Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2008 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.unc.lib.dl.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.DOMBuilder; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import org.w3c.dom.CDATASection; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import edu.unc.lib.dl.acl.util.UserRole; import edu.unc.lib.dl.fedora.PID; import edu.unc.lib.dl.xml.JDOMNamespaceUtil; /** * Provides an adapter for querying and modifying the triple store. * * @author count0 * */ public class TripleStoreQueryServiceMulgaraImpl implements TripleStoreQueryService { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TripleStoreQueryServiceMulgaraImpl.class); private String inferenceRulesModelUri; private String inferredRIModelUri; private String itqlEndpointURL; private String sparqlEndpointURL; private String name; private String pass; private String resourceIndexModelUri; private String serverModelUri; private HttpClient httpClient; private ObjectMapper mapper; private PID collections; private final MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager multiThreadedHttpConnectionManager; public TripleStoreQueryServiceMulgaraImpl() { this.multiThreadedHttpConnectionManager = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager(); this.httpClient = new HttpClient(this.multiThreadedHttpConnectionManager); this.mapper = new ObjectMapper(); this.collections = null; } public void destroy() { this.httpClient = null; this.mapper = null; this.multiThreadedHttpConnectionManager.shutdown(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * */ @Override public List<PID> fetchAllContents(PID key) { String query = String.format( "select $desc from <%1$s> where walk( <%3$s> <%2$s> $child and $child <%2$s> $desc);", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), key.getURI()); return this.lookupDigitalObjects(query); } @Override public List<PID> fetchChildren(PID key) { String query = String.format("select $child from <%1$s> where <%2$s> <%3$s> $child;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), key.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI()); return this.lookupDigitalObjects(query); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * */ @Override public Map<String, PID> fetchChildSlugs(PID parent) { Map<String, PID> result = new HashMap<String, PID>(); String query = String.format( "select $slug $child from <%1$s> where <%2$s> <%3$s> $child and $child <%4$s> $slug;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), parent.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.slug.getURI()); List<List<String>> res = this.lookupStrings(query); for (List<String> list : res) { result.put(list.get(0), new PID(list.get(1))); } return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override public List<PID> fetchByPredicateAndLiteral(String predicateURI, String literal) { String query = String.format("select $pid from <%1$s> where $pid <%2$s> '%3$s';", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), predicateURI, literal); return this.lookupDigitalObjects(query); } @Override public List<PID> fetchByPredicateAndLiteral(String predicateURI, PID pidLiteral) { String query = String.format("select $pid from <%1$s> where $pid <%2$s> <%3$s>;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), predicateURI, pidLiteral.getURI()); return this.lookupDigitalObjects(query); } @Override public List<String> fetchBySubjectAndPredicate(PID subject, String predicateURI) { String query = String.format("select $literal from <%1$s> where <%2$s> <%3$s> $literal;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), subject.getURI(), predicateURI); List<List<String>> res = this.lookupStrings(query); if (res == null) return null; List<String> literals = new ArrayList<String>(); for (List<String> row : res) { if (row.size() > 0) literals.add(row.get(0)); } return literals; } @Override public String fetchFirstBySubjectAndPredicate(PID subject, String predicateURI) { String query = String.format("select $literal from <%1$s> where <%2$s> <%3$s> $literal;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), subject.getURI(), predicateURI); return this.lookupFirstString(query); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * .lang.String) */ @Override public PID fetchByRepositoryPath(String path) { // TODO needs many CDRs one Fedora fix PID result = null; StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); path = path.trim(); List<String> slugs; if ("/".equals(path) || "REPOSITORY".equals(path)) { slugs = new ArrayList<String>(); slugs.add("REPOSITORY"); } else { slugs = Arrays.asList(path.split("/")); } String first = slugs.get(0); if ("".equals(first)) { slugs.set(0, "REPOSITORY"); } else if (!"REPOSITORY".equals(first)) { List<String> newslugs = new ArrayList<String>(); newslugs.addAll(slugs); newslugs.add(0, "REPOSITORY"); slugs = newslugs; } query.append("select $r").append(slugs.size() - 1).append(" from <%1$s>"); for (int i = 0; i < slugs.