Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Savoir-faire Linux Inc. * * Author: Adrien Braud <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package cx.ring.service; import android.Manifest; import; import; import android.content.AsyncTaskLoader; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.Loader; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.provider.ContactsContract; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.SipAddress; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Im; import; import; import; import; import android.text.Html; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.util.LongSparseArray; import android.util.LruCache; import android.util.Pair; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Random; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import cx.ring.BuildConfig; import cx.ring.R; import cx.ring.client.ConversationActivity; import cx.ring.fragments.SettingsFragment; import cx.ring.history.HistoryCall; import cx.ring.history.HistoryEntry; import cx.ring.history.HistoryManager; import cx.ring.history.HistoryText; import cx.ring.loaders.ContactsLoader; import cx.ring.model.CallContact; import cx.ring.model.Conference; import cx.ring.model.Conversation; import cx.ring.model.SecureSipCall; import cx.ring.model.SipCall; import cx.ring.model.SipUri; import cx.ring.model.TextMessage; import cx.ring.model.account.Account; import cx.ring.model.account.AccountDetailSrtp; import cx.ring.model.account.AccountDetailTls; import cx.ring.utils.MediaManager; public class LocalService extends Service implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { static final String TAG = LocalService.class.getSimpleName(); // Emitting events static public final String ACTION_CONF_UPDATE = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".action.CONF_UPDATE"; static public final String ACTION_ACCOUNT_UPDATE = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".action.ACCOUNT_UPDATE"; static public final String ACTION_CONV_READ = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".action.CONV_READ"; // Receiving commands static public final String ACTION_CALL_ACCEPT = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".action.CALL_ACCEPT"; static public final String ACTION_CALL_REFUSE = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".action.CALL_REFUSE"; static public final String ACTION_CALL_END = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".action.CALL_END"; public static final String AUTHORITY = "cx.ring"; public static final Uri AUTHORITY_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY); public static final int PERMISSIONS_REQUEST = 57; public final static String[] REQUIRED_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS = { Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO }; private IDRingService mService = null; private final ContactsContentObserver contactContentObserver = new ContactsContentObserver(); // Binder given to clients private final IBinder mBinder = new LocalBinder(); private Map<String, Conversation> conversations = new HashMap<>(); private ArrayList<Account> all_accounts = new ArrayList<>(); private List<Account> accounts = all_accounts; private List<Account> ip2ip_account = all_accounts; private HistoryManager historyManager; private final LongSparseArray<CallContact> systemContactCache = new LongSparseArray<>(); private ContactsLoader.Result lastContactLoaderResult = new ContactsLoader.Result(); private ContactsLoader mSystemContactLoader = null; private AccountsLoader mAccountLoader = null; private LruCache<Long, Bitmap> mMemoryCache = null; private final ExecutorService mPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); private NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager; private MediaManager mediaManager; private boolean isWifiConn = false; private boolean isMobileConn = false; private boolean canUseContacts = true; private boolean canUseMobile = false; public ContactsLoader.Result getSortedContacts() { Log.w(TAG, "getSortedContacts " + lastContactLoaderResult.contacts.size() + " contacts, " + lastContactLoaderResult.starred.size() + " starred."); return lastContactLoaderResult; } public LruCache<Long, Bitmap> get40dpContactCache() { return mMemoryCache; } public ExecutorService getThreadPool() { return mPool; } public LongSparseArray<CallContact> getContactCache() { return systemContactCache; } public boolean isConnected() { return isWifiConn || (canUseMobile && isMobileConn); } public boolean isWifiConnected() { return isWifiConn; } public Conference placeCall(SipCall call) { Conference conf = null; CallContact contact = call.getContact(); if (contact == null) contact = findContactByNumber(call.getNumberUri()); Conversation conv = startConversation(contact); try { SipUri number = call.getNumberUri(); if (number == null || number.isEmpty()) number = contact.getPhones().get(0).getNumber(); String callId = mService.placeCall(call.getAccount(), number.getUriString()); if (callId == null || callId.isEmpty()) { //CallActivity.this.terminateCall(); return null; } call.setCallID(callId); Account acc = getAccount(call.getAccount()); if (acc.isRing() || acc.getSrtpDetails().getDetailBoolean(AccountDetailSrtp.CONFIG_SRTP_ENABLE) || acc.getTlsDetails().getDetailBoolean(AccountDetailTls.CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE)) { Log.i(TAG, "placeCall() call is secure"); SecureSipCall secureCall = new SecureSipCall(call, acc.getSrtpDetails().getDetailString(AccountDetailSrtp.CONFIG_SRTP_KEY_EXCHANGE)); conf = new Conference(secureCall); } else { conf = new Conference(call); } conf.getParticipants().get(0).setContact(contact); conv.addConference(conf); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return