Java tutorial
/* * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Synacor, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package com.zimbra.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpState; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie.CookiePolicy; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.ByteArrayPartSource; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.FilePart; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.MultipartRequestEntity; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.Part; import org.dom4j.QName; import org.json.JSONException; import; import; import; import com.zimbra.client.ZFolder.Color; import com.zimbra.client.ZGrant.GranteeType; import com.zimbra.client.ZInvite.ZTimeZone; import com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox.ZOutgoingMessage.AttachedMessagePart; import com.zimbra.client.ZSearchParams.Cursor; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZCreateAppointmentEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZCreateContactEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZCreateConversationEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZCreateEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZCreateFolderEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZCreateMessageEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZCreateMountpointEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZCreateSearchFolderEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZCreateTagEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZCreateTaskEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZDeleteEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZEventHandler; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyAppointmentEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyContactEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyConversationEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyFolderEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyMailboxEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyMessageEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyMountpointEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifySearchFolderEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyTagEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyTaskEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyVoiceMailItemEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZModifyVoiceMailItemFolderEvent; import com.zimbra.client.event.ZRefreshEvent; import com.zimbra.common.account.Key; import com.zimbra.common.account.Key.AccountBy; import com.zimbra.common.auth.ZAuthToken; import com.zimbra.common.auth.twofactor.TOTPAuthenticator; import com.zimbra.common.auth.twofactor.TwoFactorOptions.Encoding; import com.zimbra.common.httpclient.HttpClientUtil; import com.zimbra.common.localconfig.LC; import; import com.zimbra.common.service.RemoteServiceException; import com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException; import com.zimbra.common.soap.AccountConstants; import com.zimbra.common.soap.AdminConstants; import com.zimbra.common.soap.Element; import com.zimbra.common.soap.Element.JSONElement; import com.zimbra.common.soap.Element.XMLElement; import com.zimbra.common.soap.HeaderConstants; import com.zimbra.common.soap.MailConstants; import com.zimbra.common.soap.SoapFaultException; import com.zimbra.common.soap.SoapHttpTransport; import com.zimbra.common.soap.SoapProtocol; import com.zimbra.common.soap.SoapTransport; import com.zimbra.common.soap.VoiceConstants; import com.zimbra.common.soap.ZimbraNamespace; import com.zimbra.common.util.ByteUtil; import com.zimbra.common.util.Constants; import com.zimbra.common.util.ListUtil; import com.zimbra.common.util.MapUtil; import com.zimbra.common.util.Pair; import com.zimbra.common.util.StringUtil; import com.zimbra.common.util.SystemUtil; import com.zimbra.common.util.ZimbraHttpConnectionManager; import com.zimbra.common.zclient.ZClientException; import com.zimbra.soap.JaxbUtil; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.AuthRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.AuthResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.ChangePasswordRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.ChangePasswordResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.DisableTwoFactorAuthRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.DisableTwoFactorAuthResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.EnableTwoFactorAuthRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.EnableTwoFactorAuthResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.EndSessionRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.GetIdentitiesRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.GetIdentitiesResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.GetInfoRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.GetInfoResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.GetSignaturesRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.account.message.GetSignaturesResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.account.type.AuthToken; import com.zimbra.soap.account.type.InfoSection; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.CheckSpellingRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.CheckSpellingResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.GetAppointmentRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.GetAppointmentResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.GetDataSourcesRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.GetDataSourcesResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.GetFilterRulesRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.GetFilterRulesResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.GetFolderRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.GetFolderResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.GetOutgoingFilterRulesRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.GetOutgoingFilterRulesResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.ImportContactsRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.ImportContactsResponse; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.ModifyFilterRulesRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.message.ModifyOutgoingFilterRulesRequest; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.type.Content; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.type.Folder; import com.zimbra.soap.mail.type.ImportContact; import com.zimbra.soap.type.AccountSelector; import com.zimbra.soap.type.CalDataSource; import com.zimbra.soap.type.DataSource; import com.zimbra.soap.type.ImapDataSource; import com.zimbra.soap.type.Pop3DataSource; import com.zimbra.soap.type.RssDataSource; import com.zimbra.soap.type.SearchSortBy; public class ZMailbox implements ToZJSONObject { public final static int MAX_NUM_CACHED_SEARCH_PAGERS = 5; public final static int MAX_NUM_CACHED_SEARCH_CONV_PAGERS = 5; public final static int MAX_NUM_CACHED_MESSAGES = LC.zmailbox_message_cachesize.intValue(); public final static int MAX_NUM_CACHED_CONTACTS = 25; public final static String PATH_SEPARATOR = "/"; public final static char PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR = '/'; private static final int CALENDAR_FOLDER_ALL = -1; static { SocketFactories.registerProtocols(); } public static final class Fetch { public static final Fetch none = new Fetch("none"); public static final Fetch first = new Fetch("first"); public static final Fetch hits = new Fetch("hits"); public static final Fetch all = new Fetch("all"); public static final Fetch unread = new Fetch("unread"); public static final Fetch u1 = new Fetch("u1"); public static final Fetch first_msg = new Fetch("!"); public static final Fetch hits_or_first_msg = new Fetch("hits!"); public static final Fetch u_or_first_msg = new Fetch("u!"); public static final Fetch u1_or_first_msg = new Fetch("u1!"); private final String name; public Fetch(String name) { = name; } private static final Map<String, Fetch> MAP = ImmutableMap.<String, Fetch>builder().put(, none) .put(, first).put(, unread).put(, u1).put(, hits) .put(, all).put(, first_msg).put(, hits_or_first_msg) .put(, u_or_first_msg).put(, u1_or_first_msg).build(); public static Fetch fromString(String s) throws ServiceException { Fetch result = MAP.get(s); if (result != null) { return result; } else { String[] ids = s.split(","); for (String id : ids) { try { Integer.parseInt(id); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("invalid fetch: " + s, e); } } return new Fetch(s); } } public String name() { return name; } } private enum NotifyPreference { nosession, full; static NotifyPreference fromOptions(Options options) { if (options == null) { return full; } else if (options.getNoSession()) { return nosession; } else { return full; } } } public static class Options { private String mAccount; private AccountBy mAccountBy =; private String mPassword; private String mNewPassword; private ZAuthToken mAuthToken; private String mVirtualHost; private String mUri; private String mClientIp; private String mUserAgentName; private String mUserAgentVersion; private int mTimeout = -1; private int mRetryCount = -1; private SoapTransport.DebugListener mDebugListener; private SoapHttpTransport.HttpDebugListener mHttpDebugListener; private String mTargetAccount; private AccountBy mTargetAccountBy =; private boolean mNoSession; private boolean mAuthAuthToken; private ZEventHandler mHandler; private List<String> mAttrs; private List<String> mPrefs; private String mRequestedSkin; private boolean mCsrfSupported; // Used by AuthRequest private Map<String, String> mCustomHeaders; private String mTwoFactorCode; private boolean mAppSpecificPasswordsSupported; private boolean mTrustedDevice; private String mTrustedDeviceToken; private String mDeviceId; private boolean mGenerateDeviceId; public Options() { } public Options(String account, AccountBy accountBy, String password, String uri) { mAccount = account; mAccountBy = accountBy; mPassword = password; setUri(uri); } // AP-TODO-7: retire public Options(String authToken, String uri) { mAuthToken = new ZAuthToken(null, authToken, null); setUri(uri); } public Options(ZAuthToken authToken, String uri) { mAuthToken = authToken; setUri(uri); } public Options(ZAuthToken authToken, String uri, boolean forceAuth, boolean csrfSupported) { mAuthToken = authToken; mAuthAuthToken = forceAuth; mCsrfSupported = csrfSupported; setUri(uri); } public String getClientIp() { return mClientIp; } public Options setClientIp(String clientIp) { mClientIp = clientIp; return this; } public String getAccount() { return mAccount; } public Options setAccount(String account) { mAccount = account; return this; } public AccountBy getAccountBy() { return mAccountBy; } public Options setAccountBy(AccountBy accountBy) { mAccountBy = accountBy; return this; } public String getTargetAccount() { return mTargetAccount; } public Options setTargetAccount(String targetAccount) { mTargetAccount = targetAccount; return this; } public AccountBy getTargetAccountBy() { return mTargetAccountBy; } public Options setTargetAccountBy(AccountBy targetAccountBy) { mTargetAccountBy = targetAccountBy; return this; } public String getPassword() { return mPassword; } public Options setPassword(String password) { mPassword = password; return this; } public String getNewPassword() { return mNewPassword; } public Options setNewPassword(String newPassword) { mNewPassword = newPassword; return this; } public String getVirtualHost() { return mVirtualHost; } public Options setVirtualHost(String virtualHost) { mVirtualHost = virtualHost; return this; } public ZAuthToken getAuthToken() { return mAuthToken; } public Options setAuthToken(ZAuthToken authToken) { mAuthToken = authToken; return this; } // AP-TODO-8: retire public Options setAuthToken(String authToken) { mAuthToken = new ZAuthToken(null, authToken, null); return this; } public String getUri() { return mUri; } public Options setUri(String uri) { setUri(uri, false); return this; } public Options setUri(String uri, boolean isAdmin) { try { mUri = resolveUrl(uri, isAdmin); } catch (ZClientException e) { mUri = uri; } return this; } public String getUserAgentName() { return mUserAgentName; } public String getUserAgentVersion() { return mUserAgentVersion; } public Options setUserAgent(String name, String version) { mUserAgentName = name; mUserAgentVersion = version; return this; } public int getTimeout() { return mTimeout; } public Options setTimeout(int timeout) { mTimeout = timeout; return this; } public int getRetryCount() { return mRetryCount; } public Options setRetryCount(int retryCount) { mRetryCount = retryCount; return this; } public SoapTransport.DebugListener getDebugListener() { return mDebugListener; } public Options setDebugListener(SoapTransport.DebugListener listener) { mDebugListener = listener; return this; } public SoapHttpTransport.HttpDebugListener getHttpDebugListener() { return mHttpDebugListener; } public Options setHttpDebugListener(SoapHttpTransport.HttpDebugListener listener) { mHttpDebugListener = listener; return this; } public boolean getNoSession() { return mNoSession; } public Options setNoSession(boolean noSession) { mNoSession = noSession; return this; } public boolean getAuthAuthToken() { return mAuthAuthToken; } /** @param authAuthToken set to true if you want to send an AuthRequest to valid the auth token */ public Options setAuthAuthToken(boolean authAuthToken) { mAuthAuthToken = authAuthToken; return this; } public ZEventHandler getEventHandler() { return mHandler; } public Options setEventHandler(ZEventHandler handler) { mHandler = handler; return this; } public List<String> getPrefs() { return mPrefs; } public Options setPrefs(List<String> prefs) { mPrefs = prefs; return this; } public List<String> getAttrs() { return mAttrs; } public Options setAttrs(List<String> attrs) { mAttrs = attrs; return this; } public String getRequestedSkin() { return mRequestedSkin; } public Options setRequestedSkin(String skin) { mRequestedSkin = skin; return this; } public boolean getCsrfSupported() { return mCsrfSupported; } public Options setCsrfSupported(boolean csrfSupported) { mCsrfSupported = csrfSupported; return this; } public String getTwoFactorCode() { return mTwoFactorCode; } public Options setTwoFactorCode(String code) { mTwoFactorCode = code; return this; } public boolean getAppSpecificPasswordsSupported() { return mAppSpecificPasswordsSupported; } public Options setAppSpecificPasswordsSupported(boolean bool) { mAppSpecificPasswordsSupported = bool; return this; } public boolean getTrustedDevice() { return mTrustedDevice; } public Options setTrustedDevice(boolean bool) { mTrustedDevice = bool; return this; } public String getTrustedDeviceToken() { return mTrustedDeviceToken; } public Options setTrustedDeviceToken(String token) { mTrustedDeviceToken = token; return this; } public String getDeviceId() { return mDeviceId; } public Options setDeviceId(String deviceId) { mDeviceId = deviceId; return this; } public boolean getGenerateDeviceId() { return mGenerateDeviceId; } public Options setGenerateDeviceId(boolean bool) { mGenerateDeviceId = bool; return this; } public Map<String, String> getCustomHeaders() { if (mCustomHeaders == null) { mCustomHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>(); } return mCustomHeaders; } } public static enum TrustedStatus { trusted, not_trusted; } private static class ItemCache { private final Map<String /* id */, ZItem> idMap; private final Map<String /* uuid */, ZItem> uuidMap; public ItemCache() { idMap = new HashMap<String, ZItem>(); uuidMap = new HashMap<String, ZItem>(); } public void clear() { idMap.clear(); uuidMap.clear(); } public void put(ZItem item) { putWithId(item.getId(), item); } public void putWithId(String id, ZItem item) { idMap.put(id, item); if (item.getUuid() != null) { uuidMap.put(item.getUuid(), item); } } public ZItem getById(String id) { return idMap.get(id); } public ZItem getByUuid(String uuid) { return uuidMap.get(uuid); } public ZItem removeById(String id) { ZItem removed = idMap.remove(id); if (removed != null && removed.getUuid() != null) { uuidMap.remove(removed.getUuid()); } return removed; } } private ZAuthToken mAuthToken; private String mCsrfToken; private String mTrustedToken; private SoapHttpTransport mTransport; private NotifyPreference mNotifyPreference; private Map<String, ZTag> mNameToTag; private ItemCache mItemCache; private ZGetInfoResult mGetInfoResult; private ZFolder mUserRoot; private ZSearchPagerCache mSearchPagerCache; private ZSearchPagerCache mSearchConvPagerCache; private ZApptSummaryCache mApptSummaryCache; private Map<String, CachedMessage> mMessageCache; private Map<String, ZContact> mContactCache; private ZFilterRules incomingRules; private ZFilterRules outgoingRules; private ZAuthResult mAuthResult; private String mClientIp; private List<ZPhoneAccount> mPhoneAccounts; private Map<String, ZPhoneAccount> mPhoneAccountMap; private Element mVoiceStorePrincipal; private long mSize; private boolean mNoTagCache; private ZContactByPhoneCache mContactByPhoneCache; private final List<ZEventHandler> mHandlers = new ArrayList<ZEventHandler>(); public static ZMailbox getMailbox(Options options) throws ServiceException { return new ZMailbox(options); } /** * for use with changePassword */ private ZMailbox() { } /** * change password. You must pass in an options with an account, password, newPassword, and Uri. * @param options uri/name/pass/newPass * @throws ServiceException on error */ public static ZChangePasswordResult changePassword(Options options) throws ServiceException { ZMailbox mailbox = new ZMailbox(); mailbox.mClientIp = options.getClientIp(); mailbox.mNotifyPreference = NotifyPreference.fromOptions(options); mailbox.initPreAuth(options); return mailbox.changePassword(options.getAccount(), options.getAccountBy(), options.getPassword(), options.getNewPassword(), options.getVirtualHost()); } public static ZMailbox getByName(String name, String password, String uri) throws ServiceException { return new ZMailbox(new Options(name,, password, uri)); } public static ZMailbox getByAuthToken(String authToken, String uri) throws ServiceException { return new ZMailbox(new Options(authToken, uri)); } public static ZMailbox getByAuthToken(ZAuthToken authToken, String uri, boolean forceAuth, boolean csrfSupported) throws ServiceException { return new ZMailbox(new Options(authToken, uri, forceAuth, csrfSupported)); } public ZMailbox(Options options) throws ServiceException { mHandlers.add(new InternalEventHandler()); mSearchPagerCache = new ZSearchPagerCache(MAX_NUM_CACHED_SEARCH_PAGERS, true); mHandlers.add(mSearchPagerCache); mSearchConvPagerCache = new ZSearchPagerCache(MAX_NUM_CACHED_SEARCH_CONV_PAGERS, false); mHandlers.add(mSearchConvPagerCache); mMessageCache = MapUtil.newLruMap(MAX_NUM_CACHED_MESSAGES); mContactCache = MapUtil.newLruMap(MAX_NUM_CACHED_CONTACTS); mApptSummaryCache = new ZApptSummaryCache(); mHandlers.add(mApptSummaryCache); if (options.getEventHandler() != null) { mHandlers.add(options.getEventHandler()); } mNotifyPreference = NotifyPreference.fromOptions(options); mClientIp = options.getClientIp(); initPreAuth(options); if (options.getAuthToken() != null) { if (options.getAuthAuthToken()) { mAuthResult = authByAuthToken(options); initCsrfToken(mAuthResult.getCsrfToken()); initAuthToken(mAuthResult.getAuthToken()); initTrustedToken(mAuthResult.getTrustedToken()); } else { initAuthToken(options.getAuthToken()); } } else if (options.getAccount() != null) { String password; if (options.getNewPassword() != null) { changePassword(options.getAccount(), options.getAccountBy(), options.getPassword(), options.getNewPassword(), options.getVirtualHost()); password = options.getNewPassword(); } else { password = options.getPassword(); } mAuthResult = authByPassword(options, password); initAuthToken(mAuthResult.getAuthToken()); initCsrfToken(mAuthResult.getCsrfToken()); initTrustedToken(mAuthResult.getTrustedToken()); } if (options.getTargetAccount() != null) { initTargetAccount(options.getTargetAccount(), options.getTargetAccountBy()); } } public boolean addEventHandler(ZEventHandler handler) { if (!mHandlers.contains(handler)) { mHandlers.add(handler); return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean removeEventHandler(ZEventHandler handler) { return mHandlers.remove(handler); } public void initAuthToken(ZAuthToken authToken) { mAuthToken = authToken; mTransport.setAuthToken(mAuthToken); } public void initCsrfToken(String csrfToken) { mCsrfToken = csrfToken; mTransport.setCsrfToken(mCsrfToken); } public void initTrustedToken(String trustedToken) { mTrustedToken = trustedToken; mTransport.setTrustedToken(mTrustedToken); } private void initPreAuth(Options options) { mItemCache = new ItemCache(); setSoapURI(options); if (options.getDebugListener() != null) { mTransport.setDebugListener(options.getDebugListener()); } else if (options.getHttpDebugListener() != null) { mTransport.setHttpDebugListener(options.getHttpDebugListener()); } } private void initTargetAccount(String key, AccountBy by) { if ( { mTransport.setTargetAcctId(key); } else if ( { mTransport.setTargetAcctName(key); } } public Element newRequestElement(QName name) { if (mTransport.getRequestProtocol() == SoapProtocol.SoapJS) { return new JSONElement(name); } else { return new XMLElement(name); } } private ZChangePasswordResult changePassword(String key, AccountBy by, String oldPassword, String newPassword, String virtualHost) throws ServiceException { if (mTransport == null) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("must call setURI before calling changePassword", null); } AccountSelector account = new AccountSelector(SoapConverter.TO_SOAP_ACCOUNT_BY.apply(by), key); ChangePasswordRequest req = new ChangePasswordRequest(account, oldPassword, newPassword); req.setVirtualHost(virtualHost); ChangePasswordResponse res = invokeJaxb(req); return new ZChangePasswordResult(res); } private void addAttrsAndPrefs(AuthRequest req, Options options) { List<String> prefs = options.getPrefs(); if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(prefs)) { for (String p : prefs) { req.addPref(p); } } List<String> attrs = options.getAttrs(); if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(attrs)) { for (String a : attrs) { req.addAttr(a); } } } public ZAuthResult authByPassword(Options options, String password) throws ServiceException { if (mTransport == null) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("must call setURI before calling authenticate", null); } AccountSelector account = new AccountSelector(, options.getAccount()); AuthRequest auth = new AuthRequest(account, password); auth.setPassword(password); auth.setTwoFactorCode(options.getTwoFactorCode()); auth.setVirtualHost(options.getVirtualHost()); auth.setRequestedSkin(options.getRequestedSkin()); auth.setCsrfSupported(options.getCsrfSupported()); auth.setDeviceTrusted(options.getTrustedDevice()); if (options.getTrustedDevice()) { auth.setDeviceTrusted(true); } if (options.getAuthToken() != null) { auth.setAuthToken(new AuthToken(options.getAuthToken().getValue(), false)); } if (options.getDeviceId() != null) { auth.setDeviceId(options.getDeviceId()); } if (options.getTrustedDeviceToken() != null) { auth.setTrustedDeviceToken(options.getTrustedDeviceToken()); } if (options.getGenerateDeviceId()) { auth.setGenerateDeviceId(true); } addAttrsAndPrefs(auth, options); AuthResponse authRes = invokeJaxb(auth); ZAuthResult r = new ZAuthResult(authRes); r.setSessionId(mTransport.getSessionId()); return