Java tutorial
//$Header: /cvsroot-fuse/mec-as2/39/mendelson/comm/as2/message/,v 1.1 2012/04/18 14:10:30 heller Exp $ package de.mendelson.comm.as2.message; import de.mendelson.comm.as2.AS2Exception; import de.mendelson.comm.as2.notification.Notification; import; import de.mendelson.comm.as2.partner.Partner; import de.mendelson.comm.as2.partner.PartnerAccessDB; import de.mendelson.util.AS2Tools; import de.mendelson.util.MecResourceBundle; import; import javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.mail.BodyPart; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Multipart; import javax.mail.Part; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart; import javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility; import; import org.bouncycastle.cms.RecipientId; import org.bouncycastle.cms.RecipientInformation; import org.bouncycastle.cms.RecipientInformationStore; import org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce.JceKeyTransEnvelopedRecipient; import org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce.JceKeyTransRecipientId; import org.bouncycastle.mail.smime.SMIMECompressed; import org.bouncycastle.mail.smime.SMIMEEnveloped; /* * Copyright (C) mendelson-e-commerce GmbH Berlin Germany * * This software is subject to the license agreement set forth in the license. * Please read and agree to all terms before using this software. * Other product and brand names are trademarks of their respective owners. */ /** * Analyzes and builds AS2 messages * @author S.Heller * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ */ public class AS2MessageParser { private Logger logger = null; /**Access to all certificates*/ private CertificateManager certificateManagerSignature; private CertificateManager certificateManagerEncryption; private MecResourceBundle rb = null; private MecResourceBundle rbMessage = null; //DB connection private Connection configConnection = null; private Connection runtimeConnection = null; public AS2MessageParser() { //Load resourcebundle try { this.rb = (MecResourceBundle) ResourceBundle.getBundle(ResourceBundleAS2MessageParser.class.getName()); this.rbMessage = (MecResourceBundle) ResourceBundle.getBundle(ResourceBundleAS2Message.class.getName()); } //load up resourcebundle catch (MissingResourceException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Oops..resource bundle " + e.getClassName() + " not found."); } } /**Passes the certificate manager to this class*/ public void setCertificateManager(CertificateManager certificateManagerSignature, CertificateManager certificateManagerEncryption) { this.certificateManagerEncryption = certificateManagerEncryption; this.certificateManagerSignature = certificateManagerSignature; } /**Passes a db connection to this class*/ public void setDBConnection(Connection configConnection, Connection runtimeConnection) { this.configConnection = configConnection; this.runtimeConnection = runtimeConnection; } /**Passes a logger to this class*/ public void setLogger(Logger logger) { this.logger = logger; } /**Unescapes the AS2-TO and AS2-FROM headers in receiver direction, related to * RFC 4130 section 6.2 * @param identification as2-from or as2-to value to unescape * @return unescaped value */ public static String unescapeFromToHeader(String identification) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); //remove quotes if (identification.startsWith("\"") && identification.endsWith("\"")) { identification = identification.substring(1, identification.length() - 1); } boolean inEscape = false; for (int i = 0; i < identification.length(); i++) { char singleChar = identification.charAt(i); if (singleChar == '\\') { if (inEscape) { builder.append(singleChar); inEscape = false; } else { inEscape = true; } } else { builder.append(singleChar); inEscape = false; } } return (builder.toString()); } /**Displays a bundle of byte arrays as hex string, for debug purpose only*/ private String toHexDisplay(byte[] data) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { result.append(Integer.toString((data[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1)); result.append(" "); } return result.toString(); } /**Uncompresses message data*/ public byte[] decompressData(AS2MessageInfo info, byte[] data, String contentType) throws Exception { MimeBodyPart compressedPart = new MimeBodyPart(); compressedPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(new ByteArrayDataSource(data, contentType))); compressedPart.setHeader("content-type", contentType); return (this.decompressData(info, new SMIMECompressed(compressedPart), compressedPart.getSize())); } /**Uncompresses message data*/ public byte[] decompressData(AS2MessageInfo info, SMIMECompressed compressed, long compressedSize) throws Exception { byte[] decompressedData = compressed.getContent(); info.setCompressionType(AS2Message.COMPRESSION_ZLIB); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("data.compressed.expanded", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), AS2Tools.getDataSizeDisplay(compressedSize), AS2Tools.getDataSizeDisplay(decompressedData.length) }), info); } return (decompressedData); } /**Decodes data by its content transfer encoding and returns it*/ private byte[] decodeContentTransferEncoding(byte[] encodedData, String contentTransferEncoding) throws Exception { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(encodedData); InputStream b64is = MimeUtility.decode(bais, contentTransferEncoding); byte[] tmp = new byte[encodedData.length]; int n =; byte[] res = new byte[n]; System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, res, 0, n); return res; } /**If a content transfer encoding is set this will decode the data*/ private byte[] processContentTransferEncoding(byte[] data, Properties header) throws Exception { if (!header.containsKey("content-transfer-encoding")) { //no content transfer encoding set: the AS2 default is "binary" in this case (NOT 7bit!), binary //content transfer encoding requires no decoding return (data); } else { String transferEncoding = header.getProperty("content-transfer-encoding"); return (this.decodeContentTransferEncoding(data, transferEncoding)); } } private AS2Message createFromMDNRequest(byte[] rawMessageData, Properties header, String contentType, AS2MDNInfo mdnInfo, MDNParser mdnParser) throws Exception { AS2MessageInfo relatedMessageInfo = new AS2MessageInfo(); relatedMessageInfo.setMessageId(mdnInfo.getRelatedMessageId()); //generate a new MDN id for this MDN if none is provided. message ids are not required for MDN in the RFC: //section 7.6 (Receipt Reply Considerations in HTTP POST) --> "an MDN SHOULD have its own unique Message-ID header." if (mdnInfo.getMessageId() == null) { mdnInfo.setMessageId("<MDN_ON_" + mdnInfo.getRelatedMessageId() + ">"); } MDNAccessDB mdnAccess = new MDNAccessDB(this.configConnection, this.runtimeConnection); MessageAccessDB messageAccess = new MessageAccessDB(this.configConnection, this.runtimeConnection); //check if related message id exists in db if (!messageAccess.messageIdExists(mdnInfo.getRelatedMessageId())) { //there is no way to log this persistent because the MDN is not related to any message: Just write the //incoming event to the log without binding it to a as message if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.FINE, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.incoming", mdnInfo.getMessageId())); } throw new Exception(this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.unexpected.messageid", new Object[] { mdnInfo.getMessageId(), mdnInfo.getRelatedMessageId() })); } //do not add an MDN to a message that is already ok or stopped int messageState = messageAccess.getMessageState(mdnInfo.getRelatedMessageId()); if (messageState != AS2Message.STATE_PENDING) { throw new Exception(this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.unexpected.state", new Object[] { mdnInfo.getMessageId(), mdnInfo.getRelatedMessageId() })); } mdnAccess.initializeOrUpdateMDN(mdnInfo); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.FINE, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.incoming", mdnInfo.getMessageId()), relatedMessageInfo); } relatedMessageInfo = messageAccess.getLastMessageEntry(mdnInfo.getRelatedMessageId()); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.answerto", new Object[] { mdnInfo.getMessageId(), mdnInfo.getRelatedMessageId() }), relatedMessageInfo); } if (mdnParser.getDispositionState() != null) { //failure in processing message on remote AS2 server: log the failure and set transaction state if (mdnParser.getDispositionState().toLowerCase().indexOf("failed") >= 0 || mdnParser.getDispositionState().toLowerCase().indexOf("error") >= 0) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.state", new Object[] { mdnInfo.getMessageId(), mdnParser.getDispositionState() }), relatedMessageInfo); this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.details", new Object[] { mdnInfo.getMessageId(), mdnParser.getMdnDetails() }), relatedMessageInfo); } mdnInfo.setState(AS2Message.STATE_STOPPED); mdnInfo.setRemoteMDNText("[" + mdnParser.getDispositionState() + "] " + mdnParser.getMdnDetails()); mdnAccess.initializeOrUpdateMDN(mdnInfo); relatedMessageInfo.setState(AS2Message.STATE_STOPPED); //update the related message in the database. This has to be performed because //of the notification messageAccess.setMessageState(relatedMessageInfo.getMessageId(), AS2Message.STATE_STOPPED); messageAccess.initializeOrUpdateMessage(relatedMessageInfo); } else { //message has been processed: log the found state if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.FINE, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.state", new Object[] { mdnInfo.getMessageId(), mdnParser.getDispositionState() }), relatedMessageInfo); this.logger.log(Level.FINE, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.details", new Object[] { mdnInfo.getMessageId(), mdnParser.getMdnDetails() }), relatedMessageInfo); } mdnInfo.setState(AS2Message.STATE_FINISHED); mdnInfo.setRemoteMDNText("[" + mdnParser.getDispositionState() + "] " + mdnParser.getMdnDetails()); mdnAccess.initializeOrUpdateMDN(mdnInfo); //relatedMessageInfo.setState(AS2Message.STATE_FINISHED); messageAccess.initializeOrUpdateMessage(relatedMessageInfo); } } AS2Message message = new AS2Message(mdnInfo); message.setRawData(rawMessageData); //check for existing partners PartnerAccessDB partnerAccess = new PartnerAccessDB(this.configConnection, this.runtimeConnection); Partner sender = partnerAccess.getPartner(mdnInfo.getSenderId()); Partner receiver = partnerAccess.getPartner(mdnInfo.getReceiverId()); if (sender == null) { throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.UNKNOWN_TRADING_PARTNER_ERROR, "Sender AS2 id " + mdnInfo.getSenderId() + " is unknown.", message); } if (receiver == null) { throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.UNKNOWN_TRADING_PARTNER_ERROR, "Receiver AS2 id " + mdnInfo.getReceiverId() + " is unknown.", message); } if (!receiver.isLocalStation()) { throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.PROCESSING_ERROR, "The receiver of the message (" + receiver.getAS2Identification() + ") is not defined as a local station.", message); } message.setDecryptedRawData(rawMessageData); Part payloadPart = this.verifySignature(message, sender, contentType); //is it a MDN and everything performed well up to here? Then perform the MIC check if (mdnInfo.getState() == AS2Message.STATE_FINISHED) { this.checkMDNReceivedContentMIC(mdnInfo); } //this is a signed MDN if (message.getAS2Info().getSignType() != AS2Message.SIGNATURE_NONE) { this.writePayloadsToMessage(payloadPart, message, header); } else { //this is an unsigned mdn this.writePayloadsToMessage(message.getDecryptedRawData(), message, header); } return (message); } /**Analyzes and creates passed message data */ public AS2Message createMessageFromRequest(byte[] rawMessageData, Properties header, String contentType) throws AS2Exception { AS2Message message = new AS2Message(new AS2MessageInfo()); if (this.configConnection == null) { throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.PROCESSING_ERROR, "AS2MessageParser: Pass a DB connection before calling createMessageFromRequest()", message); } try { //decode the content transfer encoding if set rawMessageData = this.processContentTransferEncoding(rawMessageData, header); //check if this is a MDN MDNParser mdnParser = new MDNParser(); AS2MDNInfo mdnInfo = mdnParser.parseMDNData(rawMessageData, contentType); //its a MDN if (mdnInfo != null) { message.setAS2Info(mdnInfo); mdnInfo.initializeByRequestHeader(header); return (this.createFromMDNRequest(rawMessageData, header, contentType, mdnInfo, mdnParser)); } else { AS2MessageInfo messageInfo = (AS2MessageInfo) message.getAS2Info(); messageInfo.initializeByRequestHeader(header); //inbound AS2 message, no MDN //no futher processing if the message does not contain a message id if (messageInfo.getMessageId() == null) { return (message); } //figure out if the MDN should be signed NOW. If an error occurs beyond this point //the info has to know if the returned MDN should be signed messageInfo.getDispositionNotificationOptions() .setHeaderValue(header.getProperty("disposition-notification-options")); //check for existing partners PartnerAccessDB partnerAccess = new PartnerAccessDB(this.configConnection, this.runtimeConnection); Partner sender = partnerAccess.getPartner(messageInfo.getSenderId()); Partner receiver = partnerAccess.getPartner(messageInfo.getReceiverId()); if (sender == null) { throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.UNKNOWN_TRADING_PARTNER_ERROR, "Sender AS2 id " + messageInfo.getSenderId() + " is unknown.", message); } if (receiver == null) { throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.UNKNOWN_TRADING_PARTNER_ERROR, "Receiver AS2 id " + messageInfo.getReceiverId() + " is unknown.", message); } if (!receiver.isLocalStation()) { throw new AS2Exception( AS2Exception.PROCESSING_ERROR, "The receiver of the message (" + receiver.getAS2Identification() + ") is not defined as a local station.", message); } MessageAccessDB messageAccess = new MessageAccessDB(this.configConnection, this.runtimeConnection); //check if the message already exists AS2MessageInfo alreadyExistingInfo = this.messageAlreadyExists(messageAccess, messageInfo.getMessageId()); if (alreadyExistingInfo != null) { //perform notification: Resend detected, manual interaction might be required Notification notification = new Notification(this.configConnection, this.runtimeConnection); notification.sendResendDetected(messageInfo, alreadyExistingInfo, sender, receiver); throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.PROCESSING_ERROR, "An AS2 message with the message id " + messageInfo.getMessageId() + " has been already processed successfully by the system or is pending (" + alreadyExistingInfo.getInitDate() + "). Please " + " resubmit the message with a new message id instead or resending it if it should be processed again.", new AS2Message(messageInfo)); } messageAccess.initializeOrUpdateMessage(messageInfo); if (this.logger != null) { //do not log before because the logging process is related to an already created message in the transaction log this.logger.log( Level.FINE, this.rb .getResourceString("msg.incoming", new Object[] { messageInfo.getMessageId(), AS2Tools.getDataSizeDisplay(rawMessageData.length) }), messageInfo); } //indicates if a sync or async mdn is requested messageInfo.setAsyncMDNURL(header.getProperty("receipt-delivery-option")); messageInfo.setRequestsSyncMDN(header.getProperty("receipt-delivery-option") == null || header.getProperty("receipt-delivery-option").trim().length() == 0); message.setRawData(rawMessageData); byte[] decryptedData = this.decryptMessage(message, rawMessageData, contentType, sender, receiver); //may be already compressed here. Decompress first before going further if (this.contentTypeIndicatesCompression(contentType)) { byte[] decompressed = this.decompressData((AS2MessageInfo) message.getAS2Info(), decryptedData, contentType); message.setDecryptedRawData(decompressed); //content type has changed now, get it from the decompressed data ByteArrayInputStream memIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(decompressed); MimeBodyPart tempPart = new MimeBodyPart(memIn); memIn.close(); contentType = tempPart.getContentType(); } else { //check the MIME structure that is embedded in decryptedData for its content type ByteArrayInputStream memIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(decryptedData); MimeMessage possibleCompressedPart = new MimeMessage( Session.getInstance(System.getProperties()), memIn); memIn.close(); if (this.contentTypeIndicatesCompression(possibleCompressedPart.getContentType())) { long compressedSize = possibleCompressedPart.getSize(); byte[] decompressed = this.decompressData((AS2MessageInfo) message.getAS2Info(), new SMIMECompressed(possibleCompressedPart), compressedSize); message.setDecryptedRawData(decompressed); } else { message.setDecryptedRawData(decryptedData); } } decryptedData = null; Part payloadPart = this.verifySignature(message, sender, contentType); //decompress the data if it has been sent compressed, only possible for signed data if (message.getAS2Info().getSignType() != AS2Message.SIGNATURE_NONE) { //signed message: // //4.1 MIC Calculation For Signed Message //For any signed message, the MIC to be returned is calculated over //the same data that was signed in the original message as per [AS1]. //The signed content will be a mime bodypart that contains either //compressed or uncompressed data. this.computeReceivedContentMIC(rawMessageData, message, payloadPart, contentType); payloadPart = this.decompressData(payloadPart, message); this.writePayloadsToMessage(payloadPart, message, header); } else { //this is an unsigned message this.writePayloadsToMessage(message.getDecryptedRawData(), message, header); //unsigned message: // //4.2 MIC Calculation For Encrypted, Unsigned Message //For