conf; } public void sendTextMessage(String account, SipUri to, String txt) { try { mService.sendAccountTextMessage(account, to.getRawUriString(), txt); TextMessage message = new TextMessage(false, txt, to, null, account);; historyManager.insertNewTextMessage(message); textMessageSent(message); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void sendTextMessage(Conference conf, String txt) { try { mService.sendTextMessage(conf.getId(), txt); SipCall call = conf.getParticipants().get(0); TextMessage message = new TextMessage(false, txt, call.getNumberUri(), conf.getId(), call.getAccount());; historyManager.insertNewTextMessage(message); textMessageSent(message); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void readTextMessage(TextMessage message) {; HistoryText ht = new HistoryText(message); historyManager.updateTextMessage(ht); } public void readConversation(Conversation conv) { for (HistoryEntry h : conv.getRawHistory().values()) { NavigableMap<Long, TextMessage> messages = h.getTextMessages(); for (TextMessage msg : messages.descendingMap().values()) { if (msg.isRead()) break; readTextMessage(msg); } } notificationManager.cancel(conv.notificationId); updateTextNotifications(); } private void textMessageSent(TextMessage txt) { String call = txt.getCallId(); Conversation conv; Log.w(TAG, "Sent text messsage " + txt.getAccount() + " " + txt.getCallId() + " " + txt.getNumberUri() + " " + txt.getMessage()); if (call != null && !call.isEmpty()) { conv = getConversationByCallId(call); conv.addTextMessage(txt); } else { conv = startConversation(findContactByNumber(txt.getNumberUri())); txt.setContact(conv.getContact()); conv.addTextMessage(txt); } if (conv.mVisible); else updateTextNotifications(); sendBroadcast(new Intent(ACTION_CONF_UPDATE)); } public void refreshConversations() { Log.d(TAG, "refreshConversations()"); new ConversationLoader(getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(), systemContactCache) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(Map<String, Conversation> res) { updated(res); } }.execute(); } public interface Callbacks { IDRingService getRemoteService(); LocalService getService(); } public static class DummyCallbacks implements Callbacks { @Override public IDRingService getRemoteService() { return null; } @Override public LocalService getService() { return null; } } public static final Callbacks DUMMY_CALLBACKS = new DummyCallbacks(); @Override public void onCreate() { Log.e(TAG, "onCreate"); super.onCreate(); mediaManager = new MediaManager(this); notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(this); final int maxMemory = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024); final int cacheSize = maxMemory / 8; mMemoryCache = new LruCache<Long, Bitmap>(cacheSize) { @Override protected int sizeOf(Long key, Bitmap bitmap) { return bitmap.getByteCount() / 1024; } }; historyManager = new HistoryManager(this); Intent intent = new Intent(this, DRingService.class); startService(intent); bindService(intent, mConnection, BIND_AUTO_CREATE | BIND_IMPORTANT | BIND_ABOVE_CLIENT); ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo ni = cm.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI); isWifiConn = ni != null && ni.isConnected(); ni = cm.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE); isMobileConn = ni != null && ni.isConnected(); SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); canUseContacts = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(SettingsFragment.KEY_PREF_CONTACTS, true); canUseMobile = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(SettingsFragment.KEY_PREF_MOBILE, true); sharedPreferences.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); } @Override public void onLowMemory() { super.onLowMemory(); mMemoryCache.evictAll(); } @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.e(TAG, "onDestroy"); super.onDestroy(); PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); stopListener(); mMemoryCache.evictAll(); mPool.shutdown(); systemContactCache.clear(); lastContactLoaderResult = null; mAccountLoader.abandon(); mAccountLoader = null; } private final Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener<ArrayList<Account>> onAccountsLoaded = new Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener<ArrayList<Account>>() { @Override public void onLoadComplete(Loader<ArrayList<Account>> loader, ArrayList<Account> data) { Log.w(TAG, "AccountsLoader Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener " + data.size()); all_accounts = data; accounts = all_accounts.subList(0, data.size() - 1); ip2ip_account = all_accounts.subList(data.size() - 1, data.size()); boolean haveSipAccount = false; boolean haveRingAccount = false; for (Account acc : accounts) { if (acc.isSip()) haveSipAccount = true; else if (acc.isRing()) haveRingAccount = true; } mSystemContactLoader.loadRingContacts = haveRingAccount; mSystemContactLoader.loadSipContacts = haveSipAccount; SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(LocalService.this); sharedPreferences.edit().putBoolean(OutgoingCallHandler.KEY_CACHE_HAVE_RINGACCOUNT, haveRingAccount) .putBoolean(OutgoingCallHandler.KEY_CACHE_HAVE_SIPACCOUNT, haveSipAccount).apply(); updateConnectivityState(); mSystemContactLoader.startLoading(); mSystemContactLoader.forceLoad(); } }; private final Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener<ContactsLoader.Result> onSystemContactsLoaded = new Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener<ContactsLoader.Result>() { @Override public void onLoadComplete(Loader<ContactsLoader.Result> loader, ContactsLoader.Result