Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package edu.stanford.nlp.ling;

 * A {@code Word} object acts as a Label by containing a String.
 * This class is in essence identical to a {@code StringLabel}, but
 * it also uses the value to implement the {@code HasWord} interface.
 * @author Christopher Manning
 * @version 2000/12/20
public class Word extends StringLabel implements HasWord {

     * String representation of an empty.
    private static final String EMPTY_STRING = "*t*";

     * Word representation of an empty.
    public static final Word EMPTY = new Word(EMPTY_STRING);

     * Construct a new word with a {@code null} value.
    public Word() {

     * Construct a new word, with the given value.
     * @param word String value of the Word
    public Word(String word) {

     * Construct a new word, with the given value.
     * @param word String value of the Word
    public Word(String word, int beginPosition, int endPosition) {
        super(word, beginPosition, endPosition);

     * Creates a new word whose word value is the value of any
     * class that supports the {@code Label} interface.
     * @param lab The label to be used as the basis of the new Word
    public Word(Label lab) {

    public String word() {
        return value();

    public void setWord(String word) {

    // extra class guarantees correct lazy loading (Bloch p.194)
    private static class WordFactoryHolder {

        private static final LabelFactory lf = new WordFactory();

        private WordFactoryHolder() {


     * Return a factory for this kind of label (i.e., {@code Word}).
     * The factory returned is always the same one (a singleton).
     * @return The label factory
    public LabelFactory labelFactory() {
        return WordFactoryHolder.lf;

     * Return a factory for this kind of label.
     * @return The label factory
    public static LabelFactory factory() {
        return WordFactoryHolder.lf;

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4817252915997034058L;
