Source code

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package edu.stanford.nlp.ling;

import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;

import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.TypesafeMap;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;

 * This class provides a {@link CoreLabel} that uses its
 * DocIDAnnotation, SentenceIndexAnnotation, and IndexAnnotation to implement
 * Comparable/compareTo, hashCode, and equals.  This means no other annotations,
 * including the identity of the word, are taken into account when using these
 * methods. Historically, this class was introduced for and is mainly used in
 * the RTE package, and it provides a number of methods that are really specific
 * to that use case. A second use case is now the Stanford Dependencies code,
 * where this class directly implements the "copy nodes" of section 4.6 of the
 * Stanford Dependencies Manual, rather than these being placed directly in the
 * backing CoreLabel. This was so there can stay one CoreLabel per token, despite
 * there being multiple IndexedWord nodes, additional ones representing copy
 * nodes.
 * <p>
 * The actual implementation is to wrap a {@code CoreLabel}.
 * This avoids breaking the {@code equals()} and
 * {@code hashCode()} contract and also avoids expensive copying
 * when used to represent the same data as the original
 * {@code CoreLabel}.
 * @author rafferty
 * @author John Bauer
 * @author Sonal Gupta
public class IndexedWord implements AbstractCoreLabel, Comparable<IndexedWord> {

    /** A logger for this class */
    private static final Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(IndexedWord.class);

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 3739633991145239829L;

     * The identifier that points to no word.
    public static final IndexedWord NO_WORD = new IndexedWord(null, -1, -1);

    private final CoreLabel label;

    private int copyCount; // = 0;

    private int numCopies; // = 0;

    /** Stores the original IndexedWord when you make copy nodes. */
    private IndexedWord original; // = null;

     * Useful for specifying a fine-grained position when butchering parse trees.
     * The canonical use case for this is resolving coreference in the OpenIE system, where
     * we want to move nodes between sentences, but do not want to change their index annotation
     * (plus, we need to have multiple nodes fit into the space of one pronoun).
    private double pseudoPosition = Double.NaN;

     * Default constructor; uses {@link CoreLabel} default constructor
    public IndexedWord() {
        label = new CoreLabel();

     * Copy Constructor - relies on {@link CoreLabel} copy constructor
     * It will set the value, and if the word is not set otherwise, set
     * the word to the value.
     * @param w A Label to initialize this IndexedWord from
    public IndexedWord(Label w) {
        if (w instanceof CoreLabel) {
            this.label = (CoreLabel) w;
        } else {
            label = new CoreLabel(w);
            if (label.word() == null) {

     * Construct an IndexedWord from a CoreLabel just as for a CoreMap.
     * <i>Implementation note:</i> this is a the same as the constructor
     * that takes a CoreMap, but is needed to ensure unique most specific
     * type inference for selecting a constructor at compile-time.
     * @param w A Label to initialize this IndexedWord from
    public IndexedWord(CoreLabel w) {
        label = w;

     * Constructor for setting docID, sentenceIndex, and
     * index without any other annotations.
     * @param docID The document ID (arbitrary string)
     * @param sentenceIndex The sentence number in the document (normally 0-based)
     * @param index The index of the word in the sentence (normally 0-based)
    public IndexedWord(String docID, int sentenceIndex, int index) {
        label = new CoreLabel();
        label.set(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class, docID);
        label.set(CoreAnnotations.SentenceIndexAnnotation.class, sentenceIndex);
        label.set(CoreAnnotations.IndexAnnotation.class, index);

    private IndexedWord makeCopy(int count) {
        CoreLabel labelCopy = new CoreLabel(label);
        IndexedWord copy = new IndexedWord(labelCopy);
        return copy;

    /** This copies the whole IndexedWord, incrementing a copy count.
     *  We've subsequently decided that it is better to use soft copies, where the IndexedWord is copied,
     *  but the backing CoreLabel is kept the same. See {@link #makeSoftCopy()}.
    public IndexedWord makeCopy() {
        return makeCopy(++numCopies);

    public IndexedWord makeSoftCopy(int count) {
        IndexedWord copy = new IndexedWord(label);
        copy.original = this;
        return copy;

    public IndexedWord makeSoftCopy() {
        if (original != null) {
            return original.makeSoftCopy();
        } else {
            return makeSoftCopy(++numCopies);

    public IndexedWord getOriginal() {
        return original;

