Java tutorial
/* GeoGebra - Dynamic Mathematics for Everyone This file is part of GeoGebra. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ /* * * * Created on 03. June 2010, 11:57 */ package geogebra.kernel; import edu.jas.arith.BigRational; import edu.jas.poly.ExpVector; import edu.jas.poly.ExpVectorLong; import edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomial; import edu.jas.poly.GenPolynomialRing; import edu.jas.poly.TermOrder; import edu.jas.structure.RingElem; import edu.jas.structure.RingFactory; import geogebra.Matrix.Coords; import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.Equation; import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionNode; import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.ExpressionValue; import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.NumberValue; import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.Polynomial; import geogebra.kernel.arithmetic.ValidExpression; import geogebra.kernel.commands.AlgebraProcessor; import geogebra.kernel.kernelND.GeoConicND; import geogebra.kernel.kernelND.GeoPointND; import geogebra.kernel.parser.ParseException; import geogebra.kernel.parser.Parser; import geogebra.main.Application; import geogebra.main.MyError; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunction; import org.apache.commons.math.linear.DecompositionSolver; import org.apache.commons.math.linear.LUDecompositionImpl; import org.apache.commons.math.linear.RealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math.linear.RealMatrixImpl; /** * Represents implicit bivariat polynomial equations, with degree greater than 2. */ public class GeoImplicitPoly extends GeoUserInputElement implements Path, Traceable, Mirrorable, ConicMirrorable, Translateable, PointRotateable, Dilateable { public static final int IMPLICIT_POLY_BY_EQUATION = 1; public static final int IMPLICIT_POLY_THROUGH_POINTS = 2; private int type = IMPLICIT_POLY_BY_EQUATION; private double[][] coeff; private double[][] coeffSquarefree; private int degX; private int degY; private static GenPolynomialRing<BigRational> CoeffRing; private boolean defined = true; private boolean isConstant; private boolean trace; //for traceable interface private Coords[] pointsOnCurve; private Coords lastClosestPoint; private Parser parser; private AlgebraProcessor algebraProcessor; // private Thread factorThread; private GenPolynomial<BigRational> genPoly; protected GeoImplicitPoly(Construction c) { super(c); degX = -1; degY = -1; coeffSquarefree = null; pointsOnCurve = null; lastClosestPoint = null; parser = c.getKernel().getParser(); algebraProcessor = c.getKernel().getAlgebraProcessor(); } protected GeoImplicitPoly(Construction c, String label, double[][] coeff) { this(c); setLabel(label); setCoeff(coeff); } protected GeoImplicitPoly(Construction c, String label, Polynomial poly) { this(c); setLabel(label); setCoeff(poly.getCoeff()); } public GeoImplicitPoly(GeoImplicitPoly g) { this(g.cons); set(g); if (type == IMPLICIT_POLY_THROUGH_POINTS) { pointsOnCurve = new Coords[g.pointsOnCurve.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pointsOnCurve.length; i++) pointsOnCurve[i] = new Coords(g.pointsOnCurve[i].get()); } } /* * ( A[0] A[3] A[4] ) * matrix = ( A[3] A[1] A[5] ) * ( A[4] A[5] A[2] ) */ /** * Construct GeoImplicitPoly from GeoConic * @param c */ public GeoImplicitPoly(GeoConic c) { this(c.cons); coeff = new double[3][3]; coeff[0][0] = c.matrix[2]; coeff[1][1] = 2 * c.matrix[3]; coeff[2][2] = 0; coeff[1][0] = 2 * c.matrix[4]; coeff[0][1] = 2 * c.matrix[5]; coeff[2][0] = c.matrix[0]; coeff[0][2] = c.matrix[1]; coeff[2][1] = coeff[1][2] = 0; degX = 2; degY = 2; Application.debug("Conic -> " + this); } public Coords[] getpointsOnCurve() { return pointsOnCurve; } /** * Create conic from this implicitPoly (if degX == degY == 2) * @param g GeoConic for storing this implicitPoly */ public void toGeoConic(GeoConicND g) { if (degX != 2 || degY != 2) { g.setUndefined(); return; } double[] matrix = new double[6]; matrix[0] = coeff[2][0]; matrix[1] = coeff[0][2]; matrix[2] = coeff[0][0]; matrix[3] = .5 * coeff[1][1]; matrix[4] = .5 * coeff[1][0]; matrix[5] = .5 * coeff[0][1]; g.setMatrix(matrix); } /** * Create this implicitPoly from geoConic * @param g geoConic */ public void fromGeoConic(GeoConicND g) { double[][] coeffs = new double[3][3]; coeffs[2][0] = g.matrix[0]; coeffs[0][2] = g.matrix[1]; coeffs[0][0] = g.matrix[2]; coeffs[1][1] = 2 * g.matrix[3]; coeffs[1][0] = 2 * g.matrix[4]; coeffs[0][1] = 2 * g.matrix[5]; this.setCoeff(coeffs); } @Override public GeoElement copy() { return new GeoImplicitPoly(this); } @Override public int getGeoClassType() { return GEO_CLASS_IMPLICIT_POLY; } @Override protected String getTypeString() { return "ImplicitPoly"; } /** * returns all class-specific xml tags for saveXML */ protected void getXMLtags(StringBuilder sb) { super.getXMLtags(sb); getLineStyleXML(sb); sb.append("\t<coefficients rep=\"array\" data=\""); sb.append("["); for (int i = 0; i < coeff.