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { query.append(" where $r").append(i).append(" <%3$s> '").append(slugs.get(i)).append("'"); } else { query.append(" and $r").append(i - 1).append(" <%2$s> $r").append(i); query.append(" and $r").append(i).append(" <%3$s> '").append(slugs.get(i)).append("'"); } } String q = String.format(query.append(";").toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.slug.getURI()); List<PID> results = this.lookupDigitalObjects(q); if (results.size() == 1) { result = results.get(0); } else if (results.size() == 0) { result = null; } else { StringBuffer pidlist = new StringBuffer(); for (PID pid : results) { pidlist.append(" ").append(pid.toString()); } throw new IllegalRepositoryStateException( "Multiple objects share the same path " + path + " PIDS:" + pidlist.toString()); } return result; } private PID fetchCollectionsObject() { return fetchCollectionsObject(false); } private PID fetchCollectionsObject(boolean refresh) { if (refresh || collections == null) { collections = this.fetchByRepositoryPath("/Collections"); } return collections; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * */ public PID fetchCollection(PID key) { PID result = null; String query = String.format( "select $pid from <%1$s> where $keypid <%2$s> $pid and $keypid <> <%3$s>;", this.getInferredModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.EntailedRelationship.isMemberOfCollection.getURI(), key.getURI()); List<PID> response = this.lookupDigitalObjects(query); if (!response.isEmpty()) { if (response.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalRepositoryStateException( "The repository is in an illegal state, an object is part of more than one collection.", response); } else { result = response.get(0); } } return result; } @Override public PID fetchContainer(PID child) { String query = String.format("select $pid from <%1$s> where $pid <%2$s> <%3$s>;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains, child.getURI()); List<PID> result = this.lookupDigitalObjects(query); if (result.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalRepositoryStateException( "An objects seems to be contained by more than one object: " + child); } else if (result.size() == 0) { return null; // only the REPOSITORY object. } else { return result.get(0); } } @Override public List<PID> lookupAllContainersAbove(PID pid) { List<PID> result = new ArrayList<PID>(); // construct path from contains relationships StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select $p <%2$s> $c from <%1$s>").append(" where walk( $p <%2$s> <%3$s> and $p <%2$s> $c);"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), pid.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); if (!response.isEmpty()) { // build a map of key:parent to val:child Map<String, String> parent2child = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (List<String> solution : response) { parent2child.put(solution.get(0), solution.get(2)); } // follow REPOSITORY through all parents, building path if (parent2child.containsKey(ContentModelHelper.Administrative_PID.REPOSITORY.getPID().getURI())) { result.add(ContentModelHelper.Administrative_PID.REPOSITORY.getPID()); } else { throw new IllegalRepositoryStateException( "The repository object should be in the parent tree for every CDR object."); } for (String step = ContentModelHelper.Administrative_PID.REPOSITORY.getPID().getURI(); parent2child .containsKey(step); step = parent2child.get(step)) { result.add(new PID(parent2child.get(step))); } } return result; } @Deprecated public List<PID> fetchObjectReferences(List<PID> pids) { // this query can be very inefficient StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; if (pids.size() > 1) { q.append(" ( "); } for (PID pid : pids) { if (first) { first = false; q.append(" $obj <mulgara:is> <").append(pid.getURI()).append(">"); } else { q.append(" or"); q.append(" $obj <mulgara:is> <").append(pid.getURI()).append(">"); } } if (pids.size() > 1) { q.append(" )"); } String query = String.format( "select $pid from <%1$s> where $pid $rel $obj and $pid <%2$s> <%3$s> and %4$s ;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.state, ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.Active, q.toString()); return this.lookupDigitalObjects(query); } /** * Fetches a list of PIDs that depend on this object or it's descendants. * * @param pid * the PID of the object * @return a list of dependent object PIDs */ @Override public List<PID> fetchObjectReferences(PID pid) { List<PID> result = null; // fetch references to this pid String query = String.format("select $pid from <%1$s> where $pid $rel $obj and $obj <mulgara:is> <%2$s>;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI()); result = this.lookupDigitalObjects(query); // fetch references to descendants String query2 = String.format( "select $pid from <%1$s> where $pid $rel $obj and walk( " + "<%2$s> <%3$s> $child" + " and $child <%3$s> $obj);", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI()); result.addAll(this.lookupDigitalObjects(query2)); return result; } @Override public String fetchState(PID pid) { String query = String.format("select $state from <%1$s> where <%2$s> <%3$s> $state;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.Active.toString()); return this.lookupFirstString(query); } public String getInferenceRulesModelUri() { return this.inferenceRulesModelUri; } public String getInferredModelUri() { return this.inferredRIModelUri; } public String getItqlEndpointURL() { return itqlEndpointURL; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getPass() { return pass; } private List<Element> getQuerySolutions(String response) { List<Element> result = null; Document r = null; StringReader sr = null; try { sr = new StringReader(response); r = new SAXBuilder().build(sr); result = r.getRootElement().getChild("query", JDOMNamespaceUtil.MULGARA_TQL_NS).getChildren("solution", JDOMNamespaceUtil.MULGARA_TQL_NS); return result; } catch (IOException e) { log.error(response); throw new RuntimeException("IOException reading Mulgara answer string.", e); } catch (JDOMException e) { log.error(response); throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error parsing Mulgara answer.", e); } finally { if (sr != null) { sr.close(); } } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private List<Element> extracted(List children) { return children; } @Override public String getResourceIndexModelUri() { return resourceIndexModelUri; } public String getServerModelUri() { return serverModelUri; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * */ @Override public boolean isContainer(PID key) { String query = String.format( "select $keypid from <%1$s> where $keypid <%2$s> <%3$s> and $keypid <> <%4$s>;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.hasModel, ContentModelHelper.Model.CONTAINER, key.getURI()); List<URI> response = this.lookupResources(query.toString()); if (!response.isEmpty()) { if (response.size() > 0) { return true; } } else { return false; } return false; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * */ @Override public List<URI> lookupContentModels(PID key) { List<URI> result = null; String query = String.format( "select $resource from <%1$s> where $keypid <%2$s> $resource and $keypid <> <%3$s>;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.hasModel.getURI(), key.getURI()); List<URI> response = this.lookupResources(query.toString()); if (!response.isEmpty()) { if (response.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalRepositoryStateException( "The repository is in an illegal state, an object has no content models.", key); } else { result = response; } } return result; } /** * Lookup a list of digital object ids. The query must return pairs of $pid * and $repositoryPath. * * @param query * a query that returns resource values, one per row * @return a list of the URIs found * @throws RemoteException * for communication failure */ private List<PID> lookupDigitalObjects(String query) { List<PID> result = new ArrayList<PID>(); String response = this.sendTQL(query); for (Element solution : getQuerySolutions(response)) { Object o = solution.getContent(0); if (o instanceof Element) { String res = ((Element) o).getAttributeValue("resource"); if (res != null) { result.add(new PID(res.substring(res.indexOf("/") + 1))); } } } return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * */ @Override public String lookupRepositoryPath(PID key) { String result = null; // Walk the hierarchy and gather the slugs for each child as we go. StringBuffer squery = new StringBuffer(); squery.append("select $p $c $slug from <%1$s>").append(" where walk( $p <%2$s> <%3$s> and $p <%2$s> $c)") .append(" and $c <%4$s> $slug;"); String sq = String.format(squery.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), key.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.slug.getURI()); List<List<String>> sresponse = this.lookupStrings(sq); if (!sresponse.isEmpty()) { Map<String, String> child2slug = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> parent2child = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (List<String> solution : sresponse) { parent2child.put(solution.get(0), solution.get(1)); child2slug.put(solution.get(1), solution.get(2)); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (String step = ContentModelHelper.Administrative_PID.REPOSITORY.getPID().getURI(); parent2child .containsKey(step); step = parent2child.get(step)) { String stepChild = parent2child.get(step); sb.append("/").append(child2slug.get(stepChild)); } result = sb.toString(); } else { return "/"; } return result; } // USEFUL PUBLIC METHODS BELOW /** * Generates a list containing PathInfo objects for each hierarchical step * in the path leading up to and including PID key. If the object is an * orphan, then an empty list is returned */ @Override public List<PathInfo> lookupRepositoryPathInfo(PID key) { List<PathInfo> result = new ArrayList<PathInfo>(); // now get all the child slugs StringBuffer squery = new StringBuffer(); squery.append("select $p $pid $slug $label from <%1$s>") .append(" where walk( $p <%2$s> <%3$s> and $p <%2$s> $pid)").append(" and $pid <%4$s> $slug") .append(" and $pid <%5$s> $label;"); String sq = String.format(squery.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains, key.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.slug, ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.label); List<List<String>> sresponse = this.lookupStrings(sq); if (!sresponse.isEmpty()) { // add the REPOSITORY object path info PathInfo rootInfo = new PathInfo(); rootInfo.setLabel("Repository Home"); rootInfo.setPath("/"); rootInfo.setSlug("REPOSITORY"); rootInfo.setPid(ContentModelHelper.Administrative_PID.REPOSITORY.getPID()); result.add(rootInfo); Map<String, PathInfo> parent2child = new HashMap<String, PathInfo>(); // Build the PathInfo objects representing each tuple then store // them as the child of their parent. for (List<String> solution : sresponse) { PathInfo info = new PathInfo(); info.setPid(new PID(solution.get(1))); info.setSlug(solution.get(2)); info.setLabel(solution.get(3)); parent2child.put(solution.get(0), info); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // Now add the steps into the