Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package edu.stanford.nlp.trees;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import edu.stanford.nlp.graph.DirectedMultiGraph;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.AbstractCoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Word;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.ud.EnhancementOptions;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Filters;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;

import static edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalRelation.DEPENDENT;
import static edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalRelation.ROOT;

 * A {@code GrammaticalStructure} stores dependency relations between
 * nodes in a tree.  A new {@code GrammaticalStructure} is constructed
 * from an existing parse tree with the help of {@link
 * GrammaticalRelation {@code GrammaticalRelation}}, which
 * defines a hierarchy of grammatical relations, along with
 * patterns for identifying them in parse trees.  The constructor for
 * {@code GrammaticalStructure} uses these definitions to
 * populate the new {@code GrammaticalStructure} with as many
 * labeled grammatical relations as it can.  Once constructed, the new
 * {@code GrammaticalStructure} can be printed in various
 * formats, or interrogated using the interface methods in this
 * class. Internally, this uses a representation via a {@code TreeGraphNode},
 * that is, a tree with additional labeled
 * arcs between nodes, for representing the grammatical relations in a
 * parse tree.
 * @author Bill MacCartney
 * @author Galen Andrew (refactoring English-specific stuff)
 * @author Ilya Sherman (dependencies)
 * @author Daniel Cer
 * @see EnglishGrammaticalRelations
 * @see GrammaticalRelation
 * @see EnglishGrammaticalStructure
public abstract class GrammaticalStructure implements Serializable {

    /** A logger for this class */
    private static final Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(GrammaticalStructure.class);

    private static final boolean PRINT_DEBUGGING = System.getProperty("GrammaticalStructure", null) != null;

     * A specification for the types of extra edges to add to the dependency tree.
     * If you're in doubt, use {@link edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure.Extras#NONE}.
    public enum Extras {
         * Don't include any additional edges.
         *   Note: In older code (2014 and before) including extras was a boolean flag. This option is the equivalent of
         *   the {@code false} flag.
        NONE(false, false, false),
         * Include only the extra reference edges, and save them as reference edges without collapsing.
        REF_ONLY_UNCOLLAPSED(true, false, false),
         * Include only the extra reference edges, but collapsing these edges to clone the edge type of the referent.
         * So, for example, <i>My dog who eats sausage</i> may have a "ref" edge from <i>who</i> to <i>dog</i>
         * that would be deleted and replaced with an "nsubj" edge from <i>eats</i> to <i>dog</i>.
        REF_ONLY_COLLAPSED(true, false, true),
         * Add extra subjects only, not adding any of the other extra edge types.
        SUBJ_ONLY(false, true, false),
         * @see edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure.Extras#SUBJ_ONLY
         * @see edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure.Extras#REF_ONLY_UNCOLLAPSED
        REF_UNCOLLAPSED_AND_SUBJ(true, true, false),
         * @see edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure.Extras#SUBJ_ONLY
         * @see edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure.Extras#REF_ONLY_COLLAPSED
        REF_COLLAPSED_AND_SUBJ(true, true, true),
         *   Do the maximal amount of extra processing.
         *   Currently, this is equivalent to {@link edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure.Extras#REF_COLLAPSED_AND_SUBJ}.
         *   Note: In older code (2014 and before) including extras was a boolean flag. This option is the equivalent of
         *   the {@code true} flag.
        MAXIMAL(true, true, true);

        /** Add "ref" edges */
        public final boolean doRef;
        /** Add extra subject edges */
        public final boolean doSubj;
        /** collapse the "ref" edges */
        public final boolean collapseRef;

        /** Constructor. Nothing exciting here. */
        Extras(boolean doRef, boolean doSubj, boolean collapseRef) {
            this.doRef = doRef;
            this.doSubj = doSubj;
            this.collapseRef = collapseRef;

    } // end enum Extras

    protected final List<TypedDependency> typedDependencies;
    protected final List<TypedDependency> allTypedDependencies;

    protected final Predicate<String> puncFilter;
    protected final Predicate<String> tagFilter;

     * The root Tree node for this GrammaticalStructure.
    private final TreeGraphNode root;

     * A map from arbitrary integer indices to nodes.
    private final Map<Integer, TreeGraphNode> indexMap = Generics.newHashMap();

