Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Kevin Mark * * This file is part of Clarity. * * Clarity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Clarity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Clarity. If not, see <>. */ package com.versobit.kmark.clarity; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Debug; import eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Shell; public final class DbProcessorFragment extends Fragment { public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = "fragment_dbworker"; private static final String ARG_REPORTS_TO = "reports_to"; private static final String ARG_DRY_RUN = "dry_run"; private static final String ARG_RETAIN_BACKUPS = "retain_backups"; private static final String ARG_SOFT_REBOOT = "soft_reboot"; private static final String EXT_DIRECTORY = "Clarity"; private static final String CONTACTS_PROVIDER_PKG = ""; private static final Pattern CHARACTER_BLACKLIST = Pattern.compile(".*[^A-Za-z0-9\\/\\.].*"); private static final int PROGRESS_MAX = 10000; public interface Callbacks { void onProgressUpdate(Integer progress, String msg); void onPostExecute(); } private Callbacks callback; private ProcessorTask task; private StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(); private int progress = 0; public static DbProcessorFragment newInstance(String reportsTo, boolean dryRun, boolean backups, boolean reboot) { DbProcessorFragment frag = new DbProcessorFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(ARG_REPORTS_TO, reportsTo); args.putBoolean(ARG_DRY_RUN, dryRun); args.putBoolean(ARG_RETAIN_BACKUPS, backups); args.putBoolean(ARG_SOFT_REBOOT, reboot); frag.setArguments(args); return frag; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void onAttach(Activity activity) { super.onAttach(activity); bind(); } @Override public void onAttach(Context context) { super.onAttach(context); bind(); } public void bind() { FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager(); if (fm == null) { return; } callback = (Callbacks) fm.findFragmentByTag(getArguments().getString(ARG_REPORTS_TO)); } public void unbind() { callback = null; } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setRetainInstance(true); boolean dryRun = getArguments().getBoolean(ARG_DRY_RUN); boolean backups = getArguments().getBoolean(ARG_RETAIN_BACKUPS); boolean reboot = getArguments().getBoolean(ARG_SOFT_REBOOT); task = new ProcessorTask(); task.execute(dryRun, backups, reboot); } @Override public void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); unbind(); } public AsyncTask.Status getStatus() { if (task == null) { return null; } return task.getStatus(); } public int getProgress() { return progress; } public String getLog() { return log.toString(); } private final class ProcessorTask extends AsyncTask<Object, Object, Object> { private final String TAG = ProcessorTask.class.getSimpleName(); private static final int CMD_RM_CACHE_DB = 1; private static final int CMD_RM_CACHE_JOURNAL = 2; private static final int CMD_RM_CACHE_IMAGES = 7; private static final int CMD_CP_DB_TO_CACHE = 3; private static final int CMD_CP_JOURNAL_TO_CACHE = 4; private static final int CMD_CP_IMGS_TO_CACHE = 8; private static final int CMD_CP_CACHE_TO_DB = 11; private static final int CMD_CP_CACHE_TO_JOURNAL = 12; private static final int CMD_CHOWN_CACHE_DB = 5; private static final int CMD_CHOWN_CACHE_JOURNAL = 6; private static final int CMD_CHOWN_CACHE_IMGS_DIR = 9; private static final int CMD_CHOWN_CACHE_IMGS_FILES = 10; private static final int CMD_CHOWN_DB = 13; private static final int CMD_CHOWN_JOURNAL = 14; private static final int CMD_GETENFORCE = 15; private static final int CMD_SETENFORCE_OFF = 16; private static final int CMD_SETENFORCE_ON = 17; private Date start = null; private File logFile = null; private final Activity act = getActivity(); private final Map<Integer, CommandResult> cmdResults = new Hashtable<>(); @Override protected void onPreExecute() { log.setLength(0); start = new Date(); onProgressUpdate(null, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_version, BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME, Build.MANUFACTURER, Build.MODEL, Build.DISPLAY)); onProgressUpdate(null, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_starting, start)); } @Override protected Object doInBackground(Object... params) { boolean dryRun = (boolean) params[0]; boolean backups = (boolean) params[1]; boolean reboot = (boolean) params[2]; int internalProg = 0; int thumbnailDim = 256; String