file result list in the correct walk // order. for (String step = ContentModelHelper.Administrative_PID.REPOSITORY.getPID().getURI(); parent2child .containsKey(step); step = parent2child.get(step).getPid().getURI()) { PathInfo stepChild = parent2child.get(step); sb.append("/").append(stepChild.getSlug()); stepChild.setPath(sb.toString()); result.add(stepChild); } } return result; } /** * @param query * a query that returns resource values, one per row * @return a list of the URIs found * @throws RemoteException * for communication failure */ private List<URI> lookupResources(String query) { List<URI> result = new ArrayList<URI>(); String response = this.sendTQL(query); for (Element solution : getQuerySolutions(response)) { Object o = solution.getContent(0); if (o instanceof Element) { String res = ((Element) o).getAttributeValue("resource"); if (res != null) { try { result.add(new URI(res)); } catch (URISyntaxException exception) { throw new IllegalRepositoryStateException( "Found an invalid resource URI in the resource index."); } } } } return result; } /** * @param query * a query that returns string values, literal or URI * @return a list of the literal strings found * @throws RemoteException * for communication failure */ private List<List<String>> lookupStrings(String query) { List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); String response = this.sendTQL(query); for (Element solution : getQuerySolutions(response)) { List<String> row = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object o : solution.getChildren()) { if (o instanceof Element) { Element el = (Element) o; if (el.getAttributeValue("resource") != null) { row.add(el.getAttributeValue("resource")); } else { row.add(el.getTextTrim()); } } } result.add(row); } return result; } private String lookupFirstString(String query) { String response = this.sendTQL(query); for (Element solution : getQuerySolutions(response)) { if (solution.getChildren().size() > 0) { Object o = solution.getChildren().get(0); if (o instanceof Element) { Element el = (Element) o; String resourceAttribute = el.getAttributeValue("resource"); if (resourceAttribute == null) { return el.getTextTrim(); } return resourceAttribute; } } } return null; } @Override public List<List<String>> queryResourceIndex(String query) { return this.lookupStrings(query); } private void reportSOAPFault(SOAPMessage reply) throws SOAPException { String error = reply.getSOAPBody().getFirstChild().getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); throw new RuntimeException("There was a SOAP Fault from Mulgara: " + error); } private String sendTQL(String query) { log.debug(query); String result = null; SOAPMessage reply = null; SOAPConnection connection = null; try { // Next, create the actual message MessageFactory messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance(); SOAPMessage message = messageFactory.createMessage(); message.getMimeHeaders().setHeader("SOAPAction", "itqlbean:executeQueryToString"); SOAPBody soapBody = message.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody(); soapBody.addNamespaceDeclaration("xsd", JDOMNamespaceUtil.XSD_NS.getURI()); soapBody.addNamespaceDeclaration("xsi", JDOMNamespaceUtil.XSI_NS.getURI()); soapBody.addNamespaceDeclaration("itqlbean", this.getItqlEndpointURL()); SOAPElement eqts = soapBody.addChildElement("executeQueryToString", "itqlbean"); SOAPElement queryStr = eqts.addChildElement("queryString", "itqlbean"); queryStr.setAttributeNS(JDOMNamespaceUtil.XSI_NS.getURI(), "xsi:type", "xsd:string"); CDATASection queryCDATA = message.getSOAPPart().createCDATASection(query); queryStr.appendChild(queryCDATA); message.saveChanges(); // First create the connection SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance(); connection = soapConnFactory.createConnection(); reply =, this.getItqlEndpointURL()); if (reply.getSOAPBody().hasFault()) { reportSOAPFault(reply); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // log the full soap body response DOMBuilder builder = new DOMBuilder(); org.jdom2.Document jdomDoc =; log.debug(new XMLOutputter().outputString(jdomDoc)); } } else { NodeList nl = reply.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody().getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "executeQueryToStringReturn"); if (nl.getLength() > 0) { result = nl.item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } log.debug(result); } } catch (SOAPException e) { log.error("Failed to prepare or send iTQL via SOAP", e); throw new RuntimeException("Cannot query triple store at " + this.getItqlEndpointURL(), e); } finally { try { connection.close(); } catch (SOAPException e) { log.error("Failed to close SOAP connection", e); throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to close SOAP connection for triple store at " + this.getItqlEndpointURL(), e); } } return result; } @Override public Map<?, ?> sendSPARQL(String query) { return sendSPARQL(query, "json"); } @Override public Map<?, ?> sendSPARQL(String query, String format) { return sendSPARQL(query, format, 3); } public Map<?, ?> sendSPARQL(String query, String format, int retries) { PostMethod post = null; try { String postUrl = this.getSparqlEndpointURL(); if (format != null) { postUrl += "?format=" + format; } post = new PostMethod(postUrl); post.