Java tutorial
/* * ==================================================================== * This file is part of the ebXML Registry by Icar Cnr v3.2 * ("eRICv32" in the following disclaimer). * * "eRICv32" is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * "eRICv32" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License Version 3 * along with "eRICv32". If not, see <>. * * eRICv32 is a forked, derivative work, based on: * - freebXML Registry, a royalty-free, open source implementation of the ebXML Registry standard, * which was published under the "freebxml License, Version 1.1"; * - ebXML OMAR v3.2 Edition, published under the GNU GPL v3 by S. Krushe & P. Arwanitis. * * All derivative software changes and additions are made under * * Copyright (C) 2013 Ing. Antonio Messina <> * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of the freebxml Software Foundation. For more * information on the freebxml Software Foundation, please see * "". * * This product includes software developed by the Apache Software * Foundation ( * * ==================================================================== */ package it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.AdhocQueryImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.AssociationImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.EmailAddressImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.ExternalIdentifierImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.ExternalLinkImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.ExtrinsicObjectImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.FederationImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.IdentifiableImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.InternationalStringImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.KeyImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.LocalizedStringImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.Notification; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.NotificationImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.OrganizationImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.PersonNameImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.PostalAddressImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObjectImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObjectRef; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryPackageImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.SlotImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.SpecificationLinkImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.SubscriptionImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.TelephoneNumberImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel.UserImpl; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.util.JAXRResourceBundle; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.util.JAXRUtility; import it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.util.SQLQueryProvider; import it.cnr.icar.eric.common.BindingUtility; import it.cnr.icar.eric.common.CredentialInfo; import it.cnr.icar.eric.common.LifeCycleManagerLocalProxy; import it.cnr.icar.eric.common.LifeCycleManagerSOAPProxy; import it.cnr.icar.eric.common.RegistryResponseHolder; import it.cnr.icar.eric.common.exceptions.UnresolvedReferenceException; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.xml.registry.BulkResponse; import javax.xml.registry.DeclarativeQueryManager; import javax.xml.registry.InvalidRequestException; import javax.xml.registry.JAXRException; import javax.xml.registry.JAXRResponse; import javax.xml.registry.LifeCycleManager; import javax.xml.registry.Query; import javax.xml.registry.RegistryService; import javax.xml.registry.UnsupportedCapabilityException; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Association; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Classification; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationScheme; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Concept; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.EmailAddress; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ExternalIdentifier; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ExternalLink; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ExtrinsicObject; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.InternationalString; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Key; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.LocalizedString; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.PersonName; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.PostalAddress; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObject; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryPackage; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Service; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBinding; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Slot; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.SpecificationLink; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.TelephoneNumber; import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.User; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.SetStatusOnObjectsRequest; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.SubmitObjectsRequest; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.UpdateObjectsRequest; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.AdhocQueryType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.IdentifiableType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.NotificationType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.ObjectRefListType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.ObjectRefType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.RegistryObjectListType; import org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.RegistryObjectType; import; import; /** * Implements JAXR API interface named LifeCycleManager. * * * @author <a href="">Farrukh S. Najmi</a> */ public abstract class LifeCycleManagerImpl implements LifeCycleManager { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LifeCycleManagerImpl.class.getName()); /** Factory class for infomodel objects and extension. */ private static InfomodelFactory imFactory = null; RegistryServiceImpl regService; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") HashSet modifiedObjects; private HashMap<String, Concept> objectTypesMap; private org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.rim.ObjectFactory rimFac; private org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.ObjectFactory lcmFac; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private rsFac; private it.cnr.icar.eric.common.spi.LifeCycleManager serverLCM; private BindingUtility bu = BindingUtility.getInstance(); private CredentialInfo credentialInfo = null; LifeCycleManagerImpl(RegistryServiceImpl regService) { this.regService = regService; imFactory = InfomodelFactory.getInstance(); modifiedObjects = new HashSet<Object>(); lcmFac = bu.lcmFac; rsFac = bu.rsFac; rimFac = bu.rimFac; try { setCredentialInfo((regService.getConnection()).getCredentialInfo()); } catch (JAXRException e) { throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(e); } } public static RegistryFacade createRegistryFacade() { RegistryFacade facade = new RegistryFacadeImpl(); return facade; } public Notification createNotification(NotificationType ebNotification) throws JAXRException { Notification notification = new NotificationImpl(this, ebNotification); return notification; } /** * Create an object for the specified objectType Add to JAXR 2.0 */ public Object createObject(Concept objectTypeConcept) throws JAXRException, InvalidRequestException, UnsupportedCapabilityException { Object obj = null; String path = objectTypeConcept.getPath(); if (path == null) { throw new JAXRException(JAXRResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.error.Concept.path.null", new Object[] { objectTypeConcept.getKey().getId() })); } if (path.startsWith("/" + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_ObjectType + "/RegistryObject/ExtrinsicObject")) { obj = createExtrinsicObject(objectTypeConcept); } else if (path.startsWith("" + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_AssociationType + "/") || path.startsWith("/" + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_ObjectType + "/RegistryObject/Association")) { obj = createAssociation(objectTypeConcept); } else { String className = getJAXRClassNameFromObjectType(objectTypeConcept); obj = createObject(className); } return obj; } public boolean isIntrinsicObjectType(Concept objectTypeConcept) throws JAXRException { boolean isIntrinsic = true; // This is risky as we may allow ExtrinsicObjects to be sub-classes of // other classes in future. if (objectTypeConcept.getPath() .startsWith("/" + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_ObjectType + "/RegistryObject/ExtrinsicObject/")) { isIntrinsic = false; } return