Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015, Danilo Pianini and contributors * listed in the project's pom.xml file. * * This file is part of Alchemist, and is distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License, with a linking exception, as described * in the file LICENSE in the Alchemist distribution's top directory. */ package it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.monitors; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.Path2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.function.Function; import; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.MouseInputListener; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; import org.danilopianini.lang.LangUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.gui.effects.Effect; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.interfaces.Graphical2DOutputMonitor; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.l10n.LocalizedResourceBundle; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.wormhole.implementation.AngleManagerImpl; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.wormhole.implementation.ExponentialZoomManager; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.wormhole.implementation.PointAdapter; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.wormhole.implementation.PointerSpeedImpl; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.wormhole.implementation.Wormhole2D; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.wormhole.interfaces.IWormhole2D; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.wormhole.interfaces.IWormhole2D.Mode; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.wormhole.interfaces.PointerSpeed; import it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.wormhole.interfaces.ZoomManager; import it.unibo.alchemist.core.interfaces.Simulation; import it.unibo.alchemist.core.interfaces.Status; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.implementations.positions.Continuous2DEuclidean; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.implementations.times.DoubleTime; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Environment; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Environment2DWithObstacles; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Neighborhood; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Node; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Obstacle2D; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Position; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Reaction; import it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Time; /** * Abstract base-class for each display able a graphically represent a 2D space * and simulation. * * @param <T> */ public class Generic2DDisplay<T> extends JPanel implements Graphical2DOutputMonitor<T> { static { System.setProperty("sun.java2d.opengl", "true"); } /** * The default frame rate. */ public static final byte DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE = 25; private static final double TIME_STEP = 1d / DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE; private static final double FREEDOM_RADIUS = 1d; private static final Logger L = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Generic2DDisplay.class); private static final int MS_PER_SECOND = 1000; /** * */ public static final long PAUSE_DETECTION_THRESHOLD = 200; /** * How big (in pixels) the selected node should appear. */ private static final byte SELECTED_NODE_DRAWING_SIZE = 16, SELECTED_NODE_INTERNAL_SIZE = 10; private static final long serialVersionUID = 511631766719686842L; private transient AngleManagerImpl angleManager; private Environment<T> currentEnv; private List<Effect> effectStack; private volatile boolean firstTime = true; private boolean paintLinks; private transient Optional<Node<T>> hooked = Optional.empty(); private boolean inited; private double lasttime; private final Semaphore mapConsistencyMutex = new Semaphore(1); private final transient PointerSpeed mouseMovement = new PointerSpeedImpl(); private int mousex, mousey; private Node<T> nearest; private final