin rb = canvas3d.view.renderBin;
        BackgroundRetained back = null;

        if (this.background != null)
            back = (BackgroundRetained) this.background.retained;
            back =;

        // XXXX: This should ideally be done by the renderer (or by the
        // canvas itself) when the canvas is first added to a view.
        if ((canvas3d.screen.renderer != null) &&
        (canvas3d.screen.renderer.renderBin == null))
        canvas3d.screen.renderer.renderBin = rb;
        // If we are in pure immediate mode, update the view cache
        if (!canvas3d.isRunning)

        // We need to catch NullPointerException when the dsi
        // gets yanked from us during a remove.

        try {
            // Issue 78 - need to get the drawingSurface info every
            // frame; this is necessary since the HDC (window ID)
            // on Windows can become invalidated without our
            // being notified!
            if (!canvas3d.offScreen) {

            if (canvas3d.drawingSurfaceObject.renderLock()) {
                // XXXX : Fix texture
                if (canvas3d.useSharedCtx) {
                if (canvas3d.screen.renderer.sharedCtx == 0) {
                    synchronized ( {
                        canvas3d.screen.renderer.sharedCtx = canvas3d.createNewContext(
                                    canvas3d.window, 0, true,
                        canvas3d.screen.renderer.sharedCtxTimeStamp =
                        canvas3d.screen.renderer.needToRebuildDisplayList = true;

                if (canvas3d.ctx == null) {
                    synchronized ( {
                        canvas3d.ctx = canvas3d.createNewContext(null, false);
                        if (canvas3d.ctx == null) {

                        canvas3d.ctxTimeStamp =;

                        if (canvas3d.graphics2D != null) {

                        // enable separate specular color

                    // create the cache texture state in canvas
                    // for state download checking purpose
                    if (canvas3d.texUnitState == null) {

                    canvas3d.screen.renderer.currentCtx = canvas3d.ctx;
                    canvas3d.screen.renderer.currentDrawable = canvas3d.drawable;
                    canvas3d.ctxChanged = true;
                    canvas3d.canvasDirty = 0xffff;
                    // Update Appearance
                    updateState(rb, RenderMolecule.SURFACE);

                    canvas3d.currentLights = new LightRetained[canvas3d.getNumCtxLights(canvas3d.ctx)];

                    for (int j = 0; j < canvas3d.currentLights.length; j++) {
                        canvas3d.currentLights[j] = null;


                if ((dirtyMask & BUFFER_MODE) != 0) {
                    if (bufferOverride) {
                        canvas3d.setRenderMode(canvas3d.ctx, stereoMode,
                                canvas3d.useDoubleBuffer && !frontBufferRendering);
                    } else {
                        if (!canvas3d.isRunning) {
                            canvas3d.setRenderMode(canvas3d.ctx, Canvas3D.FIELD_ALL, canvas3d.useDoubleBuffer);
                    dirtyMask &= ~BUFFER_MODE;

                Dimension size = canvas3d.getSize();
                int winWidth = size.width;
                int winHeight = size.height;
                boolean isByRefBackgroundImage = false;
                if (back.image != null) {
                    if (back.image.isByReference()) {
                        isByRefBackgroundImage = true;


                canvas3d.clear(back, winWidth, winHeight);

                if (isByRefBackgroundImage) {

                // Set the viewport and view matrices
                if (!canvas3d.isRunning) {
                    CanvasViewCache cvCache = canvas3d.canvasViewCache;
                    canvas3d.setViewport(canvas3d.ctx, 0, 0, cvCache.getCanvasWidth(), cvCache.getCanvasHeight());
                    if (bufferOverride && (stereoMode == STEREO_RIGHT)) {
                        canvas3d.setProjectionMatrix(canvas3d.ctx, cvCache.getRightProjection());
                        canvas3d.setModelViewMatrix(canvas3d.ctx, cvCache.getRightVpcToEc().mat, rb.vworldToVpc);
                    } else {
                        canvas3d.setProjectionMatrix(canvas3d.ctx, cvCache.getLeftProjection());
                        canvas3d.setModelViewMatrix(canvas3d.ctx, cvCache.getLeftVpcToEc().mat, rb.vworldToVpc);

        } catch (NullPointerException ne) {
            throw ne;

    // Method to update compTransform.
    private void computeCompositeTransform() {
        ViewPlatform vp;

        if ((canvas3d == null) || (canvas3d.view == null) || (((vp = canvas3d.view.getViewPlatform()) == null))
                || (((ViewPlatformRetained) (vp.retained)) == null)) {

        ViewPlatformRetained vpR = (ViewPlatformRetained) vp.retained;
        if ((vpR == null) || (vpR.locale == null)) {

        HiResCoord localeHiRes = vpR.locale.hiRes;

        if (localeHiRes.equals(hiRes)) {
        } else {
            Transform3D trans = new Transform3D();
            Vector3d localeTrans = new Vector3d();
            localeHiRes.difference(hiRes, localeTrans);
            compTransform.mul(trans, modelTransform);