     * Create a new GrammaticalStructure, analyzing the parse tree and
     * populate the GrammaticalStructure with as many labeled
     * grammatical relation arcs as possible.
     * @param t             A Tree to analyze
     * @param relations     A set of GrammaticalRelations to consider
     * @param relationsLock Something needed to make this thread-safe when iterating over relations
     * @param transformer   A tree transformer to apply to the tree before converting (this argument
     *                      may be null if no transformer is required)
     * @param hf            A HeadFinder for analysis
     * @param puncFilter    A Filter to reject punctuation. To delete punctuation
     *                      dependencies, this filter should return false on
     *                      punctuation word strings, and true otherwise.
     *                      If punctuation dependencies should be kept, you
     *                      should pass in a {@code Filters.<String>acceptFilter()}.
     * @param tagFilter     Appears to be unused (filters out tags??)
    public GrammaticalStructure(Tree t, Collection<GrammaticalRelation> relations, Lock relationsLock,
            TreeTransformer transformer, HeadFinder hf, Predicate<String> puncFilter, Predicate<String> tagFilter) {
        TreeGraphNode treeGraph = new TreeGraphNode(t, (TreeGraphNode) null);
        // TODO: create the tree and reuse the leaf labels in one pass,
        // avoiding a wasteful copy of the labels.
        Trees.setLeafLabels(treeGraph, t.yield());
        if (transformer != null) {
            Tree transformed = transformer.transformTree(treeGraph);
            if (!(transformed instanceof TreeGraphNode)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Transformer did not change TreeGraphNode into another TreeGraphNode: " + transformer);
            this.root = (TreeGraphNode) transformed;
        } else {
            this.root = treeGraph;
        // add head word and tag to phrase nodes
        if (hf == null) {
            throw new AssertionError("Cannot use null HeadFinder");
        if (root.value() == null) {
            root.setValue("ROOT"); // todo: cdm: it doesn't seem like this line should be here
        // add dependencies, using heads
        this.puncFilter = puncFilter;
        this.tagFilter = tagFilter;
        // NoPunctFilter puncDepFilter = new NoPunctFilter(puncFilter);
        NoPunctTypedDependencyFilter puncTypedDepFilter = new NoPunctTypedDependencyFilter(puncFilter, tagFilter);

        DirectedMultiGraph<TreeGraphNode, GrammaticalRelation> basicGraph = new DirectedMultiGraph<>();
        DirectedMultiGraph<TreeGraphNode, GrammaticalRelation> completeGraph = new DirectedMultiGraph<>();

        // analyze the root (and its descendants, recursively)
        if (relationsLock != null) {
        try {
            analyzeNode(root, root, relations, hf, puncFilter, tagFilter, basicGraph, completeGraph);
        } finally {
            if (relationsLock != null) {

        attachStrandedNodes(root, root, false, puncFilter, tagFilter, basicGraph);

        // add typed dependencies
        typedDependencies = getDeps(puncTypedDepFilter, basicGraph);
        allTypedDependencies = Generics.newArrayList(typedDependencies);
        getExtraDeps(allTypedDependencies, puncTypedDepFilter, completeGraph);

     * Assign sequential integer indices (starting with 1) to all
     * nodes of the subtree rooted at this
     * {@code Tree}.  The leaves are indexed first,
     * from left to right.  Then the internal nodes are indexed,
     * using a pre-order tree traversal.
    private void indexNodes(TreeGraphNode tree) {
        indexNodes(tree, indexLeaves(tree, 1));

     * Assign sequential integer indices to the leaves of the subtree
     * rooted at this {@code TreeGraphNode}, beginning with
     * {@code startIndex}, and traversing the leaves from left
     * to right. If node is already indexed, then it uses the existing index.
     * @param startIndex index for this node
     * @return the next index still unassigned
    private int indexLeaves(TreeGraphNode tree, int startIndex) {
        if (tree.isLeaf()) {
            int oldIndex = tree.index();
            if (oldIndex >= 0) {
                startIndex = oldIndex;
            } else {
            addNodeToIndexMap(startIndex, tree);
        } else {
            for (TreeGraphNode child : tree.children) {
                startIndex = indexLeaves(child, startIndex);
        return startIndex;

     * Assign sequential integer indices to all nodes of the subtree
     * rooted at this {@code TreeGraphNode}, beginning with
     * {@code startIndex}, and doing a pre-order tree traversal.
     * Any node which already has an index will not be re-indexed
     * &mdash; this is so that we can index the leaves first, and
     * then index the rest.
     * @param startIndex index for this node
     * @return the next index still unassigned
    private int indexNodes(TreeGraphNode tree, int startIndex) {
        if (tree.index() < 0) { // if this node has no index
            addNodeToIndexMap(startIndex, tree);
        if (!tree.isLeaf()) {
            for (TreeGraphNode child : tree.children) {
                startIndex = indexNodes(child, startIndex);
        return startIndex;

     * Store a mapping from an arbitrary integer index to a node in
     * this treegraph.  Normally a client shouldn't need to use this,
     * as the nodes are automatically indexed by the
     * {@code TreeGraph} constructor.
     * @param index the arbitrary integer index
     * @param node  the {@code TreeGraphNode} to be indexed
    private void addNodeToIndexMap(int index, TreeGraphNode node) {
        indexMap.put(Integer.valueOf(index), node);

     * Return the node in the this treegraph corresponding to the
     * specified integer index.
     * @param index the integer index of the node you want
     * @return the {@code TreeGraphNode} having the specified
     *         index (or {@code null} if such does not exist)
    private TreeGraphNode getNodeByIndex(int index) {
        return indexMap.get(Integer.valueOf(index));

     * Return the root Tree of this GrammaticalStructure.
     * @return the root Tree of this GrammaticalStructure
    public TreeGraphNode root() {
        return root;

    private static void throwDepFormatException(String dep) {
        throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
                "Dependencies should be for the format 'type(arg-idx, arg-idx)'. Could not parse '%s'", dep));