ConcurrentMap<Node<T>, Neighborhood<T>> neighbors = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private List<? extends Obstacle2D> obstacles; private final ConcurrentMap<Node<T>, Position> positions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private boolean realTime; private int st; private long timeInit = System.currentTimeMillis(); private transient IWormhole2D wormhole; private transient ZoomManager zoomManager; private transient boolean isPreviousStateMarking = true; private ViewStatus status = ViewStatus.MARK_CLOSER; private transient boolean isDraggingMouse; private transient Optional<Point> originPoint = Optional.empty(); private transient Optional<Point> endingPoint = Optional.empty(); private transient Set<Node<T>> selectedNodes = new HashSet<>(); /** * Initializes a new display with out redrawing the first step. */ public Generic2DDisplay() { this(1); } /** * Initializes a new display. * * @param step * number of steps to let pass without re-drawing */ public Generic2DDisplay(final int step) { super(); if (!"true".equals(System.getProperty("sun.java2d.opengl"))) { L.warn("OpenGL acceleration appears to be disabled on this system. This may impact performance negatively. Please enable it with -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true"); } setStep(step); setBackground(Color.WHITE); inited = false; final MouseManager mgr = new MouseManager(); addMouseListener(mgr); addMouseMotionListener(mgr); addMouseWheelListener(mgr); bindKeys(); } private boolean isInteracting() { return status != ViewStatus.MARK_CLOSER && status != ViewStatus.VIEW_ONLY; } private void resetStatus() { if (isPreviousStateMarking) { this.status = ViewStatus.MARK_CLOSER; } else { this.status = ViewStatus.VIEW_ONLY; } } private void bindKeys() { bindKey(KeyEvent.VK_S, () -> { if (status == ViewStatus.SELECTING) { resetStatus(); this.selectedNodes.clear(); } else if (!isInteracting()) { this.status = ViewStatus.SELECTING; } this.repaint(); }); bindKey(KeyEvent.VK_O, () -> { if (status == ViewStatus.SELECTING) { this.status = ViewStatus.MOVING; } }); bindKey(KeyEvent.VK_C, () -> { if (status == ViewStatus.SELECTING) { this.status = ViewStatus.CLONING; } }); bindKey(KeyEvent.VK_E, () -> { if (status == ViewStatus.SELECTING) { this.status = ViewStatus.MOLECULING; final JFrame mol = Generic2DDisplay.makeFrame("Moleculing", new MoleculeInjectorGUI<>(selectedNodes)); mol.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); mol.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosed(final WindowEvent e) { selectedNodes.clear(); resetStatus(); } }); } }); bindKey(KeyEvent.VK_D, () -> { if (status == ViewStatus.SELECTING) { this.status = ViewStatus.DELETING; for (final Node<T> n : selectedNodes) { currentEnv.removeNode(n); } final Simulation<T> sim = currentEnv.getSimulation(); sim.schedule(() -> update(currentEnv, sim.getTime())); resetStatus(); } }); bindKey(KeyEvent.VK_M, () -> setMarkCloserNode(!isCloserNodeMarked())); bindKey(KeyEvent.VK_L, () -> setDrawLinks(!paintLinks)); bindKey(KeyEvent.VK_P, () -> Optional.ofNullable(currentEnv.getSimulation()).ifPresent(sim -> { if (sim.getStatus() == Status.RUNNING) { sim.pause(); } else {; } })); bindKey(KeyEvent.VK_R, () -> setRealTime(!isRealTime())); bindKey(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, () -> setStep(Math.max(1, st - Math.max(st / 10, 1)))); bindKey(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, () -> setStep(Math.max(st, st + Math.max(st / 10, 1)))); } private void accessData() { mapConsistencyMutex.acquireUninterruptibly(); } private Shape convertObstacle(final Obstacle2D o) { final Rectangle2D r = o.getBounds2D(); final Position[] points = new Position[] { new Continuous2DEuclidean(r.getX(), r.getY()), new Continuous2DEuclidean(r.getX() + r.getWidth(), r.getY()), new Continuous2DEuclidean(r.getX() + r.getWidth(), r.getY() + r.getHeight()), new Continuous2DEuclidean(r.getX(), r.getY() + r.getHeight()) }; final Path2D path = new GeneralPath(); for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { final Point pt = wormhole.getViewPoint(points[i]); if (i == 