    // Method to update the view cache in pure immediate mode
    private void updateViewCache(RenderBin rb) {

        ViewPlatform vp = canvas3d.view.getViewPlatform();

        if (vp == null)

        ViewPlatformRetained vpR = (ViewPlatformRetained) vp.retained;

        if (!canvas3d.isRunning) {
            // in pure immediate mode, notify platform transform change

        //   rb.setVworldToVpc(vp.getVworldToVpc());
        //   rb.setVpcToVworld(vp.getVpcToVworld());

        // XXXX: Fix this
        rb.vpcToVworld = vpR.getVpcToVworld();
        rb.vworldToVpc = vpR.getVworldToVpc();

        canvas3d.updateViewCache(true, null, null, false);

    void doDraw(Geometry geometry) {

        boolean useAlpha;
        GeometryRetained drawGeo;
        GeometryArrayRetained geoRetained = null;

        if (!canvas3d.firstPaintCalled || !visible) {

        RenderBin rb = canvas3d.view.renderBin;

        if (canvas3d.ctx == null) {
            // Force an initial clear if one has not yet been done

        if (J3dDebug.devPhase && J3dDebug.debug) {
            J3dDebug.doAssert(canvas3d.ctx != null, "canvas3d.ctx != null");

        // We need to catch NullPointerException when the dsi
        // gets yanked from us during a remove.
        try {
            if (canvas3d.drawingSurfaceObject.renderLock()) {

                // Make the context current

                if ((dirtyMask & BUFFER_MODE) != 0) {
                    if (bufferOverride) {
                        canvas3d.setRenderMode(canvas3d.ctx, stereoMode,
                                canvas3d.useDoubleBuffer && !frontBufferRendering);
                    } else {
                        canvas3d.setRenderMode(canvas3d.ctx, Canvas3D.FIELD_ALL, canvas3d.useDoubleBuffer);
                    dirtyMask &= ~BUFFER_MODE;

                CanvasViewCache cvCache = canvas3d.canvasViewCache;

                //         vpcToEc = cvCache.getLeftVpcToEc();
                if (bufferOverride) {
                    switch (stereoMode) {
                    case STEREO_RIGHT:
                        vpcToEc = cvCache.getRightVpcToEc();
                        // XXXX: move this under check for
                        // (dirtyMask & BUFFER_MODE) above after testing
                        // PureImmediate mode
                        canvas3d.setProjectionMatrix(canvas3d.ctx, cvCache.getRightProjection());
                    case STEREO_LEFT:
                    case STEREO_BOTH:
                        vpcToEc = cvCache.getLeftVpcToEc();
                        // XXXX: move this under check for
                        // (dirtyMask & BUFFER_MODE) above after testing
                        // PureImmediate mode
                        canvas3d.setProjectionMatrix(canvas3d.ctx, cvCache.getLeftProjection());
                } else if (!canvas3d.isRunning ||
                // vpcToEc is not set in the first frame
                // of preRender() callback
                        (canvas3d.vpcToEc == null)) {
                    vpcToEc = cvCache.getLeftVpcToEc();
                } else {
                    vpcToEc = canvas3d.vpcToEc;

                // referred by RenderQueue.updateState
                //       canvas3d.screen.renderer.vpcToEc = vpcToEc;
                //       rb.updateState(canvas3d.screen.renderer.rId, ro, canvas3d, true);

                //       this.drawTransform.mul(rb.vworldToVpc,
                //       this.compTransform);

                boolean isNonUniformScale = !drawTransform.isCongruent();

                int geometryType = 0;
                switch (((GeometryRetained) geometry.retained).geoType) {
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_POINT_SET:
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_POINT_SET:
                    geometryType = RenderMolecule.POINT;
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_LINE_SET:
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_LINE_STRIP_SET:
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_SET:
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_STRIP_SET:
                    geometryType = RenderMolecule.LINE;
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_RASTER:
                    geometryType = RenderMolecule.RASTER;
                case GeometryRetained.GEO_TYPE_COMPRESSED:
                    geometryType = RenderMolecule.COMPRESSED;

                    switch (((CompressedGeometryRetained) geometry.retained).getBufferType()) {
                    case CompressedGeometryHeader.POINT_BUFFER:
                        geometryType |= RenderMolecule.POINT;
                    case CompressedGeometryHeader.LINE_BUFFER:
                        geometryType |= RenderMolecule.LINE;
                    case CompressedGeometryHeader.TRIANGLE_BUFFER:
                        geometryType |= RenderMolecule.SURFACE;
                    geometryType = RenderMolecule.SURFACE;

                useAlpha = updateState(rb, geometryType);

                canvas3d.setModelViewMatrix(canvas3d.ctx, vpcToEc.mat, rb.vworldToVpc);


                this.drawTransform.mul(rb.vworldToVpc, this.compTransform);
                canvas3d.setModelViewMatrix(canvas3d.ctx, vpcToEc.mat, this.drawTransform);

                if (geometry.retained instanceof GeometryArrayRetained) {
                    geoRetained = (GeometryArrayRetained) geometry.retained;