     * Create a grammatical structure from its string representation.
     * Like buildCoNLLXGrammaticalStructure,
     * this method fakes up the parts of the tree structure that are not
     * used by the grammatical relation transformation operations.
     * <i>Note:</i> Added by daniel cer
     * @param tokens
     * @param posTags
     * @param deps
    public static GrammaticalStructure fromStringReps(List<String> tokens, List<String> posTags,
            List<String> deps) {
        if (tokens.size() != posTags.size()) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    String.format("tokens.size(): %d != pos.size(): %d%n", tokens.size(), posTags.size()));

        List<TreeGraphNode> tgWordNodes = new ArrayList<>(tokens.size());
        List<TreeGraphNode> tgPOSNodes = new ArrayList<>(tokens.size());

        CoreLabel rootLabel = new CoreLabel();
        List<IndexedWord> nodeWords = new ArrayList<>(tgPOSNodes.size() + 1);
        nodeWords.add(new IndexedWord(rootLabel));

        UniversalSemanticHeadFinder headFinder = new UniversalSemanticHeadFinder();

        Iterator<String> posIter = posTags.iterator();
        for (String wordString : tokens) {
            String posString =;
            CoreLabel wordLabel = new CoreLabel();
            TreeGraphNode word = new TreeGraphNode(wordLabel);
            CoreLabel tagLabel = new CoreLabel();
            TreeGraphNode pos = new TreeGraphNode(tagLabel);
            TreeGraphNode[] childArr = { word };
            nodeWords.add(new IndexedWord(wordLabel));

        TreeGraphNode root = new TreeGraphNode(rootLabel);

        root.setChildren(tgPOSNodes.toArray(new TreeGraphNode[tgPOSNodes.size()]));


        // Build list of TypedDependencies
        List<TypedDependency> tdeps = new ArrayList<>(deps.size());

        for (String depString : deps) {
            int firstBracket = depString.indexOf('(');
            if (firstBracket == -1)

            String type = depString.substring(0, firstBracket);

            if (depString.charAt(depString.length() - 1) != ')')

            String args = depString.substring(firstBracket + 1, depString.length() - 1);

            int argSep = args.indexOf(", ");
            if (argSep == -1)

            String parentArg = args.substring(0, argSep);
            String childArg = args.substring(argSep + 2);
            int parentDash = parentArg.lastIndexOf('-');
            if (parentDash == -1)
            int childDash = childArg.lastIndexOf('-');
            if (childDash == -1)
            //System.err.printf("parentArg: %s%n", parentArg);
            int parentIdx = Integer.parseInt(parentArg.substring(parentDash + 1).replace("'", ""));

            int childIdx = Integer.parseInt(childArg.substring(childDash + 1).replace("'", ""));

            GrammaticalRelation grel = new GrammaticalRelation(Language.Any, type, null, DEPENDENT);

            TypedDependency tdep = new TypedDependency(grel, nodeWords.get(parentIdx), nodeWords.get(childIdx));

        // TODO add some elegant way to construct language
        // appropriate GrammaticalStructures (e.g., English, Chinese, etc.)
        return new GrammaticalStructure(tdeps, root) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public GrammaticalStructure(List<TypedDependency> projectiveDependencies, TreeGraphNode root) {
        this.root = root;
        this.puncFilter = Filters.acceptFilter();
        this.tagFilter = Filters.acceptFilter();
        allTypedDependencies = typedDependencies = new ArrayList<>(projectiveDependencies);

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("Typed Dependencies:\n");
        return sb.toString();

    private static void attachStrandedNodes(TreeGraphNode t, TreeGraphNode root, boolean attach,
            Predicate<String> puncFilter, Predicate<String> tagFilter,
            DirectedMultiGraph<TreeGraphNode, GrammaticalRelation> basicGraph) {
        if (t.isLeaf()) {
        if (attach && puncFilter.test(t.headWordNode().label().value())
                && tagFilter.test(t.headWordNode().label().tag())) {
            // make faster by first looking for links from parent
            // it is necessary to look for paths using all directions
            // because sometimes there are edges created from lower nodes to
            // nodes higher up
            TreeGraphNode parent = t.parent().highestNodeWithSameHead();
            if (!basicGraph.isEdge(parent, t) && basicGraph.getShortestPath(root, t, false) == null) {
                basicGraph.add(parent, t, GrammaticalRelation.DEPENDENT);
        for (TreeGraphNode kid : t.children()) {
            attachStrandedNodes(kid, root, (kid.headWordNode() != t.headWordNode()), puncFilter, tagFilter,