data) { Log.w(TAG, "ContactsLoader Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener " + data.contacts.size() + " contacts, " + data.starred.size() + " starred."); lastContactLoaderResult = data; systemContactCache.clear(); for (CallContact c : data.contacts) systemContactCache.put(c.getId(), c); refreshConversations(); } }; @Override public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { switch (key) { case SettingsFragment.KEY_PREF_CONTACTS: canUseContacts = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(key, true); mSystemContactLoader.onContentChanged(); mSystemContactLoader.startLoading(); break; case SettingsFragment.KEY_PREF_MOBILE: canUseMobile = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(key, true); updateConnectivityState(); break; } } private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) { Log.w(TAG, "onServiceConnected " + className.getClassName()); mService = IDRingService.Stub.asInterface(service); mAccountLoader = new AccountsLoader(LocalService.this); mAccountLoader.registerListener(1, onAccountsLoaded); try { if (mService.isStarted()) { mAccountLoader.startLoading(); mAccountLoader.forceLoad(); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mSystemContactLoader = new ContactsLoader(LocalService.this); mSystemContactLoader.registerListener(1, onSystemContactsLoaded); startListener(); } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName arg0) { Log.w(TAG, "onServiceDisconnected " + arg0.getClassName()); if (mAccountLoader != null) { mAccountLoader.unregisterListener(onAccountsLoaded); mAccountLoader.cancelLoad(); mAccountLoader.stopLoading(); mAccountLoader = null; } if (mSystemContactLoader != null) { mSystemContactLoader.unregisterListener(onSystemContactsLoaded); mSystemContactLoader.cancelLoad(); mSystemContactLoader.stopLoading(); mSystemContactLoader = null; } mService = null; } }; /** * Class used for the client Binder. Because we know this service always * runs in the same process as its clients, we don't need to deal with IPC. */ public class LocalBinder extends Binder { public LocalService getService() { // Return this instance of LocalService so clients can call public methods return LocalService.this; } } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return mBinder; } @Override public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) { Log.e(TAG, "onUnbind"); if (mConnection != null) { unbindService(mConnection); mConnection = null; } return super.onUnbind(intent); } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { if (intent != null && intent.getAction() != null && mService != null) receiver.onReceive(this, intent); return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); } public static boolean checkPermission(Context c, String permission) { return ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(c, permission) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; } public static String[] checkRequiredPermissions(Context c) { ArrayList<String> perms = new ArrayList<>(); for (String p : REQUIRED_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS) { if (!checkPermission(c, p)) perms.add(p); } SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c); boolean contact_perm = sharedPref.getBoolean(SettingsFragment.KEY_PREF_CONTACTS, true); if (contact_perm && !checkPermission(c, Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS)) perms.add(Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS); return perms.toArray(new String[perms.size()]); } public IDRingService getRemoteService() { return mService; } public List<Account> getAccounts() { return accounts; } public List<Account> getIP2IPAccount() { return ip2ip_account; } public Account getAccount(String account_id) { if (account_id == null || account_id.isEmpty()) return null; for (Account acc : all_accounts) if (acc.getAccountID().equals(account_id)) return acc; return null; } public ArrayList<Conversation> getConversations() { ArrayList<Conversation> convs = new ArrayList<>(conversations.values()); Collections.sort(convs, new Comparator<Conversation>() { @Override public int compare(Conversation lhs, Conversation rhs) { return (int) ((rhs.getLastInteraction().getTime() - lhs.getLastInteraction().getTime()) / 1000l); } }); return convs; } public Conversation getConversation(String id) { return conversations.get(id); } public Conference getConference(String id) { for (Conversation conv : conversations.values()) { Conference conf = conv.getConference(id); if (conf != null) return conf; } return null; } public Pair<Conference, SipCall> getCall(String id) { for (Conversation conv : conversations.values()) { ArrayList<Conference> confs = conv.getCurrentCalls(); for (Conference c : confs) { SipCall call = c.getCallById(id); if (call != null) return new Pair<>(c, call); } } return new Pair<>(null, null); } public Conversation getByContact(CallContact contact) { ArrayList<String> keys = contact.getIds(); for (String k : keys) { Conversation c = conversations.get(k); if (c != null) return c; } Log.w(TAG, "getByContact failed"); return null; } public Conversation getConversationByCallId(String callId) { for (Conversation conv : conversations.values()) { Conference conf = conv.getConference(callId); if (conf != null) return conv; } return null; } public Conversation startConversation(CallContact contact) { if (contact.isUnknown()) contact = findContactByNumber(contact.getPhones().get(0).getNumber()); Conversation c = getByContact(contact); if (c == null) { c = new Conversation(contact); conversations.put(contact.getIds().get(0), c); } return c; } public CallContact findContactByNumber(SipUri number) { for (Conversation conv : conversations.values()) { if ( return; } return canUseContacts ? findContactByNumber(getContentResolver(), number.getRawUriString()) : CallContact.buildUnknown(number); } public Conversation findConversationByNumber(SipUri number) { if (number == null || number.isEmpty()) return null; for (Conversation conv : conversations.values()) { if ( return conv; } return startConversation( canUseContacts ? findContactByNumber(getContentResolver(), number.getRawUriString()) : CallContact.buildUnknown(number)); } public CallContact findContactById(long id) { if (id <= 0) return null; CallContact c = systemContactCache.get(id); if (c == null) { Log.w(TAG, "getContactById : cache miss for " + id); c = findById(getContentResolver(), id, null); systemContactCache.put(id, c); } return c; } public Account guessAccount(CallContact c, SipUri uri) { if (uri.isRingId()) { for (Account a : all_accounts) if (a.isRing()) return a; // ring ids must be called with ring accounts return null; } for (Account a : all_accounts) if (a.isSip() && a.getHost().equals( return a; if (uri.isSingleIp()) return ip2ip_account.get(0); return accounts.get(0); } public void clearHistory() { historyManager.clearDB(); refreshConversations(); } public static final String[] DATA_PROJECTION = { ContactsContract.Data._ID, ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTACT_ID, ContactsContract.Data.LOOKUP_KEY, ContactsContract.Data.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY, ContactsContract.Data.PHOTO_ID, ContactsContract.Data.PHOTO_THUMBNAIL_URI, ContactsContract.Data.STARRED }; public static final String[] CONTACT_PROJECTION = { ContactsContract.Contacts._ID, ContactsContract.Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY, ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY, ContactsContract.Contacts.PHOTO_ID, ContactsContract.Contacts.STARRED }; public static final String[] PHONELOOKUP_PROJECTION = { ContactsContract.PhoneLookup._ID, ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.LOOKUP_KEY, ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.PHOTO_ID, ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME_PRIMARY }; private static final String[] CONTACTS_PHONES_PROJECTION = { Phone.NUMBER, Phone.TYPE, Phone.LABEL }; private static final String[] CONTACTS_SIP_PROJECTION = { ContactsContract.Data.MIMETYPE, SipAddress.SIP_ADDRESS, SipAddress.TYPE, SipAddress.LABEL }; private static final String ID_SELECTION = ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTACT_ID + "=?"; private static void lookupDetails(@NonNull ContentResolver res, @NonNull CallContact c) { //Log.w(TAG, "lookupDetails " + c.getKey()); try { Cursor cPhones = res.query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, CONTACTS_PHONES_PROJECTION, ID_SELECTION, new String[] { String.valueOf(c.getId()) }, null); if (cPhones != null) { final int iNum = cPhones.getColumnIndex(Phone.NUMBER); final int iType = cPhones.getColumnIndex(Phone.TYPE); final int iLabel = cPhones.getColumnIndex(Phone.LABEL); while (cPhones.moveToNext()) { c.addNumber(cPhones.getString(iNum), cPhones.getInt(iType), cPhones.getString(iLabel), CallContact.NumberType.TEL); Log.w(TAG, "Phone:" + cPhones.getString(cPhones.getColumnIndex(Phone.NUMBER))); } cPhones.close(); } Uri baseUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, c.getId()); Uri targetUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(baseUri, ContactsContract.Contacts.Data.CONTENT_DIRECTORY); Cursor cSip = res.query(targetUri, CONTACTS_SIP_PROJECTION, ContactsContract.Data.MIMETYPE + "=? OR " + ContactsContract.Data.MIMETYPE + " =?", new String[] { SipAddress.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, Im.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE }, null); if (cSip != null) { final int iMime = cSip.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Data.MIMETYPE); final int iSip = cSip.getColumnIndex(SipAddress.SIP_ADDRESS); final int iType = cSip.getColumnIndex(SipAddress.TYPE); final int iLabel = cSip.getColumnIndex(SipAddress.LABEL); while (cSip.moveToNext()) { String mime = cSip.getString(iMime); String number = cSip.getString(iSip); if (!mime.contentEquals(Im.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE) || new SipUri(number).isRingId() || "ring".equalsIgnoreCase(cSip.getString(iLabel))) c.addNumber(number, cSip.getInt(iType), cSip.getString(iLabel), CallContact.NumberType.SIP); Log.w(TAG, "SIP phone:" + number + " " + mime + " "); } cSip.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } } public static CallContact findById(@NonNull ContentResolver res, long id, String key) { CallContact contact = null; try { Uri contentUri; if (key != null) contentUri = ContactsContract.Contacts.lookupContact(res, ContactsContract.Contacts.getLookupUri(id, key)); else contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, id); Cursor result = res.query(contentUri, CONTACT_PROJECTION, null, null, null); if (result == null) return null; if (result.moveToFirst()) { int iID = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Data._ID); int iKey = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Data.LOOKUP_KEY); int iName = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Data.DISPLAY_NAME); int iPhoto = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Data.PHOTO_ID); int iStared = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.STARRED); long cid = result.getLong(iID); Log.w(TAG, "Contact name: " + result.getString(iName) + " id:" + cid + " key:" + result.getString(iKey)); contact = new CallContact(cid, result.getString(iKey), result.getString(iName), result.getLong(iPhoto)); if (result.getInt(iStared) != 0) contact.setStared(); lookupDetails(res, contact); } result.