                    // If the geometry is by refernence, then see if we are using alpha
                    // and that there is no global alpha sun extension defined ..
                    if (((geoRetained.vertexFormat & GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE) != 0)
                            && (geoRetained.c4fAllocated == 0)
                            && ((geoRetained.vertexFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR) != 0) && useAlpha) {

                        if ((geoRetained.vertexFormat & GeometryArray.INTERLEAVED) != 0) {
                        } else {
                                    (geoRetained.vertexType & GeometryArrayRetained.COLOR_DEFINED), true);

                    if ((geometry.retained instanceof IndexedGeometryArrayRetained)
                            && ((((GeometryArrayRetained) geometry.retained).vertexFormat
                                    & GeometryArray.USE_COORD_INDEX_ONLY) == 0)) {
                        if (geoRetained.dirtyFlag != 0) {
                            geoRetained.mirrorGeometry = ((IndexedGeometryArrayRetained) geoRetained)
                            // Change the source geometry dirtyFlag
                            // drawGeo.execute() will change the
                            // destination geometry dirtyFlag only.
                            geoRetained.dirtyFlag = 0;
                        drawGeo = (GeometryRetained) geoRetained.mirrorGeometry;
                    } else {
                        drawGeo = geoRetained;

                    geoRetained.setVertexFormat(false, ignoreVertexColors, canvas3d.ctx);

                } else if (geometry.retained instanceof Text3DRetained) {
                    ((Text3DRetained) geometry.retained).setModelViewMatrix(vpcToEc, this.drawTransform);
                    drawGeo = (GeometryRetained) geometry.retained;
                } else if (geometry.retained instanceof RasterRetained) {
                    ImageComponent2DRetained img = ((RasterRetained) geometry.retained).image;
                    if (img != null) {
                        if (img.isByReference()) {
                        } else {
                    drawGeo = (GeometryRetained) geometry.retained;
                } else {
                    drawGeo = (GeometryRetained) geometry.retained;

                drawGeo.execute(canvas3d, null, isNonUniformScale, false, alpha, canvas3d.screen.screen,

                if (geoRetained != null) {

        } catch (NullPointerException ne) {
            throw ne;

     * Draw the specified Geometry component object.
     * @param geometry the Geometry object to draw.
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the specified geometry is a
     * Raster that refers to an ImageComponent2D that is being used by a
     * Canvas3D as an off-screen buffer.
    public void draw(Geometry geometry) {
        // do illegalSharing check
        if ((geometry != null) && (geometry instanceof Raster)) {
            RasterRetained rasRetained = (RasterRetained) geometry.retained;
            ImageComponent2D image = rasRetained.getImage();
            if (image != null) {
                ImageComponentRetained imageRetained = (ImageComponentRetained) image.retained;
                // Do illegal sharing check
                if (imageRetained.getUsedByOffScreen()) {
                    throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D32"));

        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (! {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer) {
        } else {
            if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
                sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.DRAW, geometry, null);
            } else {
                sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.DRAW, geometry, null);

     * Draw the specified Shape3D leaf node object.  This is
     * a convenience method that is identical to calling the
     * setAppearance(Appearance) and draw(Geometry) methods
     * passing the appearance and geometry component objects of
     * the specified shape node as arguments.
     * @param shape the Shape3D node containing the Appearance component
     * object to set and Geometry component object to draw
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Shape3D node
     * is part of or is subsequently made part of a live scene graph.
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Shape3D node's Appearance
     * refers to an ImageComponent2D that is being used by a
     * Canvas3D as an off-screen buffer.
    public void draw(Shape3D shape) {
        if (shape.isLive()) {
            throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D26"));
        ((Shape3DRetained) shape.retained).setInImmCtx(true);

     * Read an image from the frame buffer and copy it into the
     * ImageComponent and/or DepthComponent
     * objects referenced by the specified Raster object.
     * All parameters of the Raster object and the component ImageComponent
     * and/or DepthComponentImage objects must be set to the desired values
     * prior to calling this method.  These values determine the location,
     * size, and format of the pixel data that is read.
     * This method calls <code>flush(true)</code> prior to reading the
     * frame buffer.
     * @param raster the Raster object used to read the
     * contents of the frame buffer
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the image class of the specified
     * Raster's ImageComponent2D is <i>not</i> ImageClass.BUFFERED_IMAGE.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified Raster's
     * ImageComponent2D is in by-reference mode and its
     * RenderedImage is null.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the the Raster's
     * ImageComponent2D format
     * is <i>not</i> a 3-component format (e.g., FORMAT_RGB)
     * or a 4-component format (e.g., FORMAT_RGBA).
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Raster object is
     * part of a live scene graph, or if the Raster's ImageComponent2D is
     * part of a live scene graph.
     * @exception IllegalSharingException if the Raster's ImageComponent2D is
     * being used by an immediate mode context, or by a Canvas3D as
     * an off-screen buffer.
     * @see #flush
     * @see ImageComponent
     * @see DepthComponent
    public void readRaster(Raster raster) {
        if ((raster != null) && raster.isLive()) {
            ImageComponent2D image = raster.getImage();
            if (image != null) {
                ImageComponent2DRetained imageRetained = (ImageComponent2DRetained) image.retained;
                if (image.getImageClass() != ImageComponent.ImageClass.BUFFERED_IMAGE) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D33"));
                if (image.isByReference() && (image.getImage() == null)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D34"));
                if (imageRetained.getNumberOfComponents() < 3) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D35"));
                if (image.isLive()) {
                    throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D36"));
                if (imageRetained.getInImmCtx() || imageRetained.getUsedByOffScreen()) {
                    throw new IllegalSharingException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D37"));
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (! {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer) {
        } else if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
            readRasterReady = false;
            sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.READ_RASTER, raster, null);
            while (!readRasterReady) {
        } else {
            // call from user thread
            readRasterReady = false;
            sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.READ_RASTER, raster, null);
            while (!readRasterReady) {