isIntrinsic; } public String getJAXRClassNameFromObjectType(Concept objectTypeConcept) throws JAXRException { String jaxrClassName = null; String conceptValue = objectTypeConcept.getValue(); if (isIntrinsicObjectType(objectTypeConcept)) { jaxrClassName = BindingUtility.mapEbXMLNameToJAXRName(conceptValue); } else { jaxrClassName = "ExtrinsicObject"; } return jaxrClassName; } public Concept getObjectTypeFromJAXRClassName(String jaxrClassName) throws JAXRException { return (Concept) (getObjectTypeRefFromJAXRClassName(jaxrClassName).getRegistryObject("ClassificationNode")); } public RegistryObjectRef getObjectTypeRefFromJAXRClassName(String jaxrClassName) throws JAXRException { RegistryObjectRef objectTypeRef = null; // Make sure jaxrClassName is not package qualified and does not end in // Impl int index = jaxrClassName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index >= 0) { jaxrClassName = jaxrClassName.substring(index + 1, jaxrClassName.length() - 4); } String objectTypeId = BindingUtility.getInstance() .getObjectTypeId(BindingUtility.mapJAXRNameToEbXMLName(jaxrClassName)); objectTypeRef = new RegistryObjectRef(this, objectTypeId); return objectTypeRef; } /** * Creates instances of information model interfaces (factory method). To * create an Organization, use this method as follows: * * <pre> * Organization org = (Organization) lifeCycleMgr.createObject(LifeCycleManager.ORGANIZATION); * </pre> * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param interfaceName * the unqualified name of an interface in the * javax.xml.registry.infomodel package * * @return an Object that can then be cast to an instance of the interface * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error * * @throws InvalidRequestException * if the interface is not an interface in the * javax.xml.registry.infomodel package * * @throws UnsupportedCapabilityException * if the client attempts to create an instance of an infomodel * interface that is not supported by the capability level of * the JAXR provider */ public Object createObject(String className) throws JAXRException, InvalidRequestException, UnsupportedCapabilityException { Object obj = null; try { // Try to find extended constructor by nickname Constructor<?> cons = imFactory.getConstructor1Arg(className); if (cons != null) { // use extended constructor Object[] args = { this }; obj = cons.newInstance(args); // set extended type String typeId = imFactory.getTypeName(className); BusinessQueryManagerImpl bqm = (BusinessQueryManagerImpl) regService.getBusinessQueryManager(); Concept typeConcept = (Concept) bqm.getRegistryObject(typeId, LifeCycleManager.CONCEPT); if (obj instanceof Association) { ((Association) obj).setAssociationType(typeConcept); } else if (obj instanceof ExtrinsicObject) { ((ExtrinsicObjectImpl) obj).setObjectType(typeConcept); } } else { // proceed the default way: infomodel class className = "it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.infomodel." + BindingUtility.mapEbXMLNameToJAXRName(className) + "Impl"; Class<?> cls = this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(className); Class<?> lcmCls = this.getClass().getClassLoader() .loadClass("it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.LifeCycleManagerImpl"); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class[] parmTypes = { lcmCls }; cons = cls.getDeclaredConstructor(parmTypes); Object[] args = { this }; obj = cons.newInstance(args); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new InvalidRequestException(JAXRResourceBundle.getInstance() .getString("message.error.invalid.classname", new Object[] { className })); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new JAXRException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new JAXRException(e.getCause()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new JAXRException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new JAXRException(e); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) { throw new JAXRException(e); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new JAXRException(e); } return obj; } /** * Create an Association instance of the given type. The sourceObject and * target object must be set later. * <p> * The implementation class returned depends on whether an extension class * has been defined for the given associationType or not. Default is * <code>.infomodel.AssociationImpl</code>. * * @param associationType * The type for the Association (Concept) * @return a new instance of an Association * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public Association createAssociation(Concept associationType) throws JAXRException { String type = null; if (associationType != null) { type = associationType.getKey().getId(); } AssociationImpl ass = imFactory.createAssociation(this, type); ass.setAssociationType(associationType); return ass; } /** * Create an Association instance using the specified parameters. The * sourceObject is left null and will be set when the Association is added * to a RegistryObject. * <p> * Note that for a UDDI provider an Association may only be created between * Organizations. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public Association createAssociation(RegistryObject targetObject, Concept associationType) throws JAXRException { Association ass = createAssociation(associationType); ass.setTargetObject(targetObject); return ass; } /** * Create a Classification instance for an external Classification using the * specified name and value that identifies a taxonomy element within * specified ClassificationScheme. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public Classification createClassification(ClassificationScheme scheme, String name, String value) throws JAXRException { InternationalString is = createInternationalString(name); Classification cl = createClassification(scheme, is, value); return cl; } /** * Create a Classification instance for an external Classification using the * specified name and value that identifies a taxonomy element within * specified ClassificationScheme. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public Classification createClassification(ClassificationScheme scheme, InternationalString name, String value) throws JAXRException { ClassificationImpl cl = new ClassificationImpl(this); cl.setClassificationScheme(scheme); cl.setName(name); cl.setValue(value); return cl; } /** * Create a Classification instance for an internal Classification using the * specified Concept which identifies a taxonomy element within an internal * ClassificationScheme. * <p> * Throws InvalidRequestException if the Concept is not under a * ClassificationScheme. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public Classification createClassification(Concept concept) throws JAXRException, InvalidRequestException { ClassificationImpl cl = new ClassificationImpl(this); cl.setConcept(concept); return cl; } /** * Create a scheme given specified parameters. This is the method to use to * create a scheme in most situations. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public ClassificationScheme createClassificationScheme(String name, String description) throws JAXRException, InvalidRequestException { InternationalString isName = createInternationalString(name); InternationalString isDesc = createInternationalString(description); ClassificationScheme scheme = createClassificationScheme(isName, isDesc); return scheme; } /** * Create a scheme given specified parameters. This is the method to use to * create a scheme in most situations. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public ClassificationScheme createClassificationScheme(InternationalString name, InternationalString description) throws JAXRException, InvalidRequestException { ClassificationSchemeImpl scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(this); scheme.setName(name); scheme.setDescription(description); return scheme; } /** * Creates a ClassificationScheme from a Concept that has no * ClassificationScheme or parent Concept. * <p> * This method is a special case method to do a type safe conversion from * Concept to ClassificationScheme. * <p> * This method is provided to allow for Concepts returned by the * BusinessQueryManager findConcepts call to be safely cast to * ClassificationScheme. It is up to the programer to make sure that the * Concept is indeed semantically a ClassificationScheme. * <p> * This method is necessary because in UDDI a tModel may serve multiple * purposes and there is no way to know when a tModel maps to a Concept and * when it maps to a ClassificationScheme. UDDI leaves the determination to * the programmer and consequently so does this method. * <p> * Throws InvalidRequestException if the Concept has a parent Concept or is * under a ClassificationScheme. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * */ public ClassificationScheme createClassificationScheme(Concept concept) throws JAXRException, InvalidRequestException { ClassificationSchemeImpl scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(this, concept); return scheme; } /** * Create a Concept instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param parent * Is either a reference to a parent ClassificationScheme or * Concept */ public Concept createConcept(RegistryObject parent, String name, String value) throws JAXRException { InternationalString isName = createInternationalString(name); return createConcept(parent, isName, value); } /** * Create a Concept instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param parent * Is either a reference to a parent ClassificationScheme or * Concept */ public Concept createConcept(RegistryObject parent, InternationalString name, String value) throws JAXRException { ConceptImpl concept = new ConceptImpl(this); if (parent instanceof ClassificationScheme) { concept.setClassificationScheme((ClassificationScheme) parent); } else if (parent instanceof Concept) { concept.setParentConcept((Concept) parent); } concept.setName(name); concept.setValue(value); return concept; } /** * Creates an EmailAddress instance using an address as the parameter. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param address * the email address * * @return the EmailAddress instance created * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public EmailAddress createEmailAddress(String address) throws JAXRException { EmailAddressImpl email = new EmailAddressImpl(this); email.setAddress(address); return email; } /** * Creates an EmailAddress instance using both an address and a type as * parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param address * the email address * @param type * the type of the address * * @return the EmailAddress instance created * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public EmailAddress createEmailAddress(String address, String type) throws JAXRException { EmailAddressImpl email = new EmailAddressImpl(this); email.setAddress(address); email.setType(type); return email; } /** * Create an ExternalIdentifier instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public ExternalIdentifier createExternalIdentifier(ClassificationScheme scheme, String name, String value) throws JAXRException { InternationalString is = createInternationalString(name); ExternalIdentifier extId = createExternalIdentifier(scheme, is, value); return extId; } /** * Create an ExternalIdentifier instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public ExternalIdentifier createExternalIdentifier(ClassificationScheme scheme, InternationalString name, String value) throws JAXRException { ExternalIdentifierImpl extId = new ExternalIdentifierImpl(this); if (scheme == null) { throw new InvalidRequestException( JAXRResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.error.IdentificationScheme.null")); } extId.setIdentificationScheme(scheme); extId.setName(name); extId.setValue(value); return extId; } /** * Create an ExternalLink instance using the specified parameters. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * */ public ExternalLink createExternalLink(String externalURI, String description) throws JAXRException { InternationalString isDesc = createInternationalString(description); ExternalLink link = createExternalLink(externalURI, isDesc); return link; } /** * Create an ExternalLink instance using the specified parameters. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * */ public ExternalLink createExternalLink(String externalURI, InternationalString description) throws JAXRException { ExternalLink link = new ExternalLinkImpl(this); link.setDescription(description); boolean compatibilityMode = Boolean.valueOf(it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.util.ProviderProperties .getInstance().getProperty("jaxr-ebxml.tck.compatibilityMode", "false")).booleanValue(); // In compatibilityMode we MUST validate URI here but that is // a usability issue. See spec bug: 6381331 // SO unless spec mode is set dont do URI validation here. if (!compatibilityMode) { link.setValidateURI(false); } link.setExternalURI(externalURI); link.setValidateURI(true); return link; } /** * Create an ExtrinsicObject instance of the given type. * <p> * The implementation class returned depends on whether an extension class * has been defined for the given objectType or not. Default is * <code>.infomodel.ExtrinsicObjectImpl</code>. * * @param objectType * The type for the ExtrinsicObject (Concept) * @return a new instance of an ExtrinsicObject * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public ExtrinsicObject createExtrinsicObject(Concept objectType) throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException { String type = objectType.getKey().getId(); ExtrinsicObjectImpl eo = imFactory.createExtrinsicObject(this, type); eo.setObjectType(objectType); return eo; } /** * Creates an ExtrinsicObject instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * * @param repositoryItem * the DataHandler for the repository item. Must not be null. * * @return the ExtrinsicObject instance created * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error * */ public ExtrinsicObject createExtrinsicObject(javax.activation.DataHandler repositoryItem) throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException { ExtrinsicObject eo = imFactory.createExtrinsicObject(this, (String) null); if (repositoryItem != null) { eo.setRepositoryItem(repositoryItem); } return eo; } /** * Creates an ExtrinsicObject instance using the specified parameters. JAXR * 2.0?? * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * * * @return the ExtrinsicObject instance created * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error * */ public ExtrinsicObject createExtrinsicObject() throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException { return createExtrinsicObject((javax.activation.DataHandler) null); } /** * Create a InternationalString instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public javax.xml.registry.infomodel.InternationalString createInternationalString() throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException { return createInternationalString(Locale.getDefault(), null); } /** * Create a InternationalString instance using the specified parameters and * the default Locale. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public InternationalString createInternationalString(String s) throws JAXRException { return createInternationalString(Locale.getDefault(), s); } /** * Create a InternationalString instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public InternationalString createInternationalString(Locale l, String s) throws JAXRException { InternationalString is = new InternationalStringImpl(this); if (s != null) { LocalizedString ls = new LocalizedStringImpl(this); ls.setLocale(l); ls.setValue(s); is.addLocalizedString(ls); } return is; } /** * Creates a Key instance from an ID. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param id * the ID string from which to create the Key * * @return the Key instance created * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public Key createKey(String id) throws JAXRException { KeyImpl key = new KeyImpl(this); key.setId(id); return key; } // ??Add to level 1 API for JAXR 2.0 public Key createKey() throws JAXRException { KeyImpl key = new KeyImpl(this); return key; } /** * Creates a LocalizedString instance using the specified Locale and String * parameters. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param l * the Locale in which to create the LocalizedString * @param s * the String from which to create the LocalizedString * * @return the LocalizedString instance created * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public LocalizedString createLocalizedString(Locale l, String s) throws JAXRException { LocalizedStringImpl lString = new LocalizedStringImpl(this); lString.setLocale(l); lString.setValue(s); return lString; } /** * Creates a LocalizedString instance using the specified Locale, String, * and character set parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param l * the Locale in which to create the LocalizedString * @param s * the String from which to create the LocalizedString * @param charSetName * the name of the character set to use * * @return the LocalizedString instance created * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public LocalizedString createLocalizedString(Locale l, String s, String charSetName) throws JAXRException { LocalizedString lString = createLocalizedString(l, s); lString.setCharsetName(charSetName); return lString; } /** * Create an Organization instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public Organization createOrganization(String name) throws JAXRException { InternationalString is = createInternationalString(name); Organization org = createOrganization(is); return org; } /** * Create an Organization instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public Organization createOrganization(InternationalString name) throws JAXRException { Organization org = new OrganizationImpl(this); org.setName(name); return org; } /** * Create a PersonName instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * */ public PersonName createPersonName(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName) throws JAXRException { PersonNameImpl personName = new PersonNameImpl(this); personName.setFirstName(firstName); personName.setMiddleName(middleName); personName.setLastName(lastName); return personName; } /** * Create a PersonName instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public PersonName createPersonName(String fullName) throws JAXRException { PersonNameImpl personName = new PersonNameImpl(this); personName.setFullName(fullName); return personName; } /** * Create a PostalAddress instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public PostalAddress createPostalAddress(String streetNumber, String street, String city, String stateOrProvince, String country, String postalCode, String type) throws JAXRException { PostalAddress addr = new PostalAddressImpl(this); addr.setStreetNumber(streetNumber); addr.setStreet(street); addr.setCity(city); addr.setStateOrProvince(stateOrProvince); addr.setCountry(country); addr.setPostalCode(postalCode); addr.setType(type); return addr; } /** * Create a RegistryPackage instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * */ public RegistryPackage createRegistryPackage(String name) throws JAXRException { InternationalString is = createInternationalString(name); return createRegistryPackage(is); } /** * Create a RegistryPackage instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * */ public RegistryPackage createRegistryPackage(InternationalString name) throws JAXRException { RegistryPackageImpl pkg = new RegistryPackageImpl(this); pkg.setName(name); return pkg; } /** * Create a Registry instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * */ public RegistryImpl createRegistry(String name) throws JAXRException { InternationalString is = createInternationalString(name); return createRegistry(is); } /** * Create a Registry instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * */ public RegistryImpl createRegistry(InternationalString name) throws JAXRException { RegistryImpl registry = new RegistryImpl(this); registry.setName(name); return registry; } /** * Create a Federation instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * */ public FederationImpl createFederation(String name) throws JAXRException { InternationalString is = createInternationalString(name); return createFederation(is); } /** * Create a Registry instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * */ public FederationImpl createFederation(InternationalString name) throws JAXRException { FederationImpl federation = new FederationImpl(this); federation.setName(name); return federation; } /** * Create an Service instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public Service createService(String name) throws JAXRException { InternationalString is = createInternationalString(name); return createService(is); } /** * Create an Service instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public Service createService(InternationalString name) throws JAXRException { Service service = new ServiceImpl(this); service.setName(name); return service; } /** * Create an ServiceBinding instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBinding createServiceBinding() throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException { ServiceBinding serviceBinding = new ServiceBindingImpl(this); return serviceBinding; } /** * Creates a Slot instance using the specified parameters, where the value * is a String. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param name * the name of the Slot * @param value * the value (a String) * @param slotType * the slot type * * @return the Slot instance created * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public Slot createSlot(String name, String value, String slotType) throws JAXRException { ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>(); al.add(value); return createSlot(name, al, slotType); } /** * Creates a Slot instance using the specified parameters, where the value * is a Collection of Strings. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param name * the name of the Slot * @param value * the value (a Collection of Strings) * @param slotType * the slot type * * @return the Slot instance created * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public Slot createSlot(String name, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection values, String slotType) throws JAXRException { SlotImpl slot = new SlotImpl(this); slot.setName(name); slot.setValues(values); slot.setSlotType(slotType); return slot; } /** * Creates an empty SpecificationLink instance. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @return the SpecificationLink instance created * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public SpecificationLink createSpecificationLink() throws JAXRException { SpecificationLinkImpl specLink = new SpecificationLinkImpl(this); return specLink; } /** * Creates a Subscription instance with the specified selector. * * @param selector * the id of an <code>AdhocQuery</code> object that defines the * selection criteria */ public SubscriptionImpl createSubscription(String selector) throws JAXRException { SubscriptionImpl subscription = new SubscriptionImpl(this); RegistryObjectRef objRef = new RegistryObjectRef(this, selector); subscription.setSelector(objRef); return subscription; } /** * Create a TelephoneNumber instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public javax.xml.registry.infomodel.TelephoneNumber createTelephoneNumber() throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException { TelephoneNumber ph = new TelephoneNumberImpl(this); return ph; } /** * Create a User instance using the specified parameters. * * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public javax.xml.registry.infomodel.User createUser() throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException { UserImpl user = new UserImpl(this); return user; } // ??Add to JAXRAPI 2.0 public BulkResponse saveAllObjects() throws JAXRException { HashSet<?> _modifiedObjects = null; synchronized (modifiedObjects) { _modifiedObjects = (HashSet<?>) (modifiedObjects.clone()); } return saveObjects(_modifiedObjects); } /** * Add an object to list set of modified objects */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addModifiedObject(RegistryObject ro) { synchronized (modifiedObjects) { modifiedObjects.add(ro); } } /** * Remove an object from list set of modified objects */ public void removeModifiedObject(RegistryObject ro) { synchronized (modifiedObjects) { modifiedObjects.remove(ro); } } /** * Saves one or more Objects to the registry. An object may be a * RegistryObject. If an object is not in the registry, then it is created * in the registry. If it already exists in the registry and has been * modified, then its state is updated (replaced) in the registry. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @return BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those objects * that were saved successfully and any SaveException that was * encountered in case of partial commit. */ public BulkResponse saveObjects(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection objects) throws JAXRException { return this.saveObjects(objects, null); } /** * Saves one or more Objects to the registry. An object may be a * RegistryObject. If an object is not in the registry, then it is created * in the registry. If it already exists in the registry and has been * modified, then its state is updated (replaced) in the registry. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @return BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those objects * that were saved successfully and any SaveException that was * encountered in case of partial commit. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public BulkResponse saveObjects(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection objects, HashMap<String, String> slotsMap) throws JAXRException { if ((objects == null) || (objects.size() == 0)) { return new BulkResponseImpl(); } /* if ((JAXRUtility.getFirstObject(objects) instanceof IdentifiableType) || (JAXRUtility.getFirstObject(objects) instanceof JAXBElement)) { ArrayList<Object> objectList = new ArrayList<Object>(); objectList.addAll(objects); objects = JAXRUtility.getJAXRObjectsFromJAXBObjects(this, objectList, null); } */ ClientRequestContext context = new ClientRequestContext( "it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.LifeCycleManagerImpl:saveObjects", null); context.setSlotsMap(slotsMap); context.getOriginalObjects().addAll(objects); String pad = ""; for (Iterator<?