contactsPath = Environment.getDataDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/data/" + CONTACTS_PROVIDER_PKG; String cachePath = getActivity().getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath(); File extDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), EXT_DIRECTORY); File cachedDb = new File(cachePath, "contacts2.db"); File cachedJournal = new File(cachePath, "contacts2.db-journal"); File cachedPhotos = new File(cachePath, "photos"); File backupDir = new File(extDir, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_backupdir, start)); int appUid; int providerUid; boolean withJournal = true; boolean enforcing = false; Debug.setDebug(BuildConfig.DEBUG); cmdResults.clear(); if (backups) { publishProgress(backupDir); } try { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()); thumbnailDim = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString(Setting.THUMBNAIL_DIM.toString(), "256")); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_thumbpreferror, thumbnailDim)); } internalProg = (int) (0.02 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_params, thumbnailDim, dryRun, backups, reboot, cachePath, contactsPath)); if (!Shell.SU.available()) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_noroot)); return null; } internalProg = (int) (0.04 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, null); Shell.Interactive su = new Shell.Builder().useSU().setWantSTDERR(true).open(); addCommand(su, "getenforce", CMD_GETENFORCE); su.waitForIdle(); CommandResult getEnforceResult = cmdResults.get(CMD_GETENFORCE); if (getEnforceResult.exitCode == 0 && getEnforceResult.output.length > 0) { String out = getEnforceResult.output[0].trim().toLowerCase(); enforcing = out.contains("enforcing") || out.contains("0"); } if (enforcing) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbrpoc_selinux)); } internalProg = (int) (0.06 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, null); if (CHARACTER_BLACKLIST.matcher(cachePath).matches() || CHARACTER_BLACKLIST.matcher(contactsPath).matches()) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_invalidchars)); setEnforcing(su, enforcing); su.close(); return null; } internalProg = (int) (0.08 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, null); try { PackageManager pm = getActivity().getPackageManager(); appUid = pm.getApplicationInfo(BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID, 0).uid; providerUid = pm.getApplicationInfo(CONTACTS_PROVIDER_PKG, 0).uid; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException ex) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_pkg404, ex.getMessage())); setEnforcing(su, enforcing); su.close(); return null; } internalProg = (int) (0.10 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_founduids, appUid, providerUid)); if (enforcing) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_selinux_setpermissive)); addCommand(su, "setenforce 0", CMD_SETENFORCE_OFF); su.waitForIdle(); } publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_cpdbcache)); addCommand(su, "rm " + cachedDb.getAbsolutePath(), CMD_RM_CACHE_DB); addCommand(su, "rm " + cachedJournal.getAbsolutePath(), CMD_RM_CACHE_JOURNAL); addCommand(su, "cp " + contactsPath + "/databases/contacts2.db " + cachePath, CMD_CP_DB_TO_CACHE); addCommand(su, "cp " + contactsPath + "/databases/contacts2.db-journal " + cachePath, CMD_CP_JOURNAL_TO_CACHE); addCommand(su, "chown +" + appUid + ":+" + appUid + " " + cachedDb.getAbsolutePath(), CMD_CHOWN_CACHE_DB); addCommand(su, "chown +" + appUid + ":+" + appUid + " " + cachedJournal.getAbsolutePath(), CMD_CHOWN_CACHE_JOURNAL); su.waitForIdle(); if (cmdResults.get(CMD_CP_JOURNAL_TO_CACHE).exitCode != 0) { withJournal = false; publishProgress(null, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_nojournal)); } internalProg = (int) (0.15 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, null); if (!cachedDb.exists() || !cachedDb.canRead() || !cachedDb.canWrite()) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_initcpfail, cachedDb.exists(), cachedDb.canRead(), cachedDb.canWrite(), cachedJournal.exists(), cachedJournal.canRead(), cachedJournal.canWrite())); setEnforcing(su, enforcing); su.close(); return null; } internalProg = (int) (0.18 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_cppicscache)); addCommand(su, "rm -r " + cachedPhotos.getAbsolutePath(), CMD_RM_CACHE_IMAGES); addCommand(su, "cp -R " + contactsPath + "/files/photos " + cachePath, CMD_CP_IMGS_TO_CACHE); addCommand(su, "chown +" + appUid + ":+" + appUid + " " + cachedPhotos.getAbsolutePath(), CMD_CHOWN_CACHE_IMGS_DIR); addCommand(su, "chown +" + appUid + ":+" + appUid + " " + cachedPhotos.getAbsolutePath() + "/*", CMD_CHOWN_CACHE_IMGS_FILES); su.waitForIdle(); internalProg = (int) (0.20 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, null); if (!cachedPhotos.exists() && !cachedPhotos.canRead() || !cachedPhotos.canExecute()) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_photocpfail, cachedPhotos.exists(), cachedPhotos.canRead(), cachedPhotos.canExecute())); setEnforcing(su, enforcing); su.close(); return null; } internalProg = (int) (0.22 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, null); if (backups) { if (!Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState())) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_backupstateerror, Environment.getExternalStorageState())); setEnforcing(su, enforcing); su.close(); return null; } internalProg = (int) (0.25 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_dobackup, backupDir.getAbsolutePath())); if (!backupDir.exists() && !backupDir.mkdirs()) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_backupmkdirerror, backupDir.getAbsolutePath())); setEnforcing(su, enforcing); su.close(); return null; } else { try { FileUtils.copyFile(cachedDb, new File(backupDir, "contacts2.db")); if (withJournal) { FileUtils.copyFile(cachedJournal, new File(backupDir, "contacts2.db-journal")); } } catch (IOException ex) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_backupcopyerror, ex.getMessage())); setEnforcing(su, enforcing); su.close(); return null; } } } internalProg = (int) (0.30 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_opendb)); SQLiteDatabase contactsDb; try { contactsDb = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(cachedDb.getAbsolutePath(), null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE); } catch (SQLiteException ex) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_opendberror, ex.getMessage())); setEnforcing(su, enforcing); su.close(); return null; } internalProg = PROGRESS_MAX / 3; publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_dbqd15)); Cursor photoContacts = contactsDb.rawQuery( "SELECT d._id, d.data14 FROM data AS d JOIN mimetypes AS m on d.mimetype_id = m._id WHERE m.mimetype = '' AND d.data14 IS NOT NULL AND d.data15 IS NOT NULL", null); int totalContacts = photoContacts.getCount(); publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_dbqd15total, totalContacts)); List<Pair<Integer, byte[]>> newThumbnails = new ArrayList<>(); int i = 0; for (photoContacts.moveToFirst(); !photoContacts.isAfterLast(); photoContacts.moveToNext(), i++) { int id = photoContacts.getInt(0); int photoId = photoContacts.getInt(1); File photoFile = new File(cachedPhotos, String.valueOf(photoId)); internalProg += PROGRESS_MAX / totalContacts / 3; publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_workphoto, i + 1, totalContacts, id, photoId)); if (!photoFile.exists() || !photoFile.canRead() || !photoFile.isFile()) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_photochkfail, photoFile.exists(), photoFile.canRead(), photoFile.isFile())); continue; } BitmapFactory.Options inOpts = new BitmapFactory.Options(); inOpts.inPreferQualityOverSpeed = true; inOpts.inScaled = false; inOpts.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; Bitmap original = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(photoFile.getAbsolutePath(), inOpts); int srcW = original.getWidth(), srcH = original.getHeight(); publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_photosize, srcW, srcH)); if (srcW != srcH) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_notsquare)); original.recycle(); continue; } float scale = (float) thumbnailDim / (float) srcW; ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int destW = srcW, destH = srcH; if (scale < 1f) { Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.postScale(scale, scale); Bitmap thumbnail = Bitmap.createBitmap(original, 0, 0, srcW, srcH, m, true); destW = thumbnail.getWidth(); destH = thumbnail.getHeight(); thumbnail.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, output); thumbnail.recycle(); } else { original.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, output); } original.recycle(); publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_newthumb, destW, destH, output.size())); newThumbnails.add(new Pair<>(id, output.toByteArray())); try { output.