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(','); sb.append("["); for (int j = 0; j < coeff[i].length; j++) { if (j > 0) sb.append(','); sb.append(coeff[i][j]); } sb.append("]"); } sb.append("]"); sb.append("\" />\n"); } @Override public boolean isDefined() { return defined; } @Override public boolean isEqual(GeoElement Geo) { if (Geo instanceof GeoImplicitPoly) { GeoImplicitPoly imp = (GeoImplicitPoly) Geo; for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(imp.coeff.length, coeff.length); i++) { int l = 0; if (i < imp.coeff.length) l = imp.coeff[i].length; if (i < coeff.length) { l = Math.max(l, coeff[i].length); } for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { double c = 0; if (i < imp.coeff.length) { if (j < imp.coeff[i].length) { c = imp.coeff[i][j]; } } double d = 0; if (i < coeff.length) { if (j < coeff[i].length) { d = coeff[i][j]; } } if (c != d) return false; } } return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean isGeoImplicitPoly() { return true; } @Override public boolean isPath() { return true; } @Override public void set(GeoElement geo) { if (!(geo instanceof GeoImplicitPoly)) return; super.set(geo); setCoeff(((GeoImplicitPoly) geo).getCoeff()); this.defined = geo.isDefined(); } @Override public void setUndefined() { defined = false; } @Override public boolean showInAlgebraView() { return true; } @Override protected boolean showInEuclidianView() { return true; } private void addPow(StringBuilder sb, int i) { if (i > 1) { sb.append('^'); if (kernel.getCASPrintForm() == ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_LATEX) { sb.append('{'); sb.append(i); sb.append('}'); } else sb.append(i); } } @Override public String toValueString() { if (coeff == null) return ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (int i = coeff.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = coeff[i].length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (i == 0 && j == 0) { if (first) sb.append("0"); // Application.debug("pf="+kernel.getCASPrintForm()); if (kernel.getCASPrintForm() == ExpressionNode.STRING_TYPE_MATH_PIPER) sb.append(" == "); else sb.append(" = "); sb.append(kernel.format(-coeff[0][0])); } else { if (Math.abs(coeff[i][j]) > Kernel.EPSILON) { String number = kernel.format(coeff[i][j]); if (!first) sb.append(number.charAt(0) == '-' ? "" : "+"); if (Math.abs(coeff[i][j] - 1) > Kernel.EPSILON) { if (Math.abs(coeff[i][j] + 1) < Kernel.EPSILON) { sb.append("-"); } else { sb.append(number); } first = false; } if (i > 0) { if (!first) sb.append(' '); else first = false; sb.append('x'); } addPow(sb, i); if (j > 0) { if (!first) sb.append(' '); else first = false; sb.append('y'); } addPow(sb, j); } } } } return sb.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString(); // return label+": "+toValueString(); } @Override public String getClassName() { return "GeoImplicitPoly"; } public boolean isVector3DValue() { return false; } /** * @param c assigns given coefficient-array to be the coefficients of this Polynomial. */ public void setCoeff(double[][] c) { isConstant = true; degX = -1; degY = -1; genPoly = null; coeffSquarefree = null; try { degX = c.length - 1; coeff = new double[c.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { coeff[i] = new double[c[i].length]; if (c[i].length > degY + 1) degY = c[i].length - 1; for (int j = 0; j < c[i].length; j++) { coeff[i][j] = c[i][j]; isConstant = isConstant && (c[i][j] == 0 || (i == 0 && j == 0)); } } } catch (Exception e) { setUndefined(); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param ev assigns given coefficient-array to be the coefficients of this Polynomial. */ public void setCoeff(ExpressionValue[][] ev) { try { isConstant = true; degX = -1; degY = -1; genPoly = null; coeff = new double[ev.length][]; degX = ev.length - 1; coeffSquarefree = null; for (int i = 0; i < ev.length; i++) { coeff[i] = new double[ev[i].length]; if (ev[i].length > degY + 1) degY = ev[i].length - 1; for (int j = 0; j < ev[i].length; j++) { if (ev[i][j] == null) coeff[i][j] = 0; else coeff[i][j] = ((NumberValue) ev[i][j].evaluate()).getDouble(); isConstant = isConstant && (coeff[i][j] == 0 || (i == 0 && j == 0)); } } getFactors(); } catch (Exception e) { setUndefined(); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param squarefree if squarefree is true returns a squarefree representation of this polynomial * is such representation is available * @return coefficient array of this implicit polynomial equation */ public double[][] getCoeff(boolean squarefree) { if (squarefree && coeffSquarefree != null) { return coeffSquarefree; } else return coeff; } /** * @return coefficient array of this implicit polynomial equation */ public double[][] getCoeff() { return coeff; } public double evalPolyAt(double x, double y) { return evalPolyAt(x, y, false); } public double evalPolyAt(double x, double y, boolean squarefree) { double sum = 0; double zs = 0; //Evaluating Poly via the Horner-scheme double[][] coeff = getCoeff(squarefree); if (coeff != null) for (int i = coeff.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { zs = 0; for (int j = coeff[i].length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { zs = y * zs + coeff[i][j]; } sum = sum * x + zs; } return sum; } public double evalDiffXPolyAt(double x, double y) { return evalDiffXPolyAt(x, y, false); } public double evalDiffXPolyAt(double x, double y, boolean squarefree) { double sum = 0; double zs = 0; double[][] coeff = getCoeff(squarefree); //Evaluating Poly via the Horner-scheme if (coeff != null) for (int i = coeff.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) { zs = 0; for (int j = coeff[i].length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { zs = y * zs + coeff[i][j]; } sum = sum * x + i * zs; } return sum; } public double evalDiffYPolyAt(double x, double y) { return evalDiffYPolyAt(x, y, false); } public double evalDiffYPolyAt(double x, double y, boolean squarefree) { double sum = 0; double zs = 0; double[][] coeff = getCoeff(squarefree); //Evaluating Poly via the Horner-scheme if (coeff != null) for (int i = coeff.