Java tutorial
/* * Stallion Core: A Modern Web Framework * * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 Stallion Software LLC. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that * it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * */ package io.stallion.settings; import io.stallion.boot.CommandOptionsBase; import io.stallion.exceptions.ConfigException; import io.stallion.exceptions.UsageException; import io.stallion.reflection.PropertyUtils; import io.stallion.requests.RouteDefinition; import; import io.stallion.settings.childSections.*; import io.stallion.utils.DateUtils; import io.stallion.utils.GeneralUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import javax.persistence.Column; import; import; import; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static io.stallion.utils.Literals.empty; import static io.stallion.utils.Literals.*; public class Settings implements ISettings { // Child sections private DbConfig database = null; private UserSettings users = null; private EmailSettings email = null; private CustomSettings custom = null; private CloudStorageSettings cloudStorage = null; private StyleSettings styles = null; private CorsSettings cors = null; private OAuthSettings oAuth; private SecretsSettings secrets; private UserUploadSettings userUploads; // Site information @SettingMeta() private String authorName = null; @SettingMeta() private String siteName = null; @SettingMeta(val = "A Stallion Web Site") private String defaultTitle = null; @SettingMeta() private String metaDescription = null; @SettingMeta(val = "Stallion") private String metaGenerator = null; @SettingMeta(val = "", help = "The email address users of the site should contact in case of problems. This will be publicly viewable.") private String supportEmail; @SettingMeta(valLong = 1430510589000L) private Long appCreatedMillis; // Tuning @SettingMeta(valLong = 5000000) private Long filterCacheSize; // File system info @SettingMeta() private String dataDirectory = null; @SettingMeta() private String targetFolder = null; // Runtime mode config @SettingMeta() private Boolean localMode; @SettingMeta() private Boolean devMode; @SettingMeta() private Boolean lightweightMode; @SettingMeta() private String logFile; @SettingMeta() private Boolean logToConsole; @SettingMeta() private Boolean logToFile; @SettingMeta() private Boolean debug; @SettingMeta() private Boolean emailErrors; @SettingMeta() private StrictnessLevel strictnessLevel; @SettingMeta(val = "INFO") private String logLevel; private Map<String, String> packageLogLevels = new HashMap<>(); private Integer nodeNumber = 1; @SettingMeta(val = "x-Real-Ip", help = "The HTTP header that contains the original client IP address, by default, with nginx proxying, this is x-Real-Ip") private String ipHeaderName; private String env; @SettingMeta() private Boolean bundleDebug; // Routes and rewrites @SettingMeta(val = "SAMEORIGIN") private String xFrameOptions; @SettingMeta(cls = ArrayList.class) private List<RouteDefinition> routes = new ArrayList<>(); @SettingMeta(cls = HashMap.class) private Map<String, String> redirects = null; @SettingMeta(cls = HashMap.class) private Map<String, String> rewrites = null; @SettingMeta(cls = ArrayList.class) private List<String[]> rewritePatterns = null; @SettingMeta(cls = ArrayList.class) private List<Map.Entry<Pattern, String>> rewriteCompiledPatterns = null; @SettingMeta(cls = ArrayList.class) private List<SecondaryDomain> secondaryDomains; private Map<String, SecondaryDomain> secondaryDomainByDomain = map(); @SettingMeta(cls = ArrayList.class) private List<AssetPreprocessorConfig> assetPreprocessors; // Web Serving @SettingMeta(valInt = 8090) private Integer port; @SettingMeta(val = "http://localhost:{port}") private String cdnUrl; @SettingMeta(val = "http://localhost:{port}") private String siteUrl; @SettingMeta(val = "25M") private String nginxClientMaxBodySize; @SettingMeta(val = "3600") private String nginxProxyReadTimeout; // Default code directories and files @SettingMeta(cls = ArrayList.class) private List<ContentFolder> folders; @SettingMeta(val = "page.jinja") private String pageTemplate = "page.jinja"; // Email // Publishing //@SettingMeta(cls=ArrayList.class) //private List<PublishingConfig> publishing; // Time @SettingMeta() private String timeZone;// = ZoneId.systemDefault().toString(); @SettingMeta() private ZoneId