Java tutorial
// Starwisp Copyright (C) 2016 Dave Griffiths // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. package foam.starwisp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import android.text.Html; import android.view.Gravity; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import java.util.Vector; public class DrawableMap { FrameLayout fram_map; LinearLayout map_cont; Button scribble_button; Boolean draw_mode; Boolean button_mode; GoogleMap map; String map_mode; String selected_polygon; String selected_polygon_name; int ID; boolean map_ready; double centre_lat; double centre_lon; int centre_zoom; boolean draw_indicator; double indicator_lat; double indicator_lon; StarwispActivity m_Context; StarwispBuilder m_Builder; TextView m_instructions; Vector<LatLng> current_polygon; class Polygon { String m_UniqueID; String m_Name; Vector<String> m_Info; Vector<LatLng> m_Verts; } ViewGroup m_parent; Vector<Polygon> polygons; public void init(int id, ViewGroup parent, StarwispActivity c, StarwispBuilder b, String mode) { m_parent = parent; map_ready = false; draw_mode = false; button_mode = false; m_Context = c; m_Builder = b; map_mode = mode; ID = id; current_polygon = new Vector<LatLng>(); polygons = new Vector<Polygon>(); centre_lat = 49.198935; centre_lon = 2.988281; centre_zoom = 4; draw_indicator = false; indicator_lat = 0; indicator_lon = 0; FrameLayout outer_map = new FrameLayout(c); outer_map.setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(FrameLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT)); FrameLayout map_container = new FrameLayout(c); map_container.setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(FrameLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT)); map_container.setId(ID); SupportMapFragment mapfrag = SupportMapFragment.newInstance(); FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = c.getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); fragmentTransaction.add(ID, mapfrag); fragmentTransaction.commit(); outer_map.addView(map_container); fram_map = new FrameLayout(c); fram_map.setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(FrameLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT)); outer_map.addView(fram_map); if (map_mode.equals("edit")) { map_cont = new LinearLayout(c); map_cont.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); lp.gravity = Gravity.CENTER; map_cont.setLayoutParams(lp); scribble_button = new Button(c); lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); lp.gravity = Gravity.CENTER; scribble_button.setLayoutParams(lp); scribble_button.setTextSize(20); scribble_button.setTypeface(((StarwispActivity) c).m_Typeface); scribble_button.setText("Draw field"); map_cont.addView(scribble_button); m_instructions = new TextView(c); m_instructions.setLayoutParams(lp); m_instructions.setTextSize(20); m_instructions.setTypeface(m_Context.m_Typeface); m_instructions.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); // arg i18n map_cont.addView(m_instructions); fram_map.addView(map_cont); } else { //button_mode=true; } parent.addView(outer_map); mapfrag.getMapAsync(new OnMapReadyCallback() { @Override public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) { map = googleMap; map.setMapType(GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE); map.setMyLocationEnabled(true); map.getUiSettings().setZoomControlsEnabled(true); SetupStuff(); DrawMap(); Log.i("starwisp", "map made"); Log.i("starwisp", "updating map centre to " + centre_lat + " " + centre_lon); //CameraUpdate center_map=CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(new LatLng(centre_lat,centre_lon)); //CameraUpdate zoom_map=CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(centre_zoom); //map.moveCamera(center_map); //map.animateCamera(zoom_map); CameraPosition cameraPosition = new CameraPosition.Builder() .target(new LatLng(centre_lat, centre_lon)).zoom(centre_zoom).build(); map.