Java tutorial
/* * ****************************************************************************** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015 AndreAle94 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * ***************************************************************************** */ package it.andreale.mdatetimepicker.time; import; import; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.Window; import android.widget.Button; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import it.andreale.mdatetimepicker.DialogUtils; import it.andreale.mdatetimepicker.R; /** * Created by AndreAle94 */ public class TimePickerDialog extends DialogFragment implements TimePickerController, View.OnClickListener { private final static int DEFAULT_ACCENT_COLOR = Color.parseColor("#009688"); private final static int BACKGROUND_LIGHT = Color.parseColor("#FAFAFA"); private final static int BACKGROUND_DARK = Color.parseColor("#424242"); private final static String SAVED_HEADER_COLOR = "tpd:headerColor"; private final static String SAVED_POSITIVE_COLOR = "tpd:positiveColor"; private final static String SAVED_NEGATIVE_COLOR = "tpd:negativeColor"; private final static String SAVED_SELECTOR_COLOR = "tpd:selectorColor"; private final static String SAVED_TEXT_COLOR = "tpd:textColor"; private final static String SAVED_SELECTED_TEXT_COLOR = "tpd:selectedTextColor"; private final static String SAVED_CIRCLE_COLOR = "tpd:circleColor"; private final static String SAVED_POSITIVE_TEXT = "tpd:positiveText"; private final static String SAVED_NEGATIVE_TEXT = "tpd:negativeText"; private final static String SAVED_DARK_MODE = "tpd:darkMode"; private final static String SAVED_HOUR_MODE = "tpd:hourMode"; private final static String SAVED_CALENDAR = "tpd:internalCalendar"; private final static String SAVED_PICKER_MODE = "tpd:pickerMode"; private int mHeaderColor; private int mPositiveColor; private int mNegativeColor; private boolean mDarkTheme; private int mCircleColor; private int mDefaultTextColor; private int mSelectedTextColor; private int mSelectorColor; private String mPositiveText; private String mNegativeText; private Calendar mCalendar; private boolean m24HourMode; private boolean mBuilderFlag; // callback private OnTimeSetListener mTimeSetListener; // components private TimeHeaderView mHeaderView; private RadialSelectorView mSelectorView; private Button mPositiveButton; private Button mNegativeButton; public TimePickerDialog() { mBuilderFlag = false; } private static TimePickerDialog newInstance() { return new TimePickerDialog(); } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putInt(SAVED_HEADER_COLOR, mHeaderColor); outState.putInt(SAVED_POSITIVE_COLOR, mPositiveColor); outState.putInt(SAVED_NEGATIVE_COLOR, mNegativeColor); outState.putInt(SAVED_CIRCLE_COLOR, mCircleColor); outState.putInt(SAVED_SELECTOR_COLOR, mSelectorColor); outState.putInt(SAVED_TEXT_COLOR, mDefaultTextColor); outState.putInt(SAVED_SELECTED_TEXT_COLOR, mSelectedTextColor); outState.putBoolean(SAVED_DARK_MODE, mDarkTheme); outState.putBoolean(SAVED_HOUR_MODE, m24HourMode); outState.putInt(SAVED_PICKER_MODE, mHeaderView.getPickerMode()); outState.putString(SAVED_POSITIVE_TEXT, mPositiveText); outState.putString(SAVED_NEGATIVE_TEXT, mNegativeText); outState.putSerializable(SAVED_CALENDAR, mCalendar); } @Override public void onAttach(Activity activity) { super.onAttach(activity); if (activity instanceof OnTimeSetListener) { mTimeSetListener = (OnTimeSetListener) activity; } } @Override public void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); mTimeSetListener = null; } @NonNull public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // restore old state if not null if (savedInstanceState != null) { mHeaderColor = savedInstanceState.getInt(SAVED_HEADER_COLOR, DEFAULT_ACCENT_COLOR); mPositiveColor = savedInstanceState.getInt(SAVED_POSITIVE_COLOR, DEFAULT_ACCENT_COLOR); mNegativeColor = savedInstanceState.getInt(SAVED_NEGATIVE_COLOR, DEFAULT_ACCENT_COLOR); mDarkTheme = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(SAVED_DARK_MODE, false); mCircleColor = savedInstanceState.getInt(SAVED_CIRCLE_COLOR, mDarkTheme ? Color.parseColor("#555555") : Color.parseColor("#eeeeee")); mSelectorColor = savedInstanceState.getInt(SAVED_SELECTOR_COLOR, DEFAULT_ACCENT_COLOR); mDefaultTextColor = savedInstanceState.getInt(SAVED_TEXT_COLOR, mDarkTheme ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE); mSelectedTextColor = savedInstanceState.getInt(SAVED_SELECTED_TEXT_COLOR, mDarkTheme ? Color.WHITE : Color.BLACK); mCalendar = (Calendar) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(SAVED_CALENDAR); mPositiveText = savedInstanceState.getString(SAVED_POSITIVE_TEXT, getString(android.R.string.ok)); mNegativeText = savedInstanceState.getString(SAVED_NEGATIVE_TEXT, getString(android.R.string.cancel)); m24HourMode = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(SAVED_HOUR_MODE, false); mBuilderFlag = true; } else { // check builder flag if (!mBuilderFlag) { throw new IllegalStateException("You must initialize TimePickerDialog throw Builder class"); } } // inflate view View view = inflatePickerView(savedInstanceState); // style views mHeaderView.setBackgroundColor(mHeaderColor); view.setBackgroundColor(mDarkTheme ? BACKGROUND_DARK : BACKGROUND_LIGHT); // create dialog Dialog dialog = new Dialog(getActivity()); dialog.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); dialog.setContentView(view); return dialog; } protected View inflatePickerView(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // inflate view LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(getActivity()); View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.md_time_picker_dialog, null); mHeaderView = (TimeHeaderView) view.findViewById(; mSelectorView = (RadialSelectorView) view.findViewById(; // buttons mPositiveButton = (Button) view.findViewById(; mNegativeButton = (Button) view.findViewById(; mPositiveButton.setOnClickListener(this); mNegativeButton.setOnClickListener(this); mPositiveButton.setTextColor(mPositiveColor); mNegativeButton.setTextColor(mNegativeColor); mPositiveButton.setText(mPositiveText); mNegativeButton.setText(mNegativeText); // configure views if (savedInstanceState != null) { mHeaderView.setPickerMode(savedInstanceState.getInt(SAVED_PICKER_MODE)); } mSelectorView.registerController(this); mHeaderView.registerController(this); return view; } public void setOnTimeSetListener(OnTimeSetListener listener) { mTimeSetListener = listener; } @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (v == mPositiveButton) { if (mTimeSetListener != null) { mTimeSetListener.onTimeSet(this, mCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), mCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); } dismiss(); } else if (v == mNegativeButton) { dismiss(); } } @Override public int getDefaultMode() { return TimeHeaderView.MODE_HOUR_PICKER; } @Override public void onPickerModeChange(int pickerMode) { mSelectorView.notifyPickerModeChanged(pickerMode); } @Override public boolean is24HourMode() { return m24HourMode; } @Override public Calendar getSelectedTime() { return mCalendar; } @Override public int getCircleBackgroundColor() { return mCircleColor; } @Override public int getDefaultTextColor() { return mDefaultTextColor; } @Override public int getSelectedTextColor() { return mSelectedTextColor; } @Override public int getSelectorColor() { return mSelectorColor; } @Override public void onTimeChanged() { mHeaderView.updateTime(); mSelectorView.invalidate(); } public static class Builder { private Context mContext; private int mAccentColor; private boolean mDarkMode; private int mPositiveColor; private int mNegativeColor; private int mHeaderColor; private int mCircleColor; private boolean mCustomCircleColor; private Calendar mCalendar; private int mDefaultTextColor; private boolean mCustomTextColor; private int mSelectedTextColor; private boolean mCustomSelectedTextColor; private int mSelectorColor; private