r; } public ZAuthResult authByAuthToken(Options options) throws ServiceException { if (mTransport == null) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("must call setURI before calling authenticate", null); } AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(); ZAuthToken zat = options.getAuthToken(); // cannot be null here req.setAuthToken(new AuthToken(zat.getValue(), false)); req.setTwoFactorCode(options.getTwoFactorCode()); req.setRequestedSkin(options.getRequestedSkin()); req.setCsrfSupported(options.getCsrfSupported()); req.setDeviceTrusted(options.getTrustedDevice()); addAttrsAndPrefs(req, options); AuthResponse res = invokeJaxb(req); ZAuthResult r = new ZAuthResult(res); r.setSessionId(mTransport.getSessionId()); return r; } public ZAuthResult getAuthResult() { return mAuthResult; } public ZAuthToken getAuthToken() { return mAuthToken; } public String getCsrfToken() { return mCsrfToken; } public String getTrustedToken() { return mTrustedToken; } /** * @param uri URI of server we want to talk to * @param timeout timeout for HTTP connection or 0 for no timeout * @param retryCount max number of times to retry the call on connection failure */ private void setSoapURI(Options options) { if (mTransport != null) { mTransport.shutdown(); } mTransport = new SoapHttpTransport(options.getUri()); if (options.getUserAgentName() == null) { mTransport.setUserAgent("zclient", SystemUtil.getProductVersion()); } else { mTransport.setUserAgent(options.getUserAgentName(), options.getUserAgentVersion()); } mTransport.setMaxNotifySeq(0); mTransport.setClientIp(mClientIp); if (options.getTimeout() > -1) { mTransport.setTimeout(options.getTimeout()); } if (options.getRetryCount() != -1) { mTransport.setRetryCount(options.getRetryCount()); } if (mAuthToken != null) { mTransport.setAuthToken(mAuthToken); } if (mCsrfToken != null) { mTransport.setCsrfToken(mCsrfToken); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : options.getCustomHeaders().entrySet()) { mTransport.getCustomHeaders().put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T invokeJaxb(Object jaxbObject) throws ServiceException { Element req = JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(jaxbObject); Element res = invoke(req); return (T) JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(res); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T invokeJaxbOnTargetAccount(Object jaxbObject, String requestedAccountId) throws ServiceException { Element req = JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(jaxbObject); Element res = invoke(req, requestedAccountId); return (T) JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(res); } public Element invoke(Element request) throws ServiceException { return invoke(request, null); } public synchronized Element invoke(Element request, String requestedAccountId) throws ServiceException { try { boolean nosession = mNotifyPreference == NotifyPreference.nosession; Element response = mTransport.invoke(request, false, nosession, requestedAccountId); return response; } catch (SoapFaultException e) { throw e; // for now, later, try to map to more specific exception } catch (Exception e) { Throwable t = SystemUtil.getInnermostException(e); RemoteServiceException.doConnectionFailures(mTransport.getURI(), t); RemoteServiceException.doSSLFailures(t.getMessage(), t); if (e instanceof IOException) { throw ZClientException.IO_ERROR(e.getMessage(), e); } throw ServiceException.FAILURE(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { Element context = mTransport.getZimbraContext(); mTransport.clearZimbraContext(); handleResponseContext(context); } } private void handleResponseContext(Element context) throws ServiceException { if (context == null) { return; } // handle refresh blocks Element refresh = context.getOptionalElement(ZimbraNamespace.E_REFRESH); if (refresh != null) { handleRefresh(refresh); } for (Element notify : context.listElements(ZimbraNamespace.E_NOTIFY)) { mTransport.setMaxNotifySeq( Math.max(mTransport.getMaxNotifySeq(), notify.getAttributeLong(HeaderConstants.A_SEQNO, 0))); // MUST DO IN THIS ORDER! handleDeleted(notify.getOptionalElement(ZimbraNamespace.E_DELETED)); handleCreated(notify.getOptionalElement(ZimbraNamespace.E_CREATED)); handleModified(notify.getOptionalElement(ZimbraNamespace.E_MODIFIED)); } } private void handleRefresh(Element refresh) throws ServiceException { for (Element mbx : refresh.listElements(MailConstants.E_MAILBOX)) { // FIXME: logic should be different if ZMailbox points at another user's mailbox if (mbx.getAttribute(HeaderConstants.A_ACCOUNT_ID, null) == null) { mSize = mbx.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_SIZE); } } Element tags = refresh.getOptionalElement(ZimbraNamespace.E_TAGS); List<ZTag> tagList = new ArrayList<ZTag>(); if (tags != null) { for (Element t : tags.listElements(MailConstants.E_TAG)) { ZTag tag = new ZTag(t, this); tagList.add(tag); } } Element folderEl = refresh.getOptionalElement(MailConstants.E_FOLDER); ZFolder userRoot = new ZFolder(folderEl, null, this); ZRefreshEvent event = new ZRefreshEvent(mSize, userRoot, tagList); for (ZEventHandler handler : mHandlers) { handler.handleRefresh(event, this); } incomingRules = null; outgoingRules = null; } private void handleModified(Element modified) throws ServiceException { if (modified == null) { return; } for (Element e : modified.listElements()) { ZModifyEvent event = null; if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_CONV)) { event = new ZModifyConversationEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_MSG)) { event = new ZModifyMessageEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_TAG)) { event = new ZModifyTagEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_CONTACT)) { event = new ZModifyContactEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_SEARCH)) { event = new ZModifySearchFolderEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_FOLDER)) { event = new ZModifyFolderEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_MOUNT)) { event = new ZModifyMountpointEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_MAILBOX)) { event = new ZModifyMailboxEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_APPOINTMENT)) { event = new ZModifyAppointmentEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_TASK)) { event = new ZModifyTaskEvent(e); } if (event != null) { handleEvent(event); } } } private void handleEvent(ZModifyEvent event) throws ServiceException { for (ZEventHandler handler : mHandlers) { handler.handleModify(event, this); } } private List<ZFolder> parentCheck(List<ZFolder> list, ZFolder f, ZFolder parent) { if (parent != null) { parent.addChild(f); } else { if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<ZFolder>(); } list.add(f); } return list; } private void handleCreated(Element created) throws ServiceException { if (created == null) { return; } List<ZCreateEvent> events = null; List<ZFolder> parentFixup = null; for (Element e : created.listElements()) { ZCreateEvent event = null; if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_CONV)) { event = new ZCreateConversationEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_MSG)) { event = new ZCreateMessageEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_CONTACT)) { event = new ZCreateContactEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_APPOINTMENT)) { event = new ZCreateAppointmentEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_TASK)) { event = new ZCreateTaskEvent(e); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_FOLDER)) { String parentId = e.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER); ZFolder parent = getFolderById(parentId); ZFolder child = new ZFolder(e, parent, this); addItemIdMapping(child); event = new ZCreateFolderEvent(child); parentFixup = parentCheck(parentFixup, child, parent); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_MOUNT)) { String parentId = e.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER); ZFolder parent = getFolderById(parentId); ZMountpoint child = new ZMountpoint(e, parent, this); addItemIdMapping(child); addRemoteItemIdMapping(child.getCanonicalRemoteId(), child); parentFixup = parentCheck(parentFixup, child, parent); event = new ZCreateMountpointEvent(child); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_SEARCH)) { String parentId = e.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER); ZFolder parent = getFolderById(parentId); ZSearchFolder child = new ZSearchFolder(e, parent, this); addItemIdMapping(child); event = new ZCreateSearchFolderEvent(child); parentFixup = parentCheck(parentFixup, child, parent); } else if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_TAG)) { event = new ZCreateTagEvent(new ZTag(e, this)); addTag(((ZCreateTagEvent) event).getTag()); } if (event != null) { if (events == null) { events = new ArrayList<ZCreateEvent>(); } events.add(event); } } if (parentFixup != null) { for (ZFolder f : parentFixup) { ZFolder parent = getFolderById(f.getParentId()); if (parent != null) { parent.addChild(f); f.setParent(parent); } } } if (events != null) { for (ZCreateEvent event : events) { for (ZEventHandler handler : mHandlers) { handler.handleCreate(event, this); } } } } private void handleDeleted(Element deleted) throws ServiceException { if (deleted == null) { return; } String ids = deleted.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, null); if (ids == null) { return; } ZDeleteEvent de = new ZDeleteEvent(ids); for (ZEventHandler handler : mHandlers) { handler.handleDelete(de, this); } } private void addIdMappings(ZFolder folder) { if (folder == null) { return; } addItemIdMapping(folder); if (folder instanceof ZMountpoint) { ZMountpoint mp = (ZMountpoint) folder; addRemoteItemIdMapping(mp.getCanonicalRemoteId(), mp); } for (ZFolder child : folder.getSubFolders()) { addIdMappings(child); } } class InternalEventHandler extends ZEventHandler { @Override public synchronized void handleRefresh(ZRefreshEvent event, ZMailbox mailbox) { ZFolder root = event.getUserRoot(); List<ZTag> tags = event.getTags(); mItemCache.clear(); mMessageCache.clear(); mContactCache.clear(); mTransport.setMaxNotifySeq(0); mSize = event.getSize(); if (root != null) { mUserRoot = root; addIdMappings(mUserRoot); } if (tags != null) { if (mNameToTag == null) { mNameToTag = new HashMap<String, ZTag>(); } else { mNameToTag.clear(); } for (ZTag tag : tags) { addTag(tag); } } } @Override public synchronized void handleCreate(ZCreateEvent event, ZMailbox mailbox) { // do nothing } @Override public synchronized void handleModify(ZModifyEvent event, ZMailbox mailbox) throws ServiceException { if (event instanceof ZModifyTagEvent) { ZModifyTagEvent tagEvent = (ZModifyTagEvent) event; ZTag tag = getTagById(tagEvent.getId()); if (tag != null) { String oldName = tag.getName(); tag.modifyNotification(tagEvent); if (mNameToTag != null && !tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(oldName)) { mNameToTag.remove(oldName); mNameToTag.put(tag.getName(), tag); } } } else if (event instanceof ZModifyFolderEvent) { ZModifyFolderEvent mfe = (ZModifyFolderEvent) event; ZFolder f = getFolderById(mfe.getId()); if (f != null) { String newParentId = mfe.getParentId(null); if (newParentId != null && !newParentId.equals(f.getParentId())) { reparent(f, newParentId); } f.modifyNotification(event); } } else if (event instanceof ZModifyMailboxEvent) { ZModifyMailboxEvent mme = (ZModifyMailboxEvent) event; // FIXME: logic should be different if ZMailbox points at another user's mailbox if (mme.getOwner(null) == null) { mSize = mme.getSize(mSize); } } else if (event instanceof ZModifyMessageEvent) { ZModifyMessageEvent mme = (ZModifyMessageEvent) event; CachedMessage cm = mMessageCache.get(mme.getId()); if (cm != null) {; } } else if (event instanceof ZModifyContactEvent) { ZModifyContactEvent mce = (ZModifyContactEvent) event; ZContact contact = mContactCache.get(mce.getId()); if (contact != null) { contact.modifyNotification(mce); } } } @Override public synchronized void handleDelete(ZDeleteEvent event, ZMailbox mailbox) { for (String id : event.toList()) { mMessageCache.remove(id); mContactCache.remove(id); ZItem item = mItemCache.getById(id); if (item instanceof ZMountpoint) { ZMountpoint sl = (ZMountpoint) item; if (sl.getParent() != null) { sl.getParent().removeChild(sl); } mItemCache.removeById(sl.getCanonicalRemoteId()); } else if (item instanceof ZFolder) { ZFolder sf = (ZFolder) item; if (sf.getParent() != null) { sf.getParent().removeChild(sf); } } else if (item instanceof ZTag) { if (mNameToTag != null) { mNameToTag.remove(((ZTag) item).getName()); } } if (item != null) { mItemCache.removeById(item.getId()); } } } } private void addTag(ZTag tag) { if (mNameToTag != null) { mNameToTag.put(tag.getName(), tag); } addItemIdMapping(tag); } void addItemIdMapping(ZItem item) { mItemCache.put(item); } void addRemoteItemIdMapping(String remoteId, ZItem item) { mItemCache.putWithId(remoteId, item); } private void reparent(ZFolder f, String newParentId) throws ServiceException { ZFolder parent = f.getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent.removeChild(f); } ZFolder newParent = getFolderById(newParentId); if (newParent != null) { newParent.addChild(f); f.setParent(newParent); } } /** * returns the parent folder path. First removes a trailing {@link #PATH_SEPARATOR} if one is present, then * returns the value of the path preceeding the last {@link #PATH_SEPARATOR} in the path. * @param path path must be absolute * @throws ServiceException if an error occurs * @return the parent folder path */ public static String getParentPath(String path) throws ServiceException { if (path.equals(PATH_SEPARATOR)) { return PATH_SEPARATOR; } if (path.charAt(0) != PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR) { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("path must be absolute: " + path, null); } if (path.charAt(path.length() - 1) == PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); } int index = path.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR); path = path.substring(0, index); if (path.length() == 0) { return PATH_SEPARATOR; } else { return path; } } /** * returns the base folder path. First removes a trailing {@link #PATH_SEPARATOR} if one is present, then * returns the value of the path trailing the last {@link #PATH_SEPARATOR} in the path. * @throws ServiceException if an error occurs * @return base path * @param path the path we are getting the base from */ public static String getBasePath(String path) throws ServiceException { if (path.equals(PATH_SEPARATOR)) { return PATH_SEPARATOR; } if (path.charAt(0) != PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR) { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("path must be absolute: " + path, null); } if (path.charAt(path.length() - 1) == PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); } int index = path.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR); return path.substring(index + 1); } /** * @return current size of mailbox in bytes * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public long getSize() throws ServiceException { populateFolderCache(); return mSize; } /** * @return account name of mailbox * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public String getName() throws ServiceException { return getAccountInfo(false).getName(); } public ZPrefs getPrefs() throws ServiceException { return getPrefs(false); } public ZPrefs getPrefs(boolean refresh) throws ServiceException { return getAccountInfo(refresh).getPrefs(); } public ZFeatures getFeatures() throws ServiceException { return getFeatures(false); } public ZFeatures getFeatures(boolean refresh) throws ServiceException { return getAccountInfo(refresh).getFeatures(); } public ZLicenses getLicenses() throws ServiceException { return getLicenses(false); } public ZLicenses getLicenses(boolean refresh) throws ServiceException { return getAccountInfo(refresh).getLicenses(); } private static Set<InfoSection> NOT_ZIMLETS = Collections .unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.complementOf(EnumSet.of(InfoSection.zimlets))); public ZGetInfoResult getAccountInfo(boolean refresh) throws ServiceException { if (mGetInfoResult == null || refresh) { GetInfoRequest req = new GetInfoRequest(NOT_ZIMLETS); GetInfoResponse res = invokeJaxb(req); mGetInfoResult = new ZGetInfoResult(res); } return mGetInfoResult; } public int getTimeout() { return mTransport.getTimeout(); } public String maskRemoteItemId(String folderId, String id) throws ServiceException { int folderIndex = folderId.indexOf(':'); int idIndex = id.indexOf(':'); if (folderIndex != -1 && idIndex != -1) { ZFolder f = getFolderById(folderId); if (f != null) { String folderPrefix = folderId.substring(0, folderIndex); String idPrefix = id.substring(0, idIndex); if (folderPrefix.equalsIgnoreCase(idPrefix)) { return f.getId() + ":" + id.substring(idIndex + 1); } } } return id; } public String unmaskRemoteItemId(String id) throws ServiceException { int idIndex = id.indexOf(':'); if (idIndex != -1) { String idPrefix = id.substring(0, idIndex); ZMountpoint mp = getMountpointById(idPrefix); if (mp != null) { return mp.getOwnerId() + ":" + id.substring(idIndex + 1); } } return id; } // ------------------------ /** * @return current List of all tags in the mailbox * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public List<ZTag> getAllTags() throws ServiceException { populateTagCache(); List<ZTag> result = new ArrayList<ZTag>(mNameToTag.values()); Collections.sort(result); return result; } /** * * @return true if mailbox has any tags * @throws ServiceException */ public boolean hasTags() throws ServiceException { populateTagCache(); return !mNameToTag.isEmpty(); } /** * @return current list of all tags names in the mailbox, sorted * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public List<String> getAllTagNames() throws ServiceException { populateTagCache(); ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(mNameToTag.keySet()); Collections.sort(names); return names; } /** * returns the tag the specified name/id, or null if no such tag exists. * checks for tag by name first, then by id. * * @param name tag name * @return the tag, or null if tag not found * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZTag getTag(String nameOrId) throws ServiceException { ZTag result = getTagByName(nameOrId); return result != null ? result : getTagById(nameOrId); } /** * returns the tag the specified name, or null if no such tag exists. * * @param name tag name * @return the tag, or null if tag not found * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZTag getTagByName(String name) throws ServiceException { populateTagCache(); return mNameToTag.get(name); } /** * returns the tag with the specified id, or null if no such tag exists. * * @param id the tag id * @return tag with given id, or null * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZTag getTagById(String id) throws ServiceException { populateTagCache(); ZItem item = mItemCache.getById(id); if (item instanceof ZTag) { return (ZTag) item; } else { return null; } } private static final Pattern sCOMMA = Pattern.compile(","); /** * returns the tags for the specified ids. Ignores id's that don't * reference existing tags. * * @param ids the tag ids * @return the tag list, or an empty list if no ids match * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public List<ZTag> getTags(String ids) throws ServiceException { List<ZTag> tags = new ArrayList<ZTag>(); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(ids)) { for (String id : sCOMMA.split(ids)) { ZTag tag = getTagById(id); if (tag != null) { tags.add(tag); } } } return tags; } /** * create a new tag with the specified color. * * @return newly created tag * @param name name of the tag * @param color optional color of the tag * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException if an error occurs * */ public ZTag createTag(String name, ZTag.Color color) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CREATE_TAG_REQUEST); Element tagEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_TAG); tagEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, name); if (color != null) { if (color == ZTag.Color.rgbColor) { tagEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RGB, color.getRgbColor()); } else { tagEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_COLOR, color.getValue()); } } Element createdTagEl = invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_TAG); ZTag tag = getTagById(createdTagEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID)); return tag != null ? tag : new ZTag(createdTagEl, this); } /** * update a tag * @return action result * @param id id of tag to update * @param name new name of tag * @param color color of tag to modify * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult updateTag(String id, String name, ZTag.Color color) throws ServiceException { Element action = tagAction("update", id); if (color != null) { if (color == ZTag.Color.rgbColor) { action.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RGB, color.getRgbColor()); } else { action.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_COLOR, color.getValue()); } } if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { action.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, name); } return doAction(action); } /** * modifies the tag's color * @return action result * @param id id of tag to modify * @param color color of tag to modify * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult modifyTagColor(String id, ZTag.Color color) throws ServiceException { if (color == ZTag.Color.rgbColor) { return doAction(tagAction("color", id).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RGB, color.getRgbColor())); } else { return doAction(tagAction("color", id).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_COLOR, color.getValue())); } } /** mark all items with tag as read * @param id id of tag to mark read * @return action reslult * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult markTagRead(String id) throws ServiceException { return doAction(tagAction("read", id)); } /** * delete tag * @param id id of tag to delete * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult deleteTag(String id) throws ServiceException { return doAction(tagAction("delete", id)); } /** * rename tag * @param id id of tag * @param name new name of tag * @throws ServiceException on error * @return action result */ public ZActionResult renameTag(String id, String name) throws ServiceException { return doAction(tagAction("rename", id).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, name)); } private Element tagAction(String op, String id) { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.TAG_ACTION_REQUEST); Element actionEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_ACTION); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_OPERATION, op); return actionEl; } private ZActionResult doAction(Element actionEl) throws ServiceException { Element response = invoke(actionEl.getParent()); return new ZActionResult(response); } // ------------------------ public enum ContactSortBy { nameDesc, nameAsc; public static ContactSortBy fromString(String s) throws ServiceException { try { return ContactSortBy.valueOf(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR( "invalid sortBy: " + s + ", valid values: " + Arrays.asList(ContactSortBy.values()), e); } } } /** * * @param optFolderId return contacts only in specified folder (null for all folders) * @param sortBy sort results (null for no sorting) * @param sync if true, return modified date on contacts * @return list of contacts * @throws ServiceException on error * @param attrs specified attrs to return, or null for all. */ public List<ZContact> getAllContacts(String optFolderId, ContactSortBy sortBy, boolean sync, List<String> attrs) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_CONTACTS_REQUEST); if (optFolderId != null) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, optFolderId); } if (sortBy != null) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTBY,; } if (sync) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SYNC, sync); } if (attrs != null) { for (String name : attrs) { req.addElement(MailConstants.E_ATTRIBUTE).