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/sparql-query"); post.addParameter("query", query); log.debug("SPARQL URL: " + postUrl); log.debug("SPARQL Query: " + query); int statusCode = httpClient.executeMethod(post); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { throw new RuntimeException("SPARQL POST method failed: " + post.getStatusLine()); } else { log.debug("SPARQL POST method succeeded: " + post.getStatusLine()); byte[] resultBytes = post.getResponseBody(); log.debug(new String(resultBytes, "utf-8")); if (format != null && format.endsWith("json")) { return (Map<?, ?>) mapper.readValue(new ByteArrayInputStream(resultBytes), Object.class); } else { Map<String, String> resultMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String resultString = new String(resultBytes, "utf-8"); resultMap.put("results", resultString); return resultMap; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (post != null) post.releaseConnection(); } } public void setItqlEndpointURL(String baseURL) { this.itqlEndpointURL = baseURL; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public void setPass(String pass) { this.pass = pass; } public void setServerModelUri(String serverModelUri) { this.serverModelUri = serverModelUri; this.resourceIndexModelUri = serverModelUri + "ri"; this.inferredRIModelUri = serverModelUri + "ri_inferred"; this.inferenceRulesModelUri = serverModelUri + "krules"; } /** * @param query * an ITQL command * @return the message returned by Mulgara * @throws RemoteException * for communication failure */ public String storeCommand(String query) { String result = null; String response = this.sendTQL(query); if (response != null) { XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_COALESCING, Boolean.TRUE); try (StringReader sr = new StringReader(response)) { XMLEventReader r = factory.createXMLEventReader(sr); boolean inMessage = false; StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); while (r.hasNext()) { XMLEvent e = r.nextEvent(); if (e.isStartElement()) { StartElement s = e.asStartElement(); if ("message".equals(s.getName().getLocalPart())) { inMessage = true; } } else if (e.isEndElement()) { EndElement end = e.asEndElement(); if ("message".equals(end.getName().getLocalPart())) { inMessage = false; } } else if (inMessage && e.isCharacters()) { message.append(e.asCharacters().getData()); } } r.close(); result = message.toString(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * .PID) */ @Override public PID verify(PID key) { PID result = null; String query = null; query = String.format( "select $pid $state from <%1$s> where $pid <> <%2$s>" + " and $pid <%3$s> $state;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), key.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.state); List<PID> response = this.lookupDigitalObjects(query); if (!response.isEmpty()) { if (response.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalRepositoryStateException( "The repository is in an illegal state, multiple objects share a pid.", response); } else { result = response.get(0); } } return result; } @Override public boolean isSourceData(PID pid, String datastreamID) { String query = String.format( "select $pid $ds from <%1$s>" + " where $pid <%3$s> $ds" + " and $pid <> <%2$s>" + " and $ds <> <%4$s>;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.sourceData, pid.getURI() + "/" + datastreamID); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(query); if (!response.isEmpty()) { return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean allowIndexing(PID pid) { String query = String.format( "select ?pid from <%1$s> where {" + "?pid <%2$s> 'yes' " + "filter (?pid = <%3$s>) }", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.allowIndexing.getURI(), pid.getURI()); @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) List response = (List<Map>) ((Map) sendSPARQL(query).get("results")).get("bindings"); if (!response.isEmpty()) { return true; } return false; } @Override public List<PID> fetchChildContainers(PID key) { String query = String.format( "select $child from <%1$s> where ( <%3$s> <%2$s> $child and $child <%4$s> <%5$s>);", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), key.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.hasModel, ContentModelHelper.Model.CONTAINER); return this.lookupDigitalObjects(query); } @Override public List<String> fetchAllCollectionPaths() { // TODO needs many CDRs one Fedora fix List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(256); PID collections = this.fetchCollectionsObject(); // construct path from contains relationships StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select $p $sp $c $sc from <%1$s>").append(" where walk(<%2$s> <%3$s> $p ") .append("and $p <%3$s> $c) and $p <%4$s> $sp ").append("and $c <%4$s> $sc ") .append("and $p <%5$s> <%6$s> ").append("and $c <%5$s> <%6$s>;"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), collections.