encrypted, unsigned messages, the MIC to be returned is //calculated over the uncompressed data content including all //MIME header fields and any applied Content-Transfer-Encoding. // //4.3 MIC Calculation For Unencrypted, Unsigned Message //For unsigned, unencrypted messages, the MIC is calculated //over the uncompressed data content including all MIME header //fields and any applied Content-Transfer-Encoding. this.computeReceivedContentMIC(rawMessageData, message, payloadPart, contentType); } if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("found.attachments", new Object[] { messageInfo.getMessageId(), String.valueOf(message.getPayloadCount()) }), messageInfo); } return (message); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof AS2Exception) { throw (AS2Exception) e; } else { throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.PROCESSING_ERROR, e.getMessage(), message); } } } /** * Sending implementations MUST be capable of configuring a maximum number of retries, and MUST stop retrying either when a successful send occurs or when the total retry number is reached. * @return */ private AS2MessageInfo messageAlreadyExists(MessageAccessDB messageAccess, String messageId) { List<AS2MessageInfo> infos = messageAccess.getMessageOverview(messageId); if (infos != null && !infos.isEmpty()) { return (infos.get(0)); } return (null); } /**Checks if the received content mic matches the send message mic. The content mic field is optional if * the MDN is unsigned, see RFC 4130 section 7.4.3: * The "Received-content-MIC" extension field is set when the integrity of the received * message is verified. The MIC is the base64-encoded message-digest computed over the * received message with a hash function. This field is required for signed receipts but * optional for unsigned receipts. */ private void checkMDNReceivedContentMIC(AS2MDNInfo mdnMessageInfo) throws AS2Exception { //ignore this check if the received content mic has not been set in the MDN and the MDN is unsigned if (mdnMessageInfo.getSignType() == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_NONE && mdnMessageInfo.getReceivedContentMIC() == null) { return; } MessageAccessDB messageAccess = new MessageAccessDB(this.configConnection, this.runtimeConnection); AS2MessageInfo relatedMessageInfo = messageAccess.getLastMessageEntry(mdnMessageInfo.getRelatedMessageId()); BCCryptoHelper helper = new BCCryptoHelper(); if (helper.micIsEqual(mdnMessageInfo.getReceivedContentMIC(), relatedMessageInfo.getReceivedContentMIC())) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("contentmic.match", new Object[] { mdnMessageInfo.getMessageId() }), relatedMessageInfo); } } else { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("contentmic.failure", new Object[] { mdnMessageInfo.getMessageId(), relatedMessageInfo.getReceivedContentMIC(), mdnMessageInfo.getReceivedContentMIC() }), relatedMessageInfo); } //uncomment for ERROR if mic does not match // throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.INTEGRITY_ERROR, // this.rb.getResourceString("contentmic.failure", // new Object[]{ // mdnMessageInfo.getMessageId(), // relatedMessageInfo.getReceivedContentMIC(), // mdnMessageInfo.getReceivedContentMIC() // }), message); } } /**Writes a passed payload data to the passed message object. Could be called from either the MDN * processing or the message processing */ public void writePayloadsToMessage(byte[] data, AS2Message message, Properties header) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream payloadOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); MimeMessage testMessage = new MimeMessage(Session.getInstance(System.getProperties()), new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); //multiple attachments? if (testMessage.isMimeType("multipart/*")) { this.writePayloadsToMessage(testMessage, message, header); return; } InputStream payloadIn = null; AS2Info info = message.getAS2Info(); if (info instanceof AS2MessageInfo && info.getSignType() == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_NONE && ((AS2MessageInfo) info).getCompressionType() == AS2Message.COMPRESSION_NONE) { payloadIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); } else if (testMessage.getSize() > 0) { payloadIn = testMessage.getInputStream(); } else { payloadIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); } this.copyStreams(payloadIn, payloadOut); payloadOut.flush(); payloadOut.close(); byte[] payloadData = payloadOut.toByteArray(); AS2Payload as2Payload = new AS2Payload(); as2Payload.setData(payloadData); String contentIdHeader = header.getProperty("content-id"); if (contentIdHeader != null) { as2Payload.setContentId(contentIdHeader); } String contentTypeHeader = header.getProperty("content-type"); if (contentTypeHeader != null) { as2Payload.setContentType(contentTypeHeader); } try { as2Payload.setOriginalFilename(testMessage.getFileName()); } catch (MessagingException e) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, this.rb.getResourceString("filename.extraction.error", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), e.getMessage(), }), info); } } if (as2Payload.getOriginalFilename() == null) { String filenameHeader = header.getProperty("content-disposition"); if (filenameHeader != null) { //test part for convinience: extract file name MimeBodyPart filenamePart = new MimeBodyPart(); filenamePart.setHeader("content-disposition", filenameHeader); try { as2Payload.setOriginalFilename(filenamePart.getFileName()); } catch (MessagingException e) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, this.rb.getResourceString("filename.extraction.error", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), e.getMessage(), }), info); } } } } message.addPayload(as2Payload); } /**Writes a passed payload part to the passed message object. */ public void writePayloadsToMessage(Part payloadPart, AS2Message message, Properties header) throws Exception { List<Part> attachmentList = new ArrayList<Part>(); AS2Info info = message.getAS2Info(); if (!info.isMDN()) { AS2MessageInfo messageInfo = (AS2MessageInfo) message.getAS2Info(); if (payloadPart.isMimeType("multipart/*")) { //check if it is a CEM if (payloadPart.getContentType().toLowerCase().contains("application/ediint-cert-exchange+xml")) { messageInfo.setMessageType(AS2Message.MESSAGETYPE_CEM); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.FINE, this.rb.getResourceString("found.cem", new Object[] { messageInfo.getMessageId(), message }), info); } } ByteArrayOutputStream mem = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); payloadPart.writeTo(mem); mem.flush(); mem.close(); MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart( new ByteArrayDataSource(mem.toByteArray(), payloadPart.getContentType())); //add all attachments to the message for (int i = 0; i < multipart.getCount(); i++) { //its possible that one of the bodyparts is the signature (for compressed/signed messages), skip the signature if (!multipart.getBodyPart(i).getContentType().toLowerCase().contains("pkcs7-signature")) { attachmentList.add(multipart.getBodyPart(i)); } } } else { attachmentList.add(payloadPart); } } else { //its a MDN, write whole part attachmentList.add(payloadPart); } //write the parts for (Part attachmentPart : attachmentList) { ByteArrayOutputStream payloadOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream payloadIn = attachmentPart.getInputStream(); this.copyStreams(payloadIn, payloadOut); payloadOut.flush(); payloadOut.close(); byte[] data = payloadOut.toByteArray(); AS2Payload as2Payload = new AS2Payload(); as2Payload.setData(data); String[] contentIdHeader = attachmentPart.getHeader("content-id"); if (contentIdHeader != null && contentIdHeader.length > 0) { as2Payload.setContentId(contentIdHeader[0]); } String[] contentTypeHeader = attachmentPart.getHeader("content-type"); if (contentTypeHeader != null && contentTypeHeader.length > 0) { as2Payload.setContentType(contentTypeHeader[0]); } try { as2Payload.setOriginalFilename(payloadPart.getFileName()); } catch (MessagingException e) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, this.rb.getResourceString("filename.extraction.error", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), e.getMessage(), }), info); } } if (as2Payload.getOriginalFilename() == null) { String filenameheader = header.getProperty("content-disposition"); if (filenameheader != null) { //test part for convinience: extract file name MimeBodyPart filenamePart = new MimeBodyPart(); filenamePart.setHeader("content-disposition", filenameheader); try { as2Payload.setOriginalFilename(filenamePart.getFileName()); } catch (MessagingException e) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, this.rb.getResourceString("filename.extraction.error", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), e.getMessage(), }), info); } } } } message.addPayload(as2Payload); } } /**Computes the received content MIC and writes it to the message info object */ public void computeReceivedContentMIC(byte[] rawMessageData, AS2Message message, Part partWithHeader, String contentType) throws Exception { AS2MessageInfo messageInfo = (AS2MessageInfo) message.getAS2Info(); boolean encrypted = messageInfo.getEncryptionType() != AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE; boolean signed = messageInfo.getSignType() != AS2Message.SIGNATURE_NONE; boolean compressed = messageInfo.getCompressionType() != AS2Message.COMPRESSION_NONE; BCCryptoHelper helper = new BCCryptoHelper(); String sha1digestOID = helper.convertAlgorithmNameToOID(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_SHA1); //compute the MIC if (signed) { //compute the content-type for the signed part. //If the message was not encrypted the content-type should simply be taken from the header //else we have to look into the part String singedPartContentType = null; if (!encrypted) { singedPartContentType = contentType; } else { InputStream dataIn = message.getDecryptedRawDataInputStream(); MimeBodyPart contentTypeTempPart = new MimeBodyPart(dataIn); dataIn.close(); singedPartContentType = contentTypeTempPart.getContentType(); } //ANY signed data //4.1 MIC Calculation For Signed Message //For any signed message, the MIC to be returned is calculated over //the same data that was signed in the original message as per [AS1]. //The signed content will be a mime bodypart that contains either //compressed or uncompressed data. MimeBodyPart signedPart = new MimeBodyPart(); signedPart.setDataHandler( new DataHandler(new ByteArrayDataSource(message.getDecryptedRawData(), contentType))); signedPart.setHeader("Content-Type", singedPartContentType); String digestOID = helper.getDigestAlgOIDFromSignature(signedPart); signedPart = null; String mic = helper.calculateMIC(partWithHeader, digestOID); String digestAlgorithmName = helper.convertOIDToAlgorithmName(digestOID); messageInfo.setReceivedContentMIC(mic + ", " + digestAlgorithmName); } else if (!signed && !compressed && !encrypted) { //uncompressed, unencrypted, unsigned: plaintext mic // //4.3 MIC Calculation For Unencrypted, Unsigned Message //For unsigned, unencrypted messages, the MIC is calculated //over the uncompressed data content including all MIME header //fields and any applied Content-Transfer-Encoding. String mic = helper.calculateMIC(rawMessageData, sha1digestOID); messageInfo.setReceivedContentMIC(mic + ", sha1"); } else if (!signed && compressed && !encrypted) { //compressed, unencrypted, unsigned: uncompressed data mic // //4.3 MIC Calculation For Unencrypted, Unsigned Message //For unsigned, unencrypted messages, the MIC is calculated //over the uncompressed data content including all MIME header //fields and any applied Content-Transfer-Encoding. String mic = helper.calculateMIC(message.getDecryptedRawData(), sha1digestOID); messageInfo.setReceivedContentMIC(mic + ", sha1"); } else if (!signed && encrypted) { // //4.2 MIC Calculation For Encrypted, Unsigned Message //For encrypted, unsigned messages, the MIC to be returned is //calculated