Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.updetector; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.function.Constant; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.NewtonRaphsonSolver; import weka.core.converters.DatabaseConnection; import android.R.integer; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import; import; import; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.hardware.Sensor; import android.hardware.SensorEvent; import android.hardware.SensorEventListener; import android.hardware.SensorManager; import android.location.Address; import android.location.Geocoder; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationManager; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech; import android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech.OnInitListener; import; import; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.text.Layout; import android.text.method.ScrollingMovementMethod; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import android.widget.ToggleButton; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSAuthentication; import com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSContinuation; import com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocation; import com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSLocationCallback; import com.skyhookwireless.wps.WPSReturnCode; import com.skyhookwireless.wps.XPS; import com.updetector.MotionState.Type; import com.updetector.R; import com.updetector.Constants.REQUEST_TYPE; import com.updetector.MotionState.Source; import com.updetector.classification.ClassificationManager; import com.updetector.classification.WekaClassifier; import com.updetector.fusion.ConditionalProbability; import com.updetector.fusion.FusionManager; import; import; import com.updetector.indicator.accelerometerbased.AccelerometerFeature; import com.updetector.indicator.accelerometerbased.AccelerometerFeatureExtraction.Config; import com.updetector.indicator.iodetector.CellTowerChart; import com.updetector.indicator.iodetector.DetectionProfile; import com.updetector.indicator.iodetector.LightChart; import com.updetector.indicator.iodetector.MagnetChart; import com.updetector.managers.AudioRecordManager; import com.updetector.managers.DetectionNotificationManager; import com.updetector.managers.LogManager; import com.updetector.managers.WakeLockManager; import com.updetector.sensorlist.Sensors; import com.updetector.viewadapters.MarkerInfoWindowAdapter; import com.updetector.blocksmap.ParkingBlock; import com.updetector.blocksmap.ParkingBlocks; import com.updetector.bluetooth.BluetoothConnectionService; /** * Sample application that demonstrates the use of * ActivityRecognitionClient}. It registers for activity detection updates * at a rate of 20 seconds, logs them to a file, and displays the detected * activities with their associated confidence levels. * <p> * An IntentService receives activity detection updates in the background * so that detection can continue even if the Activity is not visible. */ public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements ConnectionCallbacks, OnConnectionFailedListener, OnInitListener { public static final String LOG_TAG = MainActivity.class.getCanonicalName(); private static final String LOCK_TAG = "ACCELEROMETER_MONITOR"; private static boolean geofencingOn = false; /** * UI Widgets */ // Holds the text view private TextView consoleTextView, environTextView, stateTextView, googleStateTextView; public static final String ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX = "Environment : "; public static final String STATE_PREFIX = "Time: "; //"Motion State Classified : "; public static final String GOOGLE_MOBILITY_STATE_PREFIX = "Motion State Google : "; public static final String INDICATOR_PREFIX = "Indicator : "; private GoogleMap mMap; Vector<ParkingBlock> parkingBlocks = null; private TextToSpeech mTextToSpeech; /** * Holds activity recognition data, in the form of * strings that can contain markup */ //private ArrayAdapter<Spanned> mStatusAdapter; //Instance of a Bluetooth adapter private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter; private Calendar mCalendar; /** * Intent filter for incoming broadcasts from the * IntentService. */ IntentFilter mBroadcastFilter; // Instance of a local broadcast manager private LocalBroadcastManager mBroadcastManager; //Instance of a customized location manager private LocationManager mLocationManager; private LocationClient mLocationClient; private XPS mXPSHandler; // The logger object private LogManager mLogManager; // Instance of customized notification manager private DetectionNotificationManager mDetectionNotificationManager; // The wake lock manager object private WakeLockManager mWakeLockManager; /** * Google Activity Update Fields */ private GoogleActivityRecognitionClientRequester mGoogleActivityDetectionRequester; private GoogleActivityRecognitionClientRemover mGoogleActivityDetectionRemover; private double[] probOfOnFootAndInVehicleOfLastUpdate = new double[2]; /** * MST */ private PastMotionStates mPastGoogleActivities = new PastMotionStates(Source.Google, Constants.GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_LAST_STATE_NO); private PastMotionStates mPastGoogleActivtiesUnModified = new PastMotionStates(Source.Google, Constants.GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_LAST_STATE_NO); private PastMotionStates mPastClassifiedMotionStates = new PastMotionStates(Source.Classifier, Constants.NO_OF_PAST_STATES_STORED); private CachedDetectionList mCachedUnparkingDetectionList = new CachedDetectionList( CachedDetection.Type.Unparking); private CachedDetectionList mCachedParkingDetectionList = new CachedDetectionList(CachedDetection.Type.Parking); private double[] lastClassifiedMotionStateDistr = null; private double[] lastAccReading; private SensorManager mSensorManager; private Sensor mAccelerometer; private AudioRecordManager mAudioRecordManager; private FusionManager mFusionManager; /** * Detection Interval Fields */ private long lastParkingTimestamp = -1; private long lastUnparkingTimestamp = -1; private String timeOfLastGoogleOnFootorInVehicleState = ""; /** * IODetector fields */ private CellTowerChart cellTowerChart; private LightChart lightChart; private MagnetChart magnetChart; private Handler mIODectorHandler; private boolean aggregationFinish = true; private boolean phoneNotStill = false; private int lastEnvironment = Constants.ENVIRON_UNKNOWN; private double probabilityOfLastEnvironment; private ArrayList<Integer> pastEnvironments = new ArrayList<Integer>(); /** * Indicator Fusion */ @SuppressLint("UseSparseArrays") private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>> lastVectors = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>(); // The classification manager object private ClassificationManager mClassificationManager; // Store the current request type (ADD or REMOVE) private REQUEST_TYPE mRequestType; public class LocationClientListener implements LocationListener { int eventCode; double detectionConfidence; long detectionTimestamp; int detectionTimeDelayInSec; public LocationClientListener(int eventCode, double confidence, long detectionTimestamp, int detectionTImeDelayInSec) { this.eventCode = eventCode; this.detectionConfidence = confidence; this.detectionTimestamp = detectionTimestamp; this.detectionTimeDelayInSec = detectionTImeDelayInSec; } @Override public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { // new GetAddressTask(eventCode, requestTimestamp,detectionConfidence).execute(location); onLocationRetrieved(eventCode, detectionConfidence, detectionTimestamp, detectionTimeDelayInSec, location, null); } } /** * A subclass of AsyncTask that calls getFromLocation() in the background. * The class definition has these generic types: Location - A Location * object containing the current location. Void - indicates that progress * units are not used String - An address passed to onPostExecute() */ private class GetAddressTask extends AsyncTask<Location, Void, String> { int eventCode; long detectionTimestamp; double detectionConfidence; int detectionTimeDelayInSecs; long locationRetrievedTimestamp;//addressRequestTimestamp; Location mLocation; public GetAddressTask(int eventCode, long detectionTimestamp, int detectionTimeDelayInSecs, double confidence) { super(); this.eventCode = eventCode; this.detectionConfidence = confidence; this.detectionTimestamp = detectionTimestamp; this.detectionTimeDelayInSecs = detectionTimeDelayInSecs; this.locationRetrievedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Get a Geocoder instance, get the latitude and longitude look up the * address, and return it * * @params params One or more Location objects * @return A string containing the address of the current location, or * an empty string if no address can be found, or an error * message */ @Override protected String doInBackground(Location... params) { Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(getApplicationContext(), Locale.getDefault()); // Get the current location from the input parameter list Location loc = params[0]; mLocation = loc; // Create a list to contain the result address List<Address> addresses = null; try { /* * Return 1 address. */ addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude(), 1); } catch (IOException e1) { Log.e("LocationSampleActivity", "IO Exception in getFromLocation()"); e1.printStackTrace(); return ("IO Exception trying to get address"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) { // Error