Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2013 6 Wunderkinder GmbH. * * @author Jose L Ugia - @Jl_Ugia * @author Antonio Consuegra - @aconsuegra * @author Cesar Valiente - @CesarValiente * @version 1.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.slidinglayer; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Build; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.FloatMath; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.VelocityTracker; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.Scroller; public class SlidingPanel extends FrameLayout { private static final int DEFAULT_OFFSET = 38; // in dip private static final int MAX_SCROLLING_DURATION = 600; // in ms private static final int MIN_DISTANCE_FOR_FLING = 25; // in dip private static final Interpolator sMenuInterpolator = new Interpolator() { @Override public float getInterpolation(float t) { t -= 1.0f; return (float) Math.pow(t, 5) + 1.0f; } }; /** * Sentinel value for no current active pointer. Used by {@link #mActivePointerId}. */ private static final int INVALID_POINTER = -1; protected int mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER; protected VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker; protected int mMaximumVelocity; private Scroller mScroller; private boolean mForceLayout; /** * The with of the panel when closed */ private int mOffsetWidth; private boolean mDrawingCacheEnabled; /** * If the user taps the layer then we will close it if enabled. */ private boolean closeOnTapEnabled = true; /** * If the user taps the offset then we will open it if enabled. */ private boolean openOnTapEnabled = true; private boolean mEnabled = true; private boolean mSlidingFromShadowEnabled = true; private boolean mIsDragging; private boolean mIsUnableToDrag; private int mTouchSlop; private float mLastX = -1; private float mLastY = -1; private float mInitialX = -1; private float mInitialY = -1; private boolean mIsOpen; private boolean mScrolling; private OnInteractListener mOnInteractListener; private int mMinimumVelocity; private int mFlingDistance; private boolean mLastTouchAllowed = false; /** * Creates an instance of SlidingPanel. * @param context the context */ public SlidingPanel(Context context) { this(context, null); } /** * Creates an instance of SlidingPanel. * @param context the context * @param attrs the attribute set */ public SlidingPanel(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } /** * Creates an instance of SlidingPanel. * @param context the context * @param attrs the attribute set * @param defStyle the style */ public SlidingPanel(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); // Set the side of the screen mForceLayout = false; closeOnTapEnabled = true; openOnTapEnabled = true; init(); } private void init() { setWillNotDraw(false); setDescendantFocusability(FOCUS_AFTER_DESCENDANTS); setFocusable(true); final Context context = getContext(); mScroller = new Scroller(context, sMenuInterpolator); final ViewConfiguration configuration = ViewConfiguration.get(context); mTouchSlop = ViewConfigurationCompat.getScaledPagingTouchSlop(configuration); mMinimumVelocity = configuration.getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity(); mMaximumVelocity = configuration.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity(); final float density = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; mFlingDistance = (int) (MIN_DISTANCE_FOR_FLING * density); setOffsetWidth((int) (DEFAULT_OFFSET * density + 0.5f)); } /** * Returns whether the panel is open or not. * @return returns true if the panel is open, false otherwise. Please note that if * the panel was opened with smooth animation this method is not guaranteed to return * true. This method will only return true after the panel has completely opened. */ public boolean isOpened() { return mIsOpen; } public void openLayer(boolean smoothAnim) { openLayer(smoothAnim, false); } private void openLayer(boolean smoothAnim, boolean forceOpen) { switchLayer(true, smoothAnim, forceOpen, 0, 0); } public void closeLayer(boolean smoothAnim) { closeLayer(smoothAnim, false); } private void closeLayer(boolean smoothAnim, boolean forceClose) { switchLayer(false, smoothAnim, forceClose, 0, 0); } private void switchLayer(boolean open, boolean smoothAnim, boolean forceSwitch) { switchLayer(open, smoothAnim, forceSwitch, 0, 0); } private void switchLayer(final boolean open, final boolean smoothAnim, final boolean forceSwitch, final int velocityX, final int velocityY) { if (!forceSwitch && open == mIsOpen) { setDrawingCacheEnabled(false); return; } if (open) { if (mOnInteractListener != null) { mOnInteractListener.onOpen(); } } else { if (mOnInteractListener != null) { mOnInteractListener.onClose(); } } mIsOpen = open; // Get translation values float tx = mLastX - getWidth() / 2; float ty = mLastY - getHeight() / 2; // Get boolean for velocity check boolean noVelocityInStickToMidle = false; // Follow velocity or translation depending on the case int dx = noVelocityInStickToMidle ? (int) tx : velocityX; int dy = noVelocityInStickToMidle ? (int) ty : velocityY; final int pos[] = getDestScrollPos(dx, dy); if (smoothAnim) { smoothScrollTo(pos[0], pos[1], Math.max(velocityX, velocityY)); } else { completeScroll(); scrollTo(pos[0], pos[1]); } } /** * Sets the listener to be invoked after a switch change {@link OnInteractListener}. * * @param listener * Listener to set */ public void setOnInteractListener(OnInteractListener listener) { mOnInteractListener = listener; } /** * Sets the offset width of the panel. How much sticks out when off screen. * * @param offsetWidth * Width of the offset in pixels * @see #getOffsetWidth() */ public void setOffsetWidth(int offsetWidth) { mOffsetWidth = offsetWidth; invalidate(getLeft(), getTop(), getRight(), getBottom()); } /** * * @return returns the number of pixels that are visible when the panel is closed */ public int getOffsetWidth() { return mOffsetWidth; } public boolean isSlidingEnabled() { return mEnabled; } public void setSlidingEnabled(boolean _enabled) { mEnabled = _enabled; } public boolean isSlidingFromShadowEnabled() { return mSlidingFromShadowEnabled; } public void setSlidingFromShadowEnabled(boolean _slidingShadow) { mSlidingFromShadowEnabled = _slidingShadow; } @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (!mEnabled) { return false; } final int action = ev.getAction() & MotionEventCompat.ACTION_MASK; if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { mIsDragging = false; mIsUnableToDrag = false; mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER; if (mVelocityTracker != null) { mVelocityTracker.recycle(); mVelocityTracker = null; } return false; } if (action != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { if (mIsDragging) { return true; } else if (mIsUnableToDrag) { return false; } } switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: final int activePointerId = mActivePointerId; if (activePointerId == INVALID_POINTER) { break; } final int pointerIndex = MotionEventCompat.findPointerIndex(ev, activePointerId); if (pointerIndex == -1) { mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER; break; } final float x = MotionEventCompat.getX(ev, pointerIndex); final float dx = x - mLastX; final float xDiff = Math.abs(dx); final float y = MotionEventCompat.getY(ev, pointerIndex); final float dy = y - mLastY; final float yDiff = Math.abs(y - mLastY); if (xDiff > mTouchSlop && xDiff > yDiff && allowDragingX(dx, mInitialX)) { mIsDragging = true; mLastX = x; setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); } else if (yDiff > mTouchSlop && yDiff > xDiff && allowDragingY(dy, mInitialY)) { mIsDragging = true; mLastY = y; setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mActivePointerId = ev.getAction() & (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 8 ? MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK : MotionEventCompat.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK); mLastX = mInitialX = MotionEventCompat.getX(ev, mActivePointerId); mLastY = mInitialY = MotionEventCompat.getY(ev, mActivePointerId); if (allowSlidingFromHereX(ev, mInitialX)) { mIsDragging = false; mIsUnableToDrag = false; // If nobody else got the focus we use it to close the layer return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); } else if (allowSlidingFromHereY(ev, mInitialY)) { mIsDragging = false; mIsUnableToDrag = false; // If nobody else got the focus we use it to close the layer return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); } else { mIsUnableToDrag = true; } break; case MotionEventCompat.ACTION_POINTER_UP: onSecondaryPointerUp(ev); break; } if (!mIsDragging) { if (mVelocityTracker == null) { mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain(); } mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev); } return mIsDragging; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (!mEnabled || !mIsDragging && !mLastTouchAllowed && !allowSlidingFromHereX(ev, mInitialX) && !allowSlidingFromHereY(ev, mInitialY)) { return false; } final int action = ev.getAction(); if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE) { mLastTouchAllowed = false; } else { mLastTouchAllowed = true; } if (mVelocityTracker == null) { mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain(); } mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev); switch (action & MotionEventCompat.ACTION_MASK) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: completeScroll(); // Remember where the motion event started mLastX = mInitialX = ev.getX(); mLastY = mInitialY = ev.getY(); mActivePointerId = MotionEventCompat.getPointerId(ev, 0); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: if (!mIsDragging) { final int pointerIndex = MotionEventCompat.findPointerIndex(ev, mActivePointerId); if (pointerIndex == -1) { mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER; break; } final float x = MotionEventCompat.getX(ev, pointerIndex); final float xDiff = Math.abs(x - mLastX); final float y = MotionEventCompat.getY(ev, pointerIndex); final float yDiff = Math.abs(y - mLastY); if (xDiff > mTouchSlop && xDiff > yDiff) { mIsDragging = true; mLastX = x; setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); } else if (yDiff > mTouchSlop && yDiff > xDiff) { mIsDragging = true; mLastY = y; setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); } } if (mIsDragging) { // Scroll to follow the motion event final int activePointerIndex = MotionEventCompat.findPointerIndex(ev, mActivePointerId); if (activePointerIndex == -1) { mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER; break; } final float x = MotionEventCompat.getX(ev, activePointerIndex); final float y = MotionEventCompat.getY(ev, activePointerIndex); final float deltaX = mLastX - x; final float deltaY = mLastY - y; mLastX = x; mLastY = y; final float oldScrollX = getScrollX(); final float oldScrollY = getScrollY(); float scrollX = oldScrollX + deltaX; float scrollY = oldScrollY + deltaY; // Log.d("Layer", String.format("Layer scrollX[%f],scrollY[%f]", scrollX, scrollY)); final float leftBound, rightBound; final float bottomBound, topBound; topBound = getHeight(); bottomBound = rightBound = leftBound = 0; if (scrollX > leftBound) { scrollX = leftBound; } else if (scrollX < rightBound) { scrollX = rightBound; } if (scrollY > topBound) { scrollY = topBound; } else if (scrollY < bottomBound) { scrollY = bottomBound; } // Keep the precision mLastX += scrollX - (int) scrollX; mLastY += scrollY - (int) scrollY; scrollTo((int) scrollX, (int) scrollY); } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: if (mIsDragging) { final VelocityTracker velocityTracker = mVelocityTracker; velocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000, mMaximumVelocity); final int initialVelocityX = (int) VelocityTrackerCompat.getXVelocity(velocityTracker, mActivePointerId); final int initialVelocityY = (int) VelocityTrackerCompat.getYVelocity(velocityTracker, mActivePointerId); final int scrollX = getScrollX(); final int scrollY = getScrollY(); final int activePointerIndex = MotionEventCompat.findPointerIndex(ev, mActivePointerId); final float x = MotionEventCompat.getX(ev, activePointerIndex); final float y = MotionEventCompat.getY(ev, activePointerIndex); final int totalDeltaX = (int) (x - mInitialX); final int totalDeltaY = (int) (y - mInitialY); boolean nextStateOpened = determineNextStateOpened(mIsOpen, scrollX, scrollY, initialVelocityX, initialVelocityY, totalDeltaX, totalDeltaY); switchLayer(nextStateOpened, true, true, initialVelocityX, initialVelocityY); mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER; endDrag(); } else if (mIsOpen && closeOnTapEnabled) { closeLayer(true); } else if (!mIsOpen && openOnTapEnabled) { openLayer(true); } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: if (mIsDragging) { switchLayer(mIsOpen, true, true); mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER; endDrag(); } break; case MotionEventCompat.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: { final int index = MotionEventCompat.getActionIndex(ev); mLastX = MotionEventCompat.getX(ev, index); mLastY = MotionEventCompat.getY(ev, index); mActivePointerId = MotionEventCompat.getPointerId(ev, index); break; } case MotionEventCompat.ACTION_POINTER_UP: onSecondaryPointerUp(ev); mLastX = MotionEventCompat.getX(ev, MotionEventCompat.findPointerIndex(ev, mActivePointerId)); mLastY = MotionEventCompat.getY(ev, MotionEventCompat.findPointerIndex(ev, mActivePointerId)); break; } if (mActivePointerId == INVALID_POINTER) { mLastTouchAllowed = false; } return true; } private boolean allowSlidingFromHereX(final MotionEvent ev, final float initialX) { return false; } private boolean allowSlidingFromHereY(final