Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2007-2009 QSpin - This file is part of QTaste framework. QTaste is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QTaste is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with QTaste. If not, see <>. */ package com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.script.Bindings; import javax.script.ScriptContext; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager; import javax.script.ScriptException; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.python.core.Py; import org.python.core.PyArray; import org.python.core.PyDictionary; import org.python.core.PyException; import org.python.core.PyFrame; import org.python.core.PyInstance; import org.python.core.PyInteger; import org.python.core.PyList; import org.python.core.PyObject; import org.python.core.PyObjectDerived; import org.python.core.PyString; import org.python.core.PyStringMap; import org.python.core.PySyntaxError; import org.python.core.PySystemState; import org.python.core.PyTraceback; import org.python.core.PyTuple; import org.python.core.PyType; import com.qspin.qtaste.config.StaticConfiguration; import com.qspin.qtaste.config.TestBedConfiguration; import com.qspin.qtaste.debug.Breakpoint; import com.qspin.qtaste.debug.BreakpointEventHandler; import com.qspin.qtaste.debug.BreakpointManager; import com.qspin.qtaste.event.DumpPythonResultEventHandler; import com.qspin.qtaste.event.TestScriptBreakpointEvent; import com.qspin.qtaste.event.TestScriptBreakpointHandler; import com.qspin.qtaste.event.TestScriptBreakpointListener; import com.qspin.qtaste.kernel.engine.TestEngine; import com.qspin.qtaste.kernel.testapi.Component; import com.qspin.qtaste.kernel.testapi.ComponentsLoader; import com.qspin.qtaste.kernel.testapi.TestAPI; import com.qspin.qtaste.kernel.testapi.TestAPIImpl; import com.qspin.qtaste.lang.DoubleWithPrecision; import com.qspin.qtaste.reporter.testresults.TestResult; import com.qspin.qtaste.reporter.testresults.TestResult.Status; import com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.Executable; import com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.QTasteDataException; import com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.QTasteException; import com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.QTasteTestFailException; import com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.TestData; import com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.TestDataSet; import com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.TestRequirement; import com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.TestScript; import com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.TestSuite; import com.qspin.qtaste.ui.debug.DebugVariable; import com.qspin.qtaste.util.Log4jLoggerFactory; import com.qspin.qtaste.util.Strings; import com.qspin.qtaste.util.versioncontrol.VersionControl; /** * @author David Ergo */ public class JythonTestScript extends TestScript implements Executable { private static Logger logger = Log4jLoggerFactory.getLogger(JythonTestScript.class); private static Logger scriptLogger = Logger.getLogger("TestScript"); private File fileName; private ScriptTestData scriptTestData; private ScriptBreakpoint scriptBreakpoint; private TestData testData; public TestResult testResult; private static ScriptEngineManager engineManager = new ScriptEngineManager(); private static ScriptEngine engine = engineManager.getEngineByName("python"); private static List<Object> platform; private static Bindings globalBindings; private static String scriptDebuggerClassCode; private TestScriptBreakpointHandler testScriptBreakPointEventHandler = TestScriptBreakpointHandler .getInstance(); private BreakpointEventHandler breakPointEventHandler = BreakpointEventHandler.getInstance(); private DumpPythonResultEventHandler pythonResultEventHandler = DumpPythonResultEventHandler.getInstance(); static { initializeEmbeddedJython(); TestBedConfiguration .registerConfigurationChangeHandler(new TestBedConfiguration.ConfigurationChangeHandler() { @Override public void onConfigurationChange() { List<Object> newPlatform; TestBedConfiguration testbedConfig = TestBedConfiguration.getInstance(); if (testbedConfig != null) { newPlatform = testbedConfig.getList("testapi_implementation.import"); } else { newPlatform = null; } if (newPlatform != null && !newPlatform.equals(platform)) { initializeEmbeddedJython(); } } }); } public static ScriptEngine getEngine() { return engine; } public static Logger getLogger() { return logger; } private static void initializeEmbeddedJython() { TestBedConfiguration testbedConfig = TestBedConfiguration.getInstance(); if (testbedConfig != null) { platform = testbedConfig.getList("testapi_implementation.import"); } else { platform = null; } // to force loading of components if not loaded ComponentsLoader.getInstance(); // dynamically create VerbsTestAPI class with verbs methods TestAPI testAPI = TestAPIImpl.getInstance(); Collection<String> registeredComponents = testAPI.getRegisteredComponents(); // install line buffered auto-flush writers for stdout/sterr engine.getContext().setWriter(new LineBufferedPrintWriter(System.out)); engine.getContext().setErrorWriter(new LineBufferedPrintWriter(System.err)); Bindings bindings = engine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); if (bindings != null) { bindings.clear(); } globalBindings = engine.createBindings(); globalBindings.put(ScriptEngine.FILENAME, "embedded_jython"); globalBindings.put("logger", scriptLogger); globalBindings.put("Status", ScriptTestResultStatus.class); try { // Declare __TestAPIWrapper class, of which the testAPI variable will be an instance String code = "import sys as __sys\n" + "from sets import Set as __Set\n" + "from com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite import QTasteException, QTasteTestFailException, QTasteDataException\n" + "import com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.impl.JythonTestScript.ScriptTestResultStatus as Status\n" + "class ComponentNotPresentException(Exception):\n" + " pass\n" + "class StepsException(Exception):\n" + " pass\n" + "class __TestAPIWrapper:\n" + " def __init__(self, testScript):\n" + " self.testScript = testScript\n" + " def __invoke(self, method, args):\n" + " self.testScript.logInvoke(method.im_self, method.