message to post in the log String errorString = "Illegal arguments " + Double.toString(loc.getLatitude()) + " , " + Double.toString(loc.getLongitude()) + " passed to address service"; Log.e("LocationSampleActivity", errorString); e2.printStackTrace(); return errorString; } // If the reverse geocode returned an address if (addresses != null && addresses.size() > 0) { // Get the first address Address address = addresses.get(0); /* * Format the first line of address (if available), city, and * country name. */ String addressText = String.format("%s, %s, %s", // If there's a street address, add it address.getMaxAddressLineIndex() > 0 ? address.getAddressLine(0) : "", // Locality is usually a city address.getLocality(), // The country of the address address.getCountryName()); // Return the text return addressText; } else { return "No address found"; } } /** * A method that's called once doInBackground() completes. Turn * off the indeterminate activity indicator and set * the text of the UI element that shows the address. If the * lookup failed, display the error message. */ @Override protected void onPostExecute(String address) { // Display the results of the lookup. onLocationRetrieved(eventCode, detectionConfidence, detectionTimestamp, detectionTimeDelayInSecs, mLocation, address); } } public static long lastGoogleAPIUpdateTimestamp = 0; /** Callback when a message is sent from some service */ private final BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @SuppressLint("UseSparseArrays") @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); Log.e(LOG_TAG, action); long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (action.equals(Constants.BLUETOOTH_CONNECTION_UPDATE)) { int eventCode = intent.getIntExtra(Constants.BLUETOOTH_CON_UPDATE_EVENT_CODE, Constants.OUTCOME_NONE); System.out.println(eventCode); //Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "\ndetected "+CommonUtils.eventCodeToString(eventCode)+" at time: "+CommonUtils.formatTimestamp( new Date(), "HH:mm:ss" ), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); // retrieve a location then /*mXPSHandler.getLocation(null ,WPSStreetAddressLookup.WPS_FULL_STREET_ADDRESS_LOOKUP , new XPSLocationCallback(eventCode) ); */ mLocationClient.requestLocationUpdates( LocationRequest.create().setNumUpdates(1) .setPriority(LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY), new LocationClientListener(eventCode, 1.0, curTime, 0)); } else { //TODO return from Google activity update if (action.equals(Constants.GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION_UPDATE)) { if (curTime - lastGoogleAPIUpdateTimestamp < 1000) return;//return if the new update is within one second lastGoogleAPIUpdateTimestamp = curTime; String mostLikelyActivity = intent .getStringExtra(Constants.GOOGLE_ACT_UPDATE_MOST_LIKELY_ACTIVITY_TYPE); float mostLikelyActivityConfidence = intent .getFloatExtra(Constants.GOOGLE_ACT_UPDATE_MOST_LIKELY_ACTIVITY_CONFIDENCE, 0); int mostLikelyActivityType = intent.getIntExtra( Constants.GOOGLE_ACT_UPDATE_MOST_LIKELY_ACTIVITY_TYPE_INT, DetectedActivity.UNKNOWN); MotionState.Type unModifiedActivityType = MotionState.translate(mostLikelyActivityType); mPastGoogleActivtiesUnModified.add(new MotionState(Source.Google, unModifiedActivityType, CommonUtils.formatTimestamp(new Date(curTime), "HH:mm:ss"))); //a tweak to the UNKNOWN state float onFootConfidence = intent .getFloatExtra(Constants.GOOGLE_ACT_UPDATE_ON_FOOT_ACTIVITY_CONFIDENCE, 0); float inVehicleConfidence = intent .getFloatExtra(Constants.GOOGLE_ACT_UPDATE_IN_VEHICLE_ACTIVITY_CONFIDENCE, 0); if (mostLikelyActivityType == DetectedActivity.UNKNOWN) { if (inVehicleConfidence > 100 - inVehicleConfidence - mostLikelyActivityConfidence && inVehicleConfidence >= Constants.CONFIDENCE_TRHSHOLD_FOR_STATE_MODIFICATION) mostLikelyActivityType = DetectedActivity.IN_VEHICLE; else { if (onFootConfidence > 100 - onFootConfidence - mostLikelyActivityConfidence && onFootConfidence >= Constants.CONFIDENCE_TRHSHOLD_FOR_STATE_MODIFICATION) mostLikelyActivityType = DetectedActivity.ON_FOOT; } } MotionState.Type activityType = MotionState.translate(mostLikelyActivityType); mPastGoogleActivities.add(new MotionState(Source.Google, activityType, CommonUtils.formatTimestamp(new Date(curTime), "HH:mm:ss"))); if (activityType == MotionState.Type.IN_VEHICLE || activityType == MotionState.Type.ON_FOOT) { int outcome; CachedDetection NotExpiredCachedDetectionWithLargestConfidence, firstNotExpiredCachedDetection, lastNotExpiredCachedDetection; CachedDetectionList cdl = null; CachedDetection selectedNotExpiredCachedDetection = null; if (activityType == MotionState.Type.IN_VEHICLE) { outcome = Constants.OUTCOME_UNPARKING; cdl = mCachedUnparkingDetectionList; } else { outcome = Constants.OUTCOME_PARKING; cdl = mCachedParkingDetectionList; } NotExpiredCachedDetectionWithLargestConfidence = cdl.getWithLargestProbability(); firstNotExpiredCachedDetection = cdl.get(0); lastNotExpiredCachedDetection = cdl.get(cdl.list.size() - 1); selectedNotExpiredCachedDetection = lastNotExpiredCachedDetection; int secsSinceLastFromState; /** * use unmodified or modified google activities */ // secsSinceLastFromState=mPastGoogleActivities.isTransitionTo(activityType); secsSinceLastFromState = mPastGoogleActivtiesUnModified .isTransitionTo(unModifiedActivityType); // long detectedByG=curTime-secsSinceLastFromState*Constants.ONE_SECOND_IN_MILLISECOND; if (secsSinceLastFromState != -1) { if (selectedNotExpiredCachedDetection != null) { Config civExtractionConf = mClassificationManager.mCIVFeatureExtraction.conf; long detectionDelayInSecs = civExtractionConf.slidingStep * civExtractionConf.scope / 2; onDetectionConfirmed(outcome, selectedNotExpiredCachedDetection.timestamp, selectedNotExpiredCachedDetection.location, selectedNotExpiredCachedDetection.address, detectionDelayInSecs); } else { //no earlier cached result, request a new location mLocationClient.requestLocationUpdates( LocationRequest.create().setNumUpdates(1) .setPriority(LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY), new LocationClientListener(outcome, 1.0, curTime, secsSinceLastFromState)); } } } //update the textview googleStateTextView.setText(GOOGLE_MOBILITY_STATE_PREFIX + mostLikelyActivity + " conf:" + mostLikelyActivityConfidence + " f:" + onFootConfidence + ",v:" + inVehicleConfidence); //log the update SharedPreferences mPrefs = getSharedPreferences(Constants.SHARED_PREFERENCES, 0); boolean logOn = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ON, false); boolean logGoogActUpdatesOn = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE, false); if (logOn && logGoogActUpdatesOn) { // log the Change-In-Variance Classifier predicated result mLogManager.log( new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss:SSS", Locale.US).format(new Date(curTime)) + " " + activityType + " " + unModifiedActivityType, Constants.LOG_FILE_TYPE[Constants.LOG_TYPE_GOOGLE_ACT_UPDATE]); } //build the new MST vector /*double[] probsOfNewUpdate=null; if(probOfOnFootAndInVehicleOfLastUpdate!=null){ probsOfNewUpdate=new double[]{onFootConfidence/100, inVehicleConfidence/100}; ArrayList<Double> features=new ArrayList<Double>(); features.add(probOfOnFootAndInVehicleOfLastUpdate[0]); features.add(probOfOnFootAndInVehicleOfLastUpdate[1]); features.add(probsOfNewUpdate[0]); features.add(probsOfNewUpdate[0]); HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>> mstVector=new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>(); mstVector.put(Constants.INDICATOR_MST, features); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Google MST Vector: "+features.toString()); } probOfOnFootAndInVehicleOfLastUpdate=probsOfNewUpdate;*/ } } } }; //accelerometer feature window and its neighboring windows private ArrayList<AccelerometerFeature> civVectorsWithinScope = new ArrayList<AccelerometerFeature>(); //TODO mSensnorEvent @SuppressLint("UseSparseArrays") public static long acceleometerSeq = 0; private final SensorEventListener mSensorEventListener = new SensorEventListener() { @SuppressLint("UseSparseArrays") public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) { // check if the accelerometer readings have changed since last sample boolean readingChanged = false; for (int i = 0; i < event.values.length; i++) { if (event.values[i] != lastAccReading[i]) { readingChanged = true; lastAccReading[i] = event.values[i]; } } if (!readingChanged) return; acceleometerSeq = (acceleometerSeq + 1) % Integer.MAX_VALUE; // requires a wake lock mWakeLockManager.lock(LOCK_TAG); //initialization SharedPreferences mPrefs = getSharedPreferences(Constants.SHARED_PREFERENCES, 0); int mostLikelyOutcome = Constants.OUTCOME_NONE; double mostLikelyOutcomeProb = 1; /** * Log raw reading option */ boolean logOn = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ON, false); boolean logRawOn = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ACCL_RAW_SWITCH, false); if (logOn && logRawOn) { String record = CommonUtils.buildALogRecordForNewAccelerometerReadings(event); if (record != null) phoneNotStill = true; else phoneNotStill = false; mLogManager.log(record, Constants.LOG_FILE_TYPE[Constants.LOG_TYPE_ACCEL_RAW]); } //stop analyzing accelerometer based on environment conditions boolean manuallySetToOutdoor = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_IS_OUTDOOR, false); if (!manuallySetToOutdoor && (lastEnvironment == Constants.ENVIRON_INDOOR && probabilityOfLastEnvironment > 0.8) //|| !pastMotionStates.contains((Integer)Constants.STATE_DRIVING) ) { return; } //boolean