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } if (contact == null) Log.w(TAG, "findById " + id + " can't find contact."); return contact; } @NonNull public static CallContact findContactBySipNumber(@NonNull ContentResolver res, String number) { ArrayList<CallContact> contacts = new ArrayList<>(1); try { Cursor result = res.query(ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI, DATA_PROJECTION, SipAddress.SIP_ADDRESS + "=?" + " AND (" + ContactsContract.Data.MIMETYPE + "=? OR " + ContactsContract.Data.MIMETYPE + "=?)", new String[] { number, SipAddress.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, Im.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE }, null); if (result == null) { Log.w(TAG, "findContactBySipNumber " + number + " can't find contact."); return CallContact.buildUnknown(number); } int icID = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTACT_ID); int iKey = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Data.LOOKUP_KEY); int iName = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Data.DISPLAY_NAME); int iPhoto = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Data.PHOTO_ID); int iPhotoThumb = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Data.PHOTO_THUMBNAIL_URI); int iStared = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.STARRED); while (result.moveToNext()) { long cid = result.getLong(icID); CallContact contact = new CallContact(cid, result.getString(iKey), result.getString(iName), result.getLong(iPhoto)); if (result.getInt(iStared) != 0) contact.setStared(); lookupDetails(res, contact); contacts.add(contact); } result.close(); //lookupDetails(res, contact); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } if (contacts.isEmpty() || contacts.get(0).getPhones().isEmpty()) { Log.w(TAG, "findContactBySipNumber " + number + " can't find contact."); return CallContact.buildUnknown(number); } return contacts.get(0); } @NonNull public static CallContact findContactByNumber(@NonNull ContentResolver res, String number) { //Log.w(TAG, "findContactByNumber " + number); CallContact c = null; try { Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, Uri.encode(number)); Cursor result = res.query(uri, PHONELOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null); if (result == null) { Log.w(TAG, "findContactByNumber " + number + " can't find contact."); return findContactBySipNumber(res, number); } if (result.moveToFirst()) { int iID = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts._ID); int iKey = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Data.LOOKUP_KEY); int iName = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME); int iPhoto = result.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.PHOTO_ID); c = new CallContact(result.getLong(iID), result.getString(iKey), result.getString(iName), result.getLong(iPhoto)); lookupDetails(res, c); Log.w(TAG, "findContactByNumber " + number + " found " + c.getDisplayName()); } result.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, e); } if (c == null) { Log.w(TAG, "findContactByNumber " + number + " can't find contact."); c = findContactBySipNumber(res, number); } return c; } private class ConversationLoader extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Map<String, Conversation>> { private final ContentResolver cr; private final LongSparseArray<CallContact> localContactCache; private final HashMap<String, CallContact> localNumberCache = new HashMap<>(64); public ConversationLoader(ContentResolver c, LongSparseArray<CallContact> cache) { cr = c; localContactCache = (cache == null) ? new LongSparseArray<CallContact>(64) : cache; } private CallContact getByNumber(HashMap<String, CallContact> cache, String number) { if (number == null || number.isEmpty()) return null; number = CallContact.canonicalNumber(number); CallContact c = cache.get(number); if (c == null) { c = canUseContacts ? findContactByNumber(cr, number) : CallContact.buildUnknown(number); //if (c != null) cache.put(number, c); } return c; } Pair<HistoryEntry, HistoryCall> findHistoryByCallId(final Map<String, Conversation> confs, String id) { for (Conversation c : confs.values()) { Pair<HistoryEntry, HistoryCall> h = c.findHistoryByCallId(id); if (h != null) return h; } return null; } CallContact getCreateContact(long contact_id, String contact_key, String cnumber) { String number = CallContact.canonicalNumber(cnumber); //Log.w(TAG, "getCreateContact : " + cnumber + " " + number + " " + contact_id + " " + contact_key); CallContact contact; if (contact_id <= CallContact.DEFAULT_ID) { contact = getByNumber(localNumberCache, number); } else { contact = localContactCache.get(contact_id); if (contact == null) { contact = canUseContacts ? findById(cr, contact_id, contact_key) : CallContact.buildUnknown(number); if (contact != null) contact.addPhoneNumber(cnumber); else { Log.w(TAG, "Can't find contact with id " + contact_id); contact = getByNumber(localNumberCache, number); } localContactCache.put(contact.getId(), contact); } } return contact; } @Override protected Map<String, Conversation> doInBackground(Void... params) { final Map<String, Conversation> ret = new HashMap<>(); try { final List<HistoryCall> history = historyManager.getAll(); final List<HistoryText> historyTexts = historyManager.getAllTextMessages(); final Map<String, ArrayList<String>> confs = mService.getConferenceList(); for (HistoryCall call : history) { //Log.w(TAG, "History call : " + call.getNumber() + " " + call.call_start + " " + call.getEndDate().toString() + " " + call.getContactID()); CallContact contact = getCreateContact(call.getContactID(), call.getContactKey(), call.getNumber()); Map.Entry<String, Conversation> merge = null; for (Map.Entry<String, Conversation> ce : ret.entrySet()) { Conversation c = ce.getValue(); if ((contact.getId() > 0 && contact.getId() == || { merge = ce; break; } } if (merge != null) { Conversation c = merge.getValue(); //Log.w(TAG, " Join to " + merge.getKey() + " " + c.getContact().getDisplayName() + " " + call.getNumber()); if (c.getContact().getId() <= 0 && contact.getId() > 0) { = contact; ret.remove(merge.getKey()); ret.put(contact.getIds().get(0), c); } c.addHistoryCall(call); continue; } String key = contact.getIds().get(0); if (ret.containsKey(key)) { ret.get(key).addHistoryCall(call); } else { Conversation c = new Conversation(contact); c.addHistoryCall(call); ret.put(key, c); } } for (HistoryText htext : historyTexts) { //Log.w(TAG, "History text : " + htext.getNumber() + " " + htext.getDate() + " " + htext.getCallId() + " " + htext.getAccountID() + " " + htext.getMessage()); CallContact contact = getCreateContact(htext.getContactID(), htext.getContactKey(), htext.getNumber()); Pair<HistoryEntry, HistoryCall> p = findHistoryByCallId(ret, htext.getCallId()); if (contact == null && p != null) contact = p.first.getContact(); if (contact == null) continue; TextMessage msg = new TextMessage(htext); msg.setContact(contact); if (p != null) { if (msg.getNumberUri() == null) msg.setNumber(new SipUri(p.second.getNumber())); p.first.addTextMessage(msg); } String key = contact.getIds().get(0); if (ret.containsKey(key)) { ret.get(key).addTextMessage(msg); } else { Conversation c = new Conversation(contact); c.addTextMessage(msg); ret.put(key, c); } } for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> c : confs.entrySet()) { Conference conf = new Conference(c.getKey()); for (String call_id : c.getValue()) { SipCall call = getCall(call_id).second; if (call == null) call = new SipCall(call_id, mService.getCallDetails(call_id)); Account acc = getAccount(call.getAccount()); if (acc.isRing() || acc.getSrtpDetails().getDetailBoolean(AccountDetailSrtp.CONFIG_SRTP_ENABLE) || acc.getTlsDetails().getDetailBoolean(AccountDetailTls.CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE)) { call = new SecureSipCall(call, acc.getSrtpDetails() .getDetailString(AccountDetailSrtp.CONFIG_SRTP_KEY_EXCHANGE)); } conf.addParticipant(call); } List<SipCall> calls = conf.getParticipants(); if (calls.size() == 1) { SipCall call = calls.get(0); CallContact contact = getCreateContact(-1, null, call.getNumber()); call.setContact(contact); Conversation conv = null; ArrayList<String> ids = contact.getIds(); for (String id : ids) { //Log.w(TAG, " uri attempt : " + id); conv = ret.get(id); if (conv != null) break; } if (conv != null) { conv.addConference(conf); } else { conv = new Conversation(contact); conv.addConference(conf); ret.put(ids.get(0), conv); } } } for (Conversation c : ret.values()) Log.w(TAG, "Conversation : " + c.getContact().getId() + " " + c.getContact().getDisplayName() + " " + c.getLastNumberUsed(c.getLastAccountUsed()) + " " + c.getLastInteraction().toString()); for (int i = 0; i < localContactCache.size(); i++) { CallContact contact = localContactCache.valueAt(i); String key = contact.getIds().get(0); if (!ret.containsKey(key)) ret.put(key, new Conversation(contact)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } } private void updated(Map<String, Conversation> res) { for (Conversation conv : conversations.values()) { for (Conference c : conv.current_calls) { notificationManager.cancel(c.notificationId); } } conversations = res; updateAudioState(); updateTextNotifications(); sendBroadcast(new Intent(ACTION_CONF_UPDATE)); } public class AccountsLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<ArrayList<Account>> { public static final String ACCOUNTS = "accounts"; public static final String ACCOUNT_IP2IP = "IP2IP"; public AccountsLoader(Context context) { super(context); Log.w(TAG, "AccountsLoader constructor"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public ArrayList<Account> loadInBackground() { Log.w(TAG, "AccountsLoader loadInBackground"); ArrayList<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<>(); Account IP2IP = null; try { ArrayList<String> accountIDs = (ArrayList<String>) mService.getAccountList(); Map<String, String> details; ArrayList<Map<String, String>> credentials; Map<String, String> state; for (String id : accountIDs) { details = (Map<String, String>) mService.getAccountDetails(id); state = (Map<String, String>) mService.getVolatileAccountDetails(id); if (id.contentEquals(ACCOUNT_IP2IP)) { IP2IP = new Account(ACCOUNT_IP2IP, details, new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(), state); // Empty credentials //accounts.add(IP2IP); continue; } credentials = (ArrayList<Map<String, String>>) mService.getCredentials(id); /*for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : State.entrySet()) { Log.i(TAG, "State:" + entry.getKey() + " -> " + entry.getValue()); }*/ Account tmp = new Account(id, details, credentials, state); accounts.add(tmp); // Log.i(TAG, "account:" + tmp.getAlias() + " " + tmp.isEnabled()); } } catch (RemoteException | NullPointerException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.toString()); } accounts.add(IP2IP); return accounts; } } private void updateConnectivityState() { ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo ni = cm.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI); Log.w(TAG, "ActiveNetworkInfo (Wifi): " + (ni == null ? "null" : ni.toString())); isWifiConn = ni != null && ni.isConnected(); ni = cm.