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.slug, ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.hasModel, ContentModelHelper.Model.CONTAINER); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); if (!response.isEmpty()) { Map<String, String> pathsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (List<String> solution : response) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(256); String parent = pathsMap.get(solution.get(0)); if (parent == null) { pathsMap.put(solution.get(0), "/" + solution.get(1)); // add // parent // path // to // repository parent = solution.get(1); } sb.append(parent).append("/"); sb.append(solution.get(3)); pathsMap.put(solution.get(2), sb.toString()); // add full child // path to // repository } result.addAll(pathsMap.values()); Collections.sort(result); } return result; } @Override public String lookupLabel(String pid) { return lookupLabel(new PID(pid)); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * edu.unc.lib.dl.util.TripleStoreQueryService#lookupLabels(java.util.List) */ @Override public String lookupLabel(PID pid) { String result = null; List<List<String>> label = this.queryResourceIndex(String.format( "select $label from <%1$s> where <%2$s> <%3$s> $label;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.label.getURI())); if (!label.isEmpty() && !label.get(0).isEmpty()) { result = label.get(0).get(0); } return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * edu.unc.lib.dl.util.TripleStoreQueryService#lookupSlug(edu.unc.lib.dl * .fedora.PID) */ @Override public String lookupSlug(PID pid) { String result = null; List<List<String>> res = this.queryResourceIndex(String.format( "select $slug from <%1$s> where <%2$s> <%3$s> $slug;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.slug.getURI())); if (!res.isEmpty() && !res.get(0).isEmpty()) { result = res.get(0).get(0); } return result; } @Override public String lookupSourceMimeType(PID pid) { String result = null; List<List<String>> res = this.queryResourceIndex(String.format( "select $mimeType from <%1$s> where <%2$s> <%3$s> $mimeType;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.hasSourceMimeType.getURI())); if (!res.isEmpty() && !res.get(0).isEmpty()) { result = res.get(0).get(0); } return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * edu.unc.lib.dl.util.TripleStoreQueryService#fetchChildPathInfo(edu.unc * .lib.dl.fedora.PID) */ @Override public List<PathInfo> fetchChildPathInfo(PID parent) { String parentPath = this.lookupRepositoryPath(parent); List<PathInfo> result = new ArrayList<PathInfo>(); String query = String.format( "select $slug $child $label from <%1$s> where <%2$s> <%3$s> $child and $child <%4$s> $slug and $child <%5$s> $label;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), parent.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.slug.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.label); List<List<String>> res = this.lookupStrings(query); for (List<String> list : res) { String slug = list.get(0); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(parentPath); sb.append('/'); sb.append(slug); PathInfo p = new PathInfo(); p.setSlug(slug); p.setPid(new PID(list.get(1))); p.setPath(sb.toString()); p.setLabel(list.get(2)); result.add(p); } return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see edu.unc.lib.dl.util.TripleStoreQueryService#lookupPermissions * (edu.unc.lib.dl.fedora.PID) */ @Override public Set<String[]> lookupGroupRoles(PID pid) { Set<String[]> result = new HashSet<String[]>(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select $group $role from <%1$s>").append(" where <%2$s> $role $group").append(" and (") .append(" $role <mulgara:is> <%3$s>").append(" or $role <mulgara:is> <%4$s>") .append(" or $role <mulgara:is> <%5$s>").append(" or $role <mulgara:is> <%6$s>") .append(" or $role <mulgara:is> <%7$s>").append(" or $role <mulgara:is> <%8$s>") .append(" or $role <mulgara:is> <%9$s>").append(" );"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), UserRole.patron.getURI(),, UserRole.ingester.getURI(), UserRole.processor.getURI(), UserRole.curator.getURI(), UserRole.metadataPatron.getURI(), UserRole.accessCopiesPatron.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); if (!response.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> solution : response) { String group = solution.get(0); String role = solution.get(1); result.add(new String[] { group, role }); } } return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see edu.unc.lib.dl.util.TripleStoreQueryService#fetchAllTriples(PID pid) * (edu.unc.lib.dl.fedora.PID) */ @Override public Map<String, List<String>> fetchAllTriples(PID pid) { Map<String, List<String>> result = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); // construct path from contains relationships StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select $permission $subject from <%1$s>").append(" where <%2$s> $permission $subject") .append(";"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); if (!response.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> solution : response) { String permKey = solution.get(0); String subjectValue = solution.get(1); if (!result.containsKey(permKey)) { result.put(permKey, new ArrayList<String>()); } result.get(permKey).add(subjectValue); } } return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see edu.unc.lib.dl.util.TripleStoreQueryService#lookupSinglePermission * (edu.unc.lib.dl.fedora.PID, String) */ @Override public Map<String, List<String>> lookupSinglePermission(PID pid, String permission) { Map<String, List<String>> result = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); // construct path from contains relationships StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select $permission $subject from <%1$s>").append(" where <%2$s> $permission $subject") .append(" and (").append(" $permission <mulgara:is> <%3$s>") // inheritPermissions .append(" or $permission <mulgara:is> <%4$s> )").append(";"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.inheritPermissions.getURI(), permission); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); if (!response.