Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 TheNightForum * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.tnf.ptm; import com.badlogic.gdx.Application; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Box2D; import com.tnf.ptm.common.*; import com.tnf.ptm.gfx.TextAlignment; import com.tnf.ptm.gfx.TextureManager; import com.tnf.ptm.common.PtmGame; import com.tnf.ptm.handler.Logger; import com.tnf.ptm.sound.OggMusicManager; import com.tnf.ptm.screens.main.MenuScreens; import com.tnf.ptm.screens.controlers.DebugCollector; import com.tnf.ptm.screens.controlers.PtmInputManager; import com.tnf.ptm.screens.controlers.PtmLayouts; import com.tnf.ptm.screens.controlers.UiDrawer; import com.tnf.ptm.common.DebugOptions; import com.tnf.ptm.sound.OggSoundManager; import com.tnf.ptm.screens.controlers.FontSize; import; import; public class PtmApplication implements ApplicationListener { private static Logger logger = new Logger(); private PtmInputManager myInputMan; private UiDrawer myUiDrawer; private MenuScreens myMenuScreens; private TextureManager myTextureManager; private PtmLayouts myLayouts; private boolean myReallyMobile; private GameOptions myOptions; private CommonDrawer myCommonDrawer; private FPSLogger myFpsLogger; private ModuleManager moduleManager; private OggMusicManager musicManager; private OggSoundManager soundManager; private String myFatalErrorMsg; private String myFatalErrorTrace; private float myAccum = 0; private PtmGame myGame; public PtmApplication() { // Initiate Box2D to make sure natives are loaded early enough Box2D.init(); } @Override public void create() { myReallyMobile = == Application.ApplicationType.Android || == Application.ApplicationType.iOS; if (myReallyMobile) {; } myOptions = new GameOptions(isMobile(), null); moduleManager = new ModuleManager(); musicManager = new OggMusicManager(); logger.printLine("\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------ \n"); moduleManager.printAvailableModules(); musicManager.playMenuMusic(myOptions); soundManager = new OggSoundManager(); myTextureManager = new TextureManager(); myCommonDrawer = new CommonDrawer(); myUiDrawer = new UiDrawer(myTextureManager, myCommonDrawer); myInputMan = new PtmInputManager(myTextureManager, soundManager); myLayouts = new PtmLayouts(myUiDrawer.r); myMenuScreens = new MenuScreens(myLayouts, isMobile(), myUiDrawer.r, myOptions); myInputMan.setScreen(this, myMenuScreens.main); myFpsLogger = new FPSLogger(); } @Override public void resize(int i, int i1) { } public void render() { myAccum +=; while (myAccum > Const.REAL_TIME_STEP) { safeUpdate(); myAccum -= Const.REAL_TIME_STEP; } draw(); } @Override public void pause() { } @Override public void resume() { } private void safeUpdate() { if (myFatalErrorMsg != null) { return; } try { update(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.printLine(t); myFatalErrorMsg = "A fatal error occurred:\n" + t.getMessage(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); t.printStackTrace(pw); myFatalErrorTrace = sw.toString(); if (!myReallyMobile) { throw t; } } } private void update() { DebugCollector.update(); if (DebugOptions.SHOW_FPS) { DebugCollector.debug("Fps",; myFpsLogger.log(); } myInputMan.update(this); if (myGame != null) { myGame.update(); } PtmMath.checkVectorsTaken(null); } private void draw() {; myCommonDrawer.begin(); if (myGame != null) { myGame.draw(); } myUiDrawer.updateMtx(); myInputMan.draw(myUiDrawer, this); if (myGame != null) { myGame.drawDebugUi(myUiDrawer); } if (myFatalErrorMsg != null) { myUiDrawer.draw(myUiDrawer.whiteTex, myUiDrawer.r, .5f, 0, 0, 0, .25f, 0, PtmColor.UI_BG); myUiDrawer.drawString(myFatalErrorMsg, myUiDrawer.r / 2, .5f, FontSize.MENU, true, PtmColor.WHITE); myUiDrawer.drawString(myFatalErrorTrace, .2f * myUiDrawer.r, .6f, FontSize.DEBUG, false, PtmColor.WHITE); } DebugCollector.draw(myUiDrawer); if (myGame == null) { myUiDrawer.drawString("v" + Const.VERSION, 0.01f, .974f, FontSize.DEBUG, TextAlignment.LEFT, false, PtmColor.WHITE); } myCommonDrawer.end(); } public void loadNewGame(boolean tut, boolean usePrevShip) { if (myGame != null) { throw new AssertionError("Starting a new game with unfinished current one"); } myInputMan.setScreen(this, myMenuScreens.loading); myMenuScreens.loading.setMode(tut, usePrevShip); musicManager.playGameMusic(myOptions); } public void startNewGame(boolean tut, boolean usePrevShip) { myGame = new PtmGame(this, usePrevShip, myTextureManager, tut, myCommonDrawer); myInputMan.setScreen(this, myGame.getScreens().mainScreen); musicManager.playGameMusic(myOptions); } public PtmInputManager getInputMan() { return myInputMan; } public MenuScreens getMenuScreens() { return myMenuScreens; } public void dispose() { myCommonDrawer.dispose(); if (myGame != null) { myGame.onGameEnd(); } myTextureManager.dispose(); myInputMan.dispose(); } public PtmGame getGame() { return myGame; } public PtmLayouts getLayouts() { return myLayouts; } public void finishGame() { myGame.onGameEnd(); myGame = null; myInputMan.setScreen(this, myMenuScreens.main); } public TextureManager getTexMan() { return myTextureManager; } public boolean isMobile() { return DebugOptions.EMULATE_MOBILE || myReallyMobile; } public GameOptions getOptions() { return myOptions; } public OggMusicManager getMusicManager() { return musicManager; } public OggSoundManager getSoundManager() { return soundManager; } // TODO: Why do we even have this method? Look into its removal. public void pauseApplication() { if (myGame != null) { myGame.saveShip(); } } }