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, name); } } Element response = invoke(req); List<ZContact> result = new ArrayList<ZContact>(); for (Element cn : response.listElements(MailConstants.E_CONTACT)) { result.add(new ZContact(cn, this)); } return result; } /** * Specifies properties for an attachment when creating or modifying * a contact. */ public static class ZAttachmentInfo { private String mAttachmentId; private String mPartName; private String mItemId; public ZAttachmentInfo setAttachmentId(String attachmentId) { mAttachmentId = attachmentId; return this; } public ZAttachmentInfo setPartName(String partName) { mPartName = partName; return this; } public ZAttachmentInfo setItemId(String itemId) { mItemId = itemId; return this; } public String getAttachmentId() { return mAttachmentId; } public String getPartName() { return mPartName; } public String getItemId() { return mItemId; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s: {attachmentId=%s, partName=%s, itemId=%s}", ZAttachmentInfo.class.getSimpleName(), mAttachmentId, mPartName, mItemId); } } /** * Creates a new contact. * @param folderId the new contact's folder id * @param tags tags to set on the contact, or <tt>null</tt> * @param attrs contact attributes (key/value) * @return the new contact * @throws ServiceException */ public ZContact createContact(String folderId, String tags, Map<String, String> attrs) throws ServiceException { return createContact(folderId, tags, attrs, null, null); } /** * Creates a new contact. * @param folderId the new contact's folder id * @param tags tags to set on the contact, or <tt>null</tt> * @param attrs contact attributes (key/value) * @param members members of a contact group * @return the new contact * @throws ServiceException */ public ZContact createContactWithMembers(String folderId, String tags, Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, String> members) throws ServiceException { return createContact(folderId, tags, attrs, null, members); } public ZContact createContact(String folderId, String tags, Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, ZAttachmentInfo> attachments) throws ServiceException { return createContact(folderId, tags, attrs, attachments, null); } /** * Creates a new contact. * @param folderId the new contact's folder id * @param tags tags to set on the contact, or <tt>null</tt> * @param attrs contact attributes (key/value) * @param attachments contact attachments (key/upload id) or <tt>null</tt> * @param verbose <tt>false</tt> to only initialize the <tt>id</tt> of the return <tt>ZContact</tt> object * @return the new contact * @throws ServiceException */ public ZContact createContact(String folderId, String tags, Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, ZAttachmentInfo> attachments, Map<String, String> members) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CREATE_CONTACT_REQUEST); Element cn = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_CONTACT); if (folderId != null) { cn.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, folderId); } if (tags != null) { cn.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TAGS, tags); } addAttrsAndAttachments(cn, attrs, attachments); if (members != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : members.entrySet()) { Element memberEl = cn.addElement(MailConstants.E_CONTACT_GROUP_MEMBER); memberEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CONTACT_GROUP_MEMBER_VALUE, entry.getKey()); memberEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CONTACT_GROUP_MEMBER_TYPE, entry.getValue()); } } return new ZContact(invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_CONTACT), this); } private void addAttrsAndAttachments(Element cn, Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, ZAttachmentInfo> attachments) { if (attrs != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attrs.entrySet()) { cn.addKeyValuePair(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().trim(), MailConstants.E_ATTRIBUTE, MailConstants.A_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); } } if (attachments != null) { for (String name : attachments.keySet()) { ZAttachmentInfo info = attachments.get(name); Element attachEl = cn.addElement(MailConstants.E_ATTRIBUTE); attachEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, name); if (info.getAttachmentId() != null) { attachEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ATTACHMENT_ID, info.getAttachmentId()); } else if (info.getItemId() != null) { attachEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, info.getItemId()); attachEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_PART, info.getPartName()); } else if (info.getPartName() != null) { attachEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_PART, info.getPartName()); } } } } /** * @param id of contact * @param replace if true, replace all attrs with specified attrs, otherwise merge with existing * @param attrs modified attrs * @param members members of a contact group * @return updated contact * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZContact modifyContactWithMembers(String id, boolean replace, Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, String> members) throws ServiceException { return modifyContact(id, replace, attrs, null, members); } /** * @param id of contact * @param replace if true, replace all attrs with specified attrs, otherwise merge with existing * @param attrs modified attrs * @return updated contact * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZContact modifyContact(String id, boolean replace, Map<String, String> attrs) throws ServiceException { return modifyContact(id, replace, attrs, null, null); } /** * @param id of contact * @param replace if true, replace all attrs with specified attrs, otherwise merge with existing * @param attrs modified attrs * @param attachments contact attachments (key/upload id) or <tt>null</tt> * @return updated contact * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZContact modifyContact(String id, boolean replace, Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, ZAttachmentInfo> attachments) throws ServiceException { return modifyContact(id, replace, attrs, attachments, null); } /** * @param id of contact * @param replace if true, replace all attrs with specified attrs, otherwise merge with existing * @param attrs modified attrs, or <tt>null</tt> * @param attachments modified attachments , or <tt>null</tt> * @param members members of a contact group * @return updated contact * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZContact modifyContact(String id, boolean replace, Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, ZAttachmentInfo> attachments, Map<String, String> members) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.MODIFY_CONTACT_REQUEST); if (replace) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_REPLACE, replace); } Element cn = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_CONTACT); cn.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); addAttrsAndAttachments(cn, attrs, attachments); if (members != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : members.entrySet()) { Element memberEl = cn.addElement(MailConstants.E_CONTACT_GROUP_MEMBER); memberEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CONTACT_GROUP_MEMBER_VALUE, entry.getKey()); memberEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CONTACT_GROUP_MEMBER_TYPE, entry.getValue()); } } return new ZContact(invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_CONTACT), this); } /** * Fetch contacts for a given folder or contacts ids * @param folderid folder id of the contact folder * @param ids comma-separated list of contact ids * @param attrs limit attrs returns to given list * @param sortBy sort results (null for no sorting) * @param sync if true, return modified date on contacts * @return list of contacts * @throws ServiceException on error */ public List<ZContact> getContactsForFolder(String folderid, String ids, ContactSortBy sortBy, boolean sync, List<String> attrs) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_CONTACTS_REQUEST); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(folderid)) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, folderid); } if (sortBy != null) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTBY,; } if (sync) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SYNC, sync); } if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(ids)) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_DEREF_CONTACT_GROUP_MEMBER, true); req.addElement(MailConstants.E_CONTACT).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, ids); } if (attrs != null) { for (String name : attrs) { req.addElement(MailConstants.E_ATTRIBUTE).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, name); } } List<ZContact> result = new ArrayList<ZContact>(); for (Element cn : invoke(req).listElements(MailConstants.E_CONTACT)) { result.add(new ZContact(cn, this)); } return result; } public List<ZContact> getContacts(String ids, ContactSortBy sortBy, boolean sync, List<String> attrs) throws ServiceException { return getContactsForFolder(null, ids, sortBy, sync, attrs); } /** * * @param id single contact id to fetch * @return fetched contact * @throws ServiceException on error */ public synchronized ZContact getContact(String id) throws ServiceException { ZContact result = mContactCache.get(id); if (result == null || result.isDirty()) { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_CONTACTS_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SYNC, true); req.addElement(MailConstants.E_CONTACT).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_DEREF_CONTACT_GROUP_MEMBER, true); result = new ZContact(invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_CONTACT), this); mContactCache.put(id, result); } return result; } public synchronized ZContact getContactFromCache(String id) { return mContactCache.get(id); } public synchronized List<ZAutoCompleteMatch> autoComplete(String query, int limit) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.AUTO_COMPLETE_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_LIMIT, limit); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_INCLUDE_GAL, getFeatures().getGalAutoComplete()); req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_NAME).setText(query); Element response = invoke(req); List<ZAutoCompleteMatch> matches = new ArrayList<ZAutoCompleteMatch>(); for (Element match : response.listElements(MailConstants.E_MATCH)) { matches.add(new ZAutoCompleteMatch(match, this)); } return matches; } private Element contactAction(String op, String id) { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CONTACT_ACTION_REQUEST); Element actionEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_ACTION); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_OPERATION, op); return actionEl; } public ZActionResult moveContact(String ids, String destFolderId) throws ServiceException { return doAction(contactAction("move", ids).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, destFolderId)); } public ZActionResult deleteContact(String ids) throws ServiceException { return doAction(contactAction("delete", ids)); } public ZActionResult trashContact(String ids) throws ServiceException { return doAction(contactAction("trash", ids)); } public ZActionResult flagContact(String ids, boolean flag) throws ServiceException { return doAction(contactAction(flag ? "flag" : "!flag", ids)); } public ZActionResult tagContact(String ids, String tagId, boolean tag) throws ServiceException { return doAction(contactAction(tag ? "tag" : "!tag", ids).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TAG, tagId)); } @Deprecated public synchronized ZContact getMyCard() { return null; } @Deprecated public boolean getIsMyCard(String ids) { return false; } /** * update items(s) * @param ids list of contact ids to update * @param destFolderId optional destination folder * @param tagList optional new list of tag ids * @param flags optional new value for flags * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult updateContact(String ids, String destFolderId, String tagList, String flags) throws ServiceException { Element actionEl = contactAction("update", ids); if (destFolderId != null && destFolderId.length() > 0) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, destFolderId); } if (tagList != null) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TAGS, tagList); } if (flags != null) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, flags); } return doAction(actionEl); } public static class ZImportContactsResult { private final String mIds; private final long mCount; public ZImportContactsResult(Element response) throws ServiceException { mIds = response.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, null); mCount = response.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_NUM); } public ZImportContactsResult(ImportContactsResponse res) { ImportContact impCntct = res.getContact(); mIds = impCntct.getListOfCreatedIds(); mCount = impCntct.getNumImported(); } public String getIds() { return mIds; } public long getCount() { return mCount; } } public static final String CONTACT_IMPORT_TYPE_CSV = "csv"; public ZImportContactsResult importContacts(String folderId, String type, String attachmentId) throws ServiceException { ImportContactsRequest request = new ImportContactsRequest(); request.setContentType(type); request.setFolderId(folderId); Content importContent = new Content(); importContent.setAttachUploadId(attachmentId); request.setContent(importContent); ImportContactsResponse res = this.invokeJaxb(request); return new ZImportContactsResult(res); } /** * * @param id conversation id * @param fetch Whether or not fetch none/first/all messages in conv. * @return conversation * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZConversation getConversation(String id, Fetch fetch) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_CONV_REQUEST); Element convEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_CONV); convEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); if (fetch != null && fetch != Fetch.none && fetch != Fetch.hits) { // use "1" for "first" for backward compat until DF is updated convEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FETCH, fetch == Fetch.first ? "1" :; } return new ZConversation(invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_CONV), this); } /** include items in the Trash folder */ public static final String TC_INCLUDE_TRASH = "t"; /** include items in the Spam/Junk folder */ public static final String TC_INCLUDE_JUNK = "j"; /** include items in the Sent folder */ public static final String TC_INCLUDE_SENT = "s"; /** include items in any other folder */ public static final String TC_INCLUDE_OTHER = "o"; private Element convAction(String op, String id, String constraints) { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CONV_ACTION_REQUEST); Element actionEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_ACTION); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_OPERATION, op); if (constraints != null) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TARGET_CONSTRAINT, constraints); } return actionEl; } /** * hard delete conversation(s). * * @param ids list of conversation ids to act on * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items in a conversation. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult deleteConversation(String ids, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction(convAction("delete", ids, targetConstraints)); } /** * moves conversation to trash folder. * * @param ids list of conversation ids to act on * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items in a conversation. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult trashConversation(String ids, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction(convAction("trash", ids, targetConstraints)); } /** * mark conversation as read/unread * * @param ids list of conversation ids to act on * @param read mark read (TRUE) or unread (FALSE) * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items in a conversation. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult markConversationRead(String ids, boolean read, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction(convAction(read ? "read" : "!read", ids, targetConstraints)); } /** * flag/unflag conversations * * @param ids list of conversation ids to act on * @param flag flag (TRUE) or unflag (FALSE) * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items in a conversation. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult flagConversation(String ids, boolean flag, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction(convAction(flag ? "flag" : "!flag", ids, targetConstraints)); } /** * tag/untag conversations * * @param ids list of conversation ids to act on * @param tagId id of tag to tag/untag with * @param tag tag (TRUE) or untag (FALSE) * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items in a conversation. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult tagConversation(String ids, String tagId, boolean tag, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction( convAction(tag ? "tag" : "!tag", ids, targetConstraints).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TAG, tagId)); } /** * move conversations * * @param ids list of conversation ids to act on * @param destFolderId id of destination folder * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items in a conversation. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult moveConversation(String ids, String destFolderId, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction( convAction("move", ids, targetConstraints).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, destFolderId)); } /** * spam/unspam a single conversation * * @param id conversation id to act on * @param spam spam (TRUE) or not spam (FALSE) * @param destFolderId optional id of destination folder, only used with "not spam". * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items in a conversation. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult markConversationSpam(String id, boolean spam, String destFolderId, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { Element actionEl = convAction(spam ? "spam" : "!spam", id, targetConstraints); if (destFolderId != null && destFolderId.length() > 0) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, destFolderId); } return doAction(actionEl); } private Element messageAction(String op, String id) { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.MSG_ACTION_REQUEST); Element actionEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_ACTION); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_OPERATION, op); return actionEl; } // ------------------------ private Element itemAction(String op, String id, String constraints) { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.ITEM_ACTION_REQUEST); Element actionEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_ACTION); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_OPERATION, op); if (constraints != null) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TARGET_CONSTRAINT, constraints); } return actionEl; } /** * hard delete item(s). * * @param ids list of item ids to act on * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult deleteItem(String ids, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction(itemAction("delete", ids, targetConstraints)); } /** * permanently delete item(s) from the dumpster * * @param ids list of item ids to act on * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult dumpsterDeleteItem(String ids) throws ServiceException { return doAction(itemAction("dumpsterdelete", ids, null)); } /** * move item(s) to trash * * @param ids list of item ids to act on * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult trashItem(String ids, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction(itemAction("trash", ids, targetConstraints)); } /** * mark item as read/unread * * @param ids list of ids to act on * @param read mark read (TRUE) or unread (FALSE) * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult markItemRead(String ids, boolean read, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction(itemAction(read ? "read" : "!read", ids, targetConstraints)); } /** * flag/unflag items * * @param ids list of ids to act on * @param flag flag (TRUE) or unflag (FALSE) * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult flagItem(String ids, boolean flag, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction(itemAction(flag ? "flag" : "!flag", ids, targetConstraints)); } /** * tag/untag items * * @param ids list of ids to act on * @param tagId id of tag to tag/untag with * @param tag tag (TRUE) or untag (FALSE) * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items. A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult tagItem(String ids, String tagId, boolean tag, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction( itemAction(tag ? "tag" : "!tag", ids, targetConstraints).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TAG, tagId)); } /** * move conversations * * @param ids list of item ids to act on * @param destFolderId id of destination folder * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult moveItem(String ids, String destFolderId, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { return doAction( itemAction("move", ids, targetConstraints).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, destFolderId)); } /** * update items(s) * @param ids list of items to act on * @param destFolderId optional destination folder * @param tagList optional new list of tag ids * @param flags optional new value for flags * @param targetConstraints list of characters comprised of TC_INCLUDE_* strings. Constrains the set of * affected items A leading '-' means to negate the constraint(s). Use null for * no constraints. * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult updateItem(String ids, String destFolderId, String tagList, String flags, String targetConstraints) throws ServiceException { Element actionEl = itemAction("update", ids, targetConstraints); if (destFolderId != null && destFolderId.length() > 0) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, destFolderId); } if (tagList != null) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TAGS, tagList); } if (flags != null) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, flags); } return doAction(actionEl); } /** * recover items from the dumpster to the specified folder * * @param ids list of item ids to act on * @param destFolderId id of destination folder * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult recoverItem(String ids, String destFolderId) throws ServiceException { return doAction(itemAction("recover", ids, null).