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { zs = 0; for (int j = coeff[i].length - 1; j >= 1; j--) { zs = y * zs + j * coeff[i][j]; } sum = sum * x + zs; } return sum; } /** * Plugs in two rational polynomials for x and y, x|->pX/qX and y|->pX/qX in the curve * (replacing the current coefficients with the new ones) * [not yet tested for qX!=qY] * @param pX * @param pY * @param qX * @param qY */ public void plugInRatPoly(double[][] pX, double[][] pY, double[][] qX, double[][] qY) { int degXpX = pX.length - 1; int degYpX = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pX.length; i++) { if (pX[i].length - 1 > degYpX) degYpX = pX[i].length - 1; } int degXqX = -1; int degYqX = -1; if (qX != null) { degXqX = qX.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < qX.length; i++) { if (qX[i].length - 1 > degYqX) degYqX = qX[i].length - 1; } } int degXpY = pY.length - 1; int degYpY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pY.length; i++) { if (pY[i].length - 1 > degYpY) degYpY = pY[i].length - 1; } int degXqY = -1; int degYqY = -1; if (qY != null) { degXqY = qY.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < qY.length; i++) { if (qY[i].length - 1 > degYqY) degYqY = qY[i].length - 1; } } boolean sameDenom = false; if (qX != null && qY != null) { sameDenom = true; if (degXqX == degXqY && degYqX == degYqY) { for (int i = 0; i < qX.length; i++) if (!Arrays.equals(qY[i], qX[i])) { sameDenom = false; break; } } } int commDeg = 0; if (sameDenom) { //find the "common" degree, e.g. x^4+y^4->4, but x^4 y^4->8 for (int d = degX + degY; d >= 0; d--) { for (int x = 0; x <= degX; x++) { int y = d - x; if (y >= 0 && y < coeff[x].length) { if (Math.abs(coeff[x][y]) > Kernel.EPSILON) { commDeg = d; d = 0; break; } } } } } // Application.debug(String.format("sameDenom=%s,cd=%d",sameDenom+"",commDeg)); // Application.debug(String.format("XX=%d,YX=%d,XY=%d,YY=%d", degXPolyX,degYPolyX,degXPolyY,degYPolyY)); // Application.debug(String.format("degXpX=%d,degXqX=%d,degXpY=%d,degXqY=%d",degXpX=%d,degXqX=%d,degXpY=%d,degXqY=%d)); int newDegX = Math.max(degXpX, degXqX) * degX + Math.max(degXpY, degXqY) * degY; int newDegY = Math.max(degYpX, degYqX) * degX + Math.max(degYpY, degYqY) * degY; // Application.debug(String.format("newdegX=%d,newDegY=%d",newDegX,newDegY)); double[][] newCoeff = new double[newDegX + 1][newDegY + 1]; double[][] tmpCoeff = new double[newDegX + 1][newDegY + 1]; double[][] ratXCoeff = new double[newDegX + 1][newDegY + 1]; double[][] ratYCoeff = new double[newDegX + 1][newDegY + 1]; int tmpCoeffDegX = 0; int tmpCoeffDegY = 0; int newCoeffDegX = 0; int newCoeffDegY = 0; int ratXCoeffDegX = 0; int ratXCoeffDegY = 0; int ratYCoeffDegX = 0; int ratYCoeffDegY = 0; // double[][] xCoeff=new double[newDegX+1][newDegY+1]; for (int i = 0; i < newDegX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < newDegY; j++) { newCoeff[i][j] = 0; tmpCoeff[i][j] = 0; ratXCoeff[i][j] = 0; ratYCoeff[i][j] = 0; } } ratXCoeff[0][0] = 1; for (int x = coeff.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) { if (qY != null) { ratYCoeff[0][0] = 1; ratYCoeffDegX = 0; ratYCoeffDegY = 0; } int startY = coeff[x].length - 1; if (sameDenom) startY = commDeg - x; for (int y = startY; y >= 0; y--) { if (qY == null || y == startY) { if (coeff[x].length > y) tmpCoeff[0][0] += coeff[x][y]; } else { polyMult(ratYCoeff, qY, ratYCoeffDegX, ratYCoeffDegY, degXqY, degYqY); //y^N-i ratYCoeffDegX += degXqY; ratYCoeffDegY += degYqY; if (coeff[x].length > y) for (int i = 0; i <= ratYCoeffDegX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= ratYCoeffDegY; j++) { tmpCoeff[i][j] += coeff[x][y] * ratYCoeff[i][j]; if (y == 0) { ratYCoeff[i][j] = 0; //clear in last loop } } } tmpCoeffDegX = Math.max(tmpCoeffDegX, ratYCoeffDegX); tmpCoeffDegY = Math.max(tmpCoeffDegY, ratYCoeffDegY); } if (y > 0) { // Application.debug(String.format("x=%d,y=%d,tX=%d,tY=%d,dXY=%d,dYY=%d",x,y,tmpCoeffDegX,tmpCoeffDegY,degXPolyY,degYPolyY)); polyMult(tmpCoeff, pY, tmpCoeffDegX, tmpCoeffDegY, degXpY, degYpY); tmpCoeffDegX += degXpY; tmpCoeffDegY += degYpY; } } if (qX != null && x != coeff.length - 1 && !sameDenom) { polyMult(ratXCoeff, qX, ratXCoeffDegX, ratXCoeffDegY, degXqX, degYqX); ratXCoeffDegX += degXqX; ratXCoeffDegY += degYqX; polyMult(tmpCoeff, ratXCoeff, tmpCoeffDegX, tmpCoeffDegY, ratXCoeffDegX, ratXCoeffDegY); tmpCoeffDegX += ratXCoeffDegX; tmpCoeffDegY += ratXCoeffDegY; } for (int i = 0; i <= tmpCoeffDegX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= tmpCoeffDegY; j++) { newCoeff[i][j] += tmpCoeff[i][j]; tmpCoeff[i][j] = 0; } } newCoeffDegX = Math.max(newCoeffDegX, tmpCoeffDegX); newCoeffDegY = Math.max(newCoeffDegY, tmpCoeffDegY); tmpCoeffDegX = 0; tmpCoeffDegY = 0; if (x > 0) { // Application.debug(String.format("x=%d,nX=%d,nY=%d,dXY=%d,dYY=%d",x,newCoeffDegX,newCoeffDegY,degXPolyY,degYPolyY)); polyMult(newCoeff, pX, newCoeffDegX, newCoeffDegY, degXpX, degYpX); newCoeffDegX += degXpX; newCoeffDegY += degYpX; } } //maybe we made the degree larger than necessary, so we try to get it down. double[][] newCoeffMinDeg = null; // Application.debug("old degX="+newDegX+"; old degY="+newDegY); degX = 0; degY = 