Java tutorial
package com.sidekickApp; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Log; public class AppState { private static Object stateLock = new Object(); private static String TAG = "AppState"; private static AppState AppStateSingleton; /*******************************************/ /* SUPER IMPORTANT THAT THESE BE CORRECT!!! */ public static String APP_TYPE = "dev"; public static int DEVICE_TYPE = 3; public static boolean IS_SECURE = true; public static boolean DEBUG = false; public static boolean LOG = true; // Define urls for API calls and node.js server public static String productionSocketUrl = ""; public static String productionWebUrl = ""; public static String devSocketUrl = ""; public static String devWebUrl = ""; public static String supportPhone = "4157455553"; public static int uiTemplateID = -1; public static JSONObject uiTemplate; /*******************************************/ /* the following are set on app creation */ public static int currentApiVersion; public static int froyoApiVersion; public static String deviceMakeModel; // Alohar constants public static String aloharUID = ""; public static String motionState = ""; public static String movementState = ""; public static boolean isStationary = true; // Application information public static boolean firstRun = true; public static int versionCode = -1; // State information public static String deviceID = ""; public static String phoneNo = ""; public static int driverID = 1; public static String driverName = ""; public static String driverSecret = ""; public static Bitmap driverPic = null; public static String driverPicFilename = ""; public static Bitmap vehiclePic = null; public static String vehiclePicFilename = ""; public static String driverTCP = ""; public static String licensePlate = ""; public static String vehicleDesc = ""; public static int vehicleID = -1; public static int lastRouteID = -1; public static int routeID = -1; public static int routeState = -1; public static int queuedRouteID = -1; public static int vehicleType = 0; public static int driverStatus = 0; public static int smartQueue = 0; public static int smartQueueActivated = 0; public static int newsUnread = 0; public static int batteryLevel = 100; public static int pluggedIn = 0; public static JSONArray neighbors; public static JSONArray blockedUsers; public static int serverTime = -1; // Route-based constants public static String pickupCross1 = ""; public static String pickupCross2 = ""; public static String dropoffCross1 = ""; public static String dropoffCross2 = ""; public static boolean isServiceBound = false; public static boolean isConnected = false; public static int disconnectType = -1; public static boolean hasGPSFix = false; public static boolean gpsPaused = false; public static boolean servicePaused = false; public static boolean mapCentered; public static boolean inBackground = false; // Pkt send variables public static double latitude = 0.0; public static double longitude = 0.0; public static double DEFAULT_LATITUDE = 37.769086; public static double DEFAULT_LONGITUDE = -122.441597; public static float MAX_GPS_ACCURACY = 250; public static long MAX_GPS_AGE = 600; public static float heading = -1; public static float speed = -1; public static float accuracy = 0; public static boolean driverInputOpen = false; public static boolean arrivalOpen = false; public static boolean pickupOpen = false; public static boolean waybillOpen = false; public static boolean feedbackOpen = false; public static boolean alertSent = false; public static boolean alertShown = false; public static boolean arrivalShown = false; public static boolean hideNavigationHelp = false; public static boolean hasWazeInstalled = false; public static int STATUS_LOGGED_OUT = -1; public static int STATUS_OFF_DUTY = 0; public static int STATUS_AVAILABLE = 1; public static int STATUS_BOOKED = 2; public static int STATUS_CLAIMING = 3; public static int ACTION_ARRIVAL = 0; public static int ACTION_BEGIN = 1; public static int ACTION_CLOSE = 2; public static int STOP_TYPE_PICKUP = 0; public static int STOP_TYPE_AS_DIRECTED = 1; public static int STOP_TYPE_DESTINATION = 2; // Signals for broadcast receivers public static String JOB_OFFER = "com.sidekickApp.JobOffer"; public static String JOB_ASSIGNED = "com.sidekickApp.JobAssigned"; public static String JOB_TAKEN = "com.sidekickApp.JobTaken"; public static String JOB_EXPIRED = "com.sidekickApp.JobExpired"; public