MotionEvent ev, final float initialY) { if (mIsOpen) { return true; } if (!mIsOpen && mOffsetWidth > 0) { return initialY <= mOffsetWidth; } return false; } /** * Checks if the touch event is valid for dragging the view. * * @param dx * changed in delta from the initialX * @param initialX * where the touch event started. * @return true if you can drag this view, false otherwise */ private boolean allowDragingX(final float dx, final float initialX) { return false; } private boolean allowDragingY(final float dy, final float initialY) { if (mIsOpen && getTop() <= initialY || getBottom() >= initialY) { return mIsOpen && dy < 0; } if (!mIsOpen && mOffsetWidth > 0 && dy > 0) { return initialY <= mOffsetWidth && dy > 0; } return false; } /** * Based on the current state, position and velocity of the layer we calculate what the next state should be. * * @param currentState * @param swipeOffsetX * @param swipeOffsetY * @param velocityX * @param velocityY * @param deltaX * @param deltaY * @return true means we should open it, false close it. */ private boolean determineNextStateOpened(final boolean currentState, final float swipeOffsetX, final float swipeOffsetY, final int velocityX, final int velocityY, final int deltaX, final int deltaY) { final boolean targetState; final boolean calcX; final boolean calcY; // Work out which velocity we should listen to. calcY = true; calcX = false; if (calcX && Math.abs(deltaX) > mFlingDistance && Math.abs(velocityX) > mMinimumVelocity) { targetState = false; } else if (calcY && Math.abs(deltaY) > mFlingDistance && Math.abs(velocityY) > mMinimumVelocity) { targetState = velocityY > 0; } else { final int h = getHeight(); targetState = swipeOffsetY < h / 2; } return targetState; } /** * Like {@link View#scrollBy}, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately. * * @param x * the number of pixels to scroll by on the X axis * @param y * the number of pixels to scroll by on the Y axis */ void smoothScrollTo(int x, int y) { smoothScrollTo(x, y, 0); } /** * Like {@link View#scrollBy}, but scroll smoothly instead of immediately. * * @param x * the number of pixels to scroll by on the X axis * @param y * the number of pixels to scroll by on the Y axis * @param velocity * the velocity associated with a fling, if applicable. (0 otherwise) */ void smoothScrollTo(int x, int y, int velocity) { if (getChildCount() == 0) { setDrawingCacheEnabled(false); return; } int sx = getScrollX(); int sy = getScrollY(); int dx = x - sx; int dy = y - sy; if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) { completeScroll(); if (mIsOpen) { if (mOnInteractListener != null) { mOnInteractListener.onOpened(); } } else { if (mOnInteractListener != null) { mOnInteractListener.onClosed(); } } return; } setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); mScrolling = true; final int width = getWidth(); final int halfWidth = width / 2; final float distanceRatio = Math.min(1f, 1.0f * Math.abs(dx) / width); final float distance = halfWidth + halfWidth * distanceInfluenceForSnapDuration(distanceRatio); int duration = 0; velocity = Math.abs(velocity); if (velocity > 0) { duration = 4 * Math.round(1000 * Math.abs(distance / velocity)); } else { duration = MAX_SCROLLING_DURATION; } duration = Math.min(duration, MAX_SCROLLING_DURATION); mScroller.startScroll(sx, sy, dx, dy, duration); invalidate(); } // We want the duration of the page snap animation to be influenced by the distance that // the screen has to travel, however, we don't want this duration to be effected in a // purely linear fashion. Instead, we use this method to moderate the effect that the distance // of travel has on the overall snap duration. float distanceInfluenceForSnapDuration(float f) { f -= 0.5f; // center the values about 0. f *= 0.3f * Math.PI / 2.0f; return FloatMath.sin(f); } private void endDrag() { mIsDragging = false; mIsUnableToDrag = false; mLastTouchAllowed = false; if (mVelocityTracker != null) { mVelocityTracker.recycle(); mVelocityTracker = null; } } @Override public void setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (mDrawingCacheEnabled != enabled) { super.setDrawingCacheEnabled(enabled); mDrawingCacheEnabled = enabled; final int l = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { final View child = getChildAt(i); if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) { child.setDrawingCacheEnabled(enabled); } } } } private void onSecondaryPointerUp(MotionEvent ev) { final int pointerIndex = MotionEventCompat.getActionIndex(ev); final int pointerId = MotionEventCompat.getPointerId(ev, pointerIndex); if (pointerId == mActivePointerId) { // This was our active pointer going up. Choose a new // active pointer and adjust accordingly. final int newPointerIndex = pointerIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0; mLastX = MotionEventCompat.getX(ev, newPointerIndex); mActivePointerId = MotionEventCompat.getPointerId(ev, newPointerIndex); if (mVelocityTracker != null) { mVelocityTracker.clear(); } } } private void completeScroll() { boolean needPopulate = mScrolling; if (needPopulate) { // Done with scroll, no longer want to cache view drawing. setDrawingCacheEnabled(false); mScroller.abortAnimation(); int oldX = getScrollX(); int oldY = getScrollY(); int x = mScroller.getCurrX(); int y = mScroller.getCurrY(); if (oldX != x || oldY != y) { scrollTo(x, y); } if (mIsOpen) { if (mOnInteractListener != null) { mOnInteractListener.onOpened(); } } else { if (mOnInteractListener != null) { mOnInteractListener.onClosed(); } } } mScrolling = false; } /** * If parameter is set to <code>true</code>, whenever the <code>SlidingLayer</code> is tapped and * the SlidingLayer is opened, it will attempt to close. * If parameter is set to <code>false</code>, then tapping the <code>SlidingLayer</code> will * do nothing * * @param _closeOnTapEnabled */ public void setCloseOnTapEnabled(boolean _closeOnTapEnabled) { closeOnTapEnabled = _closeOnTapEnabled; } /** * Given that there is a visible offset and it is tapped, if the parameter is set * to true it will attempt to open the <code>SlidingLayer</code>. If parameter is false, * tapping a visible offset will yield no result. * @param _openOnTapEnabled */ public void setOpenOnTapEnabled(boolean _openOnTapEnabled) { openOnTapEnabled = _openOnTapEnabled; } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { int width = getDefaultSize(0, widthMeasureSpec); int height = getDefaultSize(0, heightMeasureSpec); setMeasuredDimension(width, height); super.onMeasure(getChildMeasureSpec(widthMeasureSpec, 0, width), getChildMeasureSpec(heightMeasureSpec, 0, height)); } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); // Make sure scroll position is set correctly. if (w != oldw) { completeScroll(); int[] pos = getDestScrollPos(); scrollTo(pos[0], pos[1]); } } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { if (mForceLayout) { mForceLayout = false; closeLayer(false, true); setPadding(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop(), getPaddingRight(), getPaddingBottom()); } super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); } private int[] getDestScrollPos() { return getDestScrollPos(0, 0); } /** * Get the x destination based on the velocity * * @param xValue * @param yValue * @return * @since 1.0 * */ private int[] getDestScrollPos(int xValue, int yValue) { int[] pos = new int[2]; if (mIsOpen) { return pos; } else { pos[1] = getHeight() - mOffsetWidth; return pos; } } public int getContentLeft() { return getLeft() + getPaddingLeft(); } @Override public void computeScroll() { if (!mScroller.isFinished()) { if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) { final int oldX = getScrollX(); final int oldY = getScrollY(); final int x = mScroller.getCurrX(); final int y = mScroller.getCurrY(); if (oldX != x || oldY != y) { scrollTo(x, y); } // We invalidate a slightly larger area now, this was only optimised for right menu previously // Keep on drawing until the animation has finished. Just re-draw the necessary part invalidate(getLeft() + oldX, getTop() + oldY, getRight() - oldX, getBottom() - oldY); return; } } // Done with scroll, clean up state. completeScroll(); } /** * Handler interface for obtaining updates on the <code>SlidingLayer</code>'s state. * <code>OnInteractListener</code> allows for external classes to be notified when the <code>SlidingLayer</code> * receives input to be opened or closed. */ public interface OnInteractListener { /** * This method is called when an attempt is made to open the current <code>SlidingLayer</code>. Note * that because of animation, the <code>SlidingLayer</code> may not be visible yet. */ public void onOpen(); /** * This method is called when an attempt is made to close the current <code>SlidingLayer</code>. Note * that because of animation, the <code>SlidingLayer</code> may still be visible. */ public void onClose(); /** * this method is executed after <code>onOpen()</code>, when the animation has finished. */ public void onOpened(); /** * this method is executed after <code>onClose()</code>, when the animation has finished and the <code>SlidingLayer</code> is * therefore no longer visible. */ public void onClosed(); } }