__name__, str(args)[1:-1-(len(args)==1)])\n" + " try:\n" + " return method(*args)\n" + " except TypeError, e:\n" + " raise QTasteDataException('Invalid argument(s): ' + str(e))\n" + " def stopTest(self, status, message):\n" + " if status == Status.FAIL:\n" + " raise QTasteTestFailException(message)\n" + " elif status == Status.NOT_AVAILABLE:\n" + " raise QTasteDataException(message)\n" + " else:\n" + " raise SyntaxError('Invalid status argument')\n"; // add get<Component>() methods to the __TestAPIWrapper class for (String component : registeredComponents) { code += " def get" + component + "(self, **kw):\n" + " component = self.testScript.getComponent('" + component + "', kw)\n" + " return __TestAPIWrapper." + component + "Wrapper(self, component)\n"; } engine.eval(code, globalBindings); for (String component : registeredComponents) { // declare the <Component>Wrapper class, of which the objects returned // by get<Component>() methods will be instances code = "class __TestAPIWrapper_" + component + "Wrapper:\n" + " def __init__(self, testAPI, component):\n" + " self.testAPI = testAPI\n" + " self.component = component\n" + " def __nonzero__(self):\n" + " return self.component\n" + " def __getattr__(self, attr):\n" + // only called when self.attr doesn't exist " raise AttributeError('Component " + component + " has no \\'' + attr + '\\' verb')\n" + " def __checkPresent(self):\n" + " if not self.component:\n" + " raise ComponentNotPresentException('Component " + component + " is not present in testbed')\n"; // add verbs methods to the ComponentWrapper class Collection<String> verbs = testAPI.getRegisteredVerbs(component); for (String verb : verbs) { code += " def " + verb + "(self, *args):\n" + " self.__checkPresent()\n" + " return self.testAPI._TestAPIWrapper__invoke(self.component." + verb + ", args)\n"; } code += "__TestAPIWrapper." + component + "Wrapper = __TestAPIWrapper_" + component + "Wrapper\n"; code += "del __TestAPIWrapper_" + component + "Wrapper\n"; engine.eval(code, globalBindings); } } catch (ScriptException e) { logger.fatal("Couldn't create __TestAPIWrapper Python class", e); TestEngine.shutdown(); System.exit(1); } try { String code = "import os as __os\n" + "from com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite.impl import JythonTestScript as __JythonTestScript\n" + "__isInTestScriptImport = 0\n" + "def isInTestScriptImport():\n" + " return __isInTestScriptImport != 0\n" + "def importTestScript(testCasePath):\n" + " global __isInTestScriptImport\n" + " wasInTestScriptImport = __isInTestScriptImport\n" + " __isInTestScriptImport = __isInTestScriptImport + 1\n" + " try:\n" + " import sys as __sys\n" + " testCaseName = __os.path.basename(testCasePath)\n" + " basePath = __os.path.dirname(__sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_filename) + __os.sep + '..'\n" + " testCasePath = __os.path.realpath(__os.path.join(basePath, testCasePath))\n" + " __sys.path.insert(0, testCasePath)\n" + " try:\n" + " if 'TestScript' in __sys.modules:\n" + " del __sys.modules['TestScript']\n" + " try:\n" + " import TestScript\n" + " except ImportError:\n" + " raise ImportError('No test script found in ' + testCasePath)\n" + " if wasInTestScriptImport:\n" + " # test script is imported\n" + " __sys._getframe(1).f_globals[testCaseName] = TestScript\n" + " else:\n" + " # test script is not imported\n" + " __JythonTestScript.addToGlobalJythonScope(testCaseName, TestScript)\n" + " del __sys.modules['TestScript']\n" + " del TestScript\n" + " finally:\n" + " __sys.path.pop(0)\n" + " finally:\n" + " __isInTestScriptImport = __isInTestScriptImport - 1\n"; engine.eval(code, globalBindings); } catch (ScriptException e) { logger.fatal("Couldn't create importTestScript or isInTestScriptImport Python function", e); TestEngine.shutdown(); System.exit(1); } try { String code = "import time as __time, sys as __sys\n" + "from java.lang import ThreadDeath as __ThreadDeath\n" + "from java.lang.reflect import UndeclaredThrowableException as __UndeclaredThrowableException\n" + "from com.qspin.qtaste.testsuite import QTasteTestFailException\n" + "import com.qspin.qtaste.reporter.testresults.TestResult.Status as __TestResultStatus\n" + "def doStep(idOrFunc, func=None):\n" + " if __isInTestScriptImport:\n" + " # test script is imported, so don't execute step\n" + " return\n" + " doStep.countStack = getattr(doStep, 'countStack', [0])\n" + " doStep.stepIdStack = getattr(doStep, 'stepIdStack', [])\n" + " doStep.stepNameStack = getattr(doStep, 'stepNameStack', [])\n" + " doStep.countStack[-1] = doStep.countStack[-1] + 1\n" + " if func is None:\n" + " # idOrFunc is the step function no id is given\n" + " id = str(doStep.countStack[-1])\n" + " func = idOrFunc\n" + " else:\n" + " # idOrFunc is the step id, args[0] is the step function\n" + " id = str(idOrFunc)\n" + " doStep.stepIdStack.append(id)\n" + " doStep.stepNameStack.append(func.func_name)\n" + " doStep.countStack.append(0)\n" + " doStep.stepId = stepId = '.'.join(doStep.stepIdStack)\n" + " stepName = '.'