useGoogleActivityInFusion=mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_USE_GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_IN_FUSION, false); double[] mostLikelyOutcomeAndItsProbability; /** * MST Classifier And Fusion */ AccelerometerFeature accelWindowForMotionState = mClassificationManager.mMSTFeatureExtraction .extractWindowFeature(event); if (accelWindowForMotionState != null) { String motionStateInstance = accelWindowForMotionState.asStringForMotationState(); WekaClassifier motionStateClassifier = mClassificationManager.mClassfiers .get(Constants.ACCEL_MOTION_STATE); double[] distr = motionStateClassifier.classify(motionStateInstance); Log.e(LOG_TAG, "motion state classifier output is : " + Arrays.toString(distr)); /** * Get the motion state with largest probability */ int predClassIdx = CommonUtils.idxOfMax(distr); if (predClassIdx != -1) { String predClass = Constants.CLASSIFIER_CLASS[1][predClassIdx]; //if(!phoneNotStill) predClass="Still"; Log.e(LOG_TAG, "cur motion state=" + predClass); //stateTextView.setText(STATE_PREFIX+predClass); mPastClassifiedMotionStates .add(new MotionState(Source.Classifier, MotionState.translate(predClass), CommonUtils.formatTimestamp(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()), "HH:mm:ss"))); } //early exit based on state if (//!mPastGoogleActivities.containsAtLeastOneWalkingAndOneParking() !mPastClassifiedMotionStates.containsAtLeastMOnFootAndAtLeastNInVehicleStates(1, 1)) return; if (lastClassifiedMotionStateDistr != null) { //build the vector of the MST indicator ArrayList<Double> mstVector = new ArrayList<Double>(); mstVector.add(lastClassifiedMotionStateDistr[0]); mstVector.add(lastClassifiedMotionStateDistr[1]); mstVector.add(distr[0]); mstVector.add(distr[1]); Log.e(LOG_TAG, acceleometerSeq + " new mst vector is :" + mstVector.toString()); HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>> newPeriodicalVector = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>(); newPeriodicalVector.put(Constants.INDICATOR_MST, mstVector); mostLikelyOutcomeAndItsProbability = mFusionManager.fuse(lastVectors, newPeriodicalVector, System.currentTimeMillis(), Constants.HIGH_LEVEL_ACTIVITY_UPARKING, mLogManager); mostLikelyOutcome = (int) mostLikelyOutcomeAndItsProbability[0]; mostLikelyOutcomeProb = mostLikelyOutcomeAndItsProbability[1]; } lastClassifiedMotionStateDistr = distr; //lastMotionStateDistr=new double[distr.length]; //for(int ii=0;ii<distr.length;ii++) lastMotionStateDistr[ii]=distr[ii]; } AccelerometerFeature accelWindowForCIV; //accelWindowForCIV=accelWindowForMotionState; accelWindowForCIV = mClassificationManager.mCIVFeatureExtraction.extractWindowFeature(event); if (accelWindowForCIV != null) { //get the vector of the Change-In-Variance features String civVector = mClassificationManager.mCIVFeatureExtraction.extractCIVVector(accelWindowForCIV, civVectorsWithinScope); if (civVector != null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "accelerometerSeq=" + acceleometerSeq + " new civ vector is : " + civVector); /** * calculate the probability of the outcome */ boolean classifierForCIVOn = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_CIV_CLASSIFIER_ON, false); if (!classifierForCIVOn) { HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>> newPeriodicalVector = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>(); newPeriodicalVector.put(Constants.INDICATOR_CIV, CommonUtils.stringToDoubleListRemoved(civVector, ",", new int[] { 0 })); mostLikelyOutcomeAndItsProbability = mFusionManager.fuse(lastVectors, newPeriodicalVector, System.currentTimeMillis(), Constants.HIGH_LEVEL_ACTIVITY_UPARKING, mLogManager); mostLikelyOutcome = (int) mostLikelyOutcomeAndItsProbability[0]; mostLikelyOutcomeProb = mostLikelyOutcomeAndItsProbability[1]; } /** * classify the vector of the Change-In-Variance vectors */ else { WekaClassifier changeInVarianceClassifier = mClassificationManager.mClassfiers .get(Constants.ACCEL_CHANGE_IN_VAR); double[] distr = changeInVarianceClassifier.classify(civVector); int predClassInt = CommonUtils.idxOfMax(distr); String predClass = ",n"; switch (predClassInt) { case Constants.CIV_SIGNI_INCREASE: case Constants.CIV_SIGNI_DECREASE: //log the feature if (predClassInt == Constants.CIV_SIGNI_INCREASE) { predClass = ",p"; mostLikelyOutcome = Constants.OUTCOME_PARKING; } else { predClass = ",u"; mostLikelyOutcome = Constants.OUTCOME_UNPARKING; } break; case Constants.STATE_STILL: // log the feature predClass = ",t"; //release the lock mWakeLockManager.unlock(LOCK_TAG); mostLikelyOutcome = Constants.OUTCOME_NONE; break; default: mostLikelyOutcome = Constants.OUTCOME_NONE; break; } Log.e(LOG_TAG, "predClass=" + predClass); } } } //boolean logDetectionOn=mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_DETECTION_SWITCH, false); switch (mostLikelyOutcome) { case Constants.OUTCOME_PARKING: case Constants.OUTCOME_UNPARKING: //long notificationInterval=mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_DETECTION_INTERVAL, Constants.DETECTION_INTERVAL_DEFAULT_VALUE); //long lastSameTypeDetectionTimestamp; //if(outcome==Constants.OUTCOME_PARKING) lastSameTypeDetectionTimestamp=lastParkingTimestamp; //else lastSameTypeDetectionTimestamp=lastUnparkingTimestamp; //if(System.currentTimeMillis()-lastSameTypeDetectionTimestamp>notificationInterval*Constants.ONE_SECOND_IN_MILLISECOND){ //if(outcome==Constants.OUTCOME_PARKING) lastParkingTimestamp=System.currentTimeMillis(); //else lastUnparkingTimestamp=System.currentTimeMillis(); /*mXPSHandler.getLocation(null ,WPSStreetAddressLookup.WPS_FULL_STREET_ADDRESS_LOOKUP , new XPSLocationCallback(eventCode) );*/ Config civExtractionConf = mClassificationManager.mCIVFeatureExtraction.conf; int detectionDelayInSecs = civExtractionConf.slidingStep * civExtractionConf.scope / 2; mLocationClient.requestLocationUpdates( LocationRequest.create().setNumUpdates(1) .setPriority(LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY), new LocationClientListener(mostLikelyOutcome, mostLikelyOutcomeProb, System.currentTimeMillis(), detectionDelayInSecs)); //} break; case Constants.OUTCOME_NONE: /*if(logOn){ if(logDetectionOn){ mLogManager.log("outcome="+outcome+"\n"+mFusionManager.fusionProcessLog.toString()+"\n", Constants.LOG_FILE_TYPE[Constants.LOG_TYPE_DETECTION_REPORT]); } }*/ break; default: break; } } public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) { } }; /** * A single callback class that will be used to handle * all location notifications sent by WPS. */ private class XPSLocationCallback implements WPSLocationCallback { private int eventCode; public XPSLocationCallback(int eventCode) { this.eventCode = eventCode; } public void done() { } public WPSContinuation handleError(final WPSReturnCode error) { // To retry the location call on error use WPS_CONTINUE, // otherwise return WPS_STOP Log.e(LOG_TAG, "WPS API return error " + error.toString()); //return WPSContinuation.WPS_CONTINUE; return WPSContinuation.WPS_STOP; } @Override public void handleWPSLocation(WPSLocation location) { //actionsOnParkingLocation(eventCode, (Location) location); } } /* * Set main UI layout, get a handle to the ListView for logs, and create the broadcast * receiver. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); /** * Set the views */ // Set the main layout setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // get a handle to the console textview consoleTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; consoleTextView.setMovementMethod(new ScrollingMovementMethod()); //setup monitoring fields environTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; environTextView.setText(ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX + CommonUtils.eventCodeToString(lastEnvironment)); stateTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; //stateTextView.setText(STATE_PREFIX+"unknown"); googleStateTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; googleStateTextView.setText(GOOGLE_MOBILITY_STATE_PREFIX + "unknown"); //indicatorTextView=(TextView) findViewById(; //indicatorTextView.setText(INDICATOR_PREFIX); // set up the map view setupMapIfNeeded(); //set up the location client setupLocationClientIfNeeded(); /** * set up color coded map */ if (parkingBlocks == null) { parkingBlocks = ParkingBlocks.GetParkingBlocks(); showAvailabilityMap(); } mTextToSpeech = new TextToSpeech(this, this); mCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); /* * Initialize managers */ // Instantiate an adapter to store update data from the log /* mStatusAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<Spanned>( this, R.layout.item_layout, );*/ // Set the broadcast receiver intent filer mBroadcastManager = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this); // Create a new Intent filter for the broadcast receiver mBroadcastFilter = new IntentFilter(Constants.ACTION_REFRESH_STATUS_LIST); mBroadcastFilter.addCategory(Constants.CATEGORY_LOCATION_SERVICES); mBroadcastFilter.addAction(Constants.BLUETOOTH_CONNECTION_UPDATE); mBroadcastFilter.addAction(Constants.GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION_UPDATE); mBroadcastManager.registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver, mBroadcastFilter); // Get the instance of the customized notification manager mDetectionNotificationManager = DetectionNotificationManager.getInstance(this); //Get the FusionManager object mFusionManager = new FusionManager(this); // Get the ClassificationManager object mClassificationManager = ClassificationManager.getInstance(this); //TODO train classifiers if necessary if (Constants.IS_TRAINING_MODE) { int[] classifiersToBeTrained = { Constants.ACCEL_MOTION_STATE }; for (int classifier : classifiersToBeTrained) { mClassificationManager.mClassfiers.get(classifier).train(); } } //get the sensor service mSensorManager = (SensorManager) this.getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE); //get the accelerometer sensor mAccelerometer = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER); mSensorManager.registerListener(mSensorEventListener, mAccelerometer, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL); mAudioRecordManager = AudioRecordManager.getInstance(); // Get the WakeLockManager object mWakeLockManager = WakeLockManager.getInstance(this); mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); // Get the LogManager object mLogManager = LogManager.getInstance(this); mLocationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); mXPSHandler = new XPS(this); mXPSHandler.setRegistrationUser(new WPSAuthentication("dbmc", "uic")); //mXPSHandler.setTiling("", 0, 0, null); /** * Initialize IODetector */ cellTowerChart = new CellTowerChart((TelephonyManager) getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE), this); magnetChart = new MagnetChart(mSensorManager, this); lightChart = new LightChart(mSensorManager, this); //new AggregatedIODetector().execute("");//Check the detection for the first time //This timer handle starts the aggregated calculation for the detection //Interval 1 seconds. Timer uiTimer = new Timer(); mIODectorHandler = new Handler(); /*uiTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { private int walked = 0; @Override public void run() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if(phoneNotStill){//Check if the user is walking walked++; } else{ walked = 0; } if(aggregationFinish && walked > 3){//Check if the user has walked for at least 3 second, and the previous calculation has been finish aggregationFinish = false; walked = 0; new AggregatedIODetector().execute(""); } } }); } }, 0, 1000);*/ /** * Initialize fields other than managers */ lastAccReading = new double[3]; /** * Startup routines */ // catch the force close error Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UnCaughtException(MainActivity.this)); /** * Start Google Activity Recognition */ mGoogleActivityDetectionRequester = new GoogleActivityRecognitionClientRequester(this); mGoogleActivityDetectionRemover = new GoogleActivityRecognitionClientRemover(this); startGoogleActivityRecognitionUpdates(null); checkGPSEnabled(); //test record sample //mAudioRecordManager.recordAudioSample("/sdcard/audio.wav"); //Test extract features from audio files //String features=AudioFeatureExtraction.extractFeatures(this, "/sdcard/bus6.wav"); //mClassificationManager.mClassfiers.get(Constants.SENSOR_MICROPHONE).classify(features); } /** * This class is to handle the Aggregated detection */ private class AggregatedIODetector extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> { private DetectionProfile lightProfile[]; private DetectionProfile cellProfile[]; private DetectionProfile magnetProfile[]; private double[] normalizedProbablities; private double[] featureValues; @SuppressLint({ "UseSparseArrays", "SimpleDateFormat" }) @Override protected String doInBackground(String... param) { cellTowerChart.updateProfile();//get the cell info at time = 0 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {//get the value for the magnet at the interval of 1s for 10s try { magnetChart.updateProfile(); Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { } } //time = 10s lightProfile = lightChart.getProfile();//get the result from the light sensor magnetProfile = magnetChart.getProfile();//get the result from the magnet cellProfile = cellTowerChart.getProfile();//get the result from the cell tower /** * Weighted Average to combine different indicators */ /*normalizedProbablities=new double[3];//indoor, semi, outdoor Log.i("profile", "light indoor " + lightProfile[0].getConfidence() + " semi " + lightProfile[1].getConfidence() + " outdoor " + lightProfile[2].getConfidence()); Log.i("profile","magnet indoor " + magnetProfile[0].getConfidence() + " semi " + magnetProfile[1].getConfidence() + " outdoor " + magnetProfile[2].getConfidence()); Log.i("profile","cell indoor " + cellProfile[0].getConfidence() + " semi " + cellProfile[1].getConfidence() + " outdoor " + cellProfile[2].getConfidence()); for(int i=0;i<normalizedProbablities.length;i++){ //Aggregate the result normalizedProbablities[i] = lightProfile[i].getConfidence()*Constants.IODETECTOR_WEIGHT_LIGHT + magnetProfile[i].getConfidence()*Constants.IODETECTOR_WEIGHT_MAGNET + cellProfile[i].getConfidence()*Constants.IODETECTOR_WEIGHT_CELLULAR; } double sum=0; for(int i=0;i<normalizedProbablities.length;i++) sum+=normalizedProbablities[i]; for(int i=0;i<normalizedProbablities.length;i++) normalizedProbablities[i]/=sum;*/ /** * Bayesian Data Fusion */ int[] outcomes = { Constants.ENVIRON_INDOOR, Constants.ENVIRON_OUTDOOR }; HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>> vectorsToBeFused = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>(); ArrayList<Double> lightVector = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Double> RSSVector = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<Double> magneticVector = new ArrayList<Double>(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); featureValues = new double[3]; if (lightChart.getLigthValue() > 0) {//not blocked int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); if (hour >= 8 && hour <= 17) vectorsToBeFused.put(Constants.INDICATOR_LIGHT_DAY, lightVector); else vectorsToBeFused.put(Constants.INDICATOR_LIGHT_NIGHT, lightVector); lightVector.add((double) lightChart.getLigthValue()); featureValues[0] = lightVector.get(0); } vectorsToBeFused.put(Constants.INDICATOR_RSS, RSSVector); RSSVector.add(cellTowerChart.currentASU); featureValues[1] = RSSVector.get(0); vectorsToBeFused.put(Constants.INDICATOR_MAGNETIC, magneticVector); magneticVector.add(magnetChart.magnetVariation); featureValues[2] = magneticVector.get(0); normalizedProbablities = mFusionManager.BayesianFusion(outcomes, vectorsToBeFused, Constants.HIGH_LEVEL_ACTIVITY_IODOOR, mLogManager); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Baysian fusion Environment: " + Arrays.toString(normalizedProbablities)); //For logging purposes only SharedPreferences sp = getSharedPreferences(Constants.SHARED_PREFERENCES, 0); boolean logEnvironOn = sp.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ENVIRON_SWITCH, false); boolean logOn = sp.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ON, false); if (logOn && logEnvironOn) { mLogManager.log( new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())) + "," + lightChart.getLigthValue() + "," + magnetChart.magnetVariation + "," + cellTowerChart.currentASU, Constants.LOG_FILE_TYPE[Constants.LOG_TYPE_ENVIRONMENT]); } return null; } //After calculation has been done, post the result to the user @Override protected void onPostExecute(String result2) { if (normalizedProbablities[0] > normalizedProbablities[1] // && normalizedProbablities[0] >= normalizedProbablities[1] ) {//Indoor lastEnvironment = Constants.ENVIRON_INDOOR;//updating the condition for the comparison graph probabilityOfLastEnvironment = normalizedProbablities[0]; //notifyUser(view ,"You are in indoor",R.drawable.indoor_icon, 1);//triggering the notification cellTowerChart.setPrevStatus(0);//set the status for the cell tower, to be used for checking previous status when unchanged. } else { /*if (normalizedProbablities[1] >normalizedProbablities[0] && normalizedProbablities[1] > normalizedProbablities[2]){//Semi outdoor lastEnvironment =Constants.ENVIRON_SEMI_OUTDOOR; probabilityOfLastEnvironment=normalizedProbablities[1]; cellTowerChart.setPrevStatus(1); }else{//Outdoor */ lastEnvironment = Constants.ENVIRON_OUTDOOR; probabilityOfLastEnvironment = normalizedProbablities[1]; cellTowerChart.setPrevStatus(2); //} } if (pastEnvironments.size() == Constants.NO_OF_PAST_STATES_STORED) { pastEnvironments.remove(0); } pastEnvironments.add(lastEnvironment); String environText = ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX + CommonUtils.eventCodeToString(lastEnvironment); if (Constants.IS_DEBUG) { for (int i = 0; i < normalizedProbablities.length; i++) { environText += " " + String.format("%.2f", normalizedProbablities[i]); } } environTextView.setText(environText + " " + "light:" + String.format("%.1f", featureValues[0]) + ", RSS:" + String.format("%.1f", featureValues[1])); aggregationFinish = true;//calculation finish } } @Override protected void onResume() { Log.d(LOG_TAG, LOG_TAG + " activity has resumed"); super.onResume(); // restore the mapview setupMapIfNeeded(); // Register the broadcast receiver //mBroadcastManager.registerReceiver(updateListReceiver, mBroadcastFilter); // Register the sensor event listencer //mSensorManager.registerListener(mSensorEventListener,mAccelerometer, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME); // restore the GPS and bluetooth setting //checkGPSEnabled(); } @Override protected void onStart() { Log.e(LOG_TAG, LOG_TAG + " activity has started"); super.onStart(); } @Override protected void onPause() { Log.e(LOG_TAG, LOG_TAG + " activity has paused"); super.onPause(); // Stop listening to broadcasts when the Activity isn't visible. //mBroadcastManager.unregisterReceiver(updateListReceiver); /* if (mLocationClient != null) { mLocationClient.disconnect(); }*/ } @Override protected void onStop() { Log.e(LOG_TAG, LOG_TAG + " activity has