Java tutorial
/* ownCloud Android client application * Copyright (C) 2011 Bartek Przybylski * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package eu.alefzero.owncloud.ui.activity; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.provider.MediaStore; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu; import com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuInflater; import com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuItem; import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Window; import eu.alefzero.owncloud.AccountUtils; import eu.alefzero.owncloud.CrashHandler; import eu.alefzero.owncloud.R; import eu.alefzero.owncloud.authenticator.AccountAuthenticator; import eu.alefzero.owncloud.datamodel.DataStorageManager; import eu.alefzero.owncloud.datamodel.FileDataStorageManager; import eu.alefzero.owncloud.datamodel.OCFile; import; import; import eu.alefzero.owncloud.syncadapter.FileSyncService; import eu.alefzero.owncloud.ui.fragment.FileDetailFragment; import eu.alefzero.owncloud.ui.fragment.FileListFragment; import eu.alefzero.webdav.WebdavClient; /** * Displays, what files the user has available in his ownCloud. * * @author Bartek Przybylski * */ public class FileDisplayActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity implements FileListFragment.ContainerActivity, OnNavigationListener, OnClickListener, android.view.View.OnClickListener { private ArrayAdapter<String> mDirectories; private OCFile mCurrentDir; private String[] mDirs = null; private DataStorageManager mStorageManager; private SyncBroadcastReceiver mSyncBroadcastReceiver; private UploadFinishReceiver mUploadFinishReceiver; private View mLayoutView = null; private FileListFragment mFileList; private boolean mDualPane; private boolean mForcedLoginToCreateFirstAccount = false; private static final String KEY_DIR_ARRAY = "DIR_ARRAY"; private static final String KEY_CURRENT_DIR = "DIR"; private static final int DIALOG_SETUP_ACCOUNT = 0; private static final int DIALOG_CREATE_DIR = 1; private static final int DIALOG_ABOUT_APP = 2; private static final int ACTION_SELECT_FILE = 1; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.i(getClass().toString(), "onCreate() start"); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS); Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new CrashHandler(getApplicationContext())); if (savedInstanceState != null) { mDirs = savedInstanceState.getStringArray(KEY_DIR_ARRAY); mDirectories = new CustomArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.sherlock_spinner_dropdown_item); mDirectories.add(OCFile.PATH_SEPARATOR); if (mDirs != null) for (String s : mDirs) mDirectories.insert(s, 0); mCurrentDir = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(FileDetailFragment.EXTRA_FILE); } mLayoutView = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.files, null); // always inflate this at onCreate() ; just once! if (AccountUtils.accountsAreSetup(this)) { initDelayedTilAccountAvailabe(); // PIN CODE request ; best location is to decide, let's try this first //if (savedInstanceState == null) { if (getIntent().getAction() != null && getIntent().getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_MAIN) && savedInstanceState == null) { requestPinCode(); } } else { setContentView(R.layout.no_account_available); getSupportActionBar().setNavigationMode(ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_TITLE); findViewById(; setSupportProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(false); Intent intent = new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_ADD_ACCOUNT); intent.putExtra(android.provider.Settings.EXTRA_AUTHORITIES, new String[] { AccountAuthenticator.AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE }); startActivity(intent); // although the code is here, the activity won't be created until this.onStart() and this.onResume() are finished; mForcedLoginToCreateFirstAccount = true; } Log.i(getClass().toString(), "onCreate() end"); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuInflater inflater = getSherlock().getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { boolean retval = true; switch (item.getItemId()) { case { showDialog(DIALOG_CREATE_DIR); break; } case { ContentResolver.cancelSync(null, "org.owncloud"); // cancel the current synchronizations of any ownCloud account Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL, true); ContentResolver.requestSync(AccountUtils.getCurrentOwnCloudAccount(this), "org.owncloud", bundle); break; } case { Intent action = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); action = action.setType("*/*").addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE); startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(action, "Upload file from..."), ACTION_SELECT_FILE); break; } case { Intent settingsIntent = new Intent(this, Preferences.class); startActivity(settingsIntent); break; } case { showDialog(DIALOG_ABOUT_APP); break; } case { if (mCurrentDir != null && mCurrentDir.getParentId() != 0) { onBackPressed(); } break; } default: retval = false; } return retval; } @Override public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(int itemPosition, long itemId) { int i = itemPosition; while (i-- != 0) { onBackPressed(); } return true; } /** * Called, when the user selected something for uploading */ public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == ACTION_SELECT_FILE) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { String filepath = null; try { Uri selectedImageUri = data.getData(); String filemanagerstring = selectedImageUri.getPath(); String selectedImagePath = getPath(selectedImageUri); if (selectedImagePath != null) filepath = selectedImagePath; else filepath = filemanagerstring; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("FileDisplay", "Unexpected exception when trying to read the result of Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT", e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (filepath == null) { Log.e("FileDisplay", "Couldnt resolve path to file"); Toast t = Toast.makeText(this, getString(R.string.filedisplay_unexpected_bad_get_content), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; return; } } Intent i = new Intent(this, FileUploader.class); i.putExtra(FileUploader.KEY_ACCOUNT, AccountUtils.getCurrentOwnCloudAccount(this)); String remotepath = new String(); for (int j = mDirectories.getCount() - 2; j >= 0; --j) { remotepath += OCFile.PATH_SEPARATOR + mDirectories.getItem(j); } if (!remotepath.endsWith(OCFile.PATH_SEPARATOR)) remotepath += OCFile.PATH_SEPARATOR; remotepath += new File(filepath).getName(); i.putExtra(FileUploader.KEY_LOCAL_FILE, filepath); i.putExtra(FileUploader.KEY_REMOTE_FILE, remotepath); i.putExtra(FileUploader.KEY_UPLOAD_TYPE, FileUploader.UPLOAD_SINGLE_FILE); startService(i); } } /* dvelasco: WIP - not working as expected ... yet :) else if (requestCode == ACTION_CREATE_FIRST_ACCOUNT) { if (resultCode != RESULT_OK) { finish(); // the user cancelled the AuthenticatorActivity } }*/ } @Override public void onBackPressed() { if (mDirectories == null || mDirectories.getCount() <= 1) { finish(); return; } popDirname(); mFileList.onNavigateUp(); mCurrentDir = mFileList.getCurrentFile(); if (mCurrentDir.getParentId() == 0) { ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(false); } } @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { // responsability of restore is prefered in onCreate() before than in onRestoreInstanceState when there are Fragments involved Log.i(getClass().toString(), "onSaveInstanceState() start"); super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); if (mDirectories != null && mDirectories.getCount() != 0) { mDirs = new String[mDirectories.getCount() - 1]; for (int j = mDirectories.getCount() - 2, i = 0; j >= 0; --j, ++i) { mDirs[i] = mDirectories.getItem(j); } } outState.putStringArray(KEY_DIR_ARRAY, mDirs); outState.putParcelable(FileDetailFragment.EXTRA_FILE, mCurrentDir); Log.i(getClass().toString(), "onSaveInstanceState() end"); } @Override protected void onResume() { Log.i(getClass().toString(), "onResume() start"); super.onResume(); if (AccountUtils.accountsAreSetup(this)) { // at least an account exist: normal operation // set the layout only if it couldn't be set in onCreate if (mForcedLoginToCreateFirstAccount) { initDelayedTilAccountAvailabe(); mForcedLoginToCreateFirstAccount = false; } // Listen for sync messages IntentFilter syncIntentFilter = new IntentFilter(FileSyncService.SYNC_MESSAGE); mSyncBroadcastReceiver = new SyncBroadcastReceiver(); registerReceiver(mSyncBroadcastReceiver, syncIntentFilter); // Listen for upload messages IntentFilter uploadIntentFilter = new IntentFilter(FileUploader.UPLOAD_FINISH_MESSAGE); mUploadFinishReceiver = new UploadFinishReceiver(); registerReceiver(mUploadFinishReceiver, uploadIntentFilter); // Storage manager initialization mStorageManager = new FileDataStorageManager(AccountUtils.getCurrentOwnCloudAccount(this), getContentResolver()); // File list fragments mFileList = (FileListFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(; // Figure out what directory to list. // Priority: Intent (here), savedInstanceState (onCreate), root dir (dir is null) if (getIntent().hasExtra(FileDetailFragment.EXTRA_FILE)) { mCurrentDir = (OCFile) getIntent().getParcelableExtra(FileDetailFragment.EXTRA_FILE); if (mCurrentDir != null && !mCurrentDir.isDirectory()) { mCurrentDir = mStorageManager.getFileById(mCurrentDir.getParentId()); } // Clear intent extra, so rotating the screen will not return us to this directory getIntent().removeExtra(FileDetailFragment.EXTRA_FILE); } if (mCurrentDir == null) mCurrentDir = mStorageManager.getFileByPath("/"); // Drop-Down navigation and file list restore mDirectories = new CustomArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.sherlock_spinner_dropdown_item); // Given the case we have a file to display: if (mCurrentDir != null) { ArrayList<OCFile> files = new ArrayList<OCFile>(); OCFile currFile = mCurrentDir; while (currFile != null) { files.add(currFile); currFile = mStorageManager.getFileById(currFile.getParentId()); } // Insert in mDirs mDirs = new String[files.size()]; for (int i = files.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { mDirs[i] = files.get(i).getFileName(); } } if (mDirs != null) { for (String s : mDirs) mDirectories.add(s); } else { mDirectories.add(OCFile.PATH_SEPARATOR); } // Actionbar setup ActionBar action_bar = getSupportActionBar(); action_bar.setNavigationMode(ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST); action_bar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); action_bar.setListNavigationCallbacks(mDirectories, this); if (mCurrentDir != null && mCurrentDir.getParentId() != 0) { action_bar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); } else { action_bar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(false); } // List dir here mFileList.listDirectory(mCurrentDir); } Log.i(getClass().toString(), "onResume() end"); } @Override protected void onPause() { Log.i(getClass().toString(), "onPause() start"); super.onPause(); if (mSyncBroadcastReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(mSyncBroadcastReceiver); mSyncBroadcastReceiver = null; } if (mUploadFinishReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(mUploadFinishReceiver); mUploadFinishReceiver = null; } getIntent().putExtra(FileDetailFragment.EXTRA_FILE, mCurrentDir); Log.i(getClass().toString(), "onPause() end"); } @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { Dialog dialog = null; AlertDialog.Builder builder; switch (id) { case DIALOG_SETUP_ACCOUNT: builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle(R.string.main_tit_accsetup); builder.setMessage(R.string.main_wrn_accsetup); builder.setCancelable(false); builder.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, this); builder.setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, this); dialog = builder.create(); break; case DIALOG_ABOUT_APP: { builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle("About"); PackageInfo pkg; try { pkg = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0); builder.setMessage("ownCloud android client\n\nversion: " + pkg.versionName); builder.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_info_details); dialog = builder.create(); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { builder = null; dialog = null; e.printStackTrace(); } break; } case DIALOG_CREATE_DIR: { builder = new Builder(this); final EditText dirNameInput = new EditText(getBaseContext()); final Account a = AccountUtils.getCurrentOwnCloudAccount(this); builder.setView(dirNameInput); builder.setTitle(R.string.uploader_info_dirname); int typed_color = getResources().getColor(R.color.setup_text_typed); dirNameInput.setTextColor(typed_color); builder.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { String directoryName = dirNameInput.getText().toString(); if (directoryName.trim().length() == 0) { dialog.cancel(); return; } // Figure out the path where the dir needs to be created String path; if (mCurrentDir == null) { // this is just a patch; we should ensure that mCurrentDir never is null if (!mStorageManager.fileExists(OCFile.PATH_SEPARATOR)) { OCFile file = new OCFile(OCFile.PATH_SEPARATOR); mStorageManager.saveFile(file); } mCurrentDir = mStorageManager.getFileByPath(OCFile.PATH_SEPARATOR); } path = FileDisplayActivity.this.mCurrentDir.getRemotePath(); // Create directory path += directoryName + OCFile.PATH_SEPARATOR; Thread thread = new Thread(new