Java tutorial
//$Header: /cvsroot-fuse/mec-as2/39/mendelson/comm/as2/message/,v 1.1 2012/04/18 14:10:30 heller Exp $ package de.mendelson.comm.as2.message; import com.sun.mail.util.LineOutputStream; import; import de.mendelson.comm.as2.partner.Partner; import de.mendelson.util.AS2Tools; import de.mendelson.util.MecResourceBundle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Part; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart; import javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility; import javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource; import; import org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator; import org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSEnvelopedDataStreamGenerator; import org.bouncycastle.mail.smime.SMIMECompressedGenerator; import org.bouncycastle.mail.smime.SMIMEException; /* * Copyright (C) mendelson-e-commerce GmbH Berlin Germany * * This software is subject to the license agreement set forth in the license. * Please read and agree to all terms before using this software. * Other product and brand names are trademarks of their respective owners. */ /** * Packs a message with all necessary headers and attachments * @author S.Heller * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ */ public class AS2MessageCreation { private Logger logger = null; private MecResourceBundle rb = null; private MecResourceBundle rbMessage = null; private CertificateManager signatureCertManager = null; private CertificateManager encryptionCertManager = null; //Database connection private Connection runtimeConnection; private Connection configConnection; public AS2MessageCreation(CertificateManager signatureCertManager, CertificateManager encryptionCertManager) { //Load resourcebundle try { this.rb = (MecResourceBundle) ResourceBundle.getBundle(ResourceBundleAS2MessagePacker.class.getName()); this.rbMessage = (MecResourceBundle) ResourceBundle.getBundle(ResourceBundleAS2Message.class.getName()); } //load up resourcebundle catch (MissingResourceException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Oops..resource bundle " + e.getClassName() + " not found."); } this.signatureCertManager = signatureCertManager; this.encryptionCertManager = encryptionCertManager; } /**Passes a logger to this creation class*/ public void setLogger(Logger logger) { this.logger = logger; } /**Passes a database connection to this class to allow logging functionality*/ public void setServerResources(Connection configConnection, Connection runtimeConnection) { this.runtimeConnection = runtimeConnection; this.configConnection = configConnection; } /**Escapes the AS2-TO and AS2-FROM headers in sending direction, related to * RFC 4130 section 6.2 * @param identification as2-from or as2-to value to escape * @return escaped value */ public static String escapeFromToHeader(String identification) { boolean containsBlank = false; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < identification.length(); i++) { char singleChar = identification.charAt(i); if (singleChar == ' ') { containsBlank = true; } else if (singleChar == '"') { builder.append("\\"); } else if (singleChar == '\\') { builder.append("\\"); } builder.append(singleChar); } //quote the value if it contains blanks if (containsBlank) { builder.insert(0, "\""); builder.append("\""); } return (builder.toString()); } /**Displays a bundle of byte arrays as hex string, for debug purpose only*/ private String toHexDisplay(byte[] data) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { result.append(Integer.toString((data[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1)); result.append(" "); } return result.toString(); } /**Prepares the message if it contains no MIME structure*/ public AS2Message createMessageNoMIME(AS2Message message, Partner receiver) throws Exception { AS2MessageInfo info = (AS2MessageInfo) message.getAS2Info(); BCCryptoHelper cryptoHelper = new BCCryptoHelper(); //payload content type. message.setContentType(receiver.getContentType()); message.setRawData(message.getPayload(0).getData()); message.setDecryptedRawData(message.getPayload(0).getData()); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("message.notsigned", new Object[] { info.getMessageId() }), info); } //compute content mic. Use sha1 as hash alg. String digestOID = cryptoHelper.convertAlgorithmNameToOID(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_SHA1); String mic = cryptoHelper.calculateMIC(message.getPayload(0).getData(), digestOID); info.setReceivedContentMIC(mic + ", sha1"); //add compression if (receiver.getCompressionType() == AS2Message.COMPRESSION_ZLIB) { info.setCompressionType(AS2Message.COMPRESSION_ZLIB); int uncompressedSize = message.getDecryptedRawData().length; MimeBodyPart bodyPart = this.compressPayload(receiver, message.getDecryptedRawData(), receiver.getContentType()); int compressedSize = bodyPart.getSize(); //sometimes size() is unable to determine the size of the compressed body part and will return -1. Dont log the //compression ratio in this case. if (compressedSize == -1) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("message.compressed.unknownratio", new