    void doReadRaster(Raster raster) {
        if (!canvas3d.firstPaintCalled) {
            readRasterReady = true;

        RasterRetained ras = (RasterRetained) raster.retained;
        Dimension canvasSize = canvas3d.getSize();
        Dimension rasterSize = new Dimension();
        ImageComponent2DRetained image = ras.image;

        int format = 0; // Not use in case of DepthComponent read

        if (canvas3d.ctx == null) {
            // Force an initial clear if one has not yet been done

        if (J3dDebug.devPhase && J3dDebug.debug) {
            J3dDebug.doAssert(canvas3d.ctx != null, "canvas3d.ctx != null");

        // allocate read buffer space
        if ((ras.type & Raster.RASTER_COLOR) != 0) {
            if ((rasterSize.width > ras.image.width) || (rasterSize.height > ras.image.height)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D27"));

        if ((ras.type & Raster.RASTER_DEPTH) != 0) {
            int size = ras.depthComponent.height * ras.depthComponent.width;
            if (ras.depthComponent.type == DepthComponentRetained.DEPTH_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT) {
                if (floatBuffer.length < size)
                    floatBuffer = new float[size];
            } else { // type INT or NATIVE
                if (intBuffer.length < size)
                    intBuffer = new int[size];
            if ((rasterSize.width > ras.depthComponent.width) || (rasterSize.height > ras.depthComponent.height)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(J3dI18N.getString("GraphicsContext3D28"));

        if ((ras.type & Raster.RASTER_COLOR) != 0) {

            // If by reference, check if a copy needs to be made
            // and also evaluate the storedFormat ..
            if (image.isByReference()) {
            } else {
                // If image has a null buffer ( BufferedImage)
                if (image.imageData == null) {
                // Check for possible format conversion in imageData
                else {
                    // Format convert imageData if format is unsupported.

        // We need to catch NullPointerException when the dsi
        // gets yanked from us during a remove.
        try {
            if (canvas3d.drawingSurfaceObject.renderLock()) {
                // Make the context current and read the raster information
                canvas3d.syncRender(canvas3d.ctx, true);
                Point rasterSrcOffset = new Point();

                int depthType = 0;
                Object depthBuffer = null;
                if (ras.depthComponent != null) {
                    depthType = ras.depthComponent.type;
                    if (depthType == DepthComponentRetained.DEPTH_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT)
                        depthBuffer = floatBuffer;
                        depthBuffer = intBuffer;

                int imageDataType = 0;
                int imageFormatType = 0;
                Object imageBuffer = null;

                if ((ras.type & Raster.RASTER_COLOR) != 0) {
                    imageDataType = image.getImageDataTypeIntValue();
                    imageFormatType = image.getImageFormatTypeIntValue(false);
                    imageBuffer = image.imageData.get();

                Pipeline.getPipeline().readRaster(canvas3d.ctx, ras.type, rasterSrcOffset.x, rasterSrcOffset.y,
                        rasterSize.width, rasterSize.height, canvasSize.height, imageDataType, imageFormatType,
                        imageBuffer, depthType, depthBuffer);

        } catch (NullPointerException ne) {
            throw ne;

        if ((ras.type & Raster.RASTER_DEPTH) != 0) {
            if (ras.depthComponent.type == DepthComponentRetained.DEPTH_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT)
                ((DepthComponentFloatRetained) ras.depthComponent).retrieveDepth(floatBuffer, rasterSize.width,
            else if (ras.depthComponent.type == DepthComponentRetained.DEPTH_COMPONENT_TYPE_INT)
                ((DepthComponentIntRetained) ras.depthComponent).retrieveDepth(intBuffer, rasterSize.width,
            else if (ras.depthComponent.type == DepthComponentRetained.DEPTH_COMPONENT_TYPE_NATIVE)
                ((DepthComponentNativeRetained) ras.depthComponent).retrieveDepth(intBuffer, rasterSize.width,
        readRasterReady = true;