    // cdm dec 2009: I changed this to automatically fail on preterminal nodes, since they shouldn't match for GR parent patterns.  Should speed it up.
    private static void analyzeNode(TreeGraphNode t, TreeGraphNode root, Collection<GrammaticalRelation> relations,
            HeadFinder hf, Predicate<String> puncFilter, Predicate<String> tagFilter,
            DirectedMultiGraph<TreeGraphNode, GrammaticalRelation> basicGraph,
            DirectedMultiGraph<TreeGraphNode, GrammaticalRelation> completeGraph) {
        if (t.isPhrasal()) { // don't do leaves or preterminals!
            TreeGraphNode tHigh = t.highestNodeWithSameHead();
            for (GrammaticalRelation egr : relations) {
                if (egr.isApplicable(t)) {
                    for (TreeGraphNode u : egr.getRelatedNodes(t, root, hf)) {
                        TreeGraphNode uHigh = u.highestNodeWithSameHead();
                        if (uHigh == tHigh) {
                        if (!puncFilter.test(uHigh.headWordNode().label().value())
                                || !tagFilter.test(uHigh.headWordNode().label().tag())) {
                        completeGraph.add(tHigh, uHigh, egr);
                        // If there are two patterns that add dependencies, X --> Z and Y --> Z, and X dominates Y, then the dependency Y --> Z is not added to the basic graph to prevent unwanted duplication.
                        // Similarly, if there is already a path from X --> Y, and an expression would trigger Y --> X somehow, we ignore that
                        Set<TreeGraphNode> parents = basicGraph.getParents(uHigh);
                        if ((parents == null || parents.size() == 0 || parents.contains(tHigh))
                                && basicGraph.getShortestPath(uHigh, tHigh, true) == null) {
                            //"Adding " + egr.getShortName() + " from " + t + " to " + u + " tHigh=" + tHigh + "(" + tHigh.headWordNode() + ") uHigh=" + uHigh + "(" + uHigh.headWordNode() + ")");
                            basicGraph.add(tHigh, uHigh, egr);
            // now recurse into children
            for (TreeGraphNode kid : t.children()) {
                analyzeNode(kid, root, relations, hf, puncFilter, tagFilter, basicGraph, completeGraph);

    private void getExtraDeps(List<TypedDependency> deps, Predicate<TypedDependency> puncTypedDepFilter,
            DirectedMultiGraph<TreeGraphNode, GrammaticalRelation> completeGraph) {
        // adds stuff to basicDep based on the tregex patterns over the tree
        this.getTreeDeps(deps, completeGraph, puncTypedDepFilter, extraTreeDepFilter());

     * Helps the constructor build a list of typed dependencies using
     * information from a {@code GrammaticalStructure}.
    private List<TypedDependency> getDeps(Predicate<TypedDependency> puncTypedDepFilter,
            DirectedMultiGraph<TreeGraphNode, GrammaticalRelation> basicGraph) {
        List<TypedDependency> basicDep = Generics.newArrayList();

        for (TreeGraphNode gov : basicGraph.getAllVertices()) {
            for (TreeGraphNode dep : basicGraph.getChildren(gov)) {
                GrammaticalRelation reln = getGrammaticalRelationCommonAncestor(gov.headWordNode().label(),
                        gov.label(), dep.headWordNode().label(), dep.label(), basicGraph.getEdges(gov, dep));
                //"  Gov: " + gov + " Dep: " + dep + " Reln: " + reln);
                basicDep.add(new TypedDependency(reln, new IndexedWord(gov.headWordNode().label()),
                        new IndexedWord(dep.headWordNode().label())));

        // add the root
        TreeGraphNode dependencyRoot = new TreeGraphNode(new Word("ROOT"));
        TreeGraphNode rootDep = root().headWordNode();
        if (rootDep == null) {
            List<Tree> leaves = Trees.leaves(root());
            if (leaves.size() > 0) {
                Tree leaf = leaves.get(0);
                if (!(leaf instanceof TreeGraphNode)) {
                    throw new AssertionError("Leaves should be TreeGraphNodes");
                rootDep = (TreeGraphNode) leaf;
                if (rootDep.headWordNode() != null) {
                    rootDep = rootDep.headWordNode();

        if (rootDep != null) {
            TypedDependency rootTypedDep = new TypedDependency(ROOT, new IndexedWord(dependencyRoot.label()),
                    new IndexedWord(rootDep.label()));
            if (puncTypedDepFilter.test(rootTypedDep)) {
            } else { // Root is a punctuation character

                /* Heuristic to find a root for the graph.
                 * Make the first child of the current root the
                 * new root and attach all other children to
                 * the new root.

                IndexedWord root = rootTypedDep.dep();
                IndexedWord newRoot = null;
                for (TypedDependency td : basicDep) {
                    if ( {
                        if (newRoot != null) {
                        } else {
                            newRoot = td.dep();



        return basicDep;

     * Returns a Filter which checks dependencies for usefulness as
     * extra tree-based dependencies.  By default, everything is
     * accepted.  One example of how this can be useful is in the
     * English dependencies, where the REL dependency is used as an
     * intermediate and we do not want this to be added when we make a
     * second pass over the trees for missing dependencies.
    protected Predicate<TypedDependency> extraTreeDepFilter() {
        return Filters.acceptFilter();

     * Post process the dependencies in whatever way this language
     * requires.  For example, English might replace "rel" dependencies
     * with either dobj or pobj depending on the surrounding
     * dependencies.
    protected void postProcessDependencies(List<TypedDependency> basicDep) {
        // no post processing by default

