Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.wparam.kb.inputmethod.keyboard; import static com.wparam.kb.inputmethod.latin.Constants.NOT_A_COORDINATE; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import android.os.Build; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TabHost; import android.widget.TabHost.OnTabChangeListener; import android.widget.TextView; import com.wparam.kb.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.DynamicGridKeyboard; import com.wparam.kb.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.ScrollKeyboardView; import com.wparam.kb.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.ScrollViewWithNotifier; import com.wparam.kb.inputmethod.latin.Constants; import com.wparam.kb.inputmethod.latin.R; import com.wparam.kb.inputmethod.latin.SubtypeSwitcher; import com.wparam.kb.inputmethod.latin.settings.Settings; import com.wparam.kb.inputmethod.latin.utils.CollectionUtils; import com.wparam.kb.inputmethod.latin.utils.ResourceUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * View class to implement Emoji palettes. * The Emoji keyboard consists of group of views {@link R.layout#emoji_palettes_view}. * <ol> * <li> Emoji category tabs. * <li> Delete button. * <li> Emoji keyboard pages that can be scrolled by swiping horizontally or by selecting a tab. * <li> Back to main keyboard button and enter button. * </ol> * Because of the above reasons, this class doesn't extend {@link KeyboardView}. */ public final class EmojiPalettesView extends LinearLayout implements OnTabChangeListener, ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener, View.OnClickListener, ScrollKeyboardView.OnKeyClickListener { private static final String TAG = EmojiPalettesView.class.getSimpleName(); private static final boolean DEBUG_PAGER = false; private final int mKeyBackgroundId; private final int mEmojiFunctionalKeyBackgroundId; private final KeyboardLayoutSet mLayoutSet; private final ColorStateList mTabLabelColor; private final DeleteKeyOnTouchListener mDeleteKeyOnTouchListener; private EmojiPalettesAdapter mEmojiPalettesAdapter; private TabHost mTabHost; private ViewPager mEmojiPager; private int mCurrentPagerPosition = 0; private EmojiCategoryPageIndicatorView mEmojiCategoryPageIndicatorView; private KeyboardActionListener mKeyboardActionListener = KeyboardActionListener.EMPTY_LISTENER; private static final int CATEGORY_ID_UNSPECIFIED = -1; public static final int CATEGORY_ID_RECENTS = 0; public static final int CATEGORY_ID_PEOPLE = 1; public static final int CATEGORY_ID_OBJECTS = 2; public static final int CATEGORY_ID_NATURE = 3; public static final int CATEGORY_ID_PLACES = 4; public static final int CATEGORY_ID_SYMBOLS = 5; public static final int CATEGORY_ID_EMOTICONS = 6; private static class CategoryProperties { public int mCategoryId; public int mPageCount; public CategoryProperties(final int categoryId, final int pageCount) { mCategoryId = categoryId; mPageCount = pageCount; } } private static class EmojiCategory { private static final String[] sCategoryName = { "recents", "people", "objects", "nature", "places", "symbols", "emoticons" }; private static final int[] sCategoryIcon = new int[] { R.drawable.ic_emoji_recent_light, R.drawable.ic_emoji_people_light, R.drawable.ic_emoji_objects_light, R.drawable.ic_emoji_nature_light, R.drawable.ic_emoji_places_light, R.drawable.ic_emoji_symbols_light, 0 }; private static final String[] sCategoryLabel = { null, null, null, null, null, null, ":-)" }; private static final int[] sCategoryElementId = { KeyboardId.ELEMENT_EMOJI_RECENTS, KeyboardId.ELEMENT_EMOJI_CATEGORY1, KeyboardId.ELEMENT_EMOJI_CATEGORY2, KeyboardId.ELEMENT_EMOJI_CATEGORY3, KeyboardId.ELEMENT_EMOJI_CATEGORY4, KeyboardId.ELEMENT_EMOJI_CATEGORY5, KeyboardId.ELEMENT_EMOJI_CATEGORY6 }; private final SharedPreferences mPrefs; private