     * Flushes all previously executed rendering operations to the
     * drawing buffer for this 3D graphics context.
     * @param wait flag indicating whether or not to wait for the
     * rendering to be complete before returning from this call.
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public void flush(boolean wait) {
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null) || (!
                || (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.screen.renderer)) {
        } else {
            Boolean waitArg = (wait ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

            if (Thread.currentThread() == canvas3d.view.universe.behaviorScheduler) {
                sendRenderMessage(false, GraphicsContext3D.FLUSH, waitArg, null);
            } else {
                sendRenderMessage(true, GraphicsContext3D.FLUSH, waitArg, null);
            // Issue 131: AutomaticOffscreen canvases must be treated as onscreen ones.
            if (wait && && canvas3d.isRunningStatus && !canvas3d.manualRendering) {
                // No need to wait if renderer thread is not schedule

    void doFlush(boolean wait) {
        try {
            if (canvas3d.drawingSurfaceObject.renderLock()) {
                canvas3d.syncRender(canvas3d.ctx, wait);
                if (wait) {
        } catch (NullPointerException ne) {
            throw ne;

    void updateLightAndFog() {
        int enableMask = 0;
        int i;
        sceneAmbient.x = 0.0f;
        sceneAmbient.y = 0.0f;
        sceneAmbient.z = 0.0f;

        int n = 0;
        int nLight = lights.size();
        for (i = 0; i < nLight; i++) {
            LightRetained lt = (LightRetained) (lights.get(i)).retained;
            if (lt instanceof AmbientLightRetained) {
                sceneAmbient.x += lt.color.x;
                sceneAmbient.y += lt.color.y;
                sceneAmbient.z += lt.color.z;

            lt.update(canvas3d.ctx, n, canvas3d.canvasViewCache.getVworldToCoexistenceScale());
            if (lt.lightOn)
                enableMask |= (1 << n);
        if (sceneAmbient.x > 1.0f) {
            sceneAmbient.x = 1.0f;
        if (sceneAmbient.y > 1.0f) {
            sceneAmbient.y = 1.0f;
        if (sceneAmbient.z > 1.0f) {
            sceneAmbient.z = 1.0f;

        canvas3d.setSceneAmbient(canvas3d.ctx, sceneAmbient.x, sceneAmbient.y, sceneAmbient.z);

        canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.AMBIENTLIGHT_DIRTY;

        if (canvas3d.enableMask != enableMask) {
            canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.LIGHTENABLES_DIRTY;
            // XXXX: 32 => renderBin.maxLights
            canvas3d.setLightEnables(canvas3d.ctx, enableMask, 32);
            canvas3d.enableMask = enableMask;

        // Force LightBin.updateAttributes and EnvironmentSet.updateAttributes
        // to use the within frame case.
        canvas3d.lightBin = null;
        canvas3d.environmentSet = null;

        if (fog != null) {
            if (fog.retained != canvas3d.fog) {
                ((FogRetained) fog.retained).update(canvas3d.ctx,
                canvas3d.fog = (FogRetained) fog.retained;
                canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.FOG_DIRTY;
        } else { // Turn off fog
            if (canvas3d.fog != null) {
                canvas3d.setFogEnableFlag(canvas3d.ctx, false);
                canvas3d.fog = null;
                canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.FOG_DIRTY;

    void updateModelClip(Transform3D vworldToVpc) {
        if (modelClip != null) {
            int enableMask = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                if (((ModelClipRetained) modelClip.retained).enables[i])
                    enableMask |= 1 << i;
            // planes are already transformed to eye coordinates
            // in immediate mode
            if (enableMask != 0) {
                this.drawTransform.mul(vworldToVpc, this.modelClipTransform);
                canvas3d.setModelViewMatrix(canvas3d.ctx, vpcToEc.mat, this.drawTransform);
            ((ModelClipRetained) modelClip.retained).update(canvas3d.ctx, enableMask, this.drawTransform);
            canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.MODELCLIP_DIRTY;
            canvas3d.modelClip = (ModelClipRetained) modelClip.retained;
        } else {
            if (canvas3d.modelClip != null) {
                canvas3d.modelClip = null;
                canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.MODELCLIP_DIRTY;

        // Force EnvironmentSet.updateAttributes to  use the within frame case.
        canvas3d.environmentSet = null;


    boolean updateState(RenderBin rb, int geometryType) {

        boolean useAlpha = false;
        numActiveTexUnit = 0;
        lastActiveTexUnitIndex = 0;

        // Update Appearance
        if (appearance != null) {
            AppearanceRetained app = (AppearanceRetained) appearance.retained;

            // If the material is not null then check if the one in the canvas
            // is equivalent to the one being sent down. If Yes, do nothing
            // Otherwise, cache the sent down material and mark the canvas
            // dirty flag so that the compiled/compiled-retained rendering
            // catches the change
            // if material != null, we will need to load the material
            // parameter again, because the apps could have changed
            // the material parameter

            if (app.material != null) {
                app.material.updateNative(canvas3d.ctx, red, green, blue, alpha, enableLighting);
                canvas3d.material = app.material;
                canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.MATERIAL_DIRTY;
            } else {
                if (canvas3d.material != null) {
                    canvas3d.updateMaterial(canvas3d.ctx, red, green, blue, alpha);
                    canvas3d.material = null;
                    canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.MATERIAL_DIRTY;