     * Get extra dependencies that do not depend on the tree structure,
     * but rather only depend on the existing dependency structure.
     * For example, the English xsubj dependency can be extracted that way.
    protected void getExtras(List<TypedDependency> basicDep) {
        // no extra dependencies by default

    /** Look through the tree t and adds to the List basicDep
     *  additional dependencies which aren't
     *  in the List but which satisfy the filter puncTypedDepFilter.
     * @param deps The list of dependencies which may be augmented
     * @param completeGraph a graph of all the tree dependencies found earlier
     * @param puncTypedDepFilter The filter that may skip punctuation dependencies
     * @param extraTreeDepFilter Additional dependencies are added only if they pass this filter
    protected void getTreeDeps(List<TypedDependency> deps,
            DirectedMultiGraph<TreeGraphNode, GrammaticalRelation> completeGraph,
            Predicate<TypedDependency> puncTypedDepFilter, Predicate<TypedDependency> extraTreeDepFilter) {
        for (TreeGraphNode gov : completeGraph.getAllVertices()) {
            for (TreeGraphNode dep : completeGraph.getChildren(gov)) {
                for (GrammaticalRelation rel : removeGrammaticalRelationAncestors(
                        completeGraph.getEdges(gov, dep))) {
                    TypedDependency newDep = new TypedDependency(rel, new IndexedWord(gov.headWordNode().label()),
                            new IndexedWord(dep.headWordNode().label()));
                    if (!deps.contains(newDep) && puncTypedDepFilter.test(newDep)
                            && extraTreeDepFilter.test(newDep)) {

    private static class NoPunctFilter implements Predicate<Dependency<Label, Label, Object>>, Serializable {
        private Predicate<String> npf;

        NoPunctFilter(Predicate<String> f) {
            this.npf = f;

        public boolean test(Dependency<Label, Label, Object> d) {
            if (d == null) {
                return false;
            Label lab = d.dependent();
            if (lab == null) {
                return false;
            return npf.test(lab.value());

        // Automatically generated by Eclipse
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -2319891944796663180L;
    } // end static class NoPunctFilter

    private static class NoPunctTypedDependencyFilter implements Predicate<TypedDependency>, Serializable {
        private Predicate<String> npf;
        private Predicate<String> tf;

        NoPunctTypedDependencyFilter(Predicate<String> f, Predicate<String> tf) {
            this.npf = f;
   = tf;

        public boolean test(TypedDependency d) {
            if (d == null)
                return false;

            IndexedWord l = d.dep();
            if (l == null)
                return false;

            return npf.test(l.value()) && tf.test(l.tag());

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -2872766864289207468L;

    } // end static class NoPunctTypedDependencyFilter

     * Get GrammaticalRelation between gov and dep, and null if gov  is not the
     * governor of dep.
    public GrammaticalRelation getGrammaticalRelation(int govIndex, int depIndex) {
        TreeGraphNode gov = getNodeByIndex(govIndex);
        TreeGraphNode dep = getNodeByIndex(depIndex);
        // TODO: this is pretty ugly
        return getGrammaticalRelation(new IndexedWord(gov.label()), new IndexedWord(dep.label()));

     * Get GrammaticalRelation between gov and dep, and null if gov is not the
     * governor of dep.
    public GrammaticalRelation getGrammaticalRelation(IndexedWord gov, IndexedWord dep) {
        List<GrammaticalRelation> labels = Generics.newArrayList();
        for (TypedDependency dependency : typedDependencies(Extras.MAXIMAL)) {
            if ( && dependency.dep().equals(dep)) {

        return getGrammaticalRelationCommonAncestor(gov, gov, dep, dep, labels);

     * Returns the GrammaticalRelation which is the highest common
     * ancestor of the list of relations passed in.  The Labels are
     * passed in only for debugging reasons.  gov &amp; dep are the
     * labels with the text, govH and depH can be higher labels in the
     * tree which represent the category
    private static GrammaticalRelation getGrammaticalRelationCommonAncestor(AbstractCoreLabel gov,
            AbstractCoreLabel govH, AbstractCoreLabel dep, AbstractCoreLabel depH,
            List<GrammaticalRelation> labels) {
        GrammaticalRelation reln = GrammaticalRelation.DEPENDENT;

        List<GrammaticalRelation> sortedLabels;
        if (labels.size() <= 1) {
            sortedLabels = labels;
        } else {
            sortedLabels = new ArrayList<>(labels);
            Collections.sort(sortedLabels, new NameComparator<>());
        //" gov " + govH + " dep " + depH + " arc labels: " + sortedLabels);

        for (GrammaticalRelation reln2 : sortedLabels) {
            if (reln.isAncestor(reln2)) {
                reln = reln2;
            } else if (PRINT_DEBUGGING && !reln2.isAncestor(reln)) {
      "@@@\t" + reln + "\t" + reln2 + "\t" + govH.get(CoreAnnotations.ValueAnnotation.class)
                        + "\t" + depH.get(CoreAnnotations.ValueAnnotation.class));
        if (PRINT_DEBUGGING && reln.equals(GrammaticalRelation.DEPENDENT)) {
            String topCat = govH.get(CoreAnnotations.ValueAnnotation.class);
            String topTag = gov.tag();
            String topWord = gov.value();
            String botCat = depH.get(CoreAnnotations.ValueAnnotation.class);
            String botTag = dep.tag();
            String botWord = dep.value();
  "### dep\t" + topCat + "\t" + topTag + "\t" + topWord + "\t" + botCat + "\t" + botTag + "\t"
                    + botWord + "\t");
        return reln;