.join(doStep.stepNameStack)\n" + " stepDoc = func.func_doc\n" + " __JythonTestScript.getLogger().info('Begin of step %s (%s)' % (stepId, stepName))\n" + " status = __TestResultStatus.SUCCESS\n" + " begin_time = __time.clock()\n" + " try:\n" + " testScript.addStepResult(stepId, __TestResultStatus.RUNNING, stepName, stepDoc, 0)\n" + " func()\n" + " except (QTasteTestFailException, __ThreadDeath, __UndeclaredThrowableException):\n" + " status = __TestResultStatus.FAIL\n" + " raise\n" + " except:\n" + " status = __TestResultStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE\n" + " raise\n" + " finally:\n" + " end_time = __time.clock()\n" + " elapsed_time = end_time - begin_time\n" + " __JythonTestScript.getLogger().info('End of step %s (%s) - status: %s - elapsed time: %.3f seconds' " + "% (stepId, stepName, status, elapsed_time))\n" + " testScript.addStepResult(stepId, status, stepName, stepDoc, elapsed_time)\n" + " doStep.countStack.pop()\n" + " doStep.stepIdStack.pop()\n" + " doStep.stepNameStack.pop()\n"; engine.eval(code, globalBindings); } catch (ScriptException e) { logger.fatal("Couldn't create doStep Python function", e); TestEngine.shutdown(); System.exit(1); } try { String code = "import sys as __sys\n" + "def __findStepIndex(table, id):\n" + " for index in range(len(table)):\n" + " stepId = str(table[index][0])\n" + " if stepId == id:\n" + " return index\n" + " raise StepsException('Step %s does not exist in steps table' % id)\n" + "def doSteps(table, selector = None):\n" + " if __isInTestScriptImport:\n" + " # test script is imported, so don't execute steps\n" + " return\n" + " # check that steps id are correct identifiers\n" + " import re\n" + " idPattern = re.compile(r'^\\w+$')\n" + " for index in range(len(table)):\n" + " stepId = str(table[index][0])\n" + " if not idPattern.match(stepId):\n" + " raise StepsException('Step id %s is not a valid identifier' % stepId)\n" + " if selector is None:\n" + " for (stepId, stepName) in table:\n" + " doStep(stepId, stepName)\n" + " else:\n" + " match = re.match(r'^\\[\\s*(\\w*)(?:\\s*-\\s*(\\w*))?\\s*\\]$', selector)\n" + " if match:\n" + " startId =\n" + " endId =\n" + " else:\n" + " raise StepsException(arg + ' is not a valid format of selector, should be [id], [id1-id2], " + "[id1-] or [-id2]')\n" + " if startId == '':\n" + " startIndex = 0\n" + " else:" + " startIndex = __findStepIndex(table, startId)\n" + " if endId == '':\n" + " endIndex = len(table)-1\n" + " else:" + " endIndex = __findStepIndex(table, endId)\n" + " if endIndex < startIndex:\n" + " raise StepsException('Step %s should occur after step %s in steps table' % (startId, endId))\n" + " for (stepId, stepName) in table[startIndex:endIndex+1]:\n" + " doStep(stepId, stepName)\n"; engine.eval(code, globalBindings); } catch (ScriptException e) { logger.fatal("Couldn't create doSteps Python function", e); TestEngine.shutdown(); System.exit(1); } // set code to declare __ScriptDebugger class // note: it doesn't work if it is evaluated in the global bindings scriptDebuggerClassCode = "import bdb as __bdb\n" + "class __ScriptDebugger(__bdb.Bdb):\n" + " def user_line(self, frame):\n" + " if\n" + " = 0\n" + " self.set_continue()\n" + " else:\n" + " # arrived at breakpoint\n" + " lineNumber = frame.f_lineno\n" + " fileName = frame.f_code.co_filename\n" + " action = __scriptBreakpoint.breakScript(fileName, lineNumber, frame.f_locals)\n" + " if action == 0:\n" + " testAPI.stopTest(Status.NOT_AVAILABLE, 'Script has been stopped by user')\n" + " elif action == 1:\n" + " self.set_next(frame)\n" + " elif action == 3:\n" + " self.set_step()\n" + " elif action == 2:\n" + " self.set_continue()\n"; } /** * Creates a new instance of PythonTestScript * * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ public JythonTestScript(List<LinkedHashMap<String, String>> data, List<TestRequirement> requirements, File fileName, File testSuiteDirectory, TestSuite testSuite) throws IOException { super(fileName.getParentFile(), testSuiteDirectory, fileName.getParentFile().getName(), new TestDataSet(data), requirements, testSuite); this.fileName = fileName.getCanonicalFile().getAbsoluteFile(); String version = VersionControl.getInstance().getSUTVersion(fileName.getParentFile().getPath()); //String version = parseVersion(fileName.getParentFile().getPath()); setVersion(version); scriptTestData = new ScriptTestData(); scriptBreakpoint = new ScriptBreakpoint(); } public Component getComponent(String componentName, PyDictionary overriddenData) throws QTasteException { PyList oldValues = SaveTestDataValues(overriddenData); Component component = null; try { component = testAPI.getComponent(componentName, testData); } finally { RestoreTestDataValues(oldValues); } return component; } public void addStepResult(String stepId, Status stepStatus, String functionName, String stepDoc, double elapsedTime) { double elapsedTimeMs = elapsedTime * 1000; String stepDescription = null; String expectedResult = null; if (stepStatus == Status.RUNNING) { // only parse pythondoc and pass step description and expected result the first time if (stepDoc != null) { HashMap<String, String> stepDocTags = parsePythonDoc(stepDoc); stepDescription = stepDocTags.get("step"); expectedResult = stepDocTags.get("expected"); if (stepDescription == null) { logger.warn("Function step " + functionName + " documentation contains no @step tag"); stepDescription = ""; } else if (stepDescription.length() == 0) { logger.warn("Function step " + functionName + " documentation contains no description for the @step tag"); } if (expectedResult == null) { expectedResult = ""; } } else { logger.warn("Function step " + functionName + " has no docstring documentation"); } } testResult.addStepResult(stepId, functionName, stepDescription, expectedResult, stepStatus, elapsedTimeMs); } /** * Parses a PythonDoc comment and returns a map of tag names to descriptions * * @param pythonDoc a PythonDoc comment * @return a map of tag names to descriptions; the description before tags * is mapped to an empty tag name */ public static HashMap<String, String> parsePythonDoc(String pythonDoc) { HashMap<String, String> tagsDoc = new HashMap<>(); String[] lines = pythonDoc.split("\\s*\n\\s*"); String tag = ""; List<String> textLines = new ArrayList<>(); for (String line : lines) { if (line.startsWith("@")) { tagsDoc.put(tag, Strings.join(textLines, "\n")); String[] tagAndText = line.substring(1).split("\\s+", 2); tag = tagAndText[0]; textLines.clear(); if (tagAndText.length == 2) { textLines.add(tagAndText[1]); } } else { textLines.add(line); } } tagsDoc.put(tag, Strings.join(textLines, "\n")); return tagsDoc; } public static void addToGlobalJythonScope(String name, Object value) { Bindings globalContext = engine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); globalContext.put(name, value); } public PyDictionary getTestDataArgumentsDictionary(String[] dataNames, int numberDataToSkip, Method method) throws QTasteDataException { Class<?