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition(cameraPosition)); map_ready = true; } }); } public void Clear() { current_polygon.clear(); polygons.clear(); } public void Centre(double lat, double lng, int z) { centre_lat = lat; centre_lon = lng; centre_zoom = z; Log.i("starwisp", "updating map centre to " + lat + " " + lng); if (map_ready) { CameraUpdate center_map = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(new LatLng(centre_lat, centre_lon)); CameraUpdate zoom_map = CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(centre_zoom); map.moveCamera(center_map); map.animateCamera(zoom_map); } } public void RemoveSelected() { Vector<Polygon> new_polygons = new Vector<Polygon>(); for (Polygon poly : polygons) { if (!poly.m_UniqueID.equals(selected_polygon)) { new_polygons.add(poly); } } polygons = new_polygons; } public void UpdateFromJSON(JSONArray map) { Clear(); // json format // [ current_polygon(id) [ polygon, polygon, ... ]] // polygon: // [ name uid infotext [ latlng, latlng, ...]] // latlng: // (map may not exist yet when called from update) try { selected_polygon = map.getString(0); JSONArray polygon_list = map.getJSONArray(1); for (int i = 0; i < polygon_list.length(); i++) { Log.e("starwisp", "poly " + i); JSONArray poly = polygon_list.getJSONArray(i); Polygon new_poly = new Polygon(); new_poly.m_Name = poly.getString(0); new_poly.m_UniqueID = poly.getString(1); JSONArray info_list = poly.getJSONArray(2); new_poly.m_Info = new Vector<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < info_list.length(); j++) { new_poly.m_Info.add(info_list.getString(j)); } // pick out the selected poly's name if (new_poly.m_UniqueID.equals(selected_polygon)) { selected_polygon_name = new_poly.m_Name; } JSONArray verts = poly.getJSONArray(3); new_poly.m_Verts = new Vector<LatLng>(); for (int v = 0; v < verts.length(); v++) { Log.e("starwisp", "vert " + v); JSONArray latlng = verts.getJSONArray(v); new_poly.m_Verts.add(new LatLng(latlng.getDouble(0), latlng.getDouble(1))); } if (new_poly.m_Verts.size() > 0) { polygons.add(new_poly); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("starwisp", "Error parsing data in drawable map " + e.toString()); } if (map_ready) { Log.e("starwisp", "Redrawing map after JSON update"); DrawMap(); } } public void SendPolygon(Vector<LatLng> polygon) { String str = "("; for (LatLng latlng : polygon) { str += "(" + Double.toString(latlng.latitude) + " " + Double.toString(latlng.longitude) + ") "; } str += ")"; m_Builder.CallbackArgs(m_Context, m_Context.m_Name, ID, str); } public void SetupStuff() { if (map_mode.equals("edit")) { scribble_button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { draw_mode = !draw_mode; if (!draw_mode) { Polygon poly = new Polygon(); poly.m_Verts = current_polygon; poly.m_Name = selected_polygon_name; poly.m_UniqueID = selected_polygon; polygons.add(poly); SendPolygon(poly.m_Verts); current_polygon = new Vector<LatLng>(); scribble_button.setText("Draw field"); m_instructions.setText(""); draw_indicator = false; DrawMap(); } else { RemoveSelected(); DrawMap(); scribble_button.setText("Save field"); m_instructions.setText("Touch each corner of your field to draw around it."); } } }); } fram_map.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { if (!draw_mode && !button_mode) return false; float x = event.getX(); float y = event.getY(); int x_co = Math.round(x); int y_co = Math.round(y); Projection projection = map.getProjection(); Point x_y_points = new Point(x_co, y_co); LatLng latLng = map.getProjection().fromScreenLocation(x_y_points); double latitude = latLng.latitude; double longitude = latLng.longitude; int eventaction = event.getAction(); switch (eventaction) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: // finger touches the screen if (map_mode.equals("edit")) { draw_indicator = true; indicator_lat = latitude; indicator_lon = longitude; current_polygon.add(new LatLng(latitude, longitude)); } else { String clicked_in = CheckPolygons(latitude, longitude); if (!clicked_in.equals("")) { m_Builder.CallbackArgs(m_Context, m_Context.m_Name, ID, "\"" + clicked_in + "\""); } } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: // finger moves on the screen