over the uncompressed data content including all //MIME header fields and any applied Content-Transfer-Encoding. String mic = helper.calculateMIC(message.getDecryptedRawData(), sha1digestOID); messageInfo.setReceivedContentMIC(mic + ", sha1"); } else { //this should never happen: String mic = helper.calculateMIC(partWithHeader, sha1digestOID); messageInfo.setReceivedContentMIC(mic + ", sha1"); } } /**Returns a compressed part of this container if it exists, else null. If the container itself *is compressed it is returned. */ public Part getCompressedEmbeddedPart(Part part) throws MessagingException, IOException { if (this.contentTypeIndicatesCompression(part.getContentType())) { return (part); } if (part.isMimeType("multipart/*")) { Multipart multiPart = (Multipart) part.getContent(); int count = multiPart.getCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { BodyPart bodyPart = multiPart.getBodyPart(i); Part compressedEmbeddedPart = this.getCompressedEmbeddedPart(bodyPart); if (compressedEmbeddedPart != null) { return (compressedEmbeddedPart); } } } return (null); } /**Returns the signed part of the passed data or null if the data is not detected to be signed*/ public Part getSignedPart(byte[] data, String contentType) throws Exception { BCCryptoHelper helper = new BCCryptoHelper(); MimeBodyPart possibleSignedPart = new MimeBodyPart(); possibleSignedPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(new ByteArrayDataSource(data, contentType))); possibleSignedPart.setHeader("content-type", contentType); return (helper.getSignedEmbeddedPart(possibleSignedPart)); } /**Verifies the signature of the passed signed part*/ public MimeBodyPart verifySignedPart(Part signedPart, byte[] data, String contentType, X509Certificate certificate) throws Exception { BCCryptoHelper helper = new BCCryptoHelper(); String signatureTransferEncoding = null; MimeMultipart checkPart = (MimeMultipart) signedPart.getContent(); //it is sure that it is a signed part: set the type to multipart if the //parser has problems parsing it. Don't know why sometimes a parsing fails for //MimeBodyPart. This check looks if the parser is able to find more than one subpart if (checkPart.getCount() == 1) { MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart(new ByteArrayDataSource(data, contentType)); MimeMessage possibleSignedMessage = new MimeMessage(Session.getInstance(System.getProperties(), null)); possibleSignedMessage.setContent(multipart, multipart.getContentType()); possibleSignedMessage.saveChanges(); //overwrite the formerly found signed part signedPart = helper.getSignedEmbeddedPart(possibleSignedMessage); } //get the content encoding of the signature MimeMultipart signedMultiPart = (MimeMultipart) signedPart.getContent(); //body part 1 is always the signature String encodingHeader[] = signedMultiPart.getBodyPart(1).getHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding"); if (encodingHeader != null) { signatureTransferEncoding = encodingHeader[0]; } return (helper.verify(signedPart, signatureTransferEncoding, certificate)); } /**Verifies the signature of the passed message. If the transfer mode is unencrypted/unsigned, a new Bodypart will be constructed *@return the payload part, this is important to compute the MIC later */ private Part verifySignature(AS2Message message, Partner sender, String contentType) throws Exception { if (this.certificateManagerSignature == null) { throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.PROCESSING_ERROR, "AS2MessageParser.verifySignature: pass a certification manager for the signature before calling verifySignature()", message); } AS2Info as2Info = message.getAS2Info(); if (!as2Info.isMDN()) { AS2MessageInfo messageInfo = (AS2MessageInfo) as2Info; if (messageInfo.getEncryptionType() != AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE) { InputStream memIn = message.getDecryptedRawDataInputStream(); MimeBodyPart testPart = new MimeBodyPart(memIn); memIn.close(); contentType = testPart.getContentType(); } } Part signedPart = this.getSignedPart(message.getDecryptedRawData(), contentType); //part is NOT signed but is defined to be signed if (signedPart == null) { as2Info.setSignType(AS2Message.SIGNATURE_NONE); if (as2Info.isMDN()) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.notsigned", as2Info.getMessageId()), as2Info); //MDN is not signed but should be signed if (sender.isSignedMDN()) { this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.unsigned.error", new Object[] { as2Info.getMessageId(), sender.getName(), }), as2Info); } } else { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("msg.notsigned", as2Info.getMessageId()), as2Info); } if (!as2Info.isMDN() && sender.getSignType() != AS2Message.SIGNATURE_NONE) { throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY_ERROR, "Incoming messages from AS2 partner " + sender.getAS2Identification() + " are defined to be signed.", message); } //if the message has been unsigned it is required to set a new datasource MimeBodyPart unsignedPart = new MimeBodyPart(); unsignedPart.setDataHandler( new DataHandler(new ByteArrayDataSource(message.getDecryptedRawData(), contentType))); unsignedPart.setHeader("content-type", contentType); return (unsignedPart); } else { //it is definitly a signed mdn if (as2Info.isMDN()) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.signed", as2Info.getMessageId()), as2Info); } as2Info.setSignType(this.getDigestFromSignature(signedPart)); //MDN is signed but shouldn't be signed' if (!sender.isSignedMDN()) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.signed.error", new Object[] { as2Info.getMessageId(), sender.getName(), }), as2Info); } } } else { //its no MDN, its a AS2 message if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("msg.signed", as2Info.getMessageId()), as2Info); } int signDigest = this.getDigestFromSignature(signedPart); String digest = null; if (signDigest == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_SHA1) { digest = "SHA1"; } else if (signDigest == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_MD5) { digest = "MD5"; } as2Info.setSignType(signDigest); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("signature.analyzed.digest", new Object[] { as2Info.getMessageId(), digest }), as2Info); } } } MimeBodyPart payloadPart = null; try { String signAlias = this.certificateManagerSignature .getAliasByFingerprint(sender.getSignFingerprintSHA1()); payloadPart = this.verifySignedPartUsingAlias(message, signAlias, signedPart, contentType); } catch (AS2Exception e) { //retry to verify the signature with the second certificate if this is possible String secondAlias = this.certificateManagerSignature .getAliasByFingerprint(sender.getSignFingerprintSHA1(2)); if (secondAlias != null) { payloadPart = this.verifySignedPartUsingAlias(message, secondAlias, signedPart, contentType); } else { throw e; } } return (payloadPart); } private MimeBodyPart verifySignedPartUsingAlias(AS2Message message, String alias, Part signedPart, String contentType) throws Exception { AS2Info info = message.getAS2Info(); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("signature.using.alias", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), alias }), info); } X509Certificate certificate = this.certificateManagerSignature.getX509Certificate(alias); MimeBodyPart payloadPart = null; try { payloadPart = this.verifySignedPart(signedPart, message.getDecryptedRawData(), contentType, certificate); } catch (Exception e) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("signature.failure", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), e.getMessage() }), info); } throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.AUTHENTIFICATION_ERROR, "Error verifying the senders digital signature: " + e.getMessage() + ".", message); } if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("signature.ok", info.getMessageId()), info); } return (payloadPart); } /*Returns the digest of the signature, as constant of AS2Message */ public int getDigestFromSignature(Part signedPart) throws Exception { BCCryptoHelper helper = new BCCryptoHelper(); String digestOID = helper.getDigestAlgOIDFromSignature(signedPart); String as2Digest = helper.convertOIDToAlgorithmName(digestOID); if (as2Digest.equalsIgnoreCase(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_SHA1)) { return (AS2Message.SIGNATURE_SHA1); } if (as2Digest.equalsIgnoreCase(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_MD5)) { return (AS2Message.SIGNATURE_MD5); } //should never happen because unknown algorithms are thrown already by the conversion method return (-1); } /**Returns if the content type indicates a message encryption*/ public boolean contentTypeIndicatesEncryption(String contentType) { return (contentType.toLowerCase().contains("application/pkcs7-mime")); } /**Returns if the content type indicates message compression*/ public boolean contentTypeIndicatesCompression(String contentType) { return (contentType.toLowerCase().contains("compressed-data")); } /**Decrypts the data of a message with all given certificates etc * @param info MessageInfo, the encryption algorith will be stored in the encryption type of this info * @param rawMessageData encrypted data, will be decrypted * @param contentType contentType of the data * @param privateKey receivers private key * @param certificate receivers certificate */ public byte[] decryptData(AS2Message message, byte[] data, String contentType, PrivateKey privateKeyReceiver, X509Certificate certificateReceiver, String receiverCryptAlias) throws Exception { AS2MessageInfo info = (AS2MessageInfo) message.getAS2Info(); MimeBodyPart encryptedBody = new MimeBodyPart(); encryptedBody.setHeader("content-type", contentType); encryptedBody.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(new ByteArrayDataSource(data, contentType))); RecipientId recipientId = new JceKeyTransRecipientId(certificateReceiver); SMIMEEnveloped enveloped = new SMIMEEnveloped(encryptedBody); BCCryptoHelper helper = new BCCryptoHelper(); String algorithm = helper.convertOIDToAlgorithmName(enveloped.getEncryptionAlgOID()); if (algorithm.equals(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_3DES)) { info.setEncryptionType(AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_3DES); } else if (algorithm.equals(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_DES)) { info.setEncryptionType(AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_DES); } else if (algorithm.equals(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_RC2)) { info.setEncryptionType(AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_RC2_UNKNOWN); } else if (algorithm.equals(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_AES_128)) { info.setEncryptionType(AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_AES_128); } else if (algorithm.equals(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_AES_192)) { info.setEncryptionType(AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_AES_192); } else if (algorithm.equals(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_AES_256)) { info.setEncryptionType(AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_AES_256); } else if (algorithm.equals(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_RC4)) { info.setEncryptionType(AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_RC4_UNKNOWN); } else { info.setEncryptionType(AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM); } RecipientInformationStore recipients = enveloped.getRecipientInfos(); enveloped = null; encryptedBody = null; RecipientInformation recipient = recipients.get(recipientId); if (recipient == null) { //give some details about the required and used cert for the decryption Collection recipientList = recipients.getRecipients(); Iterator iterator = recipientList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { RecipientInformation recipientInfo = (RecipientInformation); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, this.rb.getResourceString("decryption.inforequired", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), recipientInfo.getRID() }), info); } } if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, this.rb.getResourceString("decryption.infoassigned", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), receiverCryptAlias, recipientId }), info); } throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.AUTHENTIFICATION_ERROR, "Error decrypting the message: Recipient certificate does not match.", message); } //Streamed decryption. Its also possible to use in memory decryption using getContent but that uses //far more memory. InputStream contentStream = recipient .getContentStream(new JceKeyTransEnvelopedRecipient(privateKeyReceiver).setProvider("BC")) .getContentStream(); //InputStream contentStream = recipient.getContentStream(privateKeyReceiver, "BC").getContentStream(); //threshold set to 20 MB: if the data is less then 20MB perform the operaion in memory else stream to disk DeferredFileOutputStream decryptedOutput = new DeferredFileOutputStream(20 * 1024 * 1024, "as2decryptdata_", ".mem", null); this.copyStreams(contentStream, decryptedOutput); decryptedOutput.flush(); decryptedOutput.close(); contentStream.close(); byte[] decryptedData = null; //size of the data was < than the threshold if (decryptedOutput.isInMemory()) { decryptedData = decryptedOutput.getData(); } else { //data has been written to a temp file: reread and return ByteArrayOutputStream memOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); decryptedOutput.writeTo(memOut); memOut.flush(); memOut.close(); //finally delete the temp file boolean deleted = decryptedOutput.getFile().delete(); decryptedData = memOut.toByteArray(); } if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("decryption.done.alias", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), receiverCryptAlias, this.rbMessage.getResourceString("encryption." + info.getEncryptionType()) }), info); } return (decryptedData); } /**Decrypts the passed data and returns it. Will return the original data *if it is not marked as encrypted */ private byte[] decryptMessage(AS2Message message, byte[] data, String contentType, Partner sender, Partner receiver) throws AS2Exception { if (this.certificateManagerEncryption == null) { throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.PROCESSING_ERROR, "AS2MessageParser.decryptMessage: pass a certification manager for the encryption before calling decryptMessage()", message); } try { AS2MessageInfo info = (AS2MessageInfo) message.getAS2Info(); //first check if the message is decrypted. if (!this.contentTypeIndicatesEncryption(contentType) || this.contentTypeIndicatesCompression(contentType)) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("msg.notencrypted", info.getMessageId()), info); } info.setEncryptionType(AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE); //encryption expected? if (sender.getEncryptionType() != AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE) { throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY_ERROR, "Incoming messages from AS2 partner " + sender.getAS2Identification() + " are defined to be encrypted.", message); } return (data); } if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("msg.encrypted", info.getMessageId()), info); } try { String cryptAlias = this.certificateManagerEncryption .getAliasByFingerprint(receiver.getCryptFingerprintSHA1()); X509Certificate certificate = this.certificateManagerEncryption.getX509Certificate(cryptAlias); //receiver priv key PrivateKey privateKey = this.certificateManagerEncryption.getPrivateKey(cryptAlias); return (this.decryptData(message, data, contentType, privateKey, certificate, cryptAlias)); } catch (Exception e) { //fallback: try second certificate if it exists String cryptAlias = this.certificateManagerEncryption .getAliasByFingerprint(receiver.getCryptFingerprintSHA1(2)); if (cryptAlias != null) { X509Certificate certificate = this.certificateManagerEncryption.getX509Certificate(cryptAlias); //receiver priv key PrivateKey privateKey = this.certificateManagerEncryption.getPrivateKey(cryptAlias); return (this.decryptData(message, data, contentType, privateKey, certificate, cryptAlias)); } else { throw e; } } } catch (AS2Exception e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AS2Exception(AS2Exception.DECRYPTION_ERROR, e.getMessage(), message); } } /**Looks if the data is compressed and decompresses it if necessary */ public Part decompressData(Part part, AS2Message message) throws Exception { Part compressedPart = this.getCompressedEmbeddedPart(part); if (compressedPart == null) { return (part); } SMIMECompressed compressed = null; if (compressedPart instanceof MimeBodyPart) { compressed = new SMIMECompressed((MimeBodyPart) compressedPart); } else { compressed = new SMIMECompressed((MimeMessage) compressedPart); } byte[] decompressedData = compressed.getContent(); ((AS2MessageInfo) message.getAS2Info()).setCompressionType(AS2Message.COMPRESSION_ZLIB); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("data.compressed.expanded", new Object[] { message.getAS2Info().getMessageId(), AS2Tools.getDataSizeDisplay(part.getSize()), AS2Tools.getDataSizeDisplay(decompressedData.length) }), message.getAS2Info()); } ByteArrayInputStream memIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(decompressedData); MimeBodyPart uncompressedPayload = new MimeBodyPart(memIn); memIn.close(); return (uncompressedPayload); } /**Copies all data from one stream to another*/ private void copyStreams(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { BufferedInputStream inStream = new BufferedInputStream(in); BufferedOutputStream outStream = new BufferedOutputStream(out); //copy the contents to an output stream byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; int read = 0; //a read of 0 must be allowed, sometimes it takes time to //extract data from the input while (read != -1) { read =; if (read > 0) { outStream.write(buffer, 0, read); } } outStream.flush(); } }