Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* * * Copyright (C) 2016 Hui Ma * */ package crystalball.quant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.DenseInstance; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.classifiers.functions.SMOreg; import weka.classifiers.evaluation.NumericPrediction; import weka.classifiers.timeseries.WekaForecaster; import crystalball.backtest.PositionState; import crystalball.quant.QuantDecision.ActionSuggestion; /** * Helper class that executes CrystalBall schemes from the command line. * Takes stock data source entered by the user - e.g.<br> * <br> * * java crystalball.Run ib <br> * <br> * * @author Hui Ma (huima58{[at]}gmail{[dot]}com) * @version $Revision: 1 $ * */ import crystalball.util.BarData; /** * Give trade suggestion based on SVM prediction. * * @author Hui Ma (huima58{[at]}gmail{[dot]}com) * @version $Revision: 1 $ * */ public class QuantWekaSMOreg extends Quant { private Instances instances = null; private Attribute id = new Attribute("id"); private Attribute close = new Attribute("close"); private static final int predictSteps = 6; private double predicted[] = new double[predictSteps]; private static final int dataSetLength = 156 + 78; private WekaForecaster forecaster; public QuantWekaSMOreg() { super(); } public void forecast(BarData barData) { forecast(barData, 0, barData.dataLen - 1); } public void forecast(BarData barData, int startBarId, int endBarId) { makeDataSet(barData, startBarId, endBarId); try { if (isLastBarOfHalfHour(barData, endBarId) || forecaster == null) { // new forecaster forecaster = new WekaForecaster(); // set the targets we want to forecast. This method calls // setFieldsToLag() on the lag maker object for us forecaster.setFieldsToForecast("close"); // set the underlying classifier as SMOreg (SVM) forecaster.setBaseForecaster(new SMOreg()); forecaster.getTSLagMaker().setTimeStampField("id"); // date time stamp forecaster.getTSLagMaker().setMinLag(1); forecaster.getTSLagMaker().setMaxLag(78); // add a month of the year indicator field forecaster.getTSLagMaker().setAddMonthOfYear(false); // add a quarter of the year indicator field forecaster.getTSLagMaker().setAddQuarterOfYear(false); // build the model forecaster.buildForecaster(instances); } // prime the forecaster with enough recent historical data // to cover up to the maximum lag. forecaster.primeForecaster(instances); // forecast for 6 units beyond the end of the training data List<List<NumericPrediction>> forecast = forecaster.forecast(predictSteps, System.out); // output the predictions. Outer list is over the steps; inner list is over // the targets for (int i = 0; i < predictSteps; i++) { List<NumericPrediction> predsAtStep = forecast.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { NumericPrediction predForTarget = predsAtStep.get(j); predicted[i] = predForTarget.predicted(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private void makeDataSet(BarData barData, int startBarId, int endBarId) { ArrayList<Attribute> attrs = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); attrs.add(id); attrs.add(close); instances = new Instances("instanceName", attrs, endBarId - startBarId + 1); for (int i = startBarId; i <= endBarId; i++) { // Create empty instance with three attribute values Instance inst = new DenseInstance(2); inst.setValue(instances.attribute("id"), i); inst.setValue(instances.attribute("close"), barData.close[i]); inst.setDataset(instances); instances.add(inst); } } @Override public QuantDecision makeDecision(BarData barData, int id, PositionState positionState) { if (id < dataSetLength) return null; forecast(barData, id - dataSetLength, id); boolean isLong = barData.close[id] < predicted[0]; int i = 1; for (; i < predictSteps; i++) { if (isLong) { if (barData.close[id] > predicted[i]) break; } else { if (barData.close[id] < predicted[i]) break; } } QuantDecision decision = new QuantDecision(); if (i < predictSteps / 2) { decision.suggestion = ActionSuggestion.Neutral; } else if (i < predictSteps) { if (isLong) decision.suggestion = ActionSuggestion.HoldLong; else decision.suggestion = ActionSuggestion.HoldShort; } else { if (isLong) decision.suggestion = ActionSuggestion.Long; else decision.suggestion = ActionSuggestion.Short; } return decision; } private boolean isLastBarOfHalfHour(BarData barData, int id) { if (id == 0) return false; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(barData.time[id]); int minute = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); return (minute == 25 || minute == 55); } }