Java tutorial
package org.apache.commons.httpclient; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie.CookiePolicy; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie.CookieSpec; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class HttpState { private static final Log LOG; public static final String PREEMPTIVE_DEFAULT = "false"; public static final String PREEMPTIVE_PROPERTY = "httpclient.authentication.preemptive"; static Class class$org$apache$commons$httpclient$HttpState; private int cookiePolicy = -1; private ArrayList cookies = new ArrayList(); private HashMap credMap = new HashMap(); private boolean preemptive = false; private HashMap proxyCred = new HashMap(); static { Class localClass; if (class$org$apache$commons$httpclient$HttpState == null) { localClass = class$("org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpState"); class$org$apache$commons$httpclient$HttpState = localClass; } while (true) { LOG = LogFactory.getLog(localClass); return; localClass = class$org$apache$commons$httpclient$HttpState; } } static Class class$(String paramString) { try { paramString = Class.forName(paramString); return paramString; } catch (ClassNotFoundException paramString) { } throw new NoClassDefFoundError(paramString.getMessage()); } private static String getCookiesStringRepresentation(List paramList) { StringBuffer localStringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); paramList = paramList.iterator(); while (true) { if (!paramList.hasNext()) return localStringBuffer.toString(); Cookie localCookie = (Cookie); if (localStringBuffer.length() > 0) localStringBuffer.append("#"); localStringBuffer.append(localCookie.toExternalForm()); } } private static String getCredentialsStringRepresentation(Map paramMap) { StringBuffer localStringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); Iterator localIterator = paramMap.keySet().iterator(); while (true) { if (!localIterator.hasNext()) return localStringBuffer.toString(); Object localObject =; Credentials localCredentials = (Credentials) paramMap.get(localObject); if (localStringBuffer.length() > 0) localStringBuffer.append(", "); localStringBuffer.append(localObject); localStringBuffer.append("#"); localStringBuffer.append(localCredentials.toString()); } } private static Credentials matchCredentials(HashMap paramHashMap, AuthScope paramAuthScope) { Credentials localCredentials = (Credentials) paramHashMap.get(paramAuthScope); Object localObject2 = localCredentials; int i; Object localObject1; Iterator localIterator; if (localCredentials == null) { i = -1; localObject1 = null; localIterator = paramHashMap.keySet().iterator(); } while (true) { if (!localIterator.hasNext()) { localObject2 = localCredentials; if (localObject1 != null) localObject2 = (Credentials) paramHashMap.get(localObject1); return localObject2; } localObject2 = (AuthScope); int j = paramAuthScope.match((AuthScope) localObject2); if (j > i) { i = j; localObject1 = localObject2; } } } public void addCookie(Cookie paramCookie) { try { LOG.trace("enter HttpState.addCookie(Cookie)"); Iterator localIterator; if (paramCookie != null) { localIterator = this.cookies.iterator(); if (localIterator.hasNext()) break label52; } while (true) { if (!paramCookie.isExpired()) this.cookies.add(paramCookie); return; label52: if (!paramCookie.equals((Cookie) break; localIterator.remove(); } } finally { } throw paramCookie; } public void addCookies(Cookie[] paramArrayOfCookie) { try { LOG.trace("enter HttpState.addCookies(Cookie[])"); int i; if (paramArrayOfCookie != null) i = 0; while (true) { int j = paramArrayOfCookie.length; if (i >= j) return; addCookie(paramArrayOfCookie[i]); i += 1; } } finally { } throw paramArrayOfCookie; } public void clear() { clearCookies(); clearCredentials(); clearProxyCredentials(); } public void clearCookies() { try { this.cookies.clear(); return; } finally { localObject = finally; throw localObject; } } public void clearCredentials() { this.credMap.clear(); } public void clearProxyCredentials() { this.proxyCred.clear(); } public int getCookiePolicy() { return this.cookiePolicy; } public Cookie[] getCookies() { try { LOG.trace("enter HttpState.getCookies()"); Cookie[] arrayOfCookie = (Cookie[])this.cookies.toArray(new Cookie[this.cookies.size()]); return arrayOfCookie; } finally { localObject = finally; throw localObject; } } public Cookie[] getCookies(String paramString1, int paramInt, String paramString2, boolean paramBoolean) { try { LOG.trace("enter HttpState.getCookies(String, int, String, boolean)"); CookieSpec localCookieSpec = CookiePolicy.getDefaultSpec(); ArrayList localArrayList = new ArrayList(this.cookies.size()); int i = 0; int j = this.cookies.size(); while (true) { if (i >= j) { paramString1 = (Cookie[]) localArrayList.toArray(new Cookie[localArrayList.size()]); return paramString1; } Cookie localCookie = (Cookie) this.cookies.get(i); if (localCookieSpec.match(paramString1, paramInt, paramString2, paramBoolean, localCookie)) localArrayList.add(localCookie); i += 1; } } finally { } throw paramString1; } public Credentials getCredentials(String paramString1, String paramString2) { try { LOG.trace("enter HttpState.getCredentials(String, String"); paramString1 = matchCredentials(this.credMap, new AuthScope(paramString2, -1, paramString1, AuthScope.ANY_SCHEME)); return paramString1; } finally { paramString1 = finally; } throw paramString1; } public Credentials getCredentials(AuthScope paramAuthScope) { if (paramAuthScope == null) try { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authentication scope may not be null"); } finally { } LOG.trace("enter HttpState.getCredentials(AuthScope)"); paramAuthScope = matchCredentials(this.credMap, paramAuthScope); return paramAuthScope; } public Credentials getProxyCredentials(String paramString1, String paramString2) { try { LOG.trace("enter HttpState.getCredentials(String, String"); paramString1 = matchCredentials(this.proxyCred, new AuthScope(paramString2, -1, paramString1, AuthScope.ANY_SCHEME)); return paramString1; } finally { paramString1 = finally; } throw paramString1; } public Credentials getProxyCredentials(AuthScope paramAuthScope) { if (paramAuthScope == null) try { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authentication scope may not be null"); } finally { } LOG.trace("enter HttpState.getProxyCredentials(AuthScope)"); paramAuthScope = matchCredentials(this.proxyCred, paramAuthScope); return paramAuthScope; } public boolean isAuthenticationPreemptive() { return this.preemptive; } public boolean purgeExpiredCookies() { try { LOG.trace("enter HttpState.purgeExpiredCookies()"); boolean bool = purgeExpiredCookies(new Date()); return bool; } finally { localObject = finally; throw localObject; } } public boolean purgeExpiredCookies(Date paramDate) { try { LOG.trace("enter HttpState.purgeExpiredCookies(Date)"); boolean bool1 = false; Iterator localIterator = this.cookies.iterator(); while (true) { boolean bool2 = localIterator.hasNext(); if (!bool2) return bool1; if (((Cookie) { localIterator.remove(); bool1 = true; } } } finally { } throw paramDate; } public void setAuthenticationPreemptive(boolean paramBoolean) { this.preemptive = paramBoolean; } public void setCookiePolicy(int paramInt) { this.cookiePolicy = paramInt; } public void setCredentials(String paramString1, String paramString2, Credentials paramCredentials) { try { LOG.trace("enter HttpState.setCredentials(String, String, Credentials)"); this.credMap.put(new AuthScope(paramString2, -1, paramString1, AuthScope.ANY_SCHEME), paramCredentials); return; } finally { paramString1 = finally; } throw paramString1; } public void setCredentials(AuthScope paramAuthScope, Credentials paramCredentials) { if (paramAuthScope == null) try { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authentication scope may not be null"); } finally { } LOG.trace("enter HttpState.setCredentials(AuthScope, Credentials)"); this.credMap.put(paramAuthScope, paramCredentials); } public void setProxyCredentials(String paramString1, String paramString2, Credentials paramCredentials) { try { LOG.trace("enter HttpState.setProxyCredentials(String, String, Credentials"); this.proxyCred.put(new AuthScope(paramString2, -1, paramString1, AuthScope.ANY_SCHEME), paramCredentials); return; } finally { paramString1 = finally; } throw paramString1; } public void setProxyCredentials(AuthScope paramAuthScope, Credentials paramCredentials) { if (paramAuthScope == null) try { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authentication scope may not be null"); } finally { } LOG.trace("enter HttpState.setProxyCredentials(AuthScope, Credentials)"); this.proxyCred.put(paramAuthScope, paramCredentials); } public String toString() { try { Object localObject1 = new StringBuffer(); ((StringBuffer)localObject1).append("["); ((StringBuffer)localObject1).append(getCredentialsStringRepresentation(this.proxyCred)); ((StringBuffer)localObject1).append(" | "); ((StringBuffer)localObject1).append(getCredentialsStringRepresentation(this.credMap)); ((StringBuffer)localObject1).append(" | "); ((StringBuffer)localObject1).append(getCookiesStringRepresentation(this.cookies)); ((StringBuffer)localObject1).append("]"); localObject1 = ((StringBuffer)localObject1).toString(); return localObject1; } finally { localObject2 = finally; throw localObject2; } } } /* Location: C:\Users\User\dex2jar-2.0\dex\qting\classes-dex2jar.jar * Qualified Name: org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpState * JD-Core Version: 0.6.2 */