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, destFolderId)); } /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Uploads files to <tt>FileUploadServlet</tt>. * @return the attachment id */ public String uploadAttachments(File[] files, int msTimeout) throws ServiceException { Part[] parts = new Part[files.length]; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File file = files[i]; String contentType = URLConnection.getFileNameMap().getContentTypeFor(file.getName()); try { parts[i] = new FilePart(file.getName(), file, contentType, "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { throw ZClientException.IO_ERROR(e.getMessage(), e); } } return uploadAttachments(parts, msTimeout); } /** * Uploads a byte array to <tt>FileUploadServlet</tt>. * @return the attachment id */ public String uploadAttachment(String name, byte[] content, String contentType, int msTimeout) throws ServiceException { FilePart part = new FilePart(name, new ByteArrayPartSource(name, content)); part.setContentType(contentType); return uploadAttachments(new Part[] { part }, msTimeout); } /** * Uploads multiple byte arrays to <tt>FileUploadServlet</tt>. * @param attachments the attachments. The key to the <tt>Map</tt> is the attachment * name and the value is the content. * @return the attachment id */ public String uploadAttachments(Map<String, byte[]> attachments, int msTimeout) throws ServiceException { if (attachments == null || attachments.size() == 0) { return null; } Part[] parts = new Part[attachments.size()]; int i = 0; for (String name : attachments.keySet()) { byte[] content = attachments.get(name); parts[i++] = createAttachmentPart(name, content); } return uploadAttachments(parts, msTimeout); } /** * Creates an <tt>HttpClient FilePart</tt> from the given filename and content. */ public FilePart createAttachmentPart(String filename, byte[] content) { FilePart part = new FilePart(filename, new ByteArrayPartSource(filename, content)); String contentType = URLConnection.getFileNameMap().getContentTypeFor(filename); part.setContentType(contentType); return part; } /** * Uploads HTTP post parts to <tt>FileUploadServlet</tt>. * @return the attachment id */ public String uploadAttachments(Part[] parts, int msTimeout) throws ServiceException { String aid = null; URI uri = getUploadURI(); HttpClient client = getHttpClient(uri); // make the post PostMethod post = new PostMethod(uri.toString()); post.getParams().setSoTimeout(msTimeout); int statusCode; try { if (mCsrfToken != null) { post.setRequestHeader(Constants.CSRF_TOKEN, mCsrfToken); } post.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntity(parts, post.getParams())); statusCode = HttpClientUtil.executeMethod(client, post); // parse the response if (statusCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_OK) { String response = post.getResponseBodyAsString(); aid = getAttachmentId(response); } else if (statusCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE) { throw ZClientException.UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED("upload size limit exceeded", null); } else { throw ZClientException.UPLOAD_FAILED("Attachment post failed, status=" + statusCode, null); } } catch (IOException e) { throw ZClientException.IO_ERROR(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { post.releaseConnection(); } return aid; } public String uploadContentAsStream(String name, InputStream in, String contentType, long contentLength, int msTimeout) throws ServiceException { return uploadContentAsStream(name, in, contentType, contentLength, msTimeout, false); } public String uploadContentAsStream(String name, InputStream in, String contentType, long contentLength, int msTimeout, boolean limitByFileUploadMaxSize) throws ServiceException { String aid = null; if (name != null) { contentType += "; name=" + name; } URI uri = getUploadURI(limitByFileUploadMaxSize); HttpClient client = getHttpClient(uri); // make the post PostMethod post = new PostMethod(uri.toString()); post.getParams().setSoTimeout(msTimeout); int statusCode; try { post = HttpClientUtil.addInputStreamToHttpMethod(post, in, contentLength, contentType); if (mCsrfToken != null) { post.addRequestHeader(Constants.CSRF_TOKEN, this.mCsrfToken); } statusCode = HttpClientUtil.executeMethod(client, post); // parse the response if (statusCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_OK) { String response = post.getResponseBodyAsString(); aid = getAttachmentId(response); } else if (statusCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE) { throw ZClientException.UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED("upload size limit exceeded", null); } else { throw ZClientException.UPLOAD_FAILED("Attachment post failed, status=" + statusCode, null); } } catch (IOException e) { throw ZClientException.IO_ERROR(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { post.releaseConnection(); } return aid; } public URI getUploadURI() throws ServiceException { return getUploadURI(false); } private URI getUploadURI(boolean limitByFileUploadMaxSize) throws ServiceException { try { URI uri = new URI(mTransport.getURI()); return uri.resolve("/service/upload?fmt=raw" + (limitByFileUploadMaxSize ? "&lbfums" : "")); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("unable to parse URI: " + mTransport.getURI(), e); } } private static Pattern sAttachmentId = Pattern.compile("\\d+,'.*','(.*)'"); public static String getAttachmentId(String result) throws ZClientException { if (result.startsWith(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK + "")) { Matcher m = sAttachmentId.matcher(result); return m.find() ? : null; } else if (result.startsWith(HttpServletResponse.SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE + "")) { throw ZClientException.UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED("upload size limit exceeded", null); } throw ZClientException.UPLOAD_FAILED("upload failed, response: " + result, null); } public HttpClient getHttpClient(URI uri) { boolean isAdmin = uri.getPort() == LC.zimbra_admin_service_port.intValue(); HttpState initialState = HttpClientUtil.newHttpState(getAuthToken(), uri.getHost(), isAdmin); HttpClient client = ZimbraHttpConnectionManager.getInternalHttpConnMgr().newHttpClient(); client.setState(initialState); client.getParams().setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy.BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY); return client; } /** * @param folderId (required) folderId of folder to add message to * @param flags non-comma-separated list of flags, e.g. "sf" for "sent by me and flagged", * or <tt>null</tt> * @param tags coma-spearated list of tags, or null for no tags, or <tt>null</tt> * @param receivedDate time the message was originally received, in MILLISECONDS since the epoch, * or <tt>0</tt> for the current time * @param content message content * @param noICal if TRUE, then don't process iCal attachments. * @return ID of newly created message * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public String addMessage(String folderId, String flags, String tags, long receivedDate, String content, boolean noICal) throws ServiceException { return addMessage(folderId, flags, tags, receivedDate, content, noICal, false); } /** * @param folderId (required) folderId of folder to add message to * @param flags non-comma-separated list of flags, e.g. "sf" for "sent by me and flagged", * or <tt>null</tt> * @param tags coma-spearated list of tags, or null for no tags, or <tt>null</tt> * @param receivedDate time the message was originally received, in MILLISECONDS since the epoch, * or <tt>0</tt> for the current time * @param content message content * @param noICal if TRUE, then don't process iCal attachments. * @param filterSent if TRUE, then do outgoing message filtering * @return ID of newly created message * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public String addMessage(String folderId, String flags, String tags, long receivedDate, String content, boolean noICal, boolean filterSent) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.ADD_MSG_REQUEST); if (filterSent) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FILTER_SENT, filterSent); } Element m = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_MSG); m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, folderId); if (flags != null && flags.length() > 0) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, flags); } if (tags != null && tags.length() > 0) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TAGS, tags); } if (receivedDate != 0) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_DATE, receivedDate); } m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NO_ICAL, noICal); m.addElement(MailConstants.E_CONTENT).setText(content); return invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_MSG).getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID); } /** * @param folderId (required) folderId of folder to add message to * @param flags non-comma-separated list of flags, e.g. "sf" for "sent by me and flagged", * or <tt>null</tt> * @param tags comma-spearated list of tags, or null for no tags, or <tt>null</tt> * @param receivedDate time the message was originally received, in MILLISECONDS since the epoch, * or <tt>0</tt> for the current time * @param content message content * @param noICal if TRUE, then don't process iCal attachments. * @return ID of newly created message * @throws ServiceException on error */ public String addMessage(String folderId, String flags, String tags, long receivedDate, byte[] content, boolean noICal) throws ServiceException { return addMessage(folderId, flags, tags, receivedDate, new ByteArrayInputStream(content), content.length, noICal); } /** * @param folderId (required) folderId of folder to add message to * @param flags non-comma-separated list of flags, e.g. "sf" for "sent by me and flagged", * or <tt>null</tt> * @param tags comma-spearated list of tags, or null for no tags, or <tt>null</tt> * @param receivedDate time the message was originally received, in MILLISECONDS since the epoch, * or <tt>0</tt> for the current time * @param in content stream * @param contentLength number of bytes in the content stream * @param noICal if TRUE, then don't process iCal attachments. * @return ID of newly created message * @throws ServiceException on error */ public String addMessage(String folderId, String flags, String tags, long receivedDate, InputStream in, long contentLength, boolean noICal) throws ServiceException { // first, upload the content via the FileUploadServlet String aid = uploadContentAsStream("message", in, "message/rfc822", contentLength, 5000); // now, use the returned upload ID to do the message send Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.ADD_MSG_REQUEST); Element m = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_MSG); m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, folderId); if (flags != null && flags.length() > 0) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, flags); } if (tags != null && tags.length() > 0) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TAGS, tags); } if (receivedDate > 0) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_DATE, receivedDate); } m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ATTACHMENT_ID, aid); m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NO_ICAL, noICal); return invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_MSG).getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID); } static class CachedMessage { ZGetMessageParams params; ZMessage zm; } public synchronized ZMessage getMessage(ZGetMessageParams params) throws ServiceException { CachedMessage cm = mMessageCache.get(params.getId()); if (cm == null || !cm.params.equals(params)) { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_MSG_REQUEST); Element msgEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_MSG); msgEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, params.getId()); if (params.getPart() != null) { msgEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_PART, params.getPart()); } msgEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_MARK_READ, params.isMarkRead()); msgEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_WANT_HTML, params.isWantHtml()); msgEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NEUTER, params.isNeuterImages()); msgEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RAW, params.isRawContent()); if (params.getMax() != null) { msgEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_MAX_INLINED_LENGTH, params.getMax()); } //header request bug:33054 String reqHdrs = params.getReqHeaders(); if (reqHdrs != null && reqHdrs.length() > 0) { for (String hdrName : reqHdrs.split(",")) { Element headerEl = msgEl.addElement(MailConstants.A_HEADER); headerEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, hdrName); } } ZMessage zm = new ZMessage(invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_MSG), this); cm = new CachedMessage(); = zm; cm.params = params; mMessageCache.put(params.getId(), cm); } else { if (params.isMarkRead() && { markMessageRead(, true); } } return; } public synchronized ZMessage getMessageById(String id) throws ServiceException { ZGetMessageParams params = new ZGetMessageParams(); params.setId(id); return getMessage(params); } /** * hard delete message(s) * @param ids ids to act on * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult deleteMessage(String ids) throws ServiceException { return doAction(messageAction("delete", ids)); } /** * move message(s) to trash * @param ids ids to act on * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult trashMessage(String ids) throws ServiceException { return doAction(messageAction("trash", ids)); } /** * mark message(s) as read/unread * @param ids ids to act on * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error * @param read mark read/unread */ public ZActionResult markMessageRead(String ids, boolean read) throws ServiceException { return doAction(messageAction(read ? "read" : "!read", ids)); } /** * mark message as spam/not spam * @param spam spam (TRUE) or not spam (FALSE) * @param id id of message * @param destFolderId optional id of destination folder, only used with "not spam". * @throws ServiceException on error * @return action result */ public ZActionResult markMessageSpam(String id, boolean spam, String destFolderId) throws ServiceException { Element actionEl = messageAction(spam ? "spam" : "!spam", id); if (destFolderId != null && destFolderId.length() > 0) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, destFolderId); } return doAction(actionEl); } /** flag/unflag message(s) * * @return action result * @param ids of messages to flag * @param flag flag on /off * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult flagMessage(String ids, boolean flag) throws ServiceException { return doAction(messageAction(flag ? "flag" : "!flag", ids)); } /** tag/untag message(s) * @param ids ids of messages to tag * @param tagId tag id to tag with * @param tag tag/untag * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult tagMessage(String ids, String tagId, boolean tag) throws ServiceException { return doAction(messageAction(tag ? "tag" : "!tag", ids).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TAG, tagId)); } /** move message(s) * @param ids list of ids to move * @param destFolderId destination folder id * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult moveMessage(String ids, String destFolderId) throws ServiceException { return doAction(messageAction("move", ids).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, destFolderId)); } /** * update message(s) * @param ids ids of messages to update * @param destFolderId optional destination folder * @param tagList optional new list of tag ids * @param flags optional new value for flags * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult updateMessage(String ids, String destFolderId, String tagList, String flags) throws ServiceException { Element actionEl = messageAction("update", ids); if (destFolderId != null && destFolderId.length() > 0) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, destFolderId); } if (tagList != null) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TAGS, tagList); } if (flags != null) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, flags); } return doAction(actionEl); } // ------------------------ /** * return the root user folder * @return user root folder * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZFolder getUserRoot() throws ServiceException { populateFolderCache(); return mUserRoot; } /** * find the folder with the specified path, starting from the user root. * @param path path of folder. Must start with {@link #PATH_SEPARATOR}. * @return ZFolder if found, null otherwise. * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZFolder getFolderByPath(String path) throws ServiceException { populateFolderCache(); if (!path.startsWith(ZMailbox.PATH_SEPARATOR)) { path = ZMailbox.PATH_SEPARATOR + path; } if (mUserRoot == null) { return null; } return mUserRoot.getSubFolderByPath(path.substring(1)); } public ZFolder getInbox() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_INBOX); } public ZFolder getTrash() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_TRASH); } public ZFolder getSpam() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_SPAM); } public ZFolder getJunk() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_SPAM); } public ZFolder getSent() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_SENT); } public ZFolder getDrafts() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_DRAFTS); } public ZFolder getContacts() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_CONTACTS); } public ZFolder getCalendar() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_CALENDAR); } public ZFolder getNotebok() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_NOTEBOOK); } public ZFolder getAutoContacts() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_AUTO_CONTACTS); } public ZFolder getChats() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_CHATS); } public ZFolder getTasks() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_TASKS); } public ZFolder getBriefcase() throws ServiceException { return getFolderById(ZFolder.ID_BRIEFCASE); } /** * find the folder with the specified id. * @param id id of folder * @return ZFolder if found, null otherwise. * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZFolder getFolderById(String id) throws ServiceException { populateFolderCache(); ZItem item = mItemCache.getById(id); if (!(item instanceof ZFolder)) { return null; } ZFolder folder = (ZFolder) item; return folder.isHierarchyPlaceholder() ? null : folder; } /** * find the folder with the specified UUID. * @param uuid UUID of folder * @return ZFolder if found, null otherwise. * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZFolder getFolderByUuid(String uuid) throws ServiceException { populateFolderCache(); ZItem item = mItemCache.getByUuid(uuid); if (!(item instanceof ZFolder)) { return null; } ZFolder folder = (ZFolder) item; return folder.isHierarchyPlaceholder() ? null : folder; } /** * find the folder with the specified path/id. Look up by path first, then id if path not found. * @param pathOrId path or id of folder * @return ZFolder if found, null otherwise. * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZFolder getFolder(String pathOrId) throws ServiceException { ZFolder result = getFolderByPath(pathOrId); return result != null ? result : getFolderById(pathOrId); } /** * always bypass caching and issues a GetFolderRequest * * @param id * @return * @throws ServiceException */ public ZFolder getFolderRequestById(String id) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_FOLDER_REQUEST).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_VISIBLE, true); req.addElement(MailConstants.E_FOLDER).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, id); Element response = invoke(req); Element eFolder = response.getOptionalElement(MailConstants.E_FOLDER); if (eFolder == null) { eFolder = response.getOptionalElement(MailConstants.E_MOUNT); } if (eFolder == null) { return null; } ZFolder folder = new ZFolder(eFolder, null, this); return folder.isHierarchyPlaceholder() ? null : folder; } /** * to be backward compatible with YCal which currently calls this method. * should switch to getFolderRequestById * * delete this methods when it's time * * @param id * @return * @throws ServiceException */ public ZFolder getFolderRequest(String id) throws ServiceException { return getFolderRequestById(id); } /** * Returns all folders and subfolders in this mailbox. * @throws ServiceException on error * @return all folders and subfolders in this mailbox */ public List<ZFolder> getAllFolders() throws ServiceException { populateFolderCache(); List<ZFolder> allFolders = new ArrayList<ZFolder>(); if (getUserRoot() != null) { addSubFolders(getUserRoot(), allFolders); } return allFolders; } private void addSubFolders(ZFolder folder, List<ZFolder> folderList) throws ServiceException { if (!folder.isHierarchyPlaceholder()) { folderList.add(folder); } for (ZFolder subFolder : folder.getSubFolders()) { addSubFolders(subFolder, folderList); } } /** * returns a rest URL relative to this mailbox. * @param relativePath a relative path (i.e., "/Calendar", "Inbox?fmt=rss", etc). * @return URI of path * @throws ServiceException on error */ public URI getRestURI(String relativePath) throws ServiceException { return getRestURI(relativePath, null); } /** * returns a rest URL relative to this mailbox. * @param relativePath a relative path (i.e., "/Calendar", "Inbox?fmt=rss", etc). * @param alternateUrl alternate url to connect to * @return URI of path * @throws ServiceException on error */ private URI getRestURI(String relativePath, String alternateUrl) throws ServiceException { String pathPrefix = "/"; if (relativePath.startsWith("/")) { pathPrefix = ""; } try { String restURI = getAccountInfo(false).getRestURLBase(); if (alternateUrl != null) { // parse the URI and extract path URI uri = new URI(restURI); restURI = alternateUrl + uri.getPath(); } if (restURI == null) { URI uri = new URI(mTransport.getURI()); return uri.resolve("/home/" + getName() + pathPrefix + relativePath); } else { return new URI(restURI + pathPrefix + relativePath); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("unable to parse URI: " + mTransport.getURI(), e); } } /** * * @param relativePath a relative path (i.e., "/Calendar", "Inbox?fmt=rss", etc). * @param os the stream to send the output to * @param closeOs whether or not to close the output stream when done * @param msecTimeout connection timeout * @param alternateUrl if not <tt>null</tt>, this URL will be used instead of * <tt>relativePath</tt> * @throws ServiceException on error */ public void getRESTResource(String relativePath, OutputStream os, boolean closeOs, String startTimeArg, String endTimeArg, int msecTimeout, String alternateUrl) throws ServiceException { InputStream in = null; try { in = getRESTResource(relativePath, startTimeArg, endTimeArg, msecTimeout, alternateUrl); ByteUtil.copy(in, false, os, closeOs); } catch (IOException e) { throw ZClientException.IO_ERROR("Unable to get " + relativePath, e); } finally { ByteUtil.closeStream(in); } } private InputStream getRESTResource(String relativePath, String startTimeArg, String endTimeArg, int msecTimeout, String alternateUrl) throws ServiceException { GetMethod get = null; URI uri = null; int statusCode; try { if (startTimeArg != null) { String encodedArg = URLEncoder.encode(startTimeArg, "UTF-8"); if (!relativePath.contains("?")) { relativePath = relativePath + "?start=" + encodedArg; } else { relativePath = relativePath + "&start=" + encodedArg; } } if (endTimeArg != null) { String encodedArg = URLEncoder.encode(endTimeArg, "UTF-8"); if (!relativePath.contains("?")) { relativePath = relativePath + "?end=" + encodedArg; } else { relativePath = relativePath + "&end=" + encodedArg; } } uri = getRestURI(relativePath, alternateUrl); HttpClient client = getHttpClient(uri); get = new GetMethod(uri.toString()); if (msecTimeout > -1) { get.getParams().setSoTimeout(msecTimeout); } statusCode = HttpClientUtil.executeMethod(client, get); // parse the response if (statusCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_OK) { return new GetMethodInputStream(get); } else { String msg = String.format("GET from %s failed, status=%d. %s", uri.toString(), statusCode, get.getStatusText()); throw ServiceException.FAILURE(msg, null); } } catch (IOException e) { String fromUri = ""; if (uri != null) { fromUri = " from " + uri.toString(); } String msg = String.format("Unable to get REST resource%s: %s", fromUri, e.getMessage()); throw ZClientException.IO_ERROR(msg, e); } } /** * @param relativePath a relative path (i.e., "/Calendar", "Inbox?fmt=rss", etc). * @throws ServiceException on error */ public InputStream getRESTResource(String relativePath) throws ServiceException { return getRESTResource(relativePath, null, null, getTimeout(), null); } /** * * @param relativePath a relative path (i.e., "/Calendar", "Inbox?fmt=rss", etc). * @param is the input stream to post * @param closeIs whether to close the input stream when done * @param length length of inputstream, or 0/-1 if length is unknown. * @param contentType optional content-type header value (defaults to "application/octect-stream") * @param ignoreAndContinueOnError if true, set optional ignore=1 query string parameter * @param preserveAlarms if true, set optional preserveAlarms=1 query string parameter * @param msecTimeout connection timeout in milliseconds, or <tt>-1</tt> for no timeout * @param url alternate url to connect to * @throws ServiceException on error */ public void postRESTResource(String relativePath, InputStream is, boolean closeIs, long length, String contentType, boolean ignoreAndContinueOnError, boolean preserveAlarms, int msecTimeout, String alternateUrl) throws ServiceException { PostMethod post = null; try { if (ignoreAndContinueOnError) { if (!relativePath.contains("?")) { relativePath = relativePath + "?ignore=1"; } else { relativePath = relativePath + "&ignore=1"; } } if (preserveAlarms) { if (!relativePath.contains("?")) { relativePath = relativePath + "?preserveAlarms=1"; } else { relativePath = relativePath + "&preserveAlarms=1"; } } URI uri = getRestURI(relativePath, alternateUrl); HttpClient client = getHttpClient(uri); post = new PostMethod(uri.toString()); if (msecTimeout > -1) { post.getParams().setSoTimeout(msecTimeout); } post = HttpClientUtil.addInputStreamToHttpMethod(post, is, length, contentType != null ? contentType : "application/octet-stream"); int statusCode = HttpClientUtil.executeMethod(client, post); // parse the response if (statusCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_OK) { // } else { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("POST failed, status=" + statusCode + " " + post.getStatusText(), null); } } catch (IOException e) { throw ZClientException.IO_ERROR(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (closeIs) { ByteUtil.closeStream(is); } if (post != null) { post.releaseConnection(); } } } /** * * @param relativePath a relative path (i.e., "/Calendar", "Inbox?fmt=rss", etc). * @param is the input stream to post * @param closeIs whether to close the input stream when done * @param length length of inputstream, or 0/-1 if length is unknown. * @param contentType optional content-type header value (defaults to "application/octect-stream") * @param msecTimeout connection timeout in milliseconds, or <tt>-1</tt> for no timeout * @throws ServiceException on error */ public void postRESTResource(String relativePath, InputStream is, boolean closeIs, long length, String contentType, int msecTimeout) throws ServiceException { postRESTResource(relativePath, is, closeIs, length, contentType, false, false, msecTimeout, null); } /** * find the search folder with the specified id. * @param id id of folder * @return ZSearchFolder if found, null otherwise. * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZSearchFolder getSearchFolderById(String id) throws ServiceException { populateFolderCache(); ZItem item = mItemCache.getById(id); if (item instanceof ZSearchFolder) { return (ZSearchFolder) item; } else { return null; } } /** * find the mountpoint with the specified id. * @param id id of mountpoint * @return ZMountpoint if found, null otherwise. * @throws com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException on error */ public ZMountpoint getMountpointById(String id) throws ServiceException { populateFolderCache(); ZItem item = mItemCache.getById(id); if (item instanceof ZMountpoint) { return (ZMountpoint) item; } else { return null; } } /** * create a new sub folder of the specified parent folder. * * @param parentId parent folder id * @param name name of new folder * @param defaultView default view of new folder or null. * @param color color of folder, or null to use default * @param flags flags for folder, or null * * @return newly created folder * @throws ServiceException on error * @param url remote url for rss/atom/ics feeds */ public ZFolder createFolder(String parentId, String name, ZFolder.View defaultView, ZFolder.Color color, String flags, String url) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CREATE_FOLDER_REQUEST); Element folderEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_FOLDER); folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, name); folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, parentId); if (defaultView != null) { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_DEFAULT_VIEW,; } if (color != null) { if (StringUtil.equal(color.getName(), Color.RGBCOLOR)) { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RGB, color.getRgbColorValue()); } else { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_COLOR, color.getValue()); } } if (flags != null) { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, flags); } if (url != null && url.length() > 0) { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_URL, url); } Element newFolderEl = invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_FOLDER); ZFolder newFolder = getFolderById(newFolderEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID)); return newFolder != null ? newFolder : new ZFolder(newFolderEl, null, this); } /** * create a new sub folder of the specified parent folder. * * @param parentId parent folder id * @param name name of new folder * @param query search query (required) * @param types comma-sep list of types to search for. Use null for default value. * @param sortBy how to sort the result. Use null for default value. * @see {@link ZSearchParams#TYPE_MESSAGE} * @return newly created search folder * @throws ServiceException on error * @param color color of folder */ public ZSearchFolder createSearchFolder(String parentId, String name, String query, String types, SearchSortBy sortBy, ZFolder.Color color) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CREATE_SEARCH_FOLDER_REQUEST); Element folderEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_SEARCH); folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, name); folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, parentId); folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY, query); if (color != null) { if (StringUtil.equal(color.getName(), Color.RGBCOLOR)) { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RGB, color.getRgbColorValue()); } else { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_COLOR, color.getValue()); } } if (types != null) { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SEARCH_TYPES, types); } if (sortBy != null) { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTBY,; } Element newSearchEl = invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_SEARCH); ZSearchFolder newSearch = getSearchFolderById(newSearchEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID)); return newSearch != null ? newSearch : new ZSearchFolder(newSearchEl, null, this); } /** * modify a search folder. * * @param id id of search folder * @param query search query or null to leave unchanged. * @param types new types or null to leave unchanged. * @param sortBy new sortBy or null to leave unchanged * @return modified search folder * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZSearchFolder modifySearchFolder(String id, String query, String types, SearchSortBy sortBy) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.MODIFY_SEARCH_FOLDER_REQUEST); Element folderEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_SEARCH); folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); if (query != null) { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY, query); } if (types != null) { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SEARCH_TYPES, types); } if (sortBy != null) { folderEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTBY,; } invoke(req); // this assumes notifications will modify the search folder return getSearchFolderById(id); } public static class ZActionResult { private final String mIds; private final Element mResponse; public ZActionResult(Element response) throws ServiceException { String ids = response.getElement(MailConstants.E_ACTION).getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID); if (ids == null) { ids = ""; } mIds = ids; mResponse = response; } public String getIds() { return mIds; } public String[] getIdsAsArray() { return mIds.split(","); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("[ZActionResult %s]", mIds); } Element getResponse() { return mResponse; } } private Element folderAction(String op, String ids) { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.FOLDER_ACTION_REQUEST); Element actionEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_ACTION); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, ids); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_OPERATION, op); return actionEl; } /** sets or unsets the folder's checked state in the UI * @param ids ids of folder to check * @param checked checked/unchecked * @throws ServiceException on error * @return action result */ public ZActionResult modifyFolderChecked(String ids, boolean checked) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction(checked ? "check" : "!check", ids)); } /** modifies the folder's color * @param ids ids to modify * @param color new color * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult modifyFolderColor(String ids, ZFolder.Color color) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction("color", ids).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_COLOR, color.getValue())); } /** hard delete the folder, all items in folder and all sub folders * @param ids ids to delete * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult deleteFolder(String ids) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction("delete", ids)); } /** move the folder to the Trash, marking all contents as read and * renaming the folder if a folder by that name is already present in the Trash * @param ids ids to delete * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult trashFolder(String ids) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction("trash", ids)); } /** hard delete all items in folder and sub folders (doesn't delete the folder itself) * @param ids ids of folders to empty * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult emptyFolder(String ids) throws ServiceException { return emptyFolder(ids, true); } /** hard delete all items in folder (doesn't delete the folder itself) * deletes subfolders contained in the specified folder(s) if <tt>subfolders</tt> is set * * @param ids ids of folders to empty * @param subfolders whether to delete subfolders of this folder * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult emptyFolder(String ids, boolean subfolders) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction("empty", ids).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RECURSIVE, subfolders)); } /** empties the dumpster * * @throws ServiceException */ public void emptyDumpster() throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.EMPTY_DUMPSTER_REQUEST); invoke(req); } /** mark all items in folder as read * @param ids ids of folders to mark as read * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult markFolderRead(String ids) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction("read", ids)); } /** add the contents of the remote feed at target-url to the folder (one time action) * @param id of folder to import into * @param url url to import * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult importURLIntoFolder(String id, String url) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction("import", id).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_URL, url)); } /** move the folder to be a child of {target-folder} * @param id folder id to move * @param targetFolderId id of target folder * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult moveFolder(String id, String targetFolderId) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction("move", id).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, targetFolderId)); } /** change the folder's name; if new name begins with '/', the folder is moved to the new path and any missing path elements are created * @param id id of folder to rename * @param name new name * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult renameFolder(String id, String name) throws ServiceException { return renameFolder(id, name, null); } /** changes the folder's name and moves it be a child of the given target folder. * @param id folder id * @param name new name * @param targetFolderId new parent, or <tt>null</tt> to keep the current parent * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult renameFolder(String id, String name, String targetFolderId) throws ServiceException { Element folderAction = folderAction("rename", id); folderAction.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, name); if (targetFolderId != null) { folderAction.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, targetFolderId); } return doAction(folderAction); } /** sets or unsets the folder's exclude from free busy state * @param ids folder id * @param state exclude/not-exclude * @throws ServiceException on error * @return action result */ public ZActionResult modifyFolderExcludeFreeBusy(String ids, boolean state) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction("fb", ids).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_EXCLUDE_FREEBUSY, state)); } /** * * @param folderId to modify * @param granteeType type of grantee * @param grantreeId id of grantree * @param perms permission mask ("rwid") * @param args extra args * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult modifyFolderGrant(String folderId, GranteeType granteeType, String grantreeId, String perms, String args) throws ServiceException { Element action = folderAction("grant", folderId); Element grant = action.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_GRANT); grant.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RIGHTS, perms); grant.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_DISPLAY, grantreeId); grant.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_GRANT_TYPE,; if (args != null) { if (granteeType == GranteeType.key) { grant.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ACCESSKEY, args); } else { grant.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ARGS, args); } } ZActionResult r = doAction(action); /* * for key grantee type, the accesskey is not encoded in the <notify> * block in FolderAction or the <refresh> block for any calls. * accesskey is only returned on explicit GetFolderRequest. * * add a convenient hack here so client does not have to call * mbox.getFolderRequest after a modifyFolderGrant in order to get * the (new or modified) accesskey. */ if (granteeType == GranteeType.key) { ZFolder folder = getFolderById(folderId); for (ZGrant g : folder.getGrants()) { if (g.getGranteeType() == GranteeType.key && g.getGranteeId().equals(grantreeId)) { String key = null; Element eAction = r.getResponse().getOptionalElement(MailConstants.E_ACTION); if (eAction != null) { key = eAction.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ACCESSKEY, null); } if (key != null) { g.setAccessKey(key); } break; } } } return r; } /** * revoke a grant * @param folderId folder id to modify * @param grantreeId zimbra ID * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult modifyFolderRevokeGrant(String folderId, String grantreeId) throws ServiceException { Element action = folderAction("!grant", folderId); action.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ZIMBRA_ID, grantreeId); return doAction(action); } /** * set the synchronization url on the folder to {target-url}, empty the folder, and * synchronize the folder's contents to the remote feed, also sets {exclude-free-busy-boolean} * @param id id of folder * @param url new URL * @return action result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public ZActionResult modifyFolderURL(String id, String url) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction("url", id).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_URL, url)); } public ZActionResult updateFolder(String id, String name, String parentId, Color newColor, String rgbColor, String flags, List<ZGrant> acl) throws ServiceException { Element action = folderAction("update", id); if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { action.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, name); } if (parentId != null && parentId.length() > 0) { action.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, parentId); } if (newColor != null) { action.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_COLOR, newColor.getValue()); } if (rgbColor != null) { action.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RGB, rgbColor); } if (flags != null) { action.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, flags); } if (acl != null) { Element aclEl = action.addElement(MailConstants.E_ACL); for (ZGrant grant : acl) { grant.toElement(aclEl); } } return doAction(action); } /** * sync the folder's contents to the remote feed specified by the folders URL * @param ids folder id * @throws ServiceException on error * @return action result */ public ZActionResult syncFolder(String ids) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction("sync", ids)); } /** sets or unsets the folder's sync flag * @param id folder id * @param syncon turn sync flag on * @throws ServiceException on error * @return action result */ public ZActionResult modifyFolderSyncFlag(String id, boolean syncon) throws ServiceException { return doAction(folderAction(syncon ? "syncon" : "!syncon", id)); } // ------------------------ private synchronized ZSearchResult internalSearch(String convId, ZSearchParams params, boolean nest) throws ServiceException { QName name; if (convId != null) { name = MailConstants.SEARCH_CONV_REQUEST; } else if (params.getTypes().equals(ZSearchParams.TYPE_VOICE_MAIL) || params.getTypes().equals(ZSearchParams.TYPE_CALL)) { name = VoiceConstants.SEARCH_VOICE_REQUEST; } else if (params.getTypes().equals(ZSearchParams.TYPE_GAL)) { name = AccountConstants.SEARCH_GAL_REQUEST; } else { name = MailConstants.SEARCH_REQUEST; } Element req = newRequestElement(name); if (params.getTypes().equals(ZSearchParams.TYPE_GAL)) { req.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_TYPE,; req.addElement(AccountConstants.E_NAME).setText(params.getQuery()); //req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTBY,; } req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CONV_ID, convId); if (nest) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NEST_MESSAGES, true); } if (params.getLimit() != 0) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_LIMIT, params.getLimit()); } if (params.getOffset() != 0) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_OFFSET, params.getOffset()); } if (params.getSortBy() != null) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTBY, params.getSortBy().name()); } if (params.getTypes() != null) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SEARCH_TYPES, params.getTypes()); } if (params.getFetch() != null && params.getFetch() != Fetch.none) { // use "1" for "first" for backward compat until DF is updated req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FETCH, params.getFetch() == Fetch.first ? "1" : params.getFetch().name()); } if (params.getCalExpandInstStart() != 0) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_EXPAND_INST_START, params.getCalExpandInstStart()); } if (params.getCalExpandInstEnd() != 0) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_EXPAND_INST_END, params.getCalExpandInstEnd()); } if (params.isPreferHtml()) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_WANT_HTML, params.isPreferHtml()); } if (params.isMarkAsRead()) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_MARK_READ, params.isMarkAsRead()); } if (params.isRecipientMode()) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RECIPIENTS, params.isRecipientMode()); } if (params.getField() != null) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FIELD, params.getField()); } if (params.getInDumpster()) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_IN_DUMPSTER, true); } req.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_QUERY, params.getQuery(), Element.Disposition.CONTENT); if (params.getCursor() != null) { Cursor cursor = params.getCursor(); Element cursorEl = req.addElement(MailConstants.E_CURSOR); if (cursor.getPreviousId() != null) { cursorEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, cursor.getPreviousId()); } if (cursor.getPreviousSortValue() != null) { cursorEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTVAL, cursor.getPreviousSortValue()); } } if (params.getTypes().equals(ZSearchParams.TYPE_VOICE_MAIL) || params.getTypes().equals(ZSearchParams.TYPE_CALL)) { getAllPhoneAccounts(); setVoiceStorePrincipal(req); } Element resp = invoke(req); if (params.getTypes().equals(ZSearchParams.TYPE_GAL)) { try { resp.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTBY); } catch (Exception e) { resp.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTBY, params.getSortBy().name()); } try { resp.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_OFFSET); } catch (Exception e) { resp.