break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: // finger leaves the screen DrawMap(); break; } if (button_mode) return false; return true; } }); } LatLng GetCentre(Polygon poly) { Double centrex = 0.0; Double centrey = 0.0; for (LatLng latlng : poly.m_Verts) { centrex += latlng.latitude; centrey += latlng.longitude; } centrex /= poly.m_Verts.size(); centrey /= poly.m_Verts.size(); return new LatLng(centrex, centrey); } Boolean IsInPolygon(Polygon poly, double x, double y) { int intersectionCount = 0; double x0 = poly.m_Verts.lastElement().latitude - x; double y0 = poly.m_Verts.lastElement().longitude - y; for (LatLng vert : poly.m_Verts) { double x1 = vert.latitude - x; double y1 = vert.longitude - y; if (y0 > 0 && y1 <= 0 && x1 * y0 > y1 * x0) { intersectionCount++; } if (y1 > 0 && y0 <= 0 && x0 * y1 > y0 * x1) { intersectionCount++; } x0 = x1; y0 = y1; } return (intersectionCount % 2) == 1; } String CheckPolygons(double x, double y) { for (Polygon poly : polygons) { if (IsInPolygon(poly, x, y)) { return poly.m_UniqueID; } } return ""; } public void DrawMap() { map.clear(); for (Polygon poly : polygons) { PolygonOptions rectOptions = new PolygonOptions(); rectOptions.addAll(poly.m_Verts); if (selected_polygon.equals(poly.m_UniqueID)) { rectOptions.strokeColor(0x77ffff55); } else { rectOptions.strokeColor(0x77aaFFaa); } rectOptions.strokeWidth(3); rectOptions.fillColor(0x30aaFFaa); map.addPolygon(rectOptions); // only show text for one field in edit mode if (!map_mode.equals("edit")) { AddText(GetCentre(poly), poly.m_Name, 40, 20, Color.WHITE); for (int j = 0; j < poly.m_Info.size(); j++) { AddText(GetCentre(poly), poly.m_Info.get(j), j * 20, 14, 0xffccFFcc); } } else { if (selected_polygon.equals(poly.m_UniqueID)) { AddText(GetCentre(poly), poly.m_Name, 0, 20, Color.WHITE); } } } if (current_polygon.size() != 0) { PolygonOptions rectOptions = new PolygonOptions(); rectOptions.addAll(current_polygon); rectOptions.strokeColor(0x77ffff55); rectOptions.strokeWidth(3); rectOptions.fillColor(0x30aaFFaa); map.addPolygon(rectOptions); } if (draw_indicator) { CircleOptions iOptions = new CircleOptions(); LatLng(indicator_lat, indicator_lon)); iOptions.radius(50); iOptions.strokeColor(0xffffffff); iOptions.strokeWidth(1); iOptions.fillColor(0x00000000); map.addCircle(iOptions); { PolylineOptions pOptions = new PolylineOptions(); pOptions.add(new LatLng(indicator_lat + 0.0007, indicator_lon)); pOptions.add(new LatLng(indicator_lat - 0.0007, indicator_lon)); pOptions.color(0xffffffff); pOptions.width(1); map.addPolyline(pOptions); } { PolylineOptions pOptions = new PolylineOptions(); pOptions.add(new LatLng(indicator_lat, indicator_lon + 0.001)); pOptions.add(new LatLng(indicator_lat, indicator_lon - 0.001)); pOptions.color(0xffffffff); pOptions.width(1); map.addPolyline(pOptions); } } } public Marker AddText(final LatLng location, final String text, final int padding, final int fontSize, int colour) { Marker marker = null; final TextView textView = new TextView(m_Context); textView.setText(text); textView.setTextSize(fontSize); textView.setTypeface(m_Context.m_Typeface); final Paint paintText = textView.getPaint(); final Rect boundsText = new Rect(); paintText.getTextBounds(text, 0, textView.length(), boundsText); paintText.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); final Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; final Bitmap bmpText = Bitmap.createBitmap(boundsText.width() + 2 * padding, boundsText.height() + 2 * padding, conf); final Canvas canvasText = new Canvas(bmpText); paintText.setColor(Color.BLACK); canvasText.drawText(text, (canvasText.getWidth() / 2) + 3, (canvasText.getHeight() - padding - boundsText.bottom) + 3, paintText); paintText.setColor(colour); canvasText.drawText(text, canvasText.getWidth() / 2, canvasText.getHeight() - padding - boundsText.bottom, paintText); final MarkerOptions markerOptions = new MarkerOptions().position(location) .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(bmpText)).anchor(0.5f, 1); marker = map.addMarker(markerOptions); return marker; } }