Java tutorial
package com.rks.musicx.misc.widgets; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewOutlineProvider; import android.widget.FrameLayout; /* * Created by Coolalien on 6/28/2016. */ /* * 2017 Rajneesh Singh * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ public class DiagonalLayout extends FrameLayout { private static final float EPSILON = 0.5f; com.rks.musicx.misc.widgets.DiagonalLayoutSettings settings; int height = 0; int width = 0; Path clipPath, outlinePath; Paint paint; Integer defaultMargin_forPosition; private PorterDuffXfermode pdMode; public DiagonalLayout(Context context) { super(context); init(context, null); } public DiagonalLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); init(context, attrs); } public void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { settings = new com.rks.musicx.misc.widgets.DiagonalLayoutSettings(context, attrs); settings.setElevation(ViewCompat.getElevation(this)); paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); pdMode = new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); } private void calculateLayout() { if (settings == null) { return; } height = getMeasuredHeight(); width = getMeasuredWidth(); if (width > 0 && height > 0) { final float perpendicularHeight = (float) (width * Math.tan(Math.toRadians(settings.getAngle()))); clipPath = createClipPath(perpendicularHeight); outlinePath = createOutlinePath(perpendicularHeight); handleMargins(perpendicularHeight); ViewCompat.setElevation(this, settings.getElevation()); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { setOutlineProvider(getOutlineProvider()); } } } private Path createClipPath(float perpendicularHeight) { Path path = new Path(); if (settings.isBottom()) { if (settings.isGravityLeft()) { path.moveTo(width - getPaddingRight() + EPSILON, height - perpendicularHeight - getPaddingBottom() + EPSILON); path.lineTo(width - getPaddingRight() + EPSILON, height - getPaddingBottom() + EPSILON); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft() - EPSILON, height - getPaddingBottom() + EPSILON); path.close(); } else { path.moveTo(width - getPaddingRight() + EPSILON, height - getPaddingBottom() + EPSILON); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft() - EPSILON, height - getPaddingBottom() + EPSILON); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft() - EPSILON, height - perpendicularHeight - getPaddingBottom() + EPSILON); path.close(); } } else { if (settings.isGravityLeft()) { path.moveTo(width - getPaddingRight() + EPSILON, getPaddingTop() + perpendicularHeight - EPSILON); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft() - EPSILON, getPaddingTop() - EPSILON); path.lineTo(width - getPaddingRight() + EPSILON, getPaddingTop() - EPSILON); path.close(); } else { path.moveTo(width - getPaddingRight() + EPSILON, getPaddingTop() - EPSILON); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft() - EPSILON, getPaddingTop() + perpendicularHeight - EPSILON); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft() - EPSILON, getPaddingTop() - EPSILON); path.close(); } } return path; } private Path createOutlinePath(float perpendicularHeight) { Path path = new Path(); if (settings.isBottom()) { if (settings.isGravityLeft()) { path.moveTo(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingRight()); path.lineTo(width - getPaddingRight(), getPaddingTop()); path.lineTo(width - getPaddingRight(), height - perpendicularHeight - getPaddingBottom()); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft(), height - getPaddingBottom()); path.close(); } else { path.moveTo(width - getPaddingRight(), height - getPaddingBottom()); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft(), height - perpendicularHeight - getPaddingBottom()); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop()); path.lineTo(width - getPaddingRight(), getPaddingTop()); path.close(); } } else { if (settings.isGravityLeft()) { path.moveTo(width - getPaddingRight(), height - getPaddingBottom()); path.lineTo(width - getPaddingRight(), getPaddingTop() + perpendicularHeight); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop()); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft(), height - getPaddingBottom()); path.close(); } else { path.moveTo(width - getPaddingRight(), height - getPaddingBottom()); path.lineTo(width - getPaddingRight(), getPaddingTop()); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop() + perpendicularHeight); path.lineTo(getPaddingLeft(), height - getPaddingBottom()); path.close(); } } return path; } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) @Override public ViewOutlineProvider getOutlineProvider() { return new ViewOutlineProvider() { @Override public void getOutline(View view, Outline outline) { outline.setConvexPath(outlinePath); } }; } private void handleMargins(float perpendicularHeight) { if (settings.isHandleMargins()) { ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = getLayoutParams(); if (layoutParams instanceof MarginLayoutParams) { MarginLayoutParams lp = (MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams; if (settings.isBottom()) { if (defaultMargin_forPosition == null) { defaultMargin_forPosition = lp.bottomMargin; } else { defaultMargin_forPosition = 0; } lp.bottomMargin = (int) (defaultMargin_forPosition - perpendicularHeight); } else { if (defaultMargin_forPosition == null) { defaultMargin_forPosition = lp.topMargin; } else { defaultMargin_forPosition = 0; } lp.topMargin = (int) (defaultMargin_forPosition - perpendicularHeight); } setLayoutParams(lp); } } } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom); if (changed) { calculateLayout(); } } @Override protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { int saveCount = canvas.saveLayer(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), null, Canvas.ALL_SAVE_FLAG); super.dispatchDraw(canvas); paint.setXfermode(pdMode); canvas.drawPath(clipPath, paint); canvas.restoreToCount(saveCount); paint.setXfermode(null); } }