final int mMaxPageKeyCount; private final KeyboardLayoutSet mLayoutSet; private final HashMap<String, Integer> mCategoryNameToIdMap = CollectionUtils.newHashMap(); private final ArrayList<CategoryProperties> mShownCategories = CollectionUtils.newArrayList(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, DynamicGridKeyboard> mCategoryKeyboardMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, DynamicGridKeyboard>(); private int mCurrentCategoryId = CATEGORY_ID_UNSPECIFIED; private int mCurrentCategoryPageId = 0; public EmojiCategory(final SharedPreferences prefs, final Resources res, final KeyboardLayoutSet layoutSet) { mPrefs = prefs; mMaxPageKeyCount = res.getInteger(R.integer.emoji_keyboard_max_key_count); mLayoutSet = layoutSet; for (int i = 0; i < sCategoryName.length; ++i) { mCategoryNameToIdMap.put(sCategoryName[i], i); } addShownCategoryId(CATEGORY_ID_RECENTS); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 18/*Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2*/ || android.os.Build.VERSION.CODENAME.equalsIgnoreCase("KeyLimePie") || android.os.Build.VERSION.CODENAME.equalsIgnoreCase("KitKat")) { addShownCategoryId(CATEGORY_ID_PEOPLE); addShownCategoryId(CATEGORY_ID_OBJECTS); addShownCategoryId(CATEGORY_ID_NATURE); addShownCategoryId(CATEGORY_ID_PLACES); mCurrentCategoryId = Settings.readLastShownEmojiCategoryId(mPrefs, CATEGORY_ID_PEOPLE); } else { mCurrentCategoryId = Settings.readLastShownEmojiCategoryId(mPrefs, CATEGORY_ID_SYMBOLS); } addShownCategoryId(CATEGORY_ID_SYMBOLS); addShownCategoryId(CATEGORY_ID_EMOTICONS); getKeyboard(CATEGORY_ID_RECENTS, 0 /* cagetoryPageId */).loadRecentKeys(mCategoryKeyboardMap.values()); } private void addShownCategoryId(int categoryId) { // Load a keyboard of categoryId getKeyboard(categoryId, 0 /* cagetoryPageId */); final CategoryProperties properties = new CategoryProperties(categoryId, getCategoryPageCount(categoryId)); mShownCategories.add(properties); } public String getCategoryName(int categoryId, int categoryPageId) { return sCategoryName[categoryId] + "-" + categoryPageId; } public int getCategoryId(String name) { final String[] strings = name.split("-"); return mCategoryNameToIdMap.get(strings[0]); } public int getCategoryIcon(int categoryId) { return sCategoryIcon[categoryId]; } public String getCategoryLabel(int categoryId) { return sCategoryLabel[categoryId]; } public ArrayList<CategoryProperties> getShownCategories() { return mShownCategories; } public int getCurrentCategoryId() { return mCurrentCategoryId; } public int getCurrentCategoryPageSize() { return getCategoryPageSize(mCurrentCategoryId); } public int getCategoryPageSize(int categoryId) { for (final CategoryProperties prop : mShownCategories) { if (prop.mCategoryId == categoryId) { return prop.mPageCount; } } Log.w(TAG, "Invalid category id: " + categoryId); // Should not reach here. return 0; } public void setCurrentCategoryId(int categoryId) { mCurrentCategoryId = categoryId; Settings.writeLastShownEmojiCategoryId(mPrefs, categoryId); } public void setCurrentCategoryPageId(int id) { mCurrentCategoryPageId = id; } public int getCurrentCategoryPageId() { return mCurrentCategoryPageId; } public void saveLastTypedCategoryPage() { Settings.writeLastTypedEmojiCategoryPageId(mPrefs, mCurrentCategoryId, mCurrentCategoryPageId); } public boolean isInRecentTab() { return mCurrentCategoryId == CATEGORY_ID_RECENTS; } public int getTabIdFromCategoryId(int categoryId) { for (int i = 0; i < mShownCategories.size(); ++i) { if (mShownCategories.get(i).mCategoryId == categoryId) { return i; } } Log.w(TAG, "categoryId not found: " + categoryId); return 0; } // Returns the view pager's page position for the categoryId public int getPageIdFromCategoryId(int categoryId) { final int lastSavedCategoryPageId = Settings.readLastTypedEmojiCategoryPageId(mPrefs, categoryId); int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mShownCategories.size(); ++i) { final CategoryProperties props = mShownCategories.get(i); if (props.mCategoryId == categoryId) { return sum + lastSavedCategoryPageId; } sum += props.mPageCount; } Log.w(TAG, "categoryId not found: " + categoryId); return 0; } public int getRecentTabId() { return getTabIdFromCategoryId(CATEGORY_ID_RECENTS); } private int getCategoryPageCount(int categoryId) { final Keyboard keyboard = mLayoutSet.getKeyboard(sCategoryElementId[categoryId]); return (keyboard.getKeys().length - 1) / mMaxPageKeyCount + 1; } // Returns a pair of the category id and the category page id from the view pager's page // position. The category page id is numbered in each category. And the view page position // is the position of the current shown page in the view pager which contains all pages of // all categories. public Pair<Integer, Integer> getCategoryIdAndPageIdFromPagePosition(int position) { int sum = 0; for (CategoryProperties properties : mShownCategories) { final int temp = sum; sum += properties.mPageCount; if (sum > position) { return new Pair<Integer, Integer>(properties.mCategoryId, position - temp); } } return null; } // Returns a keyboard from the view pager's page position. public DynamicGridKeyboard getKeyboardFromPagePosition(int position) { final Pair<Integer, Integer> categoryAndId = getCategoryIdAndPageIdFromPagePosition(position); if (categoryAndId != null) { return getKeyboard(categoryAndId.first, categoryAndId.second); } return null; } public DynamicGridKeyboard getKeyboard(int categoryId, int id) { synchronized (mCategoryKeyboardMap) { final long key = (((long) categoryId) << Constants.MAX_INT_BIT_COUNT) | id; final DynamicGridKeyboard kbd; if (!mCategoryKeyboardMap.containsKey(key)) { if (categoryId != CATEGORY_ID_RECENTS) { final Keyboard keyboard = mLayoutSet.getKeyboard(sCategoryElementId[categoryId]); final Key[][] sortedKeys = sortKeys(keyboard.getKeys(), mMaxPageKeyCount); for (int i = 0; i < sortedKeys.length; ++i) { final DynamicGridKeyboard tempKbd = new DynamicGridKeyboard(mPrefs, mLayoutSet.getKeyboard(KeyboardId.ELEMENT_EMOJI_RECENTS), mMaxPageKeyCount, categoryId, i /* categoryPageId */); for (Key emojiKey : sortedKeys[i]) { if (emojiKey == null) { break; } tempKbd.addKeyLast(emojiKey); } mCategoryKeyboardMap.put((((long) categoryId) << Constants.MAX_INT_BIT_COUNT) | i, tempKbd); } kbd = mCategoryKeyboardMap.get(key); } else { kbd = new DynamicGridKeyboard(mPrefs, mLayoutSet.getKeyboard(KeyboardId.ELEMENT_EMOJI_RECENTS), mMaxPageKeyCount, categoryId, 0 /* categoryPageId */); mCategoryKeyboardMap.put(key, kbd); } } else { kbd = mCategoryKeyboardMap.get(key); } return kbd; } } public int getTotalPageCountOfAllCategories() { int sum = 0; for (CategoryProperties properties : mShownCategories) { sum += properties.mPageCount; } return sum; } private Key[][] sortKeys(Key[] inKeys, int maxPageCount) { Key[] keys = Arrays.copyOf(inKeys, inKeys.length); Arrays.sort(keys, 0, keys.length, new Comparator<Key>() { @Override public int compare(Key lhs, Key rhs) { final Rect lHitBox = lhs.getHitBox(); final Rect rHitBox = rhs.getHitBox(); if ( < { return -1; } else if ( > { return 1; } if (lHitBox.left < rHitBox.left) { return -1; } else if (lHitBox.left > rHitBox.left) { return 1; } if (lhs.getCode() == rhs.getCode()) { return 0; } return lhs.getCode() < rhs.getCode() ? -1 : 1; } }); final int pageCount = (keys.length - 1) / maxPageCount + 1; final Key[][] retval = new Key[pageCount][maxPageCount]; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { retval[i / maxPageCount][i % maxPageCount] = keys[i]; } return retval; } } private final EmojiCategory mEmojiCategory; public EmojiPalettesView(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, R.attr.emojiPalettesViewStyle); } public