timeZoneId;// = ZoneId.systemDefault(); // Anti-spam @SettingMeta(val = "") private String antiSpamSecret; @SettingMeta(valBoolean = false) private Boolean disableFormSubmissions; // Health @SettingMeta(cls = ArrayList.class) private List<String[]> healthCheckEndpoints = new ArrayList<>(); @SettingMeta() private String healthCheckSecret; private static Settings _instance; public boolean isEmailConfigured() { return getEmail() != null && !empty(getEmail().getHost()); } public static boolean isNull() { return _instance == null; } public static void shutdown() { _instance = null; } public static Settings instance() { if (_instance == null) { throw new UsageException("You must call load() before instance()."); } return _instance; } public static Settings init(String env, CommandOptionsBase options) { _instance = new SettingsLoader().loadSettings(env, options.getTargetPath(), "stallion", Settings.class, options); _instance.setCdnUrl(_instance.getCdnUrl().replace("{port}", _instance.getPort().toString())); _instance.setSiteUrl(_instance.getSiteUrl().replace("{port}", _instance.getPort().toString())); return _instance; } public void assignDefaults() { if (getLocalMode() == null) { if (empty(System.getenv().getOrDefault("STALLION_DEPLOY_TIME", ""))) { setLocalMode(true); } else { setLocalMode(false); } } if (bundleDebug == null) { bundleDebug = getLocalMode(); } if (getDebug() == null) { if (getEnv().equals("prod") && !getLocalMode()) { setDebug(false); } else { setDebug(true); } } if (timeZone == null) { timeZone = ZoneId.systemDefault().toString(); } if (timeZoneId == null) { timeZoneId = ZoneId.of(timeZone); } if (logFile == null) { String nowString = DateUtils.formatNow("yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss"); String base = ""; try { if (!empty(siteUrl)) { base = new URL(siteUrl.replace(":{port}", "")).getHost(); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.exception(e, "Error parsing siteUrl " + siteUrl); } logFile = "/tmp/log/stallion/" + base + "-" + nowString + "-" + StringUtils.strip(GeneralUtils.slugify(targetFolder), "-") + ".log"; } if (logToConsole == null) { logToConsole = getLocalMode(); } if (logToFile == null) { logToFile = !logToConsole; } if (getEmailErrors() == null) { if ((getEnv().equals("prod") || getEnv().equals("qa")) && !getLocalMode()) { setEmailErrors(true); } else { setEmailErrors(false); } } if (getStrictnessLevel() == null) { if (getEnv().equals("prod") && !getLocalMode()) { setStrictnessLevel(StrictnessLevel.LAX); } else { setStrictnessLevel(StrictnessLevel.STRICT); } } if (!empty(secondaryDomains)) { secondaryDomainByDomain = map(); for (SecondaryDomain d : secondaryDomains) { secondaryDomainByDomain.put(d.getDomain(), d); } } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(getDataDirectory())) { if (!getDataDirectory().startsWith("/")) { setDataDirectory(targetFolder + "/" + getDataDirectory()); } } else { setDataDirectory(targetFolder + "/app-data"); } if (getDataDirectory().endsWith("/")) { setDataDirectory(getDataDirectory().substring(0, getDataDirectory().length() - 1)); } if (getRewrites() != null) { // THe Toml library has a bug whereby if a map key is quoted, it keeps the // quotes as part of the key, rather than using the String inside the quotes Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>(getRewrites().keySet()); for (String key : keys) { if (key.startsWith("\"") && key.endsWith("\"")) { getRewrites().put(key.substring(1, key.length() - 1), getRewrites().get(key)); } } } if (getRedirects() != null) { // THe Toml library has a bug whereby if a map key is quoted, it keeps the // quotes as part of the key, rather than using the String inside the quotes Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>(getRedirects().keySet()); for (String key : keys) { if (key.startsWith("\"") && key.endsWith("\"")) { getRedirects().put(key.substring(1, key.length() - 1), getRedirects().get(key)); } } } if (getRewritePatterns() != null && getRewritePatterns().size() > 0) { if (rewriteCompiledPatterns == null) { rewriteCompiledPatterns = new ArrayList(); } for (String[] entry : getRewritePatterns()) { if (entry.length != 2) { Log.warn("Invalid rewritePatterns entry, size should be 2 but is {0} {1}", entry.length, entry); } Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(entry[0]); Map.Entry<Pattern, String> kv = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Pattern, String>(pattern, entry[1]); getRewriteCompiledPatterns().add(kv); } } if (getEmail() != null) { // By default, in debug mode, we do not want to send real emails to people if (getEmail().getRestrictOutboundEmails() == null) { getEmail().setRestrictOutboundEmails(getDebug()); } if (getEmail().getOutboundEmailTestAddress() == null) { if (getEmail().getAdminEmails() != null && getEmail().getAdminEmails().size() > 0) { getEmail().setOutboundEmailTestAddress(getEmail().getAdminEmails().get(0)); } } if (!empty(getEmail().getAllowedTestingOutboundEmailPatterns())) { if (getEmail().getAllowedTestingOutboundEmailCompiledPatterns() == null) { getEmail().setAllowedTestingOutboundEmailCompiledPatterns(new ArrayList<>()); } for (String emailPattern : getEmail().getAllowedTestingOutboundEmailPatterns()) { getEmail().getAllowedTestingOutboundEmailCompiledPatterns().add(Pattern.compile(emailPattern)); } } } if (getSecrets() == null) { setSecrets(new SecretsSettings()); } if (new File(targetFolder + "/pages").isDirectory()) { if (folders == null) { folders = new ArrayList<>(); } folders.add(new ContentFolder().setPath(targetFolder + "/pages").setType("markdown") .setItemTemplate(getPageTemplate())); } if (userUploads != null && empty(userUploads.getUploadsDirectory())) { userUploads.setUploadsDirectory(getDataDirectory() + "/st-user-file-uploads"); } } /** * Gets the scheme (https or http) for a given secondary domain * @return */ public String getSchemeForSecondaryDomain(String domain) { SecondaryDomain d = secondaryDomainByDomain.get(domain); return or(d.getScheme(), getSiteUrlScheme()); } /** * Get siteUrl scheme * @return */ public String getSiteUrlScheme() { if (getSiteUrl().startsWith("https:")) { return "https"; } else { return "http"; } } public SecondaryDomain getSecondaryDomainByDomain(String domain) { return secondaryDomainByDomain.get(domain); } /** * In strict mode, more errors will be exceptions that stop all processing. For instance, missing template variables * will cause exceptions rather than being ignored. * @return */ public boolean isStrict() { return StrictnessLevel.STRICT.equals(getStrictnessLevel()); } /** * ContentFolders are folders in your local site directory that are to be registered with the data access controller. * The .txt will be converted into accessible web pages in your site. * @return */ public List<ContentFolder> getFolders() { return folders; } public void setFolders(List<ContentFolder> folders) { this.folders = folders; } /** * The database configuration * @return */ public DbConfig getDatabase() { return database; } public void setDatabase(DbConfig database) { this.database = database; } /** * The user configuration * @return */ public UserSettings getUsers() { return users; } public void setUsers(UserSettings users) { this.users = users; } public UserUploadSettings getUserUploads() { return userUploads; } public Settings setUserUploads(UserUploadSettings userUploads) { this.userUploads = userUploads; return this; } /** * Email configuration for Stallion sending emails via SMTP * @return */ public EmailSettings getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(EmailSettings email) { = email; } /** * Cross-Origin Request configuration -- allow endpoints to respond to cross-origin requests. * @return */ public CorsSettings getCors() { return cors; } public Settings setCors(CorsSettings cors) { this.cors = cors; return this; } /** * Where all data stored to flat-file by the Controllers and Persisters will actually live in the * file system. This will be "app-data" under the site directory by default. * @return */ public String getDataDirectory() { return dataDirectory; } public void setDataDirectory(String dataDirectory) { this.dataDirectory = dataDirectory; } /** * A hashtable of arbitrary user defined settings. * @return */ public CustomSettings getCustom() { return custom; } public void setCustom(CustomSettings custom) { this.custom = custom; } /** * The default template to use to render pages * * @return */ public String getPageTemplate() { return pageTemplate; } public void setPageTemplate(String pageTemplate) { this.pageTemplate = pageTemplate; } /** * The base URL for CDN (Content Delivery Network) that will pass through to your site. This is used * by AssetsController.url() or AssetsController.bundle() to build URL's to your assets. If empty, will use * the