    private static List<GrammaticalRelation> removeGrammaticalRelationAncestors(
            List<GrammaticalRelation> original) {
        List<GrammaticalRelation> filtered = Generics.newArrayList();
        for (GrammaticalRelation reln : original) {
            boolean descendantFound = false;
            for (int index = 0; index < filtered.size(); ++index) {
                GrammaticalRelation gr = filtered.get(index);
                //if the element in the list is an ancestor of the current
                //relation, remove it (we will replace it later)
                if (gr.isAncestor(reln)) {
                } else if (reln.isAncestor(gr)) {
                    //if the relation is not an ancestor of an element in the
                    //list, we add the relation
                    descendantFound = true;
            if (!descendantFound) {
        return filtered;

     * Returns the typed dependencies of this grammatical structure.  These
     * are the basic word-level typed dependencies, where each word is dependent
     * on one other thing, either a word or the starting ROOT, and the
     * dependencies have a tree structure.  This corresponds to the
     * command-line option "basicDependencies".
     * @return The typed dependencies of this grammatical structure
    public Collection<TypedDependency> typedDependencies() {
        return typedDependencies(Extras.NONE);

     * Returns all the typed dependencies of this grammatical structure.
     * These are like the basic (uncollapsed) dependencies, but may include
     * extra arcs for control relationships, etc. This corresponds to the
     * "nonCollapsed" option.
    public Collection<TypedDependency> allTypedDependencies() {
        return typedDependencies(Extras.MAXIMAL);

     * Returns the typed dependencies of this grammatical structure. These
     * are non-collapsed dependencies (basic or nonCollapsed).
     * @param includeExtras If true, the list of typed dependencies
     * returned may include "extras", and does not follow a tree structure.
     * @return The typed dependencies of this grammatical structure
    public List<TypedDependency> typedDependencies(Extras includeExtras) {
        // This copy has to be done because of the broken way
        // TypedDependency objects can be mutated by downstream methods
        // such as collapseDependencies.  Without the copy here it is
        // possible for two consecutive calls to
        // typedDependenciesCollapsed to get different results.  For
        // example, the English dependencies rename existing objects KILL
        // to note that they should be removed.
        List<TypedDependency> source;
        if (includeExtras != Extras.NONE) {
            source = allTypedDependencies;
        } else {
            source = typedDependencies;
        List<TypedDependency> deps = new ArrayList<>(source);
        //TODO (sebschu): prevent correctDependencies from getting called multiple times
        return deps;

     * @see edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure#typedDependencies(edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure.Extras)
    public List<TypedDependency> typedDependencies(boolean includeExtras) {
        return typedDependencies(includeExtras ? Extras.MAXIMAL : Extras.NONE);

     * Get the typed dependencies after collapsing them.
     * Collapsing dependencies refers to turning certain function words
     * such as prepositions and conjunctions into arcs, so they disappear from
     * the set of nodes.
     * There is no guarantee that the dependencies are a tree. While the
     * dependencies are normally tree-like, the collapsing may introduce
     * not only re-entrancies but even small cycles.
     * @return A set of collapsed dependencies
    public Collection<TypedDependency> typedDependenciesCollapsed() {
        return typedDependenciesCollapsed(Extras.NONE);

    // todo [cdm 2012]: The semantics of this method is the opposite of the others.
    // The other no argument methods correspond to includeExtras being
    // true, but for this one it is false.  This should probably be made uniform.
     * Get the typed dependencies after mostly collapsing them, but keep a tree
     * structure.  In order to do this, the code does:
     * <ol>
     * <li> no relative clause processing
     * <li> no xsubj relations
     * <li> no propagation of conjuncts
     * </ol>
     * This corresponds to the "tree" option.
     * @return collapsed dependencies keeping a tree structure
    public Collection<TypedDependency> typedDependenciesCollapsedTree() {
        List<TypedDependency> tdl = typedDependencies(Extras.NONE);
        return tdl;

     * Get the typed dependencies after collapsing them.
     * The "collapsed" option corresponds to calling this method with argument
     * {@code true}.
     * @param includeExtras If true, the list of typed dependencies
     * returned may include "extras", like controlling subjects
     * @return collapsed dependencies
    public List<TypedDependency> typedDependenciesCollapsed(Extras includeExtras) {
        List<TypedDependency> tdl = typedDependencies(includeExtras);
        collapseDependencies(tdl, false, includeExtras);
        return tdl;

     * @see edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure#typedDependenciesCollapsed(edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure.Extras)
    public List<TypedDependency> typedDependenciesCollapsed(boolean includeExtras) {
        return typedDependenciesCollapsed(includeExtras ? Extras.MAXIMAL : Extras.NONE);