>[] parametersClasses = method.getParameterTypes(); if (parametersClasses.length == dataNames.length) { PyDictionary dictionary = new PyDictionary(); for (int i = numberDataToSkip; i < dataNames.length; i++) { String dataName = dataNames[i]; Class<?> parameterClass = parametersClasses[i]; try { testData.getValue(dataName); } catch (QTasteDataException e) { continue; } Object dataValue; if (parameterClass == String.class || parameterClass == File.class) { dataValue = testData.getValue(dataName); } else if (parameterClass == int.class || parameterClass == Integer.class) { dataValue = testData.getIntValue(dataName); } else if (parameterClass == double.class || parameterClass == Double.class || parameterClass == float.class || parameterClass == Float.class) { dataValue = testData.getDoubleValue(dataName); } else if (parameterClass == boolean.class || parameterClass == Boolean.class) { dataValue = testData.getBooleanValue(dataName); } else if (parameterClass == DoubleWithPrecision.class) { dataValue = testData.getDoubleWithPrecisionValue(dataName); } else { logger.error("Unsupported method argument type " + parameterClass.getName()); continue; } dictionary.__setitem__(dataName, Py.java2py(dataValue)); } return dictionary; } else { logger.error("parametersClasses.length != dataNames.length"); return null; } } public Object[] convertStringArguments(Object[] arguments, Method method) throws QTasteDataException { Class<?>[] parametersClasses = method.getParameterTypes(); if (parametersClasses.length >= arguments.length) { for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { Object argument = arguments[i]; Class<?> parameterClass = parametersClasses[i]; if (argument instanceof String && !(parameterClass == String.class || parameterClass == File.class)) { final TestData tempTestData = new TestDataImpl(testData.getRowId(), new LinkedHashMap<>()); final String tempDataName = "TEMP_DATA"; tempTestData.setValue(tempDataName, (String) argument); if (parameterClass == int.class || parameterClass == Integer.class) { arguments[i] = tempTestData.getIntValue(tempDataName); } else if (parameterClass == double.class || parameterClass == Double.class || parameterClass == float.class || parameterClass == Float.class) { arguments[i] = tempTestData.getDoubleValue(tempDataName); } else if (parameterClass == boolean.class || parameterClass == Boolean.class) { arguments[i] = tempTestData.getBooleanValue(tempDataName); } else if (parameterClass == DoubleWithPrecision.class) { arguments[i] = tempTestData.getDoubleWithPrecisionValue(tempDataName); } else { logger.error("Unsupported method argument type " + parameterClass.getName()); throw new QTasteDataException("Invalid argument used for method " + method.getName() + " with parameter:" + argument.toString()); } } } } else { logger.error("parametersClasses.length < arguments.length"); throw new QTasteDataException("Invalid number of arguments for method " + method.getName()); } return arguments; } public void logInvoke(Component component, String method, String arguments) {"Invoking " + testAPI.getComponentName(component) + "." + method + "(" + arguments + ")"); } public static List<String> getAdditionalPythonPath(File file) { List<String> pythonlibs = new ArrayList<>(); //add librairies references by the environment variable for (String additionnalPath : StaticConfiguration.JYTHON_LIB.split(File.pathSeparator)) { File directory = new File(additionnalPath); pythonlibs.add(directory.toString()); } if (!file.getAbsolutePath().contains("TestSuites")) { return pythonlibs; } try { File directory = file.getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalFile(); while (!directory.getName().equals("TestSuites")) { //File testSuitesDirectory = new File("TestSuites").getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalFile(); //do { directory = directory.getParentFile(); pythonlibs.add(directory + File.separator + "pythonlib"); } //while (!directory.equals(testSuitesDirectory)); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error while getting pythonlib directories: " + e.getMessage()); } return pythonlibs; } public List<String> getAdditionalPythonPath() { return getAdditionalPythonPath(fileName); } @Override public boolean execute(TestData data, TestResult result, final boolean debug) { // Interpret the file testData = data; testResult = result; if (debug) { testScriptBreakPointEventHandler.addTestScriptBreakpointListener(scriptBreakpoint); } try { Bindings bindings = engine.createBindings(); engine.setBindings(bindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); engine.eval("import sys as __sys"); engine.eval("if not globals().has_key('__initModules'):\n" + " __initModules = __sys.modules.keys()\n" + "else:\n" + " for m in __sys.modules.keys():\n" + " if m not in __initModules:\n" + " del __sys.modules[m]", globalBindings); // add all global bindinds bindings.putAll(globalBindings); if (testSuite != null) { // add pythonlib subdirectories of test script directory up to test suites directory, to python path List<String> additionalPythonPath = getAdditionalPythonPath(); String pythonPathScript = ""; for (String pythonlib : additionalPythonPath) { pythonPathScript += "__sys.path.append(r'" + pythonlib + "')\n"; } engine.eval(pythonPathScript); } // reset doStep count / step id / step name stacks engine.eval("doStep.countStack = [0]\n" + "doStep.stepIdStack = []\n" + "doStep.stepNameStack = []\n"); // add testAPI, testData and scriptBreakpoint to bindings bindings.put("this", this); engine.eval("testAPI = __TestAPIWrapper(this)"); bindings.remove("__TestAPIWrapper"); bindings.remove("this"); bindings.put("testData", scriptTestData); bindings.put("DoubleWithPrecision", DoubleWithPrecision.class); bindings.put("QTasteException", QTasteException.class); bindings.put("QTasteDataException", QTasteDataException.class); bindings.put("QTasteTestFailException", QTasteTestFailException.class); bindings.put("__scriptBreakpoint", scriptBreakpoint); globalBindings.put("testScript", this); // create QTaste module with testAPI, testData, DoubleWithPrecision, doStep, doSteps, doSubStep, logger and Status engine.eval("class __QTaste_Module:\n" + " def __init__(self):\n" + " self.importTestScript= importTestScript\n" + " self.isInTestScriptImport= isInTestScriptImport\n" + " self.testAPI= testAPI\n" + " self.testData = testData\n" + " self.DoubleWithPrecision = DoubleWithPrecision\n" + " self.doStep = doStep\n" + " self.doSteps = doSteps\n" + " self.doSubStep = doStep\n" + " self.doSubSteps = doSteps\n" + " self.logger = logger\n" + " self.Status = Status\n" + " self.QTasteException = QTasteException\n" + " self.QTasteDataException = QTasteDataException\n" + " self.QTasteTestFailException = QTasteTestFailException\n" + "__sys.modules['qtaste'] = __QTaste_Module()"); // remove testAPI, testData, DoubleWithPrecision, doStep, doSteps, logger and Status from bindinds bindings.remove("__QTaste_Module"); bindings.remove("importTestScript"); bindings.remove("isCalledFromMainTestScript"); bindings.remove("testAPI"); bindings.remove("testData"); bindings.remove("DoubleWithPrecision"); bindings.remove("doStep"); bindings.remove("doSteps"); bindings.remove("logger"); bindings.remove("Status"); bindings.remove("QTasteException"); bindings.remove("QTasteDataException"); bindings.remove("QTasteTestFailException"); // Check if test was aborted by user before execute if (TestEngine.isAbortedByUser()) { return false; } if (!debug) { engine.eval("execfile(r'" + fileName + "', globals())"); } else { // execute in debugger engine.eval(scriptDebuggerClassCode); engine.eval("__debugger = __ScriptDebugger()"); bindings.remove("__bdb"); bindings.remove("__ScriptDebugger"); for (Breakpoint b : breakPointEventHandler.getBreakpoints()) { engine.eval("__debugger.set_break(r'" + b.getFileName() + "', " + b.getLineIndex() + ")"); } engine.eval("__debugger.runcall(execfile, r'" + fileName + "', globals())"); } } catch (ScriptException e) { handleScriptException(e, result); } finally { if (debug) { testScriptBreakPointEventHandler.removeTestScriptBreakpointListener(scriptBreakpoint); } } return true; } protected PyList SaveTestDataValues(PyDictionary pythonArguments) throws QTasteDataException { PyList oldValues = new PyList(); for (Object oArg : pythonArguments.items()) { if (oArg instanceof PyTuple) { PyTuple argType = (PyTuple) oArg; PyObject[] pyObj = argType.getArray(); assert pyObj[0] instanceof PyString; String key = pyObj[0].toString(); // store the old value of the passed argument Object[] oldValue = new Object[2]; oldValue[0] = key; try { oldValue[1] = testData.getValue(key); } catch (QTasteDataException e) { // do nothing, no testdata to overwrite oldValue[1] = null; } oldValues.add(oldValue); testData.setValue(key, pyObj[1].toString()); } } return oldValues; } protected void RestoreTestDataValues(PyList oldValues) throws QTasteDataException { for (Object oldValue : oldValues) { Object[] oldValueArray = (Object[]) oldValue; if (oldValueArray[1] == null) { testData.remove((String) oldValueArray[0]); } else { testData.setValue((String) oldValueArray[0], (String) oldValueArray[1]); } } } private void dumpScriptPythonStackDetails(TestResult result, Throwable error) { StringBuilder stackTrace = new StringBuilder(); // get stacktrace from PyException traceback, because easier and line number is not always correct in Java stack trace if (error instanceof PyException) { List<PyFrame> stacktrace = new ArrayList<>(); PyTraceback previousTraceback = null; PyTraceback traceback = ((PyException) error).traceback; while (traceback != null && traceback != previousTraceback) { PyFrame frame = traceback.tb_frame; String fileName; String function; if (frame != null && frame.f_code != null && (fileName = frame.f_code.co_filename) != null && (function = frame.f_code.co_name) != null) { // skip execfile() call in the embedded jython, doStep() and doSteps() functions, // private __invokexxx() methods of the __TestAPIWrapper class, // private __checkPresent() method of a test API wrapper class, // user_line() method of the __ScriptDebugger class and a function of the debugger if ((!fileName.equals("embedded_jython") || (!function.equals("<module>") && !function.equals("doStep") && !function.equals("doSteps") && !function.startsWith("_TestAPIWrapper__invoke") && !function.endsWith("__checkPresent") && !function.equals("user_line"))) && !fileName.endsWith(File.separator + "")) { stacktrace.add(frame); } } previousTraceback = traceback; traceback = (PyTraceback) traceback.tb_next; } // extract all necessary details from stacktrace from last frame to first one boolean stackLastDataExtracted = false; ListIterator<PyFrame> frameIterator = stacktrace.listIterator(stacktrace.size()); while (frameIterator.hasPrevious()) { PyFrame frame = frameIterator.previous(); String fileName = frame.f_code.co_filename; String function = frame.f_code.co_name; int lineNumber = frame.f_lineno; // convert absolute path to relative path Path filePath = Paths.get(fileName); if (filePath.isAbsolute()) { filePath = Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath().relativize(filePath); } // normalize path fileName = filePath.normalize().toString(); if (function.equals("<module>")) { stackTrace.append("at file ").append(fileName).append(" line ").append(lineNumber).append('\n'); } else if (!function.equals("importTestScript")) { stackTrace.append("function ").append(function); if (!fileName.equals("embedded_jython") && !fileName.equals("")) { stackTrace.append(" at file ").append(fileName).append(" line ").append(lineNumber); } stackTrace.append('\n'); } if (!stackLastDataExtracted && !fileName.equals("embedded_jython") && !fileName.equals("")) { stackLastDataExtracted = true; result.setFailedLineNumber(lineNumber); result.setFailedFunctionId(function); } result.addStackTraceElement(new StackTraceElement("", function, fileName, lineNumber)); } } result.setStackTrace(stackTrace.toString().trim()); } private void handleScriptException(ScriptException e, TestResult result) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); // handle ThreadDeath exception if (cause instanceof PyException) { PyException pe = (PyException) cause; if (pe.value instanceof PyObjectDerived) { Object javaError = pe.value.__tojava__(Throwable.class); if (javaError != null && javaError != Py.NoConversion) { if (javaError instanceof ThreadDeath) { dumpScriptPythonStackDetails(result, cause); throw (ThreadDeath) javaError; } } } } result.setFailedLineNumber(e.getLineNumber()); result.setStatus(TestResult.Status.NOT_AVAILABLE); String message = null; boolean dumpStack = true; if (cause instanceof PySyntaxError) { // set a clear syntax error message PySyntaxError syntaxError = (PySyntaxError) cause; try { PyString fileName, text; PyInteger lineNumber, columnNumber; if (syntaxError.value instanceof PyTuple) { PyObject[] infos = ((PyTuple) ((PyTuple) syntaxError.value).getArray()[1]).getArray(); fileName = (PyString) infos[0]; lineNumber = (PyInteger) infos[1]; columnNumber = (PyInteger) infos[2]; text = (PyString) infos[3]; } else { fileName = (PyString) syntaxError.value.__getattr__(new PyString("filename")); lineNumber = (PyInteger) syntaxError.value.__getattr__(new PyString("lineno")); columnNumber = (PyInteger) syntaxError.value.__getattr__(new PyString("offset")); text = (PyString) syntaxError.value.__getattr__(new PyString("text")); } message = "Python syntax error in file " + fileName + " at line " + lineNumber + ", column " + columnNumber + ":\n" + text; result.addStackTraceElement( new StackTraceElement("", "", fileName.toString(), lineNumber.getValue())); dumpStack = false; } catch (PyException pye) { message = "Python syntax error (Couldn't decode localization of error)"; } } else if (cause instanceof PyException) { PyException pe = (PyException) cause; if (pe.value instanceof PyObjectDerived) { // check if exception is UndeclaredThrowableException // in this case status is "failed" and message is taken from cause exception Object javaError = pe.value.__tojava__(Throwable.class); if (javaError != null && javaError != Py.NoConversion) { if (javaError instanceof QTasteException) { handleQTasteException((QTasteException) javaError, result); message = result.getExtraResultDetails(); } else if (javaError instanceof UndeclaredThrowableException) { result.setStatus(TestResult.Status.FAIL); Throwable undeclaredThrowable = ((UndeclaredThrowableException) javaError).getCause(); if (undeclaredThrowable instanceof InvocationTargetException) { message = getThrowableDescription(undeclaredThrowable.getCause()); } else { message = getThrowableDescription(undeclaredThrowable); } } else if (javaError instanceof Throwable) { message = getThrowableDescription((Throwable) javaError); } } } if (message == null) { if (pe.type instanceof PyType) { String errorName = null, errorValue; try { PyObject doc = pe.value.__getattr__(new PyString("__doc__")); if (doc != Py.None) { errorName = doc.toString(); if (errorName.endsWith(".")) { errorName = errorName.substring(0, errorName.length() - 1); } } } catch (PyException pye) { } if (errorName == null) { errorName = ((PyType) pe.type).getName(); } try { errorValue = pe.value.__str__().toString(); } catch (PyException pye) { errorValue = pe.value.toString(); } if (errorValue.startsWith(errorName)) { message = errorValue; } else { message = errorName + ": " + errorValue; } } else { message = getThrowableDescription(e); } } } else { message = getThrowableDescription(e); } result.setExtraResultDetails(message); if (dumpStack) { dumpScriptPythonStackDetails(result, cause); } if (!result.getExtraResultDetails().isEmpty()) { logger.error(result.getExtraResultDetails()); } if ((result.getStackTrace() != null) && !result.getStackTrace().isEmpty()) { logger.error("Script stack trace: \n" + result.getStackTrace()); } } private String getThrowableDescription(Throwable e) { StringWriter descriptionWriter = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(descriptionWriter)); int sunReflectPos = descriptionWriter.getBuffer().indexOf("\tat sun.reflect."); if (sunReflectPos != -1) { descriptionWriter.getBuffer().setLength(sunReflectPos); } return descriptionWriter.toString(); } /** * Line buffered auto-flush print writer. * <p> * Output is flushed each time a newline character is written. */ private static class LineBufferedPrintWriter extends PrintWriter { private LineBufferedPrintWriter(OutputStream pOut) { super(pOut, true); } @Override public void write(int c) { super.write(c); if (c == (int) '\n') { flush(); } } @Override public void write(char[] buf, int off, int len) { int lastNewline = ArrayUtils.lastIndexOf(buf, '\n', off + len - 1); if (lastNewline != -1) { // write part before last newline character (including it) super.write(buf, off, lastNewline - off + 1); flush(); // write remaining part if any if (lastNewline != off + len - 