> it = objects.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object obj =; processObject(context, obj, pad); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("candidateSubmitObjects = " + context.getCandidateSubmitObjects()); log.debug("processedObjects = " + context.getProcessedObjects()); } // Return value for this method BulkResponse response = null; // Do any final pruning / processing finalizeSubmitObjectList(context); if (context.getSubmitObjectsMap() != null) { response = doSubmitObjectsRequestInternal(context); if (response.getStatus() == BulkResponse.STATUS_SUCCESS) { // ROs are no longer new markRegistryObjectsClean(context); } } return response; } /** * Process an Object that may be a RegistryObject, RegistryObjectRef or * something else (e.g. Slot). * * Rules: -Do nothing for objects that are neither RegistryObjectImpl nor * RegistryObjectRef (e.g. Slots) -Don't process the same object more than * once */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void processObject(ClientRequestContext context, Object obj, String pad) throws JAXRException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(pad + "processObject entered: obj = " + obj); } // Rule: Do nothing for objects that are neither RegistryObjectImpl nor // RegistryObjectRef (e.g. Slots) if (!((obj instanceof RegistryObjectImpl) || (obj instanceof RegistryObjectRef))) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(pad + "processObject: skipping obj = " + obj); } return; } // Rule: Don't process the same object more than once if (context.getProcessedObjects().contains(obj)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(pad + "processObject: returning on already processed obj = " + obj); } return; } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(pad + "processObject: processedObject.add on obj = " + obj + " processedObjects.contains = " + context.getProcessedObjects().contains(obj)); } context.getProcessedObjects().add(obj); if (obj instanceof RegistryObjectRef) { processRegistryObjectRef(context, (RegistryObjectRef) obj, pad); } else if (obj instanceof RegistryObjectImpl) { processRegistryObject(context, (RegistryObjectImpl) obj, pad); } } } /** * Process a RegistryObjectRef. * * Rules: -Submit ObjectRef for references to clean objects only -Call * processObject for references to modified objects * * The ReferencedObject may be: a) A new or modified object b) An ObjectRef * to an object in the registry */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void processRegistryObjectRef(ClientRequestContext context, RegistryObjectRef ref, String pad) throws JAXRException { log.debug(pad + "processRegistryObjectRef entered: ref = " + ref); // Get RegistryObject from the ref try { RegistryObjectImpl ro = (RegistryObjectImpl) ref.getRegistryObject("RegistryObject"); log.debug(pad + "processRegistryObjectRef: ro = " + ro); if (ro != null) { if (!(ro.isNew() || ro.isModified())) { // Rule: Submit ObjectRef for references to clean objects log.debug(pad + "processRegistryObjectRef: candidateSubmitObjects.add for clean ref = " + ro); context.getCandidateSubmitObjects().add(ref); } else { // Rule: Call processRegistryObject for references to dirty // objects // log.debug(pad + // "processRegistryObjectRef: recursing for dirty ref = " + // ro); processObject(context, ro, pad); } } } catch (UnresolvedReferenceException e) { // This can happen when the RegistryObjectRef is to a remote // ObjectRef // In such cases simply submit the ObjectRef context.getCandidateSubmitObjects().add(ref); } } /** * Process a RegistryObject. * * Potential cases: 1) Composed object is submitted as a composed object 2) * Composed object is submitted as a top level object (e.g. create * Classification, call setClassifiedObject on it and save it.) * */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void processRegistryObject(ClientRequestContext context, RegistryObjectImpl ro, String pad) throws JAXRException { // log.debug(pad + "processRegistryObject entered: ro = " + ro); log.debug(pad + "processRegistryObject: entered candidateSubmitObjects.add on ro = " + ro); context.getCandidateSubmitObjects().add(ro); // Get and process composed objects implicitly for RegistryObjects being // saved @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") HashSet _composedObjects = ro.getComposedObjects(); context.getComposedObjects().addAll(_composedObjects); for (Iterator<?> composedIter = _composedObjects.iterator(); composedIter.hasNext();) { Object obj =; if (obj instanceof RegistryObjectImpl) { RegistryObjectImpl composedObj = (RegistryObjectImpl) obj; if (composedObj.isNew() || composedObj.isModified()) { // log.debug(pad + "processRegistryObject: recursing on composedObj = " + composedObj); processObject(context, composedObj, pad.concat(" ")); } } else if (obj instanceof RegistryObjectRef) { // This could be the case where a remote RegistryObjectRef is // being saved. // Not sure yet that we need to do anything as // FederationSystemTest seems to work as is. @SuppressWarnings("unused") int i = 0;// ?? } } // Get and process objects referenced by RegistryObject HashSet<?> refObjects = ro.getRegistryObjectRefs(); if (refObjects != null) { for (Iterator<?> refIter = refObjects.iterator(); refIter.hasNext();) { Object refObj =; // log.debug(pad + // "processRegistryObject: recursing on refObj = " + refObj); processObject(context, refObj, pad.concat(" ")); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void finalizeSubmitObjectList(ClientRequestContext context) throws JAXRException { HashSet<String> roIds = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> refIds = new HashSet<String>(); if ((context.getCandidateSubmitObjects() == null) || (context.getCandidateSubmitObjects().size() == 0)) { return; } for (Iterator<Object> it = context.getCandidateSubmitObjects().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object obj =; RegistryObjectImpl ro = null; IdentifiableType ebIdentifiableType = null; if (obj instanceof RegistryObjectImpl) { ro = (RegistryObjectImpl) obj; String id = ro.getId(); log.debug("finalizeSubmitObjectList: ro=" + ro + " modified=" + ro.isModified() + " new=" + ro.isNew()); if ((ro.isModified()) || (ro.isNew())) { log.debug("finalizeSubmitObjectList: submitting " + obj); if (obj instanceof ExtrinsicObject) { ExtrinsicObjectImpl eo = (ExtrinsicObjectImpl) obj; // Use getRepositoryItemInternal instead of // getRepositoryItem otherwise // we fetch RI from registry in the case where it was // being remove from EO // in this request DataHandler ri = eo.getRepositoryItemInternal(); // ebXML RS spec 2.0 allows ExtrinsicObject to exist // w/o RepositoryItem, but not JAXR 1.0 if (ri != null) { context.getRepositoryItemsMap().put(id, ri); } } if (obj instanceof Classification && context.getComposedObjects().contains(obj)) { // Special case: Classification: it should go as a // composed // object, inside its classified object. NO-OP. } else if (!(roIds.contains(id))) { roIds.add(id); ebIdentifiableType = (IdentifiableType) ro.toBindingObject(); context.getSubmitObjectsMap().put(ebIdentifiableType, ro); } } else { // Not modified or new. Create an ObjectRef if not already // being marshalled if (!(refIds.contains(id))) { refIds.add(id); ebIdentifiableType = rimFac.createObjectRefType(); ebIdentifiableType.setId(id); log.debug("finalizeSubmitObjectList: submitting ref to unmodified ro=" + ro); context.getSubmitObjectsMap().put(ebIdentifiableType, null); } } } else if (obj instanceof RegistryObjectRef) { RegistryObjectRef ref = (RegistryObjectRef) obj; // There may be multiple refs to same object. // Only add ObjectRef if it has not been added already String id = ref.getId(); if (!