Java tutorial
/* * ****************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2015 See AUTHORS file. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * ***************************************************************************** */ package com.uwsoft.editor.gdx.sandbox; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputMultiplexer; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Intersector; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.uwsoft.editor.controlles.flow.FlowActionEnum; import com.uwsoft.editor.controlles.flow.FlowManager; import; import; import; import com.uwsoft.editor.gdx.actors.SelectionRectangle; import com.uwsoft.editor.gdx.mediators.ItemControlMediator; import com.uwsoft.editor.gdx.mediators.SceneControlMediator; import com.uwsoft.editor.gdx.stage.SandboxStage; import com.uwsoft.editor.gdx.stage.UIStage; import com.uwsoft.editor.gdx.ui.DropDown; import com.uwsoft.editor.gdx.ui.SelectionActions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.uwsoft.editor.renderer.resources.IResourceRetriever; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Sandbox is a complex hierarchy of managing classes that is supposed to be a main hub for the "sandbox" the part of editor where * user drops all items, moves them around, and composes the scene. sandbox is responsible for using runtime to render the visual scene, * it is responsible to listen for all the events, item resizing, selecting, aligning, removing and things like that. * * @author azakhary */ public class Sandbox { private static Sandbox instance = null; /** * end of shitty part */ public EditingMode editingMode; public SceneControlMediator sceneControl; public ItemControlMediator itemControl; public FlowManager flow; public TransformationHandler transformationHandler; /** * this part contains legacy params that need to be removed one by one */ public int currTransformType = -1; public IBaseItem currTransformHost; public boolean isResizing = false; public boolean isUsingSelectionTool = false; public boolean isItemTouched = false; public boolean dirty = false; public Vector3 copedItemCameraOffset; public IResourceRetriever rm; public ArrayList<MainItemVO> tempClipboard; public String fakeClipboard; public String currentLoadedSceneFileName; public boolean cameraPanOn; private SandboxStage sandboxStage; private UIStage uiStage; private SandboxInputAdapter sandboxInputAdapter; private UserActionController uac; private ItemFactory itemFactory; private ItemSelector selector; private InputMultiplexer inputMultiplexer; private Sandbox() { } public synchronized static Sandbox getInstance() { /* * The instance gets created only when it is called for first time. * Lazy-loading */ if (instance == null) { instance = new Sandbox(); instance.init(); } return instance; } private void init() { inputMultiplexer = new InputMultiplexer(); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(inputMultiplexer); sandboxStage = new SandboxStage(); uiStage = new UIStage(sandboxStage); sandboxStage.setUIStage(uiStage); inputMultiplexer.addProcessor(uiStage); inputMultiplexer.addProcessor(sandboxStage); editingMode = EditingMode.SELECTION; sceneControl = new SceneControlMediator(sandboxStage.sceneLoader, sandboxStage.essentials); itemControl = new ItemControlMediator(sceneControl); transformationHandler = new TransformationHandler(); sandboxInputAdapter = new SandboxInputAdapter(this); uac = new UserActionController(this); selector = new ItemSelector(this); itemFactory = new ItemFactory(this); } /** * Getters * */ public UserActionController getUac() { return uac; } public SandboxStage getSandboxStage() { return sandboxStage; } public UIStage getUIStage() { return uiStage; } public ItemFactory getItemFactory() { return itemFactory; } public SceneControlMediator getSceneControl() { return sceneControl; } public SandboxInputAdapter getSandboxInputAdapter() { return sandboxInputAdapter; } /** Initializers **/ public EditingMode getCurrentMode() { return editingMode; } /** * sets current editing mode, and messages all selection rectangles about it. * * @param currentMode */ public void setCurrentMode(EditingMode currentMode) { this.editingMode = currentMode; for (SelectionRectangle value : selector.getCurrentSelection().values()) { value.setMode(currentMode); } } /** * TODO: loading fonts this way is a bit outdated and needs to change * * @param sceneName */ public void initData(String sceneName) { DataManager.getInstance().sceneDataManager.preloadSceneSpecificData( sceneControl.getEssentials().rm.getSceneVO(sceneName), DataManager.getInstance().resolutionManager.curResolution); sceneControl.initScene(sceneName); flow = new FlowManager(sceneControl.getRootSceneVO()); } public void loadCurrentProject(String name) { rm = new