Source code

Java tutorial


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package edu.duke.cs.osprey.ematrix.epic;

import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory1D;
import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D;
import cern.jet.math.Functions;
import edu.duke.cs.osprey.minimization.ObjectiveFunction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf;
import org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils;
import static org.ojalgo.random.RandomUtils.erf;

 * This sampler samples preferentially from the low-energy region about the center
 * Used when this region is too small to be efficiently reached for this purpose
 * It samples Gaussianly about the center,
 * with variance determined by initial explorations
 * @author mhall44
public class GaussianLowEnergySampler {

    double EPICThresh1;
    ObjectiveFunction of;
    DoubleMatrix1D DOFmin, DOFmax;
    //we want our samples x to lie in the bounds given by DOFmin, DOFmax
    //and to have of.get(x)<=thresh
    int numDOFs;

    //We'll draw from a Gaussian distribution about center with given sigmas
    //chosen to favor good region
    DoubleMatrix1D center;
    DoubleMatrix1D sigmas;

    Random random = new Random();//a random

    public GaussianLowEnergySampler(double thresh, ObjectiveFunction of, DoubleMatrix1D DOFmin,
            DoubleMatrix1D DOFmax, DoubleMatrix1D center) {
        this.EPICThresh1 = thresh;
        this.of = of;
        this.DOFmin = DOFmin;
        this.DOFmax = DOFmax; = center;
        numDOFs = DOFmin.size();

        //OK we need to figure out sigmas based on thresh

        double sigmaVal = chooseNumSigmas();

        //now go along axes to find sigma
        sigmas = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(numDOFs);
        for (int dofNum = 0; dofNum < numDOFs; dofNum++) {

            //bound the good region along dofNum axis
            double goodRegionLB = bisectForGoodRegionEnd(dofNum, DOFmin.get(dofNum));
            double goodRegionUB = bisectForGoodRegionEnd(dofNum, DOFmax.get(dofNum));

            //sigma will based on the farther of these from center
            double sigma;
            if (goodRegionUB - center.get(dofNum) >= center.get(dofNum) - goodRegionLB) {
                sigma = (goodRegionUB - center.get(dofNum)) / sigmaVal;
            } else
                sigma = (center.get(dofNum) - goodRegionLB) / sigmaVal;

            sigmas.set(dofNum, sigma);

    private double chooseNumSigmas() {
        //The good region will extend to roughly
        //this many sigmas in each dimension

        double insideTarget = 0.25;//how much of the multivariate distr should be in the "good zone"
        //underestimate since we can always reject to make up for uncertainty

        //OK zt will be the value of z = sum_i x_i^2 / 2sigma_i^2
        //such that integrating the probability of a Gaussian over the z>zt zone = insideTarget
        //This will tell us at what zt to place our threshold points
        //WLOG we do this integration with a standard normal distribution in numDOFs dimensions
        //we need consider only the radial integral: 
        //\int_0^a exp(-r^2/2) r^(numDOFs-1) dr
        //then insideTarget = radialIntegral(0 to sqrt(2*zt)) / radialIntegral(0 to infty)

        double fullInteg = 1;//radial integral from 0 to infty
        if (numDOFs % 2 == 1)
            fullInteg = Math.sqrt(Math.PI / 2);
        for (int k = numDOFs - 2; k > 0; k -= 2)
            fullInteg *= k;

        //we find the right sqrt(2*zt) by bisection
        double target = fullInteg * insideTarget;//value we want radial integral to achieve
        double epsilon = 0.02;

        double lo = 0;//initial lower bound on sqrt(2*zt)
        double hi = 1;//upper bound
        while (radialIntegral(hi, numDOFs - 1) < target)
            hi *= 2;

        do {
            double mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
            double midVal = radialIntegral(mid, numDOFs - 1);
            if (midVal < target)
                lo = mid;
                hi = mid;
        } while (Math.abs(hi - lo) > epsilon * Math.abs(hi));

        //OK so (hi+lo)/2 is now a good estimate of sqrt(2*zt)
        double numSigmas = (hi + lo) / 2;
        //Iff the point where the i-axis crosses thresh is y_i, then 
        //sigma_i = y_i/sqrt(2*zt), so we set numSigmas = est(sqrt(2*zt)) = (hi+lo)/2
        return numSigmas;

    private double radialIntegral(double a, int k) {
        //\int_0^a exp(-r^2/2) r^k dr
        if (k > 1)
            return (k - 1) * radialIntegral(a, k - 2) - Math.pow(a, k - 1) * Math.exp(-a * a / 2);
        else if (k == 1)
            return 1 - Math.exp(-a * a / 2);
        else if (k == 0)
            return Math.sqrt(Math.PI / 2) * Erf.erf(a / Math.sqrt(2));
            throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Negative k not supported here: " + k);

    private double bisectForGoodRegionEnd(int dofNum, double voxEnd) {
        //Starting at center, see how far we can go towards voxEnd
        //in dimension dofNum
        //without surpassing the threshold
        double centerE = of.getValForDOF(dofNum, center.get(dofNum));
        if (of.getValForDOF(dofNum, voxEnd) <= centerE + EPICThresh1) {
            //voxEnd still within thresh
            return voxEnd;
        } else {//must bisect
                //current bounds
            double hi = voxEnd;
            double lo = center.get(dofNum);
            double epsilon = 0.1;//relative error thresh

            do {
                double mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
                double midVal = of.getValForDOF(dofNum, mid);
                if (midVal <= centerE + EPICThresh1)
                    lo = mid;
                    hi = mid;
            } while (Math.abs(hi - lo) > epsilon * Math.abs(hi - center.get(dofNum)));

            return hi;

    DoubleMatrix1D nextSample() {//Sample from the distribution
        DoubleMatrix1D ans = DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(numDOFs);
        for (int dofNum = 0; dofNum < numDOFs; dofNum++) {
            do {
                double x = center.get(dofNum) + sigmas.get(dofNum) * random.nextGaussian();
                ans.set(dofNum, x);
            } while (ans.get(dofNum) < DOFmin.get(dofNum) || ans.get(dofNum) > DOFmax.get(dofNum));

        return ans;