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE); Log.w(TAG, "ActiveNetworkInfo (mobile): " + (ni == null ? "null" : ni.toString())); isMobileConn = ni != null && ni.isConnected(); try { getRemoteService().setAccountsActive(isConnected()); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // if account list loaded if (!ip2ip_account.isEmpty()) sendBroadcast(new Intent(ACTION_ACCOUNT_UPDATE)); } public void updateTextNotifications() { Log.d(TAG, "updateTextNotifications()"); for (Conversation c : conversations.values()) { TreeMap<Long, TextMessage> texts = c.getUnreadTextMessages(); if (texts.isEmpty() || texts.lastEntry().getValue().isNotified()) { continue; } else notificationManager.cancel(c.notificationId); CallContact contact = c.getContact(); if (c.notificationBuilder == null) { c.notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplicationContext()); c.notificationBuilder.setCategory(NotificationCompat.CATEGORY_MESSAGE) .setPriority(NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_HIGH).setDefaults(NotificationCompat.DEFAULT_ALL) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher).setContentTitle(contact.getDisplayName()); } NotificationCompat.Builder noti = c.notificationBuilder; Intent c_intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).setClass(this, ConversationActivity.class) .setData(Uri.withAppendedPath(ConversationActivity.CONTENT_URI, contact.getIds().get(0))); Intent d_intent = new Intent(ACTION_CONV_READ).setClass(this, LocalService.class) .setData(Uri.withAppendedPath(ConversationActivity.CONTENT_URI, contact.getIds().get(0))); noti.setContentIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(this, new Random().nextInt(), c_intent, 0)) .setDeleteIntent(PendingIntent.getService(this, new Random().nextInt(), d_intent, 0)); if (contact.getPhoto() != null) { Resources res = getResources(); int height = (int) res.getDimension(android.R.dimen.notification_large_icon_height); int width = (int) res.getDimension(android.R.dimen.notification_large_icon_width); noti.setLargeIcon(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(contact.getPhoto(), width, height, false)); } if (texts.size() == 1) { TextMessage txt = texts.firstEntry().getValue(); txt.setNotified(true); noti.setContentText(txt.getMessage()); noti.setStyle(null); noti.setWhen(txt.getTimestamp()); } else { NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inboxStyle = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle(); for (TextMessage s : texts.values()) { inboxStyle.addLine(Html.fromHtml("<b>" + DateUtils.formatDateTime(this, s.getTimestamp(), DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL) + "</b> " + s.getMessage())); s.setNotified(true); } noti.setContentText(texts.lastEntry().getValue().getMessage()); noti.setStyle(inboxStyle); noti.setWhen(texts.lastEntry().getValue().getTimestamp()); } notificationManager.notify(c.notificationId,; } } private void updateAudioState() { boolean current = false; Conference ringing = null; for (Conversation c : conversations.values()) { Conference conf = c.getCurrentCall(); if (conf != null) { current = true; if (conf.isRinging()) { ringing = conf; break; } } } if (current) mediaManager.obtainAudioFocus(ringing != null); if (ringing != null) { //Log.w(TAG, "updateAudioState Ringing "); mediaManager.audioManager.setMode(AudioManager.MODE_RINGTONE); mediaManager.startRing(null); } else if (current) { //Log.w(TAG, "updateAudioState communication "); mediaManager.stopRing(); mediaManager.audioManager.setMode(AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION); } else { //Log.w(TAG, "updateAudioState normal "); mediaManager.stopRing(); mediaManager.abandonAudioFocus(); } } private final BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { Log.w(TAG, "BroadcastReceiver onReceive " + intent.getAction()); switch (intent.getAction()) { case DRingService.DRING_CONNECTION_CHANGED: { boolean connected = intent.getBooleanExtra("connected", false); if (connected) { mAccountLoader.onContentChanged(); mAccountLoader.startLoading(); mAccountLoader.forceLoad(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "DRing connection lost "); } break; } case ACTION_CONV_READ: { String conv_id = intent.getData().getLastPathSegment(); Conversation conversation = getConversation(conv_id); if (conversation != null) { readConversation(conversation); } sendBroadcast(new Intent(ACTION_CONF_UPDATE)); break; } case ACTION_CALL_ACCEPT: { String call_id = intent.getData().getLastPathSegment(); try { mService.accept(call_id); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } updateAudioState(); Conference conf = getConference(call_id); if (!conf.mVisible) startActivity(conf.getViewIntent(LocalService.this).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK)); break; } case ACTION_CALL_REFUSE: { String call_id = intent.getData().getLastPathSegment(); try { mService.refuse(call_id); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } updateAudioState(); break; } case ACTION_CALL_END: { String call_id = intent.getData().getLastPathSegment(); try { mService.hangUp(call_id); mService.hangUpConference(call_id); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } updateAudioState(); break; } case ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION: Log.w(TAG, "ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION " + " " + intent.getStringExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_EXTRA_INFO) + " " + intent.getStringExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_EXTRA_INFO)); updateConnectivityState(); break; case ConfigurationManagerCallback.ACCOUNT_STATE_CHANGED: Log.w(TAG, "Received " + intent.getAction() + " " + intent.getStringExtra("account") + " " + intent.getStringExtra("state") + " " + intent.getIntExtra("code", 0)); //accountStateChanged(intent.getStringExtra("Account"), intent.getStringExtra("State"), intent.getIntExtra("code", 