1) { super.write(buf, lastNewline + 1, len - (lastNewline - off + 1)); } } else { super.write(buf, off, len); } } @Override public void write(String s, int off, int len) { int lastNewline = s.lastIndexOf('\n', off + len - 1); if (lastNewline != -1) { // write part before last newline character (including it) super.write(s, off, lastNewline - off + 1); flush(); // write remaining part if any if (lastNewline != off + len - 1) { super.write(s, lastNewline + 1, len - (lastNewline - off + 1)); } } else { super.write(s, off, len); } } } /** * ScriptBreakpoint class passed to the script interpreter */ public class ScriptBreakpoint implements TestScriptBreakpointListener { private final BreakpointManager breakpointMgr = BreakpointManager.getInstance(); private TestScriptBreakpointEvent.Action action = null; private PyObject mLocals = null; /** * breakScript method is called from the Python Script in order to stop its execution * * @param lineNumber script line number * @param locals giving the local variables if any * @return <ul> * <li>0 if script execution must be stopped</li> * <li>1 if script execution must be stopped at next executed line</li> * <li>2 if script execution must be continued</li> * </ul> */ public int breakScript(String fileName, int lineNumber, PyObject locals) { final int ACTION_STOP = 0; final int ACTION_STEP = 1; final int ACTION_CONTINUE = 2; final int ACTION_STEPINTO = 3; try { mLocals = locals; // inform the listeners that breakpoint has been reached File file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists()) { String filePathName = fileName; try { filePathName = file.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (Exception e) { // ???? } testScriptBreakPointEventHandler.break_(filePathName, lineNumber); // retrieve the variable pythonResultEventHandler.pythonResult(getPythonVariablesDump());"Test case stopped at file " + fileName + " line " + lineNumber); // Stop the script executioncanonicalName until the Condition 'startCondition' has been reached // Actually, this startCondition is set by the GUI breakpointMgr.stop(); logger.debug("beakpoint start is called with action " + action.toString()); switch (action) { case CONTINUE: try { // TODO: should be better to only add/remove modified breakpoints engine.eval("__debugger.clear_all_breaks()"); for (Breakpoint b : breakPointEventHandler.getBreakpoints()) { engine.eval("__debugger.set_break(r'" + b.getFileName() + "', " + b.getLineIndex() + ")"); } } catch (ScriptException e) { logger.error("Couldn't reset breakpoints !"); } logger.debug("Jython test script: CONTINUE"); testScriptBreakPointEventHandler.continue_(); // Inform the GUI that the script has been continued"Test case continued at line " + lineNumber); return ACTION_CONTINUE; case STEP: testScriptBreakPointEventHandler.step(); // Inform the GUI that the script has been continued"Test case continued at line " + lineNumber); return ACTION_STEP; case STEPINTO: testScriptBreakPointEventHandler.stepInto(); // Inform the GUI that the script has been continued"Test case continued at line " + lineNumber); return ACTION_STEPINTO; case STOP: testScriptBreakPointEventHandler.stop(); // Inform the GUI that the script has been continued"Test case stopped at line " + lineNumber); return ACTION_STOP; default: logger.error( "Implementation error: action should be CONTINUE, STEP or STOP but is " + action); throw new RuntimeException( "Implementation error: action should be CONTINUE, STEP or STOP but is " + action); } } else { return ACTION_STEPINTO; } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Interrupted Exception occured\n:" + ex.getMessage() + "\nat line " + lineNumber); } return ACTION_STOP; } /** * doAction This function is used to perform actions while the script has been stopped * * @param event a test script breapoint event */ @Override public void doAction(TestScriptBreakpointEvent event) { action = event.getAction(); logger.debug("Received action in Jython testscript: " + event.getAction().toString()); try { switch (action) { case CONTINUE: case STEP: case STEPINTO: case STOP: logger.debug("breakpointMgr.start() called"); breakpointMgr.start(); break; case DUMP_STACK: // TODO break; case CALL_METHOD: // TODO break; } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Exception raised while handling breakpoint action: " + ex.getMessage()); } } private ArrayList<DebugVariable> getPythonVariablesDump() { Bindings globalContext = engine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); ArrayList<DebugVariable> debugVariables = new ArrayList<>(); for (String variableName : new TreeSet<>(globalContext.keySet())) { Object variableValue = globalContext.get(variableName); if (!variableName.startsWith("__") && !(variableValue instanceof PySystemState) && !(variableValue instanceof javax.script.SimpleScriptContext) && !variableName.equals("javax.script.filename") // (!(variableValue instanceof PyClass)) && // (!(variableValue instanceof PyFunction)) && // (!(variableValue instanceof java.lang.Class)) && // (!(variableValue instanceof PyModule)) ) { //Object variableValue = locals.get(new PyString(localKey)); DebugVariable debugVar = new DebugVariable(variableName, variableValue.getClass().toString(), variableValue.toString()); debugVar = dumpPythonObject(variableValue, debugVar); debugVariables.add(debugVar); } /* if ((oValue instanceof Integer) || (oValue instanceof String) || (oValue instanceof Double)) { DebugVariable debugVar = new DebugVariable(key, oValue.getClass().toString(), oValue.toString()); debugVariables.add(debugVar); }*/ } if (mLocals instanceof PyStringMap) { PyStringMap locals = (PyStringMap) mLocals; PyList keys = locals.keys(); for (Object oMap : keys) { if (oMap instanceof String) { String localKey = (String) oMap; Object oValue = locals.get(new PyString(localKey)); DebugVariable debugVar = new DebugVariable(localKey, oValue.getClass().toString(), oValue.toString()); debugVar = dumpPythonObject(oValue, debugVar); debugVariables.add(debugVar); } } } return debugVariables; } } private DebugVariable dumpJavaObject(Object javaObject, DebugVariable debugVar) { if (javaObject.getClass().getName().startsWith("java.lang.")) { return debugVar; } if (javaObject.getClass().equals(ArrayList.class)) { ArrayList<?