Java tutorial
/* * Twittnuker - Twitter client for Android * * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 vanita5 <> * * This program incorporates a modified version of Twidere. * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Mariotaku Lee <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.vanita5.twittnuker.util; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import; import; import; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.TextPaint; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo; import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnLongClickListener; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import android.widget.ProgressBar; import android.widget.TextView; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.Constants; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.R; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.activity.iface.IThemedActivity; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.graphic.ActionBarColorDrawable; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.graphic.ActionIconDrawable; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.text.ParagraphSpacingSpan; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.accessor.ViewAccessor; import; import de.vanita5.twittnuker.view.iface.IThemedView; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; public class ThemeUtils implements Constants { private static final int[] ANIM_OPEN_STYLE_ATTRS = { android.R.attr.activityOpenEnterAnimation, android.R.attr.activityOpenExitAnimation }; private static final int[] ANIM_CLOSE_STYLE_ATTRS = { android.R.attr.activityCloseEnterAnimation, android.R.attr.activityCloseExitAnimation }; private static final String[] sClassPrefixList = { "android.widget.", "android.webkit.", "de.vanita5.twittnuker.view" }; private ThemeUtils() { throw new AssertionError(); } @Deprecated public static void applyActionBarBackground(final ActionBar actionBar, final Context context) { applyActionBarBackground(actionBar, context, true); } @Deprecated public static void applyActionBarBackground(final ActionBar actionBar, final Context context, final boolean applyAlpha) { if (actionBar == null || context == null) return; actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarBackground(context, applyAlpha)); actionBar.setSplitBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarSplitBackground(context, applyAlpha)); actionBar.setStackedBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarStackedBackground(context, applyAlpha)); } public static void applyActionBarBackground(final ActionBar actionBar, final Context context, final int themeRes) { if (actionBar == null || context == null) return; actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarBackground(context, themeRes)); actionBar.setSplitBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarSplitBackground(context, themeRes)); actionBar.setStackedBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarStackedBackground(context, themeRes)); } public static void applyActionBarBackground(final ActionBar actionBar, final Context context, final int themeRes, final int actionBarColor) { if (actionBar == null || context == null) return; actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarBackground(context, themeRes, actionBarColor)); actionBar.setSplitBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarSplitBackground(context, themeRes)); actionBar.setStackedBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarStackedBackground(context, themeRes)); } public static void applyActionBarBackground(final actionBar, final Context context, final int themeRes, final int actionBarColor) { if (actionBar == null || context == null) return; actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarBackground(context, themeRes, actionBarColor)); actionBar.setSplitBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarSplitBackground(context, themeRes)); actionBar.setStackedBackgroundDrawable(getActionBarStackedBackground(context, themeRes)); } public static void applyBackground(final View view) { if (view == null) return; applyBackground(view, getUserAccentColor(view.getContext())); } public static void applyBackground(final View view, final int color) { if (view == null) return; try { final Drawable bg = view.getBackground(); if (bg == null) return; final Drawable mutated = bg.mutate(); if (mutated == null) return; mutated.setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY); view.invalidate(); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void resetCheatSheet(ActionMenuView menuView) { final OnLongClickListener listener = new OnLongClickListener() { @Override public boolean onLongClick(View v) { if (((ActionMenuItemView) v).hasText()) return false; final MenuItem menuItem = ((ActionMenuItemView) v).getItemData(); Utils.showMenuItemToast(v, menuItem.getTitle(), true); return true; } }; for (int i = 0, j = menuView.getChildCount(); i < j; i++) { final View child = menuView.getChildAt(i); if (!