Object[] { info.getMessageId() }), info); } } else { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("message.compressed", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), AS2Tools.getDataSizeDisplay(uncompressedSize), AS2Tools.getDataSizeDisplay(compressedSize) }), info); } } //write compressed data into the message array ByteArrayOutputStream bodyOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); bodyPart.writeTo(bodyOutStream); bodyOutStream.flush(); bodyOutStream.close(); message.setDecryptedRawData(bodyOutStream.toByteArray()); } //no encryption if (info.getEncryptionType() == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("message.notencrypted", new Object[] { info.getMessageId() }), info); } message.setRawData(message.getDecryptedRawData()); } else { //encrypt the message raw data String cryptAlias = this.encryptionCertManager .getAliasByFingerprint(receiver.getCryptFingerprintSHA1()); this.encryptDataToMessage(message, cryptAlias, info.getEncryptionType(), receiver); } return (message); } /**Enwrapps the data into a signed MIME message structure and returns it*/ private void enwrappInMessageAndSign(AS2Message message, Part contentPart, Partner sender, Partner receiver) throws Exception { AS2MessageInfo info = (AS2MessageInfo) message.getAS2Info(); MimeMessage messagePart = new MimeMessage(Session.getInstance(System.getProperties(), null)); //sign message if this is requested if (info.getSignType() != AS2Message.SIGNATURE_NONE) { MimeMultipart signedPart = this.signContentPart(contentPart, sender, receiver); if (this.logger != null) { String signAlias = this.signatureCertManager.getAliasByFingerprint(sender.getSignFingerprintSHA1()); this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("message.signed", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), signAlias, this.rbMessage.getResourceString("signature." + receiver.getSignType()) }), info); } messagePart.setContent(signedPart); messagePart.saveChanges(); } else { //unsigned message if (contentPart instanceof MimeBodyPart) { MimeMultipart unsignedPart = new MimeMultipart(); unsignedPart.addBodyPart((MimeBodyPart) contentPart); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("message.notsigned", new Object[] { info.getMessageId() }), info); } messagePart.setContent(unsignedPart); } else if (contentPart instanceof MimeMultipart) { messagePart.setContent((MimeMultipart) contentPart); } else if (contentPart instanceof MimeMessage) { messagePart = (MimeMessage) contentPart; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("enwrappInMessageAndSign: Unable to set the content of a " + contentPart.getClass().getName()); } messagePart.saveChanges(); } //store signed or unsigned data ByteArrayOutputStream signedOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); //normally the content type header is folded (which is correct but some products are not able to parse this properly) //Now take the content-type, unfold it and write it Enumeration headerLines = messagePart.getMatchingHeaderLines(new String[] { "Content-Type" }); LineOutputStream los = new LineOutputStream(signedOut); while (headerLines.hasMoreElements()) { //requires java mail API >= 1.4 String nextHeaderLine = MimeUtility.unfold((String) headerLines.nextElement()); //write the line only if the as2 message is encrypted. If the as2 message is unencrypted this header is added later //in the class MessageHttpUploader if (info.getEncryptionType() != AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE) { los.writeln(nextHeaderLine); } //store the content line in the as2 message object, this value is required later in MessageHttpUploader message.setContentType(nextHeaderLine.substring(nextHeaderLine.indexOf(':') + 1)); } messagePart.writeTo(signedOut, new String[] { "Message-ID", "Mime-Version", "Content-Type" }); signedOut.flush(); signedOut.close(); message.setDecryptedRawData(signedOut.toByteArray()); } /**Builds up a new message from the passed message parts */ public AS2Message createMessage(Partner sender, Partner receiver, File[] payloadFiles) throws Exception { return (this.createMessage(sender, receiver, payloadFiles, AS2Message.MESSAGETYPE_AS2)); } /**Builds up a new message from the passed message parts * @param messageType one of the message types definfed in the class AS2Message */ public AS2Message createMessage(Partner sender, Partner receiver, File[] payloadFiles, int messageType) throws Exception { //create payloads from the payload files AS2Payload[] payloads = new AS2Payload[payloadFiles.length]; for (int i = 0; i < payloadFiles.length; i++) { File payloadFile = payloadFiles[i]; InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(payloadFile); ByteArrayOutputStream payloadOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); this.copyStreams(inStream, payloadOut); inStream.close(); payloadOut.flush(); payloadOut.close(); //add payload AS2Payload payload = new AS2Payload(); payload.setData(payloadOut.toByteArray()); payload.setOriginalFilename(payloadFile.getName().replace(' ', '_')); payloads[i] = payload; } return (this.createMessage(sender, receiver, payloads, messageType)); } /**Builds