> arrayList = (ArrayList<?>) javaObject; Iterator<?> arrayListIt = arrayList.iterator(); int index = 0; while (arrayListIt.hasNext()) { Object javaObjectInArray =; DebugVariable fieldVar = new DebugVariable("[" + index + "]", javaObjectInArray.getClass().toString(), javaObjectInArray.toString()); fieldVar = dumpJavaObject(javaObjectInArray, fieldVar); debugVar.addField(fieldVar); index++; } } Field[] fields = javaObject.getClass().getFields(); for (Field field : fields) { String fieldName = field.getName(); try { Object fieldObject = field.get(javaObject); String fieldValue = fieldObject.toString(); DebugVariable fieldVar = new DebugVariable(fieldName, field.getClass().toString(), fieldValue); fieldVar = dumpJavaObject(fieldValue, fieldVar); debugVar.addField(fieldVar); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { debugVar.addField(new DebugVariable(fieldName, field.getClass().toString(), "Illegal argument")); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { debugVar.addField( new DebugVariable(fieldName, field.getClass().toString(), "Illegal Access Exception")); } catch (NullPointerException e) { debugVar.addField( new DebugVariable(fieldName, field.getClass().toString(), "Null Pointer Exception")); } } Method[] methods = javaObject.getClass().getMethods(); for (Method method : methods) { if ((method.getName().startsWith("get")) && (!(method.getName().equals("getClass"))) && (!(method.getName().equals("getAccessorKeys")))) { try { Object returnValue = method.invoke(javaObject); DebugVariable fieldVar = new DebugVariable(method.getName(), javaObject.getClass().toString(), returnValue.toString()); fieldVar = dumpJavaObject(returnValue, fieldVar); debugVar.addField(fieldVar); } catch (Exception e) { } } } return debugVar; } private DebugVariable dumpPythonObject(Object value, DebugVariable debugVar) { if (value instanceof PyInstance) { PyInstance pyInstance = (PyInstance) value; Object javaInstance = pyInstance.__dir__().__tojava__(Object.class); debugVar = dumpPythonObject(javaInstance, debugVar); return debugVar; } if (value instanceof PyList) { PyList listValue = (PyList) value; Object[] dataArray = listValue.getArray(); for (int i = 0; i < listValue.__len__(); i++) { Object o = dataArray[i]; debugVar.addField(new DebugVariable("[" + i + "]", o.getClass().toString(), o.toString())); } return debugVar; } if (value instanceof PyArray) { PyArray arrayValue = (PyArray) value; Object[] dataArray = (Object[]) arrayValue.getArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arrayValue.__len__(); i++) { Object o = dataArray[i]; debugVar.addField(new DebugVariable("[" + i + "]", o.getClass().toString(), o.toString())); debugVar = dumpJavaObject(o, debugVar); } return debugVar; } else if (value instanceof PyObjectDerived) { PyObjectDerived pythonValue = (PyObjectDerived) value; Object javaObject = pythonValue.__tojava__(Object.class); if (javaObject instanceof ArrayList) { ArrayList<?> javaObjectArray = (ArrayList<?>) javaObject; for (Object arrayListObject : javaObjectArray) { debugVar = dumpJavaObject(arrayListObject, debugVar); } } else { debugVar = dumpJavaObject(javaObject, debugVar); } } return debugVar; } /** * ScriptTestData class passed to the script interpreter */ public class ScriptTestData { public String getValue(String name) throws QTasteDataException { return testData.getValue(name); } public int getIntValue(String name) throws QTasteDataException { return testData.getIntValue(name); } public double getDoubleValue(String name) throws QTasteDataException { return testData.getDoubleValue(name); } public boolean getBooleanValue(String name) throws QTasteDataException { return testData.getBooleanValue(name); } public DoubleWithPrecision getDoubleWithPrecisionValue(String name) throws QTasteDataException { return testData.getDoubleWithPrecisionValue(name); } public byte[] getFileContentAsByteArray(String name) throws QTasteDataException { return testData.getFileContentAsByteArray(name); } public String getFileContentAsString(String name) throws QTasteDataException { return testData.getFileContentAsString(name); } public String getFileContentAsString(String name, String charset) throws QTasteDataException { return testData.getFileContentAsString(name, charset); } public void setValue(String name, String value) throws QTasteDataException { testData.setValue(name, value); } public void setIntValue(String name, int value) throws QTasteDataException { setValue(name, Integer.toString(value)); } public void setDoubleValue(String name, double value) throws QTasteDataException { setValue(name, Double.toString(value)); } public void setBooleanValue(String name, boolean value) throws QTasteDataException { setValue(name, value ? "true" : "false"); } public void setDoubleWithPrecisionValue(String name, DoubleWithPrecision value) throws QTasteDataException { setValue(name, value.toString()); } public void remove(String name) { testData.remove(name); } public boolean contains(String name) { return testData.contains(name); } public int getRowId() { return testData.getRowId(); } } /** * ScriptTestResultStatus class passed to the script interpreter. * Use this class instead of TestResult.Status directly to only * expose FAIL and NOT_AVAILABLE statuses. */ public static class ScriptTestResultStatus { private ScriptTestResultStatus() { } public static final TestResult.Status FAIL = TestResult.Status.FAIL; public static final TestResult.Status NOT_AVAILABLE = TestResult.Status.NOT_AVAILABLE; } }