     * Get the typed dependencies after collapsing them and processing eventual
     * CC complements.  The effect of this part is to distributed conjoined
     * arguments across relations or conjoined predicates across their arguments.
     * This is generally useful, and we generally recommend using the output of
     * this method with the second argument being {@code true}.
     * The "CCPropagated" option corresponds to calling this method with an
     * argument of {@code true}.
     * @param includeExtras If true, the list of typed dependencies
     * returned may include "extras", such as controlled subject links.
     * @return collapsed dependencies with CC processed
    public List<TypedDependency> typedDependenciesCCprocessed(Extras includeExtras) {
        List<TypedDependency> tdl = typedDependencies(includeExtras);
        collapseDependencies(tdl, true, includeExtras);
        return tdl;

     * @see edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure#typedDependenciesCCprocessed(edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure.Extras)
    public List<TypedDependency> typedDependenciesCCprocessed(boolean includeExtras) {
        return typedDependenciesCCprocessed(includeExtras ? Extras.MAXIMAL : Extras.NONE);

    public List<TypedDependency> typedDependenciesEnhanced() {
        List<TypedDependency> tdl = typedDependencies(Extras.MAXIMAL);
        addEnhancements(tdl, UniversalEnglishGrammaticalStructure.ENHANCED_OPTIONS);
        return tdl;

    public List<TypedDependency> typedDependenciesEnhancedPlusPlus() {
        List<TypedDependency> tdl = typedDependencies(Extras.MAXIMAL);
        addEnhancements(tdl, UniversalEnglishGrammaticalStructure.ENHANCED_PLUS_PLUS_OPTIONS);
        return tdl;

     * Get a list of the typed dependencies, including extras like control
     * dependencies, collapsing them and distributing relations across
     * coordination.  This method is generally recommended for best
     * representing the semantic and syntactic relations of a sentence. In
     * general it returns a directed graph (i.e., the output may not be a tree
     * and it may contain (small) cycles).
     * The "CCPropagated" option corresponds to calling this method.
     * @return collapsed dependencies with CC processed
    public List<TypedDependency> typedDependenciesCCprocessed() {
        return typedDependenciesCCprocessed(Extras.MAXIMAL);

     * Destructively modify the {@code Collection&lt;TypedDependency&gt;} to collapse
     * language-dependent transitive dependencies.
     * <br>
     * Default is no-op; to be over-ridden in subclasses.
     * @param list A list of dependencies to process for possible collapsing
     * @param CCprocess apply CC process?
    protected void collapseDependencies(List<TypedDependency> list, boolean CCprocess, Extras includeExtras) {
        // do nothing as default operation

     * Destructively applies different enhancements to the dependency graph.
     * <br>
     * Default is no-op; to be over-ridden in subclasses.
     * @param list A list of dependencies
     * @param options Options that determine which enhancements are applied to the dependency graph.
    protected void addEnhancements(List<TypedDependency> list, EnhancementOptions options) {
        // do nothing as default operation

     * Destructively modify the {@code Collection&lt;TypedDependency&gt;} to collapse
     * language-dependent transitive dependencies but keeping a tree structure.
     * <br>
     * Default is no-op; to be over-ridden in subclasses.
     * @param list A list of dependencies to process for possible collapsing
    protected void collapseDependenciesTree(List<TypedDependency> list) {
        // do nothing as default operation

     * Destructively modify the {@code TypedDependencyGraph} to correct
     * language-dependent dependencies. (e.g., nsubjpass in a relative clause)
     * <br>
     * Default is no-op; to be over-ridden in subclasses.
    protected void correctDependencies(List<TypedDependency> list) {
        // do nothing as default operation

     * Checks if all the typeDependencies are connected
     * @param list a list of typedDependencies
     * @return true if the list represents a connected graph, false otherwise
    public static boolean isConnected(Collection<TypedDependency> list) {
        return getRoots(list).size() <= 1; // there should be no more than one root to have a connected graph
                                           // there might be no root in the way we look when you have a relative clause
                                           // ex.: Apple is a society that sells computers
                                           // (the root "society" will also be the nsubj of "sells")

     * Return a list of TypedDependencies which are not dependent on any node from the list.
     * @param list The list of TypedDependencies to check
     * @return A list of TypedDependencies which are not dependent on any node from the list
    public static Collection<TypedDependency> getRoots(Collection<TypedDependency> list) {

        Collection<TypedDependency> roots = new ArrayList<>();

        // need to see if more than one governor is not listed somewhere as a dependent
        // first take all the deps
        Collection<IndexedWord> deps = Generics.newHashSet();
        for (TypedDependency typedDep : list) {

        // go through the list and add typedDependency for which the gov is not a dep
        Collection<IndexedWord> govs = Generics.newHashSet();
        for (TypedDependency typedDep : list) {
            IndexedWord gov =;
            if (!deps.contains(gov) && !govs.contains(gov)) {
        return roots;

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2286294455343892678L;

    private static class NameComparator<X> implements Comparator<X> {
        public int compare(X o1, X o2) {
            String n1 = o1.toString();
            String n2 = o2.toString();
            return n1.compareTo(n2);

