Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.nfc.NfcAdapter; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.provider.Settings; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.bumptech.glide.Glide; import java.util.Arrays; public class EditContactActivity extends BasicActivity { private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(); EditText _name; EditText _prenom; EditText _phone_number; EditText _email; EditText _societe; EditText _profile; EditText _UID; EditText _adresse; EditText _fixe; EditText _fax; EditText _skype; EditText _site; Contact contact; public static final String EXTRA_NAME = "cheese_name"; private Intent mOldIntent = null; private AlertDialog mEnableNfc; private boolean mResume = true; MCReader reader; String cheeseName; @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); Intent i = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class); i.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); startActivity(i); } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_edit); Intent intent = getIntent(); //contact= getIntent().getParcelableExtra("ContactTag"); cheeseName = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_NAME); final Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(toolbar); Typeface fontAwesomeFont = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fontawesome-webfont.ttf"); Button CallTel1 = (Button) findViewById(; Button CallTel2 = (Button) findViewById(; Button SendMail = (Button) findViewById(; Button LocateSociete1 = (Button) findViewById(; Button LocateSite1 = (Button) findViewById(; Button LocateAdres1 = (Button) findViewById(; CallTel1.setTypeface(fontAwesomeFont); CallTel2.setTypeface(fontAwesomeFont); SendMail.setTypeface(fontAwesomeFont); LocateAdres1.setTypeface(fontAwesomeFont); LocateSite1.setTypeface(fontAwesomeFont); LocateSociete1.setTypeface(fontAwesomeFont); _name = ((EditText) findViewById(; _prenom = ((EditText) findViewById(; _phone_number = ((EditText) findViewById(; _email = ((EditText) findViewById(; _fixe = ((EditText) findViewById(; _societe = ((EditText) findViewById(; _adresse = ((EditText) findViewById(; _profile = ((EditText) findViewById(; _site = ((EditText) findViewById(; _skype = ((EditText) findViewById(; getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); Log.e("Search Query: ", " hellooo " + cheeseName); handleIntent(getIntent()); Common.setNfcAdapter(NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this)); reader = Common.checkForTagAndCreateReader(this); if (cheeseName.compareTo("Editer") == 0) readTag(0); } @Override public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { Log.e("Search Query: ", "onNewIntent Query: "); int typeCheck = Common.treatAsNewTag(intent, this); if (typeCheck == -1 || typeCheck == -2) { // Device or tag does not support Mifare Classic. // Run the only thing that is possible: The tag info tool. Intent i = new Intent(this, TagInfoTool.class); startActivity(i); } else { if (typeCheck != -4) { if (cheeseName.compareTo("Editer") == 0) { reader = Common.checkForTagAndCreateReader(this); readTag(typeCheck); } // reader = Common.checkForTagAndCreateReader(this); } } if (NfcAdapter.ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED.equals(intent.getAction())) { //updateTagInfo(Common.getTag()); } } private void handleIntent(Intent intent) { Log.e("Search Query: ", "handleIntent Query: "); int typeCheck = Common.treatAsNewTag(intent, this); if (typeCheck == -1 || typeCheck == -2) { // Device or tag does not support Mifare Classic. // Run the only thing that is possible: The tag info tool. Intent i = new Intent(this, TagInfoTool.class); startActivity(i); } else { if (typeCheck != -4) { reader = Common.checkForTagAndCreateReader(this); if (cheeseName.compareTo("Editer") == 0) readTag(typeCheck); // reader = Common.checkForTagAndCreateReader(this); } } } private void loadBackdrop() { // final ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; // Glide.with(this).load(R.drawable.image).centerCrop().into(imageView); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case onBackPressed(); return true; case Log.e("Search Query: ", " action_save "); //reader = Common.checkForTagAndCreateReader(this); WriteTag(0); } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } private void readTag(final int typeCheck) { if (reader == null) { Log.e("Search Query: ", " reader == null "); finish(); return; } new Thread(new Runnable() { final ProgressDialog loadingdialog =, "", "Scanning Please Wait", true); @Override public void run() { // read.close(); try { String[] str = reader.ReadCard();//reader.readSector(1, new byte[]{(byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff,}, false); String NO_DATA = "--------------------------------"; String tmpt = ""; if (str == null) { loadingdialog.dismiss(); } final String[] res = str; Runnable() { @Override public void run() { loadingdialog.dismiss(); showChangeLangDialog(typeCheck, res); } }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }).start(); } private void WriteTag(final int typeCheck) { if (reader == null) { Log.e("Search Query: ", " reader == null "); finish(); return; } new Thread(new Runnable() { final ProgressDialog loadingdialog =, "", "Scanning Please Wait", true); @Override public void run() { String[] A = new String[] { _name.getText().toString(), _prenom.getText().toString(), _phone_number.getText().toString(), _email.getText().toString(), _societe.getText().toString(), _profile.getText().toString(), _adresse.getText().toString(), _fixe.getText().toString(), _skype.getText().toString(), _site.getText().toString() }; Log.e("TTTTTTTTT", "" + _name.getText().toString().getBytes()[0] + " dd " + _name.getText().toString().getBytes().length); int s = _name.getText().toString().getBytes().length; int l = (s < (0 + 1) * 16 ? s : (0 + 1) * 16); Log.e("TTTTTTTTT", "" + _name.getText().toString().substring(0 * 16, l) + " dd " + _name.getText().toString().getBytes().length / 16 + 1); try { for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) { Log.e("for Start ", " i " + (i + 1)); int ss = A[i].getBytes().length; byte[] tmp2 = A[i].getBytes(); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Log.e("Start for", " j " + j + 1); byte[] tmp = new byte[] { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00 }; //_name.getText().toString().substring(j*16,(j+1)*16); int ll = (ss < (j + 1) * 16 ? ss : (j + 1) * 16); if (j < (int) tmp2.length / 16 + 1) { tmp = Arrays.copyOf(A[i].substring(j * 16, ll).getBytes(), 16); Log.e("TTTTTTTTT ", " " + A[i].substring(j * 16, ll) + " String "); } reader.writeBlock(i + 1, j, tmp , new byte[] { (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, }, false); Log.e("writeBlock", "" + (i + 1)); } } String[] str = reader.ReadCard();//reader.readSector(1, new byte[]{(byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff,}, false); String NO_DATA = "--------------------------------"; String tmpt = ""; if (str == null) { loadingdialog.dismiss(); } final String[] res = str; Runnable() { @Override public void run() { loadingdialog.dismiss(); showChangeLangDialog(typeCheck, res); } }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //final String [] finalTmpt = reader.ReadCard(); reader.close(); } }).start(); } public void showChangeLangDialog(int position, final String[] str) { if (str == null) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.info_no_tag_found, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); Log.e("Search Query: ", " showChangeLangDialog "); return; } contact = new Contact(0, str[1], str[2], str[3], str[4], str[5], str[6], "0", str[7], str[8], str[11], str[9], 1, "", str[10], ""); /* this._name = _name;1 this._prenom = _prenom;2 this._phone_number = _phone_number;3 this._email = _email;4 this._societe = _societe;5 this._profile = _profile;6 this._UID = _UID;0 this._adresse = _adresse;7 this._fixe = _fixe;8 this._fax = _fax;11 this._skype = _skype;9 this._score = _score;1 this._Note = _Note; this._site =_Site; */ Log.e("Search Query: ", " contact " + contact.toString()); _name.setText(contact.getName()); _prenom.setText(contact.get_prenom()); _phone_number.setText(contact.getPhoneNumber()); _email.setText(contact.get_email()); _fixe.setText(contact.get_fixe()); _societe.setText(contact.get_societe()); _adresse.setText(contact.get_adresse()); _profile.setText(contact.get_profile()); _skype.setText(contact.get_skype()); _site.setText(contact.get_site()); /* AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); LayoutInflater inflater = this.getLayoutInflater(); final View dialogView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_dialog, null); final int pos=position; dialogBuilder.setView(dialogView); final EditText edt = (EditText) dialogView.findViewById(; final RatingBar RatingBar = (RatingBar) dialogView.findViewById(; final EditText Note = (EditText) dialogView.findViewById(; edt.setText(str[1] + " " + str[2]); dialogsBuilder.setMessage(str[1] + " " + str[2] + "\n" + str[5]); dialogBuilder.setTitle("Description Gneral du Contact"); dialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("Ajouter", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { AjouterContact(edt.getText().toString(), pos, str,RatingBar.getNumStars(),Note.getText().toString()); } }); dialogBuilder.setNeutralButton("Editer", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { EditerContact(edt.getText().toString(), pos, str,RatingBar.getNumStars(),Note.getText().toString()); } }); dialogBuilder.setNegativeButton("Annuler", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { //pass } }); AlertDialog b = dialogBuilder.create();;*/ // EditerContact("", position, str, 0, ""); } private void checkNfc() { // Check if the NFC hardware is enabled. if (Common.getNfcAdapter() != null && !Common.getNfcAdapter().isEnabled()) { // NFC is disabled. // Use as editor only? Log.e("getNfcAdapter", " getNfcAdapter"); } else { // NFC is enabled. Hide dialog and enable NFC // foreground dispatch. Log.e("getNfcAdapter", " else getNfcAdapter"); if (mOldIntent != getIntent()) { int typeCheck = Common.treatAsNewTag(getIntent(), this); Log.e("getNfcAdapter", " else typeCheck" + typeCheck); if (typeCheck == -1 || typeCheck == -2) { // Device or tag does not support Mifare Classic. // Run the only thing that is possible: The tag info tool. Intent i = new Intent(this, TagInfoTool.class); startActivity(i); } mOldIntent = getIntent(); } Common.enableNfcForegroundDispatch(this); if (mEnableNfc == null) { createNfcEnableDialog(); } mEnableNfc.hide(); if (Common.hasMifareClassicSupport()) { } } } /** * Create a dialog that send user to NFC settings if NFC is off (and save * the dialog in {@link #mEnableNfc}). Alternatively the user can choos to * use the App in editor only mode or exit the App. */ private void createNfcEnableDialog() { mEnableNfc = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle(R.string.dialog_nfc_not_enabled_title) .setMessage(R.string.dialog_nfc_not_enabled).setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info) .setPositiveButton(R.string.action_nfc, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override @SuppressLint("InlinedApi") public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // Goto NFC Settings. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) { startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_NFC_SETTINGS)); } else { startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_WIRELESS_SETTINGS)); } } }).setNeutralButton(R.string.action_editor_only, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // Only use Editor. } }).setNegativeButton(R.string.action_exit_app, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { // Exit the App. finish(); } }).create(); } }