Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Ronny Rhricht * * This file is part of Moloko. * * Moloko is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Moloko is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Moloko. If not, see <>. * * Contributors: * Ronny Rhricht - implementation */ package dev.drsoran.moloko.fragments.dialogs; import kankan.wheel.widget.OnWheelScrollListener; import kankan.wheel.widget.WheelView; import kankan.wheel.widget.adapters.ArrayWheelAdapter; import kankan.wheel.widget.adapters.NumericWheelAdapter; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import dev.drsoran.moloko.R; import dev.drsoran.moloko.annotations.InstanceState; import dev.drsoran.moloko.fragments.base.AbstractPickerDialogFragment; import dev.drsoran.moloko.util.MolokoDateUtils; import dev.drsoran.moloko.util.MolokoDateUtils.EstimateStruct; import dev.drsoran.moloko.util.UIUtils; public class EstimatePickerDialogFragment extends AbstractPickerDialogFragment { public final static class Config { public final static String ESTIMATE_MILLIS = "estimate_millis"; } private final static int UNIT_DAY = 0; private final static int UNIT_HOUR = 1; private final static int UNIT_MINUTE = 2; private final static long DEFAULT_ESTIMATE_MILLIS = DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS; @InstanceState(key = Config.ESTIMATE_MILLIS) private long estimateMillis = DEFAULT_ESTIMATE_MILLIS; private WheelView numberWheel; private WheelView unitWheel; public final static void show(FragmentActivity activity, long estimateMillis) { final Bundle config = new Bundle(1); config.putLong(Config.ESTIMATE_MILLIS, estimateMillis); show(activity, config); } public final static void show(FragmentActivity activity, Bundle config) { final EstimatePickerDialogFragment frag = newInstance(config); UIUtils.showDialogFragment(activity, frag, EstimatePickerDialogFragment.class.getName()); } public final static EstimatePickerDialogFragment newInstance(Bundle config) { final EstimatePickerDialogFragment frag = new EstimatePickerDialogFragment(); frag.setArguments(config); return frag; } public EstimatePickerDialogFragment() { registerAnnotatedConfiguredInstance(this, EstimatePickerDialogFragment.class); } @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { if (savedInstanceState != null) configure(savedInstanceState); ensureValidEstimateMillis(); final Pair<Integer, Integer> valueAndUnit = getValueAndUnitFromMillis(); final View content = initWheels(valueAndUnit.first, valueAndUnit.second); final Dialog dialog = createDialogImpl(content); return dialog; } private void ensureValidEstimateMillis() { if (estimateMillis == -1) { estimateMillis = DEFAULT_ESTIMATE_MILLIS; } } private Pair<Integer, Integer> getValueAndUnitFromMillis() { final EstimateStruct estimateStruct = MolokoDateUtils.parseEstimated(estimateMillis); int value = 1; int unit = UNIT_DAY; if (estimateStruct.days > 0) { value = estimateStruct.days; unit = UNIT_DAY; } else if (estimateStruct.hours > 0) { value = estimateStruct.hours; unit = UNIT_HOUR; } else if (estimateStruct.minutes > 0) { value = estimateStruct.minutes; unit = UNIT_MINUTE; } return Pair.create(Integer.valueOf(value), Integer.valueOf(unit)); } private View initWheels(int initialValue, int unit) { if (initialValue == 0) initialValue = 1; final Activity activity = getSherlockActivity(); final LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(activity); final View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.estimate_picker_dialog, null); numberWheel = (WheelView) view.findViewById(; numberWheel.setViewAdapter(new NumericWheelAdapter(activity, 1, 365)); numberWheel.setCurrentItem(initialValue - 1); unitWheel = (WheelView) view.findViewById(; setUnits(initialValue); unitWheel.setCurrentItem(unit); // Connect this as last otherwise it will be called when setting // the initial value unitWheel.addScrollingListener(new OnWheelScrollListener() { @Override public void onScrollingStarted(WheelView wheel) { } @Override public void onScrollingFinished(WheelView wheel) { calculateMillis(); } }); numberWheel.addScrollingListener(new OnWheelScrollListener() { @Override public void onScrollingStarted(WheelView wheel) { } @Override public void onScrollingFinished(WheelView wheel) { calculateMillis(); // 0-based // Set the right texts if the value changes. E.g. 1 day - 2 days setUnits(wheel.getCurrentItem() + 1); } }); return view; } private Dialog createDialogImpl(View contentView) { final Activity activity = getSherlockActivity(); return new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).setIcon(R.drawable.ic_dialog_thumb) .setTitle(R.string.dlg_estimate_picker_title).setView(contentView) .setPositiveButton(R.string.btn_ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { EstimatePickerDialogFragment.this.notifiyDialogClosedOk(); } }).setNegativeButton(R.string.btn_cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { EstimatePickerDialogFragment.this.notifiyDialogClosedCancel(); } }).create(); } public int getValue() { return numberWheel.getCurrentItem() + 1; } public int getUnit() { return unitWheel.getCurrentItem(); } public long getMillis() { return estimateMillis; } private void calculateMillis() { long millis = 1000 * getValue(); // s -> ms final int unit = getUnit(); switch (unit) { case UNIT_DAY: millis = millis * 3600 * 24; break; case UNIT_HOUR: millis = millis * 3600; break; case UNIT_MINUTE: millis = millis * 60; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected wheel unit " + unit); } estimateMillis = millis; } private void setUnits(int pos) { final Context context = getSherlockActivity(); final Resources res = context.getResources(); unitWheel.setViewAdapter(new ArrayWheelAdapter<String>(context, new String[] { res.getQuantityText(R.plurals.g_day, pos).toString(), res.getQuantityText(R.plurals.g_hour, pos).toString(), res.getQuantityText(R.plurals.g_minute, pos).toString() })); } }