static String JOB_CANCELLED = "com.sidekickApp.JobCancelled"; public static String JOB_CLOSED = "com.sidekickApp.JobClosed"; public static String MASTER_KILL = "com.sidekickApp.MasterKill"; public static String GOOD_GPS = "com.sidekickApp.GoodGPS"; public static String BAD_GPS = "com.sidekickApp.BadGPS"; public static String OFFER_COUNTDOWN = "com.sidekickApp.OfferCountdown"; public static String STOP_ARRIVAL = "com.sidekickApp.StopArrival"; public static String ARRIVAL_NOTIFY = "com.sidekickApp.ArrivalNotify"; public static String PHONE_SHUTDOWN = "com.sidekickApp.PhoneShutdown"; public static String LOAD_PROGRESS = "com.sidekickApp.LoadProgress"; public static String HIDE_SPLASH = "com.sidekickApp.HideSplash"; public static String SHOW_EXIT = "com.sidekickApp.ShowExit"; public static String SIDECAR_INTEREST = "com.sidekickApp.SidecarInterest"; public static String UNBLOCK_USER = "com.sidekickApp.UnblockUser"; // Return values from job offer window public static int OFFER_ACCEPT = 0; public static int OFFER_REJECT = 1; public static int OFFER_EXPIRED = 2; public static int OFFER_TAKEN = 3; public static int OFFER_CANCELLED = 4; // Special ride request images public static int DRIVER_SELECTED = 0; public static int DRIVER_FIRST = 1; // Values to pass to processRouteClosedMessage public static int CLOSED_JOB_COMPLETE = 0; public static int CLOSED_DRIVER_CANCEL = 1; public static int CLOSED_PASSENGER_CANCEL = 2; public static int CLOSED_JOB_INVALID = 3; // Request codes for startActivityForResult public static int REQUEST_LOGIN = 0; public static int REQUEST_SETTINGS = 1; public static int REQUEST_INTERNET = 2; public static int REQUEST_PASSENGER = 3; public static int REQUEST_ARRIVAL = 4; public static int REQUEST_AT_STOP = 5; public static int REQUEST_OFFER = 7; public static int REQUEST_CLOSED = 8; public static int REQUEST_NAVIGATOR_HELP = 9; public static int REQUEST_NAVIGATOR_INPUT = 10; public static int REQUEST_WAYBILL = 11; public static int REQUEST_SUMMARY = 12; public static int REQUEST_CANCEL = 13; public static int REQUEST_CALL = 14; public static int REQUEST_SPLASH = 15; public static int REQUEST_AS_DIRECTED = 16; public static int REQUEST_AS_PLANNED = 17; public static int REQUEST_WARNING = 18; public static int REQUEST_SIGNUP = 19; public static int REQUEST_LOCATIONS = 20; public static int REQUEST_EXIT = 21; public static int REQUEST_AT_PICKUP = 22; public static int REQUEST_AT_DROPOFF = 23; public static int REQUEST_DETAILS = 24; public static int REQUEST_BLOCKED = 25; public static int REQUEST_REJECTION = 26; public static int REQUEST_INACTIVE = 27; public static int REQUEST_NEWS = 28; public static int REQUEST_DISCONNECTED = 29; public static int REQUEST_NOT_ACTIVATED = 30; public static int REQUEST_NOT_OPERATIONAL = 31; public static int REQUEST_DRIVER_OVERTIME = 32; // Constants for use in Main and GPSService public static int ERROR_NONE = 0; public static int ERROR_SERVER = 1; public static int ERROR_DB = 2; public static int ERROR_GPS = 3; public static int ERROR_FLEET = 4; public static int ERROR_DRIVER_UNKNOWN = 5; public static int ERROR_DRIVER_CONFLICT = 6; public static int ERROR_VERSION = 7; public static int ERROR_ACTIVE = 8; public static int INPUT_LOGIN = 9; public static int INPUT_LOGGED_OUT = 10; public static int INPUT_ON_HOLD = 11; public static int MESSAGE_NONE = 0; public static int MESSAGE_SYSTEM = 1; public static int MESSAGE_ADMIN = 2; public static int MESSAGE_CLIENT = 3; public static int MESSAGE_PASSENGER = 4; public static int MESSAGE_BOARDED = 5; public static int MESSAGE_DISEMBARKED = 6; public static int MESSAGE_ROUTE = 7; public static int MESSAGE_NO_ROUTE = 8; public static int MESSAGE_ROUTE_STOP = 9; public static int MESSAGE_STOP_REQUEST = 10; public static int MESSAGE_CHANGE = 11; public static int MESSAGE_TIMEPOINT = 12; public static int MESSAGE_GPS = 13; public static int MESSAGE_DONE = 14; public static int MESSAGE_VEHICLES = 15; public static int GPS_NAP = 9999; // sleep for one minute public static int GPS_OFF = -1; public static int GPS_ON = 1; public static int STATUS_CONNECTED = 0; public static int STATUS_BAD_FIX = 1; public static int STATUS_PHONE_NOT_RECOGNIZED = 2; public static int STATUS_DRIVER_NOT_RECOGNIZED = 3; public static int STATUS_DRIVER_CONFLICT = 4; public static int STATUS_TRYING = 5; public static int STATUS_DISCONNECTED = 6; public static int STATUS_NO_INTERNET = 7; public