0)); for (Account a : accounts) { if (a.getAccountID().contentEquals(intent.getStringExtra("account"))) { a.setRegistrationState(intent.getStringExtra("state"), intent.getIntExtra("code", 0)); sendBroadcast(new Intent(ACTION_ACCOUNT_UPDATE)); break; } } break; case ConfigurationManagerCallback.ACCOUNTS_CHANGED: mAccountLoader.onContentChanged(); mAccountLoader.startLoading(); mAccountLoader.forceLoad(); break; case CallManagerCallBack.INCOMING_TEXT: case ConfigurationManagerCallback.INCOMING_TEXT: { String message = intent.getStringExtra("txt"); String number = intent.getStringExtra("from"); String call = intent.getStringExtra("call"); String account = intent.getStringExtra("account"); TextMessage txt = new TextMessage(true, message, new SipUri(number), call, account); Log.w(TAG, "New text messsage " + txt.getAccount() + " " + txt.getCallId() + " " + txt.getMessage()); Conversation conv; if (call != null && !call.isEmpty()) { conv = getConversationByCallId(call); } else { conv = startConversation(findContactByNumber(txt.getNumberUri())); txt.setContact(conv.getContact()); } if (conv.mVisible); historyManager.insertNewTextMessage(txt); conv.addTextMessage(txt); if (!conv.mVisible) updateTextNotifications(); sendBroadcast(new Intent(ACTION_CONF_UPDATE)); break; } case CallManagerCallBack.INCOMING_CALL: { String callId = intent.getStringExtra("call"); String accountId = intent.getStringExtra("account"); SipUri number = new SipUri(intent.getStringExtra("from")); CallContact contact = findContactByNumber(number); Conversation conv = startConversation(contact); SipCall call = new SipCall(callId, accountId, number, SipCall.Direction.INCOMING); call.setContact(contact); Account account = getAccount(accountId); Conference toAdd; if (account.useSecureLayer()) { SecureSipCall secureCall = new SecureSipCall(call, account.getSrtpDetails().getDetailString(AccountDetailSrtp.CONFIG_SRTP_KEY_EXCHANGE)); toAdd = new Conference(secureCall); } else { toAdd = new Conference(call); } conv.addConference(toAdd); toAdd.showCallNotification(LocalService.this); updateAudioState(); sendBroadcast(new Intent(ACTION_CONF_UPDATE)); break; } case CallManagerCallBack.CALL_STATE_CHANGED: { String call_id = intent.getStringExtra("call"); Conversation conversation = null; Conference found = null; for (Conversation conv : conversations.values()) { Conference tconf = conv.getConference(call_id); if (tconf != null) { conversation = conv; found = tconf; break; } } if (found == null) { Log.w(TAG, "CALL_STATE_CHANGED : Can't find conference " + call_id); } else { SipCall call = found.getCallById(call_id); int old_state = call.getCallState(); int new_state = SipCall.stateFromString(intent.getStringExtra("state")); Log.w(TAG, "Call state change for " + call_id + " : " + SipCall.stateToString(old_state) + " -> " + SipCall.stateToString(new_state)); if (new_state != old_state) { Log.w(TAG, "CALL_STATE_CHANGED : updating call state to " + new_state); if ((call.isRinging() || new_state == SipCall.State.CURRENT) && call.getTimestampStart() == 0) { call.setTimestampStart(System.currentTimeMillis()); } call.setCallState(new_state); } try { call.setDetails((HashMap<String, String>) intent.getSerializableExtra("details")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Can't set call details.", e); } if (new_state == SipCall.State.HUNGUP || new_state == SipCall.State.BUSY || new_state == SipCall.State.FAILURE || new_state == SipCall.State.INACTIVE || new_state == SipCall.State.OVER) { if (new_state == SipCall.State.HUNGUP) { call.setTimestampEnd(System.currentTimeMillis()); } historyManager.insertNewEntry(found); conversation.addHistoryCall(new HistoryCall(call)); notificationManager.cancel(found.notificationId); found.removeParticipant(call); } else { found.showCallNotification(LocalService.this); } if (new_state == SipCall.State.FAILURE || new_state == SipCall.State.BUSY) { try { mService.hangUp(call_id); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (found.getParticipants().isEmpty()) { conversation.removeConference(found); } } updateAudioState(); sendBroadcast(new Intent(ACTION_CONF_UPDATE)); break; } default: refreshConversations(); } } }; public void startListener() { IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); intentFilter.addAction(ACTION_CONV_READ); intentFilter.addAction(DRingService.DRING_CONNECTION_CHANGED); intentFilter.addAction(ConfigurationManagerCallback.ACCOUNT_STATE_CHANGED); intentFilter.addAction(ConfigurationManagerCallback.ACCOUNTS_CHANGED); intentFilter.addAction(ConfigurationManagerCallback.INCOMING_TEXT); intentFilter.addAction(CallManagerCallBack.INCOMING_CALL); intentFilter.addAction(CallManagerCallBack.INCOMING_TEXT); intentFilter.addAction(CallManagerCallBack.CALL_STATE_CHANGED); intentFilter.addAction(CallManagerCallBack.CONF_CREATED); intentFilter.addAction(CallManagerCallBack.CONF_CHANGED); intentFilter.addAction(CallManagerCallBack.CONF_REMOVED); intentFilter.addAction(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION); registerReceiver(receiver, intentFilter); getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, true, contactContentObserver); } private class ContactsContentObserver extends ContentObserver { public ContactsContentObserver() { super(null); } @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri) { super.onChange(selfChange, uri); Log.w(TAG, "ContactsContentObserver.onChange"); mSystemContactLoader.onContentChanged(); mSystemContactLoader.startLoading(); } } public void stopListener() { unregisterReceiver(receiver); getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver(contactContentObserver); } }