DirectoryCreator(path, a)); thread.start(); // Save new directory in local database OCFile newDir = new OCFile(path); newDir.setMimetype("DIR"); newDir.setParentId(mCurrentDir.getFileId()); mStorageManager.saveFile(newDir); // Display the new folder right away dialog.dismiss(); mFileList.listDirectory(mCurrentDir); } }); builder.setNegativeButton(R.string.common_cancel, new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.cancel(); } }); dialog = builder.create(); break; } default: dialog = null; } return dialog; } /** * Responds to the "There are no ownCloud Accounts setup" dialog * TODO: Dialog is 100% useless -> Remove */ @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // In any case - we won't need it anymore dialog.dismiss(); switch (which) { case DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE: Intent intent = new Intent("android.settings.ADD_ACCOUNT_SETTINGS"); intent.putExtra("authorities", new String[] { AccountAuthenticator.AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE }); startActivity(intent); break; case DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE: finish(); } } /** * Translates a content URI of an image to a physical path * on the disk * @param uri The URI to resolve * @return The path to the image or null if it could not be found */ public String getPath(Uri uri) { String[] projection = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA }; Cursor cursor = managedQuery(uri, projection, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA); cursor.moveToFirst(); return cursor.getString(column_index); } return null; } /** * Pushes a directory to the drop down list * @param directory to push * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the {@link OCFile#isDirectory()} returns false. */ public void pushDirname(OCFile directory) { if (!directory.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only directories may be pushed!"); } mDirectories.insert(directory.getFileName(), 0); mCurrentDir = directory; } /** * Pops a directory name from the drop down list * @return True, unless the stack is empty */ public boolean popDirname() { mDirectories.remove(mDirectories.getItem(0)); return !mDirectories.isEmpty(); } private class DirectoryCreator implements Runnable { private String mTargetPath; private Account mAccount; private AccountManager mAm; public DirectoryCreator(String targetPath, Account account) { mTargetPath = targetPath; mAccount = account; mAm = (AccountManager) getSystemService(ACCOUNT_SERVICE); } @Override public void run() { WebdavClient wdc = new WebdavClient(mAccount, getApplicationContext()); String username =,'@')); String password = mAm.getPassword(mAccount); wdc.setCredentials(username, password); wdc.allowSelfsignedCertificates(); wdc.createDirectory(mTargetPath); } } // Custom array adapter to override text colors private class CustomArrayAdapter<T> extends ArrayAdapter<T> { public CustomArrayAdapter(FileDisplayActivity ctx, int view) { super(ctx, view); } public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { View v = super.getView(position, convertView, parent); ((TextView) v).setTextColor(getResources().getColorStateList(android.R.color.white)); return v; } public View getDropDownView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { View v = super.getDropDownView(position, convertView, parent); ((TextView) v).setTextColor(getResources().getColorStateList(android.R.color.white)); return v; } } private class SyncBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { /** * {@link BroadcastReceiver} to enable syncing feedback in UI */ @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { boolean inProgress = intent.getBooleanExtra(FileSyncService.IN_PROGRESS, false); String account_name = intent.getStringExtra(FileSyncService.ACCOUNT_NAME); Log.d("FileDisplay", "sync of account " + account_name + " is in_progress: " + inProgress); if (account_name.equals(AccountUtils.getCurrentOwnCloudAccount(context).name)) { String synchFolderRemotePath = intent.getStringExtra(FileSyncService.SYNC_FOLDER_REMOTE_PATH); boolean fillBlankRoot = false; if (mCurrentDir == null) { mCurrentDir = mStorageManager.getFileByPath("/"); fillBlankRoot = (mCurrentDir != null); } if ((synchFolderRemotePath != null && mCurrentDir != null && (mCurrentDir.getRemotePath().equals(synchFolderRemotePath))) || fillBlankRoot) { if (!fillBlankRoot) mCurrentDir = getStorageManager().getFileByPath(synchFolderRemotePath); FileListFragment fileListFragment = (FileListFragment) getSupportFragmentManager() .findFragmentById(; if (fileListFragment != null) { fileListFragment.listDirectory(mCurrentDir); } } setSupportProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(inProgress); } } } private class UploadFinishReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { /** * Once the file upload has finished -> update view * @author David A. Velasco * {@link BroadcastReceiver} to enable upload feedback in UI */ @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { long parentDirId = intent.getLongExtra(FileUploader.EXTRA_PARENT_DIR_ID, -1); OCFile parentDir = mStorageManager.getFileById(parentDirId); if (parentDir != null && ((mCurrentDir == null && parentDir.getFileName().equals("/")) || parentDir.equals(mCurrentDir))) { FileListFragment fileListFragment = (FileListFragment) getSupportFragmentManager() .findFragmentById(; if (fileListFragment != null) { fileListFragment.listDirectory(); } } } } @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (v.getId() == { Intent intent = new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_ADD_ACCOUNT); intent.putExtra(android.provider.Settings.EXTRA_AUTHORITIES, new String[] { AccountAuthenticator.AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE }); startActivity(intent); mForcedLoginToCreateFirstAccount = true; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public DataStorageManager getStorageManager() { return mStorageManager; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onDirectoryClick(OCFile directory) { pushDirname(directory); ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); if (mDualPane) { // Resets the FileDetailsFragment on Tablets so that it always displays FileDetailFragment fileDetails = (FileDetailFragment) getSupportFragmentManager() .findFragmentByTag(FileDetailFragment.FTAG); if (fileDetails != null) { FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); transaction.remove(fileDetails); transaction.add(, new FileDetailFragment(null, null)); transaction.commit(); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onFileClick(OCFile file) { // If we are on a large device -> update fragment if (mDualPane) { // buttons in the details view are problematic when trying to reuse an existing fragment; create always a new one solves some of them, BUT no all; downloads are 'dangerous' FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); transaction.replace(, new FileDetailFragment(file, AccountUtils.getCurrentOwnCloudAccount(this)), FileDetailFragment.FTAG); transaction.setTransition(FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_FADE); transaction.commit(); } else { // small or medium screen device -> new Activity Intent showDetailsIntent = new Intent(this, FileDetailActivity.class); showDetailsIntent.putExtra(FileDetailFragment.EXTRA_FILE, file); showDetailsIntent.putExtra(FileDownloader.EXTRA_ACCOUNT, AccountUtils.getCurrentOwnCloudAccount(this)); startActivity(showDetailsIntent); } } /** * Operations in this method should be preferably performed in onCreate to have a lighter onResume method. * * But we need to delay them to onResume for the first start of the application, when no account exists and the login activity must be shown; and * put instead the ugly view that shows the 'Setup' button to restart the login activity. * * In other way, if the users cancels or presses BACK in the login page that first time (users can be cruel sometimes) would show a blank view (the * FragmentList view empty). * * This is temporal, until we found out how to get a result in this activity after launching the ADD_ACCOUNT Intent with startActivityForResult (not trivial) */ private void initDelayedTilAccountAvailabe() { setContentView(mLayoutView); mDualPane = (findViewById( != null); if (mDualPane && getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(FileDetailFragment.FTAG) == null) { FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); transaction.replace(, new FileDetailFragment(null, null)); // empty FileDetailFragment transaction.commit(); } setSupportProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(false); } /** * Launch an intent to request the PIN code to the user before letting him use the app */ private void requestPinCode() { boolean pinStart = false; SharedPreferences appPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext()); pinStart = appPrefs.getBoolean("set_pincode", false); if (pinStart) { Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), PinCodeActivity.class); i.putExtra(PinCodeActivity.EXTRA_ACTIVITY, "FileDisplayActivity"); startActivity(i); } } }