static int CHANGE_TYPE_VEHICLE = 0; public static int CHANGE_TYPE_ROUTE = 1; public static int CHANGE_TYPE_BLOCK = 2; public static int CHANGE_TYPE_DRIVER = 3; public static short READING_GPS = 0x0; public static short READING_CELL = 0x1; public static short READING_BOGUS = 0xFF; public static String PREFERRED_PROVIDER = "gps"; public static synchronized AppState getInstance() { if (AppStateSingleton == null) { AppStateSingleton = new AppState(); } return AppStateSingleton; } // Basic class initializer, pass in no values public AppState() { mapCentered = false; currentApiVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; froyoApiVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.FROYO; deviceMakeModel = Build.MANUFACTURER + " " + Build.MODEL; log("currentApiVersion = " + currentApiVersion + ", froyoApiVersion = " + froyoApiVersion + ", deviceMakeModel = " + deviceMakeModel); String prefix = "http"; String suffix = ":"; //represents ApiLevel 8, Android 2.2 & below = deprecation town /* if(currentApiVersion > froyoApiVersion) { // We can connect over https IS_SECURE = true; prefix += "s"; suffix += "8081/"; } else { // Cannot connect over https. */ IS_SECURE = false; suffix += "8080/"; //} prefix += "://"; devSocketUrl = prefix + devSocketUrl + suffix; devWebUrl = prefix + devWebUrl; productionSocketUrl = prefix + productionSocketUrl + suffix; productionWebUrl = prefix + productionWebUrl; } public static int getCurrentApiVersion() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = currentApiVersion; } return tmp; } public static String getDeviceMakeModel() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = deviceMakeModel; } return tmp; } public static boolean getDebug() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = DEBUG; } return tmp; } public static boolean getProduction() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { if (APP_TYPE == "prod") { tmp = true; } } return tmp; } public static String getAppType() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = APP_TYPE; } return tmp; } public static int getDeviceType() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = DEVICE_TYPE; } return tmp; } public static boolean getIsSecure() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = IS_SECURE; } return tmp; } public static boolean getLog() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = LOG; } return tmp; } public static void setLog(boolean log) { synchronized (stateLock) { LOG = log; } } public static String getSupportPhone() { return supportPhone; } public static int getUITemplateID() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = uiTemplateID; } return tmp; } public static void setUITemplate(int templateId, JSONObject template) { synchronized (stateLock) { uiTemplateID = templateId; uiTemplate = template; } } public static JSONObject getUITemplate() { JSONObject tmp = null; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = uiTemplate; } return tmp; } public static UIComponent getTemplateComponent(String name) { log("getTemplateComponent(" + name + ")"); UIComponent tmp = new UIComponent(true, ""); if (uiTemplate != null) { try { synchronized (stateLock) { JSONObject fare = uiTemplate.getJSONObject(name); tmp.display = (fare.getInt("display") != 0); String content = fare.getString("content"); if (!content.equals("")) { tmp.replace = content; } log("got component display: " + tmp.display + ", content: " + content); } } catch (JSONException j) { log("JSONException: " + j); return tmp; } } return tmp; } public static String getWebUrl() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { if (getProduction()) { tmp = productionWebUrl; } else { tmp = devWebUrl; } } return tmp; } public static String getSocketUrl() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { if (getProduction()) { tmp = productionSocketUrl; } else { tmp = devSocketUrl; } } return tmp; } public static boolean getFirstRun() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = firstRun; } return tmp; } public static void setFirstRun(boolean first) { synchronized (stateLock) { firstRun = first; } } public static int getVersionCode() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = versionCode; } return tmp; } public static void setVersionCode(int v) { synchronized (stateLock) { versionCode = v; } } public static String getAloharUID() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = aloharUID; } return tmp; } public static void