(refIds.contains(id))) { refIds.add(id); ebIdentifiableType = (IdentifiableType) ref.toBindingObject(); log.debug("finalizeSubmitObjectList: submitting ref=" + obj); context.getSubmitObjectsMap().put(ebIdentifiableType, null); } } else { throw new JAXRException(JAXRResourceBundle.getInstance() .getString("", new Object[] { obj })); } } log.debug("finalizeSubmitObjectList: returning item count = " + context.getSubmitObjectsMap().size()); } private BulkResponse doSubmitObjectsRequestInternal(ClientRequestContext context) throws JAXRException { BulkResponseImpl response = null; try { SubmitObjectsRequest ebSubmitObjectsRequest = lcmFac.createSubmitObjectsRequest(); context.pushRegistryRequest(ebSubmitObjectsRequest); if (context.getSlotsMap() != null) { bu.addSlotsToRequest(ebSubmitObjectsRequest, context.getSlotsMap()); } //RegistryObjectListType ebRegistryObjectListType = bu.getRegistryObjectListType((RegistryObjectType) context.getSubmitObjectsMap().keySet()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") RegistryObjectListType ebRegistryObjectListType = bu .getRegistryObjectListType(context.getSubmitObjectsMap().keySet()); ebSubmitObjectsRequest.setRegistryObjectList(ebRegistryObjectListType); response = (BulkResponseImpl) doSubmitObjectsRequest(context); // Now setCollection with ids of objects saved setKeysOnBulkResponse(context, response); } catch (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.debug(e); throw new JAXRException(e); } finally { context.popRegistryRequest(); } return response; } public BulkResponse doSubmitObjectsRequest(ClientRequestContext context) throws JAXRException { BulkResponseImpl response = null; try { JAXRUtility.addCreateSessionSlot(context.getCurrentRegistryRequest(), regService.getConnection()); checkCredentialInfo(); RegistryResponseType ebResp = serverLCM.submitObjects(context); response = new BulkResponseImpl(this, ebResp, null); } catch (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.debug(e); throw new JAXRException(e); } return response; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private BulkResponse doUpdateObjectsRequest(ClientRequestContext context) throws JAXRException { BulkResponseImpl response = null; try { org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.UpdateObjectsRequest req = lcmFac.createUpdateObjectsRequest(); context.pushRegistryRequest(req); if (context.getSlotsMap() != null) { bu.addSlotsToRequest(req, context.getSlotsMap()); } RegistryObjectListType ebRegistryObjectListType = bu .getRegistryObjectListType((RegistryObjectType) context.getSubmitObjectsMap().keySet()); req.setRegistryObjectList(ebRegistryObjectListType); JAXRUtility.addCreateSessionSlot(req, regService.getConnection()); checkCredentialInfo(); RegistryResponseType ebResp = serverLCM.updateObjects(context); checkCredentialInfo(); response = new BulkResponseImpl(this, ebResp, null); // Now setCollection with ids of objects saved setKeysOnBulkResponse(context, response); } catch (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException e) { log.debug(e); throw new JAXRException(e); } finally { context.popRegistryRequest(); } return response; } private void setKeysOnBulkResponse(ClientRequestContext context, BulkResponseImpl response) throws JAXRException { ArrayList<Key> keyList = new ArrayList<Key>(); if ((context.getCurrentRegistryRequest() instanceof SubmitObjectsRequest) || (context.getCurrentRegistryRequest() instanceof UpdateObjectsRequest)) { // For submits and updates only consider the context.originalObjects // System.err.println("originalObkjects=" + // context.originalObjects); Iterator<?> iter = context.getOriginalObjects().iterator(); /* Collection<?> objects = context.getOriginalObjects(); if ((JAXRUtility.getFirstObject(objects) instanceof IdentifiableType) || (JAXRUtility.getFirstObject(objects) instanceof JAXBElement)) { ArrayList<Object> objectList = new ArrayList<Object>(); objectList.addAll(objects); objects = JAXRUtility.getJAXRObjectsFromJAXBObjects(this, objectList, null); } Iterator<?> iter = objects.iterator(); */ while (iter.hasNext()) { IdentifiableImpl identifiable = (IdentifiableImpl); Key key = identifiable.getKey(); keyList.add(key); } } else { List<String> idList = BindingUtility.getInstance() .getIdsFromRequest(context.getCurrentRegistryRequest()); Iterator<String> iter = idList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String id =; Key key = createKey(id); keyList.add(key); } } response.setCollection(keyList); } /** * Marks all RegistryObjectImpl-s as clean, ie. not new nor modified. * * @param objects * Collection of RegistryObjectImpl-s */ private void markRegistryObjectsClean(ClientRequestContext context) { for (@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<Object> it = context.getSubmitObjectsMap().keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object key =; Object value = context.getSubmitObjectsMap().get(key); if (value instanceof RegistryObjectImpl) { RegistryObjectImpl ro = (RegistryObjectImpl) value; ro.setNew(false); ro.setModified(false); } } } /** * Sets the specified status on specified objects. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * * @param keys * a Collection of keys for the objects to apply status change * to. * @param statusId * The id of the Concept within the canonical StatusType * ClassificationScheme. * * @return a BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those * objects that were deprecated successfully and any JAXRException * that was encountered in case of partial commit * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public BulkResponse setStatusOnObjects(Collection<?> keys, String statusId) throws JAXRException { return setStatusOnObjects(keys, statusId, null, null); } /** * Sets the status of specified objects. This is an extension request that * will be adde to ebRR 3.1?? * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * * @param keys * a Collection of keys for the objects to apply status change * to. * @param statusId * The id of the Concept within the canonical StatusType * ClassificationScheme. * * @return a BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those * objects that were deprecated successfully and any JAXRException * that was encountered in case of partial commit * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public BulkResponse setStatusOnObjects(Collection<?> keys, String statusId, AdhocQueryImpl query, HashMap<String, String> slotsMap) throws JAXRException { BulkResponseImpl response = null; List<ObjectRefType> orl = createObjectRefList(keys); try { SetStatusOnObjectsRequest req = lcmFac.createSetStatusOnObjectsRequest(); req.setStatus(statusId); if (slotsMap != null) { bu.addSlotsToRequest(req, slotsMap); } ClientRequestContext context = new ClientRequestContext( "it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.LifeCycleManagerImpl:setStatusOnObjects", req); ObjectRefListType ebObjectRefListType = rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); ebObjectRefListType.getObjectRef().addAll(orl); req.setObjectRefList(ebObjectRefListType); if (query != null) { AdhocQueryType ebAdhocQueryType = (AdhocQueryType) (query).toBindingObject(); req.setAdhocQuery(ebAdhocQueryType); } JAXRUtility.addCreateSessionSlot(req, regService.getConnection()); checkCredentialInfo(); RegistryResponseType ebResp = serverLCM.setStatusOnObjects(context); response = new BulkResponseImpl(this, ebResp, null); // Now setCollection with ids of objects saved setKeysOnBulkResponse(context, response); } catch (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException e) { log.debug(e); throw new JAXRException(e); } return response; } public BulkResponse deprecateObjects(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection keys) throws JAXRException { return deprecateObjects(keys, null, null); } /** * Deprecates one or more previously submitted objects. Deprecation marks an * object as "soon to be deleted". Once an object is deprecated, the JAXR * provider must not allow any new references (e.g. new Associations, * Classifications and ExternalLinks) to that object to be submitted. If a * client makes an API call that results in a new reference to a deprecated * object, the JAXR provider must throw a java.lang.IllegalStateException * within a JAXRException. However, existing references to a deprecated * object continue to function normally. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * * @param keys * a Collection of keys for the objects to be deprecated * * @return a BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those * objects that were deprecated successfully and any JAXRException * that was encountered in case of partial commit * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public BulkResponse deprecateObjects(Collection<?> keys, AdhocQueryImpl query, HashMap<String, String> slotsMap) throws JAXRException { BulkResponseImpl response = null; List<ObjectRefType> orl = createObjectRefList(keys); try { org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.DeprecateObjectsRequest req = lcmFac .createDeprecateObjectsRequest(); if (slotsMap != null) { bu.addSlotsToRequest(req, slotsMap); } ClientRequestContext context = new ClientRequestContext( "it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.LifeCycleManagerImpl:deprecateObjects", req); ObjectRefListType ebObjectRefListType = rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); ebObjectRefListType.getObjectRef().addAll(orl); req.setObjectRefList(ebObjectRefListType); if (query != null) { AdhocQueryType ebAdhocQueryType = (AdhocQueryType) (query).toBindingObject(); req.setAdhocQuery(ebAdhocQueryType); } JAXRUtility.addCreateSessionSlot(req, regService.getConnection()); checkCredentialInfo(); RegistryResponseType ebResp = serverLCM.deprecateObjects(context); response = new BulkResponseImpl(this, ebResp, null); // Now setCollection with ids of objects saved setKeysOnBulkResponse(context, response); } catch (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException e) { log.debug(e); throw new JAXRException(e); } return response; } public BulkResponse unDeprecateObjects(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection keys) throws JAXRException { return unDeprecateObjects(keys, null, null); } /** * Undeprecates one or more previously deprecated objects. If an object was * not previously deprecated, it is not an error, and no exception is * thrown. Once an object is undeprecated, the JAXR provider must again * allow new references (e.g. new Associations, Classifications and * ExternalLinks) to that object to be submitted. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * * @param keys * a Collection of keys for the objects to be undeprecated * * @return a BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those * objects that were deprecated successfully and any JAXRException * that was encountered in case of partial commit * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public BulkResponse unDeprecateObjects(Collection<?> keys, AdhocQueryImpl query, HashMap<String, String> slotsMap) throws JAXRException { BulkResponseImpl response = null; List<ObjectRefType> orl = createObjectRefList(keys); try { org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.UndeprecateObjectsRequest req = lcmFac .createUndeprecateObjectsRequest(); if (slotsMap != null) { bu.addSlotsToRequest(req, slotsMap); } ClientRequestContext context = new ClientRequestContext( "it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.LifeCycleManagerImpl:unDeprecateObjects", req); ObjectRefListType ebObjectRefListType = rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); ebObjectRefListType.getObjectRef().addAll(orl); req.setObjectRefList(ebObjectRefListType); if (query != null) { AdhocQueryType ebAdhocQueryType = (AdhocQueryType) (query).toBindingObject(); req.setAdhocQuery(ebAdhocQueryType); } JAXRUtility.addCreateSessionSlot(req, regService.getConnection()); checkCredentialInfo(); RegistryResponseType ebResp = serverLCM.unDeprecateObjects(context); response = new BulkResponseImpl(this, ebResp, null); // Now setCollection with ids of objects saved setKeysOnBulkResponse(context, response); } catch (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException e) { log.debug(e); throw new JAXRException(e); } return response; } /** * Deletes one or more previously submitted objects from the registry. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param keys * a Collection of keys for the objects to be deleted * * @return BulkResponse with success status or list of exceptions. * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error * @param keys */ public BulkResponse deleteObjects(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection keys) throws JAXRException { return deleteObjects(keys, null, null, BindingUtility.CANONICAL_DELETION_SCOPE_TYPE_ID_DeleteAll); } public BulkResponse deleteObjects(Collection<?> keys, HashMap<String, String> slotsMap) throws JAXRException { return deleteObjects(keys, null, slotsMap, null); } /** * Deletes one or more previously submitted objects from the registry, * according to the specified deletion scope. Add to JAXR 2.0 as * deleteObjects(Collection keys, String deletionScope)?? * * @param keys * a Collection of keys for the objects to be deleted * @param deletionScope * the canonical deletion scope code * * @return BulkResponse with success status or list of exceptions. * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error * @param keys */ public BulkResponse deleteObjects(Collection<?> keys, HashMap<String, String> slotsMap, String deletionScope) throws JAXRException { return deleteObjects(keys, null, slotsMap, deletionScope); } /** * Deletes one or more previously submitted objects from the registry, * according to the specified deletion scope. Add to JAXR 2.0 as * deleteObjects(Collection keys, String deletionScope)?? * * @param keys * a Collection of keys for the objects to be deleted * @param deletionScope * the canonical deletion scope code * * @return BulkResponse with success status or list of exceptions. * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error * @param keys */ public BulkResponse deleteObjects(Collection<?> keys, AdhocQueryImpl query, HashMap<String, String> slotsMap, String deletionScope) throws JAXRException { BulkResponseImpl response = null; List<ObjectRefType> orl = createObjectRefList(keys); boolean isCallersUserBeingDeleted = isCallersUserBeingDeleted(keys); try { org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.RemoveObjectsRequest req = lcmFac.createRemoveObjectsRequest(); if (slotsMap != null) { bu.addSlotsToRequest(req, slotsMap); } ClientRequestContext context = new ClientRequestContext( "it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.LifeCycleManagerImpl:deleteObjects", req); req.setDeletionScope(deletionScope); ObjectRefListType ebObjectRefListType = rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); ebObjectRefListType.getObjectRef().addAll(orl); req.setObjectRefList(ebObjectRefListType); if (query != null) { AdhocQueryType ebAdhocQueryType = (AdhocQueryType) (query).toBindingObject(); req.setAdhocQuery(ebAdhocQueryType); } JAXRUtility.addCreateSessionSlot(req, regService.getConnection()); checkCredentialInfo(); RegistryResponseType ebResp = serverLCM.removeObjects(context); response = new BulkResponseImpl(this, ebResp, null); // If there are no exceptions and isCallersUserToBeDeleted is // 'true', // then clear the credentials on the Connection object. Failure to // do // so will result in the Connection continuing to use the deleted // credentials. if (response.getExceptions() == null && isCallersUserBeingDeleted) { regService.getConnection().logoff(); } // Now setCollection with ids of objects saved setKeysOnBulkResponse(context, response); } catch (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException e) { log.debug(e); throw new JAXRException(e); } return response; } private boolean isCallersUserBeingDeleted(Collection<?> keys) throws JAXRException { boolean isCallersUserToBeDeleted = false; User user = ((DeclarativeQueryManagerImpl) regService.getDeclarativeQueryManager()).getCallersUser(); String userId = user.getKey().getId(); if ((user != null) && (keys != null)) { Iterator<?> keyItr = keys.iterator(); while (keyItr.hasNext()) { Key key = (Key); String objectId = key.getId(); if (objectId.equalsIgnoreCase(userId)) { isCallersUserToBeDeleted = true; break; } } } return isCallersUserToBeDeleted; } /** * Deletes one or more previously submitted objects from the registry using * the object keys and a specified objectType attribute. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @param keys * a Collection of keys for the objects to be deleted * @param objectType * the objectType attribute for the objects to be deleted * * @return BulkResponse with success status or list of exceptions. * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public BulkResponse deleteObjects(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection keys, String objectType) throws JAXRException { return deleteObjects(keys); } public BulkResponse approveObjects(Collection<?> keys) throws JAXRException { return approveObjects(keys, null, null); } /** * Approve one or more previously submitted objects from the registry. * //TODO: Add to JAXR 2.0 API * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 1 </B> * </DL> * * @return BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those objects * that were approved successfully and any RegistryException that * was encountered in case of partial commit. */ public BulkResponse approveObjects(Collection<?> keys, AdhocQueryImpl query, HashMap<String, String> slotsMap) throws JAXRException { BulkResponseImpl response = null; List<ObjectRefType> orl = createObjectRefList(keys); try { org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.ApproveObjectsRequest req = lcmFac.createApproveObjectsRequest(); if (slotsMap != null) { bu.addSlotsToRequest(req, slotsMap); } ClientRequestContext context = new ClientRequestContext( "it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.LifeCycleManagerImpl:approveObjects", req); ObjectRefListType ebObjectRefListType = rimFac.createObjectRefListType(); ebObjectRefListType.getObjectRef().addAll(orl); req.setObjectRefList(ebObjectRefListType); if (query != null) { AdhocQueryType ebAdhocQueryType = (AdhocQueryType) (query).toBindingObject(); req.setAdhocQuery(ebAdhocQueryType); } JAXRUtility.addCreateSessionSlot(req, regService.getConnection()); checkCredentialInfo(); RegistryResponseType ebResp = serverLCM.approveObjects(context); response = new BulkResponseImpl(this, ebResp, null); // Now setCollection with ids of objects saved setKeysOnBulkResponse(context, response); } catch (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException e) { log.debug(e); throw new JAXRException(e); } return response; } /* * Extension request. */ public RegistryResponseHolder extensionRequest(RegistryRequestType req, HashMap<String, Object> idToRepositoryItemsMap) throws JAXRException { RegistryResponseHolder respHolder = null; try { ClientRequestContext context = new ClientRequestContext( "it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.LifeCycleManagerImpl:extensionRequest", req); context.setRepositoryItemsMap(idToRepositoryItemsMap); JAXRUtility.addCreateSessionSlot(req, regService.getConnection()); checkCredentialInfo(); respHolder = serverLCM.extensionRequest(context); } catch (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException e) { log.debug(e); throw new JAXRException(e); } return respHolder; } /** * Create a semantic equivalence between the two specified Concepts. This is * a convenience method to create an Association with sourceObject as * concept1 and targetObject as concept2 and associationType as * EquivalentTo. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public void createConceptEquivalence(Concept concept1, Concept concept2) throws JAXRException { BusinessQueryManagerImpl bqm = (BusinessQueryManagerImpl) regService.getBusinessQueryManager(); Concept eqConcept = bqm.findConceptByPath( "/" + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_AssociationType + "/" + "EquivalentTo"); Association assoc = createAssociation(concept2, eqConcept); concept1.addAssociation(assoc); // ??eeg save assoc to Registry or is an attribute of the Connection?? } /** * Removes the semantic equivalence, if any, between the specified two * Concepts. This is a convenience method to to delete any Association * sourceObject as concept1 and targetObject as concept2 and associationType * as EquivalentTo. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * */ public void deleteConceptEquivalence(Concept concept1, Concept concept2) throws JAXRException { // Write your code here } /** * Returns the parent RegistryService that created this object. * * <p> * <DL> * <DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B> * </DL> * * @return the parent RegistryService * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error * * @associates <{javax.xml.registry.RegistryService}> */ public RegistryService getRegistryService() throws JAXRException { return regService; } // ??Add to level 1 API for JAXR 2.0 /** * Changes the owner of one or more objects. * * @param keys * a Collection of keys for the objects to be * @param newOwner * a Collection of keys for the objects to be deprecated * * @return a BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those * objects that had their owner changed successfully and any * JAXRException that was encountered in case of partial commit * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public BulkResponse changeObjectsOwner(Collection<?> keys, String newOwner) throws JAXRException { return changeObjectsOwner(keys, null, newOwner); } // ??Add to level 1 API for JAXR 2.0 /** * Changes the owner of one or more objects. * * @param keys * a Collection of keys for the objects to be * @param newOwner * a Collection of keys for the objects to be deprecated * * @return a BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those * objects that had their owner changed successfully and any * JAXRException that was encountered in case of partial commit * * @throws JAXRException * if the JAXR provider encounters an internal error */ public BulkResponse changeObjectsOwner(Collection<?> keys, AdhocQueryImpl query1, String newOwner) throws JAXRException { BulkResponseImpl response = null; @SuppressWarnings("unused") List<ObjectRefType> orl = createObjectRefList(keys); try { DeclarativeQueryManager dqm = getRegistryService().getDeclarativeQueryManager(); org.oasis.ebxml.registry.bindings.lcm.RelocateObjectsRequest req = lcmFac .createRelocateObjectsRequest(); ClientRequestContext context = new ClientRequestContext( "it.cnr.icar.eric.client.xml.registry.LifeCycleManagerImpl:changeObjectsOwner", req); // Create and set query String queryStr = "SELECT ro.* from RegistryObject ro WHERE "; Iterator<?> iter = keys.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String roID = ((Key); queryStr += " = '" + roID + "'"; if (iter.hasNext()) { queryStr += " OR "; } } AdhocQueryType ebAdhocQueryType = bu.createAdhocQueryType(queryStr); req.setAdhocQuery(ebAdhocQueryType); // Set owner at source ObjectRefType sourceOwnerRef = rimFac.createObjectRefType(); sourceOwnerRef.setId(it.cnr.icar.eric.common.Utility.getInstance().createId()); // Just // a // dummy // id // for // now // will // do. req.setOwnerAtSource(sourceOwnerRef); // Set owner at destination ObjectRefType newOwnerObj = rimFac.createObjectRefType(); newOwnerObj.setId(newOwner); req.setOwnerAtDestination(newOwnerObj); // Get registry String registryQueryStr = "SELECT r.* from Registry r "; Query query = dqm.createQuery(Query.QUERY_TYPE_SQL, registryQueryStr); // make JAXR request javax.xml.registry.BulkResponse registryResponse = dqm.executeQuery(query); JAXRUtility.checkBulkResponse(registryResponse); // TODOD: Following is dangerous assumption as there may be replica // Registry instances // representing other registries. SHould iterate over all and find // the first one // where home attribute is undefined. RegistryObject registry = (RegistryObject) JAXRUtility.getFirstObject(registryResponse.getCollection()); ObjectRefType registryRef = rimFac.createObjectRefType(); registryRef.setId(registry.getKey().getId()); req.setSourceRegistry(registryRef); req.setDestinationRegistry(registryRef); JAXRUtility.addCreateSessionSlot(req, regService.getConnection()); // Submit the request RegistryResponseType ebResp = serverLCM.relocateObjects(context); response = new BulkResponseImpl(this, ebResp, null); // Now setCollection with ids of objects saved setKeysOnBulkResponse(context, response); } catch (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException e) { log.debug(e); throw new JAXRException(e); } return response; } /** * @param keys * Collection of objects which are typically Key-s. Non Key * objects are ignored. * * @return an ObjectRefList binding object representing the list of unique * Keys */ private List<ObjectRefType> createObjectRefList(Collection<?> keys) throws JAXRException { ArrayList<ObjectRefType> orl = new ArrayList<ObjectRefType>(); // Used to prevent duplicate keys from being sent HashSet<String> processedIds = new HashSet<String>(); processedIds.add(null); if (keys != null) { for (Iterator<?> it = keys.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object obj =; if (obj instanceof KeyImpl) { KeyImpl key = (KeyImpl) obj; String id = key.getId(); if (!processedIds.contains(id)) { processedIds.add(id); ObjectRefType ebObjectRefType = rimFac.createObjectRefType(); ebObjectRefType.setId(id); orl.add(ebObjectRefType); } } } } return orl; } private void initializeObjectTypesMap() { try { DeclarativeQueryManager dqm = getRegistryService().getDeclarativeQueryManager(); // String queryStr = "SELECT children.* FROM ClassificationNode children, ClassificationNode parent where (parent.path LIKE '/" // + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_ObjectType // + "/RegistryObject%') AND (parent.path NOT LIKE '/" // + BindingUtility.CANONICAL_CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME_LID_ObjectType // + "/RegistryObject/ExtrinsicObject/%') AND = children.parent"; // Query query = dqm.createQuery(Query.QUERY_TYPE_SQL, queryStr); Query query = SQLQueryProvider.initializeObjectTypesMap(dqm); BulkResponse resp = dqm.executeQuery(query); if ((resp != null) && (!(resp.getStatus() == JAXRResponse.STATUS_SUCCESS))) { Collection<?> exceptions = resp.getExceptions(); if (exceptions != null) { Iterator<?> iter = exceptions.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Exception e = (Exception); e.printStackTrace(); } } return; } objectTypesMap = new HashMap<String, Concept>(); Collection<?> concepts = resp.getCollection(); Iterator<?> iter = concepts.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Concept concept = (Concept); String value = concept.getValue(); if (value.equals("ClassificationNode")) { value = "Concept"; } objectTypesMap.put(value, concept); } } catch (JAXRException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public HashMap<String, Concept> getObjectTypesMap() { if (objectTypesMap == null) { initializeObjectTypesMap(); } return objectTypesMap; } void checkCredentialInfo() { try { CredentialInfo currentCredentialInfo = (regService.getConnection()).getCredentialInfo(); if (currentCredentialInfo != credentialInfo) { setCredentialInfo(currentCredentialInfo); } } catch (JAXRException ex) { log.warn(JAXRResourceBundle.getInstance().getString("message.CouldNotCheckCredentials"), ex); } } void setCredentialInfo(CredentialInfo credentialInfo) throws JAXRException { boolean localCall = ((((RegistryServiceImpl) this.getRegistryService()).getConnection())).isLocalCallMode(); if (localCall) { serverLCM = new LifeCycleManagerLocalProxy((regService.getConnection()).getQueryManagerURL(), credentialInfo); } else { serverLCM = new LifeCycleManagerSOAPProxy((regService.getConnection()).getQueryManagerURL(), credentialInfo); } this.credentialInfo = credentialInfo; } }