stopped"); super.onStop(); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { /* if (mTextToSpeech != null) { mTextToSpeech.stop(); mTextToSpeech.shutdown(); }*/ super.onDestroy(); } /* * Create the menu */ @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(, menu); return true; } /** * Handle Performance Tuning Click */ private void handleAdvancedSetting() { final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this); dialog.setTitle(R.string.menu_item_advanced_settings); dialog.setContentView(R.layout.advanced_setting); final SharedPreferences mPrefs = getSharedPreferences(Constants.SHARED_PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); final Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); final ToggleButton classifierForCIVOnButton = (ToggleButton) dialog.findViewById(; classifierForCIVOnButton.setChecked(mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_CIV_CLASSIFIER_ON, false)); final ToggleButton isOutdoorButton = (ToggleButton) dialog.findViewById(; isOutdoorButton.setChecked(mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_IS_OUTDOOR, false)); final EditText notificationTresholdText = (EditText) dialog.findViewById(; notificationTresholdText .setText(String.format("%.2f", mPrefs.getFloat(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_NOTIFICATION_THRESHOLD, (float) Constants.DEFAULT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD))); //final EditText detectionIntervalText=(EditText)dialog.findViewById(; //detectionIntervalText.setText(String.valueOf(mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_DETECTION_INTERVAL, Constants.DETECTION_INTERVAL_DEFAULT_VALUE) )); final EditText googleActivityUpdateIntervalText = (EditText) dialog .findViewById(; googleActivityUpdateIntervalText .setText(String.valueOf(mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_INTERVAL, Constants.GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_INTERVAL_DEFAULT_VALUE))); //final ToggleButton useGoogleActivityInFusion=(ToggleButton)dialog.findViewById(; //useGoogleActivityInFusion.setChecked(mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_USE_GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_IN_FUSION, false)); final ToggleButton logAcclRawButton = (ToggleButton) dialog.findViewById(; logAcclRawButton.setChecked(mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ACCL_RAW_SWITCH, false)); final ToggleButton logGoogleActUpdatesButton = (ToggleButton) dialog .findViewById(; logGoogleActUpdatesButton.setChecked(mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE, false)); final ToggleButton logDetectionButton = (ToggleButton) dialog.findViewById(; logDetectionButton.setChecked(mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_DETECTION_SWITCH, false)); final ToggleButton logErrorButton = (ToggleButton) dialog.findViewById(; logErrorButton.setChecked(mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ERROR_SWITCH, true)); //final EditText deltaForConditionalProb=(EditText)dialog.findViewById(; //deltaForConditionalProb.setText(String.valueOf(mPrefs.getFloat(Constants.CIV_DELTA_CONDITIONAL_PROBABILITY, 2)) ); final Button applyButton = (Button) dialog.findViewById(; final Button cancelButton = (Button) dialog.findViewById(; applyButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { if (classifierForCIVOnButton.isChecked()) editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_CIV_CLASSIFIER_ON, true); else editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_CIV_CLASSIFIER_ON, false); if (isOutdoorButton.isChecked()) editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_IS_OUTDOOR, true); else editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_IS_OUTDOOR, false); if (logAcclRawButton.isChecked()) editor.putBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ACCL_RAW_SWITCH, true); else editor.putBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ACCL_RAW_SWITCH, false); if (logGoogleActUpdatesButton.isChecked()) editor.putBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE, true); else editor.putBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE, false); if (logDetectionButton.isChecked()) editor.putBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_DETECTION_SWITCH, true); else editor.putBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_DETECTION_SWITCH, false); if (logErrorButton.isChecked()) editor.putBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ERROR_SWITCH, true); else editor.putBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ERROR_SWITCH, false); float notificationTreshold; try { notificationTreshold = Float.parseFloat(notificationTresholdText.getText().toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { notificationTreshold = (float) Constants.DEFAULT_DETECTION_THRESHOLD; } editor.putFloat(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_NOTIFICATION_THRESHOLD, notificationTreshold); /*int detectionInterval; try{ detectionInterval=Integer.parseInt( detectionIntervalText.getText().toString()); }catch(Exception ex){ detectionInterval=Constants.DETECTION_INTERVAL_DEFAULT_VALUE; } editor.putInt(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_DETECTION_INTERVAL, detectionInterval);*/ /*if (useGoogleActivityInFusion.isChecked()) editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_USE_GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_IN_FUSION, true); else editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_USE_GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_IN_FUSION, false);*/ int googleActivityUpdateInterval; try { googleActivityUpdateInterval = Integer .parseInt(googleActivityUpdateIntervalText.getText().toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { googleActivityUpdateInterval = Constants.GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_INTERVAL_DEFAULT_VALUE; } editor.putInt(Constants.PREFERENCE_KEY_GOOGLE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_INTERVAL, googleActivityUpdateInterval); /*try{ Float delta=Float.parseFloat(deltaForConditionalProb.getText().toString()); editor.putFloat(Constants.CIV_DELTA_CONDITIONAL_PROBABILITY, delta); }catch(Exception ex){ Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Input must be a float number", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }*/ editor.commit(); dialog.cancel(); } }); cancelButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { dialog.cancel(); } });; } /** * Handle Setting click */ private void handleSettings() { final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this); dialog.setTitle(R.string.menu_item_settings); dialog.setContentView(R.layout.settings); final SharedPreferences mPrefs = getSharedPreferences(Constants.SHARED_PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); final Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); final ToggleButton logOnButton = (ToggleButton) dialog.findViewById(; logOnButton.setChecked(mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ON, false)); final Button btDeviceSelectButton = (Button) dialog.findViewById(; btDeviceSelectButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { if (mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) { selectBluetoothDevice(); } else { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Please enable your Bluetooth first.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } }); final Button applyButton = (Button) dialog.findViewById(; final Button cancelButton = (Button) dialog.findViewById(; applyButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { if (logOnButton.isChecked()) editor.putBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ON, true); else editor.putBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_ON, false); editor.commit(); dialog.cancel(); } }); cancelButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { dialog.cancel(); } });; } /* * Handle selections from the menu */ @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { // Handle item selection switch (item.getItemId()) { /* // Clear the log display and remove the log files case return true; // Display the update log case // Continue by passing true to the menu handler return true;*/ case handleSettings(); return true; case Intent i = new Intent(MainActivity.this, Sensors.class); startActivity(i); return true; case handleAdvancedSetting(); return true; // For any other choice, pass it to the super() default: return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } } /** Make sure that GPS is enabled */ public void checkGPSEnabled() { if (!mLocationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER)) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "GPS not enabled yet"); /** Ask user to enable GPS */ final AlertDialog enableGPS = new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle(Constants.APP_NAME + " needs access to GPS. Please enable GPS.") .setPositiveButton("Press here to enable GPS", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int id) { startActivityForResult( new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS), Constants.SENSOR_GPS); } }).setCancelable(false).create(); /*.setNegativeButton("Skip", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final DialogInterface dialog, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final int id) { } })*/; } else { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "GPS already enabled"); //GPS already enabled checkBluetoothEnabled(); } } /** Make sure that Bluetooth is enabled */ public void checkBluetoothEnabled() { if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { // Device does not support Bluetooth AlertDialog noBluetoothAlert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle("Bluetooth not supported.") .setPositiveButton("Exit", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int id) { } }).setCancelable(true).create();; writeToConsole( "This phone does not have Bluetooth capability. Bluetooth connection method will not work."); } if (!mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "bluetooth not enabled yet"); /** Ask user to enable Bluetooth */ AlertDialog enableBluetoothDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle("Please enable Bluetooth on your phone.").setCancelable(false) .setPositiveButton("Enable Bluetooth", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int id) { startActivityForResult(new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE), Constants.SENSOR_BLUETOOTH); } }).setNegativeButton("Skip", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int id) { } }).create();; } else { //bluetooth is enabled (directed from onActivityResult()) SharedPreferences mPrefs = getSharedPreferences(Constants.SHARED_PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String carBluetoothDeviceName = null; if (mPrefs.contains(Constants.BLUETOOTH_CAR_DEVICE_NAME)) { carBluetoothDeviceName = mPrefs.getString(Constants.BLUETOOTH_CAR_DEVICE_NAME, null); } Log.e(LOG_TAG, "bluetooth enabled " + carBluetoothDeviceName); if (carBluetoothDeviceName != null) { Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, BluetoothConnectionService.class); startService(intent); } else {//ask the user to select a car bluetooth device selectBluetoothDevice(); } } } /* * Handle results returned to this Activity by other Activities started with * startActivityForResult(). In particular, the method onConnectionFailed() in * DetectionRemover and DetectionRequester may call startResolutionForResult() to * start an Activity that handles Google Play services problems. The result of this * call returns here, to onActivityResult. */ @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) { // Choose what to do based on the request code Log.e(LOG_TAG, requestCode + " " + requestCode); switch (requestCode) { case Constants.SENSOR_GPS: checkBluetoothEnabled(); break; case Constants.SENSOR_BLUETOOTH: if (mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) {//only if the user enables the bluetooth checkBluetoothEnabled(); } break; // If the request code matches the code sent in onConnectionFailed case Constants.CONNECTION_FAILURE_RESOLUTION_REQUEST: switch (resultCode) { // If Google Play services resolved the problem case Activity.RESULT_OK: // If the request was to start activity recognition updates if (Constants.REQUEST_TYPE.ADD == mRequestType) { // Restart the process of requesting activity recognition // updates mGoogleActivityDetectionRequester.requestUpdates(); // If the request was to remove activity recognition updates } else if (Constants.REQUEST_TYPE.REMOVE == mRequestType) { /* * Restart the removal of all activity recognition updates * for the PendingIntent. */ mGoogleActivityDetectionRemover .removeUpdates(mGoogleActivityDetectionRequester.getRequestPendingIntent()); } break; // If any other result was returned by Google Play services default: // Report that Google Play services was unable to resolve the // problem. Log.d(Constants.APP_NAME, getString(R.string.no_resolution)); } // If any other request code was received default: // Report that this Activity received an unknown requestCode Log.d(Constants.APP_NAME, getString(R.string.unknown_activity_request_code, requestCode)); break; } } private String selectedBloothDeviceName = null; public void selectBluetoothDevice() { Set<BluetoothDevice> bluetoothDevices = mBluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices(); final CharSequence[] listItems = new CharSequence[bluetoothDevices.size()]; int i = 0; for (BluetoothDevice device : mBluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices()) { String device_name = device.getName(); listItems[i++] = device_name; } AlertDialog select = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle(R.string.set_bluetooth_message) .setSingleChoiceItems(listItems, -1, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "id=" + whichButton); if (whichButton >= 0) selectedBloothDeviceName = listItems[whichButton].toString(); } }).setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, selectedBloothDeviceName); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), getString(R.string.bluetooth_device_selected, selectedBloothDeviceName), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); final SharedPreferences mPrefs = getSharedPreferences(Constants.SHARED_PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putString(Constants.BLUETOOTH_CAR_DEVICE_NAME, selectedBloothDeviceName); editor.commit(); } }).setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { } }).create();; } /** Write a string to output console */ public void writeToConsole(String str) { consoleTextView.append(str); final Layout layout = consoleTextView.getLayout(); if (layout != null) { int scrollDelta = layout.getLineBottom(consoleTextView.getLineCount() - 1) - consoleTextView.getScrollY() - consoleTextView.getHeight(); if (scrollDelta > 0) consoleTextView.scrollBy(0, scrollDelta); } } private void setupMapIfNeeded() { // Do a null check to confirm that we have not already instantiated the map. if (mMap == null) { // Try to obtain the map from the SupportMapFragment. mMap = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(; // Check if we were successful in obtaining the map. if (mMap != null) { mMap.setMyLocationEnabled(true); // Setting an info window adapter allows us to change the both the contents and look of the // info window. mMap.setInfoWindowAdapter(new MarkerInfoWindowAdapter(getLayoutInflater())); } } } private void setupLocationClientIfNeeded() { if (mLocationClient == null) { mLocationClient = new LocationClient(getApplicationContext(), this, // ConnectionCallbacks this); // OnConnectionFailedListener if (mLocationClient != null) { mLocationClient.connect(); } } } // actions taken when a parking/unparking event is detected and the location of the event is retrieved private void onLocationRetrieved(int eventCode, double detectionConfidence, long detectionTimestamp, int detectionTimeDelayInSecs, Location location, String address) { boolean logDetection = getSharedPreferences(Constants.SHARED_PREFERENCES, 0) .getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_DETECTION_SWITCH, false); if (logDetection) { String logMsg = (eventCode == Constants.OUTCOME_PARKING ? Constants.PARKING_NOTIFICATION : Constants.UNPARKING_NOTIFICATION) + CommonUtils.formatTimestamp(new Date(detectionTimestamp), "HH:mm:ss ") + "\ndetection confidence is " + detectionConfidence + "\nlocatoin retrieval time:" + CommonUtils.formatTimestamp(new Date(location.getTime()), "HH:mm:ss ") + "\nlocation:" + location.toString() + "\n"; if (address != null) { logMsg += "address retrieved at " + CommonUtils.formatTimestamp(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()), "HH:mm:ss ") + address + "\n"; } else logMsg += "address is not available. \n"; logMsg += pastEnvironments.toString() + "\n" + mPastClassifiedMotionStates.toString() + "\n" + mPastGoogleActivities.toString() + "\n" + mPastGoogleActivtiesUnModified.toString() + "\n"; mLogManager.log(logMsg, Constants.LOG_FILE_TYPE[Constants.LOG_TYPE_DETECTION_REPORT]); } MotionState.Type toStateType; CachedDetectionList cdl; CachedDetection.Type cdType; if (eventCode == Constants.OUTCOME_PARKING) {//parking toStateType = MotionState.Type.ON_FOOT; cdl = mCachedParkingDetectionList; cdType = CachedDetection.Type.Parking; } else { toStateType = MotionState.Type.IN_VEHICLE; cdl = mCachedUnparkingDetectionList; cdType = CachedDetection.Type.Unparking; } int secsSinceLastFromState; secsSinceLastFromState = mPastGoogleActivities.isTransitionTo(toStateType); // secsSinceLastFromState=mPastGoogleActivtiesUnModified.isTransitionTo(toStateType); if (detectionConfidence == 1.0 || secsSinceLastFromState != -1) { onDetectionConfirmed(eventCode, detectionTimestamp, location, address, detectionTimeDelayInSecs); } else { CachedDetection cd = new CachedDetection(cdType, location, detectionTimestamp, address, detectionConfidence); cdl.add(cd); } } //TODO on detection confirmed public void onDetectionConfirmed(int eventCode, long eventDetectionTimestamp, Location eventlocation, String eventAddress, long detectionDelayInSecs) { MotionState lastOnFootOrInVehicleState = mPastGoogleActivtiesUnModified.lastOnFootOrInVehicleState(); if (lastOnFootOrInVehicleState != null && lastOnFootOrInVehicleState.timeInHMS.equals(timeOfLastGoogleOnFootorInVehicleState)) { return; } timeOfLastGoogleOnFootorInVehicleState = lastOnFootOrInVehicleState.timeInHMS; @SuppressWarnings("unused") int resID; String prefix; float markerColor; String voiceNotificationMsg; if (eventCode == Constants.OUTCOME_PARKING) { resID = R.raw.vehicle_parked; prefix = Constants.PARKING_NOTIFICATION; markerColor = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_AZURE; voiceNotificationMsg = "Vehicle Parked "; } else {//unparking resID = R.raw.vehicle_deparked; prefix = Constants.UNPARKING_NOTIFICATION; markerColor = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED; voiceNotificationMsg = "Vehicle Departured "; } //String curTimeString=CommonUtils.formatTimestamp(new Date(),formatTemplate); long curTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String curTimeString = CommonUtils.formatTimestamp(new