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_OFFSET, params.getOffset()); } } return new ZSearchResult(resp, nest, params.getTimeZone() != null ? params.getTimeZone() : getPrefs().getTimeZone()); } /** * do a search * @param params search prams * @return search result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public synchronized ZSearchResult search(ZSearchParams params) throws ServiceException { return internalSearch(null, params, false); } /** * do a search, using potentially cached results for efficient paging forward/backward. * Search hits are kept up to date via notifications. * * @param params search prams. Should not change from call to call. * @return search result * @throws ServiceException on error * @param page page of results to return. page size is determined by limit in params. * @param useCache use the cache if possible * @param useCursor true to use search cursors, false to use offsets */ public synchronized ZSearchPagerResult search(ZSearchParams params, int page, boolean useCache, boolean useCursor) throws ServiceException { return, params, page, useCache, useCursor); } /** * * @param type if non-null, clear only cached searches of the specified tape */ public synchronized void clearSearchCache(String type) { mSearchPagerCache.clear(type); } /** * do a search conv * @param convId id of conversation to search * @param params convId onversation id * @return search result * @throws ServiceException on error */ public synchronized ZSearchResult searchConversation(String convId, ZSearchParams params) throws ServiceException { if (convId == null) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("conversation id must not be null", null); } return internalSearch(convId, params, true); } public synchronized ZSearchPagerResult searchConversation(String convId, ZSearchParams params, int page, boolean useCache, boolean useCursor) throws ServiceException { if (params.getConvId() == null) { params.setConvId(convId); } return, params, page, useCache, useCursor); } private void populateFolderCache() throws ServiceException { if (mUserRoot != null) { return; } if (mNotifyPreference == null || mNotifyPreference == NotifyPreference.full) { noOp(); if (mUserRoot != null) { return; } } GetFolderRequest req = new GetFolderRequest(null, true); GetFolderResponse res = invokeJaxb(req); Folder root = res.getFolder(); ZFolder userRoot = (root != null ? new ZFolder(root, null, this) : null); ZRefreshEvent event = new ZRefreshEvent(mSize, userRoot, null); for (ZEventHandler handler : mHandlers) { handler.handleRefresh(event, this); } } private void populateTagCache() throws ServiceException { if (mNameToTag != null) { return; } if (mNotifyPreference == null || mNotifyPreference == NotifyPreference.full) { noOp(); if (mNameToTag != null) { return; } } List<ZTag> tagList = new ArrayList<ZTag>(); if (!mNoTagCache) { try { Element response = invoke(newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_TAG_REQUEST)); for (Element t : response.listElements(MailConstants.E_TAG)) { tagList.add(new ZTag(t, this)); } } catch (SoapFaultException sfe) { if (!sfe.getCode().equals(ServiceException.PERM_DENIED)) { throw sfe; } } } ZRefreshEvent event = new ZRefreshEvent(mSize, null, tagList); for (ZEventHandler handler : mHandlers) { handler.handleRefresh(event, this); } } /** * A request that does nothing and always returns nothing. Used to keep a session alive, and return * any pending notifications. * * @throws ServiceException on error */ public void noOp() throws ServiceException { invoke(newRequestElement(MailConstants.NO_OP_REQUEST)); } /** * A blocking NoOpRequest which waits up to the specified timeout * */ public void noOp(long timeout) throws ServiceException { Element e = newRequestElement(MailConstants.NO_OP_REQUEST); e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_WAIT, true); e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TIMEOUT, timeout); invoke(e); } public enum OwnerBy { BY_ID, BY_NAME; public static OwnerBy fromString(String s) throws ServiceException { try { return OwnerBy.valueOf(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR( "invalid ownerBy: " + s + ", valid values: " + Arrays.asList(OwnerBy.values()), e); } } } public enum SharedItemBy { BY_ID, BY_PATH; public static SharedItemBy fromString(String s) throws ServiceException { try { return SharedItemBy.valueOf(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR( "invalid sharedItemBy: " + s + ", valid values: " + Arrays.asList(SharedItemBy.values()), e); } } } /** * create a new mountpoint in the specified parent folder. * * @param parentId parent folder id * @param name name of new folder * @param defaultView default view of new folder. * @param color * @param flags * @param ownerBy used to specify whether owner is an id or account name (email address) * @param owner either the id or name of the owner * @param itemBy used to specify whether sharedItem is an id or path to the shared item * @param sharedItem either the id or path of the item * @param reminderEnabled whether client should show reminders on appointments/tasks * * @return newly created folder * @throws ServiceException on error * @param color initial color * @param flags initial flags */ public ZMountpoint createMountpoint(String parentId, String name, ZFolder.View defaultView, ZFolder.Color color, String flags, OwnerBy ownerBy, String owner, SharedItemBy itemBy, String sharedItem, boolean reminderEnabled) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CREATE_MOUNTPOINT_REQUEST); Element linkEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_MOUNT); linkEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, name); linkEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, parentId); if (defaultView != null) { linkEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_DEFAULT_VIEW,; } if (color != null) { if (StringUtil.equal(color.getName(), Color.RGBCOLOR)) { linkEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RGB, color.getRgbColorValue()); } else { linkEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_COLOR, color.getValue()); } } if (flags != null) { linkEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, flags); } linkEl.addAttribute(ownerBy == OwnerBy.BY_ID ? MailConstants.A_ZIMBRA_ID : MailConstants.A_OWNER_NAME, owner); linkEl.addAttribute(itemBy == SharedItemBy.BY_ID ? MailConstants.A_REMOTE_ID : MailConstants.A_PATH, sharedItem); linkEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_REMINDER, reminderEnabled); Element newMountEl = invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_MOUNT); ZMountpoint newMount = getMountpointById(newMountEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID)); return newMount != null ? newMount : new ZMountpoint(newMountEl, null, this); } /** * enable/disable displaying reminder for shared appointments/tasks * @param mountpointId * @param reminderEnabled * @throws ServiceException */ public void enableSharedReminder(String mountpointId, boolean reminderEnabled) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.ENABLE_SHARED_REMINDER_REQUEST); Element linkEl = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_MOUNT); linkEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, mountpointId); linkEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_REMINDER, reminderEnabled); invoke(req); } /** * Sends an iCalendar REPLY object * @param ical iCalendar data * @throws ServiceException on error */ public void iCalReply(String ical, String sender) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.ICAL_REPLY_REQUEST); Element icalElem = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_CAL_ICAL); icalElem.setText(ical); if (sender != null) { icalElem.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_CAL_ATTENDEE, sender); } invoke(req); } public static class ZSendMessageResponse { private String mId; public ZSendMessageResponse(String id) { mId = id; } public String getId() { return mId; } public void setId(String id) { mId = id; } } public static class ZOutgoingMessage { public static class AttachedMessagePart { private String mMessageId; private String mPartName; private String mContentId; private String mAttachmentId; public AttachedMessagePart(String messageId, String partName, String contentId) { mMessageId = messageId; mPartName = partName; mContentId = contentId; } public AttachedMessagePart(String attachmentId, String contentId) { mAttachmentId = attachmentId; mContentId = contentId; } public String getMessageId() { return mMessageId; } public void setMessageId(String messageId) { mMessageId = messageId; } public String getContentId() { return mContentId; } public void setContentId(String contentId) { mContentId = contentId; } public String getPartName() { return mPartName; } public void setPartName(String partName) { mPartName = partName; } public String getAttachmentId() { return mAttachmentId; } public void setAttachmentId(String attachmentId) { mAttachmentId = attachmentId; } } public static class MessagePart { private String mContentType; private final String mContent; private List<MessagePart> mSubParts; private List<AttachedMessagePart> mAttachSubParts; /** * create a new message part with the given content type and content. * * @param contentType MIME content type * @param content content for the part (null if content-type is multi-part) */ public MessagePart(String contentType, String content) { mContent = content; mContentType = contentType; } public MessagePart(String contentType, String content, List<AttachedMessagePart> attachSubParts) { mContent = content; mContentType = contentType; mAttachSubParts = attachSubParts; } public MessagePart(String contentType, MessagePart... parts) { mContent = null; mContentType = contentType; mSubParts = new ArrayList<MessagePart>(); for (MessagePart sub : parts) { mSubParts.add(sub); } } public String getContentType() { return mContentType; } public void setContentType(String contentType) { mContentType = contentType; } public String getContent() { return mContent; } public void setContent(String content) { mContentType = content; } public List<MessagePart> getSubParts() { return mSubParts; } public void setSubParts(List<MessagePart> subParts) { mSubParts = subParts; } public List<AttachedMessagePart> getAttachSubParts() { return mAttachSubParts; } public void setAttachSubParts(List<AttachedMessagePart> attachSubParts) { mAttachSubParts = attachSubParts; } public Element toElement(Element parent) { Element mpEl = parent.addElement(MailConstants.E_MIMEPART); mpEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CONTENT_TYPE, mContentType); if (mContent != null) { mpEl.addElement(MailConstants.E_CONTENT).setText(mContent); } if (mSubParts != null) { for (MessagePart subPart : mSubParts) { subPart.toElement(mpEl); } } if (mAttachSubParts != null) { for (AttachedMessagePart subPart : mAttachSubParts) { Element e = parent.addElement(MailConstants.E_MIMEPART); e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CONTENT_ID, subPart.getContentId()); Element attach = e.addElement(MailConstants.E_ATTACH); if (subPart.getMessageId() != null) { Element el = attach.addElement(MailConstants.E_MIMEPART); el.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_MESSAGE_ID, subPart.getMessageId()); el.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_PART, subPart.getPartName()); } else { attach.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ATTACHMENT_ID, subPart.getAttachmentId()); } } } return mpEl; } } private List<ZEmailAddress> mAddresses; private String mSubject; private String mPriority; private String mInReplyTo; private MessagePart mMessagePart; private String mAttachmentUploadId; private List<AttachedMessagePart> mMessagePartsToAttach; private List<String> mContactIdsToAttach; private List<String> mMessageIdsToAttach; private List<String> mDocIdsToAttach; private String mOriginalMessageId; private String mMessageId; private String mDraftMessageId; private String mReplyType; private String mIdentityId; public List<ZEmailAddress> getAddresses() { return mAddresses; } public void setAddresses(List<ZEmailAddress> addresses) { mAddresses = addresses; } public String getAttachmentUploadId() { return mAttachmentUploadId; } public void setAttachmentUploadId(String attachmentUploadId) { mAttachmentUploadId = attachmentUploadId; } public List<String> getContactIdsToAttach() { return mContactIdsToAttach; } public void setContactIdsToAttach(List<String> contactIdsToAttach) { mContactIdsToAttach = contactIdsToAttach; } public MessagePart getMessagePart() { return mMessagePart; } public void setMessagePart(MessagePart messagePart) { mMessagePart = messagePart; } public List<AttachedMessagePart> getMessagePartsToAttach() { return mMessagePartsToAttach; } public void setMessagePartsToAttach(List<AttachedMessagePart> messagePartsToAttach) { mMessagePartsToAttach = messagePartsToAttach; } public String getOriginalMessageId() { return mOriginalMessageId; } public void setOriginalMessageId(String originalMessageId) { mOriginalMessageId = originalMessageId; } public String getMessageId() { return mMessageId; } public void setMessageId(String messageId) { mMessageId = messageId; } public String getDraftMessageId() { return mDraftMessageId; } public void setDraftMessageId(String draftMessageId) { mDraftMessageId = draftMessageId; } public String getInReplyTo() { return mInReplyTo; } public void setInReplyTo(String inReplyTo) { mInReplyTo = inReplyTo; } public String getReplyType() { return mReplyType; } public void setReplyType(String replyType) { mReplyType = replyType; } public String getSubject() { return mSubject; } public void setSubject(String subject) { mSubject = subject; } public String getPriority() { return mPriority; } public void setPriority(String priority) { mPriority = priority; } public List<String> getMessageIdsToAttach() { return mMessageIdsToAttach; } public void setMessageIdsToAttach(List<String> messageIdsToAttach) { mMessageIdsToAttach = messageIdsToAttach; } public String getIdentityId() { return mIdentityId; } public void setIdentityId(String id) { mIdentityId = id; } public List<String> getDocIdsToAttach() { return mDocIdsToAttach; } public void setDocIdsToAttach(List<String> docIdsToAttach) { mDocIdsToAttach = docIdsToAttach; } public List<AttachedMessagePart> getInlineMessagePartsToAttach() { List<AttachedMessagePart> attachments = new ArrayList<AttachedMessagePart>(); if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(mMessagePartsToAttach)) { for (AttachedMessagePart part : mMessagePartsToAttach) { if (part.getContentId() != null && !part.getContentId().equals("")) { attachments.add(part); } } } return attachments; } } public Element getMessageElement(Element req, ZOutgoingMessage message, ZMountpoint mountpoint) { Element m = req.addElement(MailConstants.E_MSG); String id = message.getOriginalMessageId(); if (mountpoint != null) { // Use normalized id for a shared folder int idx = id.indexOf(":"); if (idx != -1) { id = id.substring(idx + 1); } } if (id != null) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ORIG_ID, id); } String msgId = message.getMessageId(); if (msgId != null) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, msgId); } String draftId = message.getDraftMessageId(); if (draftId != null) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_DRAFT_ID, draftId); } if (message.getReplyType() != null) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_REPLY_TYPE, message.getReplyType()); } if (message.getAddresses() != null) { for (ZEmailAddress addr : message.getAddresses()) { if (mountpoint != null && addr.getType().equals(ZEmailAddress.EMAIL_TYPE_FROM)) { // For on behalf of messages, replace the from: and add a sender: Element e = m.addElement(MailConstants.E_EMAIL); e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TYPE, ZEmailAddress.EMAIL_TYPE_SENDER); e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ADDRESS, addr.getAddress()); e = m.addElement(MailConstants.E_EMAIL); e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TYPE, ZEmailAddress.EMAIL_TYPE_FROM); e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ADDRESS, mountpoint.getOwnerDisplayName()); } else { Element e = m.addElement(MailConstants.E_EMAIL); e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_TYPE, addr.getType()); e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ADDRESS, addr.getAddress()); e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_PERSONAL, addr.getPersonal()); } } } if (message.getSubject() != null) { m.addElement(MailConstants.E_SUBJECT).setText(message.getSubject()); } if (message.getPriority() != null && message.getPriority().length() != 0) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, message.getPriority()); } if (message.getInReplyTo() != null) { m.addElement(MailConstants.E_IN_REPLY_TO).setText(message.getInReplyTo()); } if (message.getMessagePart() != null) { message.getMessagePart().toElement(m); } Element attach = null; if (message.getAttachmentUploadId() != null) { attach = m.addElement(MailConstants.E_ATTACH); attach.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ATTACHMENT_ID, message.getAttachmentUploadId()); } if (message.getMessageIdsToAttach() != null) { if (attach == null) { attach = m.addElement(MailConstants.E_ATTACH); } for (String mid : message.getMessageIdsToAttach()) { attach.addElement(MailConstants.E_MSG).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, mid); } } if (message.getDocIdsToAttach() != null) { if (attach == null) { attach = m.addElement(MailConstants.E_ATTACH); } for (String did : message.getDocIdsToAttach()) { attach.addElement(MailConstants.E_DOC).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, did); } } if (message.getContactIdsToAttach() != null) { if (attach == null) attach = m.addElement(MailConstants.E_ATTACH); for (String cid : message.getContactIdsToAttach()) { attach.addElement(MailConstants.E_CONTACT).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, cid); } } if (message.getMessagePartsToAttach() != null) { if (attach == null) { attach = m.addElement(MailConstants.E_ATTACH); } for (AttachedMessagePart part : message.getMessagePartsToAttach()) { if (part.getContentId() == null || part.getContentId().equals("")) { attach.addElement(MailConstants.E_MIMEPART) .addAttribute(MailConstants.A_MESSAGE_ID, part.getMessageId()) .addAttribute(MailConstants.A_PART, part.getPartName()); } } } return m; } private ZMountpoint getMountpoint(ZOutgoingMessage message) throws ServiceException { ZMountpoint mountpoint = null; String oringinalId = message.getOriginalMessageId(); if (oringinalId != null) { ZGetMessageParams params = new ZGetMessageParams(); params.setId(oringinalId); params.setPart(""); ZMessage original = getMessage(params); ZFolder folder = getFolderById(original.getFolderId()); if (folder instanceof ZMountpoint) { mountpoint = (ZMountpoint) folder; } } return mountpoint; } public ZSendMessageResponse sendMessage(ZOutgoingMessage message, String sendUid, boolean needCalendarSentByFixup) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.SEND_MSG_REQUEST); if (sendUid != null && sendUid.length() > 0) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SEND_UID, sendUid); } if (needCalendarSentByFixup) { req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NEED_CALENDAR_SENTBY_FIXUP, needCalendarSentByFixup); } ZMountpoint mountpoint = getMountpoint(message); //noinspection UnusedDeclaration getMessageElement(req, message, mountpoint); String requestedAccountId = mountpoint == null ? null : mountpoint.getOwnerId(); Element resp = invoke(req, requestedAccountId); Element msg = resp.getOptionalElement(MailConstants.E_MSG); String id = msg == null ? null : msg.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, null); return new ZSendMessageResponse(id); } /** * Saves a message draft. * * @param message the message * @param existingDraftId id of existing draft or <tt>null</tt> * @param folderId folder to save to or <tt>null</tt> to save to the <tt>Drafts</tt> folder * * @return the message */ public synchronized ZMessage saveDraft(ZOutgoingMessage message, String existingDraftId, String folderId) throws ServiceException { return saveDraft(message, existingDraftId, folderId, 0); } /** * Saves a message draft. * * @param message the message * @param existingDraftId id of existing draft or <tt>null</tt> * @param folderId folder to save to or <tt>null</tt> to save to the <tt>Drafts</tt> folder * @param autoSendTime time in UTC millis at which the draft should be auto-sent by the server. * zero value implies a normal draft, i.e. no auto-send intended. * * @return the message */ public synchronized ZMessage saveDraft(ZOutgoingMessage message, String existingDraftId, String folderId, long autoSendTime) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.SAVE_DRAFT_REQUEST); ZMountpoint mountpoint = getMountpoint(message); Element m = getMessageElement(req, message, mountpoint); if (existingDraftId != null && existingDraftId.length() > 0) { mMessageCache.remove(existingDraftId); m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, existingDraftId); } if (folderId != null) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, folderId); } if (autoSendTime != 0) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_AUTO_SEND_TIME, autoSendTime); } if (message.getIdentityId() != null) { m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_IDENTITY_ID, message.getIdentityId()); } String requestedAccountId = mountpoint == null ? null : mGetInfoResult.getId(); return new ZMessage(invoke(req, requestedAccountId).getElement(MailConstants.E_MSG), this); } public synchronized CheckSpellingResponse checkSpelling(String text) throws ServiceException { return checkSpelling(text, null, null); } public synchronized CheckSpellingResponse checkSpelling(String text, String dictionary) throws ServiceException { return checkSpelling(text, dictionary, null); } public synchronized CheckSpellingResponse checkSpelling(String text, String dictionary, List<String> ignore) throws ServiceException { String ignoreList = (ignore == null ? null : StringUtil.join(",", ignore)); CheckSpellingRequest req = new CheckSpellingRequest(dictionary, ignoreList, text); return invokeJaxb(req); } public void createIdentity(ZIdentity identity) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.CREATE_IDENTITY_REQUEST); identity.toElement(req); invoke(req); } public List<ZIdentity> getIdentities() throws ServiceException { GetIdentitiesResponse res = invokeJaxb(new GetIdentitiesRequest()); return ListUtil.newArrayList(res.getIdentities(), SoapConverter.FROM_SOAP_IDENTITY); } public void deleteIdentity(String name) throws ServiceException { deleteIdentity(, name); } public void deleteIdentity(Key.IdentityBy by, String key) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.DELETE_IDENTITY_REQUEST); if (by == { req.addUniqueElement(AccountConstants.E_IDENTITY).addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_NAME, key); } else if (by == { req.addUniqueElement(AccountConstants.E_IDENTITY).addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_ID, key); } invoke(req); } public void modifyIdentity(ZIdentity identity) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.MODIFY_IDENTITY_REQUEST); identity.toElement(req); invoke(req); } /** * Creates a data source. * * @return the new data source id */ public String createDataSource(ZDataSource source) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CREATE_DATA_SOURCE_REQUEST); source.toElement(req); return invoke(req).listElements().get(0).getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID); } /** * Tests a data source. * * @return <tt>null</tt> on success, or the error string on failure */ public String testDataSource(ZDataSource source) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.TEST_DATA_SOURCE_REQUEST); source.toElement(req); Element resp = invoke(req); List<Element> children = resp.listElements(); if (children.size() == 0) { return MailConstants.TEST_DATA_SOURCE_RESPONSE + " has no child elements"; } Element dsEl = children.get(0); boolean success = dsEl.getAttributeBool(MailConstants.A_DS_SUCCESS, false); if (!success) { return resp.