            // Set flag indicating whether we are using shaders
            boolean useShaders = false;
            if (app instanceof ShaderAppearanceRetained) {
                ShaderProgramRetained spR = ((ShaderAppearanceRetained) app).shaderProgram;
                if (spR != null) {
                    spR.updateNative(canvas3d, true);

                    ShaderAttributeSetRetained sasR = ((ShaderAppearanceRetained) app).shaderAttributeSet;

                    if (sasR != null) {
                        sasR.updateNative(canvas3d, spR);

                    canvas3d.shaderProgram = spR;
                    useShaders = true;
            } else if (canvas3d.shaderProgram != null) {
                canvas3d.shaderProgram.updateNative(canvas3d, false);
                canvas3d.shaderProgram = null;
                useShaders = false;

            // Set the number of available texture units; this depends on
            // whether or not shaders are being used.
            int availableTextureUnits = useShaders ? canvas3d.maxTextureImageUnits : canvas3d.maxTextureUnits;

            int prevNumActiveTexUnit = canvas3d.getNumActiveTexUnit();

            // Get the number of active texture units.
            // Note that this total number now includes disabled units.
            if (app.texUnitState != null) {
                TextureUnitStateRetained tus;

                for (int i = 0; i < app.texUnitState.length; i++) {
                    tus = app.texUnitState[i];
                    if (tus != null && tus.isTextureEnabled()) {
                        lastActiveTexUnitIndex = i;
                        numActiveTexUnit = i + 1;
                        if (tus.texAttrs != null) {
                            useAlpha = useAlpha || (tus.texAttrs.textureMode == TextureAttributes.BLEND);

                if (numActiveTexUnit <= availableTextureUnits) {
                    // Normal, single-pass rendering case

                    // update all active texture unit states
                    for (int i = 0; i < app.texUnitState.length; i++) {
                        if (i >= availableTextureUnits) {
                            // This can happen if there are disabled units at
                            // the end of the array

                        if ((app.texUnitState[i] != null) && app.texUnitState[i].isTextureEnabled()) {
                            app.texUnitState[i].updateNative(i, canvas3d, false, false);
                        } else {
                            canvas3d.resetTexture(canvas3d.ctx, i);

                    // reset the remaining texture units
                    for (int i = app.texUnitState.length; i < prevNumActiveTexUnit; i++) {
                        canvas3d.resetTexture(canvas3d.ctx, i);

                    // set the number active texture unit in Canvas3D

                } else {
                    // Exceeded limit, disable all the texture units
                    for (int i = 0; i < prevNumActiveTexUnit; i++) {
                        canvas3d.resetTexture(canvas3d.ctx, i);

                // set the active texture unit back to 0
                canvas3d.activeTextureUnit(canvas3d.ctx, 0);
            } else {
                // if texUnitState is null, let's disable
                // all texture units first
                if (canvas3d.multiTexAccelerated) {
                    if (canvas3d.texUnitState != null) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < prevNumActiveTexUnit; i++) {
                            TextureUnitStateRetained tur = canvas3d.texUnitState[i];
                            if ((tur != null) && (tur.texture != null)) {
                                canvas3d.resetTexture(canvas3d.ctx, i);
                                canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texture = null;

                    // set the active texture unit back to 0
                    canvas3d.activeTextureUnit(canvas3d.ctx, 0);

                if ((canvas3d.texUnitState != null) && (canvas3d.texUnitState[0] != null)
                        && (canvas3d.texUnitState[0].texture != app.texture)) {

                    // If the image is by reference, check if the image
                    // should be processed
                    if (app.texture != null) {
                        canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.TEXTUREBIN_DIRTY | Canvas3D.TEXTUREATTRIBUTES_DIRTY;
                        numActiveTexUnit = 1;
                        lastActiveTexUnitIndex = 0;
                    } else {
                        numActiveTexUnit = 0;
                        canvas3d.resetTexture(canvas3d.ctx, -1);
                        canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.TEXTUREBIN_DIRTY | Canvas3D.TEXTUREATTRIBUTES_DIRTY;

                    canvas3d.texUnitState[0].texture = app.texture;

                // set the number active texture unit in Canvas3D

                if (app.texCoordGeneration != null) {
                    canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.TEXTUREBIN_DIRTY | Canvas3D.TEXTUREATTRIBUTES_DIRTY;
                    if ((canvas3d.texUnitState != null) && (canvas3d.texUnitState[0] != null)) {
                        canvas3d.texUnitState[0].texGen = app.texCoordGeneration;
                } else {
                    // If the canvas does not alreadt have a null texCoordGeneration
                    // load the default
                    if ((canvas3d.texUnitState != null) && (canvas3d.texUnitState[0] != null)
                            && (canvas3d.texUnitState[0].texGen != null)) {
                        canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.TEXTUREBIN_DIRTY | Canvas3D.TEXTUREATTRIBUTES_DIRTY;
                        canvas3d.texUnitState[0].texGen = app.texCoordGeneration;

                if (app.textureAttributes != null) {
                    if ((canvas3d.texUnitState != null) && (canvas3d.texUnitState[0] != null)) {