     * Return the CoreLabel behind this IndexedWord
    public CoreLabel backingLabel() {
        return label;

    public <VALUE> VALUE get(Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<VALUE>> key) {
        return label.get(key);

    public <VALUE> boolean containsKey(Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<VALUE>> key) {
        return label.containsKey(key);

    public <VALUE> VALUE set(Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<VALUE>> key, VALUE value) {
        return label.set(key, value);

    public <KEY extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>> String getString(Class<KEY> key) {
        return label.getString(key);

    public <KEY extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>> String getString(Class<KEY> key, String def) {
        return label.getString(key, def);

    public <VALUE> VALUE remove(Class<? extends Key<VALUE>> key) {
        return label.remove(key);

    public Set<Class<?>> keySet() {
        return label.keySet();

    public int size() {
        return label.size();

    public String value() {
        return label.value();

    public void setValue(String value) {

    public String tag() {
        return label.tag();

    public void setTag(String tag) {

    public String word() {
        return label.word();

    public void setWord(String word) {

    public String lemma() {
        return label.lemma();

    public void setLemma(String lemma) {

    public String ner() {
        return label.ner();

    public void setNER(String ner) {

    public String docID() {
        return label.docID();

    public void setDocID(String docID) {

    public int index() {
        return label.index();

    public void setIndex(int index) {

     * In most cases, this is just the index of the word.
     * However, this should be the value used to sort nodes in
     * a tree.
     * @see IndexedWord#pseudoPosition
    public double pseudoPosition() {
        if (!Double.isNaN(pseudoPosition)) {
            return pseudoPosition;
        } else {
            return (double) index();

     * @see IndexedWord#pseudoPosition
    public void setPseudoPosition(double position) {
        this.pseudoPosition = position;

    public int sentIndex() {
        return label.sentIndex();

    public void setSentIndex(int sentIndex) {

    public String before() {
        return label.before();

    public void setBefore(String before) {


    public String originalText() {
        return label.originalText();

    public void setOriginalText(String originalText) {

    public String after() {
        return label.after();

    public void setAfter(String after) {

    public int beginPosition() {
        return label.beginPosition();

    public int endPosition() {
        return label.endPosition();

    public void setBeginPosition(int beginPos) {

    public void setEndPosition(int endPos) {

    public int copyCount() {
        return copyCount;

    public void setCopyCount(int count) {
        this.copyCount = count;

    public String toPrimes() {
        return StringUtils.repeat('\'', copyCount);

    public String toCopyIndex() {
        if (copyCount == 0) {
            if (Double.isNaN(this.pseudoPosition)) {
                return String.valueOf(this.index());
            } else {
                return String.valueOf(this.pseudoPosition);
        } else {
            return this.index() + "." + copyCount;

    public boolean isCopy(IndexedWord otherWord) {
        Integer myInd = get(CoreAnnotations.IndexAnnotation.class);
        Integer otherInd = otherWord.get(CoreAnnotations.IndexAnnotation.class);
        if (!Objects.equals(myInd, otherInd)) {
            return false;

        Integer mySentInd = get(CoreAnnotations.SentenceIndexAnnotation.class);
        Integer otherSentInd = otherWord.get(CoreAnnotations.SentenceIndexAnnotation.class);
        if (!Objects.equals(mySentInd, otherSentInd)) {
            return false;

        String myDocID = getString(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class);
        String otherDocID = otherWord.getString(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class);
        if (!Objects.equals(myDocID, otherDocID)) {
            return false;

        if (copyCount() == 0 || otherWord.copyCount() != 0) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * This .equals is dependent only on docID, sentenceIndex, and index.
     * It doesn't consider the actual word value, but assumes that it is
     * validly represented by token position.
     * All IndexedWords that lack these fields will be regarded as equal.
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o)
            return true;
        if (!(o instanceof IndexedWord))
            return false;

        //now compare on appropriate keys
        final IndexedWord otherWord = (IndexedWord) o;
        Integer myInd = get(CoreAnnotations.IndexAnnotation.class);
        Integer otherInd = otherWord.get(CoreAnnotations.IndexAnnotation.class);
        if (!Objects.equals(myInd, otherInd)) {
            return false;

