Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005 onwards University of Deusto * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. * * This software consists of contributions made by many individuals, * listed below: * * Author: Pablo Ordua <> * */ package es.deusto.weblab.client; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import es.deusto.weblab.client.configuration.ConfigurationManager; import es.deusto.weblab.client.configuration.IConfigurationLoadedCallback; import es.deusto.weblab.client.ui.widgets.WlWaitingLabel; public abstract class WebLabClient implements EntryPoint { public static final String BASE_LOCATION = "base.location"; public static final String DEFAULT_BASE_LOCATION = ""; public static String baseLocation; public static String PROFILE_URL; private static final String MAIN_SLOT = "weblab_slot"; private static final String SCRIPT_CONFIG_FILE = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "configuration.js"; private static final String LOCALE_URL_PARAM = "locale"; public static final String LOCALE_COOKIE = "weblabdeusto.locale"; public static final String HOST_ENTITY_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "host.entity.default.language"; public static final String DEFAULT_HOST_ENTITY_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "en"; public static final String THEME_PROPERTY = "theme"; public static final String DEFAULT_THEME = "deusto"; private static final String GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_CODE = ""; public ConfigurationManager configurationManager; private boolean languageDecisionPending = false; public void putWidget(Widget widget) { while (RootPanel.get(WebLabClient.MAIN_SLOT).getWidgetCount() > 0) RootPanel.get(WebLabClient.MAIN_SLOT).remove(0); RootPanel.get(WebLabClient.MAIN_SLOT).add(widget); } public void showError(String message) { final Label errorMessage = new Label(message); this.putWidget(errorMessage); } private boolean localeConfigured() { return Window.Location.getParameter(WebLabClient.LOCALE_URL_PARAM) != null; } public static String getLocale() { return Window.Location.getParameter(WebLabClient.LOCALE_URL_PARAM); } /** * Check whether we must display the mobile or the standard version. If the "mobile" GET var is * specified, we will comply. If it is not, we will display the standard version if the browser * resolution of the user is large enough, and the mobile one otherwise. * * @return True if we should display the mobile version, false otherwise */ boolean isMobile() { return false; } private void selectLanguage() { if (localeConfigured()) return; final String weblabLocaleCookie = Cookies.getCookie(WebLabClient.LOCALE_COOKIE); if (weblabLocaleCookie != null) { String currentLocaleName = LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().getLocaleName(); if (currentLocaleName.equals("default")) currentLocaleName = "en"; if (!currentLocaleName.equals(weblabLocaleCookie)) WebLabClient.refresh(weblabLocaleCookie); return; } // Else, check if there is a default language. If there is, show it this.languageDecisionPending = true; } public static native String getAcceptLanguageHeader() /*-{ return $wnd.acceptLanguageHeader; }-*/; public static String getNewUrl(String parameterName, String parameterValue) { String newUrl = Window.Location.getPath() + "?"; final Map<String, List<String>> parameters = Window.Location.getParameterMap(); for (final String parameter : parameters.keySet()) if (!parameter.equals(parameterName)) { String value = ""; for (final String v : parameters.get(parameter)) value = v; newUrl += parameter + "=" + value + "&"; } newUrl += parameterName + "=" + parameterValue; newUrl += "#" + History.getToken(); return newUrl; } public static void refresh(String locale) { String newUrl = Window.Location.getPath() + "?"; final Map<String, List<String>> parameters = Window.Location.getParameterMap(); for (final String parameter : parameters.keySet()) if (!parameter.equals(WebLabClient.LOCALE_URL_PARAM)) { String value = ""; for (final String v : parameters.get(parameter)) value = v; newUrl += parameter + "=" + value + "&"; } newUrl += WebLabClient.LOCALE_URL_PARAM + "=" + locale; newUrl += "#" + History.getToken(); Window.Location.replace(newUrl); } public abstract void loadApplication(); @Override public void onModuleLoad() { HistoryProperties.load(); final WlWaitingLabel loadingLabel = new WlWaitingLabel("Loading Eduvance Remolabs"); loadingLabel.start(); this.putWidget(loadingLabel.getWidget()); this.selectLanguage(); final String configFile = WebLabClient.SCRIPT_CONFIG_FILE; this.configurationManager = new ConfigurationManager(configFile, new IConfigurationLoadedCallback() { @Override public void onLoaded() { WebLabClient.baseLocation = WebLabClient.this.configurationManager.getProperty(BASE_LOCATION, DEFAULT_BASE_LOCATION); WebLabClient.PROFILE_URL = WebLabClient.baseLocation + "/weblab/administration/profile/"; if (WebLabClient.this.languageDecisionPending) { String currentLocaleName = LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().getLocaleName(); if (currentLocaleName.equals("default")) currentLocaleName = "en"; try { if (getAcceptLanguageHeader() != null) { final String firstLanguage = getAcceptLanguageHeader().split(";")[0].split(",")[0] .split("-")[0]; if (!currentLocaleName.equals(firstLanguage)) { WebLabClient.refresh(firstLanguage); return; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } final String hostDefaultLanguage = WebLabClient.this.configurationManager .getProperty(HOST_ENTITY_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, DEFAULT_HOST_ENTITY_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); if (!hostDefaultLanguage.equals("en") && WebLabClient.this.languageDecisionPending) refresh(hostDefaultLanguage); } final String trackingCode = WebLabClient.this.configurationManager .getProperty(GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_CODE, null); if (trackingCode != null) loadGoogleAnalytics(trackingCode); loadApplication(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { WebLabClient.this.showError("Error loading configuration file: " + t.getMessage()); } }); this.configurationManager.start(); } public void setMaxWidth(int width) { RootPanel.get(WebLabClient.MAIN_SLOT).setWidth(width + "px"); } private void loadGoogleAnalytics(String trackingCode) { final ScriptElement gaqScript = Document.get().createScriptElement("var _gaq = _gaq || [];" + "_gaq.push(['_setAccount', '" + trackingCode + "']);" + "_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);"); final Element s = Document.get().getElementsByTagName("script").getItem(0); s.getParentNode().insertBefore(gaqScript, s); final ScriptElement ga = Document.get().createScriptElement(); ga.setSrc(("https:".equals(Window.Location.getProtocol()) ? "https://ssl" : "http://www") + ""); ga.setType("text/javascript"); ga.setAttribute("async", "true"); s.getParentNode().insertBefore(ga, s); } }