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_DS_ERROR, "error"); } else { return null; } } public List<ZDataSource> getAllDataSources() throws ServiceException { GetDataSourcesResponse res = invokeJaxb(new GetDataSourcesRequest()); List<ZDataSource> result = new ArrayList<ZDataSource>(); for (DataSource ds : res.getDataSources()) { if (ds instanceof Pop3DataSource) { result.add(new ZPop3DataSource((Pop3DataSource) ds)); } else if (ds instanceof ImapDataSource) { result.add(new ZImapDataSource((ImapDataSource) ds)); } else if (ds instanceof CalDataSource) { result.add(new ZCalDataSource((CalDataSource) ds)); } else if (ds instanceof RssDataSource) { result.add(new ZRssDataSource((RssDataSource) ds)); } } return result; } /** * Gets a data source by id. * @return the data source, or <tt>null</tt> if no data source with the * given id exists */ public ZDataSource getDataSourceById(String id) throws ServiceException { for (ZDataSource ds : getAllDataSources()) { if (ds.getId().equals(id)) { return ds; } } return null; } public void modifyDataSource(ZDataSource source) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.MODIFY_DATA_SOURCE_REQUEST); source.toElement(req); invoke(req); } public void deleteDataSource(ZDataSource source) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.DELETE_DATA_SOURCE_REQUEST); source.toIdElement(req); invoke(req); } public ZFilterRules getIncomingFilterRules() throws ServiceException { return getIncomingFilterRules(false); } public ZFilterRules getOutgoingFilterRules() throws ServiceException { return getOutgoingFilterRules(false); } public synchronized ZFilterRules getIncomingFilterRules(boolean refresh) throws ServiceException { if (incomingRules == null || refresh) { GetFilterRulesResponse resp = invokeJaxb(new GetFilterRulesRequest()); incomingRules = new ZFilterRules(resp.getFilterRules()); } return new ZFilterRules(incomingRules); } public synchronized ZFilterRules getOutgoingFilterRules(boolean refresh) throws ServiceException { if (outgoingRules == null || refresh) { GetOutgoingFilterRulesResponse resp = invokeJaxb(new GetOutgoingFilterRulesRequest()); outgoingRules = new ZFilterRules(resp.getFilterRules()); } return new ZFilterRules(outgoingRules); } public synchronized void saveIncomingFilterRules(ZFilterRules rules) throws ServiceException { ModifyFilterRulesRequest req = new ModifyFilterRulesRequest(); req.addFilterRules(rules.toJAXB()); invokeJaxb(req); incomingRules = new ZFilterRules(rules); } public synchronized void saveOutgoingFilterRules(ZFilterRules rules) throws ServiceException { ModifyOutgoingFilterRulesRequest req = new ModifyOutgoingFilterRulesRequest(); req.addFilterRule(rules.toJAXB()); invokeJaxb(req); outgoingRules = new ZFilterRules(rules); } public void deleteDataSource(Key.DataSourceBy by, String key) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.DELETE_DATA_SOURCE_REQUEST); if (by == { req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_DS).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, key); } else if (by == { req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_DS).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, key); } else { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("must specify data source by id or name", null); } invoke(req); } public void importData(List<ZDataSource> sources) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.IMPORT_DATA_REQUEST); for (ZDataSource src : sources) { src.toIdElement(req); } invoke(req); } public static class ZImportStatus { private final String mType; private final boolean mIsRunning; private final boolean mSuccess; private final String mError; private final String mId; ZImportStatus(Element e) throws ServiceException { mType = e.getName(); mId = e.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID); mIsRunning = e.getAttributeBool(MailConstants.A_DS_IS_RUNNING, false); mSuccess = e.getAttributeBool(MailConstants.A_DS_SUCCESS, true); mError = e.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_DS_ERROR, null); } public String getType() { return mType; } public String getId() { return mId; } public boolean isRunning() { return mIsRunning; } public boolean getSuccess() { return mSuccess; } public String getError() { return mError; } } public List<ZImportStatus> getImportStatus() throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_IMPORT_STATUS_REQUEST); Element response = invoke(req); List<ZImportStatus> result = new ArrayList<ZImportStatus>(); for (Element status : response.listElements()) { result.add(new ZImportStatus(status)); } return result; } public String createDocument(String folderId, String name, String attachmentId) throws ServiceException { return createDocument(folderId, name, attachmentId, false); } public String createDocument(String folderId, String name, String attachmentId, boolean isNote) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.SAVE_DOCUMENT_REQUEST); Element doc = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_DOC); doc.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, name); doc.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, folderId); if (isNote) { doc.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, ZItem.Flag.note.toString()); } Element upload = doc.addElement(MailConstants.E_UPLOAD); upload.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, attachmentId); return invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_DOC).getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID); } public ZDocument getDocument(String id) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_ITEM_REQUEST); Element item = req.addUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_ITEM); item.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); Element e = invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_DOC); return new ZDocument(e); } /** * modify prefs. The key in the map is the pref name, and the value should be a String[], * a Collection of String objects, or a single String/Object.toString. * @param prefs prefs to modify * @throws ServiceException on error */ public void modifyPrefs(Map<String, ? extends Object> prefs) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.MODIFY_PREFS_REQUEST); for (Map.Entry<String, ? extends Object> entry : prefs.entrySet()) { Object vo = entry.getValue(); if (vo instanceof String[]) { String[] values = (String[]) vo; for (String v : values) { req.addKeyValuePair(entry.getKey(), v, AccountConstants.E_PREF, AccountConstants.A_NAME); } } else if (vo instanceof Collection) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection values = (Collection) vo; for (Object v : values) { req.addKeyValuePair(entry.getKey(), v.toString(), AccountConstants.E_PREF, AccountConstants.A_NAME); } } else { req.addKeyValuePair(entry.getKey(), vo.toString(), AccountConstants.E_PREF, AccountConstants.A_NAME); } } invoke(req); } public List<String> getAvailableSkins() throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.GET_AVAILABLE_SKINS_REQUEST); Element resp = invoke(req); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Element skin : resp.listElements(AccountConstants.E_SKIN)) { String name = skin.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_NAME, null); if (name != null) { result.add(name); } } Collections.sort(result); return result; } public List<String> getAvailableLocales() throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.GET_AVAILABLE_LOCALES_REQUEST); Element resp = invoke(req); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Element locale : resp.listElements(AccountConstants.E_LOCALE)) { String id = locale.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_ID, null); if (id != null) { result.add(id); } } Collections.sort(result); return result; } public enum GalEntryType { account, resource, all; public static GalEntryType fromString(String s) throws ServiceException { try { return GalEntryType.valueOf(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR( "invalid GalType: " + s + ", valid values: " + Arrays.asList(GalEntryType.values()), e); } } } public static class ZSearchGalResult { private final boolean mMore; private final List<ZContact> mContacts; private final String mQuery; private final GalEntryType mType; public ZSearchGalResult(List<ZContact> contacts, boolean more, String query, GalEntryType type) { mMore = more; mContacts = contacts; mQuery = query; mType = type; } public boolean getHasMore() { return mMore; } public List<ZContact> getContacts() { return mContacts; } public String getQuery() { return mQuery; } public GalEntryType getGalEntryType() { return mType; } } public void applyConditions(ArrayList<Object> conditions, Element parentCondition) { for (Object condition : conditions) { if (condition instanceof ArrayList) { // Conditions Element element = parentCondition.addElement(AccountConstants.E_ENTRY_SEARCH_FILTER_MULTICOND); element.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_ENTRY_SEARCH_FILTER_OR, true); applyConditions((ArrayList<Object>) condition, element); } if (condition instanceof String[]) { String conditionAttr[] = (String[]) condition; Element conditionElem = parentCondition .addElement(AccountConstants.E_ENTRY_SEARCH_FILTER_SINGLECOND); conditionElem.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_ENTRY_SEARCH_FILTER_ATTR, conditionAttr[0]); conditionElem.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_ENTRY_SEARCH_FILTER_OP, conditionAttr[1]); conditionElem.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_ENTRY_SEARCH_FILTER_VALUE, conditionAttr[2]); } } } public ZSearchGalResult searchGal(String query, ArrayList<Object> conditions, GalEntryType type) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.SEARCH_GAL_REQUEST); if (type != null) { req.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_TYPE,; } req.addElement(AccountConstants.E_NAME).setText(query); if (conditions.size() > 0) { Element searchFilterElem = req.addElement(AccountConstants.E_ENTRY_SEARCH_FILTER); Element condsElement = searchFilterElem.addElement(AccountConstants.E_ENTRY_SEARCH_FILTER_MULTICOND); condsElement.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_ENTRY_SEARCH_FILTER_OR, false); applyConditions(conditions, condsElement); } Element resp = invoke(req); List<ZContact> contacts = new ArrayList<ZContact>(); for (Element contact : resp.listElements(MailConstants.E_CONTACT)) { contacts.add(new ZContact(contact, true, this)); } return new ZSearchGalResult(contacts, resp.getAttributeBool(AccountConstants.A_MORE, false), query, type); } public ZSearchGalResult autoCompleteGal(String query, GalEntryType type, int limit) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.AUTO_COMPLETE_GAL_REQUEST); if (type != null) { req.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_TYPE,; } req.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_LIMIT, limit); req.addElement(AccountConstants.E_NAME).setText(query); Element resp = invoke(req); List<ZContact> contacts = new ArrayList<ZContact>(); for (Element contact : resp.listElements(MailConstants.E_CONTACT)) { contacts.add(new ZContact(contact, true, this)); } return new ZSearchGalResult(contacts, resp.getAttributeBool(AccountConstants.A_MORE, false), query, type); } public static class ZApptSummaryResult { private final String mFolderId; private final List<ZAppointmentHit> mAppointments; private final long mStart; private final long mEnd; private final TimeZone mTimeZone; private final String mQuery; ZApptSummaryResult(long start, long end, String folderId, TimeZone timeZone, List<ZAppointmentHit> appointments, String query) { mFolderId = folderId; mAppointments = appointments; mStart = start; mEnd = end; mTimeZone = timeZone; mQuery = query; } public String getFolderId() { return mFolderId; } public TimeZone getTimeZone() { return mTimeZone; } public long getStart() { return mStart; } public long getEnd() { return mEnd; } public List<ZAppointmentHit> getAppointments() { return mAppointments; } public String getQuery() { return mQuery; } } /** * clear all entries in the appointment summary cache. This is normally handled automatically * via notifications, except in the case of shared calendars. */ public synchronized void clearApptSummaryCache() { mApptSummaryCache.clear(); } public static class ZGetMiniCalResult { private final Set<String> mDates; private final List<ZMiniCalError> mErrors; public ZGetMiniCalResult(Set<String> dates, List<ZMiniCalError> errors) { mDates = dates; mErrors = errors; } public Set<String> getDates() { return mDates; } public List<ZMiniCalError> getErrors() { return mErrors; } } public static class ZMiniCalError { private final String mFolderId; private final String mErrCode; private final String mErrMsg; public ZMiniCalError(String folderId, String errcode, String errmsg) { mFolderId = folderId; mErrCode = errcode; mErrMsg = errmsg; } public String getFolderId() { return mFolderId; } public String getErrCode() { return mErrCode; } public String getErrMsg() { return mErrMsg; } } public synchronized ZGetMiniCalResult getMiniCal(long startMsec, long endMsec, String folderIds[]) throws ServiceException { Set<String> dates = mApptSummaryCache.getMiniCal(startMsec, endMsec, folderIds); List<ZMiniCalError> errors = null; if (dates == null) { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_MINI_CAL_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_START_TIME, startMsec); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_END_TIME, endMsec); for (String folderId : folderIds) { Element folderElem = req.addElement(MailConstants.E_FOLDER); folderElem.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, folderId); } Element resp = invoke(req); dates = new HashSet<String>(); for (Element date : resp.listElements(MailConstants.E_CAL_MINICAL_DATE)) { dates.add(date.getTextTrim()); } mApptSummaryCache.putMiniCal(dates, startMsec, endMsec, folderIds); for (Element error : resp.listElements(MailConstants.E_ERROR)) { String fid = error.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID); String code = error.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_CODE); String msg = error.getTextTrim(); if (errors == null) { errors = new ArrayList<ZMiniCalError>(); } errors.add(new ZMiniCalError(fid, code, msg)); } } return new ZGetMiniCalResult(dates, errors); } /** * Validates the given set of folder ids. If a folder id corresponds to a mountpoint * that is not accessible, that id is omitted from the returned list. */ public synchronized String getValidFolderIds(String ids) throws ServiceException { if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(ids)) { return ""; } // 1. Separate Local FolderIds and Remote FolderIds // sbResult is a list of valid folderIds // sbRemote is a list of mountpoints Set<String> mountpointIds = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> validIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (String id : ids.split(",")) { ZFolder f = getFolderById(id); if (f instanceof ZMountpoint) { mountpointIds.add(id); } else { validIds.add(id); } } //2. Send a batch request GetFolderRequest with sbRemote as input try { Element batch = newRequestElement(ZimbraNamespace.E_BATCH_REQUEST); //Element resp; for (String id : mountpointIds) { Element folderrequest = batch.addElement(MailConstants.GET_FOLDER_REQUEST); Element e = folderrequest.addElement(MailConstants.E_FOLDER); e.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, id); } Element resp = mTransport.invoke(batch); //3. Parse the response and add valid folderIds to sbResult. for (Element e : resp.listElements()) { if (e.getName().equals(MailConstants.GET_FOLDER_RESPONSE.getName())) { boolean isBrokenMountpoint = e.getElement(MailConstants.E_MOUNT) .getAttributeBool(MailConstants.A_BROKEN, false); if (!isBrokenMountpoint) { String id = e.getElement(MailConstants.E_MOUNT).getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID); validIds.add(id); } } } return StringUtil.join(",", validIds); } catch (IOException e) { throw ZClientException.IO_ERROR("invoke " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * @param query optional seach query to limit appts returend * @param startMsec starting time of range, in msecs * @param endMsec ending time of range, in msecs * @param folderIds list of folder ids * @param timeZone TimeZone used to correct allday appts * @param types ZSearchParams.TYPE_APPOINTMENT and/or ZSearchParams.TYPE_TASK. If null, TYPE_APPOINTMENT is used. * @return list of appts within the specified range * @throws ServiceException on error */ public synchronized List<ZApptSummaryResult> getApptSummaries(String query, long startMsec, long endMsec, String folderIds[], TimeZone timeZone, String types) throws ServiceException { if (types == null) { types = ZSearchParams.TYPE_APPOINTMENT; } if (query == null) { query = ""; } if (folderIds == null || folderIds.length == 0) { folderIds = new String[] { ZFolder.ID_CALENDAR }; } List<ZApptSummaryResult> summaries = new ArrayList<ZApptSummaryResult>(); List<String> idsToFetch = new ArrayList<String>(folderIds.length); for (String folderId : folderIds) { if (folderId == null) { folderId = ZFolder.ID_CALENDAR; } ZApptSummaryResult cached = mApptSummaryCache.get(startMsec, endMsec, folderId, timeZone, query); if (cached == null) { idsToFetch.add(folderId); } else { summaries.add(cached); } } Map<String, ZApptSummaryResult> folder2List = new HashMap<String, ZApptSummaryResult>(); Map<String, String> folderIdMapper = new HashMap<String, String>(); String targetId = mTransport.getTargetAcctId(); if (!idsToFetch.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder searchQuery = new StringBuilder(); searchQuery.append("("); for (String folderId : idsToFetch) { if (searchQuery.length() > 1) { searchQuery.append(" or "); } searchQuery.append("inid:").append("\"" + folderId + "\""); //folder2List. List<ZAppointmentHit> appts = new ArrayList<ZAppointmentHit>(); ZApptSummaryResult result = new ZApptSummaryResult(startMsec, endMsec, folderId, timeZone, appts, query); summaries.add(result); folder2List.put(folderId, result); ZFolder folder = targetId != null ? null : getFolderById(folderId); if (folder != null && folder instanceof ZMountpoint) { folderIdMapper.put(((ZMountpoint) folder).getCanonicalRemoteId(), folderId); } else if (targetId != null) { folderIdMapper.put(mTransport.getTargetAcctId() + ":" + folderId, folderId); folderIdMapper.put(folderId, folderId); } else { folderIdMapper.put(folderId, folderId); } } searchQuery.append(")"); if (query.length() > 0) { searchQuery.append("AND (").append(query).append(")"); } ZSearchParams params = new ZSearchParams(searchQuery.toString()); params.setCalExpandInstStart(startMsec); params.setCalExpandInstEnd(endMsec); params.setTypes(types); params.setLimit(2000); params.setSortBy(SearchSortBy.none); params.setTimeZone(timeZone); int offset = 0; int n = 0; // really while(true), but add in a safety net? while (n++ < 100) { params.setOffset(offset); ZSearchResult result = search(params); for (ZSearchHit hit : result.getHits()) { offset++; if (hit instanceof ZAppointmentHit) { ZAppointmentHit as = (ZAppointmentHit) hit; String fid = folderIdMapper.get(as.getFolderId()); if (fid == null) { fid = as.getFolderId(); } ZApptSummaryResult r = folder2List.get(fid); if (r == null) { List<ZAppointmentHit> appts = new ArrayList<ZAppointmentHit>(); r = new ZApptSummaryResult(startMsec, endMsec, fid, timeZone, appts, query); summaries.add(r); folder2List.put(fid, r); } r.getAppointments().add(as); } } List<ZSearchHit> hits = result.getHits(); if (result.hasMore() && !hits.isEmpty()) { params.setOffset(offset); } else { break; } } for (ZApptSummaryResult r : folder2List.values()) { mApptSummaryCache.add(r, timeZone); } } return summaries; } public static class ZAppointmentResult { private final String mCalItemId; private final String mInviteId; public ZAppointmentResult(Element response) { mCalItemId = response.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_ID, null); mInviteId = response.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_INV_ID, null); } public String getCalItemId() { return mCalItemId; } public String getInviteId() { return mInviteId; } } public ZAppointmentResult createAppointment(String folderId, String flags, ZOutgoingMessage message, ZInvite invite, String optionalUid) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CREATE_APPOINTMENT_REQUEST); //noinspection UnusedDeclaration Element mEl = getMessageElement(req, message, null); if (flags != null) { mEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, flags); } if (folderId != null) { mEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, folderId); } Element invEl = invite.toElement(mEl); if (optionalUid != null) { invEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_UID, optionalUid); } return new ZAppointmentResult(invoke(req)); } public ZAppointmentResult createAppointmentException(String id, String component, ZDateTime exceptionId, ZOutgoingMessage message, ZInvite invite, String optionalUid) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CREATE_APPOINTMENT_EXCEPTION_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT, component); Element mEl = getMessageElement(req, message, null); Element invEl = invite.toElement(mEl); Element compEl = invEl.getElement(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT); exceptionId.toElement(MailConstants.E_CAL_EXCEPTION_ID, compEl); if (optionalUid != null) { invEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_UID, optionalUid); } return new ZAppointmentResult(invoke(req)); } public ZAppointmentResult modifyAppointment(String id, String component, ZDateTime exceptionId, ZOutgoingMessage message, ZInvite invite) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.MODIFY_APPOINTMENT_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT, component); Element mEl = getMessageElement(req, message, null); Element invEl = invite.toElement(mEl); if (exceptionId != null) { Element compEl = invEl.getElement(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT); exceptionId.toElement(MailConstants.E_CAL_EXCEPTION_ID, compEl); } return new ZAppointmentResult(invoke(req)); } public enum CancelRange { THISANDFUTURE, THISANDPRIOR } public void cancelAppointment(String id, String component, ZTimeZone tz, ZDateTime instance, CancelRange range, ZOutgoingMessage message) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CANCEL_APPOINTMENT_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT, component); if (tz != null) { tz.toElement(req); } if (instance != null) { Element instEl = instance.toElement(MailConstants.E_INSTANCE, req); if (range != null) { instEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_RANGE,; } } if (message != null) { getMessageElement(req, message, null); } mMessageCache.remove(id); invoke(req); } public static class ZSendInviteReplyResult { public static final String STATUS_OK = "OK"; public static final String STATUS_OLD = "OLD"; public static final String STATUS_ALREADY_REPLIED = "ALREADY-REPLIED"; public static final String STATUS_FAIL = "FAIL"; private final String mStatus; public ZSendInviteReplyResult(Element response) { mStatus = response.