SandboxResourceManager(); sceneControl.getEssentials().rm = rm; loadScene(name); } public void loadCurrentProject() { ProjectVO projectVO = DataManager.getInstance().getCurrentProjectVO(); loadCurrentProject(projectVO.lastOpenScene.isEmpty() ? "MainScene" : projectVO.lastOpenScene); uiStage.loadCurrentProject(); } public void loadScene(String sceneName) { currentLoadedSceneFileName = sceneName; uiStage.getCompositePanel().clearScenes(); initData(sceneName); sandboxStage.initView(); uiStage.getCompositePanel().addScene(sceneControl.getRootSceneVO()); initSceneView(sceneControl.getRootSceneVO()); sandboxInputAdapter.initSandboxEvents(); ProjectVO projectVO = DataManager.getInstance().getCurrentProjectVO(); projectVO.lastOpenScene = sceneName; DataManager.getInstance().saveCurrentProject(); sandboxStage.getCamera().position.set(0, 0, 0); uiStage.reInitLibrary(); } public void initSceneView(CompositeItemVO compositeItemVO) { initSceneView(sceneControl.initSceneView(compositeItemVO)); } public void initSceneView(CompositeItem composite) { selector.clearSelections(); sandboxStage.mainBox.clear(); sceneControl.initSceneView(composite, uiStage.getCompositePanel().isRootScene()); if (uiStage.getCompositePanel().isRootScene()) { uiStage.getCompositePanel().updateRootScene(sceneControl.getRootSceneVO()); } for (int i = 0; i < sceneControl.getCurrentScene().getItems().size(); i++) { sandboxInputAdapter.initItemListeners(sceneControl.getCurrentScene().getItems().get(i)); } sandboxStage.mainBox.addActor(sceneControl.getCurrentScene()); sceneControl.getCurrentScene().setX(0); sceneControl.getCurrentScene().setY(0); uiStage.getLayerPanel().initContent(); forceContinuousParticles(composite); } /** * if user is currently viewing a composite item, this will go one step up to previous composite in hierarchy */ public void enterIntoPrevComposite() { sandboxStage.getCamera().position.set(0, 0, 0); uiStage.getCompositePanel().stepUp(); uiStage.getItemsBox().initContent(); } /** * If current selection contains only one item that is a composite item, * it will call enterIntoComposite with that time as parameter */ public void enterIntoComposite() { CompositeItem item = null; sceneControl.getCurrentScene().updateDataVO(); if (selector.getCurrentSelection().size() == 1) { for (SelectionRectangle value : selector.getCurrentSelection().values()) { if (value.getHost().isComposite()) { item = (CompositeItem) value.getHost(); } } } if (item == null) return; selector.clearSelections(); enterIntoComposite(item.getDataVO()); } /** * Opens up provided composite item, sets it as a main view, and focuses editing on it's contents. * * @param compositeItemVO data object of composite to enter into */ public void enterIntoComposite(CompositeItemVO compositeItemVO) { //rootSceneVO.update(new CompositeItemVO(currentSceneVo.composite)); sandboxStage.getCamera().position.set(0, 0, 0); getSceneControl().disableAmbience(true); uiStage.getLightBox().disableAmbiance.setChecked(true); uiStage.getCompositePanel().addScene(compositeItemVO); initSceneView(compositeItemVO); uiStage.getItemsBox().initContent(); } /** * Some particle items might not be continuous, so they will stop after first iteration, which is ok * This method will make sure they look continuous while in editor, so user will find and see them easily. * * @param composite composite on screen with particles to be forced to be continuous */ private void forceContinuousParticles(CompositeItem composite) { ArrayList<IBaseItem> asd = composite.getItems(); for (int i = 0; i < asd.size(); i++) { IBaseItem item = asd.get(i); if (item instanceof ParticleItem) { ((ParticleItem) item).forceContinuous(); continue; } if (item instanceof CompositeItem) { forceContinuousParticles((CompositeItem) item); } } } /** * Well... that's a bummer, I cannot remember why this was for. but the name speaks for itself sort of. * TODO: figure this out * * @return SceneVO */ public SceneVO sceneVoFromItems() { CompositeItemVO itemVo = sceneControl.getRootSceneVO(); itemFactory.cleanComposite(itemVo.composite); sceneControl.getCurrentSceneVO().composite = itemVo.composite; return sceneControl.getCurrentSceneVO(); } /** * Initializes current scene on screen from a data object. * * @param vo CompositeItemVO data */ public void reconstructFromSceneVo(CompositeItemVO vo) { initSceneView(vo); } /** * TODO: what does this do? seems to be saving as checkpoint of Flow? it so it should be renamed */ public void saveSceneCurrentSceneData() { sceneControl.getCurrentScene().updateDataVO(); flow.setPendingHistory(sceneControl.getCurrentScene().dataVO); flow.applyPendingAction(); } public void setSceneAmbientColor(Color color) { sceneControl.getCurrentSceneVO().ambientColor[0] = color.r; sceneControl.getCurrentSceneVO().ambientColor[1] = color.g; sceneControl.getCurrentSceneVO().ambientColor[2] = color.b; sceneControl.getCurrentSceneVO().ambientColor[3] = color.a; sceneControl.getEssentials().rayHandler.setAmbientLight(color); } public ItemSelector getSelector() { return selector; } public boolean isComponentSkinAvailable() { if (DataManager.getInstance().textureManager.projectSkin == null) { return false; } return true; } public LayerItemVO getSelectedLayer() { return uiStage.getCurrentSelectedLayer(); } public void setCurrentlyTransforming(IBaseItem item, int transformType) { if (item == null || item.