0) { path.moveTo(pt.getX(), pt.getY()); } path.lineTo(pt.getX(), pt.getY()); } path.closePath(); return path; } /** * This method is meant to be overridden by subclasses that want to display * a more sophisticated background than a simple color. * * @param g * the Graphics2D to use */ protected void drawBackground(final Graphics2D g) { } /** * Actually draws the environment on the view. * * @param g * {@link Graphics2D} object responsible for drawing */ protected final void drawEnvOnView(final Graphics2D g) { if (wormhole == null || !isVisible() || !isEnabled()) { return; } accessData(); if (hooked.isPresent()) { final Position hcoor = positions.get(hooked.get()); final Point hp = wormhole.getViewPoint(hcoor); if (hp.distance(getCenter()) > FREEDOM_RADIUS) { wormhole.setViewPosition(hp); } } /* * Compute nodes in sight and their screen position */ final Map<Node<T>, Point> onView = positions.entrySet().parallelStream() .map(pair -> new Pair<>(pair.getKey(), wormhole.getViewPoint(pair.getValue()))) .filter(p -> wormhole.isInsideView(p.getSecond())) .collect(Collectors.toMap(Pair::getKey, Pair::getValue)); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); if (obstacles != null) { /* * TODO: only draw obstacles if on view */ obstacles.parallelStream().map(this::convertObstacle).forEachOrdered(g::fill); } if (paintLinks) { g.setColor(Color.GRAY); onView.keySet().parallelStream().map(neighbors::get) .flatMap(neigh -> neigh.getNeighbors().parallelStream() .map(node -> node.compareTo(neigh.getCenter()) > 0 ? new Pair<>(neigh.getCenter(), node) : new Pair<>(node, neigh.getCenter()))) .distinct().map( pair -> mapPair(pair, node -> Optional.ofNullable(onView.get(node)) .orElse(wormhole.getViewPoint(positions.get(node))))) .forEachOrdered(line -> { final Point p1 = line.getFirst(); final Point p2 = line.getSecond(); g.drawLine(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); }); } releaseData(); if (isDraggingMouse && status == ViewStatus.MOVING && originPoint.isPresent() && endingPoint.isPresent()) { for (final Node<T> n : selectedNodes) { if (onView.containsKey(n)) { onView.put(n, new Point(onView.get(n).x + (endingPoint.get().x - originPoint.get().x), onView.get(n).y + (endingPoint.get().y - originPoint.get().y))); } } } g.setColor(Color.GREEN); if (effectStack != null) { effectStack.forEach(effect -> { onView.entrySet().forEach(entry -> { final Point p = entry.getValue(); effect.apply(g, entry.getKey(), p.x, p.y); }); }); } if (isCloserNodeMarked()) { final Optional<Map.Entry<Node<T>, Point>> closest = onView.entrySet().parallelStream() .min((pair1, pair2) -> { final Point p1 = pair1.getValue(); final Point p2 = pair2.getValue(); final double d1 = Math.hypot(p1.x - mousex, p1.y - mousey); final double d2 = Math.hypot(p2.x - mousex, p2.y - mousey); return, d2); }); if (closest.isPresent()) { nearest = closest.get().getKey(); final int nearestx = closest.get().getValue().x; final int nearesty = closest.get().getValue().y; drawFriedEgg(g, nearestx, nearesty, Color.RED, Color.YELLOW); } } else { nearest = null; } if (isDraggingMouse && status == ViewStatus.SELECTING && originPoint.isPresent() && endingPoint.isPresent()) { g.setColor(Color.BLACK); final int x = originPoint.get().x < endingPoint.get().x ? originPoint.get().x : endingPoint.get().x; final int y = originPoint.get().y < endingPoint.get().y ? originPoint.get().y : endingPoint.get().y; final int width = Math.abs(endingPoint.get().x - originPoint.get().x); final int height = Math.abs(endingPoint.get().y - originPoint.get().y); g.drawRect(x, y, width, height); selectedNodes = onView.entrySet().parallelStream() .filter(nodes -> isInsideRectangle(nodes.getValue(), x, y, width, height)) .map(onScreen -> onScreen.getKey()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } selectedNodes.parallelStream().map(e -> Optional.ofNullable(onView.get(e))).filter(Optional::isPresent) .map(Optional::get).forEachOrdered(p -> drawFriedEgg(g, p.x, p.y, Color.BLUE, Color.CYAN)); } private void drawFriedEgg(final Graphics g, final int x, final int y, final Color c1, final Color c2) { g.setColor(c1); g.fillOval(x - SELECTED_NODE_DRAWING_SIZE / 2, y - SELECTED_NODE_DRAWING_SIZE / 2, SELECTED_NODE_DRAWING_SIZE, SELECTED_NODE_DRAWING_SIZE); g.setColor(c2); g.fillOval(x - SELECTED_NODE_INTERNAL_SIZE / 2, y - SELECTED_NODE_INTERNAL_SIZE / 2, SELECTED_NODE_INTERNAL_SIZE, SELECTED_NODE_INTERNAL_SIZE); } @Override public void finished(final Environment<T> environment, final Time time, final long step) { update(environment, time); firstTime = true; } /** * Gets the view center point. * * @return the center */ private Point getCenter() { return new Point(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2); } @Override public int getStep() { return st; } /** * Lets child-classes access the wormhole. * * @return an {@link IWormhole2D} */ protected final IWormhole2D getWormhole() { return wormhole; } /** * Lets child-classes access the zoom manager. * * @return an {@link ZoomManager} */ protected final ZoomManager getZoomManager() { return zoomManager; } /* * Initializes all the internal data. */ private void initAll(final Environment<T> env) { wormhole = new Wormhole2D(env, this);; wormhole.optimalZoom(); angleManager = new AngleManagerImpl(AngleManagerImpl.DEF_DEG_PER_PIXEL); zoomManager = new ExponentialZoomManager(wormhole.getZoom(), ExponentialZoomManager.DEF_BASE); if (env instanceof Environment2DWithObstacles) { loadObstacles(env); } else { obstacles = null; } } @Override public void initialized(final Environment<T> environment) { stepDone(environment, null, new DoubleTime(), 0); } /** * @return true if the closer node is marked */ protected final boolean isCloserNodeMarked() { return status == ViewStatus.MARK_CLOSER; } /** * Lets child-classes check if the display is initialized. * * @return a <code>boolean</code> value */ protected boolean isInitilized() { return inited; } /** * @return true if this monitor is trying to draw in realtime */ @Override public final boolean isRealTime() { return realTime; } private void loadObstacles(final Environment<T> env) { obstacles = ((Environment2DWithObstacles<?, ?>) env).getObstacles(); } @Override protected void paintComponent(final Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); drawBackground((Graphics2D) g); drawEnvOnView((Graphics2D) g); } private void releaseData() { mapConsistencyMutex.release(); } /** * * @param x x coord * @param y y coord */ protected void setDist(final int x, final int y) { if (wormhole != null) { mousex = x; mousey = y; final Position envMouse = wormhole.getEnvPoint(new Point(mousex, mousey)); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(envMouse); if (nearest != null) { sb.append(" -- "); sb.append(LocalizedResourceBundle.getString("nearest_node_is")); sb.append(": "); sb.append(nearest.getId()); } setToolTipText(sb.toString()); } } @Override public void setDrawLinks(final boolean b) { if (paintLinks != b) { paintLinks = b; repaint(); } } @Override public void setEffectStack(final List<Effect> l) { effectStack = l; } @Override public void setMarkCloserNode(final boolean mark) { if (!isInteracting()) { if (mark) { isPreviousStateMarking = true; status = ViewStatus.MARK_CLOSER; } else { isPreviousStateMarking = false; status = ViewStatus.VIEW_ONLY; } repaint(); } } @Override public void setRealTime(final boolean rt) { realTime = rt; } @Override public final void setStep(final int step) { if (step <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter must be a positive integer"); } st = step; } /** * Lets child-classes change the wormhole. * * @param w * an {@link IWormhole2D} */ protected void setWormhole(final IWormhole2D w) { Objects.requireNonNull(w); wormhole = w; } /** * Lets child-classes change the zoom manager. * * @param zm * an {@link ZoomManager} */ protected void setZoomManager(final ZoomManager zm) { zoomManager = zm; wormhole.setZoom(zoomManager.getZoom()); } @Override public void stepDone(final Environment<T> environment, final Reaction<T> r, final Time time, final long step) { if (firstTime) { synchronized (this) { if (firstTime) { initAll(environment); lasttime = -TIME_STEP; firstTime = false; timeInit = System.currentTimeMillis(); update(environment, time); } } } else if (st < 1 || step % st == 0) { if (isRealTime()) { if (lasttime + TIME_STEP > time.toDouble()) { return; } final long timeSimulated = (long) (time.toDouble() * MS_PER_SECOND); if (timeSimulated == 0) { timeInit = System.currentTimeMillis(); } final long timePassed = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeInit; if (timePassed - timeSimulated > PAUSE_DETECTION_THRESHOLD) { timeInit = timeInit + timePassed - timeSimulated; } if (timeSimulated > timePassed) { try { Thread.sleep(Math.min(timeSimulated - timePassed, MS_PER_SECOND / DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE)); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { L.warn("Damn spurious wakeups."); } } } update(environment, time); } } private void update(final Environment<T> env, final Time time) { if (Thread.holdsLock(env)) { if (envHasMobileObstacles(env)) { loadObstacles(env); } lasttime = time.toDouble(); currentEnv = env; accessData(); positions.clear(); neighbors.clear(); env.getNodes().parallelStream().forEach(node -> { positions.put(node, env.getPosition(node)); try { neighbors.put(node, env.getNeighborhood(node).clone()); } catch (Exception e) { L.error("Unable to clone neighborhood for " + node, e); } }); releaseData(); repaint(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Only the simulation thread can dictate GUI updates"); } } @Override public void zoomTo(final Position center, final double zoomLevel) { assert center.getDimensions() == 2; wormhole.zoomOnPoint(wormhole.getViewPoint(center), zoomLevel); } /** * @param env * the current environment * @param <N> * positions * @param <D> * distances * @return true if env is subclass of {@link Environment2DWithObstacles} * and has mobile obstacles */ protected static <N extends Number, D extends Number> boolean envHasMobileObstacles(final Environment<?> env) { return env instanceof Environment2DWithObstacles && ((Environment2DWithObstacles<?, ?>) env).hasMobileObstacles(); } private static <I, O> Pair<O, O> mapPair(final Pair<? extends I, ? extends I> pair, final Function<? super I, ? extends O> converter) { return new Pair<>(converter.apply(pair.getFirst()), converter.apply(pair.getSecond())); } private class MouseManager implements MouseInputListener, MouseWheelListener, MouseMotionListener { @Override public void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent e) { setDist(e.getX(), e.getY()); if (isCloserNodeMarked() && nearest != null && SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) && e.getClickCount() == 2) { final NodeTracker<T> monitor = new NodeTracker<>(nearest); monitor.stepDone(currentEnv, null, new DoubleTime(lasttime), st); final Simulation<T> sim = currentEnv.getSimulation(); final JFrame frame = makeFrame("Tracker for node " + nearest.getId(), monitor); if (sim != null) { sim.addOutputMonitor(monitor); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(final WindowEvent e) { sim.removeOutputMonitor(monitor); } }); } } else if (status == ViewStatus.CLONING && SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) && e.getClickCount() == 1) { final Simulation<T> engine = currentEnv.getSimulation(); final Position envEnding = wormhole.getEnvPoint(e.getPoint()); engine.schedule(() -> { final Collection<Node<T>> newNodes = new ArrayList<>(selectedNodes.size()); try { for (final Node<T> n : selectedNodes) { newNodes.add(n.cloneNode(engine.getTime())); } for (final Node<T> n : newNodes) { currentEnv.addNode(n, envEnding); } update(currentEnv, engine.getTime()); } catch (RuntimeException exp) { final String title = "Node cloning error"; final String message = "One or more of your nodes do not support cloning, the debug information is:\n" + LangUtils.stackTraceToString(exp); // TODO: switch to JavaFX alerts JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Generic2DDisplay.this, message, title, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }); selectedNodes.clear(); resetStatus(); } if (nearest != null && SwingUtilities.isMiddleMouseButton(e)) { hooked = hooked.isPresent() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(nearest); } repaint(); } @Override public