0; for (int i = newDegX; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = newDegY; j >= 0; j--) { if (Math.abs(newCoeff[i][j]) > Kernel.EPSILON) { if (newCoeffMinDeg == null) { newCoeffMinDeg = new double[i + 1][]; degX = i; } if (newCoeffMinDeg[i] == null) { newCoeffMinDeg[i] = new double[j + 1]; if (j > degY) degY = j; } newCoeffMinDeg[i][j] = newCoeff[i][j]; } } if (newCoeffMinDeg != null && newCoeffMinDeg[i] == null) { newCoeffMinDeg[i] = new double[1]; newCoeffMinDeg[i][0] = 0; } } if (newCoeffMinDeg == null) { newCoeffMinDeg = new double[1][1]; newCoeffMinDeg[0][0] = 0; } // Application.debug("new degX="+degX+"; new degY="+degY); coeff = newCoeffMinDeg; } public void plugInPoly(double[][] polyX, double[][] polyY) { plugInRatPoly(polyX, polyY, null, null); /* if (true) return; int degXPolyX=polyX.length-1; int degYPolyX=0; for (int i=0;i<polyX.length;i++){ if (polyX[i].length-1>degYPolyX) degYPolyX=polyX[i].length-1; } int degXPolyY=polyY.length-1; int degYPolyY=0; for (int i=0;i<polyY.length;i++){ if (polyY[i].length-1>degYPolyY) degYPolyY=polyY[i].length-1; } // Application.debug(String.format("XX=%d,YX=%d,XY=%d,YY=%d", degXPolyX,degYPolyX,degXPolyY,degYPolyY)); int newDegX=degXPolyX*degX+degXPolyY*degY; int newDegY=degYPolyX*degX+degYPolyY*degY; double[][] newCoeff=new double[newDegX+1][newDegY+1]; double[][] tmpCoeff=new double[newDegX+1][newDegY+1]; int tmpCoeffDegX=0; int tmpCoeffDegY=0; int newCoeffDegX=0; int newCoeffDegY=0; // double[][] xCoeff=new double[newDegX+1][newDegY+1]; for (int i=0;i<newDegX;i++){ for (int j=0;j<newDegY;j++){ newCoeff[i][j]=0; tmpCoeff[i][j]=0; // xCoeff[i][j]=0; } } for (int x=coeff.length-1;x>=0;x--){ for (int y=coeff[x].length-1;y>=0;y--){ tmpCoeff[0][0]+=coeff[x][y]; if (y>0){ // Application.debug(String.format("x=%d,y=%d,tX=%d,tY=%d,dXY=%d,dYY=%d",x,y,tmpCoeffDegX,tmpCoeffDegY,degXPolyY,degYPolyY)); polyMult(tmpCoeff,polyY,tmpCoeffDegX,tmpCoeffDegY,degXPolyY,degYPolyY); tmpCoeffDegX+=degXPolyY; tmpCoeffDegY+=degYPolyY; } } for (int i=0;i<=tmpCoeffDegX;i++){ for (int j=0;j<=tmpCoeffDegY;j++){ newCoeff[i][j]+=tmpCoeff[i][j]; tmpCoeff[i][j]=0; } } newCoeffDegX=Math.max(newCoeffDegX, tmpCoeffDegX); newCoeffDegY=Math.max(newCoeffDegY, tmpCoeffDegY); tmpCoeffDegX=0; tmpCoeffDegY=0; if (x>0){ // Application.debug(String.format("x=%d,nX=%d,nY=%d,dXY=%d,dYY=%d",x,newCoeffDegX,newCoeffDegY,degXPolyY,degYPolyY)); polyMult(newCoeff,polyX,newCoeffDegX,newCoeffDegY,degXPolyX,degYPolyX); newCoeffDegX+=degXPolyX; newCoeffDegY+=degYPolyX; } } //maybe we made the degree larger than necessary, so we try to get it down. double[][] newCoeffMinDeg=null; // Application.debug("old degX="+newDegX+"; old degY="+newDegY); degX=0; degY=0; for (int i=newDegX;i>=0;i--){ for (int j=newDegY;j>=0;j--){ if (Math.abs(newCoeff[i][j])>Kernel.EPSILON){ if (newCoeffMinDeg==null){ newCoeffMinDeg=new double[i+1][]; degX=i; } if (newCoeffMinDeg[i]==null){ newCoeffMinDeg[i]=new double[j+1]; if (j>degY) degY=j; } newCoeffMinDeg[i][j]=newCoeff[i][j]; } } if (newCoeffMinDeg!=null&&newCoeffMinDeg[i]==null){ newCoeffMinDeg[i]=new double[1]; newCoeffMinDeg[i][0]=0; } } if (newCoeffMinDeg==null){ newCoeffMinDeg=new double[1][1]; newCoeffMinDeg[0][0]=0; } // Application.debug("new degX="+degX+"; new degY="+degY); coeff=newCoeffMinDeg; // xCoeff[0][0]=1; // for (int x=0;x<=degX;x++){ // for (int i=0;i<=newDegX;i++){ //maybe a smaller loop suffices // for (int j=0;j<=newDegY;j++) // tmpCoeff[i][j]=xCoeff[i][j]; // } // for (int y=0;y<=degY;y++){ // for (int i=0;i<=x;i++){ //wrong bounds // for (int j=0;j<=y;j++){ // newCoeff[i][j]+=coeff[x][y]*tmpCoeff[i][j]; // } // } // } // } */ } /** * * @param polyDest * @param polySrc * polyDest=polyDest*polySrc; */ private static void polyMult(double[][] polyDest, double[][] polySrc, int degDestX, int degDestY, int degSrcX, int degSrcY) { double[][] result = new double[degDestX + degSrcX + 1][degDestY + degSrcY + 1]; // Application.debug(String.format("dX=%d,dY=%d,sX=%d,sY=%d", degDestX,degDestY,degSrcX,degSrcY)); for (int n = 0; n <= degDestX + degSrcX; n++) { for (int m = 0; m <= degDestY + degSrcY; m++) { double sum = 0; for (int k = Math.max(0, n - degSrcX); k <= Math.min(n, degDestX); k++) for (int j = Math.max(0, m - degSrcY); j <= Math.min(m, degDestY); j++) sum += polyDest[k][j] * polySrc[n - k][m - j]; result[n][m] = sum; } } for (int n = 0; n <= degDestX + degSrcX; n++) { for (int m = 0; m <= degDestY + degSrcY; m++) { polyDest[n][m] = result[n][m]; } } } public boolean isConstant() { return isConstant; } public int getDegX() { return degX; } public int getDegY() { return degY; } /** * @return the coefficient ring used by toGenPolynomial() */ public static GenPolynomialRing<BigRational> getCoeffRing() { if (CoeffRing == null) { String[] vars = { "y", "x" }; CoeffRing = new GenPolynomialRing<BigRational>(new BigRational(0), vars.length, new TermOrder(TermOrder.REVILEX), vars); } return CoeffRing; } /** * @return representation of this polynomial as GenPolynomial<BigRational> */ public synchronized GenPolynomial<BigRational> toGenPolynomial() { if (genPoly == null) { GenPolynomial<BigRational> gp = new GenPolynomial<BigRational>(getCoeffRing()); for (int i = 0; i < coeff.