EmojiPalettesView(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs, final int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); final TypedArray keyboardViewAttr = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.KeyboardView, defStyle,; mKeyBackgroundId = keyboardViewAttr.getResourceId(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyBackground, 0); mEmojiFunctionalKeyBackgroundId = keyboardViewAttr .getResourceId(R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyBackgroundEmojiFunctional, 0); keyboardViewAttr.recycle(); final TypedArray emojiPalettesViewAttr = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.EmojiPalettesView, defStyle,; mTabLabelColor = emojiPalettesViewAttr.getColorStateList(R.styleable.EmojiPalettesView_emojiTabLabelColor); emojiPalettesViewAttr.recycle(); final KeyboardLayoutSet.Builder builder = new KeyboardLayoutSet.Builder(context, null /* editorInfo */); final Resources res = context.getResources(); final EmojiLayoutParams emojiLp = new EmojiLayoutParams(res); builder.setSubtype(SubtypeSwitcher.getInstance().getEmojiSubtype()); builder.setKeyboardGeometry(ResourceUtils.getDefaultKeyboardWidth(res), emojiLp.mEmojiKeyboardHeight); builder.setOptions(false, false, false /* lanuageSwitchKeyEnabled */); mLayoutSet =; mEmojiCategory = new EmojiCategory(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context), context.getResources(),; mDeleteKeyOnTouchListener = new DeleteKeyOnTouchListener(context); } @Override protected void onMeasure(final int widthMeasureSpec, final int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); final Resources res = getContext().getResources(); // The main keyboard expands to the entire this {@link KeyboardView}. final int width = ResourceUtils.getDefaultKeyboardWidth(res) + getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight(); final int height = ResourceUtils.getDefaultKeyboardHeight(res) + res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.suggestions_strip_height) + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom(); setMeasuredDimension(width, height); } private void addTab(final TabHost host, final int categoryId) { final String tabId = mEmojiCategory.getCategoryName(categoryId, 0 /* categoryPageId */); final TabHost.TabSpec tspec = host.newTabSpec(tabId); tspec.setContent(; if (mEmojiCategory.getCategoryIcon(categoryId) != 0) { final ImageView iconView = (ImageView) LayoutInflater.from(getContext()) .inflate(R.layout.emoji_keyboard_tab_icon, null); iconView.setImageResource(mEmojiCategory.getCategoryIcon(categoryId)); tspec.setIndicator(iconView); } if (mEmojiCategory.getCategoryLabel(categoryId) != null) { final TextView textView = (TextView) LayoutInflater.from(getContext()) .inflate(R.layout.emoji_keyboard_tab_label, null); textView.setText(mEmojiCategory.getCategoryLabel(categoryId)); textView.setTextColor(mTabLabelColor); tspec.setIndicator(textView); } host.addTab(tspec); } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { mTabHost = (TabHost) findViewById(; mTabHost.setup(); for (final CategoryProperties properties : mEmojiCategory.getShownCategories()) { addTab(mTabHost, properties.mCategoryId); } mTabHost.setOnTabChangedListener(this); mTabHost.getTabWidget().setStripEnabled(true); mEmojiPalettesAdapter = new EmojiPalettesAdapter(mEmojiCategory, mLayoutSet, this); mEmojiPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; mEmojiPager.setAdapter(mEmojiPalettesAdapter); mEmojiPager.setOnPageChangeListener(this); mEmojiPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(0); mEmojiPager.setPersistentDrawingCache(ViewPager.PERSISTENT_NO_CACHE); final Resources res = getResources(); final EmojiLayoutParams emojiLp = new EmojiLayoutParams(res); emojiLp.setPagerProperties(mEmojiPager); mEmojiCategoryPageIndicatorView = (EmojiCategoryPageIndicatorView) findViewById(; emojiLp.setCategoryPageIdViewProperties(mEmojiCategoryPageIndicatorView); setCurrentCategoryId(mEmojiCategory.getCurrentCategoryId(), true /* force */); final LinearLayout actionBar = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; emojiLp.setActionBarProperties(actionBar); final ImageView deleteKey = (ImageView) findViewById(; deleteKey.setTag(Constants.CODE_DELETE); deleteKey.setOnTouchListener(mDeleteKeyOnTouchListener); final ImageView alphabetKey = (ImageView) findViewById(; alphabetKey.setBackgroundResource(mEmojiFunctionalKeyBackgroundId); alphabetKey.setTag(Constants.CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL); alphabetKey.setOnClickListener(this); final ImageView spaceKey = (ImageView) findViewById(; spaceKey.setBackgroundResource(mKeyBackgroundId); spaceKey.setTag(Constants.CODE_SPACE); spaceKey.setOnClickListener(this); emojiLp.setKeyProperties(spaceKey); final ImageView alphabetKey2 = (ImageView) findViewById(; alphabetKey2.setBackgroundResource(mEmojiFunctionalKeyBackgroundId); alphabetKey2.setTag(Constants.CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL); alphabetKey2.setOnClickListener(this); } @Override public void onTabChanged(final String tabId) { final int categoryId = mEmojiCategory.getCategoryId(tabId); setCurrentCategoryId(categoryId, false /* force */); updateEmojiCategoryPageIdView(); } @Override public void onPageSelected(final int position) { final Pair<Integer, Integer> newPos = mEmojiCategory.getCategoryIdAndPageIdFromPagePosition(position); setCurrentCategoryId(newPos.first /* categoryId */, false /* force */); mEmojiCategory.setCurrentCategoryPageId(newPos.second /* categoryPageId */); updateEmojiCategoryPageIdView(); mCurrentPagerPosition = position; } @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged(final int state) { // Ignore this message. Only want the actual page selected. } @Override public void onPageScrolled(final int position, final float positionOffset, final int positionOffsetPixels) { final Pair<Integer, Integer> newPos = mEmojiCategory.getCategoryIdAndPageIdFromPagePosition(position); final int newCategoryId = newPos.first; final int newCategorySize = mEmojiCategory.getCategoryPageSize(newCategoryId); final int currentCategoryId = mEmojiCategory.getCurrentCategoryId(); final int currentCategoryPageId = mEmojiCategory.getCurrentCategoryPageId(); final int currentCategorySize = mEmojiCategory.getCurrentCategoryPageSize(); if (newCategoryId == currentCategoryId) { mEmojiCategoryPageIndicatorView.setCategoryPageId(newCategorySize, newPos.second, positionOffset); } else if (newCategoryId > currentCategoryId) { mEmojiCategoryPageIndicatorView.setCategoryPageId(currentCategorySize, currentCategoryPageId, positionOffset); } else if (newCategoryId < currentCategoryId) { mEmojiCategoryPageIndicatorView.setCategoryPageId(currentCategorySize, currentCategoryPageId, positionOffset - 1); } } @Override public void onClick(final View v) { if (v.getTag() instanceof Integer) { final int code = (Integer) v.getTag(); registerCode(code); return; } } private void registerCode(final int code) { mKeyboardActionListener.onPressKey(code, 0 /* repeatCount */, true /* isSinglePointer */); mKeyboardActionListener.onCodeInput(code, NOT_A_COORDINATE, NOT_A_COORDINATE); mKeyboardActionListener.onReleaseKey(code, false /* withSliding */); } @Override public void onKeyClick(final Key key) { mEmojiPalettesAdapter.addRecentKey(key); mEmojiCategory.saveLastTypedCategoryPage(); final int code = key.getCode(); if (code == Constants.CODE_OUTPUT_TEXT) { mKeyboardActionListener.onTextInput(key.getOutputText()); return; } registerCode(code); } public void setHardwareAcceleratedDrawingEnabled(final boolean enabled) { // TODO: } public void startEmojiPalettes() { if (DEBUG_PAGER) { Log.d(TAG, "allocate emoji palettes