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> solution : response) { String permKey = solution.get(0); String subjectValue = solution.get(1); if (!result.containsKey(permKey)) { result.put(permKey, new ArrayList<String>()); } result.get(permKey).add(subjectValue); } } return result; } /* * Used for access control */ @Override public List<PID> lookupRepositoryAncestorPids(PID key) { // TODO needs many CDRs one Fedora fix List<PID> result = new ArrayList<PID>(); // construct path from contains relationships StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select $p <%2$s> $c from <%1$s>").append(" where walk( $p <%2$s> <%3$s> and $p <%2$s> $c);"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), key.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); if (!response.isEmpty()) { // build a map of key:parent to val:child Map<String, String> parent2child = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (List<String> solution : response) { parent2child.put(solution.get(0), solution.get(2)); } // follow REPOSITORY through all children, building path in order for (String step = ContentModelHelper.Administrative_PID.REPOSITORY.getPID().getURI(); parent2child .containsKey(step); step = parent2child.get(step)) { result.add(new PID(step)); } } return result; } public String getSparqlEndpointURL() { return sparqlEndpointURL; } public void setSparqlEndpointURL(String sparqlEndpointURL) { this.sparqlEndpointURL = sparqlEndpointURL; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * edu.unc.lib.dl.util.TripleStoreQueryService#getSourceData(edu.unc.lib * .dl.fedora.PID) */ @Override public List<String> getSourceData(PID pid) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); String query = String.format( "select $ds from <%1$s>" + " where $pid <%3$s> $ds" + " and $pid <> <%2$s>;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.sourceData.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(query); if (!response.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> entry : response) { result.add(entry.get(0)); } log.debug("found " + result.size() + " source datastreams"); } return result; } @Override public List<String> listDisseminators(PID pid) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); String query = String.format( "select $ds from <%1$s>" + " where $pid <%3$s> $ds" + " and $pid <> <%2$s>;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.disseminates.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(query); if (!response.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> entry : response) { result.add(entry.get(0)); } } return result; } @Override public Map<String, String> fetchDisseminatorMimetypes(PID pid) { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); String query = String.format( "select $ds $mimetype from <%1$s>" + " where $pid <%3$s> $ds" + " and $ds <%4$s> $mimetype " + " and $pid <> <%2$s>;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.disseminates.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.mimeType.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(query); if (!response.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> entry : response) { result.put(entry.get(0), entry.get(1)); } } return result; } @Override public boolean isOrphaned(PID key) { PID collections = fetchCollectionsObject(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select $p from <%1$s>").append(" where walk( $p <%2$s> <%3$s> and $p <%2$s> $c) "); query.append(" and <%4$s> <%2$s> $c;"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), key.getURI(), collections.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); return response.isEmpty() || response.get(0).isEmpty(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * edu.unc.lib.dl.util.TripleStoreQueryService#fetchParentCollection(edu * .unc.lib.dl.fedora.PID) * * select $p from <#ri> where walk( $p * <> * <info:fedora/uuid:4e349cbf-dda4-4d14-94eb-c2c27a59c06a> and $p * <> $c) and $p * <fedora-model:hasModel> <info:fedora/cdr-model:Collection>; */ @Override public PID fetchParentCollection(PID key) { PID result = null; StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select $p from <%1$s>").append(" where walk( $p <%2$s> <%3$s> and $p <%2$s> $c) "); query.append(" and $p <%4$s> <%5$s>;"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), key.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.hasModel.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.Model.COLLECTION.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); if (!response.isEmpty() && !response.get(0).isEmpty()) { String pid = response.get(0).get(0); result = new PID(pid); } return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * edu.unc.lib.dl.util.TripleStoreQueryService#getSurrogateData(edu.unc. * lib.dl.fedora.PID) */ @Override public List<String> getSurrogateData(PID pid) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); String query = String.format( "select $ds from <%1$s>" + " where $pid <%3$s> $ds" + " and ($pid <> <%2$s> or <%2$s> <%4$s> $pid);", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.sourceData.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.hasSurrogate.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(query); if (!response.