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < coeff[i].length; j++) { if (coeff[i][j] != 0) { BigRational b = toRational(coeff[i][j]); gp = gp.sum(b, new ExpVectorLong(new long[] { i, j })); //Application.debug(coeff[i][j]+" = "+toRational(coeff[i][j])); } } } genPoly = gp; return genPoly; } else return genPoly; } private void getFactors() { /* Runnable r=new Runnable(){ public void run() { toGenPolynomial(); FactorAbstract<BigRational> fEngine=FactorFactory.getImplementation(BigRational.ONE); // SquarefreeAbstract<BigRational> sqEngine=SquarefreeFactory.getImplementation(BigRational.ONE); Iterator<GenPolynomial<BigRational>> it=fEngine.factors(genPoly).keySet().iterator(); GenPolynomial<BigRational>; while(it.hasNext()){ res=res.multiply(; } Application.debug("squarefree: "+res); coeffSquarefree=getCoeff(res); } }; if (factorThread!=null&&factorThread.isAlive()){ factorThread.interrupt(); } factorThread=new Thread(r); factorThread.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); factorThread.start(); */ // toGenPolynomial(); //// FactorAbstract<BigRational> fEngine=FactorFactory.getImplementation(BigRational.ONE); // SquarefreeAbstract<BigRational> sqEngine=SquarefreeFactory.getImplementation(BigRational.ONE); // Application.debug("start squarefree"); // Application.debug("squarefree: "+sqEngine.baseSquarefreePart(genPoly)); } public Coords getPointOnCurve() { double c = 0; GeoLine line = new GeoLine(cons, "", 0, 1, c); line.remove(); AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric algo = new AlgoIntersectImplicitpolyParametric(cons, this, line); algo.remove(); algo.compute(); GeoPoint[] ip = (GeoPoint[]) algo.getIntersectionPoints(); while (ip.length == 0 && c < 10000) { c += 0.5; line.setCoords(0, 1, c); line.update(); algo.setOutputLength(0); algo.update(); algo.compute(); ip = (GeoPoint[]) algo.getIntersectionPoints(); if (ip.length > 0) break; line.setCoords(0, 1, -c); line.update(); algo.setOutputLength(0); algo.update(); algo.compute(); ip = (GeoPoint[]) algo.getIntersectionPoints(); if (ip.length > 0) break; line.setCoords(1, 0, c); line.update(); algo.setOutputLength(0); algo.update(); algo.compute(); ip = (GeoPoint[]) algo.getIntersectionPoints(); if (ip.length > 0) break; line.setCoords(1, 0, -c); line.update(); algo.setOutputLength(0); algo.update(); algo.compute(); ip = (GeoPoint[]) algo.getIntersectionPoints(); if (ip.length > 0) break; } Coords coord = ip[0].getCoordsInD(2); return coord; } public void setNearestPointOnCurve(GeoPointND PI) { if (this.isOnPath(PI)) return; Coords coords = PI.getCoordsInD(2); double x = coords.getX(); double y = coords.getY(); Coords gp; if (lastClosestPoint == null) gp = getPointOnCurve(); else gp = lastClosestPoint; double r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(gp.getX() - x, 2) + Math.pow(gp.getY() - y, 2)); double coeffs[] = { 1, 0, 1, -2 * x, -2 * y, -r * r + x * x + y * y }; GeoConic circle = new GeoConic(cons, "", coeffs); GeoImplicitPoly poly = new GeoImplicitPoly(circle); circle.remove(); poly.remove(); AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys algo = new AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys(cons, this, poly); algo.compute(); GeoPoint[] ip = (GeoPoint[]) algo.getIntersectionPoints(); double down = 0, up = r; while (ip.length != 1 && !Kernel.isEqual(down, up)) { if (down > up) { double t = up; up = down; down = t; } if (ip.length == 2) if (ip[0].distance(ip[1]) < 1E-2) break; if (ip.length >= 2) { r -= (up - down) / 2; up = r; } else { r += (up - down) / 2; down = r; } coeffs[5] = -r * r + x * x + y * y; circle.setCoeffs(coeffs); circle.update(); poly.fromGeoConic(circle); algo = new AlgoIntersectImplicitpolys(cons, this, poly); algo.compute(); ip = (GeoPoint[]) algo.getIntersectionPoints(); } PI.setCoords2D(ip[0].getX(), ip[0].getY(), 1); PI.updateCoords(); if (lastClosestPoint == null) lastClosestPoint = new Coords(PI.getCoordsInD(2).get()); else lastClosestPoint.set(PI.getCoordsInD(2)); } final public double distance(GeoPoint p) { AlgoClosestPoint algo = new AlgoClosestPoint(cons, "", this, p); algo.compute(); algo.remove(); GeoPoint pointOnCurve = (GeoPoint) algo.getOutput(0); return p.distance(pointOnCurve); } /** * Makes make curve through given points * @param points array of points */ public void throughPoints(GeoPoint[] points) { ArrayList<GeoPoint> p = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) p.add(points[i]); throughPoints(p); } /** * Makes make curve through given points * @param points array of points */ public void throughPoints(GeoList points) { ArrayList<GeoPoint> p = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) p.add((GeoPoint) points.get(i)); throughPoints(p); } /** * make curve through given points * @param points ArrayList of points */ public void throughPoints(ArrayList<GeoPoint> points) { if ((int) Math.sqrt(9 + 8 * points.size()) != Math.sqrt(9 + 8 * points.size())) { setUndefined(); return; } if (pointsOnCurve == null) pointsOnCurve = new Coords[points.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { if (pointsOnCurve[i] == null) pointsOnCurve[i] = new Coords(points.get(i).x, points.get(i).y, points.get(i).z); else { pointsOnCurve[i].setX(points.get(i).x); pointsOnCurve[i].setY(points.get(i).y); pointsOnCurve[i].setZ(points.get(i).z); } } int degree = (int) (0.5 * Math.sqrt(8 * (1 + points.size()))) - 1; int realDegree = degree; RealMatrix extendMatrix = new RealMatrixImpl(points.size(), points.size() + 1); RealMatrix matrix = new RealMatrixImpl(points.size(), points.size()); double[][] coeffMatrix = new double[degree + 1][degree + 1]; DecompositionSolver solver; double[] matrixRow = new double[points.size() + 1]; double[] results = new double[points.