up a new message from the passed message parts * @param messageType one of the message types definfed in the class AS2Message */ public AS2Message createMessage(Partner sender, Partner receiver, AS2Payload[] payloads, int messageType) throws Exception { return (this.createMessage(sender, receiver, payloads, messageType, null)); } /**Builds up a new message from the passed message parts * @param messageType one of the message types definfed in the class AS2Message */ public AS2Message createMessage(Partner sender, Partner receiver, AS2Payload[] payloads, int messageType, String messageId) throws Exception { if (messageId == null) { messageId = UniqueId.createMessageId(sender.getAS2Identification(), receiver.getAS2Identification()); } BCCryptoHelper cryptoHelper = new BCCryptoHelper(); AS2MessageInfo info = new AS2MessageInfo(); info.setMessageType(messageType); info.setSenderId(sender.getAS2Identification()); info.setReceiverId(receiver.getAS2Identification()); info.setSenderEMail(sender.getEmail()); info.setMessageId(messageId); info.setDirection(AS2MessageInfo.DIRECTION_OUT); info.setSignType(receiver.getSignType()); info.setEncryptionType(receiver.getEncryptionType()); info.setRequestsSyncMDN(receiver.isSyncMDN()); if (!receiver.isSyncMDN()) { info.setAsyncMDNURL(sender.getMdnURL()); } info.setSubject(receiver.getSubject()); try { info.setSenderHost(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { //nop } //create message object to return AS2Message message = new AS2Message(info); //stores all the available body parts that have been prepared List<MimeBodyPart> contentPartList = new ArrayList<MimeBodyPart>(); for (AS2Payload as2Payload : payloads) { //add payload message.addPayload(as2Payload); if (this.runtimeConnection != null) { MessageAccessDB messageAccess = new MessageAccessDB(this.configConnection, this.runtimeConnection); messageAccess.initializeOrUpdateMessage(info); } //no MIME message: single payload, unsigned, no CEM if (info.getSignType() == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_NONE && payloads.length == 1 && info.getMessageType() != AS2Message.MESSAGETYPE_CEM) { return (this.createMessageNoMIME(message, receiver)); } //MIME message MimeBodyPart bodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); String contentType = null; if (as2Payload.getContentType() == null) { contentType = receiver.getContentType(); } else { contentType = as2Payload.getContentType(); } bodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(new ByteArrayDataSource(as2Payload.getData(), contentType))); bodyPart.addHeader("Content-Type", contentType); if (as2Payload.getContentId() != null) { bodyPart.addHeader("Content-ID", as2Payload.getContentId()); } if (receiver.getContentTransferEncoding() == AS2Message.CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BASE64) { bodyPart.addHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64"); } else { bodyPart.addHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"); } //prepare filename to not violate the MIME header rules if (as2Payload.getOriginalFilename() == null) { as2Payload.setOriginalFilename(new File(as2Payload.getPayloadFilename()).getName()); } String newFilename = as2Payload.getOriginalFilename().replace(' ', '_'); newFilename = newFilename.replace('@', '_'); newFilename = newFilename.replace(':', '_'); newFilename = newFilename.replace(';', '_'); newFilename = newFilename.replace('(', '_'); newFilename = newFilename.replace(')', '_'); bodyPart.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + newFilename); contentPartList.add(bodyPart); } Part contentPart = null; //sigle attachment? No CEM? Every CEM is in a multipart/related container if (contentPartList.size() == 1 && info.getMessageType() != AS2Message.MESSAGETYPE_CEM) { contentPart = contentPartList.get(0); } else { //build up a new MimeMultipart container for the multiple attachments, content-type //is "multipart/related" MimeMultipart multipart = null; //CEM messages are always in a multipart container (even the response which contains only a single //payload) with the subtype "application/ediint-cert-exchange+xml". if (info.getMessageType() == AS2Message.MESSAGETYPE_CEM) { multipart = new MimeMultipart("related; type=\"application/ediint-cert-exchange+xml\""); } else { multipart = new MimeMultipart("related"); } for (MimeBodyPart bodyPart : contentPartList) { multipart.addBodyPart(bodyPart); } contentPart = new MimeMessage(Session.getInstance(System.getProperties(), null)); contentPart.setContent(multipart, multipart.getContentType()); ((MimeMessage) contentPart).saveChanges(); } //should the content be compressed and enwrapped or just enwrapped? if (receiver.getCompressionType() == AS2Message.COMPRESSION_ZLIB) { info.setCompressionType(AS2Message.COMPRESSION_ZLIB); int uncompressedSize = contentPart.getSize(); contentPart = this.compressPayload(receiver, contentPart); int compressedSize = contentPart.getSize(); //sometimes size() is unable to determine the size of the compressed body part and will return -1. Dont log the //compression ratio in this case. if (uncompressedSize == -1 || compressedSize == -1) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("message.compressed.unknownratio", new Object[] { info.getMessageId() }), info); } } else { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("message.compressed", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), AS2Tools.getDataSizeDisplay(uncompressedSize), AS2Tools.getDataSizeDisplay(compressedSize) }), info); } } } //compute content mic. Try to use sign digest as hash alg. For unsigned messages take sha-1 String digestOID = null; if (info.getSignType() == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_MD5) { digestOID = cryptoHelper.convertAlgorithmNameToOID(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_MD5); } else { digestOID = cryptoHelper.convertAlgorithmNameToOID(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_SHA1); } String mic = cryptoHelper.calculateMIC(contentPart, digestOID); if (info.getSignType() == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_MD5) { info.setReceivedContentMIC(mic + ", md5"); } else { info.setReceivedContentMIC(mic + ", sha1"); } this.enwrappInMessageAndSign(message, contentPart, sender, receiver); //encryption requested for the receiver? if (info.getEncryptionType() != AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE) { String cryptAlias = this.encryptionCertManager .getAliasByFingerprint(receiver.getCryptFingerprintSHA1()); this.encryptDataToMessage(message, cryptAlias, info.getEncryptionType(), receiver); } else { message.setRawData(message.getDecryptedRawData()); if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("message.notencrypted", new Object[] { info.getMessageId() }), info); } } return (message); } /**Encrypts a byte array and returns it*/ private void encryptDataToMessage(AS2Message message, String receiverCryptAlias, int encryptionType, Partner receiver) throws Exception { AS2MessageInfo info = (AS2MessageInfo) message.getAS2Info(); BCCryptoHelper cryptoHelper = new BCCryptoHelper(); X509Certificate certificate = this.encryptionCertManager.getX509Certificate(receiverCryptAlias); CMSEnvelopedDataStreamGenerator dataGenerator = new CMSEnvelopedDataStreamGenerator(); dataGenerator.addKeyTransRecipient(certificate); DeferredFileOutputStream encryptedOutput = new DeferredFileOutputStream(1024 * 1024, "as2encryptdata_", ".mem", null); OutputStream out = null; if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_3DES) { out =, CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator.DES_EDE3_CBC, "BC"); } else if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_DES) { out =, cryptoHelper.convertAlgorithmNameToOID(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_DES), 56, "BC"); } else if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_RC2_40) { out =, CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator.RC2_CBC, 40, "BC"); } else if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_RC2_64) { out =, CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator.RC2_CBC, 64, "BC"); } else if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_RC2_128) { out =, CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator.RC2_CBC, 128, "BC"); } else if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_RC2_196) { out =, CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator.RC2_CBC, 196, "BC"); } else if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_AES_128) { out =, CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator.AES128_CBC, "BC"); } else if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_AES_192) { out =, CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator.AES192_CBC, "BC"); } else if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_AES_256) { out =, CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator.AES256_CBC, "BC"); } else if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_RC4_40) { out =, cryptoHelper.convertAlgorithmNameToOID(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_RC4), 40, "BC"); } else if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_RC4_56) { out =, cryptoHelper.convertAlgorithmNameToOID(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_RC4), 56, "BC"); } else if (encryptionType == AS2Message.ENCRYPTION_RC4_128) { out =, cryptoHelper.convertAlgorithmNameToOID(BCCryptoHelper.ALGORITHM_RC4), 128, "BC"); } if (out == null) { throw new Exception("Internal failure: unsupported encryption type " + encryptionType); } out.write(message.getDecryptedRawData()); out.close(); encryptedOutput.close(); //size of the data was < than the threshold if (encryptedOutput.isInMemory()) { message.setRawData(encryptedOutput.getData()); } else { //data has been written to a temp file: reread and return ByteArrayOutputStream memOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); encryptedOutput.writeTo(memOut); memOut.flush(); memOut.close(); //finally delete the temp file boolean deleted = encryptedOutput.getFile().delete(); message.setRawData(memOut.toByteArray()); } if (this.logger != null) { String cryptAlias = this.encryptionCertManager .getAliasByFingerprint(receiver.getCryptFingerprintSHA1()); this.logger.log(Level.INFO, this.rb.getResourceString("message.encrypted", new