    // Note that these field constants are 0-based whereas much documentation is 1-based

    public static final int CoNLLX_WordField = 1;
    public static final int CoNLLX_POSField = 4;
    public static final int CoNLLX_GovField = 6;
    public static final int CoNLLX_RelnField = 7;

    public static final int CoNLLX_FieldCount = 10;

     * Read in a file containing a CoNLL-X dependency treebank and return a
     * corresponding list of GrammaticalStructures.
     * @throws IOException
    public static List<GrammaticalStructure> readCoNLLXGrammaticalStructureCollection(String fileName,
            Map<String, GrammaticalRelation> shortNameToGRel, GrammaticalStructureFromDependenciesFactory factory)
            throws IOException {
        try (BufferedReader r = IOUtils.readerFromString(fileName)) {
            LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(r);
            List<GrammaticalStructure> gsList = new LinkedList<>();

            List<List<String>> tokenFields = new ArrayList<>();

            for (String inline = reader.readLine(); inline != null; inline = reader.readLine()) {
                if (!inline.isEmpty()) {
                    // read in a single sentence token by token
                    List<String> fields = Arrays.asList(inline.split("\t"));
                    if (fields.size() != CoNLLX_FieldCount) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(
                                String.format("Error (line %d): 10 fields expected but %d are present",
                                        reader.getLineNumber(), fields.size()));
                } else {
                    if (tokenFields.isEmpty())
                        continue; // skip excess empty lines

                    gsList.add(buildCoNLLXGrammaticalStructure(tokenFields, shortNameToGRel, factory));
                    tokenFields = new ArrayList<>();

            return gsList;

    public static GrammaticalStructure buildCoNLLXGrammaticalStructure(List<List<String>> tokenFields,
            Map<String, GrammaticalRelation> shortNameToGRel, GrammaticalStructureFromDependenciesFactory factory) {
        List<IndexedWord> tgWords = new ArrayList<>(tokenFields.size());
        List<TreeGraphNode> tgPOSNodes = new ArrayList<>(tokenFields.size());

        SemanticHeadFinder headFinder = new SemanticHeadFinder();

        // Construct TreeGraphNodes for words and POS tags
        for (List<String> fields : tokenFields) {
            CoreLabel word = new CoreLabel();
            word.setIndex(tgWords.size() + 1);
            CoreLabel pos = new CoreLabel();
            TreeGraphNode wordNode = new TreeGraphNode(word);
            TreeGraphNode posNode = new TreeGraphNode(pos);
            tgWords.add(new IndexedWord(word));
            TreeGraphNode[] childArr = { wordNode };

        // We fake up the parts of the tree structure that are not
        // actually used by the grammatical relation transformation
        // operations.
        // That is, the constructed TreeGraphs consist of a flat tree,
        // without any phrase bracketing, but that does preserve the
        // parent child relationship between words and their POS tags.
        // e.g. (ROOT (PRP I) (VBD hit) (DT the) (NN ball) (. .))

        TreeGraphNode root = new TreeGraphNode(new Word("ROOT-" + (tgPOSNodes.size() + 1)));
        root.setChildren(tgPOSNodes.toArray(new TreeGraphNode[tgPOSNodes.size()]));

        // Build list of TypedDependencies
        List<TypedDependency> tdeps = new ArrayList<>(tgWords.size());

        // Create a node outside the tree useful for root dependencies;
        // we want to keep those if they were stored in the conll file

        CoreLabel rootLabel = new CoreLabel();
        IndexedWord dependencyRoot = new IndexedWord(rootLabel);
        for (int i = 0; i < tgWords.size(); i++) {
            String parentIdStr = tokenFields.get(i).get(CoNLLX_GovField);
            if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(parentIdStr)) {
            String grelString = tokenFields.get(i).get(CoNLLX_RelnField);
            if (grelString.equals("null") || grelString.equals("erased"))
            GrammaticalRelation grel = shortNameToGRel.get(grelString.toLowerCase());
            TypedDependency tdep;
            if (grel == null) {
                if (grelString.toLowerCase().equals("root")) {
                    tdep = new TypedDependency(ROOT, dependencyRoot, tgWords.get(i));
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unknown grammatical relation '" + grelString + "' fields: "
                            + tokenFields.get(i) + "\nNode: " + tgWords.get(i) + '\n'
                            + "Known Grammatical relations: [" + shortNameToGRel.keySet() + ']');
            } else {
                int parentId = Integer.parseInt(parentIdStr) - 1;
                if (parentId >= tgWords.size()) {
                    System.err.printf("Warning: Invalid Parent Id %d Sentence Length: %d%n", parentId + 1,
                    System.err.printf("         Assigning to root (0)%n");
                    parentId = -1;
                tdep = new TypedDependency(grel, (parentId == -1 ? dependencyRoot : tgWords.get(parentId)),
        return, root);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        /* Language-specific default properties. The default
         * options produce English Universal dependencies.
         * This should be overwritten in every subclass.
        GrammaticalStructureConversionUtils.convertTrees(args, "en");