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { double x = points.get(i).x / points.get(i).z; double y = points.get(i).y / points.get(i).z; for (int j = 0, m = 0; j < degree + 1; j++) for (int k = 0; j + k != degree + 1; k++) matrixRow[m++] = Math.pow(x, j) * Math.pow(y, k); extendMatrix.setRow(i, matrixRow); } int solutionColumn = 0, noPoints = points.size(); do { if (solutionColumn > noPoints) { noPoints = noPoints - realDegree - 1; if (noPoints < 2) { setUndefined(); return; } extendMatrix = new RealMatrixImpl(noPoints, noPoints + 1); realDegree -= 1; matrixRow = new double[noPoints + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < noPoints; i++) { double x = points.get(i).x; double y = points.get(i).y; for (int j = 0, m = 0; j < realDegree + 1; j++) for (int k = 0; j + k != realDegree + 1; k++) matrixRow[m++] = Math.pow(x, j) * Math.pow(y, k); extendMatrix.setRow(i, matrixRow); } matrix = new RealMatrixImpl(noPoints, noPoints); solutionColumn = 0; } results = extendMatrix.getColumn(solutionColumn); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < noPoints; i++) if (i == solutionColumn) continue; else matrix.setColumn(j++, extendMatrix.getColumn(i)); solutionColumn++; solver = new LUDecompositionImpl(matrix).getSolver(); } while (!solver.isNonSingular()); for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) results[i] *= -1; double[] partialSolution = solver.solve(results); for (int i = 0; i < partialSolution.length; i++) if (Kernel.isZero(partialSolution[i])) partialSolution[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < partialSolution.length; i++) if (Kernel.isZero(partialSolution[i])) partialSolution[i] = 0; for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < realDegree + 1; i++) for (int j = 0; j + i != realDegree + 1; j++) if (k == solutionColumn - 1) coeffMatrix[i][j] = 1; else coeffMatrix[i][j] = partialSolution[k++]; this.setCoeff(coeffMatrix); this.update(); this.defined = true; for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) if (!this.isOnPath(points.get(i))) { this.setUndefined(); return; } this.type = IMPLICIT_POLY_THROUGH_POINTS; } public void pointChanged(GeoPointND PI) { setNearestPointOnCurve(PI); PI.getPathParameter().setT(0); } public void pathChanged(GeoPointND PI) { setNearestPointOnCurve(PI); PI.getPathParameter().setT(0); } public boolean isOnPath(GeoPointND PI) { return isOnPath(PI, Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION); } public boolean isOnPath(GeoPointND PI, double eps) { //Application.debug("on path? "+PI+"; eps="+eps); if (!PI.isDefined()) return false; GeoPoint P = (GeoPoint) PI; double px = P.x; double py = P.y; double pz = P.z; if (P.isFinite()) { px /= pz; py /= pz; } double value = this.evalPolyAt(px, py); return Math.abs(value) < Kernel.MIN_PRECISION; } public double getMinParameter() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } public double getMaxParameter() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return 0; } public boolean isClosedPath() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } public PathMover createPathMover() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } //traceable public boolean isTraceable() { return true; } public void setTrace(boolean trace) { this.trace = trace; } public boolean getTrace() { return trace; } //static - adapter methods for use with JAS public static BigRational toRational(double d) { int s = (int) Math.signum(d); d = Math.abs(d); long p = (int) Math.floor(d); long p1 = 1; long q = 1; long q1 = 0; double res = 1 / (d - p); while (Math.abs(p / (double) q - d) > Kernel.STANDARD_PRECISION && (q1 == 0 || Math.abs(p1 / (double) q1 - d) > Math.abs(p / (double) q - d))) { long b = (int) Math.floor(res); long t = p; p = b * p + p1; p1 = t; t = q; q = b * q + q1; q1 = t; res = 1 / (res - b); } return new BigRational(p * s, q); } public static double toDouble(BigRational b) { return b.numerator().doubleValue() / b.denominator().doubleValue(); } /** * * @param G List of GenPolynomial * @param varN connected to p.ring.nvar; if varN[i] set, p univariat in x_i is fine with p in G * @return p univariat in x_i, with varN[i]==true converted to PolynomialFunction, else null * varN[i] remains true, all other set to false */ public static PolynomialFunction getUnivariatPoly(List<GenPolynomial<BigRational>> G, boolean[] varN) { Iterator<GenPolynomial<BigRational>> it = G.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PolynomialFunction pf = getUnivariatPoly(, varN); if (pf != null) return pf; } for (int i = 0; i < varN.length; i++) { varN[i] = false; } return null; } /** * * @param p GenPolynomial * @param varN connected to p.ring.nvar; if varN[i] set, p univariat in x_i is fine * @return p univariat in x_i, with varN[i]==true converted to PolynomialFunction, else null<br> * varN[i] remains true, all other set to false */ public static PolynomialFunction getUnivariatPoly(GenPolynomial<BigRational> p, boolean[] varN) { ExpVector e = p.degreeVector(); double[] coeff; if (varN.length != p.ring.nvar) { Application.debug("Length of varN doesn't match ring.nvar"); return null; } int k = -1; for (int i = 0; i < varN.length; i++) { if (e.getVal(i) != 0) { if (k >= 0) { // Application.debug("not univariat: "+p); return null; } else { k = i; } } } for (int i = 0; i < varN.length && k < 0; i++) //if k<0 => constant => 'univariat' in every var, take first one allowed if (varN[i]) k = i; if (k < 0) { return null; } // Application.debug("univar-poly = "+p); if (!varN[k]) { // Application.debug("univariat in wrong var: "+p); return null; } for (int i = 0; i < varN.length; i++) { varN[i] = i == k; } ExpVector dir = ExpVector.create(varN.length, k, 1); coeff = new double[(int) e.getVal(k) + 1]; for (int i = coeff.