site URL instead. Using a CDN can improve performance as it will cache requested assets in data centers * nearer to the end user. * * @return */ public String getCdnUrl() { return cdnUrl; } public void setCdnUrl(String cdnUrl) { this.cdnUrl = cdnUrl; } /** * The base URL at which the site lives. Used to build links internally, also used for checking cross-origin * requests. * * @return */ public String getSiteUrl() { return siteUrl; } public void setSiteUrl(String siteUrl) { this.siteUrl = siteUrl; } public List<RouteDefinition> getRoutes() { return routes; } public void setRoutes(List<RouteDefinition> routes) { this.routes = routes; } /** * Run in debug mode. True by default when env=local. In debug mode, the full stack trace of exceptions * will be rendered to the HTML output. * * @return */ public Boolean getDebug() { return debug; } public void setDebug(Boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; } /** * Should be a time zone parseable by ZoneId.of() Used by the DateUtils.renderLocalDate() method when there * is no time zone for the particular user. * * @return */ public String getTimeZone() { return timeZone; } public void setTimeZone(String timeZone) { this.timeZone = timeZone; } public ZoneId getTimeZoneId() { return timeZoneId; } public void setTimeZoneId(ZoneId timeZoneId) { this.timeZoneId = timeZoneId; } /** * Usually set by the command line options, rather than the stallion.toml file. * * If true, templates and assets will automatically be checked for changes from the original source * and re-compiled if they have changed. * * @return */ public Boolean getDevMode() { return devMode; } public void setDevMode(Boolean devMode) { this.devMode = devMode; } /** * Set the log level - INFO, FINE, FINER, FINEST * * @return */ public String getLogLevel() { return logLevel; } public void setLogLevel(String logLevel) { this.logLevel = logLevel; } public Map<String, String> getPackageLogLevels() { return packageLogLevels; } public void setPackageLogLevels(Map<String, String> packageLogLevels) { this.packageLogLevels = packageLogLevels; } /** * The current environment name, set by command line options. * * @return */ public String getEnv() { return env; } public void setEnv(String env) { this.env = env; } /** * True by default if in debug mode, false on production. If true, * bundle files will be included on the page as individual source files, rather than as a concatenated, * minified file. * * @return */ public Boolean getBundleDebug() { return bundleDebug; } public void setBundleDebug(Boolean bundleDebug) { this.bundleDebug = bundleDebug; } /** * The name of your site, accessible in templates via {{ }} * * @return */ public String getSiteName() { return siteName; } public void setSiteName(String siteName) { this.siteName = siteName; } /** * The default title of your site, will be used in the HTML title tag in the default base template * if no other title for a page is defined. * * * @return */ public String getDefaultTitle() { return defaultTitle; } public void setDefaultTitle(String defaultTitle) { this.defaultTitle = defaultTitle; } /** * The default meta tag description value. Used if there is no override for the particular page or endpoint. * @return */ public String getMetaDescription() { return metaDescription; } public void setMetaDescription(String metaDescription) { this.metaDescription = metaDescription; } /** * Get the name of the author of the site * * @return */ public String getAuthorName() { return authorName; } public void setAuthorName(String authorName) { this.authorName = authorName; } /** * The port the server should run on. Usually set by the command line options. * * @return */ public Integer getPort() { return port; } public void setPort(Integer port) { this.port = port; } /** * The root site folder that contains the conf directory and the conf/stallion.toml files. * This is always set via the command line options, or defaults to the current working directory. * * @return */ public String getTargetFolder() { return targetFolder; } public void setTargetFolder(String targetFolder) { this.targetFolder = targetFolder; } public StrictnessLevel getStrictnessLevel() { return strictnessLevel; } public void setStrictnessLevel(StrictnessLevel strictnessLevel) { this.strictnessLevel = strictnessLevel; } /** * A list of paths that will be checked for a 200 response when the health check * is