memory " + mCurrentPagerPosition); } mEmojiPager.setAdapter(mEmojiPalettesAdapter); mEmojiPager.setCurrentItem(mCurrentPagerPosition); } public void stopEmojiPalettes() { if (DEBUG_PAGER) { Log.d(TAG, "deallocate emoji palettes memory"); } mEmojiPalettesAdapter.flushPendingRecentKeys(); mEmojiPager.setAdapter(null); } public void setKeyboardActionListener(final KeyboardActionListener listener) { mKeyboardActionListener = listener; mDeleteKeyOnTouchListener.setKeyboardActionListener(mKeyboardActionListener); } private void updateEmojiCategoryPageIdView() { if (mEmojiCategoryPageIndicatorView == null) { return; } mEmojiCategoryPageIndicatorView.setCategoryPageId(mEmojiCategory.getCurrentCategoryPageSize(), mEmojiCategory.getCurrentCategoryPageId(), 0.0f /* offset */); } private void setCurrentCategoryId(final int categoryId, final boolean force) { final int oldCategoryId = mEmojiCategory.getCurrentCategoryId(); if (oldCategoryId == categoryId && !force) { return; } if (oldCategoryId == CATEGORY_ID_RECENTS) { // Needs to save pending updates for recent keys when we get out of the recents // category because we don't want to move the recent emojis around while the user // is in the recents category. mEmojiPalettesAdapter.flushPendingRecentKeys(); } mEmojiCategory.setCurrentCategoryId(categoryId); final int newTabId = mEmojiCategory.getTabIdFromCategoryId(categoryId); final int newCategoryPageId = mEmojiCategory.getPageIdFromCategoryId(categoryId); if (force || mEmojiCategory .getCategoryIdAndPageIdFromPagePosition(mEmojiPager.getCurrentItem()).first != categoryId) { mEmojiPager.setCurrentItem(newCategoryPageId, false /* smoothScroll */); } if (force || mTabHost.getCurrentTab() != newTabId) { mTabHost.setCurrentTab(newTabId); } } private static class EmojiPalettesAdapter extends PagerAdapter { private final ScrollKeyboardView.OnKeyClickListener mListener; private final DynamicGridKeyboard mRecentsKeyboard; private final SparseArray<ScrollKeyboardView> mActiveKeyboardViews = CollectionUtils.newSparseArray(); private final EmojiCategory mEmojiCategory; private int mActivePosition = 0; public EmojiPalettesAdapter(final EmojiCategory emojiCategory, final KeyboardLayoutSet layoutSet, final ScrollKeyboardView.OnKeyClickListener listener) { mEmojiCategory = emojiCategory; mListener = listener; mRecentsKeyboard = mEmojiCategory.getKeyboard(CATEGORY_ID_RECENTS, 0); } public void flushPendingRecentKeys() { mRecentsKeyboard.flushPendingRecentKeys(); final KeyboardView recentKeyboardView = mActiveKeyboardViews.get(mEmojiCategory.getRecentTabId()); if (recentKeyboardView != null) { recentKeyboardView.invalidateAllKeys(); } } public void addRecentKey(final Key key) { if (mEmojiCategory.isInRecentTab()) { mRecentsKeyboard.addPendingKey(key); return; } mRecentsKeyboard.addKeyFirst(key); final KeyboardView recentKeyboardView = mActiveKeyboardViews.get(mEmojiCategory.getRecentTabId()); if (recentKeyboardView != null) { recentKeyboardView.invalidateAllKeys(); } } @Override public int getCount() { return mEmojiCategory.getTotalPageCountOfAllCategories(); } @Override public void setPrimaryItem(final View container, final int position, final Object object) { if (mActivePosition == position) { return; } final ScrollKeyboardView oldKeyboardView = mActiveKeyboardViews.get(mActivePosition); if (oldKeyboardView != null) { oldKeyboardView.releaseCurrentKey(); oldKeyboardView.deallocateMemory(); } mActivePosition = position; } @Override public Object instantiateItem(final ViewGroup container, final int position) { if (DEBUG_PAGER) { Log.d(TAG, "instantiate item: " + position); } final ScrollKeyboardView oldKeyboardView = mActiveKeyboardViews.get(position); if (oldKeyboardView != null) { oldKeyboardView.deallocateMemory(); // This may be redundant but wanted to be safer.. mActiveKeyboardViews.remove(position); } final