(child instanceof ActionMenuItemView)) continue; final ActionMenuItemView itemView = (ActionMenuItemView) child; final MenuItem menuItem = itemView.getItemData(); if (menuItem.hasSubMenu()) continue; itemView.setOnLongClickListener(listener); } } public static void wrapMenuIcon(@NonNull Menu menu, int itemColor, int subItemColor, int... excludeGroups) { for (int i = 0, j = menu.size(); i < j; i++) { final MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i); wrapMenuItemIcon(item, itemColor, excludeGroups); if (item.hasSubMenu()) { wrapMenuIcon(item.getSubMenu(), subItemColor, subItemColor, excludeGroups); } } } public static void wrapMenuItemIcon(@NonNull MenuItem item, int itemColor, int... excludeGroups) { if (ArrayUtils.contains(excludeGroups, item.getGroupId())) return; final Drawable icon = item.getIcon(); if (icon == null) return; icon.mutate(); final Drawable.Callback callback = icon.getCallback(); final ActionIconDrawable newIcon = new ActionIconDrawable(icon, itemColor); newIcon.setCallback(callback); item.setIcon(newIcon); } public static void wrapMenuIcon(ActionMenuView view, int... excludeGroups) { final int itemBackgroundColor = ThemeUtils.getThemeBackgroundColor(view.getContext()); final int popupItemBackgroundColor = ThemeUtils.getThemeBackgroundColor(view.getContext(), view.getPopupTheme()); final Resources resources = view.getResources(); final int colorDark = resources.getColor(R.color.action_icon_dark); final int colorLight = resources.getColor(R.color.action_icon_light); final int itemColor = ColorUtils.getContrastYIQ(itemBackgroundColor, colorDark, colorLight); final int popupItemColor = ColorUtils.getContrastYIQ(popupItemBackgroundColor, colorDark, colorLight); final Menu menu = view.getMenu(); final int childCount = view.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0, j = menu.size(), k = 0; i < j; i++) { final MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i); wrapMenuItemIcon(item, itemColor, excludeGroups); if (item.hasSubMenu()) { wrapMenuIcon(menu, popupItemColor, popupItemColor, excludeGroups); } if (item.isVisible()) { k++; } } } public static void applyThemeAlphaToDrawable(final Context context, final Drawable d) { if (context == null || d == null) return; d.setAlpha(getThemeAlpha(getThemeResource(context))); } public static void applyThemeBackgroundAlphaToDrawable(final Context context, final Drawable d) { if (context == null || d == null) return; d.setAlpha(getUserThemeBackgroundAlpha(context)); } public static int getActionBarPopupThemeRes(final Context context) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) return 0; final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.actionBarPopupTheme }); try { return a.getResourceId(0, 0); } finally { a.recycle(); } } public static void applyColorFilterToMenuIcon(Activity activity, Menu menu) { final ActionBar actionBar = activity.getActionBar(); final Context context = actionBar != null ? actionBar.getThemedContext() : activity; final int color = getThemeForegroundColor(context); final int popupTheme = getActionBarPopupThemeRes(context); final int popupColor = getThemeForegroundColor(context, popupTheme); final int highlightColor = getUserAccentColor(activity); applyColorFilterToMenuIcon(menu, color, popupColor, highlightColor, Mode.SRC_ATOP); } public static void applyColorFilterToMenuIcon(final Menu menu, final int color, final int highlightColor, final Mode mode, final int... excludedGroups) { applyColorFilterToMenuIcon(menu, color, color, highlightColor, mode, excludedGroups); } public static void applyColorFilterToMenuIcon(final Menu menu, final int color, final int popupColor, final int highlightColor, final Mode mode, final int... excludedGroups) { for (int i = 0, j = menu.size(); i < j; i++) { final MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i); final Drawable icon = item.getIcon(); final ContextMenuInfo info = item.getMenuInfo(); if (icon != null && !ArrayUtils.contains(excludedGroups, item.getGroupId())) { icon.mutate(); if (info instanceof TwidereMenuInfo) { final TwidereMenuInfo sInfo = (TwidereMenuInfo) info; icon.setColorFilter(sInfo.isHighlight() ? sInfo.getHighlightColor(highlightColor) : color, mode); } else { icon.setColorFilter(color, mode); } } if (item.hasSubMenu()) { // SubMenu item is always in popup applyColorFilterToMenuIcon(item.getSubMenu(), popupColor, popupColor, highlightColor, mode, excludedGroups); } } } public static View createView(final String name, final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) { return createView(name, context, attrs, 0); } public static View createView(final String name, final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs, final int tintColor) { View view = null; try { view = newViewInstance(name, context, attrs); } catch (final Exception e) { // In this case we want to let the base class take a crack // at it. } for (final String prefix : sClassPrefixList) { try { view = newViewInstance(prefix + name, context, attrs); } catch (final Exception e) { // In this case we want to let the base class take a crack // at it. } } if (view != null) { applyColorTintForView(view, tintColor); } return view; } public static int getOptimalLinkColor(int linkColor, int color) { final int[] yiq = new int[3]; ColorUtils.colorToYIQ(color, yiq); final int y = yiq[0]; ColorUtils.colorToYIQ(linkColor, yiq); if (y < 32 && yiq[0] < 192) { return linkColor; } else if (y > 192 && yiq[0] > 32) { return linkColor; } yiq[0] = yiq[0] + (y - yiq[0]) / 2; return ColorUtils.YIQToColor(Color.alpha(linkColor), yiq); } public static int getQuickSearchBarThemeResource(final Context context) { return getQuickSearchBarThemeResource(getThemeNameOption(context)); } public static int getQuickSearchBarThemeResource(final String name) { if (VALUE_THEME_NAME_DARK.equals(name)) return; return; } private static void applyColorTintForView(View view, int tintColor) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) return; if (view instanceof IThemedView) { final ColorStateList tintList = ColorStateList.valueOf(tintColor); ((IThemedView) view).setThemeTintColor(tintList); } else if (view instanceof ProgressBar) { final ColorStateList tintList = ColorStateList.valueOf(tintColor); final ProgressBar progressBar = (ProgressBar) view; ViewAccessor.setProgressTintList(progressBar, tintList); ViewAccessor.setProgressBackgroundTintList(progressBar, tintList); ViewAccessor.setIndeterminateTintList(progressBar, tintList); } else if (view instanceof CompoundButton) { final ColorStateList tintList = ColorStateList.valueOf(tintColor); final CompoundButton compoundButton = (CompoundButton) view; ViewAccessor.setButtonTintList(compoundButton, tintList); } } @Deprecated public static Drawable getActionBarBackground(final Context context, final boolean applyAlpha) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, new int[] { android.R.attr.background }, android.R.attr.actionBarStyle, 0); final Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0); a.recycle(); return applyActionBarDrawable(context, d, applyAlpha); } public static Drawable getActionBarBackground(final Context context, final int themeRes) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, new int[] { android.R.attr.background }, android.R.attr.actionBarStyle, themeRes); final Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0); a.recycle(); return applyActionBarDrawable(context, d, isTransparentBackground(themeRes)); } public static Drawable getActionBarBackground(final Context context, final int themeRes, final int accentColor) { if (!isDarkTheme(themeRes)) { final ColorDrawable d = new ActionBarColorDrawable(accentColor); return applyActionBarDrawable(context, d, isTransparentBackground(themeRes)); } final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, new int[] { android.R.attr.background }, android.R.attr.actionBarStyle, themeRes); final Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0); a.recycle(); return applyActionBarDrawable(context, d, isTransparentBackground(themeRes)); } public static Context getActionBarContext(final Context context) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes( new int[] { android.R.attr.actionBarTheme, android.R.attr.actionBarWidgetTheme }); final int resId; try { resId = a.hasValue(0) ? a.getResourceId(0, 0) : a.getResourceId(1, 0); } finally { a.recycle(); } if (resId == 0) return context; return new ContextThemeWrapper(context, resId); } @Deprecated public static Drawable getActionBarSplitBackground(final Context context, final boolean applyAlpha) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, new int[] { android.R.attr.backgroundSplit }, android.R.attr.actionBarStyle, 0); final Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0); a.recycle(); return applyActionBarDrawable(context, d, applyAlpha); } public static Drawable getActionBarSplitBackground(final Context context, final int themeRes) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, new int[] { android.R.attr.backgroundSplit }, android.R.attr.actionBarStyle, themeRes); final Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0); a.recycle(); return applyActionBarDrawable(context, d, isTransparentBackground(themeRes)); } @Deprecated public static Drawable getActionBarStackedBackground(final Context context, final boolean applyAlpha) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, new int[] { android.R.attr.backgroundStacked }, android.R.attr.actionBarStyle, 0); final Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0); a.recycle(); return applyActionBarDrawable(context, d, applyAlpha); } public static Drawable getActionBarStackedBackground(final Context context, final int themeRes) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, new int[] { android.R.attr.backgroundStacked }, android.R.attr.actionBarStyle, themeRes); final Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0); a.recycle(); return