run. * * @return */ public List<String[]> getHealthCheckEndpoints() { return healthCheckEndpoints; } public void setHealthCheckEndpoints(List<String[]> healthCheckEndpoints) { this.healthCheckEndpoints = healthCheckEndpoints; } /** * A secret token that must be passed in when accessing the health endpoints. * * @return */ public String getHealthCheckSecret() { return healthCheckSecret; } public void setHealthCheckSecret(String healthCheckSecret) { this.healthCheckSecret = healthCheckSecret; } /** * If true, exceptions will emailed to the admin defined in the email configuration. * * @return */ public Boolean getEmailErrors() { return emailErrors; } public void setEmailErrors(Boolean emailErrors) { this.emailErrors = emailErrors; } /** * A map of 301 redirects in the form of original URL or path to destination URL or path. * * @return */ public Map<String, String> getRedirects() { return redirects; } public void setRedirects(Map<String, String> redirects) { this.redirects = redirects; } /** * The meta tag value for generator. "Stallion" by default. * @return */ public String getMetaGenerator() { return metaGenerator; } public void setMetaGenerator(String metaGenerator) { this.metaGenerator = metaGenerator; } /** * The path to the log file when file-based logging is on. * * @return */ public String getLogFile() { return logFile; } public void setLogFile(String logFile) { this.logFile = logFile; } /** * If true, log to the console instead of file. This defaults to true in local mode. * * @return */ public Boolean getLogToConsole() { return logToConsole; } public void setLogToConsole(Boolean logToConsole) { this.logToConsole = logToConsole; } public Boolean getLogToFile() { return logToFile; } public void setLogToFile(Boolean logToFile) { this.logToFile = logToFile; } /** * True if this is a developer running locally, false if this is running deployed on a server. * * If localMode is true, production jobs and tasks will not be run and logging will go to the console. * * * @return */ public Boolean getLocalMode() { return localMode; } public void setLocalMode(Boolean localMode) { this.localMode = localMode; } public Boolean getLightweightMode() { return lightweightMode; } public Settings setLightweightMode(Boolean lightweightMode) { this.lightweightMode = lightweightMode; return this; } /** * A mapping of internal rewrites, from source path to destintion path. * @return */ public Map<String, String> getRewrites() { return rewrites; } public void setRewrites(Map<String, String> rewrites) { this.rewrites = rewrites; } /** * A list of domains that content is also accesible at, and their mapping * to URL paths. * * @return */ public List<SecondaryDomain> getSecondaryDomains() { return secondaryDomains; } public Settings setSecondaryDomains(List<SecondaryDomain> secondaryDomains) { this.secondaryDomains = secondaryDomains; return this; } public List<Map.Entry<Pattern, String>> getRewriteCompiledPatterns() { return rewriteCompiledPatterns; } public void setRewriteCompiledPatterns(List<Map.Entry<Pattern, String>> rewriteCompiledPatterns) { this.rewriteCompiledPatterns = rewriteCompiledPatterns; } /** * A list of arrays, each array has two values, a source regular expression and a destination path. * @return */ public List<String[]> getRewritePatterns() { return rewritePatterns; } public void setRewritePatterns(List<String[]> rewritePatterns) { this.rewritePatterns = rewritePatterns; } /** * Configuration for integration with a cloud file storage, such as S3. * * @return */ public CloudStorageSettings getCloudStorage() { return cloudStorage; } public void setCloudStorage(CloudStorageSettings cloudStorage) { this.cloudStorage = cloudStorage; } /** * Default CSS styles and colors that will be used in the default templates * for log in, password reset emails, etc. * * @return */ public StyleSettings getStyles() { return styles; } public void setStyles(StyleSettings style) { this.styles = style; } /** * For deployed sites using stablehand, which node this is. * * @return */ public Integer getNodeNumber() { return nodeNumber; } public Settings setNodeNumber(Integer nodeNumber) { this.nodeNumber = nodeNumber; return this; } /** * A random token used for preventing spam in form submissions and comments. * * @return */ public String getAntiSpamSecret() { return antiSpamSecret; } public Settings setAntiSpamSecret(String