void mouseDragged(final MouseEvent e) { setDist(e.getX(), e.getY()); if (wormhole == null || mouseMovement == null) { return; } if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) { if (isDraggingMouse) { endingPoint = Optional.of(e.getPoint()); } if (mouseMovement != null && !hooked.isPresent() && !isInteracting()) { final Point previous = wormhole.getViewPosition(); wormhole.setViewPosition(PointAdapter.from(previous) .sum(PointAdapter.from(mouseMovement.getVariation())).toPoint()); } } else if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e) && mouseMovement != null && angleManager != null && wormhole.getMode() != Mode.MAP) {; wormhole.rotateAroundPoint(getCenter(), angleManager.getAngle()); } mouseMovement.setCurrentPosition(e.getPoint()); repaint(); } @Override public void mouseEntered(final MouseEvent e) { updateMouse(e); } @Override public void mouseExited(final MouseEvent e) { updateMouse(e); } @Override public void mouseMoved(final MouseEvent e) { if (mouseMovement != null) { mouseMovement.setCurrentPosition(e.getPoint()); } updateMouse(e); } @Override public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) { if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) && (status == ViewStatus.MOVING || status == ViewStatus.SELECTING)) { isDraggingMouse = true; originPoint = Optional.of(e.getPoint()); endingPoint = Optional.of(e.getPoint()); repaint(); } } @Override public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent e) { if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) && isDraggingMouse) { endingPoint = Optional.of(e.getPoint()); if (status == ViewStatus.MOVING && originPoint.isPresent() && endingPoint.isPresent()) { if (currentEnv.getDimensions() == 2) { final Simulation<T> engine = currentEnv.getSimulation(); if (engine != null) { final Position envEnding = wormhole.getEnvPoint(endingPoint.get()); final Position envOrigin = wormhole.getEnvPoint(originPoint.get()); for (final Node<T> n : selectedNodes) { final Position p = currentEnv.getPosition(n); final double finalX = p.getCoordinate(0) + (envEnding.getCoordinate(0) - envOrigin.getCoordinate(0)); final double finalY = p.getCoordinate(1) + (envEnding.getCoordinate(1) - envOrigin.getCoordinate(1)); final Position finalPos = PointAdapter.from(finalX, finalY).toPosition(); engine.schedule(() -> { currentEnv.moveNodeToPosition(n, finalPos); update(currentEnv, engine.getTime()); }); } } else { // TODO: display proper error message L.warn("Can not handle node movement on a finished simulation."); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to move nodes: unsupported environment dimension."); } selectedNodes.clear(); resetStatus(); } isDraggingMouse = false; originPoint = Optional.empty(); endingPoint = Optional.empty(); repaint(); } } @Override public void mouseWheelMoved(final MouseWheelEvent e) { if (wormhole != null && zoomManager != null) { zoomManager.dec(e.getWheelRotation()); wormhole.zoomOnPoint(e.getPoint(), zoomManager.getZoom()); updateMouse(e); } } private void updateMouse(final MouseEvent e) { setDist(e.getX(), e.getY()); if (isCloserNodeMarked()) { repaint(); } } } private static JFrame makeFrame(final String title, final JPanel content) { final JFrame frame = new JFrame(title); frame.getContentPane().add(content); frame.setLocationByPlatform(true); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); return frame; } private void bindKey(final int key, final Runnable fun) { final Object binder = "Key: " + key; getInputMap(WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(key, 0), binder); getActionMap().put(binder, new AbstractAction() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7927420406960259675L; @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {; } }); } private static boolean isInsideRectangle(final Point viewPoint, final int rx, final int ry, final int width, final int height) { final double x = viewPoint.getX(); final double y = viewPoint.getY(); return x >= rx && x <= rx + width && y >= ry && y <= ry + height; } private enum ViewStatus { VIEW_ONLY, MARK_CLOSER, SELECTING, MOVING, CLONING, DELETING, MOLECULING; } }