applyActionBarDrawable(context, d, isTransparentBackground(themeRes)); } public static int getActionIconColor(final Context context) { return getActionIconColor(getThemeResource(context)); } public static int getActionIconColor(final int themeRes) { switch (themeRes) { case case case case case case case case case case return 0x99333333; } return 0xCCFFFFFF; } public static int getColorBackgroundCacheHint(final Context context) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.colorBackgroundCacheHint }); final int color = a.getColor(0, Color.TRANSPARENT); a.recycle(); return color; } public static int getCardBackgroundColor(final Context context) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { R.attr.cardItemBackgroundColor }); final int color = a.getColor(0, Color.TRANSPARENT); a.recycle(); final int themeAlpha = getThemeAlpha(context); return themeAlpha << 24 | (0x00FFFFFF & color); } public static int getComposeThemeResource(final Context context) { return getComposeThemeResource(getThemeNameOption(context), getDarkActionBarOption(context)); } public static int getComposeThemeResource(final String name, final boolean darkActionBar) { if (VALUE_THEME_NAME_DARK.equals(name)) return; return; } public static boolean getDarkActionBarOption(final Context context) { if (context == null) return true; final SharedPreferencesWrapper pref = getSharedPreferencesWrapper(context); return pref.getBoolean(KEY_THEME_DARK_ACTIONBAR, true); } public static Context getDialogThemedContext(final Context context) { return new ContextThemeWrapper(context, getDialogThemeResource(context)); } public static int getDialogThemeResource(final Context context) { return getDialogThemeResource(getThemeNameOption(context)); } public static int getDialogThemeResource(final String name) { if (VALUE_THEME_NAME_DARK.equals(name)) return; return; } public static int getDrawerThemeResource(final Context context) { return getDrawerThemeResource(getThemeResource(context)); } public static int getDrawerThemeResource(final int themeRes) { switch (themeRes) { case case return; } return; } public static int getLightDrawerThemeResource(final Context context) { return getLightDrawerThemeResource(getThemeResource(context)); } public static int getLightDrawerThemeResource(final int themeRes) { switch (themeRes) { case return; } return; } public static Drawable getImageHighlightDrawable(final Context context) { final Drawable d = getSelectableItemBackgroundDrawable(context); if (d != null) { d.setAlpha(0x80); } return d; } public static int getMenuIconColor(final Context context) { return getMenuIconColor(getThemeResource(context)); } public static int getMenuIconColor(final int themeRes) { switch (themeRes) { case case case case case case case case return 0x99333333; } return 0xCCFFFFFF; } public static int getNoDisplayThemeResource(final Context context) { if (context == null) return; final SharedPreferencesWrapper pref = getSharedPreferencesWrapper(context); final String theme = pref.getString(KEY_THEME, VALUE_THEME_NAME_LIGHT); if (VALUE_THEME_NAME_DARK.equals(theme)) return; return; } public static Resources getResources(final Context context) { if (context instanceof IThemedActivity) { return ((IThemedActivity) context).getDefaultResources(); } return context.getResources(); } public static Drawable getSelectableItemBackgroundDrawable(final Context context) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.selectableItemBackground }); try { return a.getDrawable(0); } finally { a.recycle(); } } public static int getSettingsThemeResource(final Context context) { return getSettingsThemeResource(getThemeNameOption(context), getDarkActionBarOption(context)); } public static int getSettingsThemeResource(final String name, final boolean darkActionBar) { if (VALUE_THEME_NAME_TWIDERE.equals(name) || VALUE_THEME_NAME_LIGHT.equals(name)) return darkActionBar ? :; else if (VALUE_THEME_NAME_DARK.equals(name)) return; return; } public static int getSettingsWizardThemeResource(final Context context) { return; } public static int getTextAppearanceLarge(final Context context) { // final Context wrapped = getThemedContext(context, // getResources(context)); final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.textAppearanceLarge }); final int textAppearance = a.getResourceId(0,; a.recycle(); return textAppearance; } public static int getTextColorPrimary(final Context context) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.textColorPrimary }); try { return a.getColor(0, Color.TRANSPARENT); } finally { a.recycle(); } } public static int getTextColorSecondary(final Context context) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.textColorSecondary }); try { return a.getColor(0, Color.TRANSPARENT); } finally { a.recycle(); } } public static int getThemeAlpha(final Context context) { return getThemeAlpha(getThemeResource(context)); } public static int getThemeAlpha(final int themeRes) { switch (themeRes) { case case return 0xa0; } return 0xff; } public static String getThemeBackgroundOption(final Context context) { if (context == null) return VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT; final SharedPreferencesWrapper pref = getSharedPreferencesWrapper(context); return pref.getString(KEY_THEME_BACKGROUND, VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT); } public static int getThemeColor(final Context context) { final Resources res = getResources(context); final Context wrapped = getThemedContext(context, res); final TypedArray a = wrapped.