setAloharUID(String a) { synchronized (stateLock) { aloharUID = a; } } public static void setIsStationary(boolean s) { synchronized (stateLock) { isStationary = s; } } public static boolean getIsStationary() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = isStationary; } return tmp; } public static void setMotionState(String state) { synchronized (stateLock) { motionState = state; } } public static String getMotionState() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = motionState; } return tmp; } public static void setMovementState(String state) { synchronized (stateLock) { movementState = state; } } public static String getMovementState() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = movementState; } return tmp; } public static int getVehicleID() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = vehicleID; } return tmp; } public static void setVehicleID(int vehicle) { synchronized (stateLock) { vehicleID = vehicle; } } public static int getRouteID() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = routeID; } return tmp; } public static void setRouteID(int route) { synchronized (stateLock) { //Toast.makeText(main, "setRouteID(" + route + ")", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); routeID = route; } } public static int getQueuedRouteID() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = queuedRouteID; } return tmp; } public static void setQueuedRouteID(int route) { synchronized (stateLock) { queuedRouteID = route; } } public static int getRouteState() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = routeState; } return tmp; } public static void getRouteState(int state) { synchronized (stateLock) { routeState = state; } } public static String getDeviceID() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = deviceID; } return tmp; } public static void setDeviceID(String dId) { synchronized (stateLock) { deviceID = dId; } } public static String getPhoneNo() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = phoneNo; } return tmp; } public static void setPhoneNo(String phone) { synchronized (stateLock) { phoneNo = phone; } } public static int getDriverID() { int tmp = 1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = driverID; } return tmp; } public static void setDriverID(int driver) { synchronized (stateLock) { driverID = driver; } } public static String getDriverName() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = driverName; } return tmp; } public static void setDriverName(String name) { synchronized (stateLock) { driverName = name; } } public static String getDriverSecret() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = driverSecret; } return tmp; } public static void setDriverSecret(String secret) { synchronized (stateLock) { driverSecret = secret; } } public static String getDriverTCP() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = driverTCP; } return tmp; } public static void setDriverTCP(String tcp) { synchronized (stateLock) { driverTCP = tcp; } } public static String getLicensePlate() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = licensePlate; } return tmp; } public static void setLicensePlate(String license) { synchronized (stateLock) { licensePlate = license; } } public static String getVehicleDesc() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = vehicleDesc; } return tmp; } public static void setVehicleDesc(String desc) { synchronized (stateLock) { vehicleDesc = desc; } } public static int getVehicleType() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = vehicleType; } return tmp; } public static void setVehicleType(int type) { synchronized (stateLock) { vehicleType = type; } } public static String getDriverPicFilename() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = driverPicFilename; } return tmp; } public static void setDriverPicFilename(String pic) { synchronized (stateLock) { driverPicFilename = pic; } } public static Bitmap getDriverPic() { Bitmap tmp = null; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = driverPic; } return tmp; } public static void setDriverPic(Bitmap b) { synchronized (stateLock) { driverPic = b; } } public static String getVehiclePicFilename() { String tmp = ""; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = vehiclePicFilename; } return tmp; } public static void setVehiclePicFilename(String pic) { synchronized (stateLock) { vehiclePicFilename = pic; } } public static Bitmap getVehiclePic() { Bitmap tmp = null; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = vehiclePic; } return tmp; } public static void setVehiclePic(Bitmap b) { synchronized (stateLock) { vehiclePic = b; } } public static Double getLatitude() { Double tmp = 0.0; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = latitude; } return tmp; } public static void setLatitude(Double lat) { synchronized (stateLock) { latitude = lat; } } public static Double getLongitude() { Double tmp = 0.0; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = longitude; } return tmp; } public static void setLongitude(Double lon) { synchronized (stateLock) { longitude = lon; } } public static Double getDefaultLatitude() { Double tmp = -1.0; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = DEFAULT_LATITUDE; } return tmp; } public static Double getDefaultLongitude() { Double tmp = -1.0; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = DEFAULT_LONGITUDE; } return tmp; } public static float getHeading() { float tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = heading; } return tmp; } public static void setHeading(float head) { synchronized (stateLock) { heading = head; } } public static float getSpeed() { float tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = speed; } return tmp; } public static void setSpeed(float s) { synchronized (stateLock) { speed = s; } } public static float getAccuracy() { float tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = accuracy; } return tmp; } public static void setAccuracy(float a) { synchronized (stateLock) { accuracy = a; } } public static int getBatteryLevel() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = batteryLevel; } return tmp; } public static void setBatteryLevel(int level) { synchronized (stateLock) { batteryLevel = level; } } public static int getPluggedIn() { int tmp = 0; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = pluggedIn; } return tmp; } public static void setPluggedIn(int plugged) { synchronized (stateLock) { pluggedIn = plugged; } } public static boolean getIsServiceBound() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = isServiceBound; } return tmp; } public static void setIsServiceBound(boolean bound) { synchronized (stateLock) { isServiceBound = bound; } } public static boolean getConnected() { // isConnected is true only if our last AJAX request returned a valid JSON response boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = isConnected; } return tmp; } public static void setConnected(boolean type) { synchronized (stateLock) { isConnected = type; } } public static int getDisconnectType() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = disconnectType; } return tmp; } public static void setDisconnectType(int type) { synchronized (stateLock) { disconnectType = type; } } public static boolean getGPSFix() { // hasGPSFix is true if our location is currently valid boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = hasGPSFix; } return tmp; } public static void setGPSFix(boolean fix) { synchronized (stateLock) { hasGPSFix = fix; } } public static boolean getGPSPaused() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = gpsPaused; } return tmp; } public static void setGPSPaused(boolean pause) { synchronized (stateLock) { gpsPaused = pause; } } public static boolean getServicePaused() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = servicePaused; } return tmp; } public static void setServicePaused(boolean pause) { synchronized (stateLock) { servicePaused = pause; } } public static boolean getDriverInputOpen() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = driverInputOpen; } return tmp; } public static void setDriverInputOpen(boolean open) { synchronized (stateLock) { driverInputOpen = open; } } public static boolean getArrivalOpen() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = arrivalOpen; } return tmp; } public static void setArrivalOpen(boolean open) { synchronized (stateLock) { arrivalOpen = open; } } public static boolean getPickupOpen() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = pickupOpen; } return tmp; } public static void setPickupOpen(boolean open) { synchronized (stateLock) { pickupOpen = open; } } public static boolean getWaybillOpen() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = waybillOpen; } return tmp; } public static void setWaybillOpen(boolean open) { synchronized (stateLock) { waybillOpen = open; } } public static boolean