boolean m24HourMode; private String mPositiveText; private String mNegativeText; private boolean mHeaderSet; public Builder(Context context) { mContext = context; mAccentColor = DialogUtils.resolveColor(context, R.attr.colorAccent, DEFAULT_ACCENT_COLOR); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { mAccentColor = DialogUtils.resolveColor(context, android.R.attr.colorAccent, mAccentColor); } mDarkMode = DialogUtils.resolveBoolean(context, R.attr.mtp_darkMode, false); m24HourMode = DialogUtils.resolveBoolean(context, R.attr.mtp_24HourMode, false); mPositiveColor = DialogUtils.resolveColor(context, R.attr.mtp_positiveColor, mAccentColor); mNegativeColor = DialogUtils.resolveColor(context, R.attr.mtp_negativeColor, mAccentColor); mHeaderColor = DialogUtils.resolveColor(context, R.attr.mtp_headerBackgroundColor, mAccentColor); mSelectorColor = DialogUtils.resolveColor(context, R.attr.mtp_selectorColor, mAccentColor); if (DialogUtils.canResolve(context, R.attr.mtp_circleBackgroundColor)) { mCircleColor = DialogUtils.resolveColor(context, R.attr.mtp_circleBackgroundColor, Color.GRAY); mCustomCircleColor = true; } mCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); } public Builder darkMode(boolean darkMode) { mDarkMode = darkMode; return this; } public Builder mode24Hour(boolean mode24Hour) { m24HourMode = mode24Hour; return this; } public Builder positiveColor(int color) { mPositiveColor = color; return this; } public Builder negativeColor(int color) { mNegativeColor = color; return this; } public Builder positiveText(String text) { mPositiveText = text; return this; } public Builder positiveText(int text) { mPositiveText = mContext.getString(text); return this; } public Builder negativeText(String text) { mNegativeText = text; return this; } public Builder negativeText(int text) { mNegativeText = mContext.getString(text); return this; } public Builder headerBackgroundColor(int color) { mHeaderColor = color; mHeaderSet = true; return this; } public Builder circleBackgroundColor(int color) { mCircleColor = color; mCustomCircleColor = true; return this; } public Builder selectorColor(int color) { mSelectorColor = color; return this; } public Builder textColor(int color) { mDefaultTextColor = color; mCustomTextColor = true; return this; } public Builder selectedTextColor(int color) { mSelectedTextColor = color; mCustomSelectedTextColor = true; return this; } public Builder selectedTime(Calendar calendar) { return selectedTime(calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); } public Builder selectedTime(int hour, int minute) { mCalendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour); mCalendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute); return this; } public Builder selectedTime(Date date) { mCalendar.setTime(date); return this; } public TimePickerDialog build() { if (mPositiveText == null) { mPositiveText = mContext.getString(android.R.string.ok); } if (mNegativeText == null) { mNegativeText = mContext.getString(android.R.string.cancel); } if (!mHeaderSet && mDarkMode) { mHeaderColor = Color.parseColor("#555555"); } if (!mCustomCircleColor) { mCircleColor = mDarkMode ? Color.parseColor("#555555") : Color.parseColor("#eeeeee"); } if (!mCustomTextColor) { mDefaultTextColor = mDarkMode ? Color.WHITE : Color.BLACK; } if (!mCustomSelectedTextColor) { mSelectedTextColor = mDarkMode ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE; } TimePickerDialog dialog = TimePickerDialog.newInstance(); dialog.mCalendar = mCalendar; dialog.m24HourMode = m24HourMode; dialog.mDarkTheme = mDarkMode; dialog.mPositiveColor = mPositiveColor; dialog.mNegativeColor = mNegativeColor; dialog.mHeaderColor = mHeaderColor; dialog.mPositiveText = mPositiveText; dialog.mNegativeText = mNegativeText; dialog.mCircleColor = mCircleColor; dialog.mSelectorColor = mSelectorColor; dialog.mDefaultTextColor = mDefaultTextColor; dialog.mSelectedTextColor = mSelectedTextColor; dialog.mBuilderFlag = true; return dialog; } } }