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("LabelItem")) return; currTransformType = transformType; currTransformHost = item; } public CompositeItem getCurrentScene() { return sceneControl.getCurrentScene(); } public void enablePan() { cameraPanOn = true; selector.clearSelections(); isItemTouched = false; } public void prepareSelectionRectangle(float x, float y, boolean setOpacity) { // space is panning, so if we are not, then prepare the selection rectangle if (setOpacity) { getSandboxStage().selectionRec.setOpacity(0.6f); } getSandboxStage().selectionRec.setWidth(0); getSandboxStage().selectionRec.setHeight(0); getSandboxStage().selectionRec.setX(x); getSandboxStage().selectionRec.setY(y); } public boolean showDropDown(float x, float y) { showDropDownForSelection(x, y); return true; } public void selectionComplete() { // when touch is up, selection process stops, and if any items got "caught" in they should be selected. isUsingSelectionTool = false; // hiding selection rectangle getSandboxStage().selectionRec.setOpacity(0.0f); ArrayList<IBaseItem> curr = new ArrayList<IBaseItem>(); Rectangle sR = getSandboxStage().selectionRec.getRect(); for (int i = 0; i < getCurrentScene().getItems().size(); i++) { Actor asActor = (Actor) getCurrentScene().getItems().get(i); if (!getCurrentScene().getItems().get(i).isLockedByLayer() && Intersector.overlaps(sR, new Rectangle(asActor.getX(), asActor.getY(), asActor.getWidth(), asActor.getHeight()))) { curr.add(getCurrentScene().getItems().get(i)); } } selector.setSelections(curr, true); if (curr.size() == 0) { getUIStage().emptyClick(); } } /** * Configures and shows drop down for currently selected items list * * @param x coordinate * @param y coordinate */ public void showDropDownForSelection(final float x, final float y) { DropDown dropDown = uiStage.mainDropDown; dropDown.clearItems(); if (getSelector().getCurrentSelection().size() > 0) { dropDown.addItem(SelectionActions.GROUP_ITEMS, "Group into Composite"); } if (getSelector().getCurrentSelection().size() == 1) { for (SelectionRectangle value : getSelector().getCurrentSelection().values()) { if (value.getHost().isComposite()) { dropDown.addItem(SelectionActions.ADD_TO_LIBRARY, "Add to Library"); dropDown.addItem(SelectionActions.EDIT_COMPOSITE, "Edit Composite"); } } } dropDown.addItem(SelectionActions.PASTE, "Paste"); if (isItemTouched) { dropDown.addItem(SelectionActions.CONVERT_TO_BUTTON, "Convert to Button"); dropDown.addItem(SelectionActions.EDIT_PHYSICS, "Edit Physics"); dropDown.addItem(SelectionActions.CUT, "Cut"); dropDown.addItem(SelectionActions.COPY, "Copy"); dropDown.addItem(SelectionActions.DELETE, "Delete"); } dropDown.initView(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY()); dropDown.setEventListener(new DropDown.SelectionEvent() { @Override public void doAction(int action) { switch (action) { case SelectionActions.GROUP_ITEMS: getItemFactory().groupItemsIntoComposite(); saveSceneCurrentSceneData(); break; case SelectionActions.CONVERT_TO_BUTTON: // TODO: this should go to UAC CompositeItem btn = getItemFactory().groupItemsIntoComposite(); btn.getDataVO().composite.layers.add(new LayerItemVO("normal")); btn.getDataVO().composite.layers.add(new LayerItemVO("pressed")); btn.reAssembleLayers(); saveSceneCurrentSceneData(); break; case SelectionActions.EDIT_PHYSICS: if (getSelector().getCurrentSelection().size() == 1) { for (SelectionRectangle value : getSelector().getCurrentSelection().values()) { IBaseItem item = value.getHost(); getUIStage().editPhysics(item); break; } } break; case SelectionActions.ADD_TO_LIBRARY: getItemFactory().addCompositeToLibrary(); break; case SelectionActions.EDIT_COMPOSITE: enterIntoComposite(); flow.setPendingHistory(getCurrentScene().getDataVO(), FlowActionEnum.GET_INTO_COMPOSITE); flow.applyPendingAction(); break; case SelectionActions.COPY: getUac().copyAction(); break; case SelectionActions.CUT: getUac().cutAction(); saveSceneCurrentSceneData(); break; case SelectionActions.PASTE: getUac().pasteAction(x, y, true); saveSceneCurrentSceneData(); break; case SelectionActions.DELETE: getSelector().removeCurrentSelectedItems(); break; default: break; } } }); } }