        Integer mySentInd = get(CoreAnnotations.SentenceIndexAnnotation.class);
        Integer otherSentInd = otherWord.get(CoreAnnotations.SentenceIndexAnnotation.class);
        if (!Objects.equals(mySentInd, otherSentInd)) {
            return false;

        String myDocID = getString(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class);
        String otherDocID = otherWord.getString(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class);
        if (!Objects.equals(myDocID, otherDocID)) {
            return false;

        if (copyCount() != otherWord.copyCount()) {
            return false;
        // Compare pseudo-positions
        if ((!Double.isNaN(this.pseudoPosition) || !Double.isNaN(otherWord.pseudoPosition))
                && this.pseudoPosition != otherWord.pseudoPosition) {
            return false;
        return true;

    private int cachedHashCode; // = 0;

     * This hashCode uses only the docID, sentenceIndex, and index.
     * See compareTo for more info.
    public int hashCode() {
        if (cachedHashCode != 0) {
            return cachedHashCode;
        boolean sensible = false;
        int result = 0;
        if (get(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class) != null) {
            result = get(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class).hashCode();
            sensible = true;
        if (containsKey(CoreAnnotations.SentenceIndexAnnotation.class)) {
            result = 29 * result + get(CoreAnnotations.SentenceIndexAnnotation.class).hashCode();
            sensible = true;
        if (containsKey(CoreAnnotations.IndexAnnotation.class)) {
            result = 29 * result + get(CoreAnnotations.IndexAnnotation.class).hashCode();
            sensible = true;
        if (!sensible) {
                    "WARNING!!!  You have hashed an IndexedWord with no docID, sentIndex or wordIndex. You will almost certainly lose");
        cachedHashCode = result;
        return result;

     * NOTE: For this compareTo, you <em>must</em> have a DocIDAnnotation,
     * SentenceIndexAnnotation, and IndexAnnotation for it to make sense and
     * be guaranteed to work properly. Currently, it won't error out and will
     * try to return something sensible if these are not defined, but that really
     * isn't proper usage!
     * This compareTo method is based not by value elements like the word(),
     *  but on passage position. It puts NO_WORD elements first, and then orders
     *  by document, sentence, and word index.  If these do not differ, it
     *  returns equal.
     *  @param w The IndexedWord to compare with
     *  @return Whether this is less than w or not in the ordering
    public int compareTo(IndexedWord w) {
        if (this.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
            if (w.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                return -1;
        if (w.equals(IndexedWord.NO_WORD)) {
            return 1;

        // Override the default comparator if pseudo-positions are set.
        // This is needed for splicing trees together awkwardly in OpenIE.
        if (!Double.isNaN(w.pseudoPosition) || !Double.isNaN(this.pseudoPosition)) {
            double val = this.pseudoPosition() - w.pseudoPosition();
            if (val < 0) {
                return -1;
            if (val > 0) {
                return 1;
            } else {
                return 0;

        // Otherwise, compare using the normal doc/sentence/token index hierarchy
        String docID = this.getString(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class);
        int docComp = docID.compareTo(w.getString(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class));
        if (docComp != 0)
            return docComp;

        int sentComp =, w.sentIndex());
        if (sentComp != 0)
            return sentComp;

        int indexComp =, w.index());
        if (indexComp != 0)
            return indexComp;

        return, w.copyCount());

     * Returns the value-tag of this label. Doesn't represent copy nodes specially.
    public String toString() {
        return toString(CoreLabel.OutputFormat.VALUE_TAG);

    /** Allows choices of how to format Label.
     * @param format An instance of the OutputFormat enum (the same as for a CoreLabel)
     * @return A String representation of the label, including marking copy nodes with primes (')
    public String toString(CoreLabel.OutputFormat format) {
        return label.toString(format) + toPrimes();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void setFromString(String labelStr) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot set from string");

    public static LabelFactory factory() {
        return new LabelFactory() {

            public Label newLabel(String labelStr) {
                CoreLabel coreLabel = new CoreLabel();
                return new IndexedWord(coreLabel);

            public Label newLabel(String labelStr, int options) {
                return newLabel(labelStr);

            public Label newLabel(Label oldLabel) {
                return new IndexedWord(oldLabel);

            public Label newLabelFromString(String encodedLabelStr) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This code branch left blank"
                        + " because we do not understand what this method should do.");

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public LabelFactory labelFactory() {
        return IndexedWord.factory();