Object[] { info.getMessageId(), cryptAlias, this.rbMessage.getResourceString("encryption." + receiver.getEncryptionType()) }), info); } } /**Compresses the payload using the ZLIB algorithm */ private MimeBodyPart compressPayload(Partner receiver, byte[] data, String contentType) throws SMIMEException, MessagingException { MimeBodyPart bodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); bodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(new ByteArrayDataSource(data, contentType))); bodyPart.addHeader("Content-Type", contentType); if (receiver.getContentTransferEncoding() == AS2Message.CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BASE64) { bodyPart.addHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64"); } else { bodyPart.addHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"); } SMIMECompressedGenerator generator = new SMIMECompressedGenerator(); if (receiver.getContentTransferEncoding() == AS2Message.CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BASE64) { generator.setContentTransferEncoding("base64"); } else { generator.setContentTransferEncoding("binary"); } return (generator.generate(bodyPart, SMIMECompressedGenerator.ZLIB)); } /**Compresses the payload using the ZLIB algorithm */ private MimeBodyPart compressPayload(Partner receiver, Part contentPart) throws SMIMEException { SMIMECompressedGenerator generator = new SMIMECompressedGenerator(); if (receiver.getContentTransferEncoding() == AS2Message.CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BASE64) { generator.setContentTransferEncoding("base64"); } else { generator.setContentTransferEncoding("binary"); } if (contentPart instanceof MimeBodyPart) { return (generator.generate((MimeBodyPart) contentPart, SMIMECompressedGenerator.ZLIB)); } else if (contentPart instanceof MimeMessage) { return (generator.generate((MimeMessage) contentPart, SMIMECompressedGenerator.ZLIB)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "compressPayload: Unable to compress a Part of class " + contentPart.getClass().getName()); } } /**Signs the passed data and returns it */ private MimeMultipart signContentPart(Part part, Partner sender, Partner receiver) throws Exception { MimeMultipart signedPart = null; if (part instanceof MimeBodyPart) { signedPart = this.signContent((MimeBodyPart) part, sender, receiver); } else if (part instanceof MimeMessage) { signedPart = this.signContent((MimeMessage) part, sender, receiver); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "signContentPart: unable to sign a " + part.getClass().getName() + "."); } return (signedPart); } /**Signs the passed data and returns it */ private MimeMultipart signContent(MimeMessage message, Partner sender, Partner receiver) throws Exception { PrivateKey senderKey = this.signatureCertManager .getPrivateKeyByFingerprintSHA1(sender.getSignFingerprintSHA1()); if (senderKey == null) { throw new Exception("AS2MessageCreation.signContent: Key with serial " + sender.getSignFingerprintSHA1() + " does not exist in the keystore."); } String senderSignAlias = this.signatureCertManager.getAliasByFingerprint(sender.getSignFingerprintSHA1()); Certificate[] chain = this.signatureCertManager.getCertificateChain(senderSignAlias); String digest = null; if (receiver.getSignType() == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_SHA1) { digest = "sha1"; } else if (receiver.getSignType() == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_MD5) { digest = "md5"; } else { throw new Exception("Internal failure: Unsupported sign type " + receiver.getSignType()); } BCCryptoHelper helper = new BCCryptoHelper(); return (helper.sign(message, chain, senderKey, digest)); } /**Signs the passed message and returns it */ private MimeMultipart signContent(MimeBodyPart body, Partner sender, Partner receiver) throws Exception { PrivateKey senderKey = this.signatureCertManager .getPrivateKeyByFingerprintSHA1(sender.getSignFingerprintSHA1()); String senderSignAlias = this.signatureCertManager.getAliasByFingerprint(sender.getSignFingerprintSHA1()); Certificate[] chain = this.signatureCertManager.getCertificateChain(senderSignAlias); String digest = null; if (receiver.getSignType() == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_SHA1) { digest = "sha1"; } else if (receiver.getSignType() == AS2Message.SIGNATURE_MD5) { digest = "md5"; } else { throw new Exception("Internal failure: Unsupported sign type " + receiver.getSignType()); } BCCryptoHelper helper = new BCCryptoHelper(); return (helper.sign(body, chain, senderKey, digest)); } /**Copies all data from one stream to another*/ private void copyStreams(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { BufferedInputStream inStream = new BufferedInputStream(in); BufferedOutputStream outStream = new BufferedOutputStream(out); //copy the contents to an output stream byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read = 1024; //a read of 0 must be allowed, sometimes it takes time to //extract data from the input while (read != -1) { read =; if (read > 0) { outStream.write(buffer, 0, read); } } outStream.flush(); } }