Source code

Java tutorial


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package javax.xml.registry.infomodel;

import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.registry.*;

 * ExternalLink instances model a named URI to content that may reside outside  
 * the registry.  
 * RegistryObject may be associated with any number of ExternalLinks to annotate  
 * a RegistryObject with external links to external content. 
 * <p> 
 * Consider the case where a Submitting Organization submits a repository item  
 * (e.g. a DTD) and wants to associate some external content to that object 
 * (e.g. the Submitting Organization's home page). The ExternalLink enables this  
 * capability.  
 * @see RegistryObject 
 * @author Farrukh S. Najmi    
public interface ExternalLink extends RegistryObject, URIValidator {

     * Gets the collection of RegistryObjects that are annotated by this 
     * ExternalLink.     
     * <p><DL><DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B></DL>         
     * @return Collection of RegistryObjects. Return an empty Collection if no RegistryObjects    
     * are annotated by this object.    
     * @throws JAXRException   If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error    
    Collection getLinkedObjects() throws JAXRException;

     * Gets URI to the an external resource.    
     * Default is a NULL String.     
     * <p><DL><DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B></DL>         
     * @return   the URI String for this object (e.g. "")     
     * @throws JAXRException   If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error    
    String getExternalURI() throws JAXRException;

     * Sets URI for an external resource.     
     * <p><DL><DT><B>Capability Level: 0 </B></DL>         
     * @param uri   the URI String for this object (e.g. "")    
     * @throws JAXRException   If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error    
    void setExternalURI(String uri) throws JAXRException;