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BigRational b = p.coefficient(e); coeff[i] = b.numerator().doubleValue() / b.denominator().doubleValue(); e = e.subtract(dir); } return new PolynomialFunction(coeff); } /** * GenPolynomial polynomial derivative k variable.<br/> * extended from PolyUtil * @param <C> coefficient type. * @param P GenPolynomial. * @return deriviative(P). */ public static <C extends RingElem<C>> GenPolynomial<C> baseDeriviative(GenPolynomial<C> P, int k) { if (P == null || P.isZERO()) { return P; } GenPolynomialRing<C> pfac = P.ring; if (pfac.nvar <= k) { // baseContent not possible by return type throw new RuntimeException(P.getClass().getName() + " k to big "); } RingFactory<C> rf = pfac.coFac; // GenPolynomial<C> d = pfac.getZERO().clone(); // Map<ExpVector,C> dm = d.getMap(); // SortedMap<ExpVector,C> dm = new SortedMap<ExpVector,C>(); GenPolynomial<C> d = new GenPolynomial<C>(pfac); for (Map.Entry<ExpVector, C> m : P.getMap().entrySet()) { ExpVector f = m.getKey(); long fl = f.getVal(k); if (fl > 0) { C cf = rf.fromInteger(fl); C a = m.getValue(); C x = a.multiply(cf); if (x != null && !x.isZERO()) { ExpVector e = f.subtract(ExpVector.create(f.length(), k, 1L)); d = d.sum(x, e); } } } return d; } public static boolean isZero(GenPolynomial<BigRational> p, double eps) { Iterator<BigRational> it = p.coefficientIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (Math.abs(GeoImplicitPoly.toDouble( >= eps) return false; } return true; } public static GenPolynomial<BigRational> evalGenPolySimple(GenPolynomial<BigRational> p, BigRational a, int k) { GenPolynomial<BigRational> ep = new GenPolynomial<BigRational>(p.ring); BigRational[] powers = new BigRational[(int) p.degreeVector().getVal(k) + 1]; powers[0] = BigRational.ONE; for (int i = 1; i < powers.length; i++) { powers[i] = powers[i - 1].multiply(a); } for (Map.Entry<ExpVector, BigRational> m : p.getMap().entrySet()) { ExpVector f = m.getKey(); long fl = f.getVal(k); ep = ep.sum(powers[(int) fl].multiply(m.getValue()), f.subtract(ExpVector.create(p.ring.nvar, k, fl))); } return ep; } public double[][] getCoeff(GenPolynomial<BigRational> p) { ExpVector deg = p.degreeVector(); int xVal = 0; int yVal = 1; double[][] c = new double[(int) deg.getVal(xVal) + 1][(int) deg.getVal(yVal) + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < c[i].length; j++) { c[i][j] = 0; } } Iterator<ExpVector> it = p.exponentIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ExpVector e =; c[(int) e.getVal(xVal)][(int) e.getVal(yVal)] = toDouble(p.coefficient(e)); } return c; } /** * Return degree of implicit poly (x^ny^m = 1 has degree of m+n) * @return degree of implicit poly */ public int getDeg() { int deg = 0; for (int i = 0; i < degX + 1; i++) for (int j = 0; j < degY + 1; j++) if (coeff[i][j] != 0 && i + j > deg) deg = i + j; return deg; } public void mirror(GeoConic c) { if (c.getCircleRadius() < 10e-2) { setUndefined(); return; } double cx = c.getMidpoint().getX(); double cy = c.getMidpoint().getY(); double cr = c.getCircleRadius(); plugInRatPoly( new double[][] { { cx * cx * cx + cx * cy * cy - cx * cr * cr, -2 * cx * cy, cx }, { -2 * cx * cx + cr * cr, 0, 0 }, { cx, 0, 0 } }, new double[][] { { cx * cx * cy + cy * cy * cy - cy * cr * cr, -2 * cy * cy + cr * cr, cy }, { -2 * cx * cy, 0, 0 }, { cy, 0, 0 } }, new double[][] { { cx * cx + cy * cy, -2 * cy, 1 }, { -2 * cx, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 } }, new double[][] { { cx * cx + cy * cy, -2 * cy, 1 }, { -2 * cx, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 } }); /* double r = c.getCircleRadius(); GeoPoint S = new GeoPoint(cons, "", c.getMidpoint().getX(), c.getMidpoint().getY(), 1); S.remove(); if(S.inhomX != 0 || S.inhomY != 0) translate(new Coords(-S.getX(), -S.getY())); translate(new Coords(-S.getX(), -S.getY())); String fun = new String(""); int degx = coeff.length; int degy = coeff[0].length; int deg = (degx > degy) ? degx : degy; String [] u = new String[degx+degy]; for(int i=0; i<degx+degy; i++) u[i] = new String(""); for(int i=0; i<degx; i++) for(int j=0; j<degy; j++) if(!Kernel.isZero(coeff[i][j])) { if(coeff[i][j] > 0) u[i+j] += " + "; u[i+j] += coeff[i][j] + "*x^" + i + "*y^" + j; } for(int i=0; i<degx+degy; i++) if(u[i].length() > 0) u[i] = " * (" + u[i] + ")"; else u[i] = "* 0"; for(int i=0; i<deg; i++) fun += " + " + Math.pow(r, 2*i) + "*(x^2+y^2)^" + (deg-i-1) + u[i]; fun += " = 0"; ValidExpression ve = null; try{ ve = parser.parseGeoGebraExpression(fun); } catch(ParseException e) { throw new MyError(app, "Error"); } GeoElement geo = (GeoElement) algebraProcessor.processEquation((Equation) ve)[0]; GeoImplicitPoly gp = ((GeoImplicitPoly)geo); gp.normalize(); setCoeff(gp.getCoeff()); geo.remove(); if(S.inhomX != 0 || S.inhomY != 0) translate(new Coords(S.getX(), S.getY())); */ } public void normalize() { double div = 0; outer_loop: for (int i = coeff.