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> entry : response) { result.add(entry.get(0)); } } log.debug("found " + result.size() + " source/surrogate datastreams for " + pid.getPid()); return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * edu.unc.lib.dl.util.TripleStoreQueryService#fetchPIDsSurrogateFor(edu * .unc.lib.dl.fedora.PID) */ @Override public List<PID> fetchPIDsSurrogateFor(PID pid) { List<PID> result = new ArrayList<PID>(); String query = String.format("select $pid from <%1$s> where $pid <%3$s> <%2$s>;", this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.hasSurrogate.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(query); if (!response.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> entry : response) { result.add(new PID(entry.get(0))); } } log.debug("found " + result.size() + " pid that have this one as a surrogate: " + pid.getPid()); return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see edu.unc.lib.dl.util.TripleStoreQueryService# * lookupRepositoryAncestorInheritance(edu.unc.lib.dl.fedora.PID) */ @Override public Map<PID, ParentBond> lookupRepositoryAncestorInheritance(PID pid) { // TODO needs many CDRs one Fedora fix Map<PID, ParentBond> result = new HashMap<PID, ParentBond>(); // construct path from contains relationships StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select $child $inheritsFrom $parent from <%1$s>") .append(" where walk( $parent <%2$s> <%3$s> and $parent <%2$s> $child)") .append(" and ($child <%4$s> $inheritsFrom") .append(" or $inheritsFrom <mulgara:is> <mulgara:null>);"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.Relationship.contains.getURI(), pid.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.inheritPermissions.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); if (!response.isEmpty()) { Set<PID> parentsNotInheritedFrom = new HashSet<PID>(); for (List<String> solution : response) { ParentBond bond = new ParentBond(); bond.parentPid = new PID(solution.get(2)); if ("false".equals(solution.get(1).trim())) { parentsNotInheritedFrom.add(bond.parentPid); } result.put(new PID(solution.get(0)), bond); } for (ParentBond bond : result.values()) { if (parentsNotInheritedFrom.contains(bond.parentPid)) { bond.inheritsRoles = false; } } } return result; } @Override public Map<PID, String> fetchEmbargoes() { Map<PID, String> result = new HashMap<PID, String>(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select $pid $embargoDate from <%1$s>").append(" where $pid <%2$s> $embargoDate;"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.embargoUntil.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); if (!response.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> row : response) { result.put(new PID(row.get(0)), row.get(1)); } } return result; } @Override public Map<String, Map<String, String>> fetchVocabularyInfo() { Map<String, Map<String, String>> result = new HashMap<>(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select $vocabPID $vocabURI $vocabType from <%1$s>").append( " where $vocabPID <%2$s> <%3$s> and $vocabPID <%4$s> $vocabURI and $vocabPID <%5$s> $vocabType;"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.FedoraProperty.hasModel.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.Model.VOCABULARY, ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.vocabularyUri.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.vocabularyType.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); if (!response.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> row : response) { Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>(); values.put("vocabURI", row.get(1)); values.put("vocabType", row.get(2)); result.put(row.get(0), values); } } return result; } @Override public Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> fetchVocabularyMapping() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("select $container $predicate $vocabUri from <%1$s>") .append(" where ($container <%2$s> $vocabUri") .append(" or $container <%3$s> $vocabUri or $container <%4$s> $vocabUri)") .append(" and $container $predicate $vocabPID;"); String q = String.format(query.toString(), this.getResourceIndexModelUri(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.indexValidTerms.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.warnInvalidTerms.getURI(), ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.replaceInvalidTerms.getURI()); List<List<String>> response = this.lookupStrings(q); Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> result = new HashMap<>(); // Store as collection > vocab > properties if (!response.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> row : response) { String containerPID = row.get(0); String predicate = row.get(1); String vocabURI = row.get(2); Map<String, Set<String>> vocabMap = result.get(containerPID); if (vocabMap == null) { vocabMap = new HashMap<>(); result.put(containerPID, vocabMap); } Set<String> collectionConfig = vocabMap.get(vocabURI); if (collectionConfig == null) { collectionConfig = new HashSet<>(); vocabMap.put(vocabURI, collectionConfig); } // Filter results down to just the vocabulary application level triples if (ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.indexValidTerms.equals(predicate) || ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.warnInvalidTerms.equals(predicate) || ContentModelHelper.CDRProperty.replaceInvalidTerms.equals(predicate)) collectionConfig.add(predicate); } } return result; } }