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { // } } photoContacts.close(); internalProg = (int) (2.0 / 3.0 * PROGRESS_MAX); publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_insertphotos, newThumbnails.size(), newThumbnails.size() != 1 ? act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_insertphotos_plural) : "")); SQLiteStatement update = contactsDb.compileStatement("UPDATE data SET data15 = ? WHERE _id = ?"); try { for (Pair<Integer, byte[]> thumbPair : newThumbnails) { update.bindBlob(1, thumbPair.second); update.bindLong(2, thumbPair.first); update.executeUpdateDelete(); update.clearBindings(); internalProg += PROGRESS_MAX / newThumbnails.size() / 4; publishProgress(internalProg, null); } } catch (SQLException ex) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_insertfail, ex.getMessage())); setEnforcing(su, enforcing); su.close(); return null; } finally { update.close(); contactsDb.close(); } internalProg = (int) (0.95 * PROGRESS_MAX); if (dryRun) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_cpbackdryrun)); } else { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_cpback)); addCommand(su, "cp " + cachedDb.getAbsolutePath() + " " + contactsPath + "/databases/contacts2.db", CMD_CP_CACHE_TO_DB); addCommand(su, "chown +" + providerUid + ":+" + providerUid + " " + contactsPath + "/databases/contacts2.db", CMD_CHOWN_DB); if (withJournal) { addCommand(su, "cp " + cachedJournal.getAbsolutePath() + " " + contactsPath + "/databases/contacts2.db-journal", CMD_CP_CACHE_TO_JOURNAL); addCommand(su, "chown +" + providerUid + ":+" + providerUid + " " + contactsPath + "/databases/contacts2.db-journal", CMD_CHOWN_JOURNAL); } su.waitForIdle(); } internalProg = PROGRESS_MAX; publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_success)); if (reboot) { publishProgress(internalProg, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_softreboot_wait)); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } publishProgress(internalProg, act .getString(dryRun ? R.string.frag_dbproc_dryreboot : R.string.frag_dbproc_softreboot_bye)); setEnforcing(su, enforcing); su.close(); return dryRun ? null : true; } setEnforcing(su, enforcing); su.close(); return null; } private void setEnforcing(Shell.Interactive su, boolean enforcing) { if (enforcing) { publishProgress(null, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_selinux_setenforcing)); addCommand(su, "setenforce 1", CMD_SETENFORCE_ON); } } private void addCommand(Shell.Interactive su, String command, int code) { publishProgress(null, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_shell, code, command)); su.addCommand(command, code, commandResultListener); } private final Shell.OnCommandResultListener commandResultListener = new Shell.OnCommandResultListener() { @Override public void onCommandResult(int commandCode, int exitCode, List<String> output) { cmdResults.put(commandCode, new CommandResult(exitCode, output)); StringBuilder buildLog = new StringBuilder(); if (output != null) { for (String s : output) { if (s != null && !s.trim().isEmpty()) { buildLog.append(s); buildLog.append('\n'); } } } if (buildLog.length() > 0) { buildLog.deleteCharAt(buildLog.length() - 1); buildLog.insert(0, '\n'); } publishProgress(null, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_shellout, commandCode, exitCode, buildLog.toString())); } }; @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(Object... objects) { if (objects[0] instanceof File) { logFile = new File((File) objects[0], "dbprocessor.log"); return; } Integer prg = (Integer) objects[0]; String msg = (String) objects[1]; if (prg != null) { progress = prg; } if (msg != null) { log.append(msg); Log.d(TAG, msg); } if (callback != null) { callback.onProgressUpdate(prg, msg); } } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Object object) { onProgressUpdate(PROGRESS_MAX, act.getString(R.string.frag_dbproc_end, new Date())); if (logFile != null && logFile.getParentFile().exists()) { try { // I/O on the main thread?! What?! FileUtils.write(logFile, getLog()); } catch (IOException ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } if (object == Boolean.TRUE) { new Shell.Builder().useSU() .addCommand("sync; setprop ctl.restart surfaceflinger; setprop ctl.restart zygote").open(); } if (callback != null) { callback.onPostExecute(); } } private final class CommandResult { private final int exitCode; private final String[] output; private CommandResult(int exitCode, List<String> output) { this.exitCode = exitCode; this.output = output.toArray(new String[output.size()]); } } } }