                        if (canvas3d.texUnitState[0].texture != null) {
                            app.textureAttributes.updateNative(canvas3d, false,
                        } else {
                            app.textureAttributes.updateNative(canvas3d, false, Texture.RGBA);
                        canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.TEXTUREBIN_DIRTY | Canvas3D.TEXTUREATTRIBUTES_DIRTY;
                        canvas3d.texUnitState[0].texAttrs = app.textureAttributes;
                } else {
                    // If the canvas does not already have a null texAttribute
                    // load the default if necessary
                    if ((canvas3d.texUnitState != null) && (canvas3d.texUnitState[0] != null)
                            && (canvas3d.texUnitState[0].texAttrs != null)) {
                        canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.TEXTUREBIN_DIRTY | Canvas3D.TEXTUREATTRIBUTES_DIRTY;
                        canvas3d.texUnitState[0].texAttrs = null;

            if (app.coloringAttributes != null) {
                app.coloringAttributes.updateNative(canvas3d.ctx, dRed, dBlue, dGreen, alpha, enableLighting);
                canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.COLORINGATTRS_DIRTY;
                canvas3d.coloringAttributes = app.coloringAttributes;
            } else {
                if (canvas3d.coloringAttributes != null) {
                    canvas3d.resetColoringAttributes(canvas3d.ctx, red, green, blue, alpha, enableLighting);
                    canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.COLORINGATTRS_DIRTY;
                    canvas3d.coloringAttributes = null;

            if (app.transparencyAttributes != null) {
                app.transparencyAttributes.updateNative(canvas3d.ctx, alpha, geometryType, polygonMode, lineAA,
                canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.TRANSPARENCYATTRS_DIRTY;
                canvas3d.transparency = app.transparencyAttributes;

                if (!useAlpha)
                    useAlpha = TransparencyAttributesRetained.useAlpha(app.transparencyAttributes);

            } else {
                canvas3d.resetTransparency(canvas3d.ctx, geometryType, polygonMode, lineAA, pointAA);
                canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.TRANSPARENCYATTRS_DIRTY;
                canvas3d.transparency = null;

            if (app.renderingAttributes != null) {
                ignoreVertexColors = app.renderingAttributes.ignoreVertexColors;
                app.renderingAttributes.updateNative(canvas3d, canvas3d.depthBufferWriteEnableOverride,
                canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.ATTRIBUTEBIN_DIRTY | Canvas3D.TEXTUREATTRIBUTES_DIRTY;
                canvas3d.renderingAttrs = app.renderingAttributes;

                useAlpha = useAlpha || (app.renderingAttributes.alphaTestFunction != RenderingAttributes.ALWAYS);
            } else {
                // If the canvas does not alreadt have a null renderingAttrs
                // load the default
                ignoreVertexColors = false;
                if (canvas3d.renderingAttrs != null) {
                    canvas3d.resetRenderingAttributes(canvas3d.ctx, canvas3d.depthBufferWriteEnableOverride,
                    canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.ATTRIBUTEBIN_DIRTY | Canvas3D.TEXTUREATTRIBUTES_DIRTY;
                    canvas3d.renderingAttrs = null;

            if (app.polygonAttributes != null) {
                canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.POLYGONATTRS_DIRTY;
                canvas3d.polygonAttributes = app.polygonAttributes;
            } else {
                // If the canvas does not alreadt have a null polygonAttr
                // load the default
                if (canvas3d.polygonAttributes != null) {
                    canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.POLYGONATTRS_DIRTY;
                    canvas3d.polygonAttributes = null;

            if (app.lineAttributes != null) {
                canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.LINEATTRS_DIRTY;
                canvas3d.lineAttributes = app.lineAttributes;
            } else {
                // If the canvas does not already have a null lineAttr
                // load the default
                if (canvas3d.lineAttributes != null) {
                    canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.LINEATTRS_DIRTY;
                    canvas3d.lineAttributes = null;

            if (app.pointAttributes != null) {
                canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.POINTATTRS_DIRTY;
                canvas3d.pointAttributes = app.pointAttributes;
            } else {
                // If the canvas does not already have a null pointAttr
                // load the default
                if (canvas3d.pointAttributes != null) {
                    canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.POINTATTRS_DIRTY;
                    canvas3d.pointAttributes = null;

            canvas3d.appearance = app;

        } else {
            if (canvas3d.appearance != null) {
                canvas3d.appearance = null;

        return (useAlpha);

    void initializeState() {

        canvas3d.setSceneAmbient(canvas3d.ctx, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        canvas3d.resetRenderingAttributes(canvas3d.ctx, false, false);

        if (canvas3d.shaderProgram != null) {
            canvas3d.shaderProgram.updateNative(canvas3d, false);
            canvas3d.shaderProgram = null;