antiSpamSecret) { this.antiSpamSecret = antiSpamSecret; return this; } /** * If true, the default form submission endpoint will be disabled. * @return */ public Boolean getDisableFormSubmissions() { return disableFormSubmissions; } public Settings setDisableFormSubmissions(Boolean disableFormSubmissions) { this.disableFormSubmissions = disableFormSubmissions; return this; } /** * If there is a proxy server in front of Stallion, that proxy server will set * the IP address of the original requester and put it in a header. Add that header * name here so that Stallion can know the IP of the original requester. * * @return */ public String getIpHeaderName() { return ipHeaderName; } public Settings setIpHeaderName(String ipHeaderName) { this.ipHeaderName = ipHeaderName; return this; } /** * Configuration for enabling users to give out OAuth access * * @return */ public OAuthSettings getoAuth() { return oAuth; } public Settings setoAuth(OAuthSettings oAuth) { this.oAuth = oAuth; return this; } public Long getFilterCacheSize() { return filterCacheSize; } public Settings setFilterCacheSize(Long filterCacheSize) { this.filterCacheSize = filterCacheSize; return this; } public SecretsSettings getSecrets() { return secrets; } public Settings setSecrets(SecretsSettings secrets) { this.secrets = secrets; return this; } /** * Included in the templates for error pages. * * @return */ public String getSupportEmail() { return supportEmail; } public Settings setSupportEmail(String supportEmail) { this.supportEmail = supportEmail; return this; } /* public List<PublishingConfig> getPublishing() { return publishing; } public Settings setPublishing(List publishing) { if (publishing == null) { this.publishing = null; return this; } if (publishing.size() == 0) { this.publishing = new ArrayList<>(); return this; } this.publishing = new ArrayList<>(); if (publishing.get(0) instanceof Map) { for(Object o: publishing) { PublishingConfig config = new PublishingConfig(); Map<String, Object> m = (Map<String, Object>)o; for(Map.Entry<String, Object> e: m.entrySet()) { Object value = e.getValue(); if (e.getKey().equals("basePort") && e.getValue() instanceof Long) { value = Math.toIntExact((Long)value); } PropertyUtils.setProperty(config, e.getKey(), value); } this.publishing.add(config); } } else { this.publishing.addAll(publishing); } return this; } */ public Long getAppCreatedMillis() { return appCreatedMillis; } public Settings setAppCreatedMillis(Long appCreatedMillis) { this.appCreatedMillis = appCreatedMillis; return this; } public List<AssetPreprocessorConfig> getAssetPreprocessors() { return assetPreprocessors; } public Settings setAssetPreprocessors(List assetPreProcessors) { this.assetPreprocessors = convertMapListToObjects(assetPreProcessors, AssetPreprocessorConfig.class); for (AssetPreprocessorConfig config : this.assetPreprocessors) { if (empty(config.getCommand()) || empty(config.getName()) || empty(config.getExtension())) { throw new ConfigException("Asset Pre-processors must have a valid command, name, and extension"); } } return this; } protected List convertMapListToObjects(List maps, Class targetClass) { if (maps.size() == 0) { return maps; } if (targetClass.isAssignableFrom(maps.get(0).getClass())) { return maps; } List items = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object o : maps) { Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) o; try { Object instance = targetClass.newInstance(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : map.entrySet()) { Object value = e.getValue(); if (e.getKey().equals("basePort") && e.getValue() instanceof Long) { value = Math.toIntExact((Long) value); } PropertyUtils.setProperty(instance, e.getKey(), value); } items.add(instance); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return items; } public String getxFrameOptions() { return xFrameOptions; } public Settings setxFrameOptions(String xFrameOptions) { this.xFrameOptions = xFrameOptions; return this; } public String getNginxClientMaxBodySize() { return nginxClientMaxBodySize; } public Settings setNginxClientMaxBodySize(String nginxClientMaxBodySize) { this.nginxClientMaxBodySize = nginxClientMaxBodySize; return this; } public String getNginxProxyReadTimeout() { return nginxProxyReadTimeout; } public Settings setNginxProxyReadTimeout(String nginxProxyReadTimeout) { this.nginxProxyReadTimeout = nginxProxyReadTimeout; return this; } }