Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;


 * The panel to which all other widgets must ultimately be added. RootPanels are
 * never created directly. Rather, they are accessed via {@link RootPanel#get()}
 * .
 * <p>
 * Most applications will add widgets to the default root panel in their
 * {@link} methods.
 * </p>
public class RootPanel extends AbsolutePanel {
     * The singleton command used to detach widgets.
    private static final AttachDetachException.Command maybeDetachCommand = new AttachDetachException.Command() {
        public void execute(Widget w) {
            if (w.isAttached()) {

    private static Map<String, RootPanel> rootPanels = new HashMap<String, RootPanel>();

    private static Set<Widget> widgetsToDetach = new HashSet<Widget>();

     * Marks a widget as detached and removes it from the detach list.
     * <p>
     * If an element belonging to a widget originally passed to
     * {@link #detachOnWindowClose(Widget)} has been removed from the document,
     * calling this method will cause it to be marked as detached immediately.
     * Failure to do so will keep the widget from being garbage collected until
     * the page is unloaded.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This method may only be called per widget, and only for widgets that were
     * originally passed to {@link #detachOnWindowClose(Widget)}.
     * </p>
     * @param widget
     *            the widget that no longer needs to be cleaned up when the page
     *            closes
     * @see #detachOnWindowClose(Widget)
    public static void detachNow(Widget widget) {
        assert widgetsToDetach.contains(widget) : "detachNow() called on a widget "
                + "not currently in the detach list";
        try {
        } finally {

     * Adds a widget to the detach list. This is the list of widgets to be
     * detached when the page unloads.
     * <p>
     * This method must be called for all widgets that have no parent widgets.
     * These are most commonly {@link RootPanel RootPanels}, but can also be any
     * widget used to wrap an existing element on the page. Failing to do this
     * may cause these widgets to leak memory. This method is called
     * automatically by widgets' wrap methods (e.g.
     * {@link Button#wrap(}).
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This method may <em>not</em> be called on any widget whose element is
     * contained in another widget. This is to ensure that the DOM and Widget
     * hierarchies cannot get into an inconsistent state.
     * </p>
     * @param widget
     *            the widget to be cleaned up when the page closes
     * @see #detachNow(Widget)
    public static void detachOnWindowClose(Widget widget) {
        assert !widgetsToDetach.contains(widget) : "detachOnUnload() called twice " + "for the same widget";
        assert !isElementChildOfWidget(widget.getElement()) : "A widget that has "
                + "an existing parent widget may not be added to the detach list";

     * Gets the default root panel. This panel wraps the body of the browser's
     * document. This root panel can contain any number of widgets, which will
     * be laid out in their natural HTML ordering. Many applications, however,
     * will add a single panel to the RootPanel to provide more structure.
     * @return the default RootPanel
    public static RootPanel get() {
        return get(null);

     * Gets the root panel associated with a given browser element. For this to
     * work, the HTML document into which the application is loaded must have
     * specified an element with the given id.
     * @param id
     *            the id of the element to be wrapped with a root panel (
     *            <code>null</code> specifies the default instance, which wraps
     *            the &lt;body&gt; element)
     * @return the root panel, or <code>null</code> if no such element was found
    public static RootPanel get(String id) {
        // See if this RootPanel is already created.
        RootPanel rp = rootPanels.get(id);
        // Find the element that this RootPanel will wrap.
        Element elem = null;
        if (id != null) {
            // Return null if the id is specified, but no element is found.
            if (null == (elem = Document.get().getElementById(id))) {
                return null;
        if (rp != null) {
            // If the element associated with an existing RootPanel has been
            // replaced
            // for any reason, return a new RootPanel rather than the existing
            // one (
            // see issue 1937).
            if ((elem == null) || (rp.getElement() == elem)) {
                // There's already an existing RootPanel for this element.
                // Return it.
                return rp;
        // Note that the code in this if block only happens once -
        // on the first RootPanel.get(String) or RootPanel.get()
        // call.
        if (rootPanels.size() == 0) {
            // If we're in a RTL locale, set the RTL directionality
            // on the entire document.
            if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) {
                BidiUtils.setDirectionOnElement(getRootElement(), HasDirection.Direction.RTL);
        // Create the panel and put it in the map.
        if (elem == null) {
            // 'null' means use document's body element.
            rp = new DefaultRootPanel();
        } else {
            // Otherwise, wrap the existing element.
            rp = new RootPanel(elem);
        rootPanels.put(id, rp);
        return rp;

    public static Element getBodyElement() {
        return Document.get().getBody();

     * Determines whether the given widget is in the detach list.
     * @param widget
     *            the widget to be checked
     * @return <code>true</code> if the widget is in the detach list
    public static boolean isInDetachList(Widget widget) {
        return widgetsToDetach.contains(widget);

     * Convenience method for getting the document's root (<html>) element.
     * @return the document's root element
    private static native Element getRootElement() /*-{
                                                   return $doc;

    private static void hookWindowClosing() {
        // Catch the window closing event.
        Window.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler<Window>() {
            public void onClose(CloseEvent<Window> closeEvent) {

     * Checks to see whether the given element has any parent element that
     * belongs to a widget. This is not terribly efficient, and is thus only
     * used in an assertion.
    private static boolean isElementChildOfWidget(Element element) {
        // Walk up the DOM hierarchy, looking for any widget with an event
        // listener
        // set. Though it is not dependable in the general case that a widget
        // will
        // have set its element's event listener at all times, it *is*
        // dependable
        // if the widget is attached. Which it will be in this case.
        BodyElement body = Document.get().getBody();
        if (element == body) {
            return false;
        element = element.getParentElement();
        while ((element != null) && (body != element)) {
            if (Event.getEventListener(element) != null) {
                return true;
            element = element.getParentElement().cast();
        return false;

    // Package-protected for use by unit tests. Do not call this method
    // directly.
    static void detachWidgets() {
        // When the window is closing, detach all widgets that need to be
        // cleaned up. This will cause all of their event listeners
        // to be unhooked, which will avoid potential memory leaks.
        try {
            AttachDetachException.tryCommand(widgetsToDetach, maybeDetachCommand);
        } finally {
            // Clear the RootPanel cache, since we've "detached" all RootPanels
            // at
            // this point. This would be pointless, since it only happens on
            // unload,
            // but it is very helpful for unit tests, because it allows
            // RootPanel.get() to work properly even after a synthesized
            // "unload".

    private RootPanel(Element elem) {

     * Clears the rootPanel. If clearDom is true, then also remove any DOM
     * elements that are not widgets.
     * <p>
     * By default {@link #clear()} will only remove children that are GWT
     * widgets. This method also provides the option to remove all children
     * including the non-widget DOM elements that are directly added (e.g.
     * elements added via {@code getElement().appendChild(...)}.
     * @param clearDom
     *            if {@code true} this method will also remove any DOM elements
     *            that are not widgets.
    public void clear(boolean clearDom) {
        if (clearDom) {

     * A default RootPanel implementation that wraps the body element.
    private static class DefaultRootPanel extends RootPanel {
        public DefaultRootPanel() {

        protected void setWidgetPositionImpl(Widget w, int left, int top) {
            // Account for the difference between absolute position and the
            // body's positioning context.
            left -= Document.get().getBodyOffsetLeft();
            top -= Document.get().getBodyOffsetTop();
            super.setWidgetPositionImpl(w, left, top);