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_STATUS, "OK"); } public String getStatus() { return mStatus; } public boolean isOk() { return mStatus.equals(STATUS_OK); } public boolean isOld() { return mStatus.equals(STATUS_OLD); } public boolean isAlreadyReplied() { return mStatus.equals(STATUS_ALREADY_REPLIED); } public boolean isFail() { return mStatus.equals(STATUS_FAIL); } } public enum ReplyVerb { ACCEPT, COMPLETED, DECLINE, DELEGATED, TENTATIVE; public static ReplyVerb fromString(String s) throws ServiceException { try { return ReplyVerb.valueOf(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR( "invalid reply verb: " + s + ", valid values: " + Arrays.asList(ReplyVerb.values()), e); } } } public ZSendInviteReplyResult sendInviteReply(String id, String component, ReplyVerb verb, boolean updateOrganizer, ZTimeZone tz, ZDateTime instance, ZOutgoingMessage message) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.SEND_INVITE_REPLY_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_COMPONENT_NUM, component); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_VERB,; req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_UPDATE_ORGANIZER, updateOrganizer); if (tz != null) { tz.toElement(req); } if (instance != null) { instance.toElement(MailConstants.E_CAL_EXCEPTION_ID, req); } if (message != null) { getMessageElement(req, message, null); } mMessageCache.remove(id); return new ZSendInviteReplyResult(invoke(req)); } public ZAppointment getAppointment(String id) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_APPOINTMENT_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SYNC, true); return new ZAppointment(invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_APPOINTMENT)); } public com.zimbra.soap.mail.type.CalendarItemInfo getRemoteCalItemByUID(String requestedAccountId, String uid, boolean includeInvites, boolean includeContent) throws ServiceException { GetAppointmentResponse resp = invokeJaxbOnTargetAccount( GetAppointmentRequest.createForUidInvitesContent(uid, includeInvites, includeContent), requestedAccountId); return resp == null ? null : resp.getItem(); } public void clearMessageCache() { mMessageCache.clear(); } public void clearContactCache() { mContactCache.clear(); } public static class ZImportAppointmentsResult { private final String mIds; private final long mCount; public ZImportAppointmentsResult(Element response) throws ServiceException { mIds = response.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, null); mCount = response.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_NUM); } public String getIds() { return mIds; } public long getCount() { return mCount; } } public static final String APPOINTMENT_IMPORT_TYPE_ICS = "ics"; public ZImportAppointmentsResult importAppointments(String folderId, String type, String attachmentId) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.IMPORT_APPOINTMENTS_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CONTENT_TYPE, type); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, folderId); Element content = req.addElement(MailConstants.E_CONTENT); content.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ATTACHMENT_ID, attachmentId); return new ZImportAppointmentsResult(invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_APPOINTMENT)); } public static class ZGetFreeBusyResult { private final String mId; private final List<ZFreeBusyTimeSlot> mTimeSlots; public ZGetFreeBusyResult(String id, List<ZFreeBusyTimeSlot> timeSlots) { mId = id; mTimeSlots = timeSlots; } public String getId() { return mId; } public List<ZFreeBusyTimeSlot> getTimeSlots() { return mTimeSlots; } } public enum ZFreeBusySlotType { FREE, BUSY, TENTATIVE, UNAVAILABLE, NODATA; public static ZFreeBusySlotType fromString(String s) throws ServiceException { try { return ZFreeBusySlotType.valueOf(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("invalid free busy slot type: " + s + ", valid values: " + Arrays.asList(ZFreeBusySlotType.values()), e); } } } public static class ZFreeBusyTimeSlot { private final ZFreeBusySlotType mType; private final long mStart; private final long mEnd; public ZFreeBusyTimeSlot(ZFreeBusySlotType type, long start, long end) { mType = type; mStart = start; mEnd = end; } public ZFreeBusySlotType getType() { return mType; } public long getStartTime() { return mStart; } public long getEndTime() { return mEnd; } } public List<ZGetFreeBusyResult> getFreeBusy(String email, long startTime, long endTime, int folder) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.GET_FREE_BUSY_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_START_TIME, startTime); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_END_TIME, endTime); Element userElem = req.addElement(MailConstants.E_FREEBUSY_USER); userElem.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, email); if (folder != CALENDAR_FOLDER_ALL) { userElem.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, folder); } Element resp = invoke(req); List<ZGetFreeBusyResult> result = new ArrayList<ZGetFreeBusyResult>(); for (Element user : resp.listElements(MailConstants.E_FREEBUSY_USER)) { String userId = user.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID); List<ZFreeBusyTimeSlot> slots = new ArrayList<ZFreeBusyTimeSlot>(); for (Element slot : user.listElements()) { ZFreeBusySlotType type; if (slot.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_FREEBUSY_BUSY)) { type = ZFreeBusySlotType.BUSY; } else if (slot.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_FREEBUSY_BUSY_TENTATIVE)) { type = ZFreeBusySlotType.TENTATIVE; } else if (slot.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_FREEBUSY_BUSY_UNAVAILABLE)) { type = ZFreeBusySlotType.UNAVAILABLE; } else if (slot.getName().equals(MailConstants.E_FREEBUSY_NODATA)) { type = ZFreeBusySlotType.NODATA; } else { type = ZFreeBusySlotType.FREE; } slots.add(new ZFreeBusyTimeSlot(type, slot.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_CAL_START_TIME), slot.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_CAL_END_TIME))); } result.add(new ZGetFreeBusyResult(userId, slots)); } return result; } public List<ZAppointmentHit> createAppointmentHits(List<ZFreeBusyTimeSlot> slots) { List<ZAppointmentHit> result = new ArrayList<ZAppointmentHit>(); for (ZFreeBusyTimeSlot slot : slots) { switch (slot.getType()) { case BUSY: case TENTATIVE: case UNAVAILABLE: case NODATA: result.add(new ZAppointmentHit(slot)); break; } } return result; } /* tasks */ public ZAppointmentResult createTask(String folderId, String flags, ZOutgoingMessage message, ZInvite invite, String optionalUid) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CREATE_TASK_REQUEST); //noinspection UnusedDeclaration Element mEl = getMessageElement(req, message, null); if (flags != null) { mEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FLAGS, flags); } if (folderId != null) { mEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, folderId); } Element invEl = invite.toElement(mEl); if (optionalUid != null) { invEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_UID, optionalUid); } return new ZAppointmentResult(invoke(req)); } public ZAppointmentResult createTaskException(String id, String component, ZDateTime exceptionId, ZOutgoingMessage message, ZInvite invite, String optionalUid) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CREATE_TASK_EXCEPTION_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT, component); Element mEl = getMessageElement(req, message, null); Element invEl = invite.toElement(mEl); Element compEl = invEl.getElement(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT); exceptionId.toElement(MailConstants.E_CAL_EXCEPTION_ID, compEl); if (optionalUid != null) { invEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_UID, optionalUid); } return new ZAppointmentResult(invoke(req)); } public ZAppointmentResult modifyTask(String id, String component, ZDateTime exceptionId, ZOutgoingMessage message, ZInvite invite) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.MODIFY_TASK_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT, component); Element mEl = getMessageElement(req, message, null); Element invEl = invite.toElement(mEl); if (exceptionId != null) { Element compEl = invEl.getElement(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT); exceptionId.toElement(MailConstants.E_CAL_EXCEPTION_ID, compEl); } return new ZAppointmentResult(invoke(req)); } public void cancelTask(String id, String component, ZTimeZone tz, ZDateTime instance, CancelRange range, ZOutgoingMessage message) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.CANCEL_TASK_REQUEST); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); req.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT, component); if (tz != null) { tz.toElement(req); } if (instance != null) { Element instEl = instance.toElement(MailConstants.E_INSTANCE, req); if (range != null) { instEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_RANGE,; } } if (message != null) { getMessageElement(req, message, null); } mMessageCache.remove(id); invoke(req); } public synchronized List<ZPhoneAccount> getAllPhoneAccounts() throws ServiceException { if (mPhoneAccounts == null) { ArrayList<ZPhoneAccount> accounts = new ArrayList<ZPhoneAccount>(); mPhoneAccountMap = new HashMap<String, ZPhoneAccount>(); Element req = newRequestElement(VoiceConstants.GET_VOICE_INFO_REQUEST); Element response = invoke(req); Element storePrincipalEl = response.getElement(VoiceConstants.E_STOREPRINCIPAL); mVoiceStorePrincipal = storePrincipalEl.clone(); List<Element> phoneElements = response.listElements(VoiceConstants.E_PHONE); for (Element element : phoneElements) { ZPhoneAccount account = new ZPhoneAccount(element, this); accounts.add(account); mPhoneAccountMap.put(account.getPhone().getName(), account); } mPhoneAccounts = Collections.unmodifiableList(accounts); } return mPhoneAccounts; } private void setVoiceStorePrincipal(Element req) { req.addElement(mVoiceStorePrincipal.clone()); } public ZPhoneAccount getPhoneAccount(String name) throws ServiceException { getAllPhoneAccounts(); // Make sure they're loaded. return mPhoneAccountMap.get(name); } public String uploadVoiceMail(String phone, String id) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(VoiceConstants.UPLOAD_VOICE_MAIL_REQUEST); setVoiceStorePrincipal(req); Element actionEl = req.addElement(VoiceConstants.E_VOICEMSG); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); actionEl.addAttribute(VoiceConstants.A_PHONE, phone); Element response = invoke(req); return response.getElement(VoiceConstants.E_UPLOAD).getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID); } public void loadCallFeatures(ZCallFeatures features) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(VoiceConstants.GET_VOICE_FEATURES_REQUEST); setVoiceStorePrincipal(req); Element phoneEl = req.addElement(VoiceConstants.E_PHONE); phoneEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, features.getPhone().getName()); Collection<ZCallFeature> featureList = features.getSubscribedFeatures(); for (ZCallFeature feature : featureList) { phoneEl.addElement(feature.getName()); } Element response = invoke(req); phoneEl = response.getElement(VoiceConstants.E_PHONE); for (ZCallFeature feature : featureList) { String name = feature.getName(); Element element = phoneEl.getOptionalElement(name); if (element != null) { feature.fromElement(element); } } } public void saveCallFeatures(ZCallFeatures newFeatures) throws ServiceException { // Build up the soap request. Element req = newRequestElement(VoiceConstants.MODIFY_VOICE_FEATURES_REQUEST); setVoiceStorePrincipal(req); Element phoneEl = req.addElement(VoiceConstants.E_PHONE); phoneEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, newFeatures.getPhone().getName()); Collection<ZCallFeature> list = newFeatures.getAllFeatures(); for (ZCallFeature newFeature : list) { Element element = phoneEl.addElement(newFeature.getName()); newFeature.toElement(element); } invoke(req); // Copy new data into cache. ZPhoneAccount account = getPhoneAccount(newFeatures.getPhone().getName()); ZCallFeatures oldFeatures = account.getCallFeatures(); for (ZCallFeature newFeature : list) { ZCallFeature oldFeature = oldFeatures.getFeature(newFeature.getName()); oldFeature.assignFrom(newFeature); } } public ZActionResult trashVoiceMail(String phone, String id) throws ServiceException { return moveVoiceMail(phone, id, VoiceConstants.FID_TRASH); } public ZActionResult moveVoiceMail(String phone, String id, int folderId) throws ServiceException { ZActionResult result = doAction(voiceAction("move", phone, id, folderId)); ZModifyEvent event = new ZModifyVoiceMailItemFolderEvent(Integer.toString(folderId)); handleEvent(event); refreshVoiceMailInbox(phone); return result; } public ZActionResult emptyVoiceMailTrash(String phone, String folderId) throws ServiceException { ZActionResult result = doAction(voiceAction("empty", phone, folderId, 0)); // Don't use a delete event, since it deals with the ids of the deleted items and we don't have those. // Instead just clear the cache that we know know of that might need to be rebuilt. mSearchPagerCache.clear(null); return result; } /** Makes a server call to get updated message/unheard counts for the folders */ private void refreshVoiceMailInbox(String phone) throws ServiceException { ZPhoneAccount account = getPhoneAccount(phone); if (account == null) { return; } Element req = newRequestElement(VoiceConstants.GET_VOICE_FOLDER_REQUEST); setVoiceStorePrincipal(req); Element phoneEl = req.addElement(VoiceConstants.E_PHONE); phoneEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME, phone); Element response = invoke(req); Element phoneResponse = response.getElement(VoiceConstants.E_PHONE); if (phoneResponse != null) { ZFolder rootFolder = account.getRootFolder(); Element rootEl = phoneResponse.getElement(MailConstants.E_FOLDER); for (Element childEl : rootEl.listElements(MailConstants.E_FOLDER)) { String name = childEl.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_NAME); ZFolder childFolder = rootFolder.getSubFolderByPath(name); if (childFolder != null) { childFolder.setUnreadCount((int) childEl.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_UNREAD, 0)); childFolder.setMessageCount((int) childEl.getAttributeLong(MailConstants.A_NUM, 0)); } } } } public ZActionResult markVoiceMailHeard(String phone, String idList, boolean heard) throws ServiceException { String op = heard ? "read" : "!read"; ZActionResult result = doAction(voiceAction(op, phone, idList, 0)); int changeCount = 0; boolean needRefresh = false; for (String id : sCOMMA.split(idList)) { ZModifyVoiceMailItemEvent event = new ZModifyVoiceMailItemEvent(id, heard); handleEvent(event); if (event.getMadeChange()) { changeCount++; } else { needRefresh = true; } } if (needRefresh) { refreshVoiceMailInbox(phone); } else if (changeCount > 0) { ZPhoneAccount account = getPhoneAccount(phone); ZFolder inbox = account.getRootFolder().getSubFolderByPath(VoiceConstants.FNAME_VOICEMAILINBOX); int diff = heard ? -changeCount : changeCount; inbox.setUnreadCount(inbox.getUnreadCount() + diff); } return result; } private Element voiceAction(String op, String phone, String id, int folderId) { Element req = newRequestElement(VoiceConstants.VOICE_MSG_ACTION_REQUEST); setVoiceStorePrincipal(req); Element actionEl = req.addElement(MailConstants.E_ACTION); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, id); actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_OPERATION, op); actionEl.addAttribute(VoiceConstants.A_PHONE, phone); if (folderId != 0) { actionEl.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, Integer.toString(folderId) + '-' + phone); } return actionEl; } public synchronized ZContactByPhoneCache.ContactPhone getContactByPhone(String phone) throws ServiceException { if (mContactByPhoneCache == null) { mContactByPhoneCache = new ZContactByPhoneCache(); mHandlers.add(mContactByPhoneCache); } return mContactByPhoneCache.getByPhone(phone, this); } private void updateSigs() { try { if (mGetInfoResult != null) { mGetInfoResult.setSignatures(getSignatures()); } } catch (ServiceException e) { /* ignore */ } } public synchronized List<String> saveAttachmentsToBriefcase(String mid, String[] partIds, String folderId) throws ServiceException { if (partIds == null || partIds.length <= 0) { return null; } List<String> docIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String pid : partIds) { //!TODO We should do batch request for performance Element req = newRequestElement(MailConstants.SAVE_DOCUMENT_REQUEST); Element doc = req.addElement(MailConstants.E_DOC).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, folderId); Element m = doc.addElement(MailConstants.E_MSG).addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, mid); m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_PART, pid); Element rDoc = invoke(req).getElement(MailConstants.E_DOC); if (rDoc == null) { continue; } docIds.add(rDoc.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID)); } return docIds; } public synchronized String createSignature(ZSignature signature) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.CREATE_SIGNATURE_REQUEST); signature.toElement(req); String id = invoke(req).getElement(AccountConstants.E_SIGNATURE).getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_ID); updateSigs(); return id; } public List<ZSignature> getSignatures() throws ServiceException { GetSignaturesResponse res = invokeJaxb(new GetSignaturesRequest()); return ListUtil.newArrayList(res.getSignatures(), SoapConverter.FROM_SOAP_SIGNATURE); } public synchronized void deleteSignature(String id) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.DELETE_SIGNATURE_REQUEST); req.addElement(AccountConstants.E_SIGNATURE).addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_ID, id); invoke(req); updateSigs(); } public synchronized void modifySignature(ZSignature signature) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.MODIFY_SIGNATURE_REQUEST); signature.toElement(req); invoke(req); updateSigs(); } public List<ZAce> getRights(String[] rights) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.GET_RIGHTS_REQUEST); if (rights != null && rights.length > 0) { for (String right : rights) { req.addElement(AccountConstants.E_ACE).addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_RIGHT, right); } } Element resp = invoke(req); List<ZAce> result = new ArrayList<ZAce>(); for (Element ace : resp.listElements(AccountConstants.E_ACE)) { result.add(new ZAce(ace)); } return result; } public List<ZAce> grantRight(ZAce ace) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.GRANT_RIGHTS_REQUEST); ace.toElement(req); Element resp = invoke(req); List<ZAce> result = new ArrayList<ZAce>(); for (Element a : resp.listElements(AccountConstants.E_ACE)) { result.add(new ZAce(a)); } return result; } public List<ZAce> revokeRight(ZAce ace) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.REVOKE_RIGHTS_REQUEST); ace.toElement(req); Element resp = invoke(req); List<ZAce> result = new ArrayList<ZAce>(); for (Element a : resp.listElements(AccountConstants.E_ACE)) { result.add(new ZAce(a)); } return result; } public boolean checkRights(String name, List<String> rights) throws ServiceException { Element req = newRequestElement(AccountConstants.CHECK_RIGHTS_REQUEST); Element eTarget = req.addElement(AccountConstants.E_TARGET); eTarget.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_TARGET_TYPE, "account"); eTarget.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_TARGET_BY, "name"); eTarget.addAttribute(AccountConstants.A_KEY, name); for (String right : rights) { Element eRight = eTarget.addElement(AccountConstants.E_RIGHT); eRight.setText(right); } Element resp = invoke(req); Element eTargetResp = resp.getElement(AccountConstants.E_TARGET); boolean allow = eTargetResp.getAttributeBool(AccountConstants.A_ALLOW); return allow; } @Override public String toString() { try { return String.format("[ZMailbox %s]", getName()); } catch (ServiceException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public ZJSONObject toZJSONObject() throws JSONException { try { ZJSONObject jo = new ZJSONObject(); jo.put("name", getName()); jo.put("size", mSize); jo.put("hasTags", hasTags()); jo.put("userRoot", getUserRoot()); jo.put("tags", getAllTags()); return jo; } catch (ServiceException se) { throw new JSONException(se); } } public String dump() { return ZJSONObject.toString(this); } public ZSearchContext searchContext(ZSearchParams params) { return new ZSearchContext(params, this); } public ZSearchContext searchContext(String query) { return new ZSearchContext(new ZSearchParams(query), this); } public void logout() throws ZClientException { EndSessionRequest logout = new EndSessionRequest(); logout.setLogOff(true); try { invokeJaxb(logout); } catch (ServiceException e) { //do not thrown an exception if the authtoken has already expired as when user us redirected to logout tag when authtoken expires. if (!ServiceException.AUTH_EXPIRED.equals(e.getCode())) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("Failed to log out", e); } } } private static final int ADMIN_PORT = LC.zimbra_admin_service_port.intValue(); public static String resolveUrl(String url, boolean isAdmin) throws ZClientException { try { URI uri = new URI(url); if (isAdmin && uri.getPort() == -1) { uri = new URI("https", uri.getUserInfo(), uri.getHost(), ADMIN_PORT, uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment()); url = uri.toString(); } String service = (uri.getPort() == ADMIN_PORT) ? AdminConstants.ADMIN_SERVICE_URI : AccountConstants.USER_SERVICE_URI; if (uri.getPath() == null || uri.getPath().length() <= 1) { if (url.charAt(url.length() - 1) == '/') { url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1) + service; } else { url = url + service; } } return url; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("invalid URL: " + url, e); } } /** * Given a path, resolves as much of the path as possible and returns the folder and the unmatched part. * * E.G. if the path is "/foo/bar/baz/gub" and this mailbox has a Folder at "/foo/bar" -- this API returns * a Pair containing that Folder and the unmatched part "baz/gub". * * If the returned folder is a ZMountpoint, then it can be assumed that the remaining part is a subfolder in * the remote mailbox. * * @param baseFolderItemId Folder to start from (pass Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_ROOT as String to start from the root) * @throws ServiceException if the folder with {@code startingFolderId} does not exist or {@code path} is * {@code null} or empty. */ public Pair<ZFolder, String> getFolderByPathLongestMatch(String baseFolderItemId, String path) throws ServiceException { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("no such folder " + path, null); } ZFolder folder = getFolderById(baseFolderItemId); assert (folder != null); path ='/').trimFrom(path); // trim leading and trailing '/' if (path.isEmpty()) { // relative root to the base folder return new Pair<ZFolder, String>(folder, null); } String unmatched = null; String[] segments = path.split("/"); for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { ZFolder subfolder = folder.getSubFolderByPath(segments[i]); if (subfolder == null) { unmatched = StringUtil.join("/", segments, i, segments.length - i); break; } folder = subfolder; } return new Pair<ZFolder, String>(folder, unmatched); } public EnableTwoFactorAuthResponse enableTwoFactorAuth(String password, TOTPAuthenticator auth) throws ServiceException { EnableTwoFactorAuthRequest req = new EnableTwoFactorAuthRequest(); req.setName(getName()); req.setPassword(password); EnableTwoFactorAuthResponse resp = invokeJaxb(req); String secret = resp.getSecret(); long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; String totp = auth.generateCode(secret, timestamp, Encoding.BASE32); req.setTwoFactorCode(totp); req.setAuthToken(resp.getAuthToken()); resp = invokeJaxb(req); resp.setSecret(secret); initAuthToken(new ZAuthToken(resp.getAuthToken().getValue())); return resp; } public DisableTwoFactorAuthResponse disableTwoFactorAuth(String password) throws ServiceException { DisableTwoFactorAuthRequest req = new DisableTwoFactorAuthRequest(); return invokeJaxb(req); } public SoapHttpTransport getTransport() { return mTransport; } }