getFeedbackOpen() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = feedbackOpen; } return tmp; } public static void setFeedbackOpen(boolean open) { synchronized (stateLock) { feedbackOpen = open; } } public static boolean getAlertSent() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = alertSent; } return tmp; } public static void setAlertSent(boolean s) { synchronized (stateLock) { alertSent = s; } } public static boolean getAlertShown() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = alertShown; } return tmp; } public static void setAlertShown(boolean a) { synchronized (stateLock) { alertShown = a; } } public static boolean getArrivalShown() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = arrivalShown; } return tmp; } public static void setArrivalShown(boolean a) { synchronized (stateLock) { arrivalShown = a; } } public static int getServerTime() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = serverTime; } return tmp; } public static void setServerTime(int time) { synchronized (stateLock) { serverTime = time; } } public static int getStatus() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = driverStatus; } return tmp; } public static void setStatus(int s) { synchronized (stateLock) { driverStatus = s; } } public static int getSmartQueue() { int tmp = 0; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = smartQueue; } return tmp; } public static void setSmartQueue(int smart) { synchronized (stateLock) { smartQueue = smart; } } public static int getSmartQueueActivated() { int tmp = 0; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = smartQueueActivated; } return tmp; } public static void setSmartQueueActivated(int smart) { synchronized (stateLock) { smartQueueActivated = smart; } } public static int getNewsUnread() { int tmp = -1; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = newsUnread; } return tmp; } public static void setNewsUnread(int news) { synchronized (stateLock) { newsUnread = news; } } public static boolean getHideNavigationHelp() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = hideNavigationHelp; } return tmp; } public static void setHideNavigationHelp(boolean n) { synchronized (stateLock) { hideNavigationHelp = n; } } public static boolean getHasWazeInstalled() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = hasWazeInstalled; } return tmp; } public static void setHasWazeInstalled(boolean waze) { synchronized (stateLock) { hasWazeInstalled = waze; } } public static JSONArray getNeighbors() { synchronized (stateLock) { return neighbors; } } public static void setNeighbors(JSONArray n) { synchronized (stateLock) { neighbors = n; } } public static JSONArray getBlockedUsers() { synchronized (stateLock) { return blockedUsers; } } public static void setBlockedUsers(JSONArray b) { synchronized (stateLock) { blockedUsers = b; } } public static String getPickupCross() { String ret = ""; if (!pickupCross1.equals("") && !pickupCross2.equals("")) { ret = pickupCross1 + "\n+\n" + pickupCross2; } return ret; } public static void setPickupCross(String cross1, String cross2) { pickupCross1 = cross1; pickupCross2 = cross2; } public static String getDropoffCross() { String ret = ""; if (!dropoffCross1.equals("") && !dropoffCross2.equals("")) { ret = dropoffCross1 + "\n+\n" + dropoffCross2; } return ret; } public static void setDropoffCross(String cross1, String cross2) { dropoffCross1 = cross1; dropoffCross2 = cross2; } public static void resetCrossStreets() { log("resetCrossStreets()"); pickupCross1 = ""; pickupCross2 = ""; dropoffCross1 = ""; dropoffCross2 = ""; } public static boolean getMapCentered() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = mapCentered; } return tmp; } public static void setMapCentered(boolean c) { synchronized (stateLock) { mapCentered = c; } } public static boolean getInBackground() { boolean tmp = false; synchronized (stateLock) { tmp = inBackground; } return tmp; } public static void setInBackground(boolean in) { synchronized (stateLock) { inBackground = in; } } public static Double haversine(Double lat1, Double lon1, Double lat2, Double lon2) { int R = 6371; Double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1); Double dLon = Math.toRadians(lon2 - lon1); Double a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)); Double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); Double d = R * c * 1000; return d; } public static void log(String msg) { Log.v(TAG, "Debug: " + msg); } }