Keyboard keyboard = mEmojiCategory.getKeyboardFromPagePosition(position); final LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(container.getContext()); final View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.emoji_keyboard_page, container, false /* attachToRoot */); final ScrollKeyboardView keyboardView = (ScrollKeyboardView) view .findViewById(; keyboardView.setKeyboard(keyboard); keyboardView.setOnKeyClickListener(mListener); final ScrollViewWithNotifier scrollView = (ScrollViewWithNotifier) view .findViewById(; keyboardView.setScrollView(scrollView); container.addView(view); mActiveKeyboardViews.put(position, keyboardView); return view; } @Override public boolean isViewFromObject(final View view, final Object object) { return view == object; } @Override public void destroyItem(final ViewGroup container, final int position, final Object object) { if (DEBUG_PAGER) { Log.d(TAG, "destroy item: " + position + ", " + object.getClass().getSimpleName()); } final ScrollKeyboardView keyboardView = mActiveKeyboardViews.get(position); if (keyboardView != null) { keyboardView.deallocateMemory(); mActiveKeyboardViews.remove(position); } if (object instanceof View) { container.removeView((View) object); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Warning!!! Emoji palette may be leaking. " + object); } } } // TODO: Do the same things done in PointerTracker private static class DeleteKeyOnTouchListener implements OnTouchListener { private static final long MAX_REPEAT_COUNT_TIME = 30 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS; private final int mDeleteKeyPressedBackgroundColor; private final long mKeyRepeatStartTimeout; private final long mKeyRepeatInterval; public DeleteKeyOnTouchListener(Context context) { final Resources res = context.getResources(); mDeleteKeyPressedBackgroundColor = res.getColor(R.color.emoji_key_pressed_background_color); mKeyRepeatStartTimeout = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_key_repeat_start_timeout); mKeyRepeatInterval = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_key_repeat_interval); } private KeyboardActionListener mKeyboardActionListener = KeyboardActionListener.EMPTY_LISTENER; private DummyRepeatKeyRepeatTimer mTimer; private synchronized void startRepeat() { if (mTimer != null) { abortRepeat(); } mTimer = new DummyRepeatKeyRepeatTimer(); mTimer.start(); } private synchronized void abortRepeat() { mTimer.abort(); mTimer = null; } // TODO: Remove // This function is mimicking the repeat code in PointerTracker. // Specifically referring to PointerTracker#startRepeatKey and PointerTracker#onKeyRepeat. private class DummyRepeatKeyRepeatTimer extends Thread { public boolean mAborted = false; @Override public void run() { int repeatCount = 1; int timeCount = 0; while (timeCount < MAX_REPEAT_COUNT_TIME && !mAborted) { if (timeCount > mKeyRepeatStartTimeout) { pressDelete(repeatCount); } timeCount += mKeyRepeatInterval; ++repeatCount; try { Thread.sleep(mKeyRepeatInterval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } public void abort() { mAborted = true; } } public void pressDelete(int repeatCount) { mKeyboardActionListener.onPressKey(Constants.CODE_DELETE, repeatCount, true /* isSinglePointer */); mKeyboardActionListener.onCodeInput(Constants.CODE_DELETE, NOT_A_COORDINATE, NOT_A_COORDINATE); mKeyboardActionListener.onReleaseKey(Constants.CODE_DELETE, false /* withSliding */); } public void setKeyboardActionListener(KeyboardActionListener listener) { mKeyboardActionListener = listener; } @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: v.setBackgroundColor(mDeleteKeyPressedBackgroundColor); pressDelete(0 /* repeatCount */); startRepeat(); return true; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: v.setBackgroundColor(0); abortRepeat(); return true; } return false; } } }