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) for (int j = coeff[0].length - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (coeff[i][j] != 0) { div = coeff[i][j]; break outer_loop; } for (int i = 0; i < coeff.length; i++) for (int j = 0; j < coeff[0].length; j++) coeff[i][j] /= div; } public void mirror(GeoPoint Q) { plugInPoly(new double[][] { { 2 * Q.inhomX }, { -1 } }, new double[][] { { 2 * Q.inhomY, -1 } }); //doTransformation(new String(2.0 * Q.inhomX + "- a"), new String(2.0 * Q.inhomY + "- b")); } public void mirror(GeoLine g) { if (!g.isDefined()) { setUndefined(); return; } double[] dir = new double[2]; g.getDirection(dir); //g.setStandardStartPoint(); double dx = dir[0]; double dy = dir[1]; double x = g.getStartPoint().inhomX; double y = g.getStartPoint().inhomY; double n = 1 / (dx * dx + dy * dy); plugInPoly( new double[][] { { 2 * n * dy * (x * dy - y * dx), 2 * n * dx * dy }, { 1 - 2 * dy * dy * n, 0 } }, new double[][] { { 2 * n * dx * (y * dx - x * dy), 1 - 2 * n * dx * dx }, { 2 * n * dx * dy, 0 } }); /* String newX, newY; if(g.getX() == 0) { this.translate(new Coords(-g.getZ()/g.getY(), 0)); doTransformation("x", "-y"); this.translate(new Coords(g.getZ()/g.getY(), 0)); return; } Coords v = new Coords(g.getZ()/g.getX(), 0); this.translate(v); double R = Math.PI - Math.atan(-g.getX()/g.getY()); double cosR = Math.cos(R), sinR=Math.sin(R); newX = cosR + "*a + " + sinR + "*b"; newY = -sinR + "*c + " + cosR + "*d"; doTransformation(newX, newY); doTransformation("-a", "b"); cosR = Math.cos(Math.PI-R); sinR= Math.sin(Math.PI-R); newX = cosR + "*a + " + sinR + "*b"; newY = -sinR + "*c + " + cosR + "*d"; doTransformation(newX, newY); v.set(1, -v.getX()); this.translate(v);*/ } public void translate(Coords v) { translate(v.getX(), v.getY()); } public void translate(double vx, double vy) { //translate directly the coefficients double a = -vx; //translate in X-dir double b = -vy; //translate in Y-dir // doTransformation(new String("a+(" + a+")"), new String("b+(" + b+")")); plugInPoly(new double[][] { { a }, { 1 } }, new double[][] { { b, 1 } }); /* //Application.debug(String.format("Translate x=%f,y=%f",a,b)); double[][] newCoeff=new double[coeff.length][]; double[] transX=new double[degX+1]; double[] transY=new double[degY+1]; transX[0]=1; for (int k=1;k<degX+1;k++) transX[k]=0; for (int i=0;i<newCoeff.length;i++){ newCoeff[i]=new double[coeff[i].length]; for (int j=0;j<newCoeff[i].length;j++){ newCoeff[i][j]=0; transY[j]=0; } // String s=""; for (int k=i;k>=1;k--){ transX[k]+=transX[k-1]*a; // s+=","+transX[k]; } // Application.debug(s); transY[0]=1; for (int j=0;j<newCoeff[i].length;j++){ for (int k=j;k>=1;k--){ transY[k]+=transY[k-1]*b; } for (int x=0;x<=i;x++) for (int y=0;y<=j;y++){ newCoeff[x][y]+=coeff[i][j]*transX[i-x]*transY[j-y]; } } } coeff=newCoeff; // // for curves given by equation // if(((GeoImplicitPoly)algoParent.input[0]).pointsOnCurve == null) // return; // // Coords [] parentCharacteristicPoints = ((GeoImplicitPoly)algoParent.input[0]).pointsOnCurve; // // GeoPoint [] points = new GeoPoint[parentCharacteristicPoints.length]; // for(int i=0; i<parentCharacteristicPoints.length; i++) // { // points[i] = new GeoPoint(cons, null, parentCharacteristicPoints[i].getX(), parentCharacteristicPoints[i].getY(), parentCharacteristicPoints[i].getZ()); // points[i].translate(v); // points[i].remove(); // } // this.throughPoints(points); */ } public void rotate(NumberValue phiValue) { double phi = phiValue.getDouble(); double cos = Math.cos(phi); double sin = Math.sin(phi); plugInPoly(new double[][] { { 0, -sin }, { cos, 0 } }, new double[][] { { 0, cos }, { sin, 0 } }); // double cosR = Math.cos(r.getDouble()), sinR = Math.sin(r.getDouble()); // String newX = cosR + "*a + " + sinR + "*b"; // String newY = -sinR + "*c + " + cosR + "*d"; // doTransformation(newX, newY); } public void rotate(NumberValue phiValue, GeoPoint S) { double phi = phiValue.getDouble(); double cos = Math.cos(phi); double sin = Math.sin(phi); double x = S.getInhomX(); double y = S.getInhomY(); plugInPoly(new double[][] { { x * (1 - cos) + y * sin, -sin }, { cos, 0 } }, new double[][] { { -x * sin + y * (1 - cos), cos }, { sin, 0 } }); // this.translate(new Coords(-S.getX()/S.getZ(), -S.getY()/S.getZ())); // this.rotate(r); // this.translate(new Coords(S.getX()/S.getZ(), S.getY()/S.getZ())); } public void dilate(NumberValue rval, GeoPoint S) { double r = rval.getDouble(); plugInPoly(new double[][] { { (1 - r) * S.getInhomX() }, { r } }, new double[][] { { (1 - r) * S.getInhomY(), r } }); // double f = 1/r.getDouble(); // doTransformation(new String(f + "*a + " + (1-f)*S.inhomX), // new String(f + "*b + " + (1-f)*S.inhomY)); } public void doTransformation(String newX, String newY) { kernel.setTemporaryPrintFigures(20); String cmd = this.toString(); kernel.restorePrintAccuracy(); cmd = cmd.replace("x", "(" + newX + ")"); cmd = cmd.replace("y", "(" + newY + ")"); cmd = cmd.replace("a", "x"); cmd = cmd.replace("b", "y"); cmd = cmd.replace("c", "x"); cmd = cmd.replace("d", "y"); ValidExpression ve = null; try { ve = parser.parseGeoGebraExpression(cmd); } catch (ParseException e) { Application.debug(cmd); throw new MyError(app, "Error"); } GeoElement geo = (GeoElement) algebraProcessor.processEquation((Equation) ve)[0]; if (geo instanceof GeoConicND) this.fromGeoConic((GeoConicND) geo); else this.setCoeff(((GeoImplicitPoly) geo).getCoeff()); geo.remove(); } @Override public boolean isTranslateable() { return true; } @Override protected char getLabelDelimiter() { return ':'; } }