        // reset the previously enabled texture units

        int prevNumActiveTexUnit = canvas3d.getNumActiveTexUnit();

        if (prevNumActiveTexUnit > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < prevNumActiveTexUnit; i++) {
                if (canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texture != null) {
                    canvas3d.resetTexture(canvas3d.ctx, i);
                    canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texture = null;
                if (canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texAttrs != null) {
                    canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texAttrs = null;
                if (canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texGen != null) {
                    canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texGen = null;
                canvas3d.texUnitState[i].mirror = null;

        canvas3d.resetTransparency(canvas3d.ctx, RenderMolecule.SURFACE, PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_FILL, false,
        canvas3d.resetColoringAttributes(canvas3d.ctx, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, false);
        canvas3d.updateMaterial(canvas3d.ctx, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

    void resetAppearance() {
        //System.err.println("GC3D.resetAppearance ....");

        if (canvas3d.material != null) {
            canvas3d.updateMaterial(canvas3d.ctx, red, green, blue, alpha);
            canvas3d.material = null;
            canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.MATERIAL_DIRTY;

        if (canvas3d.shaderProgram != null) {
            canvas3d.shaderProgram.updateNative(canvas3d, false);
            canvas3d.shaderProgram = null;
            // ShaderBin doesn't use dirty bit.

        // reset the previously enabled texture units
        int prevNumActiveTexUnit = canvas3d.getNumActiveTexUnit();

        if (prevNumActiveTexUnit > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < prevNumActiveTexUnit; i++) {
                if (canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texture != null) {
                    canvas3d.resetTexture(canvas3d.ctx, i);
                    canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texture = null;
                if (canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texAttrs != null) {
                    canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texAttrs = null;
                if (canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texGen != null) {
                    canvas3d.texUnitState[i].texGen = null;
                canvas3d.texUnitState[i].mirror = null;
            canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.TEXTUREBIN_DIRTY | Canvas3D.TEXTUREATTRIBUTES_DIRTY;

        if (canvas3d.coloringAttributes != null) {
            canvas3d.resetColoringAttributes(canvas3d.ctx, red, green, blue, alpha, enableLighting);
            canvas3d.coloringAttributes = null;
            canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.COLORINGATTRS_DIRTY;

        if (canvas3d.transparency != null) {
            canvas3d.resetTransparency(canvas3d.ctx, RenderMolecule.SURFACE, PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_FILL, lineAA,
            canvas3d.transparency = null;
            canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.TRANSPARENCYATTRS_DIRTY;

        if (canvas3d.renderingAttrs != null) {
            ignoreVertexColors = false;
            canvas3d.resetRenderingAttributes(canvas3d.ctx, canvas3d.depthBufferWriteEnableOverride,
            canvas3d.renderingAttrs = null;
            canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.ATTRIBUTEBIN_DIRTY | Canvas3D.TEXTUREATTRIBUTES_DIRTY;

        if (canvas3d.polygonAttributes != null) {
            canvas3d.polygonAttributes = null;
            canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.POLYGONATTRS_DIRTY;

        if (canvas3d.lineAttributes != null) {
            canvas3d.lineAttributes = null;
            canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.LINEATTRS_DIRTY;

        if (canvas3d.pointAttributes != null) {
            canvas3d.pointAttributes = null;
            canvas3d.canvasDirty |= Canvas3D.POINTATTRS_DIRTY;

    void sendRenderMessage(boolean renderRun, int command, Object arg1, Object arg2) {

        // send a message to the request renderer

        J3dMessage renderMessage = new J3dMessage();
        renderMessage.threads = J3dThread.RENDER_THREAD;
        renderMessage.type = J3dMessage.RENDER_IMMEDIATE;
        renderMessage.universe = null;
        renderMessage.view = null;
        renderMessage.args[0] = canvas3d;
        renderMessage.args[1] = getImmCommand(command);
        renderMessage.args[2] = arg1;
        renderMessage.args[3] = arg2;

        while (!canvas3d.view.inRenderThreadData) {
            // wait until the renderer thread data in added in
            // MC:RenderThreadData array ready to receive message


        if (renderRun) {
            // notify mc that there is work to do
  , J3dThread.RENDER_THREAD);
        } else {
            // notify mc that there is work for the request renderer

    void sendSoundMessage(int command, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
        if ((canvas3d.view == null) || (canvas3d.view.universe == null)) {
        // send a message to the request sound scheduling
        J3dMessage soundMessage = new J3dMessage();
        soundMessage.threads = J3dThread.SOUND_SCHEDULER;
        soundMessage.type = J3dMessage.RENDER_IMMEDIATE;
        soundMessage.universe = canvas3d.view.universe;
        soundMessage.view = canvas3d.view;
        soundMessage.args[0] = getImmCommand(command);
        soundMessage.args[1] = arg1;
        soundMessage.args[2] = arg2;
        // notify mc that there is work to do;

    static Integer getImmCommand(int command) {
        if (commands[command] == null) {
            commands[command] = new Integer(command);
        return commands[command];

    synchronized void runMonitor(int action) {
        if (action == J3dThread.WAIT) {
            while (!gcReady) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            gcReady = false;
        } else {
            gcReady = true;
            if (waiting > 0) {
