Java tutorial
/* * BioViz, a visualization tool for digital microfluidic biochips (DMFB). * * Copyright (c) 2017 Oliver Keszocze, Jannis Stoppe, Maximilian Luenert * * This file is part of BioViz. * * BioViz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * BioViz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have * received a copy of the GNU * General Public License along with BioViz. * If not, see <>. */ package de.bioviz.ui; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import; import; import; import; import de.bioviz.messages.MessageCenter; import de.bioviz.messages.MsgAppender; import de.bioviz.parser.BioParser; import de.bioviz.structures.Biochip; import de.bioviz.svg.SVGManager; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public class BioViz implements ApplicationListener { /** * The internal logger. */ private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BioViz.class); public BioVizSpriteBatch batch; /** * Handles displaying of messages during interactive * exploration of biochips. */ public MessageCenter messageCenter; public DrawableDroplet selectedDroplet; /** * The currently displayed biochip. */ public DrawableAssay currentAssay; OrthographicCamera camera; /** * Manages the textures that are used to display the biochip. */ private TextureManager textures; private HashMap<String, DrawableAssay> loadedBiochips; private List<Drawable> drawables = new ArrayList<>(); private File bioFile; private BioVizInputProcessor inputProcessor; /** * Manages exporting the biochips to svg images. */ private SVGManager svgManager; /** * The desired framerate in fps. * The update/render thread is laid to sleep if the machine renders too * fast, thus saving cpu cycles and letting fans calm down a little. */ private int targetFramerate = 60; private List<BioVizEvent> timeChangedListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private List<BioVizEvent> loadFileListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private List<BioVizEvent> reloadFileListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private List<BioVizEvent> loadedFileListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private List<BioVizEvent> saveFileListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private List<BioVizEvent> closeFileListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private List<BioVizEvent> pickColorListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private List<BioVizEvent> nextTabListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private List<BioVizEvent> previousTabListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean loadFileOnUpdate = true; private boolean firstRun = true; public BioViz() { super();"Starting withouth filename being specified; loading example");"Usage: java -jar BioViz.jar <filename>"); this.bioFile = null; loadedBiochips = new HashMap<>(); textures = new TextureManager(); // Weird static assignment needed to enable parameterless construction // of appender in order to allow its creation from logger framework MsgAppender.setMessageViz(this); } public BioViz(final File bioFile) { this();"Starting with file \"{}\"", bioFile.getAbsolutePath()); this.bioFile = bioFile; } /** * Sets the duration of intermediate animations in ms. * * @param newDuration The new animation duration. */ public static void setAnimationDuration(final int newDuration) { DrawableDroplet.setTransitionDuration(newDuration); DrawableSprite.setColorTransitionDuration(newDuration); } /** * Returns the duration of intermediate animations in ms. * * @return Duration of intermediate animations in ms. */ public static int getAnimationDuration() { return DrawableDroplet.getTransitionDuration(); } public String getFileName() { if (bioFile == null) { return "Default example"; } else { return bioFile.getName(); } } public InputProcessor getInputProcessor() { return inputProcessor; } /** * This method creates an SVGManager if not already present. The problem is * that the manager tries to access the Gdx.files object, which is not * available when creating a BioViz instance. */ private void spawnSVGManager() { if (svgManager == null) { svgManager = new SVGManager(); } } @Override public void create() { messageCenter = new MessageCenter(this); float w =; float h =; camera = new OrthographicCamera(1, h / w); batch = new BioVizSpriteBatch(new SpriteBatch(1000, BioViz.createDefaultShader())); inputProcessor = new BioVizInputProcessor(this); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(inputProcessor); logger.trace("BioViz started"); } @Override public void dispose() { batch.dispose(); this.textures.dispose();; } @Override public synchronized void render() { long currentTimestamp = new Date().getTime(); if (loadFileOnUpdate) { loadNewFile(); loadFileOnUpdate = false; }, 1, 1, 1);; camera.update(); // clear previous frame; batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); batch.begin(); for (final Drawable drawable : drawables) { drawable.draw(); } messageCenter.render(); batch.end(); /* We limit the frame rate to targetFramerate here */ long waitUntil = currentTimestamp + (1000 / this.targetFramerate); try { Thread.sleep(Math.max(0, waitUntil - new Date().getTime())); } catch (final InterruptedException e) {"Sleep was interrupted"); } } @Override public void resize(final int width, final int height) { camera.viewportHeight = height; camera.viewportWidth = width; if (firstRun && currentAssay != null) { currentAssay.zoomExtents(); firstRun = false; } } @Override public void pause() { } @Override public void resume() { } public void unloadFile(final File f) { try { String path = f.getCanonicalPath(); if (this.loadedBiochips.containsKey(path)) { DrawableAssay c = loadedBiochips.get(path); // remove the visualization if it is currently active. if (currentAssay == c) { this.drawables.remove(c); currentAssay = new DrawableAssay(new Biochip(), this); }"Removing {}", path); this.loadedBiochips.remove(path); } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.error("Could not unload file \"{}\"", f); } } /** * Loads a new file. * * */ private void loadNewFile() { Biochip bc; try { drawables.remove(currentAssay); if (bioFile != null) { if (this.loadedBiochips.containsKey(bioFile.getCanonicalPath())) { logger.debug("re-fetching previously loaded file " + bioFile.getCanonicalPath()); currentAssay = this.loadedBiochips.get(bioFile.getCanonicalPath()); } else { logger.debug("Loading \"{}\"", bioFile); bc = BioParser.parseFile(bioFile); if (bc == null) { logger.error("Could not parse file {}", bioFile);"Creating empty Biochip to display"); bc = new Biochip(); } logger.debug("Creating drawable elements..."); DrawableAssay newAssay = new DrawableAssay(bc, this); currentAssay = newAssay; this.loadedBiochips.put(bioFile.getCanonicalPath(), newAssay); currentAssay.zoomExtents(); } logger.debug("Drawable created, replacing old elements..."); drawables.add(currentAssay); currentAssay.getData().recalculateAdjacency = true;"Done loading file {}", bioFile); } else { logger.debug("File to be set is empty, setting empty " + "visualization" + "."); currentAssay = new DrawableAssay(new Biochip(), this); } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.error("Error when parsing {}:\n{}", bioFile, e.getMessage()); } // clear on screen messages as they would otherwise remain visible messageCenter.clearHUDMessages(); this.callLoadedFileListeners(); } /** * Schedules the loading of a new file. * @param f The file to load. */ public void scheduleLoadingOfNewFile(final File f) { // only do stuff if there actually was a file provided if (f != null) { logger.debug("Scheduling loading of file " + f); bioFile = f; loadFileOnUpdate = true; } } public void addTimeChangedListener(final BioVizEvent listener) { timeChangedListeners.add(listener); } public void addLoadFileListener(final BioVizEvent listener) { loadFileListeners.add(listener); } public void addReloadFileListener(final BioVizEvent listener) { reloadFileListeners.add(listener); } public void callReloadFileListeners() { callListeners(reloadFileListeners); } void callTimeChangedListeners() { logger.trace("Calling " + timeChangedListeners.size() + " listeners for timeChanged"); callListeners(timeChangedListeners); } void callLoadFileListeners() { logger.trace("Calling " + loadFileListeners.size() + " listeners for load"); callListeners(loadFileListeners); } public void addLoadedFileListener(final BioVizEvent listener) { loadedFileListeners.add(listener); } public void addSaveFileListener(final BioVizEvent listener) { saveFileListeners.add(listener); } void callSaveFileListeners() { logger.trace("Calling " + saveFileListeners.size() + " listeners for save"); callListeners(saveFileListeners); } public void addCloseFileListener(final BioVizEvent listener) { closeFileListeners.add(listener); } void callCloseFileListeners() { logger.trace("Calling " + closeFileListeners.size() + " listeners for close"); callListeners(closeFileListeners); } public void addPickColourListener(final BioVizEvent listener) { pickColorListeners.add(listener); } void callPickColourListeners() { logger.trace("Calling " + pickColorListeners.size() + " listeners for picking a colour"); callListeners(pickColorListeners); } private void callLoadedFileListeners() { logger.trace("Calling " + loadedFileListeners.size() + " listeners for loaded"); callListeners(loadedFileListeners); } /** * Exports the currently displayed biochip to a svg image file. * * @param file The file where the svg should be stored. * @param timeStep The timestep of the current biochip to store. */ public void saveSVG(final File file, final int timeStep) { spawnSVGManager(); logger.debug("[SVG] Within saveSVG(String) method"); logger.debug("[SVG] svgManager: {}", svgManager); try { //Export SVG file svgManager.exportSVG(file, currentAssay, timeStep); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.error("[SVG] Could not store SVG; exception message: {}", e); } } /** * Choses the icon used by the application. * * There is a dice roll deciding which icon from {droplet, dispenser, sink} * will be used. * * @return The icon to use for the application */ public FileHandle getApplicationIcon() { Random rnd = new Random(); final int nIcons = 3; int r = rnd.nextInt(nIcons); FileHandle handle; if (r == 0) { handle = textures.getFileHandle(TextureE.Droplet); } else if (r == 1) { handle = textures.getFileHandle(TextureE.Dispenser); } else { handle = textures.getFileHandle(TextureE.Sink); } logger.debug("Setting application icon to " +; return handle; } /** * Add a listener for tab changes to the next tab. * * @param listener the listener */ public void addNextTabListener(final BioVizEvent listener) { nextTabListeners.add(listener); } /** * Call the nextTab listeners. */ void callNextTabListeners() { logger.trace("Calling " + nextTabListeners.size() + " listeners to change to the next tab."); callListeners(nextTabListeners); } /** * Add a listener for tab changes to the previous tab. * * @param listener the listener */ public void addPreviousTabListener(final BioVizEvent listener) { previousTabListeners.add(listener); } /** * Call the previousTab listeners. */ void callPreviousTabListeners() { logger.trace("Calling " + previousTabListeners.size() + " listeners to change to the next tab."); previousTabListeners.forEach(BioVizEvent::bioVizEvent); } /** * Creates the defailt shader program. * @return The default shader program. */ private static ShaderProgram createDefaultShader() { FileHandle vertexShaderHandle = Gdx.files.internal("vertexShader.shd"); FileHandle fragmentShaderHandle = Gdx.files.internal("fragmentShader.shd"); ShaderProgram shader = new ShaderProgram(vertexShaderHandle, fragmentShaderHandle); if (!shader.isCompiled()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error compiling shader: " + shader.getLog()); } return shader; } /** * Calls the listeners of a list of events. * * @param events The events that are to be called/triggered. */ private void callListeners(final List<BioVizEvent> events) { events.forEach(BioVizEvent::bioVizEvent); } }