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.colorActivatedHighlight }); try { return a.getColor(0, res.getColor(R.color.material_light_blue)); } finally { a.recycle(); } } public static Context getThemedContext(final Context context) { return context; } public static Context getThemedContext(final Context context, final Resources res) { return context; } public static String getThemeFontFamily(final Context context) { if (context == null) return VALUE_THEME_FONT_FAMILY_REGULAR; final SharedPreferencesWrapper pref = getSharedPreferencesWrapper(context); final String fontFamily = pref.getString(KEY_THEME_FONT_FAMILY, VALUE_THEME_FONT_FAMILY_REGULAR); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(fontFamily)) return fontFamily; return VALUE_THEME_FONT_FAMILY_REGULAR; } public static int getThemeBackgroundColor(final Context context) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.colorBackground }); try { return a.getColor(0, 0); } finally { a.recycle(); } } public static int getThemeBackgroundColor(final Context context, int themeRes) { if (themeRes == 0) { return getThemeBackgroundColor(context); } final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, new int[] { android.R.attr.colorBackground }, 0, themeRes); try { return a.getColor(0, 0); } finally { a.recycle(); } } public static int getThemeForegroundColor(final Context context) { return getThemeForegroundColor(context, 0); } public static int getThemeForegroundColor(final Context context, int theme) { final Context wrapped = theme != 0 ? new ContextThemeWrapper(context, theme) : context; final TypedArray a = wrapped.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.colorForeground }); try { return a.getColor(0, 0); } finally { a.recycle(); } } @NonNull private static SharedPreferencesWrapper getSharedPreferencesWrapper(Context context) { final Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext(); return SharedPreferencesWrapper.getInstance(appContext, SHARED_PREFERENCES_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); } public static String getThemeNameOption(final Context context) { if (context == null) return VALUE_THEME_NAME_LIGHT; final SharedPreferencesWrapper pref = getSharedPreferencesWrapper(context); return pref.getString(KEY_THEME, VALUE_THEME_NAME_LIGHT); } public static int getThemeResource(final Context context) { return getThemeResource(getThemeNameOption(context), getThemeBackgroundOption(context), getDarkActionBarOption(context)); } public static int getNoActionBarThemeResource(final Context context) { return getNoActionBarThemeResource(getThemeNameOption(context), getThemeBackgroundOption(context), getDarkActionBarOption(context)); } public static int getNoActionBarThemeResource(final String name, final String background, final boolean darkActionBar) { if (VALUE_THEME_NAME_LIGHT.equals(name)) { if (VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_SOLID.equals(background)) return; else if (VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT.equals(background)) return; return; } else if (VALUE_THEME_NAME_DARK.equals(name)) { if (VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_SOLID.equals(background)) return; else if (VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT.equals(background)) return; return; } return; } public static int getThemeResource(final String name, final String background, final boolean darkActionBar) { if (VALUE_THEME_NAME_LIGHT.equals(name)) { if (VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_SOLID.equals(background)) return; else if (VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT.equals(background)) return; return; } else if (VALUE_THEME_NAME_DARK.equals(name)) { if (VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_SOLID.equals(background)) return; else if (VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT.equals(background)) return; return; } return; } public static int getTitleTextAppearance(final Context context) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, new int[] { android.R.attr.titleTextStyle }, android.R.attr.actionBarStyle,; final int textAppearance = a.getResourceId(0,; a.recycle(); return textAppearance; } public static int getUserHighlightColor(final Context context) { final int color = getUserLinkTextColor(context); final int red =, green =, blue =; return Color.argb(0x66, red, green, blue); } public static int getUserLinkTextColor(final Context context) { if (context == null) return new TextPaint().linkColor; final int themeColor = getUserAccentColor(context); final float[] hsv = new float[3]; Color.colorToHSV(themeColor, hsv); if (isDarkTheme(context)) { hsv[2] = MathUtils.clamp(hsv[2], 1, 0.5f); } else { hsv[2] = MathUtils.clamp(hsv[2], 0.1f, 0.75f); } return Color.HSVToColor(hsv); } public static int getUserThemeBackgroundAlpha(final Context context) { if (context == null) return DEFAULT_THEME_BACKGROUND_ALPHA; final SharedPreferencesWrapper pref = getSharedPreferencesWrapper(context); return pref.getInt(KEY_THEME_BACKGROUND_ALPHA, DEFAULT_THEME_BACKGROUND_ALPHA); } public static int getUserAccentColor(final Context context) { if (context == null) return Color.TRANSPARENT; final Resources res = getResources(context); final SharedPreferencesWrapper pref = getSharedPreferencesWrapper(context); final int def = res.getColor(R.color.material_light_blue); return pref.getInt(KEY_THEME_COLOR, def); } public static int getUserAccentColor(final Context context, int themeRes) { if (context == null) return Color.TRANSPARENT; final int defThemeColor = getThemeColor(context, themeRes); final SharedPreferencesWrapper pref = getSharedPreferencesWrapper(context); return pref.getInt(KEY_THEME_COLOR, defThemeColor); } public static int getActionBarColor(final Context context) { if (context == null) return MATERIAL_DARK; final Resources res = getResources(context); final SharedPreferencesWrapper pref = getSharedPreferencesWrapper(context); final int def = res.getColor(R.color.twittnuker_material_dark); return pref.getInt(KEY_ACTION_BAR_COLOR, def); } public static Typeface getUserTypeface(final Context context, final Typeface defTypeface) { if (context == null || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) return Typeface.DEFAULT; final int fontStyle = defTypeface != null ? defTypeface.getStyle() : Typeface.NORMAL; final String fontFamily = getThemeFontFamily(context); final Typeface tf = Typeface.create(fontFamily, fontStyle); if (tf != null) return tf; return Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, fontStyle); } public static int getViewerThemeResource(final Context context) { final boolean isTransparent = VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT.equals(getThemeBackgroundOption(context)); return isTransparent ? :; } public static Drawable getWindowBackground(final Context context) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.windowBackground }); final Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0); a.recycle(); if (isTransparentBackground(context)) { applyThemeBackgroundAlphaToDrawable(context, d); } return d; } public static Drawable getWindowBackground(final Context context, final int themeRes) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, new int[] { android.R.attr.windowBackground }, 0, themeRes); final Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0); a.recycle(); if (isTransparentBackground(themeRes)) { applyThemeBackgroundAlphaToDrawable(context, d); } return d; } public static Drawable getWindowContentOverlay(final Context context) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.windowContentOverlay }); final Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0); a.recycle(); return d; } public static Drawable getWindowContentOverlayForCompose(final Context context) { final int themeRes = getThemeResource(context); return getWindowContentOverlay(new ContextThemeWrapper(context, themeRes)); } public static boolean isDarkTheme(final Context context) { return isDarkTheme(getThemeResource(context)); } public static boolean isDarkTheme(final int themeRes) { switch (themeRes) { case case case case case return true; } return false; } public static boolean isFloatingWindow(final Context context) { final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.windowIsFloating }); final boolean b = a.getBoolean(0, false); a.recycle(); return b; } public static boolean isSolidBackground(final Context context) { return VALUE_THEME_BACKGROUND_SOLID.equals(getThemeBackgroundOption(context)); } public static boolean isTransparentBackground(final Context context) { return isTransparentBackground(getThemeResource(context)); } public static boolean isTransparentBackground(final int themeRes) { switch (themeRes) { case case case return true; } return false; } public static void notifyStatusBarColorChanged(final Context context, final int themeResource, final int actionBarColor, final int backgroundAlpha) { final Intent intent = new Intent("com.mohammadag.colouredstatusbar.ChangeStatusBarColor"); // if (isColoredActionBar(themeResource)) { // intent.putExtra("status_bar_color", backgroundAlpha << 24 | accentColor); // } else { // if (isLightActionBar(themeResource)) { // intent.putExtra("status_bar_color", backgroundAlpha << 24 | 0xFFDDDDDD); // } else { // intent.putExtra("status_bar_color", backgroundAlpha << 24 | 0xFF222222); // } // } // if (isLightActionBar(themeResource)) { // intent.putExtra("status_bar_icons_color", Color.DKGRAY); // } else { // intent.putExtra("status_bar_icons_color", Color.WHITE); // } // Please note that these are not yet implemented!!! // You're free to include them in your code so that when they // are implemented, your app will work out of the box. intent.putExtra("navigation_bar_color", Color.BLACK); intent.putExtra("navigation_bar_icon_color", Color.WHITE); context.sendOrderedBroadcast(intent, null); } public static void overrideActivityCloseAnimation(final Activity activity) { TypedArray a = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.windowAnimationStyle }); final int windowAnimationStyleResId = a.getResourceId(0, 0); a.recycle(); // Now retrieve the resource ids of the actual animations used in the // animation style pointed to by // the window animation resource id. a = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(windowAnimationStyleResId, ANIM_CLOSE_STYLE_ATTRS); final int activityCloseEnterAnimation = a.getResourceId(0, 0); final int activityCloseExitAnimation = a.getResourceId(1, 0); a.recycle(); activity.overridePendingTransition(activityCloseEnterAnimation, activityCloseExitAnimation); } public static void overrideActivityOpenAnimation(final Activity activity) { TypedArray a = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.windowAnimationStyle }); final int windowAnimationStyleResId = a.getResourceId(0, 0); a.recycle(); // Now retrieve the resource ids of the actual animations used in the // animation style pointed to by // the window animation resource id. a = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(windowAnimationStyleResId, ANIM_OPEN_STYLE_ATTRS); final int activityOpenEnterAnimation = a.getResourceId(0, 0); final int activityOpenExitAnimation = a.getResourceId(1, 0); a.recycle(); activity.overridePendingTransition(activityOpenEnterAnimation, activityOpenExitAnimation); } public static void overrideNormalActivityCloseAnimation(final Activity activity) { final TypedArray a = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(null, ANIM_CLOSE_STYLE_ATTRS, 0,; final int activityCloseEnterAnimation = a.getResourceId(0, 0); final int activityCloseExitAnimation = a.getResourceId(1, 0); a.recycle(); activity.overridePendingTransition(activityCloseEnterAnimation, activityCloseExitAnimation); } public static boolean shouldApplyColorFilterToActionIcons(final Context context) { return false; } public static boolean shouldApplyColorFilterToActionIcons(final int res) { return false; } private static Drawable applyActionBarDrawable(final Context context, final Drawable d, final boolean applyAlpha) { if (d == null) return null; d.mutate(); if (d instanceof LayerDrawable) { final Drawable colorLayer = ((LayerDrawable) d).findDrawableByLayerId(; if (colorLayer != null) { final int color = getActionBarColor(context); colorLayer.setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY); } } if (applyAlpha) { d.setAlpha(getThemeAlpha(context)); } return d; } private static View newViewInstance(final String className, final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { final Class<?> viewCls = Class.forName(className); final Constructor<?> constructor = viewCls.getConstructor(Context.class, AttributeSet.class); return (View) constructor.newInstance(context, attrs); } public static int findAttributeResourceValue(AttributeSet attrs, String name, int defaultValue) { for (int i = 0, j = attrs.getAttributeCount(); i < j; i++) { if (attrs.getAttributeName(i).equals(name)) return attrs.getAttributeResourceValue(i, defaultValue); } return defaultValue; } public static int getThemeColor(Context context, int themeResourceId) { final Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext(); final Resources res = appContext.getResources(); final TypedArray a = appContext.obtainStyledAttributes(null, new int[] { android.R.attr.colorActivatedHighlight }, 0, themeResourceId); try { return a.getColor(0, res.getColor(R.color.material_light_blue)); } finally { a.recycle(); } } public static boolean isColoredActionBar(int themeRes) { return !isDarkTheme(themeRes); } public static void initTextView(TextView view) { if (view.isInEditMode()) return; final Context context = view.getContext(); // view.setLinkTextColor(ThemeUtils.getUserLinkTextColor(context)); // view.setHighlightColor(ThemeUtils.getUserHighlightColor(context)); view.setTypeface(ThemeUtils.getUserTypeface(context, view.getTypeface())); } public static void applyParagraphSpacing(TextView textView, float multiplier) { final SpannableStringBuilder builder = SpannableStringBuilder.valueOf(textView.getText()); int prevLineBreak, currLineBreak = 0; for (int i = 0, j = builder.length(); i < j; i++) { if (builder.charAt(i) == '\n') { prevLineBreak = currLineBreak; currLineBreak = i; if (currLineBreak > 0) { builder.setSpan(new ParagraphSpacingSpan(multiplier), prevLineBreak, currLineBreak, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); } } } textView.setText(builder); } }