Date(curTimestamp), "HH:mm:ss"); Log.e(LOG_TAG, curTimeString + " \n" + eventlocation.toString()); /* * actions */ //1. send the text notification String notificationMsg = prefix + " " + curTimeString; if (eventAddress != null) notificationMsg += eventAddress; mDetectionNotificationManager.sendTextNotification(notificationMsg); //2. play the sound //2.1 announce the type //mDetectionNotificationManager.playVoiceNotification(resID); //2.2 announce the time mTextToSpeech.speak(voiceNotificationMsg, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null); //3. log the address of event String logMsg = prefix + CommonUtils.formatTimestamp(new Date(eventDetectionTimestamp), "HH:mm:ss ") + "\nNotification generation time:" + curTimeString + "\nDetection timestamp: " + CommonUtils.formatTimestamp(new Date(eventDetectionTimestamp), "HH:mm:ss ") + "\nDetection delay: " + detectionDelayInSecs + " secs" + "\nlocation:" + eventlocation.toString() + "\n"; if (eventAddress != null) logMsg += eventAddress + "\n"; else logMsg += "address is not available. \n"; logMsg += pastEnvironments.toString() + "\n" + mPastClassifiedMotionStates.toString() + "\n" + mPastGoogleActivities.toString() + "\n" + mPastGoogleActivtiesUnModified.toString() + "\n" + "timeOfLastGoogleOnFootorInVehicleState=" + timeOfLastGoogleOnFootorInVehicleState + "\n"; boolean logDetection = getSharedPreferences(Constants.SHARED_PREFERENCES, 0) .getBoolean(Constants.LOGGING_DETECTION_SWITCH, false); if (logDetection) mLogManager.log(logMsg, Constants.LOG_FILE_TYPE[Constants.LOG_TYPE_DETECTION_REPORT]); //4. show on the map mMap.clear(); mDetectionNotificationManager.addMarkersToMap(mMap, curTimeString, prefix, eventlocation.getLatitude(), eventlocation.getLongitude(), eventlocation.getAltitude(), markerColor); //center and zoom in the map CameraPosition cameraPosition = new CameraPosition.Builder() .target(new LatLng(eventlocation.getLatitude(), eventlocation.getLongitude())) // Sets the center of the map to Mountain View .zoom(17) // Sets the zoom //.bearing(90) // Sets the orientation of the camera to east //.tilt(30) // Sets the tilt of the camera to 30 degrees .build(); // Creates a CameraPosition from the builder mMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newCameraPosition(cameraPosition)); //add a marker on the map Log.e(LOG_TAG, "operations on map completed"); //5. update availability display //updateAvailabilityDisplay(eventCode, location); //add a marker on the map Log.e(LOG_TAG, "operations on map completed"); updateAvailabilityDisplay(eventCode, eventlocation); } public void updateAvailabilityDisplay(int eventCode, Location location) { //mMap.clear(); // for (int i = 0; i < parkingBlocks.size(); i++) { // ParkingBlock parkingBlock = parkingBlocks.elementAt(i); // PolylineOptions line = // new PolylineOptions().add(parkingBlock.startLocation, parkingBlock.endLocation) // .width(20).color(Color.RED); // Polyline polyline = mMap.addPolyline(line); // parkingBlock.display = polyline; // } // for (int i = 0; i < parkingBlocks.size(); i++) { // ParkingBlock parkingBlock = parkingBlocks.elementAt(i); // parkingBlock.display.setColor(Color.RED);; // } // find closest street block within 30 meters LatLng point = new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()); double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE; ParkingBlock matchedBlock = null; for (int i = 0; i < parkingBlocks.size(); i++) { ParkingBlock parkingBlock = parkingBlocks.elementAt(i); double dist = parkingBlock.distanceToPoint(point); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; matchedBlock = parkingBlock; } } if (matchedBlock != null) { //Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "a block matched", 2).show(); if (eventCode == Constants.OUTCOME_PARKING) { matchedBlock.availability = 0; } else { matchedBlock.availability = 1; } } showAvailabilityMap(); // for (int i = 0; i < parkingBlocks.size(); i++) { // ParkingBlock parkingBlock = parkingBlocks.elementAt(i); // PolylineOptions line = // new PolylineOptions().add(parkingBlock.startLocation, parkingBlock.endLocation) // .width(20).color(parkingBlock.getColorByAvailability()); // Polyline polyline = mMap.addPolyline(line); // parkingBlock.display = polyline; // } } public void showAvailabilityMap() { //MapFragment mapFragment = (MapFragment)getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(; //GoogleMap map = mapFragment.getMap(); //GoogleMap map = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById( //.getMap(); // VisibleRegion bounds = map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion(); // LatLngBounds xyBounds = bounds.latLngBounds; // String msg = "northest = " + xyBounds.northeast; // CameraUpdate center= // CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(new LatLng(41.909348, // -87.777664)); // CameraUpdate zoom=CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(15); // // mMap.moveCamera(center); // mMap.animateCamera(zoom); for (int i = 0; i < parkingBlocks.size(); i++) { ParkingBlock parkingBlock = parkingBlocks.elementAt(i); PolylineOptions line = new PolylineOptions().add(parkingBlock.startLocation, parkingBlock.endLocation) .width(20).color(parkingBlock.getColorByAvailability()); Polyline polyline = mMap.addPolyline(line); parkingBlock.display = polyline; //map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(parkingBlock.meterLocation) //.title(parkingBlock.meterAddress)); } } @Override public void onConnected(Bundle arg0) { /*** * Use periodical GPS to test energy consumption */ /*mLocationClient.requestLocationUpdates( LocationRequest.create() .setInterval(1000*60) .setPriority(LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY), new LocationListener() { @Override public void onLocationChanged(Location arg0) { } });*/ } @Override public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult arg0) { } @Override public void onDisconnected() { } /** * Legacy codes */ //private double calibration = 0.0; private double currentAcceleration; private double appliedAcceleration = 0; private Date lastUpdate; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private double calVelocityIncrease() { // Calculate how long this acceleration has been applied. Date timeNow = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); double timeDelta = timeNow.getTime() - lastUpdate.getTime(); lastUpdate.setTime(timeNow.getTime()); // Calculate the change in velocity // current acceleration since the last update. double deltaVelocity = appliedAcceleration * (timeDelta / 1000); appliedAcceleration = currentAcceleration; // Add the velocity change to the current velocity. return deltaVelocity; } /** * Verify that Google Play services is available before making a request. * * @return true if Google Play services is available, otherwise false */ private boolean isGooglePlayServiceAvailable() { // Check that Google Play services is available int resultCode = GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this); // If Google Play services is available if (ConnectionResult.SUCCESS == resultCode) { // In debug mode, log the status Log.d(Constants.APP_NAME, getString(R.string.play_services_available)); // Continue return true; // Google Play services was not available for some reason } else { // Display an error dialog GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(resultCode, this, 0).show(); return false; } } /** * Respond to "Start" button by requesting activity recognition * updates. * @param view The view that triggered this method. */ public void startGoogleActivityRecognitionUpdates(View view) { // Check for Google Play services if (!isGooglePlayServiceAvailable()) { return; } /* * Set the request type. If a connection error occurs, and Google Play services can * handle it, then onActivityResult will use the request type to retry the request */ mRequestType = Constants.REQUEST_TYPE.ADD; // Pass the update request to the requester object mGoogleActivityDetectionRequester.requestUpdates(); } /** * Respond to "Stop" button by canceling updates. * @param view The view that triggered this method. */ public void stopGoogleActivityRecognitionUpdates(View view) { // Check for Google Play services if (!isGooglePlayServiceAvailable()) { return; } /* * Set the request type. If a connection error occurs, and Google Play services can * handle it, then onActivityResult will use the request type to retry the request */ mRequestType = Constants.REQUEST_TYPE.REMOVE; // Pass the remove request to the remover object mGoogleActivityDetectionRemover.removeUpdates(mGoogleActivityDetectionRequester.getRequestPendingIntent()); /* * Cancel the PendingIntent. Even if the removal request fails, canceling the PendingIntent * will stop the updates. */ PendingIntent pIntent = mGoogleActivityDetectionRequester.getRequestPendingIntent(); if (pIntent != null) pIntent.cancel(); } /** * Display the activity detection history stored in the * log file */ /*private void updateActivityHistory() { // Try to load data from the history file try { // Load log file records into the List List<Spanned> activityDetectionHistory = mLogManager.loadLogFile(); // Clear the adapter of existing data mStatusAdapter.clear(); // Add each element of the history to the adapter for (Spanned activity : activityDetectionHistory) { mStatusAdapter.add(activity); } // If the number of loaded records is greater than the max log size if (mStatusAdapter.getCount() > Constants.MAX_LOG_SIZE) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setMessage("File is too large to be shown.") .setCancelable(true); final AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; // Delete the old log file if (!mLogFile.removeLogFiles()) { // Log an error if unable to delete the log file Log.e(Constants.APPTAG, getString(R.string.log_file_deletion_error)); } } // Trigger the adapter to update the display mStatusAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); // If an error occurs while reading the history file } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(Constants.APP_NAME, e.getMessage(), e); } }*/ /** * Broadcast receiver that receives activity update intents * It checks to see if the ListView contains items. If it * doesn't, it pulls in history. * This receiver is local only. It can't read broadcast Intents from other apps. */ BroadcastReceiver updateListReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { /* * When an Intent is received from the update listener IntentService, update * the displayed log. */ //do not execute an update to avoid freezing the app //updateActivityHistory(); } }; @Override //of TextToSpeech public void onInit(int status) { if (status == TextToSpeech.SUCCESS) { // set Language int result = mTextToSpeech.setLanguage(Locale.US); // tts.setPitch(5); // set pitch level // tts.setSpeechRate(2); // set speech speed rate if (result == TextToSpeech.LANG_MISSING_DATA || result == TextToSpeech.LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED) { } { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Text-To-Speech Language cannot be setted US. Error code=" + result); } //mTextToSpeech.speak("test", TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null); } else { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Text-To-Speech Initilization Failed"); } } } class PastMotionStates { public int capacity; public Source source; public HashMap<MotionState.Type, Integer> map; public ArrayList<MotionState> list; public long timestampOfLastInVehicleState; public long timestampOfLastOnFootState; public static final long EXPIRATION_TIME_IN_MILLISEC = Constants.ONE_MINUTE + Constants.ONE_MINUTE / 2; public PastMotionStates(Source source, int capacity) { this.source = source; this.capacity = capacity; map = new HashMap<MotionState.Type, Integer>(); list = new ArrayList<MotionState>(); } public void clear() { map.clear(); list.clear(); } public void add(MotionState state) { if (list.size() == capacity) { MotionState removedMotionState = list.remove(0);// remove the oldest state map.put(removedMotionState.type, map.get(removedMotionState.type) - 1); } list.add(state); Type stateType = state.type; if (!map.containsKey(stateType)) map.put(stateType, 0); map.put(stateType, map.get(stateType) + 1); } public void removeAll(MotionState.Type stateType) { ArrayList<MotionState> toBeRemovedStates = new ArrayList<MotionState>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { MotionState ms = list.get(i); if (ms.type == stateType) toBeRemovedStates.add(ms); } for (MotionState ms : toBeRemovedStates) { list.remove(ms); } map.remove(stateType); } /** * * @param toState * @return secs elapsed since the state that is right after the last fromState */ public int isTransitionTo(MotionState.Type toState) { int secsElapsedSinceFromState = -1; if (toState != Type.IN_VEHICLE && toState != Type.ON_FOOT) return secsElapsedSinceFromState; Type fromState = Type.OTHER; int noOfFromStateNeeded = 2, noOfToStateNeeded = 2; switch (toState) { case ON_FOOT: fromState = Type.IN_VEHICLE; //from state is in_vehicle (at least 2) //noOfFromStateNeeded++; break; case IN_VEHICLE: fromState = Type.ON_FOOT; //noOfFromStateNeeded++; break; default: break; } int fromStateCnt = 0, toStateCnt = 0; int secOfLatestToState = -1, secOfPrevOfLastFromState = 0; MotionState prev = null; //scan backwards for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MotionState cur = list.get(i); if (cur.type == fromState || cur.type == toState) {//ignore non-walk-drive states if (cur.type == fromState) { if (toStateCnt != noOfToStateNeeded) break; //not seen toState yet, not transiting else { fromStateCnt++; if (fromStateCnt == 1) { if (prev != null) secOfPrevOfLastFromState = CommonUtils.HMSToSecs(prev.timeInHMS); else secOfPrevOfLastFromState = CommonUtils.HMSToSecs(cur.timeInHMS); } if (fromStateCnt == noOfFromStateNeeded) { secsElapsedSinceFromState = secOfLatestToState - secOfPrevOfLastFromState; break; } } } if (cur.type == toState) { toStateCnt++; if (toStateCnt == 1) { secOfLatestToState = CommonUtils.HMSToSecs(cur.timeInHMS); } else { if (toStateCnt > noOfToStateNeeded) break; } } } prev = cur; } return secsElapsedSinceFromState; } public MotionState lastOnFootOrInVehicleState() { for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MotionState cur = list.get(i); if (cur.type != Type.ON_FOOT && cur.type != Type.IN_VEHICLE) continue; return cur; } return null; } public boolean containsAtLeastMOnFootAndAtLeastNInVehicleStates(int mOnFoot, int nInVehicle) { // return false if the filter fails if (!map.containsKey(MotionState.Type.ON_FOOT) || !map.containsKey(MotionState.Type.IN_VEHICLE)) return false; int walkingCnt = map.get(MotionState.Type.ON_FOOT); int drivingCnt = map.get(MotionState.Type.IN_VEHICLE); // Log.e(LOG_TAG,"#Walk="+walkingCnt+" #Drive="+drivingCnt); if (walkingCnt < mOnFoot || drivingCnt < nInVehicle) return false; return true; } /** * * @param typeOfToState * @return elapsed secs since last from state */ public int containsOnlyOneAndIsLaterThanFromState(MotionState.Type typeOfToState) { int secsElapsedSinceFromState = -1; if (!map.containsKey(typeOfToState) || map.get(typeOfToState) != 1) return secsElapsedSinceFromState; MotionState toState = null; for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {//from the last state MotionState cur = list.get(i); if (cur.type != MotionState.Type.ON_FOOT && cur.type != MotionState.Type.IN_VEHICLE) continue; if (cur.type == typeOfToState) { toState = cur; } else { if (toState != null) { secsElapsedSinceFromState = CommonUtils.HMSToSecs(toState.timeInHMS) - CommonUtils.HMSToSecs(cur.timeInHMS); } break; } } return secsElapsedSinceFromState; } public String toString() { String ret = list.toString() + "\n"; for (Type type : map.keySet()) ret += type.toString() + ":" + map.get(type) + " "; return ret; } } class MotionState { public enum Source { Google, Classifier; } public enum Type { ON_FOOT("On_Foot"), IN_VEHICLE("In_Vehicle"), STILL("Still"), UNKNOWN("Unknown"), ON_BIKE("On_Bike"), OTHER( "Other"); private String typeString; private Type(String type) { this.typeString = type; } public String toString() { return typeString; } } public Source source; public Type type; public String timeInHMS; public MotionState(Source source, Type type, String timeInHMS) { this.source = source; this.type = type; this.timeInHMS = timeInHMS; } public static MotionState.Type translate(String predClass) { MotionState.Type ret; if ("Walking".equals(predClass)) { ret = MotionState.Type.ON_FOOT; } else { if ("Driving".equals(predClass)) ret = MotionState.Type.IN_VEHICLE; else { if ("Still".equals(predClass)) ret = MotionState.Type.STILL; else ret = MotionState.Type.OTHER; } } return ret; } public static MotionState.Type translate(int activityTypeDefinedByGoogle) { MotionState.Type ret; switch (activityTypeDefinedByGoogle) { case DetectedActivity.ON_FOOT: ret = MotionState.Type.ON_FOOT; break; case DetectedActivity.IN_VEHICLE: ret = MotionState.Type.IN_VEHICLE; break; case DetectedActivity.STILL: ret = MotionState.Type.STILL; break; case DetectedActivity.ON_BICYCLE: ret = MotionState.Type.ON_BIKE; default: ret = MotionState.Type.UNKNOWN; break; } return ret; } public String toString() { return timeInHMS + "-" + type; } } class CachedDetection { public enum Type { Parking, Unparking } public long timestamp; public Location location; public String address; public Type type; public double confidence; public static final long EXPIRATION_TIME = Constants.ONE_MINUTE; public CachedDetection(Type type, Location loc, long locationRequestTime, String address, double confidence) { timestamp = locationRequestTime; location = loc; this.type = type; this.address = address; this.confidence = confidence; } } class CachedDetectionList { CachedDetection.Type type; ArrayList<CachedDetection> list; public CachedDetectionList(CachedDetection.Type type) { this.type = type; list = new ArrayList<CachedDetection>(); } public void removeExpiredCachedDetection() { //remove expired cached detections long curtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int i; ArrayList<CachedDetection> newList = new ArrayList<CachedDetection>(); for (i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (curtime - list.get(i).timestamp <= CachedDetection.EXPIRATION_TIME) { newList.add(list.get(i)); } } list = newList; } public void add(CachedDetection cd) { removeExpiredCachedDetection(); //add the new one list.add(cd); } public CachedDetection get(int index) { removeExpiredCachedDetection(); if (index < 0 || index >= list.size()) return null; return list.get(index); } public CachedDetection getWithLargestProbability() { removeExpiredCachedDetection(); if (list.size() <= 0) return null; if (list.size() == 1) return list.get(0); //sort ArrayList<CachedDetection> sortedList = new ArrayList<CachedDetection>(); sortedList.addAll(list); Collections.sort(sortedList, new Comparator<CachedDetection>() { @Override public int compare(CachedDetection lhs, CachedDetection rhs) { double diff = lhs.confidence - rhs.confidence; if (diff > 0) return 1; else if (diff < 0) return -1; else return 0; } }); return sortedList.get(sortedList.size() - 1); } }